xt7gqn5z920p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z920p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1985 1985 1985-03-28 2020 true xt7gqn5z920p section xt7gqn5z920p i
1 aw.m£‘ W“sfia§z wmwdxmmd‘y’ WW 1 Wm'”‘ WM 7'
Tutu says he '11 g' t h I
8 JOHN VOSKUHL ‘ ' ' - .. ' ' '
mm. have assassin; was “as W 532:1;‘1‘.$°“‘"'“ "‘8‘ m" be ‘2‘ Vi‘i--S"°°"i‘.‘- ”flit“ mommy speak or m... -
r . . . ' ~ 0 v151 — is a er. 1 aomi . the'd ‘ it ~ ’ 5.
@1985 Kentucky Kernel against apartheid. the South African He also plans to speak on one of “i am not at liberty to make that Tutu-Seavers. will be graduating 25):: I m a y 5 he would .
5 5 governments policy of racial segre- those problems in particular W announcement," Mather said. from UK‘s Patterson School of Di- . ‘

Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu. gation. told the Kentucky Kernel apartheid — he said, if the South A!» plomacy. She speculated that recent violent ‘ 9' '

i who received the 1984 Nobel Peace early yesterday morning that the rican government allows him to Singletary plans ‘0 announce the Tutu-Seavers completed her de- clashes in South Africa over apart- ' ' 5. '
Prtze. said yesterday he has ac- Umversity has invited him to speak. leavethecountry for the visit. name 0‘ the speaker after the Board gree requirements for a masters of heid have made her father even I' -. " ' " .
cepted an imitation to speak at and he has accepted. Tutu spoke in “Well. i hope they let me travel,“ 0f Trustees‘ April meeting, as he more eager to denounce it C ' ' l' .
UK‘s commencement exercises atelephone interview from his office hesaid. “lhave no guarantee has done in the past. Mather said. international development studies in ’ f '5 ‘ ' '
Mayll. 5 mJohannesburg. South Africa. “One predictable thing about the ”That's what his normal procedure December. but she will go through "1 would expect that he has reac- . ‘ ‘ .

The chairman of UK's commence- “BaSicaily. i want to talk about people in my country is that we are hasbeen." . . . commencement in May led as he has always reacted -. that . I " " - ,' I
ment Committee. however. declined our . Interdependence as’ a human unpredictable.“ Singletary. who was Vismng Som» She now lives and works in Hart- this is the violence inherent in the ' ~ , ' -
to confirm whether Tutu would be family, he said. Tutu said he plans erset Community College yesterday. ford. Conn. for a consulting firm system. and that as long as violence . , ' " V
the speaker, and said President Otis to bring UK the message that the .Loys L. Mather, a professor of ag- could notbereachedforcomment. that works with African nations In such as this can be perpetuated. -' " '. l "
A. Singletary would announce the world is “caught in a network of in- nculture economics and commence— Tutu said he was initially invited a telephone interview yesterday. there is diminishing hope for ce- ‘ " r 3
. nameofthespeaker next week. terrelations and that the failure to ment committee chairman. said he to UK late last year. He said he had Tutu-Seavers said her father would fui social change " , _' ' ' ~
' Proposal W —-W~ W~~ CO H '] °' ‘
, . .t I ; u Cl statement .   -
S“ m' e 5 rules state m r ‘
. . i > 5, l e ger - -
to preSIdent > . . , ’ , ,7
It i i l l ' t. f. - " . _
W... . acks jllS 1 ication ~ .. .
Editor-in-Chief _ £ ’ ‘- . i ' -
. . _gg . . ‘ ’ I By CYNTHIA A.P.\1.UR.\1() easily determined. “It seems far . ‘
:13; Sgdent bCode ReViSion Com- i’; , ‘ ..f. I Staff Writer from obvious that a single board and ' - ’ '
mi 5 s su mitted a report to i - . ,r i president for the two institutions .
President Otis A. Sihgietary con- ., - -« . The Senate Council yesterday would provide a much better mech- . ‘
ceigmnng the proposed sexual onen- l I i% h . . W l unanimously adopted a report that anism for making wise choices - - '
tation amendment to the student l .: I; " ‘ was sharply critical of the proposed about duplication," ' ' '
code of conduct. but the committee 5 l ' f} ' . p i merger of UK and the University of "When talking about duplication. '-
chairman refused to comment yes- I i » _ .1 g 5 e 4 ' Louisville. The Council went on to we should look at the regional uni. 5 ' = '
terday on thecontentof the report. 5 l ' ' ; $5 1’ add its own statement that a merger versities." said Council chairman V
A student member of the commit- I _ .t . ‘ . I is not justified. Robert Bostrom. “We have allowed . ’~
tee. however. said the committee . i i Q g ‘ “After careful consideration. we people to point the finger at UK and . 5
gave the proposal a favorable rec- I ,' v. t .. I found no merit to the prOposed L' of L and this distracts people 5
ommendation. ‘ 5. ' _ '5’ ms. ‘ I merger." said Council member Don from looking at all the duplication at -
F l rt G. Zumwinkle vice chan- ? . 5 . “ _ g Hochstrasser the regional universities.“ . -5
ceiior for student affairs and chair- ‘- i - I The (‘ounCil‘s report will be pre- While a merger might attract in~ »
man of the revision committee said -- ‘ . . .~ 3. I sented at 1 pm. Friday. to the creased funds to improve the quality ‘
the report has been given It" the . it 5 _ I .\( hot Advisory Group for of existing and new educational and . _
president. but refused to comment I j; g g 5 " » C ! l h} oil Merger. research programs. the Council said .
on its content. .. use the commit- 25 t . . . . . ; .. h ‘ I " The reasons for a merger are there is no guarantee of any such re— '
tee was offerinbgecaadvice to (Sin- I ‘-_~ i; C " e525 ‘ K is: 31nd éar betlweenfihgaid Richagrgd suits. “I see this working either way .
leta i." .g « _‘ ' . ge 0. ounc1 mem r "And t e «with or without a merger). so why
g ry ’ iii L! t ~ . ’ ’ . reasons against a merger are bother to put the effort into a merg- - ,
The committee. made up of stu- [ g g- 5 ,- , .. ‘. many. er." said Council member Robert
dents and administrators, reports its I 9 ‘i - i. i 5 5 Q 5 3‘ 5 The purposes of the merger would Aitenkirch. ’
findings on pr ed student code I ; ‘3 . 5.»- '5 5 ' I include reducing costs. improving “The real problem is the differ-
amendments tolSingletary. who in i i .5 .. '5 § 5» f, -_ the quality of education and avoid- ences between the two schools' stan- . '
turn reports his recommendatiom to g t 3:. . . .5 ing unnecessary duplication, dards." said Council member Don- '
the Board of Trustees. Singietary, : s » __ . ‘ in the report. the Council stated aid Ivey. The differences lie in ways ' ,
who was visiting Somerset Commu- I . g 4 i. that deciding when duplication of the respective administrators run
nity College yesterday. was not 1 I g I programs is unnecessary and when each university.
available for comment on the mat' I f i i‘ ‘ ' t l '1 serves a valuable purpose is "0' SRCOlNC'L‘pagU ' ‘
ter. l is -_ ‘1 f . >
- ' ' '5‘ g f l ‘l O V
But Scott Wiihoit. a journalism se 1 -‘ ‘ ” i. ’ r SG A k t d . g, _
nior and member of the committee, I it ;; -_ _ _ a l Spea er 0 lscuss . ' '
said the report contained “the fact i ; ".* ) 3‘2 it 5 l o '
that the committee passed (the mea- E é It“ ; ' M dd] E V I '
H... I y , l 1 e ast pro ems - . .
Since November. the committee : . f " .. , . . . . . . - I ‘ ‘
has been considering the proposed l ‘. . g 'é’é.‘ B) :thRl-M'DgAHS East at 7 pm. April 10 at the Stu- . _
amendment, which would add the g: ' §j s. a”: Senior Staff Writer dent Center'lg‘heater.‘ ’
words “sexual orientation“ to a list 511 i «‘3‘ _ . . .SGA @89qu Tlm Freudenberg I '
of characteristics against which the ‘ f: a »1 * I After Hatem lshaq Hussaini spoke said? Ma 05 Will speak about the is- . ' . ’
University cannot discriminate 5 5 g 5 I on campus last semester. the Stu- raeli Sideof the Middle East conflict . . .
when granting admission or finan- «.5 ,§_ g5- . 9 I dent Government Association re- — a position his organization felt ob- " 5 f . . ,
cial aid. and 5. s k I ceived a number of letters and ligated to present after co-sponsor- ' . . '
In mid February, the committee I x g 5 _ s ‘ I phone calls claiming the Palestinian ing the Hussaini speech. which was ‘ . ‘.
announced a preliminary e ndorse- ; r g .5 . ' Liberation Organization officer‘s heldlastOctober. " . '
ment of the proposal. The commit- 5 ~ _ i pomt of View was clearly one-sided. “After the initial publicity. we re- . . ‘ . -
tee then accepted letters of opinion / ‘ .5 , ; Last night. SGA evened the score by ceived strong letters of complaint .1 . .
regarding the matter from the Uni~ 5 g ; g: l allocating S510 for a speaker with an from faculty." he said. ..iBut) we . . _ .
ms“), community. which is sum ——~4—__._. s ‘ ___L_._¢_,,A-M_# "Man I . ,. OpIpqOSIIhg newpoingtléo Hussaini. made a commitment on the senate . ’ ' .
dard ctice nearl eve time the . ernv'hm'nruv 05 e aos. c irman of the de floor (after allocating money for 5
comnup't-tfee corsider: an ghendment Stepplng up pl‘zai‘rtmentS o; lsiamic and Middle Hussaini» to bring in a view with a , . g 5‘
, . . 5 g . g 5 5 stern tu ies at the Hebrew Uni- different perspective." ' ,
Pm“ mivjedjwuzomfiaftfelfs and it was thobby Armstrong, a UK carpenter shop employee whitecoats the ceiling of the Memorial Coliseum versity and an adviser to lsraeii de- Tom Stephens. sponsor of the ‘ ' . 5 ~
about elvecenley split between those in oyerm preparation for the Final Four Tournament. fense minister Moshe Arens. will Ma'os bill along with speakers bu< ‘5
favor and those against." Zum- speak on theproblems of the Middle SeeSGA.page3 - ‘ ,'
winkle said. . ' '-" —+ _ _-,.,__.7 WW mum‘- _-___ ‘
The letters and opinions were in- I I K d . I ' 2 -
cludedinthereport.Wilhoitsaid. es 1 les f Olds ' '. I‘
No other committee members l . .
could be reached for comment. Sin- 0 o e i g? - '
gietary will consider the commit- f or Bendlc n t s. ’ talk about '
tee‘s recommendation and then pass 1 rla f " w" " J '
it along to the Board. with his own 5 '5 __- ‘ ' . '
recomme'mon. Anti-nausea drug found not related W :, ’ , ' 1 black center .
to poor limb development m newborns C E, I By missmwm ' .
5 ‘ 3’ , Senior Staff Writer
3,, WENDYSUSANSMITH women in the United States and w “
.. .. . . . .. Staff Writer overseas. Hall said. 1 If ‘3 ' if comments voiced at last night‘s
W, .W‘wh . Merrell Dow Inc. had sold Bendic— ; 51: . ‘ ' question/answer session are any in- '
.wg . . The public outcry for justice by tin from 1956 until voluntarily taking ‘ fl” dication. UK students favor a black
grog“ __ 5 My 5 -. some 1,100 families to determine it off the market in June 1983. “They ‘ . ' t . cultural centerat UK. '
treats __ 5. . . .. whether Bendictin caused the birth were spending upto one. million dol- ,. ' d , " bouis Straub. president of the Stu-
g; , g.’ _ g _5 detects of their newborns, resulted lars a day defending it Since the late is . dent Activities Board. said the meet
_ 4’s: Wig. 5 ._; - 1 y in the Multiple District Litigation of mm." Hall said. ' _ g ‘7' 5 ing was scheduled to field questiom
\\ 3%; .. .. . >_ . 5- ; Bendictin. “When they took it off the market . - 5 ; from the student body concerning
\ 5 - ‘ This trial. also called Merrell Dow they claimed that it was not terato- - __ . 7’ I the need for a black cultural center.
\) i . " 5 “ Inc. Bendictin Products Liability genic. but that they could not afford . ‘ He said several students had ap-
\ .. “er Daemon, ise comelideuon of near- todefendthedmganymore.“ I! : preached SAB members with ques-
/« t '- l, m of these cases which have The mic about Bendictin can be ' ‘ - *’ m 5‘... _ 5% 1 tioningthenecessityofthecenter.
.33 — -.. reached lifivfiaL The trial lasted traced back to a drug called thalido- b . i Straub said the center will serve
get: i . seven weeks. m m 12 at the mide. “This drug was used mostly I as a “building block to help improve
5 . H _ _ _ . FedeI-elCuirtinCincinnati. fortekness sedation and: nauseate (morwmcn: _—A—_ l the retention and recruitment of
, s' ) in so: ' WW blacks" become
‘- 5 Dr. Bryan D. Hall. e preteen 0‘ awed over 30.01» children with ' W“ “mo/”MSW more 53$ irman
..5.... pediatrics. chief of the Division of birth defects. It was proven as the DR. BRYAN D. HALL that are predominantly white.
W and WW0” at "I! first major drug for lumen: aseo- , , g 5 _ “So the cultural center is a build
UK College of Medicine. end direc- ciated with causing birth defects," expoeed to Bendictin from concep ‘Nlnety percent of all studies done in; block f“- . better UK in the m.
w d the Amniocmtecis Gemtic Helleeid. tie}: to the eighth fetal week. Hall showed that Bendictin is not terato ture."hesaid.
mm Coil-elm Wm. testified me most mantle came of this wd- 55 smictohimanbeinssf‘ “I see it as being e place when
March t and 5 es en ups-t witneee drug we. limb deficiencies. be said, lam trmble Mn When some Hall was chosen as an expert wit- we can getter," “id Tracie wfi‘m‘
- . - m ., mm mfg-“non VII mt. HM“ - about genetics and birth Meets. as Mammy
. um, um wee not logged at tint The "NONI EMIM". 03M well as_hi_s experience and studies AMI! to m GM. di-
. badly In the early ‘0) M. timelegelceeeeendaendictmsud- onBendictin.
lieueid'mtthe lenottere . _55 5 rectorofthednoeofnunorityem-
CHI ' N that a... wee no m daily WW“ I Wt amount 0‘ u1am a specialist in genetics and d...
-itddnoteei-ethe he 1d _ taffein.theoultwelcenttwill
"anion .. ell] thetitweetenwc." Wmtyhe ee ' end 5"“ defects.|;nd I have 9‘?“ beenene toreflecttheMro-Amti-
N m- . I“. more mm t ' at those m ‘M
‘ Motto. en enti-neuee dn‘ [nine-WJMr-epomeemeout Iewedtewerebmqhtbyenymodi- hemfmiuurmnnxmwa ”Mtwbhm
5 . :toeouibetngmeichIe-é mmhmdehgmm gmmwctinwhaeewd hmhaminouieriegelmetun ”madmmm
preeu‘ihed million! Mcienciee mothers e deficiency. Sanction": ”m ,
f p t .

 Lirmvxama mun 1“
Am editor
_»..;,:.,.:,:~, , . ..-"gge‘gggt‘g_._.;.;\c;xa._::.:.» -..t_ ”shit, . .- ». - -. t\‘wsss,ss‘tm‘stasyssazmtsmsu , v. . as» ‘ , . ,.
M' ' °
me am“ . Lad Pank' brash Polish rock
t f p" '
p '3 , By my CAMPBELL . . » s
3 O ’ , . ~3 ted I ’ - .'
a 0n] .
g , W m ,
3 Lady Pank got together, a five- . ‘ &.
By BEN GUESS ~ man rock group in Poland, and do: j . . 3_ \
Staff Writer t . ., cided to do things ‘ American style. 3 3 3 33 ,. 3 w 3
They weren’t talking about the ’ ,v , “33:33: ._ ~ 3»
Mime is not always done with a mllSlc. , 3 , y ‘ 3 ’ L ' 335" , . H3~ ,3- '
white face, especially by Rajmund / \ Throw} Interpreter Greg st- . ‘l . 3 M is; 3. 5,3. 3
Klekot who presents a different style ‘3' KW 0‘ the" WWW“ ' ,\ l " ' ' ' _ - " ' it I' . _
of the theatrical art. 3 ~ m‘e‘ntcompany they mm- " ‘ __ - 3 , "f3; 33' 3 -
Klekot, who is being brought to 3 We went to a director-manager ., . I a. 3 3- I
campus by UK Theater, will per» in Poland; We said to him, We are . 3 \ i w. _.
form in the Guignol Theater at s to- - the Mt .W?“ he the best WP "1 . . \t 3, ~ -. 3
night. ’ Poland Within five months. We need . 3 , t ix 3 3. «.333; ~~ 3-:
According to Geri Maschio, mar. 2033333.)? muchnmoney to re- *--‘3;.i_, ‘3 l ,_ has: i
keting director of UK Theater, he 81°“ ”’85: u _ " .,,, t 3 _ i
has very impressive credentials, myc‘llisedtheum brash“ American .. 3; \ ' = \' i,
_ having played all over the country. Mime Rajmund chkot performs tonight at the Guignol Theater. approa ' y 93"" because we ‘ ,
’ 3 He is one of the leading mime art- watchalotofmovies. It Wfl'ked. t . i ,-
ists in the world today. Maschio and he is planning a tour of Europe ing in dance, ballet, character style, The 5'01? 00mm“: When ,we $3. l r s ' 3: j i
said. thissummer. rhythm. acrobatics and mime. In 8°t the money, we went Wish“. «3p, l f . 32%: 13:. ‘
“He is much more physical and Shealso emphasized in a press re- 1974 he joined three other mimes §h°°,k hands and started to ,smg, ‘ ' L 5 \ " " ~. ‘ ‘
' athletic than Marcel Marceau but lease that “this isa rare opportunity and started the Warsaw Mime The- Shes my lady 1'03“ n roll, the a?" 't ‘ ‘_ . “ ,
- just as dynamic, as you can see by to see someone of Klekot‘s obvious ater. RollingStones song. 3, '_ g g 3 ' . _ Q1 3
- ’ his reviews,“Maschio said. skills." Klekot will conduct a After much success, Klekot began From that 5‘8". L_ady Pank be- _ Q35, 33, .-. ._ 3 , 3.
- wrote that he is “startling . . . fan- whileheison campus. sylvania State University. After this the in“ P0115“ ”ck 8MP Signed t° . . ‘7. t, ,.
tastic body control . . . poetic," and performance. he retumed to Poland a m”"‘“""" ”mach by MC‘? .39
' . the Washington Post critic Alan According to a New York Times for a short time but later left be- cords: In March, Lady Pank “Shad L d Pank has hi hho f k. . . . , ,
Kriegsman wrote. “tremendous ana- article, Klekot joined the profession- causeof political turmoil. Antiencgegl a promotipn tgurgsdtznng a y 8 DOS 0 ma ing it big in American mus1c.
‘ tomical facility Exhibits enor- al actors union in Poland after 10 Tickets for tonight’s performance a ew ormances or n , . 3 3 3
mous strength, but also exquisitely years of training. In this troupe, he are $4 for students and senior citi- concert me” and taped an er. In May 1983, vocalist Janusz trunks It could have sold a million of
, tuned control of weight, pace and continued his education for five zens, $5 for the general public. They American Bandstand segment for Panasowtcz "came m and sang “Ch- 3 _
shape.“ more years, including 10 hours a are available at the theater ticket April 323. The group, obv10usly, Minns Zero. That becamea hit as: In America, Stasmk 535,5. he'd
Maschio said the one-man show is dayintheaterand dance history. office. For more information, call Wild like thumand WP; ,. well- Stranger and Minus 29” 19"! to see Talking Heads perform
part of a tour of the United States, He also continued physical train- thetheater officeat 257-3297. The LP, DWI) Everytlung, was areonthealbum. live. BoryseWIcz says he'd love to
- ' ' released as they arrived. They made The groups members are Boryse- record with the Police or play on
. . ‘ . ’ a video for the fust single, ”Minus wicz, 30; Panasewicz, 28; Edmund stage with Van Halen. Mscislawskj
Sheen la s ma us in Wise Man marrow-“vet sum. 2s. on my... go... as s. o ohm Amen-o
, ~ The first record out in Poland, Pawel Mscislawski, 24, bass; and observetheAmerican styleof life.
“Little Lady Pank," was a hit there Jarmlaw Szlagowski, 25, drums.
By JERRY BL’CK In the drama, based on a short good timoslots. “Insight" is still and was inspired by the girlfriend of Poland has a vinyl shortage, they Panasewicz says he would like to
Associated Press story called “The Other Wise Man" being distributed, but no new shows Jan Borysewicz, the group's guitar— say, and each record company has see a Broadway musical. Szlagowski
by Henry Van Dyke, a Protestant havebeenmadesince 1983. ist and music writer. From that an allotment. Their company would like to feel at home in Ameri-
LOS ANGELES — In the past 25 minister, Sheen plays a magus who “For years it seemed that our host title, they took their name, which pressed 300,000 copies of “Drop Ev- ca and says he’s starting to. Lynetst
years, many of television’s biggest studies the prophecies and hopes to investment was ‘Insight,’ ” he said, they pronounce Lady Punk. The sec- erytlung” and 260,000 of the second Mogielmcki would like to get drunk
stars have worked for producer El- findtheMossiah, “and now it seems to be movms. As ond record was also a lnt, “Strang- album, “Disgrace." The group With Randy Newman,hishero.
lw00d “Bud" Kieser in local and He pursues him for 33 years, only one door was b81538 closed, WT
syndicated productions, but it took to miss him at every turn, until he wasbelng Openfad. ,
him that long to make it to the net- finally finds Christ in the final mo looser, whats Hoots. was born In
works. mentsofhislife. Philadelphia in 1929. He became a Nursin
ABC will broadcast his network Kieser is developing other movies Pautlilnst ["1“t "1 155’s- Ahhothgh g: D d" 9
. debut. “The Fourth Wise Man,” as a for the networks and is producing a con “6 as an 80 V6 P1105 a _ -
one-hour Easter special on Satur- syndicated series called “Buchanan Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Advertise in on no EX'ension
day. It stars Martin Sheen, Ralph n.5,." set in a high school newspa- West I_.os Angels. he devotes most Th K I'
Bellamy. Alan Arkin, Eileen Bren- peroffice. of histimetOPWdhChOhg e erne ‘ Th C ll , _ 3 3
. nan. Richard Libertini and Lance “Insight” was for many years .He also has led imminent Cat!» 3 m“ e 0 age of Nursmg IS extending its
Kerwin Maris vehicle for spreading 5pm- lic laymen on Visits to famme-stnck- C a“ ' application deadline to
It is a first for a Roman Catholic tual values. It was the most widely en areas of Africa and has testified c." 251.231]
priest and a Catholic production televised religious TV series, and at Kim-Ire the House subcomnuttee on Friday, April 5, 1985
company, for producer Kieser is the its height was seen on 274 stations. nca. 3 3 _ for l’ . .
Rev. Ellwood Kisser. the head of “Insight" tackled such subjects as The Fourth wise Man Is an an DlSPIGY he Fall 1985 Incoming
Paulist Productions. Since 1960 he the plight of the working man, pris- bitioushaproductlogz’émgenedsaltdiackl Call 251-2872 undergraduate class.
' has been the executive producer of on reform, genetic manipulation, would ve been n a - " .
“Insight" and he is the president of child abuse and the theology of lib- ling a movie of the week two years Cfa 23.3 5'08 for further
the Human Family Institute, which eration. ago. Now, I wouldn’t. We’re-releas- In ormatlon and ass|sfance_
' awards the Humanitas Prizes each But the deregulation of television ing ‘The Fourth Wise Man'3mterna-
year. has made it more difficult to get tionally as a 90-minute mowe.“
. z; . ' s :51; 3% .% a? :,,;t‘~f§”‘,$”a,s
Athens-Boonesboro Road . . wii‘ih‘”
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 KWYKWEI. Mnmn 1‘4
0Counc11 ODoctor
Continued from but one ‘ x 0 ‘ Continued from page one

The impact of such a merger h 3 it that have involved questiom about (fiver mt imam with him Wilma "503:1 :irug dnlofg 532”"); had to
word - i .. ”W "i i‘ _ " in. birthdefects." ects m rs were ex ta ea mar e " ,
sh, .9m"'“31’m§“;acfifgg ' ._ Hall said he has studied children to Bendictin. No corutant pattern oc- Another important issue. Hall
and, service oriented tmiviersit the S who were born with deformities in- curred at all due to Bendictin. which said. is that if the issue of a drug
report said It said a me “Ye-Md _ .. eluding those whose mothers had should havebeen thecase ifBendic- being teratogenic is raised when it
lead to a dilution 0‘ ”squirm w , ' ‘ ’ takenBendictin. tin was the cause of the birth de- has been studied so well, and it is u
tweenthetwo cam m ‘1' I “ ’3 ' 3’ He said that be divided the chil- feet-S." commonly used drug. then the possi-

Com . “5:: rod ti . dren into two groups—one in which The verdict. as decided in a 4'2 bility of many women terminating

d parinigédresear hp t 3:31,“), the cause of the deformities were hour jury deliberation, was that their pregnancies when there is no . '
an. Ser riff”: a that 3;: known. the other in which the cause Bendictin was not the cause of the needto is open.

3'13”“ lard wou Show". 't ”a, ., was unknown. birth defects.
statzd rm anlsef'l‘ofis £53393”; “We... _ _ “We could not determine any djf. In reference to the trial, Hall felt “Lawyers should be much more 4 ,
‘, y g , a. ' ‘ ' W ferences in the two rou based on that it was senseless to ask a jury to careful in raisrng issues of drugs ,
U of L s departments to match UK s g ps . - -
. . the \ a‘a - . Bendictin,“Hall said. determine what has already been being teratogemc when there is not ‘
3:195 guilt-c381” drain on ' ’ . ' " ~ “1 have seen about 20,000 children determined by science, “it is unfor- adequate proof” he said ..
. ,- —* -.———— .‘ l

The report also stated that faculty ,
remnant as we" as graduate and BUY KERNEL CLASSIFIEDS, THEYBRING RESUL TS! . . d
professronal programs could be -,. .
jeopardized with a merger. "We are «fl ___—___— . . , .
trying to recruit directors and they j _ , . .
are afraid of a merger." lvey said. _ Th I1 . . . . . . .
“They don‘t know what pattern will 8 K8 tUCky . ' -. .
befollowed withamerger." Kernel, 210 I '. '- ' ;

aaaaaaaa - ID CHECKEBS ~~
the Council's report advocated that J 0.0.! n a I I S ".1 . ‘- ,
the president not be an administra- Bur/ding, Unl- D. ' j ‘ , I
tor from either UK oonf L. . g . , , .

U of L has taken no final action on versrt‘y 0f Kan' . - ‘ . _ .
“mama tuck» Lanna ~
Council on Higher Education by t0”, Ky. 40506- w ~ I T .
Julyla ~ . 0042 {505} 257. e want to give away a KEG PARTY. . V ‘ ‘ '

' I
2371, is pub- Register at Checkers to win by ‘ a . ’ ~ .
OBIack - w = "
.t.“ 1:. .a’ . ‘ .1 . . . eatsavaia eat ec ers. "
Continued from page one ' 27' “in: L“; . ~..' ‘ m‘wfiiaa- '- 3‘ 1 days during the ‘ .‘ . , '.~ .
this campus at the present time re- _. 1‘ 1.39;“; J ‘ “‘3— Mgké‘f‘“ _ . 1 808d9MIC year . g _ . . .‘
flects the world of European-Ameri- , a}... 1‘ ~ ~ f1" . 3" .Lava“ ~. 2: . T and weekly dur- - ,- ' _ -.
cans." he said. A black cultural cen- i * Ward“. K"? 4‘” *1 » , 1‘ ing the summer ' , ' ' , ’ ‘
ter will “affirm the culture. heritage L“ ___ __ __ . ~ ‘ "* ‘ .3. - . . ».
and point of view of the Afro-Ameri- IA‘DALWILLIAMSON/KernclSutt SOSSiOfl. Third 915 S. LIMESTONE .[j _ , I ‘
can people." B t Across from UK Medical Center, free parking at . ‘ ‘ '

“Hopefully. white students and ev- a woman ' Class postage rear entrance D. - . ' . . ‘.
erybody else will be interested Beverly Smithers, an animal sciences senior and member of paid at Lexin _ OPEN 7AM-MIDNIGHT . - ' .
enough in black culture to utilize the the UK women’s softball team. steps up to bat at practice 9 I .~ '
center.“ said Angelique Ellis. a bi- yesterday at Haggin Field. t0", KY- 40511- 259-1 51 3 » - 7
ology junior. ‘ _ ,

An ad hoc committee has incited — l . . . ,, p .
some controversy with its sugges- Q ._.g.=, . 4
tion of locating the cultural center . SG A W?! "K I he atre . 1 >-
where the game room is now. But c A a a . s a . g .
Wright said it should be easier to re- . .
locate the game room than find an— commued "om page 0"“ Announces ‘ P dl P V ' " .
other location for the center. . reau director Nancy 3mm. said educate students about the Middle SpoclaIWultond r' r0“ y resents A ' _

She said. however. that. the main he agreed with Fme that 1. East." Ratos , _ . .
problem IS that the “priorities of the was SGA‘s duty to bring an opposing 39” J: - .
University are offset. UK has a stance to UK. Ma'os also is director of the center s plus tax , ,. : lme oncert - .
problem that black stuqents are “When the Hussaini thing came up for research on the Palestinian 0 3p.rn. Friday b i / . '
leavrng because they don t have a . . . I thought it was our obligation" Arabs and the Arablsraeli conflict until : 4 . ~ '
placetogo. . “”0““ base. to have another point of view. Ste~ at the Harry S. Truman Research 10...“. Monday :K N“ by RaJmund KleChOt . .

P u] H' ht t sc' ph8ns said. nit (the speech) might Institute. . 19“..“ 19.5 / \. ~

a 1g ower. a compu er I- c
. c." . .
ence graduate student. said the con 9 o 5 9 ,‘ March 28 800 pm .
troversy of where to locate the mi 0 Nell] heads all out effort avallahlo i ‘ .
tural center arl‘ises frorr:i the lack h“ . . ' N°h"'“.°9. f 1 (mign01 Theatre -
space availabe to stu ents in t e c arg-
StudentCenter to defeat MX In flnal VOte o Collision I “Fm; the Imogmauon mm on muedlme beau”),

“Why is there a lack of space in WASHINGTON (AP , House range. intercontinental missiles. '“wl'i'fi: ) Metmdo Jo Gunmen. Journalist
the Student Center?" he asked Sperdiker Thgdma; 1:. Ol‘Neill Jr. yis- :)vhlctl}1wcrlftlcst 5:19:22? 2? (1:53:13: :‘Solz-y souo News, New York . -
“Why is all this space tied up” te y open e ina campaign y y ‘ "‘8 Spec m i ,

Who‘s center is this and what‘s it 0plponentsfofsthe 1g missile bto lbdlock Strggtzglc nuflgagta‘gfcshipponm say “"276J477 FOR TICKET INFORMATION CALL 257—3298
be’n sedfo '.’ reease o 1.5 i ion to ui 21 an a _ , .

1 gu r moreofthenuclear weapons. the MX missiles are critical to the; 2425RROZOH‘Y “RIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY THEATRE ' I I

i. - - O'Neill pledged an “all-out effort" success of the Geneva arms contro oa
don¥23§ufi:pgztsgllgmugseadniiol to change the handful of votes negotiation; College 0‘ Fine Arts , .
students There's a real lack of fa- needed to reverse the effect of a Under a congressional decision , . .
duties. for off campus students. slim 219-213 pro-MX victory for made last fall pestponing the MX .

What‘do . . l . ‘ President Reagan in the House on battle, two votes each were required N A A Fl N A L Fou R P A RTY '
you do between casses a . . ¢ ,
the University of Kentucky? 1 want Tuesday. "1 both the House and Senate {0" . . ‘
the administration to think before A required second House vote will final approval of authorization and I y ,.
they grab another area.“ be taken at noon today on the long- appropriations measures. H E A DO“ A RTERS. . . . ;
___ -—__.:-_ :: l l __ ‘ ' 5.‘
: :_- :z: “’9“ N 60 This is the place to be... - .
: -_—; :—_—: -htnosoCorry-Out ___ — _ — — "-— . ' ' . '
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ANNOUNCES best...but you will" ‘9 ' ‘ . . '
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campus DELIVERY after 2.10 p.m. {‘09} ‘9. . -. , ' . . ,
NEW PR'CE Minimum order of $15.00 plus 75¢ service “The World Famous" \3 ‘60 1 ‘ a - .
charge. Discounts on all fraternity & sorority $65 ' . . . I
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LUNCH SPECIALS from $215-$350
DEPA RTMENTS 32 % All served with oggroll and tried rice. . " .' '
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ON IIMa-mo-Im m. 944 Winchester Rd. "New ‘4 . , - . .
MORE INFORMATI ' ~ r . . .
Tonight - Seagram s Special . . . . . .
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(Seagram s Drinks Just s ‘I .00)
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P P First 100 People Got FREE - Two Keys Tavern Buttons
SOVIHQSI Souvenir Cups! Draft $2.00 (You Keep the Cup) - ' ' -