xt7gqn5z8z2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z8z2p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1964 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1964 Vol.30 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, April 1964 Vol.30 No.7 1964 1964 2019 true xt7gqn5z8z2p section xt7gqn5z8z2p . 7717 m..._,-..‘. ,.... .,.. . .. .
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Published In the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 3 7
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes “ l
llxe fundamental importance of the implied l l
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination l 3 l
’ of public information. It stands for truth, fair- } .
Hess, accuracy, and decency in the presentation l l
. of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- . i
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ‘ l
advertising column. It opposes the publication ‘ l '
0f propaganda under the guise of news. It af— ,
Cir firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, ?
. honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- l ‘;
011t I sweets equality of opinion and the right of every . l
thelr Individual to participation in the Constitutional l l
ntly, guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes l
: in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic 3., v . . W ' w : ' -- ' r W ' " I ' * '* ‘ l
3 ‘ . . > i; . ..e~ng/{g¢g}\ "93.29;, .33.,” :' /"", .fiy‘n Term/‘egfgfi”; .. , . . .. " ‘ 1
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1 1 11 . 1 1 {any eulth 13111 1 ellts toll 161 11
111 ‘111 111 111 ‘ 1 y1Vice.presid ‘7 3011mm“ 1 flsed Self_1.e 1 .CODSumel. ] q C the ANPA1 Manager S b“pent. j
1111 1111 1 11 11 1 3 Via“ R. P Daily Newt sad that “1111121111 11110“ of ad eflder also the Chief d Comenti 1.1111110“ Smith1 1111151116 ye
‘ 11 111 11 ‘1 1 1 . Pen ortmflnn S ws: Middl efl(Ect' . 8 It has VertlSin r GOVe- angel. t , 011 111 N 1 1 - .
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11 11,1 11 1 ' arrison,A ' ecretaTy-M tel ” 16 moral 1‘1 Vast ' 1 n u~ 6C Out 11’ 1 ernmem .101" . 'pay
1111 ‘ 1 ‘ 11 1 1 University‘s??? Treasureranager 21E of 11d Copy tohe and trutlilfhlljlove— 1600f COHCem t3“? SDecifiC activéi-p 691211111111 15 iommgf
1. 11 11 1 1 11 _ o e “mi ' u 1 11 1- . (ail lies 1 efltu
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1111 1 1 1 11 “1111:7111”; Larry Ston 0mmittee :0 be desired ,, tyPes that st1111g511nst nth/en through M111 kn 111113 1No the 10 the DeP‘111'1 Of the 313'
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'11 111 11 ‘1 ‘1 C ard Ogles F of St- Mat, 12rd, Al 5' - ploduCts - 5’ P1101 ‘ Ins ~' 1 66' 1 dwfll‘d 11511 ar.
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11 '11 1 11 0“; SEUenfl emphn He 1 EdfOTd- $1 “10113” H (n the best Ipeal t0 t1 “mlnigs' Ate Cime- S Burem» ‘ Watto
111 1 1 _ , , _ , - . _ ’1 u - , t1] 1, the1 mey
1. 1 1- 1 11810; E' 1’ Warren fald Ledder 1.x th’ (180d 11 6‘ eX‘dm 1 . of huma 1.6 are 10115 1301 . e Feder; . fise ’
1 1 1 11 1 N 8103 éghth, Louis 11; Flsher) Marc; Lenng_ Pai 01am) 111115011101 91185 l“duded d 11 motl‘ C tte adVerfiSjn 1:61 grab to Co 11 T131191 latal Court.
11 ‘1 1 1 Ind > Olunlbia. N' eROSett Ad . Ty, Car- gns, )1 e, and V etel‘gent OVel-nment A g ; the £11. Iltrol Cig-' 61‘ than
11 11 111 1 1 1' enendent A ’ mth, Jq ’ atr cm She 1 egetable 1 ’ "el‘tis’ ,, agencie. ‘Ct that “ 1 prepa. .
11 1‘ 1 1 1 klns, En ’ Shland T dues T- NO - Inty 1 1 Was parti- Cdm‘ ] 111g § the 5 don’t 1.11 d 111211111 111th11
11 1 1 Van C terpTiSe’ Hal—1, 611th, R, Spri l‘l’ls, JR, dc dreSSed t0 Cularly Critic-1] 3Oard’s “l1 .Natioll‘dl L 1 el’Stand 3d State 1a
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' 11 11 1 State 2, mos Lee c a’ Frankf ’ 1 C. gel‘S of .- “Ce YOun ‘ e‘ for q Comn' emp10y8.11 1 l'eedmn f gett I
' 11 11 j - t—L ,. raw 0ft; S “gm 8: peo ‘11 11d 11ttee - 1 15, 211 0' 0th
1 1111 1 1 Hal, Louisafie’ Warren iii} Tribune gift—ft— gest who shgttfilsmokihg 5111) 16 of the (1.1“ 1190855 for Oilnvestlgatjon 13f the Geller 51111. fore its ae d1
1 1 1 . . I“ : ' . - . 1 _ '1
1 1 1' BUrkhq 6’ Immediat ’lms’ COur' 111’ u finance 1 e dld ITot 5 e1 ‘1 yea]; the P116551i111 COmm' ‘ c
1 ”‘1, Ca ‘3 Past p ‘GT'JOur such ' 11g“ 1 18310“
1111 1 1 ____Sfy COunty N resident, Fr (5 E a 1, ‘1 Campaign * * 1a COpy of
1 1.1 7 1. 1: K ——M TnCOUrage Y * a 1 Your Big M * 11 011116 C0u1
, 1 11‘1 1 1 1 Georg anhlcky Pre55 S 0 Eerr J0U3:n|95ters EVen t1 arket [11116 budge:1
1 1‘ ‘1 1 . 1 e . W' ervic O i - 1011 0111c -
. . 1 1 1 ‘ La Brackinlggn’ President el Inc_ Here are a f Sm lllst 13000 511511 your ne\VSpa e. ‘ bef:.lat10n j
1 1 1 1. 1 nd0n Wills F'ge Haraldw COUTage br' ew Suggegt- Vel‘tiSel-s . 15C1'11Jers, do P 1 may havel 1e final
11 ‘ 1 1 1 - 1 "St Vice-P {Ews’ Hardin b n‘dlism lght’ youn 1 1011s to he] Will 1 16111126 thqt ,Vou Md VOUI‘Hd- Punishm
'1 . 1 Wllliam T D McLean Cofgdent S urg 1 S7 Which the fi 113113601916 to But p en- 110m SPGnd $208 00‘0 those 100011~eqd 1 guilty of e
:1 1'1 ‘ 1 aViS, Sec y NEws ’ tap all .- . e Critic: 811110111: 65> 1‘e 1 ’ in ad ' 1 1 615 bu V11
1 1 1 1 ViCtOr R P LyOn 87103 Vice-Presid’ Calhoun Such as hqrd Clltlcfll talk '11) dlly needS; 21”(1 so 01 Placement of fu- dltlons to 1119111 fl dget law
1 1 1 1 Pen-y I. A firmannr Seargtty Herald, ilfid . Opportmfi‘t Work, long h( Out 11eWSpa 1 It’s tl'Llel 1, and in maintq- 1.1121065, plumbing 1C8, fines (
1 11 1 1 1 Florida Rséey, ASSi-S‘tant SZTy-Tfeaé‘ure, Yvflle 2. Raisg (Forget the 211112 pOOI‘ 131313613a ANPA q The Bureau 0112]? their 1101159511 2 mouths
. _ ' affison Cfeta d ' ‘ Pl‘est' OOd- 1d 1 ’ “0 “O’Kes - Vertis‘ C' 1
1 . 1 1 Assist ry a11y 11 lge of 0 'da meme 1 . * Officm] 411% of the M311 t .
1 1 1 Chai Baard Of Dam Treasurer the satiesxxsgfilpers by tellilVIVge 61f1y amp/:11; 11 honsehoblgldles Showingstl Dept, Of Com-1 Kentucky?
- Tman M 1 Irect k' ‘ 110115 he t- 1‘1 . er S mt the - 1 Pape~
1 1 do” ’ amn Ors 111d of and C lllth 1 plem‘. pends $9 “918991 15 Te
. 1 >M'1u‘ Dych Caree1 0mpen. - a>0ut - 1565. Th > H08 eqcl 1 qu - SP
1 1)01’0 1 rlce K H e, Sentin Publi h 1' (Let’ . S‘ltlons Intel . uts 11 fi ‘ 1 year on h1s eShon
1 1 ; N'1 ' enry . El-Ech 5 er of 5 d1 of th' leStIn ‘ gul‘e th 11 W3
. I 1 s . 165 0 D1 . ’Dflilz 0, L a d a Villge ‘5 b - . g t0 . at on It b ‘6
‘ 1 prln . - 111 J Ne . On- 11 n gOOd wh1 Ulld y0u1 h . g1 to 9 mad
' 1 gs, Th mgh‘m ws’ Md et Pl‘ofi Weekl at th mg 5 alqu~ e 12
1 thinna Omas L ‘ 1 Pro 1 dles- sm111 t; let’ y mak 1 e c" upply d ‘16 dealers our papers
1 ‘ ; Rob - Prest gm” D ‘1 ‘tOw 5 t€11 h 657 Salt ~ ”“5 '1 d ea161's ’11 PUbl
1 0 en; F on, a aws . “116w 0w ‘11 . 7 ‘11 a a plumb - 1 the -
1 1 fficers ex-officioay, Shelby N 50 :mgimt’ Cy? Sh?) Spapel1°ftellleqc1l1vork 011 Z 11111ng Made]: 111:8 Others Who 1:1:1v‘2160111111 endiioweek
. , . - . 1 ‘ s t ‘ 11 ~ - - 1 1 e 81
~ 1 1 lelbyv1116; Sch C1036 and Co ' 0 Owner- t I? tile” homes YTy0u1 nelghbors t0 keep1 Sentedg IHIY
001 Princ' ntlnued CO 8 meat” f 1 hat figure 1 1 01-11 m t
1 (ES . lpals r1 (1 ntact W1 ad_f 01' a ' Could prowde Yby d - 1
. peCIall ‘11 V0 . 1th 111 h 01‘ 1 mlghty 1 , . .1 p 21111
1 y Set the 1att ”110ml adv- g tiply yom Own specifi 1111619511“ 1101511 ape“ Wel
. . 1 . . ‘ A . . ”e
. A, ex Shmght ' 5015’ Just 3’9111 nl‘mber f C mmket 1115t mu1-‘ Actul
In their Cr! thmk1 A plp 0 Subscribers by 39081 some 1111(1)],
cn - 1‘ er ' 1" ", 1n -
pomt to a half-milAl'lth 2’000 Cil‘Culafio111 Kentuck 11ml
1011 dollar market! 1 11011111135:
. 0all or
1 cOUHti1

 1‘ 1 5 1 1‘ ,.
1 1 1 : 1:111
on the school “ 1 1 h
1 - 1 11. :
alues of Smal‘ 0 1963'64 figures with preceding years. 1 1 .
. Survey Indicates Ma ny Pa pe rs The var-me otdetafls the bud— ' .1 -»
class. (Carn11 get-adoption stories ranged from a bare 1 , 1 1 .1
11. lieVVSpaper‘g1 I k coun d $333162: :223’the'th1hdeett had been “ap- 1 1 .
nts, too. O fy B 9 ‘I- 81- y ' , w1 no s atistics or tota s ' ‘ .
days held “11 ver 00 u e Or whatsoever, of the inclusion of all major 1 1 j
, By I. A. MCCAULEY In the study note was taken of any news budgetary items and over-all totals.1 NO one 1 1 1 ‘
school classes1 'bl action taken any time dur- stories relating to preparation and adoption newspaper carried stories that included all 1 1 1 -
a. (Conducted . P0551 y ht}: tq count fiscal court 01. any of the county budget. Besides stories relat- totals, summaries, breakdowns and compari- 1 1 ‘ '11 ‘
right answersl mg the] yealr t-y t bod his more important ing to the actual adoption of the budget, it sons Wlth preceding years. However, one 1 - 1' 1 1
e sure to give other egiza itve fi‘t‘s annual budget was noted if advance budget stories were pap er dld attempt to give its readers SUb' 1 1 1 ' 1“: ;
fit is no more1 than the 5:10P 1-eh 01 of 0 emtion for the carried; if meetings of fiscal courts, city Stahhhlly complete information in intel“ 1 ‘ '1’ ‘
m on it, may-1 The bu get 15 afgflfin hhet coming fis- councils, and boards of education were re- pretative' and feature articles which it ran 1 1 j i 1'.
leehhtzaleeti‘tehdtrhteehmines heow much money ported; and if the newspapers carried edi- 'tIhh addltlon to the budget~adoption story. ‘ .
1 the ‘c‘ounty can spend and for what it will :plrials arid 1i)nt(t13rpretive articles concerning toriealeethe paper also carried a budget edi- 1 1 1 ' 1
. e coun u et. ' 1 . 3'2. 5
he spent. N0 thhdet eeh tte'e exiteelhtbed billed: The pf‘oceduere followed was first to Several newspaper excluded tax-assess- 1 .1 ‘ S
tanford Smith‘ mg the year expepa 3:11:51??? the l‘3udget check individual copies of the 135 papers 11.1th figures in their budget stories, POS‘ 1 ‘ 1 1 1 1‘
in New Yorl‘ tedl‘sttf‘axgghzhs‘ in tztidvance where the money for the lO-week period. Questionnaires then he 1y because the information had been ‘1‘ ‘ 1‘ 1111 ‘
Press is 11.0111 1 _ t , . were sent to editors of the papers to check given preViously m stories on the recapi- 1 1 1 1"151 '
. 1 is coming from and how it Will be spent. fi . . tulation report of the cou t t ' 1 ‘ 1' 1‘ 61 fr‘ ‘
1t especmlly. Kentucky’s uniform county budget sys- on our own ndings and'to obtain other Sioner Tl "t ‘ n Y. ax commis- 11111 1 11111111 3&1 1
:tivities which t su eivis e d b the local finance officer information. and the opinions of editors '. 1h 6611 papers published assess- .1 . 1‘1 1.11 .
S‘ em,h p D y. t f F' . about the importance of county budget ment iecapitulation stories, but did not car- 1 1 1 1 111 -._-{_..1 ‘
)f the Depart-1 oft Seeigtecomegugrégl coin £13213; 1'1: news. 13’ a budget—adoption story. One editor 1 1 1 1 111 .- 1
leVVS wire field‘ girthtitieal budget by not later than July 1 cof Findings obtained in the content StUdY commented that he readers “appear more ‘ ‘1 1 ‘ “
ce; refusal 011 each year. Budget preparation is a l'eSpon- and from returned questionnaires indicated EtsleStef} H11" tell rates assessments than in ‘ 1 1 ‘1 111 1 ‘
eporters to‘h“ sibility of a county budget commission, that 36 newspapers, or 26.6 p et. cent of the \tlti hettlei‘ tt ea y, It seeing, the the levy— - 1 1 1 1‘ 1‘1 ‘ '
d Long’s F01‘ which includes the county judge, the coun- .135 surveyed, carried news stories mention- ti ht ‘ e eeheyete Pay—15 the ehtet hthht 1 ‘ ‘1 11‘ 1 e t
)113 for news-1 tyattorney and a citizen appointed by the ing the final adoption of the 1963-64 coun- 0 (13h eiest.) _ ' 1 1 111-1 . ~
‘5 Bm‘e‘t‘“; the1 fiscal court.’ The commission must meet not ty budget. olrlnpdnents of editors on t he importance 1 1 1 1 I131 i1
iederal Trade1 later than May 1 of each Year to begin The study also indicated that 28 papers etteele to budget news thee‘ Ohe wrote: ‘ 1‘ ‘ 1 “ 1“ 1 1“
a control cig- preparation of the budget. (20.7 per cent) carried budget stories in _I be gave 1t 15 highly important for Citizens 11 1 1‘ .‘ 1‘1 . ’1
t that “manp Statel -. 1 . . b advance of adoption, 57 (42.2) reported in a‘ emocracy to understand how their 111 111.121 1
nderstand ad1- . aw requires the commiSSion to su ' fiscal court meetings, 82 (60.7) covered goveinment operates. Knowledge and un- 1 1 ‘1 1 ‘ 1 '1‘
her Relationsl mlt two copies of its proposed county bud- city council meetings, 79 (58.4) ran stories derstanding of local government budgets is 1 1 1 ‘ ,‘ 1 1 1 1
freedom 01; fget to the state finance oflicer 20 days be- of school board meetings, and 81 (60) car— basic for these goals.” 1 1 1 1:. 111 . ’1
1e Celler sub-1 c111: Ir‘itizs‘eeehlheh- by the 1:13:11 1court. The ried editorials. (Editorials were found in . On the other hand, another said: “Very 5 1 1 11 I 1 1 1‘
the Press. 1111 a copy (1311 fleeeebiedIZttthh-er fly afw tto cpost only three papers, however, which com- Ettlle heéte‘ Such little change is made in 1 1 1 11111 . .51 5‘1
1‘ 0f the courthouse aeid ttdeeubli:h hetdo 02f mented on. the HGW'County budget.) 11C eett 1.01:2 year to year, can see httte for .111 .1 11 1 e1 -:
17the budget “in a news ah er of bonahefide At a minimum, it seems, a meaningful 1181101735 ‘OIY- d 1 1 .. 1M1 , f‘ a
leirculation in the counth hat least 10 da 5 budget story should include the over-all “Tl-ithe eethmthhte ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ 1“ 1‘“ e1
. before final adoption by‘ the fiscal courty” budget total, ewe at least h summary analy- th 15 eltdhhty kee he hedeet‘ 1t they ehh‘ ‘ ‘ ““ e
Per may 11““"1 Punishment prescribed‘ for officials found ete of appropriations and estimated receipts, e‘tl‘heeh hht bhtlw whet 1t Whe“ ‘ ‘ “ t 1“
and your ad-1 guilty of violating provisions of the count and compare the new budgets figures with th‘ e county ” 1“ get 15 “Ct available to i 1 1 1 1 1 “'
1’000 teet‘tel 1‘1“]th laws ranges up to removal from of‘: estimated figures for the current year or 1elVlteetvet'hthel‘ f ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 1“ 1 1““
Ltions to 111911 lice, fines of $500 and im risot m t f . actual figures for the preceding year. A 7h ‘Osh important .01 Citizens t0 ’lmow 1 1 . 1 1 1
ces, plumbl‘ng1 12 months P n en 01 complete budget story would give break- ‘1 “ere t h“ tax dollais go—ancl whyl ‘ 1 ..1: ‘11 (11;:
;their houses-1‘ Given th' ' . ' downs of appropriations and receipts. All “Is theie a story every year? 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1. 1 11 1
ertisingof11191 Kentuck ,sls ina]c()1r';1ews Situation, how do essential information for such stories is 1 3151/21” front page story—up to 4‘001‘ 1 1 1 1111 ‘ 1
)ept. of Com-1 papers ryes 011311;- 2“ . community news- given in the budget, as prepared on Reve- lehN‘ h . ll 1 1 1 1 :
the averagfl question whishth‘ etting answers to thls nue Form 1001. In addition, county offi- .0t 1111110 , iea y, because all budgets 1 1 1 1.: » 11
11 year on hIS1 We made l'lt e Object of a survey which Cials can give more detailed information are mac equate. When one fund 15 used 11 1 1 . 1 ‘1 - 11 l‘}.
t ought to be papers publieshetihhhtet of 135 community about specific items in the budget. hh‘llt IS iaken' from another (Peter pays) 1 ‘ 11 1 E1
dealers) your! the 111-Week Be. 111113 103 counties during In analyzing the stories that reported 311C) _SO 011‘ IserCh a budget ,eifective? 111 1 1 t
nbers, electrl- ending Jul (I; 1,11% eginninglApril 2'8 and adoption of 1963—64 county budgets, it was ustomaii y iont-page news. 1‘ ,1 1 1 ‘ "
3 provide 11191 Sente d ineth‘ e 17' counties “Ot repre- found 27 of the 36 stories studied gave *9‘ .1 .‘ 1 {1’
iborS to keep1 Only by dailiee Stcllldy included 14 served summaries of budget appropriations, 23 \Villiam C. Caywood Jr. has resigned as 11 1 1 ‘ 11 1 ’ 1‘
could provrde‘1 Papers Were 1: {In three in which no news- gave summaries of estimated l‘eCeiptS, 10 instructor in journalism and advisor of the ' 1 1‘1 1 : e?1 1}"
nesting house1 ACtualI eing PUbIIShed- broke down estimated receipts from tax Kentucky Kernel, UK student newspaper, 1 1 1 1 111‘ 31 ‘
rket just mll1'1 Mme inkl‘h We were interested in getting levies, 8 included assessments and tax rates, to return to the neWSPaper business. He 3 1 “.1 511
bers by $211311 Kentuek ,mg 0f public afiairs coverage in 14 broke down appropriatiOns for the gen- has recently acquired a major intel'eSt 1‘11 ‘1 1 1 1 ‘ 1
()0 circulan01-1 how it “:5 Community press by studying eral expense fund (including salaries and the C1337 City Times. Caywood, a past ‘ 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 1 ‘.
lzu‘ marketl ‘ to all coutrtlettee One news situation common the like), one broke down road-fund ex- president 0f the KGIItUCkY Press Association, 11 1 ‘ 1 1 11;
1 168 1n the State. Penditures, and 20 gave comparisons of was formerly editor of the \Vincliester Sun. ‘11 ‘ 1 1 1 :1
1 1 1 1 -1 1 ‘ t‘. 1‘
.1 1 .1 ‘ 1 1 , . 2

 3‘ .. ‘3.“ 1 ‘ ‘ 1
1 , ‘ ‘5“ ; ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ 3

‘ 15:;‘1iy‘13‘31

‘ i r ‘ “1‘5 ‘ 3:5 ‘

E “ ‘55‘3‘ ‘ P

“ml'm ‘53:; M ‘ 1‘ AGE TWO
‘ :9! :1: ‘1 “

“ 55 ‘ “ “ 3‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ T

‘ ‘,‘ {5‘1 ‘ “a 5:5 HE KEN

r ‘ v ‘ ‘ '

3 “ w ‘n‘w: (; TUCK

‘5 “5 ‘i‘ ; “33‘ t nd 3

r : 1 5 ‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ z . ‘3

z ‘5 ‘3‘ 5 ‘Y;?2 nln , 4

5 ast se ' : ues 5
'5; ‘ ‘ T 5 . minar Farm 66 Ft 3‘5 Ow" "

‘ 5“ ‘ f Approaches 3' ”Miles
. 55 ‘ ‘ “ 1 1 ‘t ‘ . at 56" es 0‘ . ”gt“

5 “1“‘- “ ‘ ‘ ‘ Slons 1360011113: (135 the SeCOHd aiidthti'cglrent mann G (Edit075’8 :70?LMER HINTON ‘ iM

‘5 j. ‘1 ‘3‘1‘ ‘ “ ‘ j 1 0nd Sem' . ‘ matter of re . 11‘ ses- N 7 Gorge VViI was w1'itt '3‘- The , at]

‘ ‘ E“ ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ tuCkY Billings] 61d on April Clt;j~8The Sec- 133:: and features SVggi-eagfl V[Vatl'en Fisher the N ashiiileb UTMr, Hintoizfiizwmg feature‘ ":g

‘ ‘ “ ““‘ “ “ “ ‘ tendanc ’ ate Park, “"15 h' at Ken' M' lne’ SOmerset ISCuSsed by] ' At 1'1 6117133860” (1 columnf I twfltfif
‘ 1 “ i 3‘ ‘ i 5 . 6 With abOut 40 L 1ghest in qt lddlesbmo D . Journal; Mrlus ames b .- (St the B001.) or‘ magi?
‘ ‘é‘ 5‘ m 3‘ Ptesent- The .. neWSpa 3 . ‘ ‘ Kent ally New- ‘. ”Ce Henr 0qu Elkt ‘6 brother 5 M

3‘ 5“ K 5‘“ “5 attended b and St t ‘ We 1e . Burkh . u is Infor ’ They5- . ’1 1 ther odd s°methin

i ‘1‘ “‘ ‘ “ “ 1 ‘ ‘ 1 dat Y appr0Xim 3' 8 Park W21 gISIRtn/‘e ‘ . 31d, Libel-t N ma' Ie glVing ', farm g Mme???

‘ 2“ =5: 3» ‘ 5“: es of th' ately 30 . ’ 5 cu Ploglam . y ews. Th The b. 15 mm . ' Mm

‘ 5 “5 ‘ “ ‘ 5‘ ‘,1 3 V’Vi 15 meet' pelSOnS T SSed b and 11b 6 lothers A Y: plec Mafia
a 5 5 1“ ; 5 th the S . mg, held ' ' he V y D11 N' 1 31 Were - 0f the T ale Be 6 by pie 3::-

: ; “ 5 i - Pl‘lng ex - 1n COHjun ' anCuro 16 Plum . (115' Odd C n B00n Ce"

3 5‘ 3 3‘ 1 ec Ch n. me k Cu 6 II . ;_

‘ ‘ “ ‘ “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ngéowitf April 24_25utlve COmmittee meg:1 Others attend- 1 "111d 8' C. B0316, an Elktonné,t standard’ andI’Ceditor‘ 5,53%)

' i '1 ‘3 H ‘ 5“ n Inning the ' ' meeting w mg the qu Ol‘merly th _ ‘ Orney' Gorge :

i 3 ‘ i ' ‘ c e ' e ‘ . - .,

‘5 ‘ ‘3‘ 2‘ “ 5“ previouSIY held Same Program a Set, Col 61? George J0 11 . Cumberland mlles IOHg and 11 fall“: near E1 ' am:

‘5 1: 3 1‘: ‘ g 5 CUSSlons Were at the UK Sem' 5 was Bell Alambla News. PP n, Loms DeRos apIT’I'oximfiitl 66 feet Wid kt°11Wassi“ r;
t “ ‘5‘ ‘ ‘3 ‘ ‘ and Centered . mar, dis- ; 11 y N ~fl ’ Srry Ashl - ‘ e y 15 e and C - ”’33;
“ ‘H ‘:.. “ i 3 COStS 1e 5 - atollnd ma IOur 1 01 eet Ru 83’; Frank Ctway noV . acI‘es. Tl , ontalned‘ 5 f
‘ 3 I“ l5 5 a “ 16mg f .’ g151at1ve pr Us nagement . “a ; JohnH .,.’ SSe11 Sprin 18 V Untll it’ 16yve g1 ,
; 31“ ‘1‘, M ‘ ‘ 1 0 libel a d oolams and ‘ RIChard . aIlls, Barb . . gs NeWS- llgth. 5 down t V911 1“ y;
E: :5‘ .‘53 ‘i 5 5 of f ’ ‘1 gath .- Plob_ thtr 1] 0111V111e A 0 fiVe m5} .‘ Mtg
‘1 “. t" 5 “ ‘ 51 eatures 61mg a d To 6 9 L0 d dVOCat . At 0 - 1es 111 5,5myyiqgmggii
h m 1“ * 5 ‘ I. - and 10c ‘1 handl' mmy P— n on s - e: . “8 hm

“ “‘5.‘ 5‘ ‘ ‘j ' :31th Were engageclllews' €11 perSons 1:? J- D. Goléfisffiii Sé’llthiana Deelfizmel-Echos Puttmg it in tleletlslg'}; EpOhSOred the 'd ‘ e?
“ ‘f‘ 3 “I 1‘ “ ' “ ‘ .r 5‘ Panelist . m t ‘3 progra _ Reoordfi . ‘ alter Go~' crat; Mrs. ment pe0ple . . 1 ank. But 16“" ‘fw
‘ " "‘ 5 ’ ‘ " penenCe ' 0‘ thl'Ou h m as T55 elatd‘ Ja ”“5 GI'een b bee . 1elected th the gove 5“”
z “ :1 5 “ ‘ f5 S 111 their h g persoml llbune. W 7 mes cra f 5 mg n Cultwqt d at hem , 111- M

' i i“ ‘5 1‘ ‘ ‘5 1‘ Panel m Ometown 0 . . 6 ex- L .. ’ 5 Foster A W 01‘d, (30.1). Th ‘ e befOIe illse 1t hadn’t #5:: ‘c
“ “‘ “ " 5 5 embers fo- pelattofls any Stone- dams Be- 1 m ~ 8“ they ca ' 3
‘15 3‘ 5 ‘ 5; “' 5; =‘ Program we . t the Kelt ‘ wa. > W. T. ’. tea Citiz . It in C . me up w- _ ,
{5; 1“ “ A ‘ : “ ‘ tOI‘ POrtm re, management '1 AUCky Dam “l.“‘S’ Department DaVISt Judson Een, to b 0111' “711mb W0 ldlth an Idea to p‘a“ ~ «"3
‘ ‘1 ,1 “ 5 ‘3‘ 3 1‘ Wilson Hanga KP A Central ‘nfii costS—Vic_ S imam Hayes DOt Public sqfety (1- But e201d_30 1'0ws Lfl have been a Sig; ,. 1
:3 1‘ s ‘ “r E 5 ar insbur 0 cc; Ce . aety. ’ epartrne ‘ 5 and Us pr - 0 00m s' 5 ' -

i .“ 5 ‘3‘ ‘ 5 gee, WiCkl' g HGI’ald_N 01g6 “t of P . OleCt W 1X miles 1 Stur I

5 :1 ‘5. ‘ ; . Iffe Ye . eWS; P The £1 1113110 got start as aband 011g. 9'5

‘ “ ‘ 1‘5; 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ V1119 Leader animal], Ronrlie Bean :iMa- Wiley snal SCmiHar Will b Cinder-e eel, YOU might s Oned before it‘ TOUTSE
'i “‘ 5‘ I ‘ ‘ 5 “ fi81d AdVOcaée T J Earle Belle M leen_ 8-9 IT 'tate Park, PIE 6 held at Jenn I doubtf lllc.lusted Strip Of] fly, became theH u
‘ ‘ z‘ “ 3‘ " ‘1 1i‘Del probl ' he legislative .’ Organ- .' 1115 will com 1 Stonsbu‘ga 0n 1\ 5 br ‘1 If a mule and is 50 hard it" MajorI

j 1“ "1 ‘ ' ‘ 1 P] 6mg WGI‘e d‘ Plogram and Cmrent yeah 13 Ste the Se“ lay eak 1t 11p. COUId p111] t“ S .

. ‘ ‘3‘ “1; ‘5 ‘ ‘ VUmmel-’ UK Soho llStgussBd by Dr N' 1 116s fol. the ACthlly h a plow ta‘ 'turgls Ne
‘3 “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ anCurOn F‘ O O Journalis ' 1e aband L , t e Strip of 3 1n Eulope
i‘ E‘ ' “ ‘ Chairman ’ lankaI‘t State .m; S5 0- ———— 1 _ .Oned l‘ight.0f_ land is an 1‘ Stafi’s 0
‘ w w p 5 a Georg: EPA? I . clean 5h ‘—— Elktorzzgf the 55
ta“ 4“ ‘ ‘ " ‘ Wealth a1nd K132131111, SOmel‘set Cmmlttee’ 0P Necessar the 1 pm line Once CO Gt‘thrte Raih‘ond.‘ few Staff (
‘3 15‘ “1 ‘ tsures were discus Efficient, Ne WS :U‘men- A panel COmp d y T133111} L&N tracks Snack}? ElktOn with“ Cradllat
“ ‘1‘ " ‘j ‘ un—D 5‘3 y B' “C 63- ma 056 of H16 w 11‘ l'ie, c‘a ‘
*5 5! ‘1 ‘ 1: 3 ml WZZOEW Harry 1335032311, Paducah Simyxir Sfid 531°‘erintendei‘lt‘a“:V yet; mimister She“ the nglfafitdmed in 1957 Tm uatseS (ifel
‘5 1: l ‘ , ‘ ent ) 011" <_ . , Y, _ ’aS - ’ 3108- .- l‘oth . ' ’ V

> ‘ f‘ ‘1‘ ‘ ‘ : EemuCkY Depgftkg Bill'eau; GeorgeelYJOtur- Sidnt like abou?’ and asked wai'iedh at It’sStjlgltlg farm, fOr bets: PurchaSed the‘ :Xennnt and

‘ “:2 5, 1‘ 1011, F- ‘ ent of . aer, eir . neWS . ‘ t er . eI‘est' ‘01‘ W0 , irb . -

‘ 3‘ i“ ‘ “ ‘ News. Iankfort, and LandonP 1{351110 Informa- do tos‘iigestmns on th: [1:615 and to giv: 21116113, the ‘2: to flow that a krjfiman of “ tease??? '
I “ 3 ‘ Others attend 115, Calhoun 11p the Shgtve‘ The attOrfglspafilers could t1:lm Bristow whOCOngl-essman Benjamin: his fathSrn

- 5 ‘5 1 .. i - ;t ‘ sa' ; ‘< ”as -. ’ wk . -

5‘, :5 1‘ Lally Stone C “g.“‘esecondsem- . ““0 looked 1- °° {my papers 5‘ Clean hold“?e} Under cm] ts seeietary of that "11962.

‘* 7““ ‘ ‘ A‘ MCCnule: enhal City Tim :12“ Were 1'e'alfl‘angi Ike a Pink Pile” HI V6 Walked Be1 In the mil 1' 1t’ Was a major stock He is P
, ‘ ‘ i i ‘ ‘ es- n . . .- _ c lne 5‘ . 1
- i; : g; 3 . 5i Pel‘i‘ y, UK Sch rgus; . tle . g) a httle 1 . 6 suggest ”5th 1 ' ‘ Mll't -

‘ ‘5 ‘ I 015 121-3321?“ If entral 0:13; Oiltmmalisni- val-n“ ceanmg up and a if Way whencihlgtii‘ a Part of the rightof‘ the‘i‘hsyp“
in 5 ‘1 i . ’ . 0n . , 5 omer N‘ ’ 1C1 b5' ‘ stipul . me w , ' ' ec
5 5- v t0n Trib eader, Wfll' 1011- llngs . a’fIOn H as buflt 5 Enfo~
5“ ‘3‘ ‘3; uIle-D . mm Nel made at . “5 men it , ' 9 had ( ’ thh 0“" 106me

“ :3 If ‘ EardStOWn $2123??? EliZabeth SSEICig-en- ence in :‘i‘iAflantic Mei? ‘ Speech soxhveasnt to be disfifigiiaraév‘t patch andh Bath minc
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Ul'g NIBSSGI} c ; ames W111i lngv CLEAN 1C the Spe k 1Ca COnfer_ .. ConfusiOn - C' hICi’l Caused‘ Was made

' ‘ ‘ ‘5‘ 3 ‘ Clean - ger; V‘Valte- 8’ Branden- SHOP _— a 61' Point d 11ghtl’nl‘ . SIHCe the a . em.

'1’ ‘ e1 and . 1 Dear, been CLEA 3 Out; , “16 Wlth . Spalagus was “6 USA
‘ '1 ‘ : l 5 Democrat; wtoénnal; Frank BeuHegdetSOn that aunthf‘my said um:T WORK “It has be buflt- Whe‘e the railroad Wasto‘ teem Selee
.. ; 5 ‘ ‘ Charles ‘ 5 Davis, Edd _ ’ edford neat, Clean sh , and time , . It was Se ‘5 above

‘ Ta 1 ~ YV111 W0rkm - 0p 1 again ttled h I )Wh

t. » A . g 1‘ 5 Potter, Twig/$016; Greenville Le de Herald; Slopp anShlp and that as ionduCiVe to Clea Eon of all Cone, OgleVen t0 the satisfic-l their State(

3 5 ‘ 3 in h‘ as Co a er; 0h Y Work. SOppy h 11 Ink i , el‘ne . Th 5 ‘ th 5
fl S g..'tm and Nile Hipfmy; Norris .1)- n Step farthe Th3? tmth Can bs Op begets Para n the Hill line t ey.JUSt made a‘, ‘6 Inform

- ‘ Fpllngs Progress 1: Dllhngham D 111' better m r. A Pl‘lnter Psych le Carried '1 Agus, 0 go alOUnd the as.‘ 1°-

- z ‘ “ ‘ r -‘ i ’ a. an . - ‘ .

- 5 3 ‘ a , 5 a - n - 1v ' ers 5. w'

‘ Dis r (.35 CraVBS, Bard dyvllle Ledger the Way it is la'dmeanmg and a equ1p_ for a W 61:1 a part Of the 13 d ave ‘6 5 Ested _1 b

i ‘ ‘ w Cussmn 1eaders f Well NeWS- ’ the frustrat- 1 out - - . he - purPoSe in aw ate’ tOWer site n to them“ to g‘OUJ

’ 1 ‘ ‘ ere: Costs and Or the third . tion at Ion 0t elbow b 15 freed from ay the temaind ' They plan to giveI “"5 What

‘ 5 5 mamagem . seminar some Part ' 1tmping Whefl the er for a roadw if d their c
‘ 5 ent—Vlct COnsu ' . 5 Of a h 00112565. tOwn ay, ‘5‘“ , apal
. or P01. _ mm d s 0 gets rea