xt7gqn5z6g1b_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_3/17528.pdf 1920 1920 1920 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_3 xt7gqn5z6g1b Kentucky Equal Rights Association
Louisville, Kysssmis 1912.4;
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' Wednesday evening, January 7, 1920. 1 3: ’2‘
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Lexin ton O era House, 8:00 P. M. 3, A t ,
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Under the auspices of the Fayette Equal Rights Association and the .5. 3::
Woman’s Club of Central Kentuck . 3. ,g
I y .i. OFFICERS : g.
. Music b the Orchestra of Kentuck Universit . ’2‘ "
‘ ' 1.". y y y 3: President: Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, Lexington. 3:
":9 8:15 P‘ M.—-Dean Robert K' Massie W111 introduce:— ofs First Vice President: Mrs. John G. South, Frankfort. 3:
‘ ' Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst. Address: “Civilization in Dan— :3: Second Vice President: Mrs. Samuel T. Castleman, 3‘
- ger: How Women Can Help to Save It.” ‘ é. Louisville. go
1:} Third Vice President: Mrs. James A, Leech, Louisville. :3:
I? Cor. Secretary: Mrs. Herbert Mengel, Louisville. é:
‘7 ”a ' ' : . harles Firth Covington. a.
- Thursda mornin Januar 8 1920. ’E‘ Rem secretary Mrs C , .
' i " f y g, y , If: Treasurer: Mrs. Jacob B. Judah, Louisville. I;
- Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel. *E‘ Member Campaign Committee: Mrs. Henry Offutt, :5:
' :3: Frankfort. .3.
10:00 A. M-—Morning Session of Convention, if necessary for com— 3: State Member National Executive Council: Mrs. Edmund g:
pletion of business. .2 M. Post, Paducah. ,f.
B d M t' :v. Auditor: Mrs. Joseph Alderson, Middlesboro. :3:
A 0
car ee ing. . ‘3: Advisory Board: ' I?
';—»-= ~~ - ~ . . i -.,__,,_--_._L_ AW”; AN, , . . A A ,. -.,_.. ‘ :3. Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Smith, Louisville. é;
' ’5 Mrs. James Bennett, Richmond.
.5 .1.
’9 Mrs. John B. Castleman, Louisville. é:
g: Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, Hickman. '2‘
'5 '1-
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W 33 January 0th, 6th and 7th, 1920. :3:
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Monday evening, January 5, 1920. Wednesday morning, January 7, 1920.
Lexington. Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel.
- ‘ t' ' f K . E 'l R‘ h Asso-
Pre 001:2321311 Mae mg 0f B02” 0 entwky qu“ 1g ts 9:00 A. M.—Credentials Committee, Mrs. J. B. Judah, Chairman.
‘ 10:00 A. M.—Convention called to order by the President.
Greetings from the Kentucky Federation of Women’s Clubs—
. Vlrs. Lafon Riker
Tuesd‘i IllOI‘lllll" J‘uiu'u' 6 1920. i '
i y E” t t y ’ From the Kentucky Daughters of the American Revolution—
. ' Mrs. Sam J. Shackelford.
. Members of the Board, Delegates and Alternates W111 takes the inter— From the Kentucky W'oman’s Christian Temperance Union— '
urban at Lexington at 9:10 for Frankfort. Mrs. Frances E. Beauchamp.
The Franklin County Equal Rights Association will entertain with Reports 0f officers-of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association.
a buffet luncheon at the Y. M. C. A. Building at 11 o’clock. Report of Credentlals Commute?-
After this the suffragists will adjourn to the Capitol to see Appointment 0f tgmporary committees.
the . f h L . 1 .t . Nomination and ilection of State Officers:—
opening 0 t e egis a ure Third Vice President, Auditor, Congressional Chairman, State
Miss Ada May Cromwell, President Franklin County Equal Rights Member of National Executive Council.
Association. Nomination and Election of Delegates to the Fifty-first Convention
M J D 11 Ch . L h C ‘tt of the National American Woman Suffrage Association at
rs. ames arne , airman unc eon omml ee. Chicago, February 12—18.
Other Business.
Tuesday evening, January 6, 1920.
Lexington. Wednesday afternoon, 2:00 P. M.
Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel, 8:00 P. M. Ball Room, Phoenix Hotel.
Judge Charles Kerr will introduce:— In memory of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw—Mrs. James A. Leech.
Governor Edwin P, Morrow. Address: “Woman Suffrage Three—minute reports from Presidents of Local leagues.
and the Republican Party.” Report of International Conference of Women Physicians. By Mrs.
Clarence L. Williamson, Kentucky Member Social Hygiene
Senator Thomas A. Combs will introduce:— Committee of the League of Women Voters.
, Judge 0. S. Nunn. Address: “Woman Suffrage and the Reports of Resolutions, Courtesies and other committees. .
Democratic Party.” New Business.
Senator Thomas A. Combs will introduce:— . :Intfinieshljd Igusirfiess. t' t All 1 b th P tt E 1 R‘ ht ,
. . .. . o . .— ecep ion a s1 anc y e iaye e qua 1g 3
Senator Charles M' Harrinss. Address. Woman Suffrage Association to Mrs. Pankhurst, the Board and members of
and the Democratic Party. the K. E. R. A. and to the Board of the Kentucky Federation
Mrs. E. L. Hutchinson will introduce:——- . or women S CIUDS' . . . .
Mrs. Charles L. Tiffany. Address- “The W'oman‘s Overseas Mrs. Frank L. McVey, PreSIdent Fayette Equal Rights Assomation.
Hospitals” Mrs. Elizabeth Searles Spauton, Chairman Reception Committee.
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 l-‘irst \‘icc l'rcsidcnt Second Vice I’I‘csidcnt 'I'Iiird Vicc I'rcsident I’ourtli Vice President
Mrs. Hclcu l3}. Wolcott M I\ I‘lcrhert \Y. Mcngcl Mrs. (has. I“. \IV-aver Mrs. W. C. Mortm
Lexington IEIIIJ S. Third St}. Louisville (A‘rm-ndale Mmliswnvillo
~ ,1 ~ , . 9
b A.
Lkmuurku 1&th atom nt 1151mm: :1 01111115
Ilcncrnl I’cdcraiion Director t'orrcspondingx Secretary
Mrs. R. H. Lacey , , -. . -,, Mrs, \Y. L. l’ieardsiey
Franklin lilrrmhrut: fill‘fi. ‘LL’EIIUII Lkilirr Harrodslmrg
‘ . , fianfiahnrt, KI.
General chcrntion becrctary m 1‘ ‘l ’I‘reasurc‘r
Mrs. L. N. Davis Mrs. I-I'. G. Reynolds
AshlamI Padncah
P7 C /7//. 77,.
x7» ' ,/ 7 7,777 7.
Recording Sccrctnry [/2'2'25If1;>;;3;57;fi/t/4Ff‘7___7 Km“ .;/’77:77//.:Q§f 111.132 ’ \uditor
Miss Lida Hafi'ord / K Mrs. Joseph Marl:-
( arrollton 7/ Gmrm-town 7
. H . 3 . ; , “7 ,- =7 ‘ .
ULPARIMLNI LHAIR.»1}.,\ ,3 ,3 , ,, 7
7 f ,1}: chy‘ub‘ ,; 7", ,7»: . 7 42a / ‘m; . 7' 77 .
Art. {x ' K— ,3 ’ ‘ ' ,, ' , «u 5"
Mrs. Alvan Harliison 7r) / l 7..
Sliolhyville 7 ,/ . ’ ,. ’ h, A. ‘
' a%¢—7 l— . . . .. 7” . 3 b 3 i .7 ,’ . . / ;/®
Bureau of Information a —7, 7, ‘7 "A 77' ' _. » 7 / 3' ~ - . ,x
Mrs. Marvin H. Lewis 7 7/ ,3 ’7 ,
Weissinger-Ganlhart, /, ‘ f , _ /7/’ 77/3 - .— 6/, /,,
Louisville "Tfliyy ,/'.;;?..«,«_sz,1«./er-"" “:7 :2 ';/';’;’° {.277 /i/' - ' '4; ’27 '1; ,’_7 _, '7 ,
(‘ivics .3 " _ / , i /.
Miss Anne 1.. Gullion “/7/, 7, - /"/ " "; " J ' I, «>7 7 - 7’77,» ~
Carrollton [ ’,x 4., Whey/v1, 57.7%; .437 J 1477’ g,’ , 4/ //;4 ,,;j:':;,;:/_»,; 167/” . 4- J-
(‘ivil Service /7 7, 1 y 77 v 77 _ 7;) ,n , 7/
Mrs. t. L. McAdams V / ,7/ 3r , /flw , 7 ‘ .,7' 4.7.
HaweSViHe p;/’ 7,7;2' {7957“,9’ h/7/3Z 71-19 ,71- 3 7 7/ “51:17:" 7, (7 ’1 7 ;’,7, ,Z%;f:__7ri;V ;77/ #913" , 7’ .1» I .— M 7)
Conservation 7 i /
Ml's.7H0}\;’ard \‘an Antwerp , . c/V 77 ’ '[4’ 1/ _; ‘7 /
Mt“ St” mg ,, (/77, {Tick-77,7" 7/ 7%,.a4-ga4a/rfér’ées' «67:11, /y;/’V ,: fl: __ gran-7%..
Education ’ / l i / (77
Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart / \ ' . c5 7 ._7
Frankfort 7.7/7 77 ,/ "Z 7 fl . 97/ ? 77,7 / 7;; 77,, ,, 7; / 9.")?fl
Political Science ,_’ viii 7)“? -—'—'/M - '1 ' ‘ luv ”7”” r i i 7
Mrs. John G. South 7” , a; 777/”
Frankfort , 4” V.- '—7 - A {:2 / iii/3;
- ,u w 77/1 7, 77 a ; ;7;_/ 7; -/ [via/7'7"; W ‘ j/ / 7
Health /V ”1/ {7/V ’5’ ’ " ’ '
Mrs. J. C. Helbnrn “”9"“ ’3" ,3 ’ f
Eminence fl ‘ /77 7/ \ “CV/
Social Hygiene ._., 7 ' 77 T ' 7 7 I; _ // / [7721' 77,77,252 ,5? “ ' ’7 ’ xvii:-
Miss Alice Lloyd “73%, f" /.£:lfl/ 1/2 ../ 1"" '
Maysville / ' ' ,4 ' / ' , / ,7, '
History and Research /-~. , ,' . ‘ V—r 7
Mrs. W". T. Lafierty /.7 WV; 7 “ 'T *7;. .773 7’7.,,,_;,_,7.,.r.,-« p’ 7:: «7.737 4‘
482 E. Maxwell St, Lexington 7; {77,777,72.’ y liz’fi'n/f :7”,,";;2v7:;»7’7',/;C3752:7247; f . / ’ ’ ’ ’ 7 /'
Home Economics ‘ I. J /
Dean Mary E. Sweeney m ,7 * , /:
. 7. 7 n r , ;— a fl 7.3/77-
Loungton 77 / //>~ W ///7/v7//;:4& 1777/47, ”7.7,; 7.73,; ,/(:/V 7,7,.
Industrial and Social Conditions fl7/77,L:7.,;77 243/?” fly; p 4.1;” “V " / 7
Miss Julia Ingram 7’ ’7" "W {2/ ' 77 ’ /
NeighborhoodHouselxmisviile ,,' / M /, A ,_
,. . 7 7f, 7 , ,,
Legislative 7,. ,,., 7, fl .-7 ,r " — 7, 76/7 /_ /r'/7-.77/-j‘/7:'.; "_,
Mrs. Luther c. \ViIIis ./ / //// “7'“7/6/ ‘
Sltclbyville 7/,//f.;1// // Lv/7'/ 14“ / ./' V 4‘ 3' ’ /.f
LihfnryrExtcnsiIgn / 77 5’ /, :72 fl '3
. Iss *anmc awson ., / / , ,x‘ ..‘” .// , 3
s 4 . 3 . .’ ’,7/ . ." ,..-' . I -/ «(-1». /
I‘rankfcrt ,.. .2 fl 4:" 5’) >7 ,,/ .3 2/177/9 ~ > 77 ,z», . [/34/‘3fl ’
/";77"’,:;’,1-‘/’:7Z?QV :43? 7357-22729 J [1‘ 7/ w r . x, ,_/ L , . ‘
\Insic // aé... ' / f / /
Mrs. Dana Shelby 7 fl (/2 , [I /P ‘ ,fl .7
Danville /://’ - A? 7 . ,4" fl / ”A ./,/ . , fl
n K I . , / fl‘ 7/2 / '
7 « 7 , c 7/ , 7 4/7 5. 77/.» / l 74/ .
Philanthropy {/3/ I/¢&/{/ r/é/i/ //fl gig/$4,274,? / ”KI/Va 1;; 1% V / LVVL‘
Miss Rebecca Averill 7
Frankfort ,/ ,/1
Press /./,r 7%; 777/ '___ - .« I / " ._ W/ —--v / ///’ ~ ;/";,4
~~ / v . ., .37; m V; - - /, ,,7.-/«,,/ , -
Mrs. J. n. Dickey iA Arse/454’ A?" «AA ,./’/"7”// ../’/flw79 w r 77/4.
1114 Bfrckwocd Are. LrufstETc ’ ' // "
77,, /7 "
,; 1:. ' ”j ”4 /
'4 .-.‘ ”7 4 '3 of” /"~ V’f/T/Z I/‘j‘V’vxp/A"* .—
57 ' x "7/ :1; // u «7 («2,4 44,” fZ-“i’r/JZ/ ”’ .3 6’: ’ ’
ri/«n/Vfl/k 7/91/37 V 45,WV //~7=«A * 3 / ’ /’ ,,
7 I ,/ ,' _,15‘:Z-~’;>7/}
‘\/ i /

 . ,. : ‘ .. 7 I / . 7/ ‘ I77, 77 7 / .c 7,;
I ‘ "’ , « 77 a 4, , ,. Ia;- ,/ /
"74" TI 1’. 'I , .76, ,/,' / ",3./L x1 , I”. 4 ,r L I": " » '7' 1’ ‘ ’ ' ‘ ? " to ".._,
. l/ ,/ I: Z 'V “1’ f .L ,“ II/ . / / 7,,, 7 .. . , I
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‘ w ”I ' s /" "’ Aw 'g, ./' ' I
,, ‘ ‘ . r 1,; i, 7 / /,- , /"' .. 7 ,. .; ,/
’ r ’ ' ,. , ,, ,« ,Z’ ; flax , ’7: II/v/ ,- _ ,
. [4 , 1 . , 41?" M I I77 . ’V’ . ,- « , . ' 7.: . “~14: '_ ,. »/I I 1« ¢ / "9
I77“. i, 7 7,9,. 7 . I;
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I, ' . ”i ,»’1 ,rr .. I_
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, ,v ‘ ‘M'Vi 7 7 7.7:. 77:/' , 7,77,: , L777, 7, II ,» I ”.1777; I
. f 7;. 5 4 ..c 7 ./ s/,_ Q
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i f / I ’ [:7 fl//’7// I 0/ //_,7//{/ 121' 7/ . 1:17” 4 V ' /
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. I c, :3. ....Lv Jivlluu,
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I . i

 l-‘irst Vice President Second Vice President 'l'llird Vice President l‘ourth Vice. President
Mrs. Helen B. \Volcott Mrs. Herbert \V. Meiigel Mrs. Chas. l‘. Weaver Mrs. Vi". C. Morton
LeXlngton 1910 S. Tilil‘ll 81:, Louisville Gl'evndale Marlisonvillo

, L‘Crnturkg 1E rhpratum ni lliinmru ii (11111115 -

General Federation Director Lorri-spending Secretary
Mrs. R. H. Lacey _ -- . - , Mrs. W. l. Beardsley
mm,“ lirrmhrm; mm. LLatnn filllirr Harrodsblirg

. ' ‘l h , K .

General Federation Secretary farm” “m ll Treasurer
Mrs. L. N. Davis Mrs. H. G. Reynolds
Ashland _7 ”A / Paducah

< , I, ,
(,7 / /, -.» , ¢ /

Recording: Secretary /—/fifl’6’://///V {,5 ,AW.“ {RUN {DC 5/- 13] (Z/ ‘ .\uditor
\‘liss Lida Hafi'ord [/4 / .. Mrs. Joseph Marks
( allollton 2 z/ (j, fl/g ”/25; Mg ' (heigeto‘vn

, 2‘ 99/ 42 «’7' ./ *4’71/7'” ‘
lilil’AR'I‘Tlll-IN'l‘ CHAIRMEN /:f’:/,75//’ 45W ' / 4 / - ,
‘h V / ' y i, I / fl /’ r / fix/'— ‘4 3 [1.4.44 ,_'/,',/.~:.~/' 2.5/5},

A rt . ' / ’iv/ .. . a. r ,. pa/éil/LQr/iciu&izég’ 72’ Midi/f “’(7/ K / , /

. Mrs. Al\ an Hai'hlson / ,v 4/“ M" fro-7‘ 7“” ‘ /’ / , . / /
Shelllyville "I" / '5/7 Mia/2439:,» "/"4‘1’"

Bureau of Information - -/ N / 7, 41:44:44342 //7’ (”ff/kpflf / 27/ z/ _ .
Mrs. Marvin H. Lewis ,4 . 4/ M 4.144.547?” ' / ’Mf/ J ( A K, 2/5244” ,flw?.I:/a:¢@}&gflf
Weissinger-Gaulbert, /,-;<’2::'—W/ ’ ’ ‘. 7: . ,f ,A 21% .{Z¢:fl""*":7 / .44 . ,_.. 4:
Louisville / ‘ / 77/ ,/’<2%;;r,p-.&V€4/$€7' \{ ’. _ , .../ , ‘ J» -.

L‘iyics .flfi 17,335 y4‘2 flif ‘//'v/ ““'”"‘r‘ DAV/A“ K I
Miss Anne 1.. Gullion “’7”? /.4‘ ’7‘;

Canollton /7 fl ’- 4' :i ;p%:;& 09/4 _ . ‘ %_:f,/;/__.

“l“ l” 4 ”9” ’ - - z M/f // ~ ~ . 4 -
Mrs. C. C. McAdams 4 “ / 2;, ’7’ l,/,....g/¢//Lj 2 ' . fl 7, , ,, 0 /"' ":1- .43. -'

— , W4 ' ,_ , <3 ..X...4.~/714>.~»/4 » 2 »
Hanesulle ”19"”73/6 r ,, ”/7 ///§///’ .1 ,, 7.. y /

(‘onserration , 4' - f/ In, ,4 y/f/Q 2/5” “ i

Mrs. Howard Van Antwerp ,, 1" {4 KHZ/g}; /}’/5‘,’/’ "
Mt. Sterling ////4/ *”' ’ /
,/ M , , . / /, /. i 1

Education / . 734 .. . , 4,. ., 4:.

l ,2 ’1' ,. . / , .1 ’37, ’7‘, 51¢” — .__.
Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart 9 “/1114, ,,/..r/,-//.’.»//9 K V / ’ 4/, < { 7, ..Vgg. ,
Frankfort 49' ’ ' f 1. . / 1/ ,»
t / 4. 74% '1’ " ' ,/ , -- flpg _ I

Political Science ’1',” g:? 454" ”I i I, ‘ ”give/i. Mé/KV/ ,4 //.,47‘4_

Mrs. John G. South L’/ - 7, If 2,, :r?:/'-"’4""”<’/
Frankfort ,4‘ [/4 , [41:], ;,C/ x43"? ' ( ‘ /.
' .l . ' . ' . —/"‘ ,./:1’7«”*4'//' W ' ' r 2 ,4" —-€- .1 , ’—

Health ,, .4 , k ' 4 ‘/ ,/ AW «4 ’/

Mrs. J. c. Helburn /’*‘ ' ' 4, f 45/464/0 ,4
Eminence ' /' 7X . W/ ,4' , . ,- ,. /‘
,« V4 2 ,2 ~ 4/4 2.. /
. .. . . 0M / ; ,, {/7 ."/4/'/‘4"// . 4 . , ....
Nielal H)gienc / _ /7:g.~,/_M¢Z.fi4l,
)IlSS Alice Lloyd . Z V/fl .4]; ,7), 2;/,"‘ 4 / 4/ n , .
v 2 .' , f .31 9"?" ’6, ',
Ma} sxillc fl, ,5; ,47” .4 ~74 / /
History and Research W{///,:44/4 " /
‘- Mrs. W. T. Lafierty "
482 E. Maxwell St, Lexingtonfl ~/;
Home Economics 4"" //C//// / ,7.-
. / ,v/ / ,W‘ ,/ / ,4/ P, / ,/r.
Dean Mary E. Sweeney ,l’l../*"’//,r/‘/ /7/ ’— [fir/{Z3 7%74‘70/
Lexington L f" ,/ /¢,fl/_g, / 7"” /' ,/ /‘ , /7fl

Industrial and Social Conditions / ’ 9/1 /‘/ £54.. _ ELK/{4’6 “

Miss Julia Ingram . ‘4 fl {WMV (// > . “
NeighborhoodHouse,Louisvilie ,' W . / 7/ ,.
. ‘/ / 4/," — 4&4"; ./

Legislative /‘) - A" )4 ”5/:z-fi.;_./az.-:c.:«4«,léi .. VC/fi‘

Mrs. Luther C. Willis / ‘ . 447/? 124”" /
Shelbyville (/’/:4477é»-M/k/2‘ ”
Library Extension [/I
Miss Fannie Rawson .
1;: Frankfort
,3 Music
4: g Mrs. Dana Shelby
' lg: Danx'ille
" Philanthropy
Miss Rebecca Averill ‘

Mrs. J. H. Dickey
14114 Birchwooti Are, Louin'iile

 I ‘. 1‘ ‘
(From Lexington Herald, of April , 1920.)

A call for Democratic women to meet at the Phoenix
Hotel Friday, April 16, to consider plans for active participa— ~
tion in the Presidential election was issued Thursday by
Mrs. W. D. Oldham.

An organization working in thorough harmony is the
plan of leaders of the movement. A broad minded platform
that will unite the Democratic women of the county without
any indication of factions is expected. The call follows:

"A called meeting of the Woman's Fayette County
Democratic Club will be held on the parlor floor of the
Phoenix Hotel Friday, April 16, at 5 o'clock.

In organization there is strength, and now on the
eve of a Presidential election, with the women of Kentucky hav-
ing the right to vote in federal elections for the first time
in the history of our Commonwealth, all women of Democratic
affiliation are urged to be present.


 1m: 1:5in ‘ G:-
m2; maimcml’lo nugmgas' is CLUB

ifie Efiyette fiounty tomen's aemocratic fllub wag the firaa
club of its kind t0 be organized in the fitste of Kentucky. 225
organizatian teak place an Lyrll 16, 1320.

Preceding and leading up to the organizatiun of the
Lexiug$ou Dewocratic Blub was the securing by a citizens conuittee,
of which 3185 Laura Slay was the moving eyirit, frsm the Kentucky I
Legialature, in Karon, 1929, of Preaidential Suffrage for Kentucky

fihe Keniueky Legislature having an January 16, lfifia, rfiiified
the 19th haenfigent ta the Fade? 1 Constitution which became fully
ratifiefi by the following August, this legislative &ctien, afieureé
thraauh the stategmxnlike leadérship anfl efforts of hue cf the
nation's greateat itgteS' Rights advoc&tes, Jigs Lgura filay, gave to
the 21%:an of Kentucky :44. :‘ive mnms’ advantage over the mazes: a; the ~

I ather atates, all of whom were caframchiaefi by the ?ederal Jmenémont

on august 2%, 1920. *

tromptly apan securing thia lealalgtion, firs. fim. E. Sldham,
in cansuitatien with Kiss Laura Clay, and sensing the importance
of the syeefiy organization of the newly enfranchised woman, issuefi a
call for a meeting of the Democratic women of the city and caunty.

At the request of Miss Laura Clay, I will reafl a cligping
from the Lexingtan Herald of April 1, 1920, preserved by her and

containing the original call for a meeting of Democratic women.
a.repreoentaLiVC group of wOmGn responded to the
original cell for a meeting, and at this meeting a short constitution
was drawn up, and a committee annotated, to enroll the Democratic
women of the entire county.

In Spite of the fact that throughout the 19 years of its
existence, also filay has been considered the guiding star ana moving
spirit of the Fayette County Slub, she insists that the idea of forming
the club originatea with firs. Qldham. E158 Laura is willing to admit,
howovgr, that firs.016hamle initial action and those that followed were
txken in consultation with herself.

Coming into existence Just at the time when Kentucky women
were first granted Presidential suffrage, the organization of the Fayette J
flounty Homen'e Democratic Club unquestionably had a very definite
one important effect upon the political status of women in the Party,
not only in toyette County but throughout the state and Country as well.

One striking and significant conseauenoe ante? oromptly
resulted from its organization was the securing for the Democratic

. women of Lexington and Fayette Sounty equal representation with the men 1'
at the first Democratic abate Convention to be held after Presidential
Suffrage to women had been granted.

For not only did also lenra Clay lead her able assistance
in organizing the club at the psychological moment, but she was prompt
to follow up the adVantage gained by such organization.

Your speaker had the privilege of accompanying also Laura



to consult the powers that be, then reigning, In reg rd to the formation
of thaa first delegation, and never will I forget this experience.

Elndly but firmly, ufid in no uncertain terms, Kiss Laura
told them, "The Kentucky women now have Fregidential suffrage, the
Emyette fiduflhy wemocrazic woeen Totcre are organized ané desire and
expect egual representation with the men at the approaching Etate

In effect, the gentleeen addressed refilled, ”Zea, na'am.”
and of the 53 delegates to which §hyette County was entitled, 26 were
women, believe it or not.

1 want to pay tribute at thie goint to the gracious way

_ in which the organization of the fiomen'e fiemocretlc Slab was r3081VEd .

by the Democratic men of Lexington, and to the oo—oyerabiun and help it
has Elwaye Eoceivefi from them.

The club hag rendered Valiant and Valuable service to our
Party and its nominees throughout the years of its existence, and the
men have recognizea and appreciated it.

I shall never forget that 1988 CERVention which was held in ,
Lomisville an the 2nd of flay of that year, and how proud we women of
Fayette counny were of the Lexington Relegation, which was by far the
largest and, we thought, 3130 the most influential of all the women'e
deleggtions; for there were a number of other counties also represented .
by women fielegations as the result of this Eerly securing of Preaidential
suffrage for the women of the atate.

» as a result of the representation and participation of woman
. -5—

in the 1920 State Conventien, three wouen were mafia Deleg tag at
Large, vith oneu