xt7gqn5z903b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z903b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 1971 1971 1971-03-05 2020 true xt7gqn5z903b section xt7gqn5z903b . ' . . 1 ’ 1
. . 1 ‘I” “ ‘r .-l
Friday, March 5,1971 UNIVERSITY OF KENTttr‘Ks‘ I rsis'rrros' \.i r \u s. n... l 4 "
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By DALE MATTHEWS \vealth‘s tase on the ground that tmliti. \leade s.ml hr \\ is fit ,.- aI ’2 J. «..ti . 1. . .1; 1.1, I. . :11 ‘
Kemei StaffWritcr llit‘ (‘\I(lt'llt't' «)l lllt‘ (llilllllltlll‘ ('lillt'll it: agree in .t ~xiii.iii- rim-I; I..,-i' 3n n it n ;I t I, "l'
1 11 _ 1 \vealth was not suliieient to es- e\tent.“ 2““ It: 1. at. ,1; II "-1" .w. 1 t . . I 1 ""-‘3'"1";-:,331 "-1
l‘ayette (arcuit judge \ tablish apprehension ot mimetl- ”The «Hurt Iloes u-»t ln‘lnx: paws. 2:.r I ai.’ l 1.. I. 1. _ . ,1 1 ”.1517. "
\ll'tt‘llt‘ll Meade “Ml-“‘2“ “‘3' into: peril on the part ol the that th< nut \\.l\ tonsiirwisl} t note that 'hvsi -.;,.. 'Iu X:l\'-"‘ ,3 : <. ' ' l.) ‘
qluttcd lay “cstbrook "‘ com alleged \lt‘lllll.“ prcimln ml In this t.i\t, itt it ‘.Ll\ -l:il ii: .i .4: . .;. v: 11,3 '3, "g'
”"",' 11“)" ““5““11‘ o\erturn‘iug “ \lcadc said it was the t‘l'llli.\ is toineisable that the urn toulrl through ttit se prim. .. "l;,' g ‘t 1 . 5.3"“ f
”’mll‘ltl'm ‘M'l‘lml‘lq‘v" hl)‘ 2 decision that the sentenci- ‘.\.is have been sulnonstu-ush tip I” hieade aid » o; '3: -_..."- ,
h} a rind“ (‘mml ("ll”t' not (lispriIportlouatc to the ot- diced. ll Illt‘lt \\.t\ passion. piv \lt‘.tllt :iIizgw‘ w. IZ~Y . -« w I 3:
.“V‘tl’l'md‘ hild MT“ (‘l'dluf'd tense because ”it is Within the 1]lltllet‘ and partmhty it \\.i\ .i n ethwls at» » u:»_,,_’t;« :Ev ' I I ‘ {3‘4313‘311‘
“'1”: common 1““ assault l‘" discretion ol the jury to impose result ol the .ittious ml tlu (9., 'l,t"i|l'lll| .2 th .. 3x I “I . t ~
senoiiig an empty giia‘sa limiil? a sentence within the minimum icmiaut and or his \lehilitl‘ ilanmé (at. _ s a I -‘ I'I :.' II 2,, 3 . I
"“5“”: t” l”‘_ dralt board lit“ and masuuum as piondcd b\ with tlu <‘Hll\i(lt‘l.tlilt'.t\\l\l.!tir h. .uIl :lusm- Mn- in .- th- l'ifI . I 3
summer. 7”") lortuer LVK “Ml““t law.” 3 ot his .ittorm ss,” \uu in on. ”that ,' . . :It 5. .v ; . (l.' - I .3: 3.
originally had been sentenced to in response h, ”H. allegation \hmh, dim HUM] .1.“ ,1] 11,.“ m... ...,.,1..iiiI I! .; .1. I, It .11.. .1; 31 l ‘1 I. . 1 3:3: .31.:
$1“ ”190”?” 1_'“ ”1" county 13“] that the \erdict “as the result hamlhills and ralln s on “est ran :H'lilllali u; \luu‘l' wwl ;»'v".tliir1l a, I ' ‘ , "l
“It‘ll: ballmhhhlzv .1 ”10mm pm- ol passion. prejudice and par— brooks liehall m the Lonnuumt} “\Xhilx tau. lr ml th\ s: stifruwnh . (‘ontinuwi on lime =I. { n1 1 o. ~3'
t _. fig." ‘0. ».
sented after the prosecution had 1 ”it 2:13 L .
put its case to rest, \leade said 6 . . 9 Vii-"53‘ i .
there was insufficient evidence ette r artlcu ate rattan“ I8 nee e . '_I;"=I~1\‘ '3 3.
to ”establish the necessary ap~ f 1.!
prehension on the part of the all '~ l 1' -I ' ‘1'
leged victim as required by law." 7 ,l‘; ‘
Westbrook, through his at— 0r 0 en- ouse C ange s ays 3 f'.
torneys, Robert Sedler. a L'K (J 9 33‘. s '
law professor. and William Alli- v z” 3.":‘5 f' ' \.
son. filed a motion for a new By MIKE WINES but said the question still re- ports," '/umwinl: i I s 1. 3 1‘ '
of passion. Prt’llldls‘t’ and ””1 menteomnnttee whichadvocated feel less. strotllll)‘ about the ly as great as the numlm It Ian-«l unit I sigm'ie‘ 1- :. t.» 1 .1“;
tiality. abolition of visitation niles m Lha.‘.‘,g,e\' students favoring twaiit‘leta «were unurts in a 1M: «1.. s: I: ‘- m ./ ‘r
> ”That the re-ntence “”1 l. is dorms Iought to be realistic 1l hese surs e3'1results are not haul oi the titles 1 I I ahama 1 V "‘.
grossly (lisproportionatc to the and recognize that the i niver- particularly surprising in view of lhe survey resints samvedtuat \\ ,3». hm 1111111,],11 1. 1111.15: I“
.. . sity is not about to change that conversations l ve had with stu— nearly 60 percent of the students mines ittiuiltstltllll ha; I .: .i " ., ' ,j'.
”“61”? M) as to require-a lie“. rapidly and drastically-H dents here and the sentiment on questioned were willing l“ “'3‘ son “this!“ n, ”i1“ MM” i’ ,
, ”1311119 ”W interest “f “Isn‘t" Zumwinkle madethecomment other campuses.“ Xumwinkle erate any added noise. lack of rights he has as a l rim-Ii \tat-s 'i: :
’ that the “0“” should hm" after he met with the 5(; Open said. ”but i feel we need a better privacy, or other im-onvenieme~ citizen when he enters .; our. 1.1"} 1
granted 11 (“Wt—i“! H‘l'dlCt 3' ”1" House Committee to discuss the articulated rationale for the brought about by relaxed visiting versityfl' the report _:.g~.:~¢;m 1‘1 1,
“““Cll‘5l”“ "l ”W C”“”””“' il-page report, which draws its change." He said that the rights hours. “tree-quarters of th" “"1— ”In” i‘rt‘v‘m his" WM“ E" 3 5.:3 ._~ '
conclusions primarily from aques- of the minority favoring less dents said open houses should tc') violates personal freedou. Ii. ~.;‘ ‘3} j."
tionnaire distributed to all but relaxed visitation rules should not be supervised. dividuals in the l mted "tatu ‘ _' T- ,.
' ° one of the L‘niversity's 17 dorrni- be respected on "something as The “pen House ( :It'amittt‘t‘ have the right to hw- tiieir in 1.
WllllanlS I'llIlS tones. The committee decided by personal as an open house pol- report contends that dnrni rcsi- (‘ontinued on Page u, (or r, “31'?" .’,
majority vote March ‘2 to recom- icy." .11 _ .
° h H d' mend three major revisions in Zumvvinkle said he would suh~ r . 111,: .~ ,‘ g
WIt ar 111g L'niversity visitation policies: mit the report to the Ad hot, W 381] 11] (ft‘) '1 ()(l [1(Ozlt() l‘ ’1'" j
. D ()pen house seven days per Advisory Committee on the (pull 2‘ ' " 51" :31 ,‘ ‘
On 6P.()'9 tlcket weekin all domis. ity of Student Residential life. If?
lb ) ()pen house 24 hours per day and would lean heavily on their ‘ l‘ 1‘ 0 - t ‘ ° 1 1 1 ” I
Pledging to lead the campus in allVdorms . 1 .. conclusions. lhe comnuttleeisto l e ates lll] 1V ()1 S] 1‘ ‘~ ()(‘kh ;,_-
in a ”returntonormalcy,”Walter ’ \0 supervismn 1 01th“ .tllilll; TC‘IIIXtTtl t“ the \K C presit ent on . 14;“
“Lord" Harding and Janws villain-9mm takes New” ' ‘1’ ' By WENDY L. WRIGHT administrator .n It .312 in wt 31.5 ,1
Douglas‘ MacArthur Williams an- (omis. P 1 ed 1 3‘“ e'r‘e not going to dismiss Kernel Staff Writer sell. the author It \t\'.'l.tl howl» 5" ’17-} 1w,
trounced their candidacy for SC V rars .. COmmittee 1 anything he said, ”but were Dr. James li. liussell. presi- on education. \\.i~ .=. ll'1‘. la» 1 .
president and vice president. h \esterday,[1;mvs ‘1"‘1‘19 lll‘ll‘ed ”0t gorng t013€C9D1t1 anything auto- dent nf .11 new €\t)€l’1tm'ntal eol- lsappa at lfi'ineeton l nnersmZ '11 f 1 .1"
respectively. t e lCOhrlmclltvtnifrk‘QrohGilli? r9532]: matrcally. either. leue l”. the “aslringten. I) t' 1 recent ed hm} l .I.l)Y}lrlilH : -. .-
llardins’. is a sophomore eco- gom ar 1 ‘ ()ver1.600donnresitlevitswere drf’il—(Iltllt’flt‘ “{3}” l‘otaiti.ie~ minim. I‘ll.“ id: truth: ”idly “ lat",
. nomics major and Williams is questioned by the Open House spoke at the .\e\vman ( ._-nter Marina". 1 ammo, .lH'Hl: Iii H 31111.1 '1
.1, senior mgmnu in cmrimrrggs, """'m""""""' committee during thepreparation il‘l'm‘ld.‘ ”till“ 1 ‘m' "' _ " ‘_' '1" \ , l "3 ‘3” .‘
Both men are members of the l of the report. (If the nearly 90 lls""‘li>l)ittu the town lire “lhe Lilint‘rsrtv 1 ,1
l’eople ln (lovernment or ”l’l(l" Weat 161‘ percent of the students who re- l ”“f'f‘ilti' ”1"“ 1t 1‘ “dill . ““‘f‘r‘ll‘lt ”Mlmm‘ 1' "1 1:“,
barty Forecast for Lexington and \i» tumed questionnaires. 52 percent “l' ““59” “WW" {“3” Hm. “l l “MIN ‘1'“ ‘L k ‘3 ll ‘. ‘
Williams. who has been a cinity: Fair and warmer toda}. siad they favor-ed “Wk—10”“ open ”“3 Vtumtarnentat ilmlmmmr m” l‘m' lulu“: ‘ I! fluvial 3 .55" "-‘3'
. member ot Student (losernment increasing cloudiness and not as houses "m‘HO‘DDHWM ‘M‘flmt‘id X‘flt'h‘ 33M" :IIHM l‘fs‘iklnflmf 1m”? Nl‘f‘u ” 3 I '7 1 3. 11‘: WW1 I;
for eight months without es er cold tonight. Mostly cloudy and “4“‘I().lll()lw‘] houses. , Ilium 1\U,.m,t( ”in H H 1”” int “Tim. 1‘ '13! \ ’1 ’_ "1,1371 1 1 1‘ .' f .‘
having won an election. ex» mild with chance of showers on lhirty-five percent “ml the) t K) ‘m ”Him 3“ H3. . ”1“" \M H 3 H 3 H t l 1.1,?“ i "‘ I' i’ 1., .l'
‘ 1 . . . I 1 approved of open houseson week- ”so. he Mud. students an of \merican mlh‘uw 93" “1W fa. . '-1r
planted a" fight-poll]! mutton” Saturday. COIdfi' On Sunday. ends only. and 32.6 percent said subject to a false pressure of present sfdflls 1“ mm c {whys 1 ,1“. .1 _.I
”VVllilt‘ looking ”"0“th 11‘“ High temperature today. I‘WVSO 5: visiting hours should be restricted judgments on their \vorls'on ev ery l he initial u: < d ter highei 1. 3, ~ Q. , .1,
years Kernels. I came across low tonight. mid 30's; high to— to evenings. 19“.] {mm treshman year ,0 LITZNl' “1‘“.an m \mflh 1. MIN, ”1,; .1. 1,1
a speech that Steve Bright gave morrow. low 60's. Precipitation "It seems to me that the re- uate school and professional litlssell, withtheneedt'ortrauuu; A; is". "
as part of his campaign for presi- probabilities today zero; tonight commendations they submit on schools. men {0, ”HI ””1an [hm he :‘ 111:. . 1
dent of Student Government. In 20 percent; tomorrow 50 percent. action to be taken do not neces- hpeakingfrom esperiencesnot said. such sulnct ts as ( meek and 1 ‘1 1. ' '
Continued on Page 3, Col. 1 ,oommflflow sarily follow from the survey re- Oltl)‘ 21‘ a met‘wir hilt 11* d" Continued on Page 6_ Col. 1 1. 1- 1 -
i . .' *‘ ‘.i
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E: . 1, ' l t . i“ t. ' t‘\- __I 3- 3 ' ‘ “l? M ’ ‘ ':~ ?. l‘ I 3.‘
at c as.» ~ Mt? . I . ' I ' -‘ Is ‘ . , ;. l ’ = . . - s: ‘i . . . A ;
tifl; l . - r l i V :m‘fgxs I x‘ .. - 1.1“. "V” fit 3'. (in; NW ‘- I ". -
«12.: -- 3g. ..I~.;.- ‘s . lfil %.a;:>-;" ‘ Cubs" .3» " . I, .f (Isis -“ ’ ,' . '- ~ I ,
z = ' , “ . 31:” K . . t ’5. . ' ‘ ‘ . " “*- - ~1 ~
«r, 1! ' £21333 ..;(_1 _,:.;‘.‘.'§s.: lfe‘ 11:12.1: _ / .f .. _ - "1 _ . 31W er H!) I
,. . @hl“ ' 1 .n'“ " ‘ ,f \ 112‘" ’ _1 1 .I " “If: 1_ "10* ’ -... ”mt-(w, ' ‘1 . ‘3
. v - . ’1',. s 1 1. ‘.‘..- ss, 4"“.1 .f '- .
‘13::1. : l x ‘4) ‘11:‘ ”O Q. i l.) «I ‘€.‘_1,1L-4";,13 1‘ fit. ‘1 \ I‘ - 1 _-l 'I.'
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- “ . _"~'s..;~é; ,.I-.. .‘
This black plastic environment arose in the Great Hall of the . . ‘-
Before . o . Student Center Thursday. Some look startled, others just walked After . V
on by. Eventually. the fans ran out. and the thing crumbled. . O .
Perhaps symbolically. (Kernel photos by Bill Craig) ‘

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PM“? :llrt“\t :00.0()() “mm”, “m“ I“ “Kl: 1}” a mum”? of" ‘anUth Vehjd“ ran" AP —
‘ I 32d ”1:; I)r()fi11)‘tfie(llmwwt lint-l tits in ”\lIk-u'lnha‘lm their bill lchtfl ny the ktitln'llfnl driven '1 \\~"\Slll\("l‘()\ r0ports
l lllan th 21]] add- . )“k‘kcd I ‘ t . lt‘ll‘ II . ’ r H tl .. ‘ (TS. 1)(1.I ‘hll d t ’ I —S .
- dt he b 1tIOnaI . b) -1 _ . Mu “n“ In, “3 “Next: ”to . ’8 ay 3 I ~en, \.
A Hut 9 freed tllb 3‘1”. . ‘ [Dad 1),” . I ‘- '~ (I' \‘Vllll I - ((l 11 1mm d. regolutio JlICe ”a tk
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. . .1lxlm-n,” wt HINT!“ lung, 1}... Aux-0nd \ohirII “He lm't‘txl hilt]: tII‘tI‘ancan s stut1()1:5\l).1rkmg the and Laos 3 lIlIll L I5 brilliant rssulent Ni‘rllld't‘ WOIX)Se(l . I
' ' 4.1:]. S‘ttuul ‘ ‘ “idlinc ()1 u‘ . 5‘ ”)Viet 01 l. “”5"” l .. - 8 Con l' I e Said ' . ‘Outll \" l 0 “'lthr .
‘ ; - f) N t ‘ ‘1 )dss V K M ( mom] llnlned', letnan , aw Pr
, (la) ,n ‘) ll hm l“\‘" I II A 0 Shoot "they“ . 3- the rel .. ‘ only ldte total . 1‘ (lamb (l' e
I I ' llll “u“ . 3 ' ‘~ 1 l‘n'_ [llt’r\ lng L‘rfplII. utll, lant-lw case ()f L 8 upon 'd . - \vltlldra\‘H 0 I'd he“
I \l()ll ()f 'l I h d lL—‘llUlll . ‘ ' ( “V115 l]() . T.“ J”, all. ' 110d its \1, H ’ prism I satisfflCtO v I d] Shoul 1
, l I. ‘ mm 1- , Utcn— ‘urlllcn “-1 . SIHum“, . to“, “-mttul g1“, ‘ ”0 s , I ‘9“ of Wu . n ‘lrl'ilnge' I ‘ rad;
. null“. "‘*|lllllnlx.1(l.::lllt wt m un ”film“ Clhll, ““iln'led IIIIr-i. “11.0 the kI‘filler [Ct-tins CIlInIlkI and S“"l»r::‘t§\kl“()ln— Th 1) T hcld by \OTth \II‘IZIIIIItI for ' me:
I . - T I I Its )ro I Having . . ‘ IIC( ()llt .“‘ fl Candid: "I 8 Chloe I . . 21m, in
FTC I“ Llrkml (lriwr f 331111“: the 0%)):qu 3"“(1. He ilzlltenum l-’.()vc::!‘1hrf'0‘r gavemmrfllllu Pilrty Officially (3::
"r the "H but . ‘r ‘urk- - ‘ Kl"Eton f. In the \I, “Hughay 3‘ , ' got m
, rt! km)“. Clgunned 1 5 111- Beach ' ”ed for th ' dy Primal v ‘ X'd ”9' thi r] f ' ma;
» I, I “'11. . ‘0 did .Lomsv , . efillben. . r3. lVar] Hz . ‘ " .9: -
‘. ' . 8 am 0 lmllt‘vr. U‘ they “'0 . “m the prima , Huh flled f0 ldtIOna] raCeI 5' . I) leclntOsh I
. - \\ “HIV‘N C alms tDomed, W the filed as ‘12- Also *t'lte {Rthe lieutenant fate 56n. “enn‘ :00
' » ‘ l’cdcrn ~ ' ’\ .W .‘ Dc . t ‘ "‘ evubl- ' ‘ ‘ 6D. li ' , “menu ‘« ' as
t .1. [ , I . ‘ ' _ , ad , . lire, , lCun . . l\. }\ - 0’5 ra . ‘
tacked md‘ (’ ”mmiu‘ ”18 Callfi‘d lu\k “N: k‘] lmc “it uhl' . And “”011 I“ Capdxdate tOr elth‘ of ”0d: of? In for
, t‘ t(’(lil\ “I! , I“-'“>ll iit- ile (l C y nlllllhe l* . K “ape“ . . 1Cdn Can 1. ' . (,leba Commigfi Lelw111e t
. , ullw L‘lzumt“ IMt 1t tt‘nned t ‘6’ to rPfurn fh T and Were (mullmo tor ~ ongmul]y Set II (Klan. for supe Irman, Ludlmtf 2"“ 0f agriCu]: roc
. Pmmfltinm of pm “W“l‘Ntakox If.) the l‘o”giileq 5‘31 ‘ (‘Pmfivates rimmm at 6 lhlymcm for (h; \\I‘\5lll\'("~ ”Mendel" 0f pllhll'le‘l 'ds 21 Rep-
iflc (:‘W‘ and “I’M“r LN (t‘dm— It)?" a “Tor(l-sell]ilphon€tte50’ Mott» m"Cl: to Pin]. .1?”qu in 1 prOVEd Th'lrs ll()\ _'1Vhe 9 1C ”thctim] ”0‘2
. . I nunvru Ith (III ””L'llltw.“ itt- th' Omf‘fitantg “IIII‘I‘L’. (llvision, zlgcnq-I “ "Iiimtt‘itidl “Hf the voting‘ If“). momma] CbIe'IlaIte Judiciary (‘ h t, In I
. l" I.\Im ' . ‘ . _ . . - ~ ' ,. - . . ‘ ’IJCEd- ‘ mdl. ' .
\“ eel)\t'1k Pillgs 1n the f" ‘51? tux drded _ (rs \x Ollld } (ll ( tlmt l)\- 10 ‘lhlpex, 9 CttmnsI ll 1 ] thug a Ch- It tllf()i1'7}~ (~ l 50
. ‘ :7,- I‘ ‘ 95 Were I} I ”ms ltlt pnlt‘s. the l‘"‘ t )9 “Handed l ' - llmlrx ‘ “’3' Clai” c; “We to . . I"' [On— “ u
, . ~0 nnlln Mom «,1 x - 1 ”‘9 agenn \ ”A 831‘ k1 , “9 H‘lc; . 3 “”1 My “6 Smut . A “My it be t Can
millmn >11 0r about on. In I‘” her of 0th , Q ((“I‘tendeda (1‘ ll‘ “ Mum-r ~ m I‘” Ertc- Call d It S'I\\”. \1') . 0“ hum the n .. tore 5 a
II , t m 50 1. tr COnl . ”Hm- (hm ”ling“ , 9 tod‘ , Lthan] ~ “‘“llro t
t , 11,) . (lsclm 1 I (ltlom w l. - It (1“. t ”3 \t _ i t. ,- ‘13 tnr x , - \ Ice [I ‘
, k l l( . , ' H l“ lllt‘ [‘ ‘ ere not ()ll‘ ‘krlluhd l: . H ““1510“ f _ ”0“ .\m - “Sldgnt \ eve]
I . Nivel’tlxfi] priymld many Hf ”M IngI ' Hm \ “her“;- "rig; I\\;lrrl(,r.. ‘uld after“) 35 \OFth VIJINCC 111 [I308 ‘lnflnftm Sl‘l’lmrt for Sings“ (31m Ky , l
- 6( at ‘lll 4‘s “From” ’lw ' [the w' .l "H m" I ‘ ‘iiu th» Cre . . “”8111. k , ' ‘ t’nnod it ~- ’ ()llth \‘i . f0 \
. ‘ - ‘ ilrd- f "mer of . . rev 1 ' ( (lt‘lll' ( ancle‘ ‘ ) Chi” ’ l 11 ”9C“ " “ emu") ‘ ‘ u
' l’mpm l or example “ ”"rilnr )' ””lmh'm" "Wk-"l flu “0t l] m l \ ' La ”Ht “"t" t ' t
_ I . . . , , I, . . - I 3 ‘ ‘ ‘- , ; » ‘ the ' " lxn } ‘an
the fir" . €( Unhlflalnt‘ . mtErvj . hdd t0 “lb .1 ”7‘ ~ “llllo tll I l)b 'lr‘ . l ) ‘1'“an ‘dny .1.” \llppon I re had l) .. ll 3
- , is 11180 . \ illiumq t' Ems by a . ~ Inn to in . ‘ Amen-III ‘ Icstod ”CantI ,\ ’lc OneI ll I . so far l Con (lig Ver;
, . . lll€\ th'lt . ndlhe the (Y lVe befbre l] ' [)rlvate (let I “mtn‘ih dHS rl’lll'dln x] if A" I- S 0d ll lle t} t (“d "()t )1 ‘ )llt added I ’ \i I
t . ti I ‘ “’ndllt‘te . ”film. the F" ; e 00““ II Iec- .- . u lt’noan Q "Night h" ( abOrut am e.
I> , ' {go's-s for them [rd th‘ promo- .\ [(3 alleged, get h‘SI’HZe, Americans 'd -. endangered I'llmmrt “W“ Imtls'tmopS “""UM lewm) What “9 ‘
- ' . ’iimblc CO 1I tht’ l’mg-te ' S In the p \ The ' ' cntllied flcUlt ‘itut 3 .hat is Hot ”“Tf’nwd l )( endange “1 0f 6
" I, I (Dally Wax llelulpli‘ml the con r Stowmionfi therolstfeg 6‘ (tamble tied i It'llcriciun \Vtr ' 1 \ dhon‘ . the Wind but 'tle replit‘d “rJt Writ
' I f ' 1 0n \1 1‘ t H ‘ 7 ~.- . ‘5 .‘ rt - t . t ‘3 l( c '_ ' l w ' “0 t
0m. of \ - ”Um )I 9 top ) ' . Sdid m, of ‘ h - llllm 1m ””1‘1 be , - “a
’ " ..- 1.011 ‘ ’ 9“ lurk . , .K 193' f0r I 'f \l ”Z95 In th any Sim A1“. ' In" 1- Se“ WASH - . ‘1 d‘f' n
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onfact. "’entmg thef ’ ,9’“, hp; d . .30 Th l' nudes and Wned BSR t .
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350-4911 A I 2680 d he Spotted d the first United F . y be '"SDected ;
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co I "3W has ) "0t ingfo er), U-S- 60
mbat Zone“ .e, Hot in a n, MOW-Sat , Lex-
9171-; Sun, 1-6 ., 9 a.mI-8 l

 J' I '1
' -——-———-———_______—._______________ THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL, Friday, Marrli 5, N7] .‘5 ,‘Il . .‘ It. . '
I O . . ' ‘ '. .1 ',
Nixon reports in TV news conference .1 -- «r - '
’ l
. . commander commen S . letnamese ; . . ' ‘
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Vietnamese invasion of North Nixon said liogers is always Nixon. ”it is not unusually Nixon said~ 'i hm”. my up“
d Pres1dent told a White Illouse \IieItnam, Nixon reiterated past the chief foreign policy advisor alarming." lle espects the we of this is right.” He said the ' ,' '4 ‘-
v news conference Icarned live Via LS. policy. in this nation, and that Kissi- my to improve its capabilities purpose of theincursionintolwa . '_ I', ,
a radio and teleVisiIon that assess- He said further there is no nger s job also is to advise the just as we will improve ours. is to reduce \merican Lasii‘dlllt’s LI“ ‘ - ‘, 7
:l rnent ofISouth \ ietnamese fight— plan to use airpower to support President and that ”I value his the President said. and we will I ,v ..
r "I‘EI aIblhtY came fromI (en. the South \ietnamese if they advice." Nixon said any debate continue to take protective re- [\me th"__\l”l(lle 1““ “1"" hf} I;
. Creighton Abrams. the Lb. com- should go into North Vietnam. over whether liogers or Kissinger action. ”But it will not be tit “many an "her "l i‘ P64“ ‘9" . l .T ‘;
maInIder in \ ietnam. Nixon also said South Viet— is pre-eminent is an argument for tat. I can assure you ofthat." ”‘3QO by the “ab“ and “Perl" I75; '
S . . .What has already been namese President Nguyen Van over ”who's on first." he said. er Israel should respond, \ison va ’9 ‘ a." ‘1
r accomplished in Laos at thistime Thieu may feel it necessary to Asked if he is trying to pre A sited if he is moving toward “ml the fhu‘mm‘ h“"‘-’h_“'l‘9tl" ".‘iV-f ‘ u.
. ‘ has insured even more the plan take some action directly against pare the American people for the a two-China policy. Nixon said er the l “ll“l “at“ “I‘ll ”PPM" ' . ' .'
V for Withdrawal of American North Vietnam, but there is no presence of about 100000 tmOps such a feeling in Formosa is a settlement 1“ the “MM“ ”ml ‘ '. .1
] troops, Nixon said. plan to use LS. airpower to in Vietnam by election time next notjustified. theanswer 1" “0' f3. . f. V
I He said he Will have another support such a move. year, Nixon replied: ”As far as our attitude to— "\\ e hope that the lsraelis - ‘ ill-‘5 .. I
_ troop Withdrawal announcement No such plan has everIbeen ”AS long as there are Ameri- ward (ZomhmhiSt China is 00h“ and the Egyptians. and for that 3;"? "If 7 ": - 1
_ in April. suggested by President Ihieu can PO“ s, we will have to keep cemed it is to be detennined matter the lordanians will mn‘ x: ‘ . j: . '.
I Can 'hack' it to us . . . Nixon said. some troops in Vietnam. by (Iommunist (Ihina's toward tiniie discussions . I he said. i _ A. ‘ '. '
i Nixon said Abrams advised He said the test ofwhat hap- "As to when we will have iiIs,'I' he Isaid. adding that the But he “(may ““6 a”. going .' . . IT
- 2 him earlier Tuesday that the ———————__—__________ tLhmted ‘3‘")th If IthIat mf‘dh‘ to have to depend on the parties 1'
r South Vietnamese”bythemselves “A . , . e expu s10n o aiwan rom themgelveg“ to brin , “m” a IEI x ‘ ' i.
. . SI .-. I, ~ , L( I n
. l can hack it and they can give ong as there are Amencfln 20W 8, we Will the film”) 0f nations. agreement. ‘- -.2.
‘ t a better account of themselves have to keep some troops m Iletnam . . .9, Back on lndochina. Nixon He said the l'.\ role in the J "V. . U,
a ' even thantheNorth\ ietnamese. —_—_—______._—______ said casualties are one-half of \liddle East is to ”maintain a i f "
Nixon said South Vietnamese what the’ were before the drive balance of w ” '- ‘ ‘ ‘
' . .. . . ‘. ' f \" m will be . " i , .n- . . l . . . P0 e" . -‘.‘ - i: s
' (rambodia are taking Oil the “ e or fé't‘es to be endanger- noplnccrnku ‘ I i ,\ )ril .: drawal has been stepped up. about the strategic arms liinita- ' ,— v. . I'II ' -
~‘ VCW best units that the North namese acI lIH lfOrces as they ."e “l ma e one n ‘ l ‘ lle said he has analyzed the tion talks as he was se\er.il '.'_'_',I I .
’ \ ietnamese can put in the field. inIghrdmericafn 1 com“ Vietnam One-package settlement situation in Laos "and there months ago. \ison said. i an. - .' 3 . -‘ I . ‘
- Nixon said allied disniption W“ "N" ron ‘ ‘ Nixon said a L35. proposal will be some hard fighting Just as UpllliiiNllx wen. .i\ l a.“ I. ' ‘
I \ Of Ienemy' supply lin\eIs hassle)”, Airpower against North for a Southeast .-\sia settlement ahead' “W“ «‘h‘Mt ll'“ ""‘ht‘M