xt7gqn5z9063 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z9063/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1973 1973 1973-09-25 2020 true xt7gqn5z9063 section xt7gqn5z9063 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 34
Tuesday, September 25, 1973

an independent student


University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Co-ed won't
file charges

Kernel Staff Writer

Charges by a UK sophomore that she
was discriminated against by sororities
while going through rush ended Friday
with a meeting between the coed and UK
President Otis Singletary.

Vicky Heston said Monday, that. after
the two-hour meeting on Friday morning,
she has decided not to file any formal
charges against any UK sororities orthe

IN A COMMENT in the Sept. 14 Kernel,
Heston contended she was excluded from
rush activities because she was black. She
was the only black who went out for rush

this semester.
Singletary suggested several ways of

avoiding future conflicts. Heston said. The
president has drafted a letter to be sent to
all fraternities and sororities on Wed-

In the letter, Singletary outlines pro-
cedures which are going to be carried out
immediately to prevent any future
discriminatory actions on the part of
Greek organizations. These include a plan
to bring in black UK alumni from the
Lexington area to discuss problems bet-
ween blacks and whites with Greek

SINGLETARY, according to Heston,
said if any similar instances arise in the
future and “any hint of evidence is found"
the fraternity or sorority involved will be
disaffiliated with the campus.

Singletary is out of town for the entire
week and could not be contacted for his
comments on the meeting.

Heston said Singletary emphasized he
wasn‘taware such practices were going on
and insisted he would not permit it.

THE ONLY EVIDENCE uncovered in
the case was the fact that Heston was
invited to a third rush party, but for some
unexplainable reason, her invitation was
never delivered.

Heston, who transfered to UK this
semester from a community college and
has applied for admission next semester at
a northern institution, said she is pleased
with the results of her meeting with the

"TO ME UK has been a bad nightmare,”
Heston said, “but if anything good comes
out of this to change the system, then my
four months at UK wouldn’t have been
spent in vain.”

News In Brief

from The Associated Press
0 Goal is 'community'
0 Back to the routine
0 Bernard Kalb tonight
0 Peron wins election

0 Spacemen return

0 Today's weather. . .

Two-year-old Armenta Smith rests on a balance beam
while reading a poster on the wall at Lexington’s

0 UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. — Secretary
of State Henry A. Kissinger assured the
nations of the world Monday that the
United States will not seek to dominate
their affairs in concert with the Soviet
Union, or with any other big power.
“My country remains committed to the
goal of a world community," Kissinger
promised the United Nations General
Assembly in his debut as secretary.

0 WASHINGTON — While his attorneys
prepared to go to court to try to stop a
federal investigation of him, Vice
President Spiro T. Agnew was proceeding
Monday with his official routine.

In the coming week Agnew is scheduled
to fly to California where he will give a
private talk to an insurance executives‘
convention and address a Republican
women's group.

Singleton) .

. CBS news correspondent Barnard
Kalb, substituting for his brother Marvin,
will speak tonight at 8:15 in Memorial
Coliseum as part of the Central Kentucky
Concert and Lecture Series.

According to a CKCLS spokesman,
Marvin was injured in a recent fail and
was forced to have his brother appear as a

Both brothers are CBS correspondents.
with Bernard specializing in Asian affairs.
Admission to the lecture is by season
membership or UK activities and ID

0 BLTENUS Aim-ZS — Final returns
issued Monday showed Juan D. Peron was
elected president of Argentina by a 61.8
per cent ma jority, nearly the same margin
he scored 22 years ago over the same

Montesori School. (Kernel staff photo by Bruce

. SPACE CENTER. Houston — Clean
up. pack up and power down chores oc-
cupied the Skylab 2 astronauts Monday as
the record-breaking spacemen prepared
for today's splashdown and the end of their
59'3day voyage.

“Watch us today—we‘ll get this thing all
put to bed,” said Skylab 2 commander
Alan L. Bean.

. . .repeat performance

Lexington should expect the same sort
of weather we have experienced the last
couple of days. Again the forecast predicts
high temperatures, cloudiness and a
chance of showers. Be prepared for
steamy temperatures in the mid 805 today
and tomorrow with lows in the 605 tonight
and tomorrow night. The chances for rain
today is 50 per cent dropping to 40 per cent





Established 1894

Steve Switt, Editor-inChiet
Jenny Swartz. News Editor
Kaye Coyte, Nancy Daly. and

Bruce Winges, Copy Editors
Bruce Singleton, Photo Manager


vertising published herein is intended to help the
advertising should be reported to the editors.

The Kentucky Kernel

in Journalism Building, University at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506.


Mike Clark, Managing Editor
Charles Wolfe, Practicum Manager
Bill Straub, Sports Editor

Carol Cropper, Arts Editor

John Ellis, Advertising Manager

The Kentucky Kernel is mailed tive times weekly during the school year except during
holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer sessnon.

Published by the Kernel Press Inc, 1272 Priscilla Lane, Lexington, Kentucky. Begun as
the Cadet in “94 and published continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since Wis. The
Kernel Press lnc founded 1971. First-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. Ad,-
reader buy. Any talse or misleadingJ

Editorials represent the opinion of the editors and not the University.



The year Americans

lost their priv

Nineteen seventy-three will be


remembered as the

year US. citizens lost their privacy.

After reading about federal narcotics agents
breaking into private homes and the leaking of the
President’s “enemy list,” the following Associated

Press story isn‘t too surprising.

“A letter from an irate citizen who found nearly all
of his family listed in the FBI’s crime file data bank
has spurred Gov. Francis W. Sargent (Mass) to
protest the computerized system.”

The citizen was upset becaus

e, “A scary thing

happened to me last spring. A relative of mine got a

job as a deputy sheriff. One bored

night on dispatcher

duty, he ran his family through the National Crime

Information Center. Ten out of 11

of us were listed.”

According to the story, none of the persons had

criminal records, but were on for

other reasons. The

man’s mother was included because, when she was 18,
neighbors complained of a noisy party; his stepfather
once reported receiving a bad check.

If these reasons are enough to put one in the data
bank, we shudder to think of how much the govern-
ment knows about its public. And after reading stories

like this, though they may seem

humorous to some

and inconsequential to others, it’s clear how Mr. Nixon
may have accumulated some of the information about

his “enemies”

Gov. Sargent told his constituent he would write
each of the nation’s governors and ask them to join
him with a petition to the Department of Justice and
Congress “to provide safeguards on the data system.”

If he hasn’t already done so, we

urge Gov. Ford to

follow up on Sargent’s initiative and join the petition to
protect the privacy of Kentucky citizens.


ht, '




'1 think i'm being psyched outl'


Letter S


Answer to apathy

Being a student of the University for two
years now, I have often wondered why this
campus is so apathetic. Well now I believe
I have at least part of the answer to that
question. The answer can be stated as a
lack of positive attitudes and a lack of
constructive solutions to campus problems
as displayed by one the most important
student areas of leadership, the Kernel.

The Kernel has continuously cut down
many aspects of the University. For
example, Greeks, jocks, and the current
dorm living standards and conditions. For
sure, these areas all have things wrong
with them but so does most everything

My point is an attitude of despair has
developed among the students of this
university through the printing of such
stories as the sorority rush discrimination

and the all white tag given to the school’s
basketball team. Of course these stories
were true or were once true, but the Kernel
has instilled a negative attitude among the
students with the constant printing of the
wrong aspects of these areas of campus

What the Kernel should do in the future
is to think of just that, the future, and not
the past. An attitude of positive thinking of

solutions to these problems must be ac-

If the Kernel finds a wrong in campus
life and I hope for the good of the students
benefit it does, the Kernel should not
dwell in matters that are not meaningful
now and proceed to encourage the opposite
to that wrong by the printing of the good
side so that wrong can be corrected.

All situations seem hopeless if the bad
sides are the only aspects known. Despair
very quickly grows into apathy.

Mike Bewley

letters policy

Letters to the Editor may concern any
topics as long as they are not libelous.
However, so everyone has an equal op-
portunity to respond, we ask that you limit
letters to 250 words. We also ask that they
be typewritten and triple-spaced for the
convience of the typesetters. All letters
must be signed, including campus ad-
dress. telephone number and
classification. Each letter will be
restricted to two authors; those with more
than two signees will be signed “and

[Your healtlfl Students and self-defeating behavior



In writing a column which is to be
helpful to the reader, one is faced with the
initial question: should the focus be
general, hopefully reaching a large
number of students, or more specific and
meaningful for a select group? I shall use
the former approach, emphasizing a
problem which every psychiatrist sees
daily. yet lying at the core of many
students' problems: Self-Defeating

There is no question but that many
personal problems with which students
struggle are partially self imposed, and
certainly prolonged. by maneuvers on the
part of the student which cause personal
pain and which could be avoided. The
range runs from entering a mildly an-
noying situation which could have been
avoided. to a chronic life style which
seriously hampers personal growth,

productivity, and enjoyment of life. This
latter person is so accustomed to unhappy
relationships, “bad luck” and a chronic
low grade misery, that giving up this life

.style is a major challenge. So tightly is

unhappiness clung to that treatment is
often sabotaged.

OBVIOUSLY. THE origins of this
behavior may run deep, particularly for
the chronically “troubled.” In the
majority of people, however, one finds
causes which might be considered either
deficits in learning or acquired habits
which were once useful but now interfere
with effective living. How ingrained this
behavior is, and how useful it is to the
person are two indications for successful

The idea of usefulness may seem
strange at first glance. Take the common
problem of overdose of drugs. From soap

operas to emergency room this form of
self-abasement is commonly encountered.
In most cases, this act is in part a
manipulative gesture whose pay off is the
return of a loved one, gratification through
attention, being taken care of (cared for)
and a host of other reasons. Most self
defeating behavior is less dramatic;
studying too little and later complaining
about the unfairness of a quiz; isolating
oneself by many methods, then feeling the
pain of one’s aloneness; seeking a
relationship which demands that one be
childlike and later blaming the other for
“making me dependent”; making simple
mistakes yet feeling angry for being
corrected. The list is as infinite as is
human behavior. Obviously, my bias for
examining these types of difficulties is that
we are more in control of our behavior
than most of us believe.

Successful adjustment to living is much
closer when we understand this all too

simple fact. Understanding the situation
can then often lead to learning better ways
of dealing with the next similar set of

APART FROM THE issues of learning,
adapting, coping and other intellectual
sounding phrases, is the sheer joy of ac-
cepting responsibility for what one does,
accepting credit for decisions which turn
out right and learning to enjoy the trip
toward becoming a self-accepting person.
There are some who will never take this
trip. For them, life contains excuses,
delayed action and fear of freedom. Others
suffer immense pain while working
through their own brand of being. For
most of us, the journey is full of degrees of

uncertainty and occasional regrets along
with the po ‘t'


Dr. Harold Frazier is a
psychiatrist for the Student
Mental Health Service.




Nlcholas Von Hoffrnan

King Features Syndicate


A doctor investigates

breast controversy

The ethics of American
medicine which sometimes make
it preferable to let another doctor
kill a patient rather than disagree
with him also make it impossible
for a practicing physician to be a
public controversialist. However,
Dr. George Crile Jr. does not fit
that description. The recently
retired head of the Cleveland
Clinic‘s department of surgery
has violated the rule of the
brotherhood by publishing “What
Women Should Know About the
Breast Cancer Controversy"
(Macmillan, 1973).

appear in this month’s issue of
MS. And Dr. Crile has appeared
on Barbara Walter's TV show for
women to dispute with physicians
who don‘t agree with him about
what you should do if you’re
unlucky enough to be the one
woman in 17 who gets this
disease. Interest in the subject is
intense not only because of the
hysterical fear of cancer that all
Americans have, but also
because this is the commonest
cause of death of women between
the ages of 37 and 55.

On the somewhat brighter side
is that a woman who contracts
the disease has an excellent
chance of living long enough to
die of something else. Whether
you want to call it a cure or not,
the doctors are relatively suc-
cessful at cutting this kind of
cancer out, yet an unknown
number of women would rather
die of cancer of the breast than
let the surgeons have at them.

Their choice of death over
treatment is understandable
after you read Dr. Crile’s
description of radical mastec-
tomy, the most frequently used
surgical procedure. The
operation not only takes off the
breast, but the chest muscles and
most of what we laymen would
call the armpit. The result is a
“great deformity" to which most
women, Dr. Crile tells us, make a
“satisfactory physical and
emotional adjustment ...... For
those who do not, however, the
pill is a bitter one.“ In a culture
that puts such erotic emphasis on
the female breast it must be just
about as tough on women who do
make Dr. Crile‘s “satisfactory”

ALL OF THIS suffering would
be bad enough if there were
general agreement that radical
mastectomy is the best means of
treatment. Dr. Crile maintains
that all that cutting, hacking and
slashing away of human tissue
isn‘t necessary in taking care of a
localized cancer of the breast. A
far less radical, painful and
maiming operation can do the
job, or so says Dr. Crile.

“Why then," the doctor asks,
“when most European surgeons
have abandoned radical surgery,

do the majority of American
surgeons persist in performing
radical mastectomies? And how,
in the face of so many contrary
studies conducted in England and
Scandinavia, can American
surgeons remain convinced that

their patients’ survival is im-
proved by inflicting on them the
disabilities and deformities of
radical mastectomy?“

be that the doctors make more
money from the more radical
operations; another might be
that while we can see the fashion,
superstition and ignorance in the
medicine of other nations, we
can’t see it in our own. Dr. Crile’s
hypothesis is that they probably
keep cutting the women because
“it would seem to these surgeons
a betrayal of all the women on
whom they had performed
radical mastectomim to admit
that the mutiliation had been in

Having learned that she has
breast cancer and having been
told the method of treatment her
doctor will probably recommend
is needlessly expensive and
unnecessarily cruel, what does a
woman do? Dr. Crile has some

radical mastectomy ..... there is
no longer any justification for its
use. Do not sign permission for a
radical. Find a doctor who will do
a modified radical operation ..... If
you elect to be treated by a
partial mastectomy, remember
it takes more skill and knowledge
of breast cancer to do this
operation properly than to
remove all the breast. Pick your
surgeon accordingly.”

That sounds like good advice
unless you’ve meta woman living
under the tentative diagnosis of
breast cancer. She‘s in no shape
to argue with the doctor, to refuse
to sign legal papers or pick a
surgeon of uncommon skill and
knowledge. How is she ever
supposed to do this last when the
medical profession will not
permit itself to make any kind of
judgment on the competence of
its members. Anybody with an
MD. is as good as anybody else.

So Dr. Crile‘s advice, as a
practical matter, is worthless. If
we don't know how to find a good
TV repairman, how can we know
how to hire a good neurosurgeon?

kind of health professional, a non-
practicing doctor who goes to
separate medical schools, who
treats no one, prescribes for no
one, but who is paid to represent
the sick and distraught in their
negotiations with our healers.
Such an occupation already
exists in the automobile repair
industry. The least we can do is to
treat ourselves as well as we do
our cars.


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. Kernel Classifieds







Pitcher or Beer

Bob mmno‘es






miller Iud Mich-Ir





 s—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. September 25. 1’73



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October l-S

October l-S

October :1
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October 3
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October 0
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October 1

October 4


ACTION-~A representative of Action will be in
the first iloor corridor oi the Student Center to
talk with interested students.
representative oi the Navy will be in the first
lioor corridor oi the Student Center to talk
with interested students.
ACTION--Candidates in all tields interested in
a career with Action.

COMPANY--Computer Science. Economics,
Mathematics (CS); Accounting, Business
Administration, Economics lbs,MS); Law.
Positions available: Management Training.
Geographic location: Louisville, Kentucky.
December, May graduates.

AMERICAN All! FiLTER--buslness Ad-
ministration. Chemical Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering (ES). Positions
available: Sales Engineering, Technical
Sales. Geographic locations: United States.
December graduates only.

Engineering (IS); Electrical Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical
Engineering (IS,MS). Positions available:
Trainee and entry level engineering positions
in test and development. Geographic
locations: Detroit area. December graduates

COMPANY--Clvii Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (IS).
Positions available: Electrical Distribution,
General Engineering, and Electric
Production. Geographic location: Cincinnati,
Ohio. December. May, August graduates.


Agriculture building.


Complete inlormation regarding personnel needs oi the com-
panies listed above is available in the Placement Service. Please
check schedule books, literature, and make inquiries from anv
member oi the statt it necessary. An appointment is required tor
the above companies. Sign up at the Placement Service, m Old



For play of sexual comedy

See 'What the Butler Saw'

Kernel Staff Writer

Take one sexually perverted
shrink, his nymphomaniac-
alcoholic wife"; a probable
secretary who is instructed to
undress during her interview,
and what have you got?

The basis for a hilarious

is this season‘s opening play at
Studio Players in Bell Court. It's
a black comedy with a crazy plot
(if there is one) and millions of

Dr. Prentice is portrayed by
Edd-Beasley Little, a familiar
face at Studio Players. Mrs.
Prentice is played by Julieanne
Beasley-Little and the comic
secretary is Denise Correa.
Coaching the play is Dr. David
Holler, director of theatre at
Transylvania. He said the play is
a case of mixed identities with a
lot of confusion.

”What the Butler Saw“ will
open Sept. 27 with showings

Croce dies
in accident

Jim Croce, 30 year-old
recording star, was among the
six persons killed when a char-
tered plane crashed on takeoff at

Natchitoches, La. Thursday
Croce was traveling on a

college tour.

His biggest seller, “Bad, Bad
Leroy Brown," brought Croce
before the American audience
last year after a long career in
music. His last recording, “Life
and Times" was released last

through the 29th and again Oct. 4-
6. Curtain time is 8:30 pm. If you
need something to make you
laugh, or if you‘re just in a giddy
mood, go see this play. I
guarantee it will bring relief.

Bird of Youth,” Nov. 8-10 and 15-
17; “In View from the Bridge",
Dec. 17-19 and 24-26; “End
Game", Jan. 28-Feb. 2 and again
7-9; and “Luv”, March 18-20 and

E The Arts



scheduled. They are :

Reservations are not necessary
for tickets but you're taking a
pretty big chance if you don’t
order them. The regular price is
$2. and on Thursdays there is a
student rate of $1.

Glued to the tube?

TV highlights. . .

Tues. 8:30 pm. ABCSZ

Tues. 11:30 pm. WHAS 11

Wed. 8:30 pm. NBC-18

Thurs. 9:00 pm. CBS-27
& Fri. 9:30 pm.

Thurs. 11:30 pm. WHAS-ll

Sat. 1:00 am. NBC-18

Smile When You Say I Do (1973)—
This made-for-TV ‘film has Allen
Funt on tne move across the country
poking fun at the American style of

Spencer's Mountain (l963)—Henry
Fonda and Maureen O’Hara act out
the drama of a Wyoming mountain

Bob Hope Special—Hope hosts Ann-
Margret, John Denver and Bobby

Kelly's Heroes (1970)—This WWII
adventure drama stars Clint
Eastwood, Don Rickles, and Carroll

Of Human Bondage(1964)—Kim
Novak stars in Somerset
Maugham's classic.

The Midnight Special—Seals &
Crofts will serve as hosts to special
guests Arlo Guthrie, Uriah Heep,
Paul Butterfield‘s Better Days,
Ramblin‘ Jack Elliot and Leo






all kinds of potted plants
baskets . pottery

plant sizes-3" to 10’

prices from $.70

closed III.
30. I. II.‘ It.

Printed information on
How to care for all

6 days a week








Lexington’s Most Popular Self Service Laundry
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Self Service—Laundry—Dropoff

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i-lours8:00 am-i it 00 pm

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Major traffic problems
incurred at the first UK
home football game were solved
Saturday, but the throwing of
bottles and cans has become a
significant problem, said Joseph
Burch, public safety division

There were two instances of
bottle-throwing Saturday, and
one resulted in injury to an out-of-
town spectator. No one was
arrested in connection with the
incident because police were
unable to determine who threw
the bottle, Burch said.

HOWEVER, AN arrest was
made by University police when
a beer can was thrown in the
stands. The man, charged with
disorderly conduct, appeared in
Lexington Municipal Court
yesterday and was given a $100
fine and 30 days probation, ac-
cording to sources at Municipal

The bottle,throwing problem is
terrible. Burch added, and
arrests are going to be made as
they were Saturday. He said that
there were a few instances of
cans and bottles flying through



Fans' litter poses
hazards in stadium

the old stadium’s stands, but not
as many as there are now. “It‘s
more dangerous in the new
stadium when things are thrown
because of the deck situation,” he

United Way

kicks off
student drive

“Buddy, can you spare a
dime?” is the campaign slogan
for the Student United Way
Campaign which will be con-
ducted with a spirit of com-

“Our goal ,is 100 per cent
student participation,” said
Shirley Serini, president of the
new student organization, at
Monday‘s kickoff luncheon for
the University United Way

A DANCE WILL kick-off the
student campaign on Oct. 7.

The 1974 goal for the University
drive is $107,026 while the goal for
the Bluegrass campaign is


STEREO AM-FM radio 1 year old, ex-
cellent condition, 575.00 or best offer. Call
250-2755 ask tor Diane. 25520

MOBILE HOME, 10 x 50 two bedroom
partly turnished, excellent interior; 1450.00
Phone 2932346 alter 5 pm. 25526

1960 Olds 442 Original owner, low mileage,
25501975. 21527

CAMERA Yashica TLX "-7 135 mm 13.5
Takumar, 50 mm Macro Takumar, 35 mm t
2.0. Come to 030 E. High St. 7-11 pm. Ask tor
Dan. 22529

BARGAINS! Leather and wood director's
chairs 510.00. Leather purses 510.00 269-1745
alter 7:00 pm. 25520


ONE and two year old boys need someone
to give them TLC in meir home. Full time,
good pay. Call Or. Elgstl 257-2776daysor 272-
7310 evenings. 2458

YMCA needs Bus driver Tuesday,
Thursday trom 2:1!) pm. til 5:30 pm. Call
2555651. 24526

SNACK BAR hours to tit your schedule.
The Orange Bowl, Fayette Mall. 24520

The Kentucky Kernel needs a part.time
typlst to work Sun.-Thurs., 3 p.m.-9p.m.
inquire in room 114 of the Journalism
Building. 21-5-26

BARTENDER male or temale preferably
male. Over 21, 5’6" nights. Good pay. Apply
in person to Mr. Smith at Thoroughbred
Restaurant 1490 Leestown Road. 21525

PART time help wanted tor automatic
vending location Saturday and Sunday.

PERSON to do general housecleaning one
day or preterably two afternoons or two
mornings a week. Must furnish own tran-
sportation to my residence opposite
Keenland on Versailles Road. Top wages are
available tor competent, industrious,
worker. Call John Clark, 254-4750. 21525

SHAKEY'S Pizza Parlor needs part time
help 10:30,2;00daiiy and 5:00-1:00daily. Any
age but preter 20 and up. Uniforms and
meals turnished. Starting salary 51.60-51.00
per hour with scheduled raises. Apply
Shakeys, 2197 Nicholasville Road. 21520

PAR l' TIME experienced tlower designer.
Will negotiate price and hours. Call 277-9234
alter tive.

NEED students tor lull or part time iob as
busboys at Embers Inn, 500 New Circle
Road, 5 p.m.-1a.m. shllt 51.65 per hour
Meals tree. Phone 254-9391. 20526

NOW ACCEPTING application tor nlfltt
shirt. Apply in person purgsr King so;
Versailles Rd. The partect part-time lob hr
students while at U.K. ”SI

BABYSITTER, with light housekeeping
duties wanted. Cali 2692291 betore noon.


USED RECORDS or maybe new lifestyles.
Sqecial Media 151 South Limestone 252-9005.

ROOMATE to share one bedroom apart-
ment. Call after six 363209. 24520

PROFESSIONAL typing. Turabien, MLA,
Campbell. Bill Givens. 252-3207 atter 5:11
pm. $60 per page. 24504

VISIT Book Nook Used paperback store at
5061/2 Euclid Avenue (near Woodland) sell,
buy, (and trade back for hall of purchase
price!) 11:00 to 7:30 daily. 20526

WE are the Guitars Friend a mail order
guide for acoustic instruments and supplies.
We carry guitars as Guild, Dobro, Ovation.
Yamaha, Hohner, harps, dulcimers, banios,
recorders, books and more, and discount 25
per cent. Our tree catalogue will be sent
upon request. Guitars Friend, 1240 Brogan,
Stockbridge, Michigan 49705 24526520

SOMEON E to share 1 bedroom Apt. Phone
270-6766 after 5:00. 245%

DIAL BIG 60 -news 0054057 or 005-6050 2,
hrs. per day. 19527

ELECTRIC bass player and singer desires
work. Free to travel, eleven years ex-
perience. Lets lam. Pete Stoner, 270.2033.

Free Public Lecture Wednesday, September
26, 7:30 pm. Whitehall C. B. room 342.

[057 & FOUND

LOST BINOCULARS at Alabama game,
section 214, reward. Please call 2722376.

LOST! Keys between Forestry and Ag.
Science Buildings. Call 063-2294 or 269-493.

FOUND: Schwinn Bike In bushes. Identity
very accurately. Don't call unless A) really
yours, I) very lucky, C) Clalrvoyant, must
convince me. Bill 250-5231. 24520

I HAVE gone back to Finland. It was tun to
behere. I will miss you all, goodbye. YLVA



l\n~ antes

awide choice ol styles, col-

eLow monthly rental. Short
or long term. Option-To-
Buy Plan.

Carrico Furniture
2519 Nicholasville Road

L Phone: 21m J





257- l 740

Kentucky Kernel



layer cut balance cut
businessmen cut
Shag cut neu-fro

Mon—Bzw-ezw, Tues.—Frl-B:m-5:30, Sat. Szw-lzm

196 Walnut St.
Free parking at front door 252-9429

mmmmam: v. :-. I 3-»; 3-: La; 3-:


1. I I I 'II .0: .0. .91 3|.



2". ‘




Buy the



Elierway you’ll
get the shalt.

The BSR 810 and 710 have their brains in
their shaft. A carefully machined metal rod
holding eight precision-molded cams. When
the cam shaft turns, the cams make things
happen. A look is released, an arm raises and
swings, a record drops, a platter starts spinning.
the arm is lowered, the arm stops, the arm raises
again, it swings back. another record is