xt7gqn5z6m24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6m24/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1949 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 20, 1949 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 20, 1949 1949 1949 2012 true xt7gqn5z6m24 section xt7gqn5z6m24 i I · ` ;  
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V Thc Hon. A. B. (lhandlcr ’24V ccntcr Commissioner o[ Buscball, addrcssccl alumni V
9 - V
‘  at thc unc 2 reunion bam uct while cclcbratin thc 25Lll annivcrsarv of his ruduation.  .
I ’ . ».
- · `Wuh l1im arc (lcfl)   Stcphcn \·Vatkins, ’250, prcsidcnt ol thc Alumni Association and »  
B. A. Shivcl *, ’36, association treasurer. ` ‘
. I I _ _
 ‘O|U € XX A  ust  949 Nu ber 3
\ g 1 I
VV i I r A r r . . V _ _ _ _ V _ r _ _ · ·'e' ' ' ' 7, ` I I V

. l
.• ` ‘ T
• 66 99 ~ .
. They Have Earned Their L for Loyalty A
@ ` · Another $2,800, [our—year, all-expense scholarship has been granted to a ;
- { 1949 freshman student by the Kentucky Research Foundation through the  
University ol Kentucky Loyalty Fund. YOU — AND YOU — AND YOU — ·
whose names are listed below, have helped to make this possible! l
— BUT — _
\~Vhat about YOU — AND YOU — AND YOU -— who have not made a contribu-
tion? Il` we are to continue this {ine scholarship, if we, as alumni, are to assist .
. our University in bringing to the campus the best young brains ol this com-
monwealth and ol the nation we MUST not lail. However, unless contribu-
tions continue to come in it will be impossible lor the Loyalty Fund scholar-
ships to be perpetuated. l'l` ALL DEPENDS ON YOUl.!  ·
L C, L, vallandingham r,_,__,____,,,___,_____,_,______,_r,rr_,_____,__,,_____, Owenton, Ky. W. Arch Bennett .......... . ................ 414 Conway St., Frankfort, Ky.
_ George H. Gilbert ...t . ..................,,,.,.,,,,.,..,..,,,....,... Lawrenceburg. Ky. R. W. Leake. Jr. ............................... - ................................. Danville, Ky.
H_ L, Donovan, President ____,__,____,,_,,_ University of Ky., Lexington Eleanor Marshall Smith .................................... Queen Creek, Arizona
, 0. L, whitney ________,,,,___________ _ ___,,,,,,,,_________,,,____,_,_,,,,,,_rl___,_ Columbia, Ky. Kearney B. Daniel ............................................................,. Danville, Ky,
Eugene siler ___,___,,,,,_____,__ _ _r___ , ___,_,,,,__ 236 Clay Ave., Lexington, Ky. C. E. Lauer ...........................................................,..,. Port Arthur, Texas
Paul A, Johnson ___,_ , _,__,_,l,.__,,,,, 661 Wick Ave., Youngstown, Ohio Thelma Daniels ......................................,..................... Prestonsburg, Ky.
, Gertrude Gaines ,_,,,,,__,_ , ,,,..,,, 3 _,,__,__________ 471 sixth St., Lorain, Ohio Marie Flora ....................................................................... · ....... C arlisle, Ky.
···· George Becker ...,.......,...,.................... 814 Gwinn St., Medina, N. Y. Glenn W. Denham ........................................................ Williamsburg, Ky
Lloyd E. Teague ...,.......,.......... 838 Spring Rd., Charleston. W. Va. O. M. Akers ..................... . ................................................ Denison, Texas
. Clarence C. Clark ............... 10 Sheridan Square, New York ,N. Y. Carl Pigman ....................................................... . ............. Whitesburg, Ky.
Thos, H. Cutler   ..,,.................,,,..,...., Route No. 9, Frankfort, Ky. Elizabeth Lee Wright .................................................. Sharpsburg, Ky.
_ Charles F. Bailey .,..._.. . .,,,., 2406 Fleming Rd., Middletown, Ohio John G. Allen ................ 328 W. Elsmere Pl., San Antonio, Texas »
Ray Johanneman ,,.,....,.,,,.,_,.__.._.__ 707 West Ashland, Louisville, Ky. Jessie E. Acker ........................ Box 5385 TC Station, Denton, Texas   5
‘ Jos. J. Slomer ................................ 7416 Bennett Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wm. R. Price ................................................................ Catlettsburg, Ky. ‘
. Mrs. Edwin W. Humphreys ........ 615 E. Main St., Georgetown, Ky. Norlne Cann .................................................................................... Fed, Ky. [UIL l
William H. Young, Jr. ................................................ Russellville, Ky. Chas. L. Price ....,............. . ........... 312 E. Main St., Earlington. Ky. U ._
‘ Mrs. F. B. Mitchell .,.........,.... 416 S. Main St., Lawrenceburg. Ky. Ralph E. Taylor ..........,............. 1651 W. Cardinal Dr., Mobile, Ala. ' um
_ Stanley M. Stagg .,..........,,.......... 2719 Preston St, Louisville. Ky. R. H. Warren ....,............................... 3915 Leland Rd., Louisville, Ky. mln
Alvin Kohn ........................................ 1921 E. 97 St., Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. William K. Stoll .................. Route No. 1, Nicholasville, Ky. , ‘
’ Matilda Thompson ................................ 812 Pleasant St., Paris, Ky. Billy L. Patton .............................. 285 Newport Ave., Rumfort. R.l. {ll; ll
_   Elizabeth Colegrove .......... . ........... 2025 Carter Ave., Ashland, Ky. Harold Stevens ...................................... Amherst Apts., Orlando, Fla. ‘
Q if William E. Butler .................................. 41 Cliffside, Tuckahoe. N. Y. D. L. Thornton ................................................ Box 45, Versailles, Ky- Pllllllli
A Z. E. V. Murphree ............................ 1 Crest Acres Ct., Summit, N. J. Mrs. Carter Thornton ._,_.._........_....__,_...,, - ,__,_ Route No. 5, Paris, Ky.
{ ,·. Marion Garnett .,,.....,,,_,.,,,,,,,,_....,....... RFD No. 1, Hopkinsville, Ky. Jack O, W. Rash ..__.,,,____,___...,,,_, 301 Huntington Bldg., Miami, Fla. Thin`?
. j, Carl G. Vannoy .................... 317 Lawrence St., Madisonville. Ky. W H. Noel ...............................................................,___.,_.....,.... Harlan, Ky. 1., _,
,. , Charles White ............................ 260 Gregory Ave., W. Orange, N. J. Edwin Moffett ...,,.........._.......,............ 557 W, 3rd st., Bethlehem, PH. g‘m
 l Mrs. John J. Dunlap ..... . ..... 414 Pennsylvania Ct., Lexington, Ky. Amy Breslin .._,... . ........__,.....____.,__.,____ 2804 Grand Ave., Louisville, Ky. m ll
: Elizabeth B. Runsdorf ............ 510 Elmwood Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Logan Ratliff _,_. , .,___,____...,_,,____________, 5073 - 27th st. N., Arlington, Va.
· James Philip Glenn ............................ 403 E. Oak St., Kuttarva, Ky. W. D. Sullivan ____,,,_,...___._.__,,___.,, 3219 -6th Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. was C
i Charles A. Poynter ..... . ..................... 4022 Hillsboro, Lo·iisvil'e,   Gordon Curry ,_...,___.___._. U. K College of Pharmacy, Louisville Ky.
Q ,` John A. Geyer ...................................... 237 E. Gariield. Elkhart. Ind. J. H. Hieber ..,,,.,_....,___........__,, 555 Highland Av., Ft. Thomas. Ki'. l\'1lSll
 · John Claude Runyon .......... 179 Waddell Circle, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Wilbur Davis ...._....._.............._.. 1942 Hetriek Ave, Richland, Wash.  I
 ., Dr. Wm. T. Maxson   .............. 127 W. Second St., Lexington, Ky. John Carmody ...........,............ 1535-24th st., N. w., Canton. Ohm )m '
? H. D. Pulmore ................................................ . ................ Frankfort, Ky. John Rassenfoss .................... 4133 Northcott Ave., E. Chicago. Ul bllllnl
` J. H, Layman .. ........ 900 Temple Bar Building. Cincinnati, Ohio Mary Elizabeth Walker ____________ 475 W, Seeond st., Lexington, Ki'-
‘ M. M. Hughes ............................ 215 W. Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio H. O. Newman ......,.....,....,,,..............., 372 Duke Rd., Lexington, Ki'· 'millc,
C. D. McClanahan ............... .. ..... 1232 Rossmore. Cincinnati. Ohio Maidie Lee Walker ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,475 w. Second st., Lexington. K1'-
H. H. Downing .....,..... . .,......,.............. 214 State St., Lexington. Ky. Ruby F. Barney ..,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,..__,_._,,, Box 834, Jacksonville. Fla lilinit
Susan Grey Akers .,,... . ................... . ....... Box 766, Chapel Hill, N. C. Howard F. Brown ,,,,_,,_,,,,,,.,,,,_,,__,,,_,,,, 1303 Paul st., Waukegan, Ill- Cl,.
W. L. Maschmeyer .......,............ P.O. Box 453, Hot Springs. Ark. Milton Lewis ,.,.,.,,,_....,.____,,..________,,.. 208 virginia Ave., Pineville. Ky ·llll
· , . Murtel M. Meyer ....,.,, . ........................,..................... Brownsville, Texas Weller Gary __ ,_,___,__________,_______,___._____________________________________,,, Fallston, N. C- md v
_ ¤ Clarence Yeager   .......................................................... Attleboro. Mass. Dr. Kenneth Andrews ____,..,,._,...,,_ Strathmore Rd., Lexington. Kl'·  " ‘
, W. Warner Ford .   .... . ........ . ..... . .... cio PHA, Lexington, Ky. R. P, Foster _,______,_______________________ 1905 Freeman Ave, owensboro, Ky. lgulln
_ Mrs. Mac Wyan Locke ....   Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S.G. H, 1-1, Lowry ,_,,_,______________,____,__ 67 South Munn Av, E, orange, N. J. _
·. Rosa Lena Brumfield ................ 658 S. Limestone. Lexington, Ky. Maynard 1)_ von Horn ___________,_,__ 136 Iroquois ct_, Lexington, K12 lireylt
Betty C. Peters ............,............... 160-19 65th Ave,. Flushing, N,Y. Earl w, Nelson ____________________ 2420 Norwood Avgq Norwood, Oliw ll ,
I A ‘ \\';1ll<
 ‘   Imllll
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t Zhé €HtllC y UHIIIUS I t
ix • O O I O
1 Watkms, Hdlenmeyer, T0 Head Alumm ASSOCl3tl0H i .
~————————»— t i
V _   .   H. D. Palmore ’14 l t
__  " `   _v_, ;;;.- V Named UK Trustee i ‘
`     .   v_»-`     ` AV   Gov. Earle (1, Clements announeed '
L `   A `    NIYCU Zll)[)()ill[lUCl][S to [lIC UI]i\'Cl`$i[}' I
-   4 V      VIAI ol Kentucky Board ol Trustees on l  
. “  ~~  T   _V__     M _[une ll). including H. 1). Pahnore,  
.   .__V    ._ A ‘ .v;_   ¢ < ’         f i; ..-{§   l"r:tnlm el the Suldclll UNI"']- R"h° in 1938. He is president ol` the lientuc- sul)-connnittee. He is chairman ol the
ziiiigiiig`,    m H` HillCm"°}A°lA· Wil Ur Cinciumlu ky State (Ihamher ol (Ioininerce. the University Boosters (lluh ol Parts and
fguiigiiig iii; ml (AIUAWI IARC l”A°Si$lCm· AIAIIC °h°“A° Blue Grass .»\utotnobile (Zluh. is a lile ivas president ol the general associa-
  yasittziilc by a votelol the active. meini ,,,(tmi,C,— Ut [|ie._·\[u]ui11;$s$0(`IiI[lUll.illlll tion in l£>i1l`1l.· · H 4 rw I v ml iymm
Cgggggéoow {AH Ul the *‘#*"“*‘l""‘ *l“.*’l'¥.lf '·‘ *.“·" a nieinber ol its exccunye ·L`0I‘IlIlllllOC. Mt. ·N’ltei.un u;ts( grat ua. ci  
.cxi¤gto¤.’K5‘- )`l_Hm‘ Rcclcllul te [hc C*C(“U‘(` “"“‘ having headed the Association s Loyal- the University in lJl.l. lle is a yttcian
    mlllee lor tltree—year terms were \\'. \\`. ly Fund lyiiw in ]g».i3.’49_ I-Ie is [or. hi \t\’oi·ltt \\’ar I and xyas executive sec-
*$°“V“'€· Fla; Bl‘"“"“· l)*‘l`i$· KEY? and G· LCC Ml` mer Kentucky State Highway (loin- retary oi the .·\llllllllI Association in
l;’8i¤lii;$§AlA;i’éY· Clam B*‘l`(l$l‘“"U· KY- MP \\li*[kI¤* iiiissiiiiiey uml etn·rent1y= is consulting l9»I(l and president ln l9·1|. He With
:>iiiit;ii¤l¤¤.Nk? ml Mh HlllCl““€)'€*` S¤<`<*ee. HQ 15 1ll¤<> ` I I I .
 m(Ami'“l· iA"ll*>\\'illg the dinner, Mr. her ol` the exeeutive connnittee ol the manager-editor ol the l\l‘Illll(`ll}' Xllnn- V
Watkiris announced that he had ]`CZll)— .i\lumni .\ssociatiou. having served as nus and Nelson county· conxtaet man
______...» poitttecl Helen (L. King as executive nietnbership chairman this past year, for the .\lutnni .‘\5S()(`12lll(>ll.
X;     3 t ' I I

   · · - I
‘ The K€h{'UCky A|\.IITII'II.IS {IT'l71g 71*/}l‘L*.SUll[(1111105 of [/lj; 0,.0,, R
. . . . a '
7 TO HIM VVHO SERVED lllsllillllml, ')`€[I(7')1(?([ [0115 700 ;
“ ,,,0130111 0.g111=111,¤,g11;¤ »;,1111·1·1{V,¢1;;S·g1=·11·1¤1}V 1117 T/1<¢ U”i1’(*7`5i.!)’ wllzmzmizy bus 8""""""” *11 I11111 11 1’11>11i~1z<1le1.lV N
· e niversi y o en uc y pu is e quar er- _ _ _ _ · _ U _ V .
» 1 ly on the eempus or the University, at Lexine- burn sculclzrlwzl I7I[l7IlZ(’[j’, by L/lc H um !'“l “ }"1”’ "£" H"-1 111111111
. um. suoscription to _ non-niembers, $2-00· _ · · · [/mt [hp (·([{[m·[ [ · [ 1 ~  b
lvfegiberslgp rrgpe A1   till; Association in- [masmg of fudge RI(`/I(l)'(l C. Stoll. 1 1 1 1 " (U ""'”-1 11/ Ihr R;
. - ‘ ’ t 11 s. . . .- . . · · .
_ _ cu es su scrip lon 0 c um u Almmms, HVUSVNVV (ulmsmu IYHVVHI i1[1l7II}lll.S [NIH] lllbllff In [lll [mu Im];
. “   4 V · ` _ Q ~ _ 1
0 E V d S d Cl M tt I- tl th Post and [Oy"! su/)/)OV)_lc,_, the walks and {Hill 1/(LlI(III[ l(’C!)'7`([ of .1(fl`?7l(‘y_ [H .· [hel
- ·n cre as econ ass a e a e _ V , · _· , _ . V V
ohrnee {rt EV)/iinggsiik 13% May 22, 1929, under llallways of Ibis rulnpus will nc- H"'! 1111111110 WL wld N1 [um; mid
eac o arc . . _ ··r ·. ·. , LV V - VV ., .
6(V_]m fm_mVm_ M [hc fmmful [000 F/IIA la HI! 1ll1!7l777l rl.1SfJ(’lrl{l(l"‘,  Slil
H1 G KV Editor S/V,/M, OI tllc mlm who Sm.W,d his /)Ilb[lL __V_________ Manager Editor Ahllll 1V(l£l?7‘, wllh (lll (IH·(.`()}'ISI(?I’l-· lo judgl MOU fm all U] /]10.1(' rm,. 1  
Mgrgugritg Mcpgughlin _,,_, _ ___,,, Associate Editor {HU [UUE O,). HUHY; UHUL   ,Ca,)... nf [())l{l[[)1 and _ygr(;[(·(g_ H/(, (VV  ·\·9]‘5l
. . ., . 5 : } 3
Joan Adams ________________________ Vrtgl Statrgtigs gdltor _ V V I V ._ V ‘
1,wm mg [n.(,VHd(,nt Of Hm Unk lm! Ibclc 1.1 not 77IH(`]I wc (‘(ll1{;([,{ -;“;‘“‘
-—-—·—-—'··"‘j “ - . . . , .· ,. .,_- ·  · 5o
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 7Vm_sVtVV tlnnugh the (uhmnZSm.aV[wVV,V to [llc lllbllful of rl]!/llctlrlllon uml  {Ul
·_ _ _ — V _ ) · V I . ln [1
' _y_ Stephen wptkiris, President—145 E. High lW‘(Y]U77§1 UIUWNZ (Wd S!ll(llf77( Hm/ld(;l(L 111/11171 /11111< [MUN 1*1- judg
st. Lexington .. . · )r(·s_w1 · [[1 [ ` » 1 0
· . . ranks thc name of Richard C [ 1 1‘ O"' 1 ”"' 111f/1¤1wll1u1~·
Robert H. Hillenmeycr, Vice P1·csldc·t--4170 1 1 ,. , 1_- .
Gere; '1;iW¢1"·;111¤1;11111°1S t 522 S rc Moll has szrrzred ax an ingpimlioll /""·‘~*> 0111 OU" [01*6 (UNI i'<*1l¢’l‘¢1ll1»» 1 0
. Helen . ng, xecu we €c1‘€ ary- RY _ _' , . V V N V _
Aww Lexington and H V.]mHg"g_(V fm. (mw half VV fm _/udgc Moll za an [1r11.s¢1lla{1lllll  . {
a ` . hi l, T —-Atllti Dc- _ _ , . . ,, V »' _ IH
j B€;§;€m;,t_SU,;%_y0g Ilggssurer Xe cs (€'NlU7}’. 1*0 /11771. ZU(’ [ll)'ll(f([ f()l‘ (gd- M) d(’(/) that wt ]( H (1)},}/)€Hl'4[ M .. {Nw]
. Dr. George Wilson, 200 N. Upper St., LcXi11g— ~V,[ ·» · ` ·. ‘ . ,· Jul (ln ;·g(·();·({ that w/ljcjl . ,, · `
t01'1 (LEYIII €Xpil‘E$ 19501 ( (LJ [0, [,.).,7)) [Hallo"? [U, l‘lH(l]>) I l I H had bull, 08. (
· V Mrs. mm N. Browning. Eulgement Road. lnulcrslalldlllg and for .1·up[1m·l, in <1’11111111»11111111"1¢111·¢~- ppm
. _ Maysville {term expires 1950) V ,, _ V _ V V _ I ·
» F Homer 1... Baker, 2242 Rutherford Ave., Louis- H"' N'NU7}’ [77'0(1[!?7ll5 1U]ll(’]1 fare an 1/1111 we ·`[)')/1'1 W /iIi7l U 110411  lllno
· V111° 111*1111 ¢1=¤11¤¤ 11511 · - · · ·. .· . 1, ,. · we and /·llm·m · . .   i i.
.V James SV Shropshim Route 4V Lexington [Lum HI.lllllll1U1l of Hu.; .11,14, A (Vw.;) H, S > 11 i g (/lfll [lt /.111,  Olllt
. cxpircs19511 all the years .YiN('(' l89$ w/mn lm /"'w "’""]’ wc l"1’”*I 0111] in/1111i   H1
Senator W. W. Blanton, Paris, Ky. ltcrm cx- _ I - [ _- V_ _ V , ‘ I V _
i pires 19521 wil.? g7`(l(]11(1t(’(] from [hg [];;I7y(g;-- Hm UINQ5 JUTIIU Jllglll (‘0nlfr11·[[,l { XW
` G.L.MCl`,B dt·,K.ltmxires _- _ . . . ,._ _ _  *1
1 _ 195;% C am at S mm y H C D NUM IN!-5 IIC ]'(!lIf'!I /115 Allllrl l\’[(l[(f}'. Om IIUHLS lUd(l>l* (bs wp my §0'1ll·  _0t;l
‘ “·T,§,,,§,j‘“‘°"’· F"“‘“‘°“· K"· ‘“°“"d °‘ U 11110 11<*i1r·1‘ we iwt or me cold, {’9’”· J‘l
. i .1  uw
-—· r. H. Cutler, rrunkrert, xy. {Beard of Trus- bc was lI!'1'€7` loo busy or loo ill,    ·- l`
teesl _ ' 1 Vj mg (
Guy A. Huguelet, Barrow Road, Lexington N} (UY·YU’U7` HH} (YIM f07` .S(?l‘11z(‘(*_       . mrxl
‘ ¢Board of Trustees) V, V I ) V l ·_ V V _ _ V  _ ·
. John RV BuH0ckV 603 Dixie Terminal Bldgn   (T 'IUUIIIII I}!. (11(71 )l707C g7L(}11(’([ F/H? A [ll77I7IZ A.S’.S()(Sl(l[lOI1 (ll (ll! — }x€llI
. Cincinnati limmediatc past presideiiw {Oda » mm, that ],,» is · 1 -, , ‘, · ‘ · , . . I. .  ~ 1
` Marguerite Mgmughlm 226 E. Maxwell Stu ), l .V gone, lf ici U/117.675lZy of Ixcntzu/cy .§(l[l1[(..\ {ll , \\
Lexington tllfe member, hcnoraryl ]I(L(] f(ll[(?(l [0 [pl] [HH; of (HH- [07,,1 g;·“du(l[€s Of 1949) wC,](V.()mL,s {/Wm  Vgmu
' Cliff Barker. 1126 Sparks Road, Lexington l'49 d _ _ _. . _ . _ _ ‘ I l
T class l'(2p1’€S€X1t,&LiV€, honorary) (IH (I/)l)’ (’(1l(llIOH·   IUC I}C[l(IY'(7 [H1l() actldvc 7/I.U}]l[]C}·.$]]Ii) (Ind [('((([H·  ` [K
V APPOINTIVE MEMBERS H"'! [IU k7N*U’. {Wd k7IU`(Ui7Ig`, was S/ll/7 in l/IC (l5S!)(`l·(l/l·())I of (llunllll,  Ch?}
R`h1‘dBk,P` ·'ll.K_‘. 1 - ." V   ·. .  2lll(
_ ,·· L;‘;i;‘ C0x”"F;Vm;‘;*;"I;_, ` 1110d1’1N)1 grail/incl I/ml wc, as z/lu and mgm them, with me zmdlllll .—·
1 s 1 · 1 · . . . — Illllll
E ; Judge Edwin Dcnncy. Mt. \*c····0··. Kn   O uoc {O OHL who ;]I » - V ·;ll { .
 E '1 L. K. Frankel. McClelland Bi   lex rm-- W;I;1V*;0 B%0m1;yT}J. Preston Ch91·;·y_ Helm lic 7),70 V_)_m£VV 1Vhl_V] hV]('mlV<'dZI) {V  \‘$il‘l<
 ` = W, Emmet Milward, 468 W. Third SL., Lcxing- Merc€r`g0urr;yECu2i€?’rg¥k Harmdsbur é Lb VL I IC gm mlb 1
    “’“ **11¤1l¤y 0¤¤¤¤y—L<>e¤n Brown. slieiuyvlile g S""”/7 $PO’1~‘°7`$~  »
1 1 _ J. Carlisle Myers, Jr., 913 E. High St., Lexlng- Cincinnati (Greater)-; H_ Layman 000 , . V . . _ V : M
; *011 Ch'§11;1;¤1€ Igar PB1d%.. Cincinnati A (1 HZAZIZIIIIOII of ](}(l}')I[Hg 11 publ
1 1 ' 5 c °• ·* Y H. W`1 - __ . ·
 r _ Ju¥d§gu;;ad¥,(),IH. Obhqalinns Hm] HH D
Y· 1 - · U m€€ S second Wednes- A k `   I)
d&Y of €8.Ch month yr · · · , 1 ; u
. McCracken County.-}; rr L R BV K0; r· 0, _ · DOH, Annapolis Hor,sl_ . , , , . V . .·l
 _ n WEVVV Paducah Ky. ¤ ¤ ¤ sroa Ex§f;1:;vefcDmV§1Lt€€ meets Second Monday />lI‘UI]?§T(* nf 1n{.171I}c15]11/J ali ll-1111  Vmck
i Nel o c t-B · 9 °“° m°11111·_S¤¤¤¤mber thro h {rl in 1 lp 1 ·- , »· rzllrflllll i -
2 Igyh 0un y eamis Samuels, Bardstqwm MMV 6_30 p_m_V Comma, Room Lafaygtie 1 V }‘(1l7 777076 7  {rmt
{ ` HOLEL (C()IlllllllC(l on Pagc IO) »
Q { .
{ , _ 4 ;7—~———  2 \

 _  all
I _` , 9 . .  
A ~f He   Richard C. Stoll 95, TZ r'ustee €<>¤¤¤gS Estabhshcs    
"l ""’€ tml . $500 Scholarship ll Z  
i/wuwruljelrl  N ly'   [ (l D J   1  
WU mix Hmm;   Q rs,     lien l-1. (lollings, ’ll, Louisville en- i
h i . . ‘ `
. _. . . . tl" t·‘ ·‘.‘;ll.‘·l .
Ullllll-ll-Y of mi RiC]]i|]‘(l C. Stoll, 73, lormer Circuit American Protective League for lien- illllicr ml llln r“M°l’ h‘l°_ Gill) Hhyu y _ l
Y! , [ /,_ _ I, __ . _ I U of I ky a $:100 lllgllhily engineering scholar- . 
.1, o in [nip Judge Ot Lexington, sculor mlm Ml lli. ). _ , , _ _ , _ _ i _
_ r ¤ _ _ y, , . ship in the Universntys College ol En- i _,
of S(’1"(/ll'!} I the law hrm ol Stoll, lxecnon and l ark. ln the live-year period between 1908 . . 3 ‘
‘ ‘· l ‘ _ . . _ _ ( _ . V, glllCCl`lIlg, to be known as the Bess =
· ‘d i · 4 . i [mir-[ln1€ trustee ol the Univer- and U15 he was president of the ken- _ _ _ _ _ y .
°"’ " "‘"*·   - i l l (uu .i ut   tudu -i-mu.] Horse P, reei i   An · "=·>’*’·f¤ <·(·'**··s$ r'··>‘=·"'··¤>·     1 ·-
· ... ,· ».   ’ lc". * 1 N   U .‘ -`-`)Cl- . . . . s `
li fl-$50<1tlll0lh lll) Ol Qu l l ,   y . g to be used for a Highway l.Lllgll1€Cl`lllg i ,
[ {Ly gmliludl, I ]l1ll€ 26- llllcr H long 'll“““*· `mgixn in Lcxiu um in 1876 I d scholarship on the satne basis as those   E
. J   . - ·. ‘ , u e .
l of I/1o.w wir,. lllllgc Stoll “°llc(l llmlci three um_ Q; H _ I I gU .Y _. . · g supported by the Dept. of 1—lighways. g  
,H·(_(, W" [_ .ii€,—iity presidents (llll`lll}.§lll$l1€I1l`l12lll· ~“’ Lmclm ile m*€Y5¤i)’ lu l89l um (Mun Q [0 hm] the Schohrl Y  
l A- (N llll Ceiiniry membership on the board. He llllcll ll“"“l“l‘Y Slim? College) nml WM i   ’ g`] Y ll ( ` _   i `
M`}! we can {nit _ 1 V _ mmm widcl V lm his activities gmduuicd your years lmelu He was ship is named. is also a graduate ol tne in A
‘ ‘ llm “‘l5 l LllllV(fI`$ll\' in the class ol 1910 and an
;/}l(?Ll(llI0ll and in [hc legal Iwo!-Cssion and Us A i·m.m(,l. awarded an. honorary degree of bache· Oumlmguiw an ‘m€€}"in bmj mm ri ht 1
MW WM u judge nl rsyuu; carnal Court. l·>·‘ 0* lm ·¤ *9*3- g ‘ _ a g Y g ‘ 1
I UH, Km', ,_ ‘ He )]ii»€(] Op the Schppys [Gmini] Lstabllshed through the lventucky
'“  n lei 2 Bur cmu is l l - - - 1 c
and Ywnlcnlfmn I CHC ( I U   I   lean] in   and Stoll Field' the ·uni_ R€$€3TCll ·I‘OllI](lLl[l()ll, \\'l\l(`ll ll0I`l·   y
,) /)(,).wHa[ Hi ·ll’l)°l"[€(l m llc ullllumll mall versity gridiron, was named for him. Pmlll gmllll ll*'"‘ll€$ all gllls l" lllc l ’
I lll in l8ll8· l1€ llllll S¢rr¤ar _ -     _ _ ‘ ' · _
Uk? ·’(’llll“ lll 1   g _ [ I Ul“’_0 llm et ol the Lexington Hclalcl-Le.lde1. James K_ Patterson was pmsidem of
wrzleomrs l/wm  _%;"“l’r le _“·‘“ "PP""‘ "‘ __‘ { “‘l’ ; · Funeral services were held june 28. the U"iv€,.s;i,, he S;q,,,,d (mtv gg5_
{lll-i) and lr’tlll¢’l· ge lflwgmcd [iam 0[1C’ll_ulll_ ·ll;i)§(; at 10:30 a.m. and burial followed in
. - nr es err ant won e ection in . -2 ·   -
lon of ulummi ‘ _ the Lexington cemetery.
_ . and 1927. He was a > minted on
lm [llc wllllllll numerous occasions to lliiar cases in ’ H• D• Palmore ,14
n1u1uunnz1i· it _. ‘   ‘ ‘ " ‘ New Yorkers Enjoy _
` I d· { \'illl0llS parts 0l the state. S L P t (Continued lroln Page il)
1 tlc ani mu r _ _ _
° · Served In Defense Post ummcr awn 8 y gree from the University lll l9l*l and
I [H ii . Ml`- Slllll WHS ll (l€lCg`llt€ [0 lll€ RC- University of Kentucky i—\]tt]]]]]i oil the (hli, (lcgreti in lllill). r\l`l€l` S€l`\'l(`€
Of {YH]   )  pllllllcilll N1l[lOll1ll (,()l]\'(;‘llll()|]S ll] G]`Q;t[Q]‘ New \l()]`k1l[‘l(l (1]] (`)l(l l_ilSll|()I]- lll lllC   .`\lllly lll lvol l(l \V¤ll l he
umnl lil ll) lull llll2. llllli, aud 1920. l·le was a mem- ed lawn party Sattnxlay afternoon, was district engineer lol` lllc KUl1ll\€l€1`<>l the C(llllllll[[€€ which presented June ll, lrom lour until eight p.n1. at Slate lll2gl1\\’1¤)' D€|>—¤lUllUll —lll‘l lmm
£’5 of llllls mlllli  W0l`(l ol the party`s nomination to \r\’i|. the home Of Stephen _-\_ Rgtpier in 1932 t