xt7gqn5z6g1b_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_5_6/17602.pdf 1922 1922 1922 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_5 xt7gqn5z6g1b f
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» Resident “Headquarters National
Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, recently appointed Resident
Committeewoman of the Democratic National Committee, to represent
the VieWPOint Of women at Headquarters, has plunged wholeheartedu
into the building up of a country—wide organization, designed not
only to mobilize the Democratic women for service to their party,
- but likewise to attract to the party all liberal minded women
not now numbered within its ranks.
Prior to her elevation to the position of leader of the
Democratic women‘of America Mrs. Blair, who is a native of Joplyns
, Missouri, had been already signally honored by her State in her
election as National Committeewoman from Missouri, her position,
in this respect, differing rather widely from that of her
political opponent, but warm personal friend, Mrs. Harriet Taylor
Upton, who, as Vice—chairman of the Executive Cemmittee of the
Republican National Cemmittee, is marshalling the forces of
Republican women for the Congressional contest to be waged in
November. Republicanwemen have hot as yet been accordid'éuaifitw
representation in their party councils, whereas ire. Blair is
one of the forty—eight Democratic National Committeewomen, who,
together with the forty—eight National Committeemen are on a
complete parity in regulating party matters. Elected to this at-
position by the State Central Committee of Missouri, which is
composed of an equal number of men and women, (the women on this
committee having been elected, in turn, by women), the Democratic
leader may be said to have the distinction of representing the _
women of her party from the very ground floor up.
' Believing that women have a distinct'contribution to make
to the politics of the day, Mrs. Blair is also inclined to the
belief that they can best serve the interests of the party by ’
making that contribution in their own way, instead of aping the
methods of men. And though not claiming to he a reformer, pre—
ferring rather to be known as a builder, the development of the
impending campaign, under the tutelage of Mrs. Blair can be
' confidently counted on to offer many interesting angles.
Recognized as an expert organizer, Mrs. Blair has long
served with distinction, first in the ranks of the suffrage
forces of Missouri and later as Vice—Chairman of the League of
Women Voters in that State. During the war she was Vice—Chairman -
of the Missouri Division of the Council of National Defense.
When her husband went to France, during the war, she reported
at Washington for service, and there served under Ida Tarbell
* in the press department of the.Vomen's Committee, Council of V
National Defense. Later she was assistant to Hannah J. Patterson
Associate Director of Field Service, of the Council. An author *
and magazine contributor of note, Mrs. Blair at the close of the
war wrote the Official History (f the Women’s Committee Council
‘ of National Defense, which was published by the government, witt
i .
m... I. . “W?- in"??? I

a Foreword by Newton D. Baker, the; Chairman of the Council.
This history contained a report of the war activities of women
and a study of the methods of organization of women for such

Upon her return to Joy in snore her Husband, Harry WallaCe
9"@‘r, had resumed his practivs of law, Mrs. Blair entered
actively into the political life of her state. bus accompainea
the national officers of the League of Women Voters to both the
Democratic and Republican Conventions of 1980, and spots before
the Resolutions Committee of the Democratic Committee favoring
the planks safeguarding the interests of Women in Industry. Sh:
also reported 30th Conventions for the New York Times Current
History Hagazine. Employed by the University of Florida to
give lectures on Citizenship before the student body of that
institution, she later orEanized the states of both Florida and
Mississippi for the League of Women Voters. In lGEO she cam—
paigned actively for the Democratic party in .iissouric

Mrs. flair is a mehéor of the Dau:htcrs of the American
Revolution, of the Hissouri Federation of Women‘s Clubs, the
Business and Professional Women’s Gluh, and of other organization:
Her "Hobby “ is hook collecting.


 ‘ '/ ‘X.In choosing Mrs. Emily Newell Llair, National Committee—
woman from Missouri, to to to Democratic National Headquarters
kc. at Washington and assume charge of the work of organizing the
democratic women of the country, the party chiefteins have made
a wondrously wise move, is the opinion expressed by many well
posted women.

Opening up her offices at the National Capital on March .
lst, with title of Resident Headquarters National Committee—
Woman, Mrs. Blair's two monthsi cexpaiin to induce women voters
to elect Democratic candidates in the fall elections has been
made up of a succession of rapid~fire actions that have hroughi
her prominently into the political lime~li£ht. Buildin? Up?
as her first move, an effecient office force at Headquarters, :
she has jumped with agile feet into the seethinr political -
arena, and has already launched a body blow or so calculated ii
theYdo not watch out, to permanently wind her Republican

Followin: immediately upon a week's speaking tour of the
New Enqland States in early April, and a conference with many
prominent democratic women leaders in New York City, hrs. Elai;
took advantage of the vast assembly of national leaders in
attendance at the Pan—American Conference and the Convention of
the Leanne of Women Voters at Baltimore April 30~28, to open
headquarters at Hotel Rennert in that city and for a period of

_ ten hectic days put in some immensely effective work in
strengthening the political organization of her party. She
gave a series of teas in suite from 5 to 7 oblocK each afternoon «is
which offered intimate points of contact with the hundreds of
democratic women, both local and visiting, who were conference
there. Her speech before the Baltimore Democratic Women's Club,
in which she emphasized her party‘s platform in the coming
elections as Based on a “return to normalcy and prOsperity”,
the reduction of the high cost of living and the defeat of the '
Republican tariff measures made a big hit. On the nieht of .
April 85, at the banquet iiven to the 3000 delegates to the
Convention a battle of wits was staged between the opposing
chiefs of the two parties, Mrs Blair'sspeech coming on the
programme immediately after that of Mrs. Harritt Taylor Upton,
Vice—Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee. In
addition, both women leade:s were present at most of the
sessions heside having their organizers and assistants there
as well. These acted as scouts collecting much valuable
information to he used in the pirsuit of the elusive woman vote
next November.
Many of the National Committeewomen of the Democratic
- party being members of tho National League of Women‘s voters, .
and delezates to the GOHVHntiOH at Baltimore during that week,
Mrs. flair felt the time do he a most opportune one to call an
informal conference of the Committeewomen at Washington. '
Consequently, on Saturday, April 29th, immediately following
the convention sessions, such a conference convened at the
New Willard Hotel dn the Capital City, with each of the 48
states represented besides several hundred other local and
visiting women. The morning session was devoted to a business

meeting and discussion of the organization of the party in the
different states. The afternoon session was given over to a
discussion of the plan for forming women‘s democratic Clubs
throughout the country. The business meetin: adjourned at 4:30
and at 5:30 the visiting ladies were received by Mrs. Woodrow
Wilson, this being the first time since Mr; Tilsen‘s illiness
that Mrs. Wilson had attended a public function of this kind;
At 7:50 that evening two hundred and fiflty democratic men and
women from all parts of the country were seated at a banquet L
the Gity Club, given by the National Committeewomen in honor ",
of Chairmen Hull. It was at this dinner that fire. flair readtofiki
assembled guests the letter written by former President Woodrow
"ilson expressinj his disappointment at not heinr able to be
N Ire. Blair new plans to visit at least thirty of the
different states hefore the primaries to assist in the orfani2_tw
of the women into clubs and to arouse an enthusiasm in the
Primary elections. During the month of May she plans to attend
meetings in Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, and
Delaware and in June she will go to Illinois, Michiran, Wisconsi
South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Maine.

 flak .
t , .
. \ . rain NE‘“'E§L.L. mm
’} Resident Headquarters National
" Committeewoman.
Eorn in Carthage, Missouri. Educated in Carthare public
, schools, University of Tissouri, and Gaucher College. Married
Harry Wallace Blair, practisinr attorney of Joplin, Missouri.
Legal residence, Joplin, Missouri. Two children, — a daughter,
Harriet, eighteen years of are, scheduled to enter Vassar next
year; and a son, Newell, fifteen years of aje, now taking
summer course at Phillips Exter Academy.
Recognized as an expert organizer, Hrs. Blair served with
distinction, first in the suffrage ranks of Missouri, and later,
as chairman of the League of Women Voters'in that State. During
the war shw was vice—chairman of t1e.Missouri division of the
Council of National Defense. She organized the states of
Florida and Mississippi for the League of Tonen Voters, and at
one time was employed by the University of Florida to rive ‘
lectures on Citizen—ship Before the student body of that insti— _
.When her husband went to_France with the Y M C A she
promptly reported for war service at Washington. She served under
. Ida Tarbell in the press depart ent of the Women's Committee,
Council of National Defense. Later, she was assistant to Hannah
J. Patterson, Associate Director of Field Service of the Council.
At the close of the war she wrote the Official History of the 3
Women‘s Committee, Council of National Defense, —whdhh was publis -
ed by the government, with a Foreword by Honorable Newton D.
Baker, then Chairman of the Council. This History contained a
report of the war activities of women and a study of the methods
of organization for such work.
A writer of great charm, Mrs. Blair is the author of many 2
short stories and articles appearing during recent years in the
leading magazines of the country. Her attention attracted to
"The Confessions of a Rebelious Wife", appearing in one of these
magazines, she was herself inspired to write, "The Letters of a
Contented Wife“, which was accepted and published by the Bosmo— .
politan magazine. In additdon she has written about twenty—five
other short stories. Her first essay into the field of political
writing was an article on "The Missouri Primary Law", published
in the Outlook. #
Upon her return to Joplin, where her husband had resumed
his practise of law, Mrs. Blair entered aétively into the
political life of her State. ms vice~chairman of the Eissouri
League of Women Voters, she accompained National Officers of the
League to both the Democratic and Republican Conventions of 1920,
and spoke before the Resolutions Committee of the Democratic
Committee, favoring the planks safeguarding the interests of
women in industry. She also reported both Conventions for the
New York Times Current History Magazine. For over a year she 5
was on the editorial staff of the Ladies HOme Journal. ;


Upon the resigination of the former National Committeeman

from Missouri, firs. Blair was elected National Conmitteewoman
‘ from her state, being elected to this position by the State

Central Committee, which is composed of an equal number of
men and women, the woman on this committee having been elected,
in turn, by women.

It has been custorary to elect only rich women as Hational
Committeewomen, on the theory that only rich women could afford
to serve in this capacity. But the missouri women, eager to
have Hrs. Blair accept the leadership tendered her by her State,
insisted that they would raise the fiunds to finance her work.
And they did, — a substantial sum being turned over to the
treasurer in her name.

About March the first of this year Mrs. Blair was appointed

‘ by Chairman Cordell Hull, as Resident Headquarters National .

Committeewoman, to represent the viewpoint of women at Washington
Headquarters. She and her whole office force have plunged whole—
heartedly into the building up of a country—wide organization of
women into Democratic Clubs. She has recently returned from
an extensive speaking tour of the New England States and on May
the eleventh she left Washington for a trip covering Ohio, India: ,
Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. While in these States she Vii, ‘
present to the various State Organizations an outline of her Glut ~~~vmw
plan through which she hopes to coordinate the political activi -
of all the Democratic women of the country.

Ire. Blair is a nether of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, of the Missouri Feferation of women's Clubs, the
Business and Professional Wonen‘s Club, the National Pen Woman‘s
League and of other organizations. Her “Hobby" is book collect»

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1nteresus of was paxty; Ophers N111 Go a sf301;;u gash Ll ereCuCQo

A club with a large grogram of work designed to supglement the
efforts of tho regular committee organization can utilize to good
effect. '
It is not intended that these olubq shall in any wise super— k
code or sugplant the gracinct or district ccmmittee organization,
but that they shall sugplclent and cooperaie with it“

Our glen is very wide in its scope. We desire state—wide
organizations of Democratic Yemen's Clubs. When a number of local
clubs have been organized we hope to call state conferences, each
local club to he regresented by delegates. Te desire, therefore,
that there be as much uniformity as gossible in the plan adopted
by the local clubs. we accordingly recommend:—
1. That there be but one club in each city and that it be known
as "The City—Wide Democratic Women's Club". If you
desire, sub—divisions of your club could hold meetings and carry
on the work under Vice—Chairmen representing such divisions, but
we urge that such sub—divisions of the club follow the line of
political divisions of your city, such as ward, precinct, borough.
8. That in counties where there are no towns with a population
over 2500, there be but one club to be known as "The .
County—Wide Democratic Women's Club" but that political sub—divis*
ions such as towns, town—ships, school districts, should hold
meetings and carry on the club work in their communities under
the vioe~chairmen of these sub-divisions.
Where the political division is "Town" in place of “County"
‘ this on; club could be known as "Thv_~.nl. _‘m_gfc'r Wfiufii and
sub—divisions could meet and work under Vice—Chairmen.
3. That membership in these clubs be.Ogen to every Democratic
woman who will sign the register.
4. That every club have (1) Organization Department to poll the
voters, make surveys of precinct, fill out questionnaires
distribute literature, visit women who will not join; (Bl a
Citizenship Instruction Department to organize study classes in
citizenship; (3) a Social Department shall call upon new members,
give entertainments.
5. That there be regular meetings; that all candidates be invited
to speak before the club, that the social features be emphasized.
6. That there he no dues for membership but that members contribut-
ing one dollar towards organization work he know as "Supporting
Testers" and that fifty per—cent of all money he sent to State
Organizer to meet exgense of organizing the state.
7. That the officers be a chairman, a Recording Secretary, a Corres
ponding Secretary, a Parliamentarian and a Treasurer, these officer:
to be elected as the club shall decide.
8. That there he a Vice—Chairman from each political sub-division
of the community and that the members residinf in such suh~divisior
cauoas and nominate their Vice—Chairmen, the CitysTide or County-
wide Club ratifying this nomination by a general vote.
9. That the officers constitute an Executive Board.
lO.That this Executive Board elect, or otherwise select, Chairmen
of the following standing Committees: Publicity, Speakers,Finance,
Literature,Social, Organization, Citzenship Instruction. The
Chairmen of the three letter to es directors of the three depart—
ments of work, Social, Organization, Citizenship Instruction.
.‘ O

 11a That each Vice—Chairman Jiganize a squad to assist her in raac;
in; the democratic women in th: golitical sub~division of which she i
the head‘

In Choosing a chairw,.) hieage Lear in mind that she shouli
regresent all democratic gave: in pkg community and select someone
who is fairminded and free f? m ftatjonal alignnenbb, whoofl@s geod
political judgment and is igneresfcd in gaein; tnat woman function
within the Democratic Partyd She should also be a 360d executiveo

The Vice—Chairman will }.v3 5umeuhd; the sage relation to

v the Women in fihe politicaJ subwdivisions +Fey regvesnuk gni the sang
qualities of leadership are needeiau


Although every club must adapt its plan of work to meet local
conditions, we herewith outline a gsueriL plan to shot you the scone
of the club’s activities.

The objective of each club should be. l. To reach, register,
ind enroll every Democratic roman in the community. 2. To reach,
aonvince and enroll every independent woman., 3. To reach and con—
Iert every republican women.

As soon as the organization is perfected the pro ram connitte
should gregare grograms for the succeeding meetingsn Every program
should be interesting. There should, if possible, be music. Every
candidate should be asked to speak. Outside Speakers should be engeg~
ed. These meetings should be designed to fire our can workers as well
as attract outsiders. At each meeting an invitation to join should be
Made. The first, middle and last word in these meetings should be
up 81) u _

In addition to these meetings everyrvice—cheirmen should hold
Cottage meetings in her district. Women should be asked to these by
personal invitation. The women who come to the first should be asked
to bring others to the next. When a Cottage Meeting becomes too large
for one parlor to aocomodate the guests, there should thereafter be
fine Cottage meetings at the same time in that district. In the
grograms for these meetings, local women speakers should be used.

And women should be encouraged to speak at them. If possible serve
very light refreshments. Perhaps the women rill bring their own
sandwiches or cakes and the hostess can furnish the tea or lemonade.
’et us not scorn the social feature. Teamparties for women are as
important as smokers for men: Successful Political Clubs for men
nave ever emphasized the social feature.

The Executive Committee composed of the Officers and Vice—
1airmen should meet with the Chairmen of the Standing Committees
ince a week at which time plans should be discussed and the work of
be different committees co—ordinated. For instance, the Speaker
.nairman could confer with the Program Chairman as to the available


 m ‘ r \
speakers, the Citizenship Instruction Oohnittee with eranization
Chairman, the Social Chairman with the Profran Chairnon, area It
might be well in larrcr planes whore it is practicable, to close
this conference over 3.1uncbuc: Tablet

The Social Chairman should ask various Women who have agreed
to serve on her coniittee to call upon new woman who have appeared
at the Cottage meetings, their names having been pfisdfii on to the
Social Chairman at this Executive Board Conference. This Chairman

\ should also take pains to see that sick LSLUSIS are looked after
and that any needy families with democratic affiliations are
, nieited and helped.

The chairman of Citizenship Instruction should organize
study classes in citizenship. These should he arranged.oonveniently
to the women they desifn to teach. The importance of this work
cannot be over—emphasized. Women are accustomed to setting inforo—
ation throu‘h "study groups". fishy women feel ignorant and want
this help. At the last election many women refused to rote because
“they did‘nt know enough“. A good study class conducted by a well
informed woman will attract women to the club as well as serve as
a medium for spreading democratic doctrine. It should also develop
leaders. In large cities the Club could hold classes at Heai~
quarters and graduates of these classes could or‘anize district

' p study groups. Study programs will be furnished by the National
Committee; material Will be prepared by caperts. Some women would
come to the Cottage meetints, others to the Study class; some to
both. In some places thetwo could be comiined.

The Chairman of Speakers should attend meetings, to on the
look-out for women of aoility, encoura s then and furnish them
with literature. In some places public Speakers may be en:aged to 1
five a few lessions on Public Sneakin . This chairman should keep
informed as to already made meetings and see that a Democratic
roman speaker is on every program. In the states Where they have
the primaries, the candidates for nomination will make a canvas of
the county, attend meetings at country sonool houses, faircs, pic~
nlCS, sales, etc. This chairman should see that some woman from the

I club '

appears at each meeting to make a brief ten minute talk on "Why the
Democratic Women should Register and Vote".-

The Publicity Chairma; should not only see that democratic ,
pagers rublish material of incarest to democratic women, but also
create a market for such publicity by urging the women to read it uni
to ask the editors for it. thrc there ar; no democratic papeffi,
articles signed by local women should be inserted. It :3 often
gossible to get a promptly reported, well written account of a club
nesting into the papers, by includin: in this report resumes of the
speeches and quoting the speaker's words. Good democratic doctrine '
may thus be spread° She Should also utilize every opportunity to
make publicity by having unique, unusual features at the meetings.
Suggestions for these will be furnished from headquarters.

Later on we hope to send a monthly bulletin to the clubs
giving suggestions and reporting on suggestions made by other clubsg~
a clearing—house for information between the clubs.

Since the press of the country in largely closed to the
Democratic party, our party must depend upon literature to carry our
nessage to the voters. Tm: Women's Democratic Club should be the
channel for the wise and careful distribution of this literature.

Jo that end each club should have a Chairman of Liturature who will
study card-indices at Headquarters and so distribute the literature
sent out by headquarters that each woman will receive exactly what
will most appeal to her. This Chairman shoul keep in close touch
with Headquarters so that she may give advice as to the kind of
literature needed. Every voter should be circulariaed many times,
but in order that none be wasted, the Chairman of Lituraturc should
know where it goes and have it aimed directly at a target; There
should be Literature at the general meetings, at the Cottage meeting
and eachvrioe-Ghairman should have a woman in her district with a
eupply ever ready and women willing to take it out at any time.

The most important work of all is that directed by the Chair
“an of Organization. The name, address and political tendenciis of
every woman attending any meeting or study class, as well as other
information that will be helpful in appealing to her, should be ’
given this chairman by the precinct chairman and a group of volunteer
workers under her should keep a sareful card index of all Democratic
women and of all '

 womkers, specifying the kind of work they will do and the time the;
V111 given This should ha at the iijpteei of any chairman or officer

In order to make her list of inmocretio wcmen 339 will Qgggr
a scunafl cf'xwomen.:mno -71;i._90l1i'5h8 tori: rumier by}: atgoeinriciosn. uno‘ii.
squad that will distribute literature; Eni anctiaf to flu housc—toRLc
visitinga .

It will be her work to make such surveys as from time to tic
headquarters may require and to fill out questionéires giving nocccd


information as to locol conditionsa

She should see that the work is gropcrly distributed! that '
every Willing worker in emglcyed, to enffiuit women for the various
committees, in short to edaot her supply of women to the tasked

The time that geople thus contribute to the work of the
club should be estimated at a certain amount yer haurg The amount
of sixty five cents an hour has been suggesteo; as that is the
customary orice in many nieces for pollingfi and this should be
counted on the books of the Committee as a cash contribution and
then checked off on the expenditures as service“ We suggest this in
order that both men and women may realize that time and service is a
real contribution, as well as to encourage it? i

The finance chairman will also be the chairman of have one
Heansq Suggestions foriaisin; money will be suit ner latere

It is mxgqested that each committee chairman may have a
Vice Chairman on her committee from each word, oh political sub—
division and rely upon this vice chairman to carry on the work of the
committee in.her wardnl I

In order to grevont factional troubles it is recommended
.hat no club go on record as 1cavoring any certain candidates for
ominetion, but that they adopt the practiee of considering themselv:
r forum before which all democratic candidates for nomination may
~npear. Also, that no candidates for nomination, whiio candidates f;
.cmination, be allowed to hold office in the club or have the priVil;
of the floor, but all candidates for nomination be permitted to addi’
53.]. 1 clubs v

PRELIMINARY MEETING: The local *rgeniszr appointed b7 the Count?
Organizer, or the County Organigon hereslf, should call together the
figmen membeyg of the local D mozrasio Ventroh Committeoé if there Ki
any, and prominent Democratic ro