xt7gqn5z6j7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6j7z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1908-01-apr14. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-01-apr14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-01-apr14. 1908 1908-01-apr14. 2011 true xt7gqn5z6j7z section xt7gqn5z6j7z 


     Called meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State
University held in the President's Room, Gymnasium Building
on Tuesday, April 14," 1908 at 2 o'clock P. M.

     Roll call showed the following:
     Present - Messrs. D. F. Frazee, Chm.,President Patterson,
F. A. Hopkins, 0. B. Nicholas, Judgfe R. L. Stout, Judge E. S.
Barker, Judge  W. T. Lafferty, 0. 1IA. Terrell, R. M. Mathew
R. C. Stoll, L. L. Walker, Hywell Davies, and C. M. Clay.   1-

     Absent - Governor Willson, Supt. Crabbe, Messrs. Smith,
and Brooks.   4

     The meeting having been called to order by the Chairman,
Mr. D. F. Frazee, the-Secretary read to the Board the call for
this meeting which is~zs follows:

     The object of the called meeting of the Board of Trustees
shall embrace, for the Boardi's consideration all matters
which may be necessary or proper in order to put in effect the
recent acts of the General Assembly passed aR its l909 session;
for the appointment of an agent, with title to be selected
and duties prescribed by the Board.
                                      Robt. L. Stout
                                      0. M. Clay
                                      D. F. Frazee

     Upon motion of Mr. Stoll, duly seconded, it is directed that
a vote of thanks be extended to Judge Lafferty, Prof. Scovell
and Mr. Carpenter for their efforts in securing the passage
of the recent legislation in favor of the university at the
last session of the legislature.

     Said motion was unanimously carried.

     It was moved by Mr. Clay seconded by Judge Lafferty that
President Patterson-be authorized to employ an assistant in
the department of history and economics and sociology at a



salary of $1000 per annum with an annual increase of $100 per
year until the maximum compensation as assistant is reached,
viz., $1,400 per annum. Said motion being put upon its passage,
was carried, by the nmembers voting as follows:

     Ayes - President Patterson, 1I-essrs. Frazee, Hopkins,
Nicholas, Itath, Clay, Stoll, Walker, Davies and JudgesStout,
Lafferty and Barker.   12

     Noes:- None.

     It was moved by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Stoll that the
action of the executive committee in selecting Judge Lafferty
as Dean of the Law School to be hereafter created be now con-
firmed by the Board.

     Said motion having been put upon its passage was unanimous-
ly carried.

     It was moved by Judge Barker that a committee of -five to
consist of Judge Stout, Judge Lafferty, Mr. Stoll, President
Patterson and MSir. Hopkins be appointed to select the heads of
the different schools in the law department. Said motion being
duly seconded, was put upon its passage and carried.

     It was moved by Ir. Nicholas seconded by Mr. Olay, that
the law school committee, above named, be empowered to ascertain
and suggest the salaries to be paid to said heads of the
different schools in the law department and report to the next
regular meeting of the Board. Said motion was put and carried.

     The secretary read to the Board the report of Judge Lafferty
with reference to the plans and organization of the law school;
and it was moved by Mr. Sto.l, and duly seconded, that the said
report be referred to the Caw School Committee with power to
act. Said motion was put upon its passage and carried.



     It was moved by Mr. Stoll that a committee of five be
appointed to investigate the matter of the establishment of
a medical school in the university and report to the next
regular meeting of the Board. Said motion was seconded by
Mr. Hopkins and carried.

     The chairman appointed the following members to serve on
this committee: Messrs. Clay, Davies, Nicholas, President
Patterson and Mr. Carpenter.

     It was moved by Judge Stout that the indebtedness of the
university be paid out of the first available funds which
come Into the treasury of the university, and that the chair-
man be now authorized to so dispose of it. Said motion was
duly seconded and carried.

     It was moved by Mr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Terrell,
that a committee of three, of which Mr. Clay shall be Chair-
man, be appointed to recommend to the Board at the June meet-
ing the amounts to be apportioned to the different departments
of the university for new buildings out of the sum available
for that purpose appropriated at the lsst session of the
legislature. Said motion being put upon its passage was carried
and the Chairman appointed the following members of said com-
mittee: Mr. Clay, President Patterson and Mr. Terrell.

     The secretary then read to the Board the recommendation of
President Patterson and Judge Lafferty concerning the title and
duties of an agent the appointment of which was one of the pur-
poses for which this meeting was called, and it was moved by
Judge Barker, seconded by Mr. Stoll, that the said agent be
designated and known as "Comptroller", which motion being put
upon its passage was carried.



     It was moved by Judge Barker, seconded by Mr, Stoll, that
the recommendation of Judge Lafferty and President Patterson
outlining and prescribing the powers and duties bf the COmp-
troller be adopted. Said motion was put to vote and carried.

       It was moved by Mr. Walher that the matter of compensa-
tion of the Dean of the Law School and also of the Comptroller
be referred to the Law School Committee for report to the next
regular meeting of the Board. Said motion was seconded put gpon
its passage and carried.

       It was moved by Mr. Terrell that President Patterson be
authorized to enter into negotiations with the Chief of Staff,
of the War Department, for the purpose of securing the detail
of a first sergeant of the United States Army who shall be pro-
vided with suitable quarters at the university and whose duty
shall be to assist the college authorities in the maintenance
of discipline. Said motion was duly seconded put upon its
passage and carried.

     It was moved by Judge Barker that Judge Lafferty be ap-
pointed to the office of Comptroller. Said motion was duly
seconded, put upon its passage and carried.

     Professor Miller read to the Board the report ot the Faculty
Committee on change in the curriculum; and it was moved by
Mr. Stoll, seconded by Mr. Clay, that said Report of the Naculty
Committee, be approved and adopted, provided that nothing in this
resolution shall commit the Board to the erection or enlargement
of any additional buildings at this time, or to the employment
of any additional professors or instructors and that said report
be spread at large upon the minutes of this meeting. Said motion
being put upon its passage, was carried.



     The report of said Faculty Committee on Changes in the
Curriculum is as follows:

     Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees:-
Dear Sirs:-
     As Chairnr-an of the Committee of tho Faculty appointed to
consider certain changes in the-courtcs of Study which are
rendered necessary by our change from a college to a univer-
sity, I have the honor of presenting the following as a pro-
posed reorganization of the Department of Classics and Science
in the institution into a "College of Arts and Science".

             College of Arts and Science

     The College of Arts and Science offers courses leading to
the degrees of A. B. and B.S. to the degree of B. S. in Chem-
istry and A. B. and B. S. in Educatiion.

     To receive any of the above degrees a student must be able
to offer 64 credits hours exclusive of those required in
Military Science, Domestic Science and Physical Training,
men are required 3 credits in Military science $ 2 in Physical
Training and women are required to offer 2 credits in
Domestic Science and 2 in Physical Training.

     The term "credit hour", or briefly a "credit", as used in
thfis University is defined as the satisfactory completion of
a study involving lectures or recitations for one hour per
week for one year, or laboratory work for two hours per week
for the same period.

     Military Science and Physical Training are classed as
laboratory work.

     Persons excused from Military Science or Physical Training
for disability or for any other cause must offer an equiva-
lent number of credits in some other subjects.

     A student must take a sufficient amount of work each year
to secure at least 14 credits and he will not be allowed more P.210
18 credits.

     The degree of A. B. will be conferred only on students
w74o at graduation have completed, in addition, to other require-
ments a minimum of five years of Latin-three units of prepara-
tory and two units (6 credits) of university Latin.


MINUTES O THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Apr.l4, 1908 Page 210(cont'd)

     The branches taught in this college are grouped into
thirteen courses, each designated by a major subject, Devia-
tions from this grouping must receive the sanction of the
Dean of College and the Head of the Department under whom the
student elects to take his major subject.

     All of the subjects to be offered, with the year, term,
days in the week and hour in the day in which each is taken,
are set forth on the accompanying blue-print schedule.

     In order to put this schedule into effect properly during
the coming year it will req.uire some addition- to our teaching
force- particularly in History ant Modern Languages, and an
immediate enlargement of laboratory and lecture room facilities
for chemistry students.  It is contemplated in accordance with
the proposed schedule that every student in the institution be
required to take some Ohemistry in his Freshman Year.

     We earnestly hope you may be sable to see your way clear
to make such provision as will enable us to start in on this
schedule next September.

     In view of the fact that numerous changes in courses of
study will be necessary in the near future which cannot all
be anticipated for so long i period a head as six months or P. 211
a year, we earnestly request that you delegate to the Execu-
tive Committee power to approve changes in the courses of
study recommended by the Faculty.

                              Very respectfully

                              Arthur M. Miller
           Ohm. of Faculty Com. on Change in Curriculum.

              Duties of Comptroller

     The following shall be the duties of the office created by
the Board of Trustees of the State University at its meeting
April the 14'th 1908, which office shall be styled as Comptroller
and the person elected to same shall perform the following


MINUTES OF THIE BOARD OF TR'JSTEES,Apr.14,190 Page 211(conttd)

     He Shall be charged with the oversight and care of the
University grounds and buildings and shall be answerable to the
President, Executive Committee or the Board of Trustees. He
shall see to the location of Derartients in various buildings,
but mnust have due regard to all permanently located Departments.
Should any of the heads of the departments disagree with said
official as to the arrangements of Departments the matter will
then be referred to the President.

     He shall see to the preservation of buildings, the necessary
improvements, cleanliness, inspection of quarters in Dormitories,
recommendations for needed repairs and changes, and shall super-
vise the construction of all new buildings or repair~together
with such building conmittee as the Board of Trustees may ap-

     He shall also be charged with the general oversight of the
morals of the students, and shall provide such rules for the
regulation of the Dormitories as may appear most beneficial for P.212
the occupants of same. With the advice of the President he may
provide such means for the enforcement of the rules of discipline
as may appear most advisable.

     He shall audit and. settle all University accounts and each
upon the funds shall be signed by the Business Agent and counter-
signed by him.

     He shall assist the President in the maintenance of order
and discipline, in attending to correspondence and such other
duties as may be delegated to him by the President.

     He shall have general supervision of the work, and duties
of the Business Agent and see that all funds due the University
from all sources are collected when due and deposited as re-
quired by law, and at each monthly meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee he shall see that a monthly report and balance sheet be
submitted by the Treasurer setting forth all receipts and dis-
bursements made for the month. He shall also see that the
Business Agent's monthly repbrt be submitted to the Executive
Committee, which report in addition to the provisions now re-
qVzired, shall set fort# a statement of all out-standing un-
collected accounts due the University as well as all out-standing
unpaid obligations against the said University. Each of the
said reports shall be by him properly audited before submitted.


MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF T-RUSTEES,Anr.14,19O Page 212(conttd)

     He shall secure and keep on file a list of approved boarding
houses in the City of Lexington in which students may secure
board, or board and lodging, The list shall set forth the loca-
tion, price and other facts that may appear to be necessary to P.213
enable the students to make selections, and he shall render them
all reasonable assistance to secure comfortable and congenial
location. He shall also have the records show the location pf
each student and at prorer intervals visit the boarding house
and see to the welfare of the students.

     He shall perform all duties for the University that require
the services of-.an attorney or counsellor at law.

     It shall also be his duty to visit from time to time under
the direction of the President class-rooms, lecture rooms and
laboratories, in order to take note of the character and efficiency
of theiwork done, the faithfulness and punctuality of instructors
and students and by his presence stimulate and encourage the best

     Upon motion duly seconded and carried the Board adjourned
sine die.
                                      D. C. Frazee

     The following gentlemen R. N. Mathews, R. C. Stoll, Lewis L.
Walker, Hywell Davies & C. at. Clay, produced their commissions
& duly qualified by taking the oath of office at the opening of
the meeting of Anr.14,19O. and entered upon the performance of
their duties as such.

                                                     Page 214
     Annual meeting of Boa.rd the Board of Trustees of the State
University of' Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky held on June 2nd
190 in the President's Room in the Gymnasium Building, on the
University Grounds, Lexington, Ky.

The roll-call showed the following members present.