xt7gqn5z6g1b_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_2/17485.pdf 1916 1916 1916 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_2 xt7gqn5z6g1b . 7|3 SEARS BUILDING
B O S T O N saga filfifiw'
Camp Satlre on Wilson
”Unterseeboten ” Placard Posted in Company Street at Plattsburgh
(Special Dispatch to The Evening Post)
PLATTSBURGH, September 16, 1916.

On a Plattsburgh training camp bulletin board is ;
posted a bitter political satire on President \Voodrow “7ilson,
commander-in-chief of the Officers in charge of the camp.
The satire, which emanates from Boston, is entitled “ ‘Unter—
seeboten’ U s '23. ” It was posted by a Republican lieutenant
of the Reserve Corps, having been received by him in his
personal mail.

President Wilson is pictured as Claudius, King of
Denmark, and the Ghost of Hamlet’s father is Truth,
described as the spirit of American patriotism. Prominent in
the dramatic penance are Roosevelt as Horatio, and Bryan
and Senator Lewis, of Illinois, as two clowns. Lincoln is
Yorick. In a preparatory page the attention of the public
is called to “an upright judge,” Charles Evans Hughes.
The insurance investigations are mentioned, While there is
hint of a deal between the Administration and the German
insurance interests.

The posting of this bulletin has aroused curiosity,
though in the busy life of this camp interest in politics is
suspended. But both Republican and Democratic members

‘ of the company in whose street the satire is exhibited have
expressed regret that the placard should have been displayed.

When Mr. Hughes was in Plattsburgh a few days ago,
he refrained from entering the camp in a conspicuous way.
He merely looked on over the fence from Major-General
Leonard ‘Vood’s quarters while the rookies paraded at 5 RM.

It is possible that some students at the camp Will
protest the posting of the handbill, for its posting, besides
being in the opinion of many a Violation of military ethics, opens
the way to the utilization of the camp for endless propaganda.

(Reprint of THE EVENING POST, New York. Saturday, September 16, 1916.)
500M. 10-3-’16

 [Ca in .. "; _
' 713 SEARS BUILDING ,gazw.aa§"“a«
B O S T O N . , M“ ...
Ghost of Hamlet’s father . . . . . . . TRUTH, the Spirit Of American Patriotism most
apparent during the summer of 1916 from
midnight to cockcrow.
Claudius, King of Denmark. . . . . . . WOODROW WILSON, President, U. S.
Hamlet, son to the late, and nephew to the C. W. TAINTOR, Topsfield, Mass. Corporal A CO.,
present King . . . . . . . . . . . 9th Training Regiment, Plattsburg. Captain
“Unterseehoten” U s 23.
Polonius, Lord Chamberlain . . . . . . JACOB SCHIFF, friend to Fortinbras.
Horatio, friend to Hamlet . . . . . . . ROOSEVELT.
Laertes, son to Polonius . . . . . . . . MORTIMER SCHIFF, son and partner to Polonius.
Voltimand Messen ers . . . . . . . JOHN LIND.
Cornelius g ' . . . . . . . COL. HOUSE.
Rosencrantz . . . . . . . PAUL M. WARBURG Partners to
Guildenstern Courtiers . . . . . . . JEROME J. HANAUER Polonius.
Osric . . . . . . . J. P. TUMULTY, secretary to Claudius.
A Gentleman . . . . . . . . . . . VON BERNSTOFF, ambassador of Fortinbras.
A Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . HUERTA, Saluting Officer.
Marcellus 1 Officers . . . . . . . . . MAJOR GENERAL WOOD, U. S. Army.
Bernado j . . . . . . . . . CAPTAIN WARE, U. S. Army.
Francisco, a soldier . . . . . . . . . CAPI‘AIN REED, U. S. Army.
Reynaldo, servant to Polonius . . . . . UNTERMEYER, said to be large stockholder in
Bethlehem Steel CO.
Players . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLINY FISK.
JOHN W. SIMPSON and other Directors of Hudson
Companies and Hudson & Manhattan Rd. (.30..
mostly infant prodigies.
Two clowns, grave-diggers . . . . . . . BRYAN and J. HAMILTON LEWIS.
Fortinhras, Prince of Norway . . . . . . KAISER WILHELM. ‘
A Captain . . . . . . . . . . . . VON PAPEN, Professor Of Belles-Lettres.
English Ambassadors . . . . . . . . ENGLISH COMMON LAW.
Gertrude, Queen Of Denmark, and mother to
Hamlet . . . . . . . . . . . . POPULARITY.
- Ophelia, daughter to Polonius . . . . . . LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, Sometimes? the People’s
Lords, Ladies, Oflicers, Soldiers, Sailors,
Messengers, and other Attendants . . . PRINCIPALLY NOTES (protested and otherwise).
Yorick . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
Scene: Denmark, D. C.
A copy of Shakespeare‘s Hamlet may be obtained from a book store for about twenty cents.
The story of “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” credited to Icelandic literature of the 10th Century is: ”The murder of the father by
a jealous uncle; the mother’s incestuous marriage with the murderer; the son’s feigned madness in order to execute revenge."
We hespeak your patience for the Comptroller of the Currency, John Skelton Williams, who will understudy Reynaldo, servant to
Polonius. Williams is completing an engagement as a prominent player in the Bankers’ Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Untermeyer,“the essence of the flower” of American Chivalry and Patriotism, was stung in the porches of his ear by a strong North
East Windmill, which he was fighting up to September 11th. "REMEMBER the MAINE.”
500M. 10-3-’16.

 gt: {4:} it "3
l i "‘7" 3 i- ,r ,4 ‘i ,. / ' I \ :3::j:(e1"
. . , ' _ BOSTON ~w.
.. w "r m” i! ' '«4 V'ihll
”Unterseeboten” U s 23
Hamlet, Captain, having received the Iron Cross
(double) from Claudius, Polonius, and others, is proud
to fight for the right.
This is a Submarine Contact Mind—the vessel
supplies the shimonese and detonator.
C. \V. Taintor will back the old T0rtoise——Truth
—against the Nimble Hare every time.
Mr. Taintor finds the attitude of mind of many
honest people in the country and city is to accept
magazine articles as true, many people having no means
of learning the facts.
Is there anything rotten in the Press of America?
Is there anything rotten in the State of Denmark,
D. CI.)
500M. 10-3-’16

 'CheMonD/Wzo SoVesflalfonHouz’aDoy
-' 1 ILLIAM G. MCADOO was born in " _ " ' . n When some of the railroad magnates heard of
#7171 '. Georgia, educatedinTennessee, __ 1 a " _ it they laughed. “It’s been tried before,”they .
. a, g _. 2 and drifted into New York .2, ’ ' -_; said, “and what can this young chap do? We
" I _ ‘ City, where he opened a law ‘\ :5. if. wouldn’t dare try it with all our money. "
if; : office. AS lawyers go, he «1 I Then one day came the word that the
T? | ‘- : was fairly successful. i; x .323} first tunnel was completed. The gang
... - He had plenty of work, , working from the New York side had
Em which demanded his ’ff met the gang working from the New
5L— " ”i” ""“’ 5 presence in the office 5" 52;?“ Jersey side.
early in the morning, and he had a good ‘" “Ah!” exclaimed the railroad mag—
home overin New Jersey, which demanded < ”w M f1: nates, “this looks different. We will get
4. his presence by dinner time. There were two :3 ” .- ' ' in on this.” But they discovered that the
ways for him to get from home to oflfice or vice ' ‘ ’ - ~ ' men who were back of it had plenty of money
verso. One was to take a train to Poughkeepsie, and were not looking for any particular help.
cross the last bridge (down stream) They were not over—capitalizing, but
over the Hudson River, come down by They Iaughed when he said be building an honest, non-graft tube.
rail on the other side and thence home. would build a tunnel under But Mr. McAdoo had the railroads
The other method was to take a ferry ”'9 Hudm" Rive" in mind. He believed they should be in
boat and go more or less directly across on it and thus be able to run their trains
the river. directly through to New York City instead of unloading on

Frequently, Mr. Adoo was inclined to believe that the the bank of the Hudson and sending them across by ferry.
Poughkeepsie route would get him across quicker than the When he believed in anything he went after it, so he took
ferry. Heavy storms, thick fogs, and many other things a run down to Philadelphia and called on the man who was
delayed the ferries. ‘It took about fifteen minutes to president of the Pennsylvania road, Mr. Cassatt.
make the trip, which, added to the wait on either end for President Cassatt was busy, and briefly polite.
the start, robbed him of nearly three-quarters of an “What can I do for you?” was his greeting. He did
hour’s valuable time each day. not ofl'er the young man either his hand or a chair.

“We ought to be able to scoot under the. river through “I want to take your ferries away from you,” said
the tunnel in about eight minutes,” he said. However, he Mr. McAdoo.
said it to himself at first, and he began to study the situa- “What?” shouted Cassatt.
tion. Out in Tennessee he had been a lawyer for a rail- Mr. McAdoo explained.
road and had learned much about the railroad business. “I’ll call a special meeting of the directors tomorrow
Then he acquired a street railway in those troublesome morning and let you know in the afternoon,”he said. The
times when they were shifting from mule to electric power. next afternoon Mr. McAdoo was evidently expected, and
He rather liked the mules—they never blew out a fuse, was ushered promptly into the president’s oflfice, where he
but his new electric cars did, and in those days it took was greeted with a hearty hand-shake and offered a com~
about three days’ profits to pay for a new fuse box. fortable chair.

When Mr. McAdoo got through with the street railway, “We want to run our trains through your tunnels,"
or when it got through with him, he knew a whole lot said President Cassatt.

about the business of a common carrier. He investigated Todaythe passengers from the Pennsylvania, the Lack-
this tunnel proposition and learned that two attempts had awanna, and the Erie benefit daily. You can board a train
been made to dig a tunnel. An English engineer bored in Washington and ride right into the business heart of
some eighteen hundred feet under the river and bored New York at Thirty-third Street without leaving the car.
away $2,000,000 of American investors’ money, and then As soon as the big Hell Gate bridge is completed it will be
$2,000,000 more of English investors’ money. The tunnel possible to run a train directly through from Quebec,
caved in and killed twenty men, and that was the end of it. Canada, by way of the bridge, the tubes under the East
Another attempt ended in financial failure. and Hudson rivers, out on the New Jersey flats and on

Without any red fire or band, Mr. McAdoo went at this down the coast to the tip end of Key West, Florida!
proposition all by himself. He learned that it was quite Half a million commuters live anywhere from half a
practical to dig the tunnel. “It will take a lot of money,” mile to twenty miles from New York City in New Jersey
the engineers said, “but that is all—money and time.” and make use of the McAdoo tubes.

Very quietly he saw some of the conservative bankers William Gibbs McAdoo is the man who saves half an -
who had equally conservative clients, and they liked this hour every day for half a million people. He is the sort
serious-minded, quiet young man who looked much as of an American that makes us proud. We can—and d0—
Lincoln did in his young days. They found that Mr. pat ourselves on the back because we have such citizens.
McAdoo knew all about tunnels and tunnel building, also Just now Mr. McAdoo doesn’t use the tubes. He has
all about the needs of such a tunnel. He had the figures a home in Washington. President Wilson is his father-in-
at his tongue’s end, also good argument as to the value of law and grandfather to his baby.
the income from such a tube. Consequently, the work If you want to see Mr. McAdoo call on the Secretary _
was started. of the United States Treasury.

( Reprintfrom the Illustrator! Sunday Magazine, The Boston Sunday Herald, July 2, 19m.)

 Boston, August 4th. 1916
Boston, August 2nd, 1916
‘ . William G. McAdoo, Esq. .
William G. McAdoo, Esq. , 1 Washington, D. C.
Wasni ton D. C. 1
n3 ' , Dear Sir:
Dear Sir: ‘
On August 2nd I wrote you as
I enclose herewith an article 1 per COPIV 01' letter attached.
entitled "Potting Ourselves on the Back. 1 Having received no reply I now
1 bag to enclose a second copy of the
The Man Who Saves Half an Hour :1 Day for 3 cutting from the Illustrated Sunday
1 Magazine of the Boston Sunday Herald of
lie, 1‘ i " 1'. fr m u -
l 3. Mill on People cu o the Ill 5 July 2nd, 1916.
trated Sum-la. Ma azine of the Boaton Her- 2
y g 5 As perhaps you did not re-
am or July 2nd, 1916. , ceive my first letter I would say that I
1 expect to be in Washington a. little later
1 have marked two items and 4 and will call on you in person in regard
} to this matter.
would ask you it either one is true. ,
: I have the honor to be '
Yours very truly, 1
W c ‘ “gm , i Yours very truly,
/ mo gm
CWT-GFQ ‘ . , .
. .-. . . n........... . -..... . .... .. . ”.7.-. 1 -._ ”7-...-. . ........ .. .. .. ....--...L -.A . . . “WWW, .77.
Illustrated Sunday Magazme ;
1—- v o L l c A 1- x o x n Tr l c r. x n 1.77:. s 37 I x 1—1;;77‘ 3 HUDSON AND MANHATTAN RAILROAD COMPANY
\QRV. \\' L \HCI: full. Ln [mud (scanned, [sci Wuh u .1 F471 a/ the Smut... [15mm 1.: 1A. ‘ ACCOUN1|~G DEP‘RYMENT
'“ ";:‘::':::::'.'.:',.,‘.;" “:‘-.’f:;'.’:‘.'.‘::.'.‘f. ""‘"""'"::5.‘........ HuDsoN TERMINAL
. um.om.un......uxxamu--. "’;,‘;,ZL‘,,‘;}‘,:’.I.’.:§""“ ”‘5,:;:'.‘..".‘.1‘.'.'.',,... . m... 9...... w mm ......
: UthhAvti-mn N... \utc». r... .u..... .- “...... ......“
“.... and”. cu... " .‘.‘:;.“..‘.:i:t:.i:.‘:".’l._ "'33:.233: ...
summonsLEW. H... but! .-. [lull-lulu»? n. .‘ 2m. NEW YORK September a", 1915
;. ...Iiu. ow... Me. .
BlIFl‘ALl). .\‘ \'.. _, .Sw‘eféfl'lv. .,.L me.
C. W. Tumor. lsq.
lir- o. w. Tanner, 199 Washington Strut
71: Sears Bldg” 1 Boston. Mass. '
beaten, ilaus. .
\ Dear Sir:-
' Dear Sir :-
In reply to your letter of September 7th
Earn/1118 to your 10m” of MUHL mm“ 3:14 "drill-firm. ‘ X has to advise that the total number of passengers
will state that i would have mum-Mi your lettnra noousr but how been carried during the seven months ended July 31“ 1915
may on a month's vacation. was 35,191,976.
A. to your letter or August [mirth m- tigiraa of the nmhor , 'l‘h f ll 1 1 ‘ bul ti 1: i‘
gcmgaiigztgizéign: 35:21:igfr.nfronxvgar;mvzillfliiontgmm‘gzo 1 the toga]. nuno:r :f gzsggnggr: cirrizd growinythzaigmgience-
. ,1, " ' ' i men! 0 operation (February 26th 1908) to the close of
2:533; 3.3.32 $‘l.§é§f$§3‘é2$....“°..§§;“i.2$532: it: {22..”;“.‘?.. .... calendar .... 1915:
list you 'lll find at the hood or this letter. , 1908 $0,555,272 1912 53,079,194
. 4: s r . t - 1909 6.214.724 1913 59,434,152
sic in ...xififirarfig 3.333;.iiiiiyurazrinfiguriffiaz £‘cfi‘émw 1910 49.091.541 1916 59,900,257
it would be imponnlble for us to human you with a large nunlbel‘ of copies 1911 56.717.809 1915 59.915.192
or this article. All our pmsson are built especially for magazine work
and we new man whatsoever for Job work- To reproduce thls article. as This company has never in one day received
would have to reproduce the mu. at July second- mm sugjout um i: a million fares. Your assumption that '3 half a million
you desire a number or copies a: this article that you gin it to lure commuters would pay a million fares a day" is correct.
Job printer in Bonon. Have iv. not up and printed in pumping {am giving
and“ {or article to the illustrated Sunday uneasine-
Very truly yours. '
Under separate cover ! am sending you four or five copies or 6
July record's ham: and if i: will do you any good, can furnish you about W
{ltty more, true or charge. (“4 (,4
, Comptroller
Your: very truly, FMS/Ii
)Jflj /(.,...W;<4...4
:irvnauon Hunger. ,

 If anyone is interested in checking the accuracy of the magazine article repro- "
duced herein, he might write to the President of Hudson Companies, 111 Broadway,
New York City, or to the President of Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company,
Hudson Terminal Building, 30 Church Street, New York City, and inquire as to the
following points:

1. The article states that “An English engineer bored some 1800 feet under
the river and bored away $2,000,000 of American investors’ money, and then
$2,000,000 more of English investors’ money”.

Question. How many millions did “the conservative bankers” and their “equally
conservative clients” who backed Mr. McAdoo “bore away” in securities of the
Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company, and the Hudson Companies?

2. The article says Mr. McAdoo “had the figures at his tongue’s end, also
good argument as to the value of the income from such a tube”.

Question. \V ere the figures and argument at his tongue’s end under-estimates,

—' and, if so, by how much?

3. The article says that the railroad magn—ates “discovered that the men who
were back of it (the McAdoo tube) had plenty of money and were not looking for
any particular help”; that they “were not over-capitalizing, but building an honest.
non-graft tube”.

Question. Are these the facts?

4.. The article invites the inference that the negotiations between Mr. McAdoo
and President Cassatt of the Pennsylvania Railroad resulted advantageously for the
Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company.

Question. Is this the fact?

5. The article states: “Today the passengers from the Pennsylvania, the
Lackawanna, and the Erie benefit daily. You can board a train in Washington and
ride right into the business heart of New York at 33rd Street Without leaving the car.
As soon as the big Hell Gate bridge is completed it will be possible to run a train
directly through from Quebec, Canada, by way of the bridge, the tubes under the
East and Hudson rivers, out on the New Jersey flats and on down the coast to
the tip end of KeyVVest, Florida”. This would indicate that all the passengers of the
three railroads named go through the tube.

Question. IS this the fact?-

Questiun.. Are the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad tubes large enough in diam—
eter to take a standard railroad coach run directly through from Washington,
Quebec, the New Jersey flats, or Key West, Florida; and can you board a train
in Washington and ride through the tube, Without leaving the car, into New Y ork? -

6. The article says: “Half a million commuters live anywhere from half a mile
to twenty miles from New York City in New Jersey and make use of the
McAdoO tubes.

“‘Villiam Gibbs McAdoo is the man who saves half an hour every day for
half a million people”.

Question. Do half a million commuters, as stated, make daily use of the
tubes, and do the tubes save half a million people half an hour every day?

Half a million commuters is equivalent to 1,000,000 fares per day or 300,000,000
per working-day year, not counting Sundays, holidays or joy rides. Your attention
is called to the letter from the Comptroller of the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad
Company reproduced herein. It shows that the Company has never received a
million fares a day and in no calendar year has its fares exceeded 20% of 300,000,000.

 may 13 “11313132: ihmt Exrmfinr anmmifln’
3121mm 3]. @‘Erh’m. Hirr-firmihmt mnnhrflm mtlfinn (II/[uh 3:31:21; ifimm‘ll
fl. III. Gian-k, finrvtnrg (59m 2 2:9; ‘1
William {EL @nwnarnh, @reamtrrr 11f 3H3 It 01 1 312553331. ifiilfi‘rh
9P P Hun g El. (0. Ehnmpann
fipxingtnn, lKPnturkg
Mrs.Samuel M. Wilson. I
President Fayette County Women's Democratic League.
Lexington, Kentucky.
My dear Madam:-
Feeling that a copy of the Democratic text book
for 1916 would be of some interest and benefit to you
and your organization, I am today mailing you, under
separate cover, a copy thereof. .
As one instance of Mr. Hughes' interest(?) in
behalf of the women of this country, I call your attention
‘ to the article on page 157 of the text book, which gives
a complete history of his vetoing the equal pay bill,
for women teachers, while Governor of New York.
Trusting that this book may be of some service to
you and that you will feel free to call upon me and our
organization at any time you think we would be in a
position to aid you, I remain,
Very truly yours, /{/éi%7
ff} 61 -
Chairman 0 The Hood ow Wilson Club
of ayette County.

 OCTOBER 17th, 1916.
1111.5. J. E. caBSidy-'-“““"""‘0200
Miss Taura Cassidy--—-n«m——---.20:
Mrs. T. E. Moore---~~———~~—~--.20.
Miss Minnie Moore-~‘~~~~ma~~=~.20.
Mrs. Davis Buckner-e—--~-~-~-1.00
Mrs. John Skain--«v~e~---—---—.2O
Mrs. Will D. Oldham-——~==~wr--.20.
Miss Fannie B.Bullock-—~«-—--2.00
Mrs. Foley Ppice----—-—-—----#.25.
' Mrs. D. W. Price--u--—-----c--.20
Mrs. Mastin--~---—~—------—-—-325
Miss Laetitia Bullock-—w-me~e=.20 '
Miss Josephine Hunt----~-4—‘~-.20
Miss Bullock-—-~----e--=n—m---.20
Mrs. Fayette Johnston----~-——1.00
Mrs. J. M. Kelly--~——v——==4=~1.OO
Mrs. Frazee-----—nuun———————--.20
Mrs. M. G. Morgan-——ncsee---—~.25
Mrs. A. M. Harrison—----~nne—-.25
. Miss Rebel Withers——=w~cc-----.25
Mrs.Bishop Clay---~~~-~e-----—.20
Mrs. waller Herndon-—-——------.20
, Mrs. R. 7. Thomas--—-~-«m-----.2O
Mrs. Van Meter~---—-~~-—~-u==—.20
Mrs. Atkins---—-~~-—---n---u--.20
Mrs. George MUir----—--------~.2O
Mrs. Halley----—-—~----—---——-.20
Mrs. B. Haynes---—~=r’———----v.2O
Mrs. B. F. Perry---~~—--------.20
Mrs. Harris-----—----~---~---—.20
Miss Wbolfolk---———~---w—-—--—.20
Mrs. Hanson--------—----—~----.20
Mrs. Barker-——-n—~mw---~--~--~.20
Mrs. Mopper--——~-———--—-----——.50
Mrs. warfield Gratz--------—~-.50
Club of Five-—-----—-——‘-—-s—1.00
Mrs. John Shannon-——--—--——-—1.25
Mrs. Allan Iake-————--—-—--—--.20
Mrs. Noel Iake--—~-~-----—--—-.2O
Miss Frenklin----——-~n--------.20
Miss Annie Stagg-—-“~w~~s‘~~—-.20
Miss Virginia Tyler----‘~--—--.25
Mrs.Conway wyatt-----~---v----.25
Mrs. R. C. Barbee--—-—~J-----—.20
Mrs. Pelham Johnston---—----—-.2O
Mrs. Robert Stivers----~---—--.2O
Mrs. Martin Constantine-------.2O
Mrs. J. T. Rees----------—---—.2O
Mrs. Mbrgan Gentry—--~-—-----—.2O
Mrs. Forrest Stivers--—----~--.20
Mrs. Leslie Sloan-—-—--~--—-—-.2O

 _ (2)
Miss Annie lewis-—-—-—-—--——--.2O
Miss Mary Clarke—----—-=~a-‘--.20 .
Mrs. E. D. Frost----—~«—---~~-.25
Mrs. B. S. Yent-—--~»—~—----==.2O
Mrs. Annie Wilkins-u—uur-‘~-r—.20
Mrs. Robert Thornton--—-~s~—~-.50
urs. George Hunt-----~~-===«vv.50
' Mrs. George Webb-——----———--—-.20
Miss Hunte-—-————~x---——-----~.30
Mrs. Herr----------7----------.50
Mrs. Leaming--—~—----~-~~—-—n~.25
Mrs. Edward Farrell---~~--~~—-.2O
- Miss Farrell-------------——--L.20
Mrs. T. H. Campbell-—-~——=-~--.20
-Mrs. N. B. Campbell---—we=‘~—-.20 ,
Miss Anelia Hamilton--——-~———-.20
Mrs. Joseph Botta---—---~-----.2O
Mrs. Richard Prewitt--—-------.20
use. 0. r. earth---—---—--~—-~.20
Mrs. C. A. Thomas---—--~~—s-—e.20
Mrs. Ernest Bradley-—-—--—-~~-.2O
Mrs. James Spencer-—-~—----~--.50
Miss Killough~-==~~~---~~s~---.50
Miss Sarah Spencer-—--—--~-—--.25
Mrs. Enoch Grehan---~~~—---—--.20
Mrs. Robert Carriok---~—~—-~——.25
urs. William Craig --—=-~—--——.20
INT-80 M. E. NOI‘WOOd------e-----.20
Miss Anne Huffman----~—------—.2O
Mrs. F. F. Browning 9
, Mrs. Floyd Burns )
Mrs. M. Hatton )
Mrs. E. Augustus )
Miss Nettie Ballard )
Miss Bettie Wilson ) 2.10
Miss Tharp )
Mrs. Ewing ) , .
Mrs. Jennie Johnson )
Mrs. K. Galvin )
Mrs. R. t. McDonald )
Miss Sullivan )
Mrs. Fred Moore ) '
Miss Minnie wsiiace )
Mrs.Calvin Morgan----—-—-~----.2O ‘
Mrs. F. J. Julian--—«-—-———v--.20
Mrs. H. K. MbAdams--—----~-~--.25
Mrs. M. H. Beard---~-------——-.25
Mrs. Coyle---~—---------~m---—.2O
Mrs. W. K. Massie----—o-------.2O _
Mrs. G. D. Kelly--—--—----—---.20
Mrs. Josephine Nugent~---—-~-—.2O
Miss Kate Shannon----------——-.20 ,

Miss Lillian Cassidy--~---—-‘-.15
Miss Margaret 0'Day-—---—-----.20
Mrs. E. Barber-----——-——------.20
Miss Margaret Helm---—-----~--.20
Mrs. N. D. Smith—--------«v—-—.20
Miss Elise Shackleford--—-----.2O
Miss Rose McCarty---~u-~-----—.2O
Miss Joe Curry------—--‘-——-—-.2O
Miss Julia welsh--——-—--n===‘a.20
Mrs. M. S. E1kin---—-—--——==v—.20
Hrs. W. V. Iindsay-~-—---—--—-.20
Miss Pauline Burns-—----------.90
Mrs. George Gess-----—-----~—l.40
Mrs. J. M. Kelly----u----~—--2.85
Mrs. Alexander, Whodford Co.-«.20
Miss Ethel Hermon--—---——-—*-u.20
Mrs. Joe. Levy—--~---~-------—.20
Mrs. Parker-------------—-----.20
Mrs. W. H. Book---------n-----.2O
Mrs..Homer Thomas—-----—-----—.20
Mrs. Addie Rocco———----~-----—.20
Mrs. Mary Lail----------------.20
Mrs. H. Meir----------~-n-----.20
Mrs. E. L. Martin--é~—u~-~-——-.20
Mrs. Lou McCarty-—-—~--~~---e-.2O
Mrs. Mollie Ewing---—------——-.2O
Mrs. Harry lancaster-----—-—-—.20
Mrs. Charles Furry-----‘------.20
Mrs. Cropper---—-—-----—-----s.20
Mrs. E. F. Burwell---———--~-—-.2O
Mrs. P. A. McGovern-----------.2O
Mrs. J. P. Sidener-——---—~---—.20
Mrs. J. EB Green------—--a----.20
Mrs. G. A. Moore------—~—-----.20
Mrs. W. T.'. Adams----'-‘-------IZO
Mrs. Lyda Phelps--------------.20
Mrs. John Wright--------------.2O
Mrs. UL. Bo H01t"‘-"--"‘“"‘020
Mrs. George Hunley----------——.10
‘ Mrs. Matthew York----------~--.15
Mrs. H. E. Gosney---------——--.20
Miss Iucille Lovely-----------.2O
Miss Kate C18FE6------~-‘-----.20
Mrs. A. T. Carrithers---------.20
Mrs. James Combs—-------~----—.20
Mrs. Raymond Redd---——---—--—-.20
Mrs. S. I. Myers--------------.2O
Mrs. J. Bourgeois-—----—------.20
Miss Agnes Soper----------—---.14
Miss Kate Johnstone—------~--—.2O
Mrs. K. C. Gardner------------.20
Mrs. J. J. Spicer—---—--—-----.20
Mrs. 0. L. Bradley--~----i—-~-.2O
Mrs. George Bell—~——----——-—--.20
Miss Marion Mulligan-~--~~—---.20

Miss Farrel1-----------—-—-~»4.20
Mr. R. C. Estill--~--—--~~-~~2.00
:21: ' ~ ‘ _-;’ ' r V . , ‘_/,« / l C ‘.

2 \(é?) '\ ’S 33 k ,
gaargq.c.' zagggp
o . ,3 Q , tutu: y IBmmrrattc %eahquarters
J \ . ' §= (In LOUISVILLE, KY. '
October 17th, 1916.
‘7- . di.a 'I. ,
I") ' . '. ’(ijé ' f K "
ax /‘
Please announce in a conSpic—
uous place in your pfper, that the women have
Opened Democratic Headquarters in Louisville at
_ the Seelbach Hotel, where they will gladly wel—
come their friends.
They hope and pray for the sake
“f Peace and preventing the unnecessary bloodshed
of our boys, that a Woodrow Wilson'WOmen's League
be organised in your County.
Send the names as soon as possi—
ble into Headquarters. Our time is limited, we
urge haste. We heartily welcome ell encouraging
letters and callers. ‘
Yours for continued PEACE 3ND \
W 7’ ' 4 /fl ’ .
-7 ////“ ,7‘ /7(,:Z:?
,. W, «(OM/m r a/W‘ZO/
. 1*“— MM . , -
Chairman. 4' ///T
. Send this copy of your paper to me. ,

 Ii) L ‘1.
cnmnum THOs. B PANNELL
2 . y - '
o a Q , g ikentutky %emucratu iéeahquarters
m t. f, . ‘ , 3%, 7 . U, SEELBACH HOTEL
Z S P, . A» “as
s (Q) i K
(i 4.: 9 MRS. HARDIE B. RIPY
“ " Oct. 18th. 16.
Mrs. Samuel Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
My Dear Mrs. Wilson:— '
I am enclosing form of letter I
have sent to a prominent woman in each county, also
letter mailed to every Editor. I am asking your
hearty cooperation and support. Of course you Fayette Co.
women have already accomplished wonders. Our time is so .
short now, we must all get toaether and do all we can.
Mrs. John B. Castleman is Chairman
of Jefferson Co-you are chairman of Fayette and those
two counties set the pace. I have wired New York for a
public speaker and my idea is to have a big mass meeting - -
if possible some night next week. Cant you come down to
Louisville right away so I can call together some prom-
inent ronen here for a conference?
The Hughes Alliance women are
working so hard, thit we must get busy at once, however
I believe a whirl wind camp:ign this last week will arouse
much enthusiam and accomplish good work. We are working .
here day ind night sending out literature. flease let me
urge you to come down immediately, as I said at first,
I need your sun ort and cooper tion.
Most cordially, ,
ffl £1 f
- JLH*EHR. //:éé%7/;2;491;{r éééé; Chairman. fléi;7

K2 "1“th Munieipzlities—Chairman
16mm» of {Repremntafiuw . Constitutional Amendments
Court of Appeals