xt7gqn5z9104 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z9104/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-10-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1977 1977 1977-10-03 2020 true xt7gqn5z9104 section xt7gqn5z9104 Volume LXIX, Number 32
Monday. October 3, l977





an independent student newspaper





University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky


today ——— Kentucky football rises another notch
as fourth-ranked Penn State falls 24-20


yesterday from weekend storms and
baby twisters which injured six persons,
touched off sane evacuation and caused
property damage.

The National Weather Service blamed
a tornado for three miles of the eight
miles of damage in northeast Fayette
County. Hit hardest in the area was the
Lann-Mark Farm, wha'e owner Russell
Michael estimated his damage at

He said three barns were destroyed
and the roof ripped from a house. There
were no injuries to thoroughbreds
quartered at the farm, he said.

Flooding and high water was
widespread in Jefferson County, par-
ticularly at an apartment complex in
Jeffersontown. Seven families were
wasted out of their units and had to find
shelter elsewhere.

Five or six boats were sunk and 25 to 30
houses and small boats were damaged at
the marina on Harrods Creek in Jef-
ferson County.

The Louisville Gas and Electric
Company estimated that 500 customers
lost service during the storm.


filibrster as it enters its third week of
debate over natural gas pricing while the
ste prepares to tackle a controversial
labor issue.

”The forum where this decision is
gang to be made will be in conference,”
Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.), said
Sunday, speaking of the impasse in the
Senate over whether to deregulate
natural gas prices.

The Carter administration proposed
raising price ceilings on natural gas to
$1.75 pa‘ thousand cubic feet in order to
provice incentives for producers to find
gas. But the administration is Opposed to
deregulating prices. The House has
approved a $1.75 ceiling.

There have bear reports Carter would
agree to a compromise lid of $2.03.
However, Jackson said he has been
advised that Carter would not agree to a

Lillian Camr,will accompany 250 area
residents aboard a Friendship Force
flight from Des Ma'nes to Dublin,
Ireland, on Nov. 8.

Wes Boldt, flight chairman, said
Friendship Force is a private, non-profit
extension d a 1973 program started by
then-Gov. and Mrs. Carter of Georgia.

Participants will pay $250 and spend
four days in Dublin with a host family.
They will have achoice of staying with a
second host family or traveling on their
own in Ireland during the final four days
of the trip.

Boldt said 700 persons applied for the
pogram. Applications were sorted on
the basis of occupation and then names
were drawn from a hat from each oc-
cupational group.


manded by five heavily-armed hijackers
and carrying at least 30 hostages, in-
cluding three Americans, landed safely
at Kuwaitearly today after flying from
Dacca, Bangladesh, dficials said.

The officials said the plane landed at
l:44 am. (6:44 pm. EDT) after the
government cancelled an earlier refusal
to let the craft land.

Airport authorities cleared the runway
of armored cars, which had blocked the
plane from landrg on seven previous
attempts, and allowed the Japan Air
Lines DCB to land.

The pilotof the plane had pleaded with
Kuwaiti authorities to let him land
because he said he was mnning out of
fuefl after a seven-hour flight from


The outlook for Morday and Tuesday is
sunny mdcool. with highs for both days
near an. Clear and cdd Monday night,
with the low near to. No predpitation is

(‘ompiled from
Associated Press dispatches

The Penn State Nittany Lions gota
second chance, on the first cloudy
October Saturday afternoon, to
prove that their pride and tradition
could surmount the steady im-
provement of Kentucky football.

But after one of college football’s
biggest upsets this year, the Nittany
Lions walked off the field smarting
from a second straight loss to
Kentucky and only the eighth loss
ever on their home ground.

The 24-20 score was a lot closer
than last year‘s 2245 debacle against
a rare soso Paterno club. But in the
days to come, this win will bring
back sweeter memories for UK fans
and will do more for bringing
respect from people like Woody
Hayes, Bear Bryant or Barry

In other words, Saturday‘s
shocker served notice that college
football has reached a new level in
the state of Kentucky

For this was a more experienced
Penn State team, which had easily
disposed of its first three op
ponentsv- Rutgers. Houston and
Maryland—and had moved into the
number four spotin the Associated
Press Top 10.

But even expenence could not
save quarterback Chuck Fusina
from throwing his first three in
terceptions of the season. The first
pickoff, by Dallas Owens, was
promptlyreturned 23 yards into the
end zone, chopping a Penn State lead
to 10-7.

The second interception. a slip-
pery deflection off the hands of
State receiver Matt Suhey, was
grabbed by the everdaring, ever-
diving Mike Siganos at the 27-yard
line. From there, quarterback
Derrick Ramsey calmly drove the
offense into the eni zone in four
plays for a 14-10 lead.

Just as suddenly as Penn State
had taken its quick 100 lead, on
Jimmy Cefalo‘s 75 yard punt return
TD, the Wildcats had cast the
pressure squarely back on Joe
Paterno's Brooklynbred shoulders.

Behind the pinpoint passing of
Fusina, Pem State moved back
ahead by 20-14 at halftime, after a

60-yard touchdown drive and a 54-
yard drive that ledto a 25—yard field

But somewhere in the halftime
strategy se$ion, weaknesses in the
right side of the Penn State defen-
sive line and in the left side of its
secondary were discrssed.

“The key to the game was
patience,“ said Fran Curci in the
middle of the postgame euphoria.
“We weren’tgoing to fall into the
trap Houston and Maryland fell into,
getting behind and having to throw."

Even when Ramsey did have to
throw, he was sharper than in any of
the first three games. He did not
have to rely on his usual length—of-
the field touchmwn pass. like the 50-
yard bomb to Felix Wilson last
week. Instead, he dropped off short
passes to halfback Randy Brooks
and split end Dave Trosper.

An 18-yard reception and run by
Brooks put Kentucky on the Penn
State nineyard line. en route to the
first go-ahead score. The key
reception by Trosper came after
Ramsey had managed to lob a pass
with a wouldbe tackler hanging onto
his back.

But the game really belorged to
the defense.“We thought we would
get them in the fourth quarter if it
was close,“ Curci said. ‘

Several clutch plays in the final
quarter supported Curci‘s predic-
tion. The first was Owen‘s second
interception, which it caught after
suspending himself in mid~air,
cutting in front of a Penn State

“On that play, it was either a
touchdown for Penn State or an
interception," Curci added.

()n State‘s next series of downs,
noseguard Richard Jaffe crashed
over Penn State‘s center and flat—
tened Fusina. In his jubilation, Jaffe
leapt to his feet and pointed his
fingers at Fusina, declaring UK's
supremacy for the afternoon

There still remained the clinching
fumble, caused by a jolt to a Penn
State back on forrrth down. UK
recovered the fumble, as if there
was any doubt the day was not over
for Penn State already.





Havana daydreamer

'Itie Margaritaville Refugee. Jimmy Buffett. played to about 0.000 h
Memorial (‘oliseum Friday night. Dressed in a UK T-shk't. Buffett
pr cdlctcd victory over Penn State. See the concert review on page 3.



Sophomore halfback Randy Brooks Iii-ads upficld
ul’lcr taking a huruloff from quarterback Derrick

Baum-y during Saturday's ‘_’l-‘_‘0 upset of fourth-
runkcd l’i-rur State in State ('ollcgc. I'a.

Graves’ manager claims
TV station showed bias

Kernel Staff Writer

The campaign manager for
mayoral candidate Joe Graves
charged on Friday that a Lexington
television station has suppressed a
story unfavorable to Graves” op-
ponent, Jim Amato.

Marty Barth Graves campaign
manager, released the script of the.
story, and told reporters, "Why this
story was killed, we don‘t know. We
do know the reporter involved was
given no reason why the story was
killed. We also know the reporter
has resigned in disgust.“

The story, prepared by WKYT-TV,
Channel 27 reporter Al Parsons,
dealt with the issuance of liquor
licenses while Amato was state
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)
commissioner in 1976.

Ken Kurtz, news director for
WKYT, was present at the press
conference held at Graves‘ cam-
paign headquarters, and responded
to Barth’s charge.

The story was not used, he told
Barth, "because our legal counsel
advised us the story contained at
least six potentially libelous
statemerts. It was decided not to run
the story until those areas could be
chared up."

Kurtz also denied that Parsons
had resigned in disgrst over the
delay 'n airing the story.

“Parsons quit because, quite
frankly, he was offered a higher
paying job with a mayoral candidate
in Jacksonville, Fla. A simple phone
call tome would have explained that
to you." Kurt: said.

Ralph Gabbard, WKYT general
manager, said in a prepared
statement that the script was the
station‘s private property and was

removed by Parsons without the
station's consent, an action he called
“totally irresponsible
reprehensible.“ Barth
acknowledged the saipt was given
to the (Era vcs campaign by Parsons.

I’arsons‘ story. Barth said,
“basically says that while Jim
Amato was ABC commissioner,
there were fraudulent and possibly
illegal issuance of liquor licenses in
Fayette County to friends of the
Carroll administration.

“The Graves campaign is not
making any judgment at this time as
to the charges of illegality on the
part of Mr. Amato. If liquor licenses
were issued illegally or even

and '

questionably while Amato was
commissioner, then that is
something the public has a right to
know. If Mr. Amato did nothing
wrong, their the truth wrll vindicate

“There are powerful people who
evidently do not want the governor
and Jim Amato, in particular, to be
embarrassed, to be implicated in
possrbie illegal activity." Barth

Joe Groves was not present at the
press conference. Barth said.
because "Joe has nothing to do with
this. This statement does notcome
from him, butfrom the campaign.“

New Fine Arts dean
says future is bright

Kernel Reporter

J. Robert Wills newly appointed
dean of the College of Fine Arts
College, believes his department has
played second fiddle to other
colleges at UK long enough.

“I am very optimistic about the
frture of the Fine Arts College.
There isa possibility we will putthc
arts where they should be," Wills

“Arts are the fifth mainstream on
this campus after humanities,
sciences, social sciences and
professions," he said. “The
department caters to two kinds of
students, the art majors and the non
art majors. The department's main
objective is to contribute to all

Wills also pointed out that the

Lexington community benefits from
the arts. “We havea unique public
program at this University. We
produced 400 public events last year.
performirg to an audience totaling
over 78.000,“ he said.

Wills had been the UK theatre
department chairman since l972
before becoming the Fine Arts
College dean last July. Before
coming to UK. he was the theater
department directorat Whittenberg

His undergraduate work was done
atthe College of Woosterin Ohio. He
received his masters degree at the
University oflllinois and his PhD at
Case Westcm Reserve.

Wilb‘ most recent academic
endeavorwas at Harvard‘s Institute
of Arts Administration last summer.
He said he thinks Harvard helped
him secure the dean‘s position.

(‘mtlnued on back page





I editorials dicomments

I‘ll-HIM New “In W Ill."
Stu. lull“. Sinai-no Dublin Illl Kim 0.”
Mil Elmo!
ltluulu Elliot mulch Idler [pm Idler Lynn Funk
lick Gabriel m lluutl nun lllbllttl nun Pure.
Pull It Una
Ml um El" mu m Idler u .
Jo- Komp “Milan [unto Mu Clark



Skytrain? They can't afford a subway

NEW \‘tllle Several him ks up
Queens Boulevard.
cameras gamed Ettlmirilli’l} bit :he
bright young people who were
buying the liist tickets LIZ the l..’ikt‘l'
Skytrain. which for $33.3» w ill cet you
to the British Museum or. in lhet':it~c
ofone waitng couple. to a linglliti‘dCS
course at Exeter Morning and
night. announcers cxuhed on the
network news shows about the urn -.‘
Fly the Atlantic for il‘tfi.’ Lite no
longer changes whisperingly

Herc. however. only .1