xt7gqn5z6g1b_18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. 1935-1950 text 1935-1950 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_2/Folder_1/18465.pdf 1935-1950 1950 1935-1950 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_18 xt7gqn5z6g1b THE BEGINNINGS - /

The Fayette County Women's Democratic Club was the first
club of its kind to be organized in the State of Kentucky. Its
organization took place on April 16, 1920.

Preceding and leading up to the organization of the
Lexington Democratic Club was the securing by a citizens committee,

- of which Miss Laura Clay was the moving spirit, from the Kentucky
Legislature, in March, 1920, of Presidential Suffrage for Kentucky

The Kentucky Legislature having on January 16, 1920, ratified

' the 19th Amendment to the Federal Constitution which became fully
ratified by the following August, this legislative action, secured
through the statesmanlike leadership and efforts of one of the
nation's greatest States' Rights advocates, Miss Laura Clay, gave to
the women of Kentucky a fiVe months' adVantage over the women of the
other states, all of whom were enfranchised by the Federal Amendment
on August 26, 1920.

Promptly upon securing this legislation, Mrs. Wm. D. Oldham,
in consultation with Miss Laura Clay, and sensing the importance
of the speedy organization of the newly enfranchised women, issued a
call for a meeting of the Democratic women of the city and county.

At the request of Miss Laura Clay, I will read a clipping
from the Lexington Herald of April 1, 1920, preserved by her and

 , -2.
containing the original call for a meeting of Democratic women.

A representative group of women responded to the
original call for a meeting, and at this meeting a short constitution
was drawn up, and a committee appointed, to enroll the Democratic
women of the entire county.

In spite of the fact that throughout the 19 years of its
existence, Miss Clay has been considered the guiding star and moving
spirit of the Fayette County Club, she insists that the idea of forming
the club originated with Mrs. Oldham. Miss Laura is willing to admit,
however, that Mrs.01dham's initial action and those that followed were
taken in consultation with herself.

Coming into existence just at the time when Kentucky women
were first granted Presidential Suffrage, the organization of the Fayette
County Women's Democratic Club unquestionably had a very definite
and important effect upon the political status of women in the Party,
not only in Fayette County but throughout the State and Country as well.

One striking and significant consequence which promptly
resulted from its organization was the securing for the Democratic
women of Lexington and Fayette County equal representation with the men
at the first Democratic State Convention to be held after Presidential
Suffrage to women had been granted.

For not only did Miss Laura Clay lend her able assistance
in organizing the club at the psychological moment, but she was prompt
to follow up the adVantage gained by such organization. _

Your speaker had the privilege of accompanying Miss Laura



to consult the powers that be, then reigning, in regard to the formation
of that first delegation, and never will I forget that experience.

Kindly but firmly, and in no uncertain terms, Miss Laura
told them, “The Kentucky women now have Presidential suffrage, the
Fayette County Democratic women voters are organized and desire and
expect equal representation with the men at the approaching State

In effect, the gentlemen addressed replied, "Yes, Ma'am."
And of the 55 delegates to which Fayette County was entitled, 26 were
women, believe it or not.

I want to pay tribute at this point to the gracious way
in which the organization of the Women's Democratic Club was received
by the Democratic men of Lexington, and to the co—operation and help it
has always received from them.

The club has rendered Valiant and valuable service to our
Party and its nominees throughout the years of its existence, and the
men have recognized and appreciated it.

I shall never forget that 1920 Convention which was held in
Louisville on the 2nd of May of that year, and how proud we women of
Fayette County were of the Lexington delegation, which was by far the
largest and, we thought, also the most influential of all the women's
delegations; for there were a number of other counties also represented
by women delegations as the result of this early securing of Presidential
suffrage for the women of the State.

As a result of the representation and participation of women


in the 1920 State Convention, three women were made Delegates at
Large, with one-half vote each, to the Democratic National Convention
in California. These three were Miss Clay, Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart,
and Mrs. J. C. Layne, and Mrs. Campbell Cantrill was made National
Committeewoman. And it was at this Convention that Miss Laura Clay
received the first vote for the nomination for President ever to be
given to a woman of one of the major parties in these United States.
A history—making event it was, and it all traced back to the timely
winning by a citizens' committee of Presidential suffrage for women I
in Kentucky, and the early organization of the Women's Fayette
County Democratic Club.
I also belieVe that these two developments had a great

deal to do with the fact that Kentucky stayed in line in the Presidential
Election which followed, and was successful in getting out a larger
vote of its Democratic women than almost any other State in the Union.

, I wonder if the women of Lexington fully realize the
great privilege and advantage which has been theirs from having in their
midst and always aVailable to them for advice and counsel and unfailing
help, the great intellect, the heart of gold, the lion—like courage
and inspiring presence of such a splendid woman as Miss Laura Clay!
I wonder if they realize that it was through her instrumentality that
married women were first given the right to collect and use their own
wages; that wives were first given the right to make a will and
control their real estate; that women students were first admitted to


old TransyIVania;— to list only a few of her many achievements.

If she had done nothing more than to train us in, and
hold up before our eyes, the great doctrine of States‘ Rights,
she would deserve unending gratitude from us, -and may we, her devoted
disciples, never drift away from this great doctrine --the very
foundation of true Jeffersonian Democracy--, and to this sacred principle
and its uncompromising champion may we all pledge our lasting devotion,
and may both she and it enjoy boundless influence for good.

Merely for the sake of the record, may I be permitted to
state that I had the honor to be chosen the first President of our club,
an office which I held for three years.

It is truly amazing how dim and indistinct some of the
details of those first days haVe become in the long years that have
passed since then. For the life of me I cannot tell who were all the
first officers. Mrs. Oldham was our first Secretary, but since her
death it is not known what ever became of the minutes she kept of those
first years, and so I cannot speak with accuracy of all of the first
officers and the positions they filled.

Miss Laura Clay, Mrs. Ida Withers Harrison, Mrs.'C. D.
Chenault, Mrs. Wm. D. Oldham, Miss Rebel Withers, Mrs. Cecil Cantrill,
Miss Nancy Lewis Greene, Mrs. Prest n Jog; onijrs. Harrison Foster,

1; igvténua; {rigs {fifzxz~¢x 2%kif'figfiffigcfirrr”u/4315.' ,_ai:/

5' Mrs. Faust Foushee, MrsV/George Hunt, Miss Josephine Simpson, Mrs. A. G.
Payne, Mrs. Ernest Cassidy, Miss Mary Scrugham,‘Mrs.lMaude Sdgth f ,
McCartiWMr Flo d Burn, Mi M et Mom/143%“) jihéfluiii ”é C /

y,A s. y s, as argar ngj/ a purr,

and Mrs. B. F. Perry were among many who stand out in my mind as moving
spirits and active workers in those very first days.

I should love to be able to tell you the Size of our
membership that first year, for the women came in by the hundreds and
the club grew and prospered and waxed strong.

There was so much spontaneous and vital enthusiasm among
the Democratic women at that time. Their intense interest in and zeal
for the League of Nations amounted almost to a flaming passion, like
the quest for the Holy Grail. And I am sure it cannot but be realized
more and more by every good Democrat in these troublous times of wars
and threats of wars, what a very different world we might be living in to—
day had this noble ideal of Woodrow Wilson received the support of his
own country, and so become the effective instrument for world-wide
peace for which it was designed and fashioned.

The Women's Democratic Club of Fayette County has a history
and tradition to be proud of, and which it is also called upon to main-
tain and live up to.

It has had a creditable life of service to our Party and our
State throughout the successive administrations of its Various distin—
guished Presidents, Miss Mary Scrugham, Mrs. Cecil Cantrill, Mrs. Grant
Idlly, Mrs. Arch Hamilton, Mrs. E. B. Sweeney, Mrs. R. L. Northcutt,
and Mrs. A. G. Payne.

And, begging your indulgence for this hasty and imperfect
sketch, I close by extending my best wishes to every member of the club,
and by Venturing the prediction that it is destined to have an even more
useful and beneficent future.

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I-xies: .InJijLii-‘ztn :2.r''-r..-;L:‘-.cn at
the hands or" his aldicnce.
uh fictcccr a, the clan spantormd, with aaraod success,
a .:m".=oi'c:.=.=.ic to .1":."a11;;..‘;_”t .33;- Lne L;.;...I.:;;.i. ....--,e;;.'r;“..‘..n»: m.‘ 1.1.9:: "u..u.‘».n'8
Democratic Glue :.-':""‘r:11%.i...cny, it‘ll: ;ng'torcadc canelstiag; of two
buses and more than a score of pIIVnte cars.
’l’ne next lusting. OJ. in: Zinc was held. an. .I-Iarnli 153,
of this year, at the :hoenlx Eatel, vmen “rs. league Haiiler,
Chairman or the department of flitizcnship, presented HE. A. B.
Eutnrie, City Loitor c: the Lexington Ledger, who gave an
exceptionallg ripe and thought—provoking retrea c; the Pulitzer
Prize book, ”Ship 033 My Shodlder.“
Tillie bring/..3 as up to ta,;<';.:;.y's electing.
fine past twech months flch been an unusually euc~
cessrullfi year in the Ulub's history, and Mrs. anne is to be
congratulated upon its achievements and the number of creditable
innOVations Which haVe been initiated during her administration
as President of the Club. Among them may be counted of especial


interest the precedent which has been established of celebrating
the organization of the Club and the anniversary of its founder,
Miss Clay, at the annual observance of Jefferson's Birthday;
also, the means taken to preserve the history of the Club in
permanent form; and, in addition to these, the setting up of
various departments to bring before the Club pertinent programs
of an educational and informative nature.

Above all do I think the Club is to be commended
for its hearty and enthusiastic co-operationgggpgmeMrsrnfiaynsas “
ilgadershipfvwith all plans looking to the advancement of the
Democratic party and its ideals.

‘ I but express what I know we are all thinking n
when I say we deeply regret Miss Clay's inability to be with us
tonight, and I feel syre we will all Join most heartily in
sending her a message of warmest greeting and best wishes for
this year and all the years to come.

And, if this report may be appropriately closed
with a quotation, what better words might I choose than those
which were uttered by Miss Clay herself in her stirring remarks
of a year ago? She then said:

"Whether Republican or Democrat, we are the great
Republic, and stand for equal rights. I am thoroughly satisfied
with what woman's suffrage has done for women as well as for men.
Speaking not solely as a Democrat, but as an American, I believe
the hearts of our people are true tonthe fundamental principles
of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."

‘ ~59

 M\_M-F7/éw 6&4 h, WflflM )9
CC“, . f \1 flat‘WM-oghi‘g’l/LM \* Ama‘M.
The D . .
5 emo cra 1c
W ’ l
oman s Journa
This Issue Dedicated In Memory OF
” W’i
Published Four Times a Year

 Entered as second-class matter July 31, 1929. at the post. office at Louisville, Ky., ,‘
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
‘ ’
The Democratic Woman s Club of Kentucky
President .
Frankfort, Kentucky ‘
Honorary Presidents
New Castle, Henry 00. Ashland, Boyd 00. i
Hopkinsville, Ky. ‘
Vice President Members State at Large
Glasgow, Ky. Frankfort, Franklin 00., Ky. ‘
Recording Secretary MISS LINNIE B. BRADY ‘
MRS. CECIL WILLIAMS Covington, Kenton 00., Ky. I
Somerset, Pulaski CO" Ky. Chairman Standing Committees j
Corresponding Secretary Ways and Means ~
Frankfort, Franklin 00., Ky. Owingsville, Bath 00., Ky. ,
Treasurer Legislation ‘
Louisville, Ky. Lexington, Fayette 00., Ky. ,"
National Committeewoman Organization
Shepherdsville, Bullitt 00., Ky. Frankfort, Flanklin 00., Ky.
Editor of. Journal I
Carrollton, Carroll 00., Ky.

Publicity: Mrs. Keen Johnson, Richmond, Ky.; Mrs. Joseph D. Scholtz, Mrs }
V. 0. Gilbert, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Daisy Hamlett, Columbia, Ky.; Mrs. I
John Lawrence, Cadiz, Ky.; Mrs. F. A. Rothier, Covington, Ky.; Mrs.

Herndon Evans, Pineville, Ky; Mrs. Tom Underwood, Lexington, Ky.;
Mrs. Katie Beauchamp, Taylorsville, Ky. I

Membership: Mrs. Cecil Cantrill, Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. J. S. Baskett, Cynthiana, ‘
Ky.; Mrs. E. D. Stephenson, Pikeville, Ky.; Mrs. John Parson, Smithland,

Ky.; Mrs. N. Powell Taylor, Henderson, Ky.; Mrs. John Will Greene,
Sandy Hook, Ky.

Education: Mrs. Robert Vaughn, Glasgow, Ky.; Miss Ella Lewis, Leitchfield, ,
Ky.; Mrs. Ervine Turner, Jackson, Ky.; Mrs. Grant Lilly, Richmond. Ky.; '
Mrs. Lucy Smith, New Castle, Ky. i

Constitution and By-Laws: Mrs. J. 0. Layne, Florence, Ky.; Mrs. Nora Curtis ‘;
McGee, Burkesville, Ky.; Mrs. S. A. Blackburn, Versailles, Ky.; Mrs. J. S. i
Forshee, Lexington, Ky. l

Historian: Mrs. Harry E.£*Tliixt0n, Henderson, Ky.; Mrs. Maude Lafferty,

Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. John Price, Providence, Ky.; Mrs. Ben Turner, Mt.
Sterling, Ky.; Mrs. Edward Shoemaker, Harlan, Ky.
Continued on Page 18 l

THE DEMOCRATIC gated in the next few years. But, be
, of good cheer, there is an old Italian
WOMAN S JOURNAL proverb which says, “A ship that is
Published by steered by a skillful hand seldom
strikes on rock or sand.”
Kentucky Democratic Woman’s I know you will all be as loyal and
‘ Cl b true to your new President as you
, u have been to me and I know you will
1“ Published foul. times a year all be faithful to the principles of De-
‘ 25 cums a year mocracy'for'which our forbears sacri-
Roberts Printing 00., Frankfort, Ky. ficed their lives and fortunes. In the
present grave international emerg-
MISS ANN GULLION, Editor ency I beg you to remember the his-
i Carrollton, Kentucky tory of all tyrants, dictators and con-
: querors. Gone are Caesar and Charle—
‘ Associates magne, gone are Nero and Napoleon,
‘ gone are Hannibal and Genghis Khan,
MRS' ELEANOR HUME OFFUTT gone are generations of Pharaohs.
Frankfort, Kentucky
“How sultan after sultan, with his
. MRS. H. K. BOURNE pomp
T New Castle Abode his destin’s hour, and went his
. wa .
‘ MRS. D. M. HOWERTON . , y . . . . _ .
l, Ashland They say the lion and the lizard keep
., The courts where Jamshyd gloried
' MRS. THOMAS C. UNDERWOOD and drank deep.”
‘ Hopkmsvrlle Tomorrow today’s dictotators will
MRS. EMMA GUY CROMWELL be as those others. With a firm belief
. in Divine Providence we must be
‘ Busmess Manager . faithful and true to our God, our
l 212 S‘ 12th Sli‘” ngls‘tnne’ Ky., country and to the principles of De—
i and ran or mocraey. .
1 MRS. COVINGTON JETT In the years to come please remem—
i ber that when you are near Frank—
Treasurer fort I shall be waiting with a warm
Cox’s Creek, KY. welcome. I shall be expecting our or—
' ., ganization to treble its membershi in
‘ MRS' SPALD'ING E‘ MICHOT’ b1" the next four years as it has trelliled
. Advert1s1ng Director it in the last four years. Several
j' Shively, Ky. years ago I spoke to you in Lexington
, and “Sid the quotatipln, “Give me ten
1 ___—“_— men w o are stout earted men and
, VOL IX September, 1941 NO' 3 I’ll soon give you ten thousand more."
l ———‘———-——‘— My words proved prophetic for today
! A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESI- we number ten thousand women in
a DENT our organization. In the words of
l Robert E. Lee, our beloved Confeder-
My Dear Democratic Women: ate leader, ”After four years of ardu-
1 This is the last time I shall address Piidiafgrgaif‘zwell'} bld you an affec—
ou through these pages as your -
. President. It has been my pleasure ELEANOR HUME OFFUTT~
‘ and privilege to serve you for four _—
and a. half years—longer than any V 1 ‘
other President has ever served you. LONVLNVIION CALL
Now, it is with both pleasure and The fifteenth annual meeting of the
1 pain that I relinquish the staff of of— Democratic Woman’s Club of Ken-
‘ fice. It is with both relief and regret tucky will be held in Louisville, Ken-
i that I lay the cares of administration tucky, at the Kentucky Hotel, Thurs- »
i on other shoulders for there have day and Friday, October 23rd and 24th,
' been problems and anxieties that I 1941.
sought to solve without burdening The annual dinner will be on Thurs—
i you. It is with regret that I relin— day, October 23rd at 7:00 P. M. at the
quish the tiller of our ship for I real— Kentucky Hotel. Plates Will be $1.25
ize that troubled waters must be navi- DOI‘ DGI‘SOII-
Pray for Peace
a 1

Luncheon will be served at 12:30 on , .. . .
Friday, October 24th. Plates 75c per T33 3
person. For reservations of rooms or 53,5
meals address Mrs. Alvah L. Terry, fifi . ,. ‘
Jr., 1214 Cherokee Road, Louisville, . 1
Kentucky. it" .. ‘
Clubs are entitled to representation
as follows: _ ' " ' i
ARTICLE VIII. Section 3. ‘22:“ . .
All women voting the Democratic ,, ..i.\._.}j. ._ ' ~
ticket are urged to attend the Annual \qr‘ ' ,
Convention and take part in dis— ' '
cussions pertaining to the interest of '.‘ '
the Democratic party in Kentucky, re- 7 , 1' ‘
gardless of club affiliations. 1 T '
State Ofiicers, District Directors , .. .
and Chairmen of Committees are re— . » 5 .
quested to have their reports type— .3 . m '
written. One copy must be left with " .. ..
the Recording Secretary. Club presi- '. . " p . p ‘
dents will send their reports to their .5 ' . .
district director not later than Oc— ' " g 3
tober 12th. ‘ '1' ' ‘2 . V l
ARTICLE VIII. Section 4. . .-_ ‘1 ' _ ’ l
Each club organized and affiliated x I - _v p » l
with the Democratic Woman’s Club of ' ‘ - , ~ ’ “ l
Kentucky will be entitled to the fol— ,, w L. . . ' ix
lowing delegates: One delegate for ' ' 1
every ten members of the club (and
the President of the club) to be elect— MRS. ELEANOR HUME OFFUTT .
ed at the meeting preceding the Con- 0111' State President l
vention. There shall be an alternate __________4 1
elected for each delegate, who, in the _————————-———4‘ l
absence of her delegate shall have the Luncheon, 12:30 p. m. ‘
same power as a delegate. Afternoon session, Ballroom of Ken—
Note the hour for committee meet— tucky Hotel 2:00 p. m. ‘.
ings given below. Address. l
Thursday, October 23rd. Eleanor Hume Ofiutt (Mrs. 11;“an Ft,
Committee and Board meetings will Mrs. Cecil Williams res1 en ' :
be held at Kentucky Hotel. Recording Secretary ‘
(See Hotel Bulletin Board tor rooms If you have not already done so i
assign_ed to. committee meetlngs.) please send your per capita State l
RegIStFaUOD‘. Lobby—Kentucky HO' dues to the new State Treasurer, Mrs. l
tel from 2:00 I). m._ Alvah L. Terry, Jr., 1214 Cherokee l
State Board Meeting: from 2:00 p. Road, Louisville, Kentucky. l
m. _ _ In addition to the dele ates a ;
Meeting Of Journal Staff, trom 3300 other club members are corz‘iyiially iiil ‘
f D m. . _ , vited to attend. 1
. Standlng and SpeCIal Committees,
‘ from 3:00 p. m. KENTUCKY HOTEL RATES: l
; Banquet: Dlmng Room, KentUCkY Single room with bath—$2.75 and 5
1. Hotel, from 7:00 p. m. . J‘ up.
Greetings: Governor Keen ohnson, -
Mayor Joseph Scholtz, Hon. Wilson upDouble room With bath $400 and
W. Wyatt and other distinguished TYLER HOTEL RATES- .
guests. i - __ ' §
. Address: Honorable A. J. May, up? ngle room Wlth bath $2'00 and }
Chairman Military Affairs Committee, Double room with bath—$3 00 and i
Washington, D. C. up. ' !
Friday, October 24th anSlingle room without bath—$1.50 i
u . .
Convenes in Ballroom of Kentucky Dongle room without bath#$2 50 :
l’lOlQl 9.00 a. 11]. and 11p_ I l i l
Don't. Forget to Subscribe For The Woman's Democratic Journal i

‘ “WOMEN ON STATE CENTRAL EX- This committee is composed of two
ECUTIVE COMMITTEE”—EQUAL men and two women from each Con—
‘ REPRESENTATION WITH THE gressional District of which there are
1 nine, and eight members from the
1 MEN' State at largefifour men and four wo-
. First District— m‘flfll- h f th 1“
Mrs. R. W. Walker, Clinton, Ky. 1" mem ers 0 ‘3 comm“ 69 are
elected by the delegates from the
Mrs. Roy McKenney, Paducah, Ky. counties of the district at a conven-
Second D1str1ct— tion to be held at the same time that
Mismgnllg;son Beachamp, Russell- the State Convention is held to select
: - presidential electors and delegates to
7 Mrs- Lee Moore, Frankfort, KY- the National Convention.
Third District— The members from the State at
Mrs. Joseph D. Schollz, Louisville, large are selected by the State Con—
Ky. vention held to elect delegates to the
Mrs. Frances A. Dugan, Louisville, National Convention and presidential
Ky. electors.
Fourth District—Mrs. Kathrine Hun- There is a man elected Chairman of
. ter, Wycoff’ Leitchfieldy Ky. the State Central and Executive Com-
; Mrs. Margarete Richardson, Eliza— mittee and a woman Vice Chairman.
: bethtown, Ky. Mr. Tom Underwood is the present
1 Fifth District— Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
‘ Mrs. Eugene Mosley, Bedford’ Ky. The Democratic National Committee
1 Mrs. C. F. Crecelius, Falmouth, Ky. is composed 0f one man and 0116 W0-
} Sixth District— man. Gov. Keene Johnson, Frankfort,
3 Mrs. Sue Shelby Mason, Lancaster, MI‘S- T 0 Carroll, Shepherdsville, Ky. .
: Ky. In the voting precincts of all coun-
Mrs. Cabel Huguely, Danville, Ky. ties there shall be elected by the
Seventh District— Democratic voters in each precinct a
, Mrs. B. F. Wright, Seco, Ky. committee of tw0 composed of a com—
‘ Mrs. Kash Holbrook, Salyersville, mitteeman and a committeewoman of
l Ky. each precinct.
5 Eighth District— These two members are responsible
‘ Mrs. Espy Goodpaster, Owingsville, for the organization of their precinct.
‘ Ky. They should make their report to the
, Mrs. J. A. Monyhan, Brooksville, Ky. man Chairman and woman _ Vice
1 Ninth District— Chairman of the county, who in re—
2 Mrs. B. P. Jones, Barboursville, Ky. turn reports t0 the State Chairman
.7 Mrs. Ida Wells, Jamestown, Ky. and woman Vice Chairman at head-
} State at Large— quarters.
1 Mrs. Grace Cook, Ghent, Ky. —-—*
1, Mrs. Joe Lovet, Murray, Ky. TON SOLD
5 Mrs. Mary Hayes, Campbleville, Ky.
E These twenty—two women on State Lexington, Ky., Sept. 9~Four pieces
7 Central Executive Committee elected of property at Mill and Second streets,
} by the delegates from the counties including the historic home of the late
i composing their Congressional Dis— Miss Laura Clay, noted champion of
w trict at a meeting held at the same woman’s suffrage, brought $13,425
1, time of the State Convention to select Tuesday at an auction held to settle
5 presidential electors and delegates to Miss Clay’s estate.
= the National Convention. The l47-year-old residence had been
The members from the State at the home of John Hunt Morgan,
large are selected by the State Con— famous Confederate raider; John
vention held to elect delegates and Bradford, founder of the Kentucky
3 presidential electors to the National Gazette, first newspaper west of Pitts—
, Convention. burgh, and Col. Thomas Hart, a mem-
[ All must be approved by the State ber of the Henderson Company, one of
, Convention, and are elected for four the first groups to colonize Kentucky.
; years. _—
l The State Central Executive Com- 7
mittee constitutes the supreme gov- NATULARMED CITIZEN
a, erning authority of the Democratic A naturalized citizen is not eligible
; Party in Kentucky. to the office of President.
2 Pray For Peace .

-. ___________—__—_,———
Traditional interest and great charm Mrs. Franklin D_ Roosevelt has gone
attract those who have had the privi— to work on her first government job—
lege 01' ViSltihg Ashland, situated in America’s No. 1 civilian defense volun—
the heart of the Bluegrass, the home teer.
of Kentucky’s greatest citiZen. Henry Mrs. Roosevelt is assistant director
Clay. In bygone days this ancestral of the O. C. D., in charge of volunteer
home was the scene of luxurious liV- activities. Her ofiice is about a mile
ing and fine hospitality. The saga 0f from the White House, and Mrs.
the Clay family includes many noted Roosevelt walked to work the first
personalities, romances, early adven- morning, while her “boss,” Frorella. H.
tures and the changes attendant upon LaGaurdid, Civilian Defense Director,
100 years of family life in the same arriving twenty—five minutes late.
house. An official of the office of Civilian
Some of the most noted people of Defense reported that less than four .
the nation were guests of this great hours after Mrs. Roosevelt sat down
statesman at his Ashland home. to her first morning, “she W35 11D t0
Among these distinguished visitors her ears-1n work.”
may be mentioned’Lafayette, Daniel The FlrSt Lady. gave 0M a. state-
Webster, together with a number of ment whlch outlined her obiectlves
Presidents!among these were James as: .
Monroe, Martin Van Buren, Taylor, “Give every person. man, woman
Grant, Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, and Child. Wishing t0 Volunteer their
Taft and Wilson. services in the interest of civilian de—
Visitors, it is claimed, find the. Ash— i533: fhiyogfigfltliglgyolto mm W the 3
land of today is much as it was in the u . . 1
d f the Henr Clays that in gen- Then to prov1de opportunity to .
ays 0 . y . ’ - participate in some type of work
eral there is very little change. It is , . .
, . . which Will be of benefit to their com-
said several Visitors come every dilly munity—«now
:5; inherits: that“ Wt to .
emergency calls that may come in the
The gardens at Ashland were plann- future.”
ed by Pierre Charles L’enfant, the Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, Jr., wife of I
landscape architect who laid out. the the Secretary of the Treasury, will .
City Of Washington, and 1t 15 claimed have a desk in Mrs. Roosevelt‘s office
that at that tlmé, these grqunsls 0011- and will substitute for the First Lady ,
tained every variety of tree indigenous when she is not here. .‘
to Kentucky. ,
One of Henry Clay’s descendants, ——“’—"— ,
known as one of Kentucky’s most WOMEN FIRST ;
brilliant women, Madeline McDowell, . 1
later known as Mrs. Dasha Breckin- ”S0 then :tls the Women first: .
ridge, was a leader in public life, es. first at blrth to r40use thecries
pecially in Woman’s Suffrage work. Within a new babe s strangling throat; ,
And first at death to close the eyes ‘
Ashland, as the home of Henry of th (1 art'n ’T' t t a 1
Clay, our most famous Kentuckian, Th ose