xt7gqn5z760v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z760v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1968 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- A Bulletin of the University of Kentucky- Catalog, Vol. 60, No. 2, 1968-1969 text A Bulletin of the University of Kentucky- Catalog, Vol. 60, No. 2, 1968-1969 1968 1968 2013 true xt7gqn5z760v section xt7gqn5z760v T    T A K a L E  T   V T
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This publication is a presentation for the    
1968-69 academic year and preceding
summer term. It is expected that some
changes will take place during the year and
m student asia; this catalogue tslkouldbkeep
` H1 . ES 3 U 8. B
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  ~ University of iilerrtucky
 »y Lexington, i{entuci0 'lhursday thru Saturday rl ian s
mg 171ohdays—academ1c holidays
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7 7 , _ I _ 1 ~ documents to Registrar s Otiice for admission to the
· ]une 1-—\\ cdnesda1——Class work begins e . . _
Q -. I I I _ I I , _ 1969 Spring Semester
june l/—·l\l()11(l.l}—l...1SlY day to enter an organized class _ b I , dI I CI _ I k d
l for the Summer Session Dcicmlcr H_bmur J)- ins llm Sl S I I E
I ~ _ 1.. . _2 __ I. ·. ._r· .I. _
I june 2—l—Mouday—Last day to drop a course without a D°“;:;;l;IIIlS6 1 Moudqi tml bdtur ai ma mm
. grade t . ,
· - ,. . ··l 2-1 ··—E ·.  
1 ]une 2-1, 2>—M0nday and luesday—Last davs for filing Dcum mr 71 §ltmd‘li_ nd of I im btmgltu . ,_
7 » · _ · ‘ . December -—1—lucsda1—.·\ll grades due 111 Registrars
1 application for an August degree in College Dean s OH? I
1 Omw ce by +:00 p.m.
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. july +—Thursday-Independence Day 11oliday—aca-
° demic holidav .
  ]uly 2-1-—Monday—Last day to drop a class before end   Spflng Sefngstel
1 of summer session I I I
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I 1968 Fall Semester registered I
T August 7—\Vednesday—End of Summer Session Ianuary lv-\Vednesday—-Class work begins I
1 August 9—Friday—All grades due in Registrars Oftiee january 2l—Tuesday—Last day to enter an organized
1 by -1;L)() p_m_ class for the Spring Semester
Q ]’211111211'}’ 27-\londay—Last day to drop a course with-
1 out a grade
~ ]anuary 27, 2S——\londay and ”l`uesday—Last days for
`     S€7n€$t€7 tiling application for a Xlay degree in College
I Dean`s Office
1 ]uly 29—Monday-—-Last day to submit all required doc- Xlarch 6-—rl`hursday—Undergraduate mid-term grades
I uments to Registrar's Oflice for admission to the dire in Registrars Office by 4:00 p,m.
1968 Fall Semester Xlarch li·Z3—Saturday thru Sunday—Spring vacation
  August 26, 27—Monday and 'l`uesday—Classiiieation, March Z8——l·`riday—Last day to withdraw from a class
Y registration, and orientation for students not pre- before finals
registered ,\pril l—'l`ucsday—Last day for out-of-state freshmen
- August ZS—\Vednesday—Class work begins to snbmit all required documents to Registrar`s
September -1-\Vednesday—l..ast day to enter an organ· Oflice for admission to the 1969 Fall Semester
ized class for the Fall Semester Nlay ¥—Saturday———End of class work
‘ September 9-——Monday—Last day to drop a course Xlay S-10——\londay thru Saturday-—Final Examinations
I without a grade Xlay 9—l·`riday———Last day to submit all required docu-
Q September 10, 11—'l`uesday and \Vednesday—Last days ments 10 Registrars Oflice for admission to the
1 for filing application for December degree in C01- 1969 Summer Session
lege Dean's Office Xlay ll1;SIltl1I'(lH}'—E11d of Spring Semester
October 21-0Ionday—Undergraduate mid-term grades Xlay 11—Suuday—Baccalaureate—\’esper
due in Registrar`s Oftice by 4:00 p.m. \la1‘ l2—\londay——l0Znd Annual Commencement
November ll——l\londay—Last day to withdraw from a Klay 1?—'1`uesday—.·\ll grades due in Registrar's Office
_I class before finals by -1:00 p.m.
i APRIL JULY OCTOBER ]:\NL`.·\l1Y 1 .·\1’l1l1.
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  Calendar 3
{ Map 6
1 The Academic Program 8
  The University 13
  Fields of Study 17
l Entering the University 21
P Living Accommodations 25
F Expenses & Financial Aid 29
n L; Working Toward a Degree 33
l   Libraries 39
  The Honors Program 41
  Student Affairs 43
l Course Nu1nbering System 46
ll Abbreviations 46
  Arts & Sciences 49
"   Agriculture 131
’ Home Economics .150
· Q Engineering 157
_   Law 179
F   Education 185
  Business & Economics 215
    Pharmacy 222
    Medicine 228
    Nursing 230
    Dentistry 233
    Architecture 240
T    Graduate School 245
  if ·.  Allied Health Professions 255
M L   University Extension 262
  Community Colleges 269
 tg -  Administration 274
    Index 276
<}¢§  ,.

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i  - ,, _ /·” zo. Chemistry-Physics Building 50- I-gw B¤·|d·¤s
Q `A /./A 21. Coal Research Laboratory Sl- LIUQFY
E   22. Commerce Building 52. Mailing Center
 wl iii ’° 23. Community College Building 53- MEVEY Hall
 `> g4_ coopersgown 54. Meats Laboratory
  25. Dairy Products Building 55· Medical C°"I’°'
>   26. Dickey Hall (Education) 56- 2M=d·¢¤| €:¤;_¤r A¤I:¤¤ (F:;m¤;|¥
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gs   @ 28 Dorm'tory Complex 57. Medical Center Heating Plant
/   29. Educdtional Television Center 58. Memorial Coliseum
  I. Administration Building 30. Engineering Building 59. Memorial Hall
E 2. Administration Annex 31. Erickson Hall (Home Economics) 60. Miller Hall
  3. Aeronautical Research Laboratory 32. Euclid Avenue Building 61. Mineral Industries Building
  4. Agricultural Engineering Building 33. Experiment Station, Agricultural 62. Mining Laboratory
Y; 5. Agricultural Science Center 34. Fine Arts Building 63. Patterson ITIaIl
  6. Agriculture Building (Old Ag.) 35. Food Storage Building, K-Lair 64. Pence Ha
  7. Alumni Gymnasium 36. Football Building 65. zharmcicy Bumding
i 8. Al ' H 37. F t 't'es 66. eyno sBui ing
Q 9. Aniizgl Pacilitiiogy Building 38. Figzzznillall 67. Service Building
  10. Animal Pathology Hospital 39. Haggin Hall 68. Small Animal Laboratory
S Il. Barker Hall (Buell Armory) 40. Highway Department 69. Sororities
  12. Biological Sciences Building (Funkhouser) 41. Highway Research Laboratory 70. Special Education Instructional
  13. Blazer Hall 42. Holmes Hall Materials Center
  14. Bowman Hall 43. Insectary and Conservatory 71. Forestry Building
  15. Boyd Hall 44. Jewell Hall 72. Stoll Field
l I6. Bradley Hall 45. Journalism Building 73. Student Center
  17. Breckinridge Hall 46. Kastle Hall 74. Taylor Education Building
§ 18. Center for Developmental Change 47. Keeneland Hall 75. Tobacco Research Laboratory
E 19. Central Heating Plant 48. Kinkead Hall 76. "Wildcat" (Bowling-Grill)

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   The Academic Program
  A Umvrznsrrv names Tocmnen students with greatly Within each of these areas, several optional sequences
I? ·  varying geographic, economic, social, political, and edu- are available, giving the student a wide variety of learn-
r  cational backgrounds. Although any entering class is a ing opportunity in the basic disciplines.
rather select group in intellectual ability and educational
i achievement, there is still a considerable range of ability,
ng V achievement, and incentive among the individuals in The Courses in Cach men me
  ‘ the class. '
  A state university is characterized by a wid-e variety Anna I_ MatnemnnCS_PhilnSnnhy
I of course offerings and degree programs ranging from
  the most traditional of majors in the liberal arts to n gl: ECILEIEI SIIICICS I€qIlIIcI“°“I In this awa m*IY be $*III$‘
  , professional and applied programs with rather specific E Y mt CI CMC fC“CW1¤g¤CCC °pt1°“S°
  vocational goals. A. MA 113 Analytics and Calculus I (4)
rl  The combination of a heterogeneous student body B. PHI 220 Elementary Logic (3)
#  I: and the multiplicity of curricula requires that the   3%% (if tht? f0ll§>W1¤g¤ _
ie, University furnish alternative paths of study, even for PHI 230 Elggiucnon tO Phllosophy Eg)
  the entering student, to provide the soundest education. PHI 500 Histnn, nf Ancient Phnnsnnhy (3;
;' The programs being developed are based, in part, on PHI 505 History gf Medieval and Renaissance
  the assumptions that every graduate should have breadth Phil0$QPhY l (3)
I W of understanding achieved by study in the basic dis- PHI SIU HISLOIY OL Modem PIIIIPSOPIIX (3)
I I  ci lines and that he should have achieved de th b PHI 520 Intloductwn tl) Symbolic Logic (3)
gi   C? C d t d _ _ d t t O fp _ li PHI S35 Social and Political Philosophy (3)
  a van e o 1 na
Pr  _· area C S u Y m a mmol Par men I pr css O C. MA 122 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematicsl (3)
g n·  ‘ MA 222 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics II (3)
Y I  All entering students are formally registered in the _ _
I Q College of Arts and Sciences and remain registered in Ama II- PIIYSICUI S°"’”°‘”
.  that College until the beginnmg of the IUTUOT Wal', OT The general studies requirement may be satisfied by Choos-
K rgntzl the admission requiremets of another College have ing one Oi il-ie following seven sequences:
‘  een met.
‘ . A. PHY 191 D ' ` A
· Tg hel