xt7gqn5z6g1b_17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. 1933-1934 text 1933-1934 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_18/18400.pdf 1933-1934 1934 1933-1934 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_17 xt7gqn5z6g1b ,3, w ;;:..
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' 9
The Democratlc W oman s Club of Kentucky
Honorary Presidents ;
New Castle Ashland
President ‘
Hopkinsville '
Vice President Members State at Large
Lexington Covington .5
Recording Secretary MRS. GANT GAITHER
MRS. JESSE S_. BASKETT Hopkinsville
Cynthlana Chairman Standing Committees
Corresponding Secretary Ways and Means
Ashland Versailles
Treasurer Legislation
, Frankfort Lexington
' National Committeewoman Organization
Bardstown Frankfort
First District Seventh District
Murray Lexington
Second District . . .
. ._ Eighth District l
L OwensborE GE\ MRS. MARY HELM ;
Third District Stanford ’
Fourth Dzstrict O - (Y ille I
Leitchfield Tenth District
MRS. WALTER RADFORD . Whitesburw 1
Louisville . ° . t
Sixth District Eleventh District I
Falmouth Barbourville
Constitution and By Laws M embership
Florence Frankfort ‘
Publicity Young Women’s Clubs
Louisville Frankfort
Citizenship Education and Program
Catlettsburg Louisville |
Frankfort ' Henderson > i
A l

e T H E DEMOCRATIC however, excepg in thinumbers tgat
. are re rescnte in t 6 count t at
l WOMAN’S JOURNAL followsp Election Day. The test is
Published by not in the number of members alone,
, Kentucky Democratic Woman’s nor in the number of clubs.- It cer-
' Club tainly is not in the number of meet-
‘ Published Quarterly 25 cents per year ings held nor in the number of
309 Crescent Com Louisville Ky. speeches heard. These are but:
' ’ means to the end. The final test as
MISS ANN GULLION’ Edit” to the result of the work that we do
a Carrollton, Kemmky as clubs and individual members of
Axsociates clubs is to be found in the Demo—
MRS. THOMAS C. UNDER\VOOD cratic vote that comes to the polls on
Hopkinsville Election Day.
MRS. H. K. BOURNE At the present time it will be the
New Castle desire of all the clubs to create and
MRS. D. M. HOWERTON crystallize loyalty and patriotic sup-
? _ Ashland port for the administraiton at Wash—
MRS. EMMA GUY CROMWELL iugton and wholehearted cooperation
Business Manager for the administration at Frankfort.
Frankfort This support nowhere will be better
MRS. v_ Q. GILBERT, Treasurer reflected than in the vote in No—
‘ 309 Crescent Court, Louisville vember.
MRS. MARY TYLER CARROLL I greatly appreciate the confidence
Circulation Manager shown in me by my election as presi—
309 Clesfient Court dent of the State Democratic Wom—
I or Ifionggiifll‘fyky en’s Clubs. Except for the splen—
} __.___’ ' did work of my predecessors in this
i Entered as second-class matter July 31, 1929, Office and the gal-taint}, Of I'CCEIVll’lg
" at the Post Office at Louisville, Kentucky, fullest COOPCI‘ELUOI'I I Should IlOt feel
1 under the act of March 3. 1879- it: possible for me to undertake fins
1 -———.____————-——_______————_—_-_ office. In Kcntuck , however, such
J W splendid work already has been done
and such an energetic organization
I G 1' cc t'in g 5 fr 0 In th e N e w has been developed that I am sure
, President to the Democratic tli1s year 5. program Wlll not fall be—
. Woman’s Club hipd the lugh standard that has been
56 .
My hope for the Democratic The first step toward making this
‘ VVomen’s Clubs of Kentucky is that year a memorable one is to have
we shall increase our usefulness to permanent and active clubs in as
the Democratic party. This in it- many counties as will support them '
‘ self, those of us who espouse Demo— enthusiastically. No Democratic
cratic principles believe, will be a VVOmnn’s Club can have a better
‘ lasting service to our commonwealth program for the year, beyond keep-
and to the nation. This will require ing up its own work, than to obtain
increased effort by all members of one or more other clubs. There is
Democratic VVomeu’s Clubs. It also no better way for clubs to be or—
calls for us to add to the number of ganized than for the members of the
active members and to the number clubs of neighboring counties to join
of permanent clubs. together and go over for a day to an
I The final test is not in numbers, adjoining county to form a sister
4 Gettsubscribcrs for the Journal—£5 cents a year

club. The time and effort necessary to positions of distinction but of
will be fully justified. uselessncss.
I urge every club to consider Our aims are definite and practi— j
where it can sponsor another club cal. We desire to serve the Demo—
and to communicate with the state cratic party because we believe it
officers, so that we may assist inso— serves the people of our state and of
far as we may, in establishing ad— our nation. The more who join us,
ditional permanent clubs. as members of Democratic Women’s
Every 11]Qn]ber of a Club should CfibeS' the IllOI‘C effective \Vlll be our
consider where she can enroll an— 9 01‘t5'
other club member. The program of £1111 greetilng Hie DCIiIOEII-iltlcfmmeli \j
each club member should be to O {entuc (y tirougi 1c ourna
double her influence by adding an— and in accepting the ljl—CSldenCy 0f
other to the roster. the Democratic \Voman’s Clubs of
I desire to say that I am much in— Kentucky let me urge that each Of
tcrcsted in the success of the Demo— us accept as our fil-St (Mt—V for the
cratic Journal the official organ of year thls plea'sant task—Get An—
tlie State Clubs, realizing how much other Member. .
we owe to publicity in the expansion —————
Of our work. With enthusiasm and CONVENTION
optimism I pledge my support and DEMOCRATIC WOMAN’S
coopcrfatilon in farthering the inter— CLUB AT FRANKFORT 1
EStS 0 he Journal. . Mrs. Thomas C. Underwood 1
There always .15 danger that V1C- Chosen State Leader
tory may result in apathy. From a U . f . 1 .01 fl .
party standpoint the Democratic nityo pulpO?C, 1101611_1_m?1a51m
party has won great victories in and large attcnt gin-cc. mailxcts tie .
Kentucky. In this the Democratic Sixth Annual Meeting of tie tate .
women of the state and the Demo— Clubs as one Of the .most successful
cratic Womenis Clubs have played a conventions in the history of the 01— __
large part. They merit fully the gap/{74510117 t' ll r 1 .6 11“ _
high praise that has been accorded . 1 1 excep 1011a.) _mbe (e ega i
to them tions, the 300 registcied delegates ?
, ' , representing almost every section of l
During campaigns, whether state Kentucky, this was the third animal i
or local, the best way to 31d 15 to CO.‘ convention to be held in our Capital
operate With the campaign organi- city.
when Any duplication always “1‘ Again the proverbial hospitality
WIVES IOSt IDOUOP, and brings the of Frankfort was in evidence, mcm- .
“SI" of conflict. lhe .PUYPQSB. Of a bers of the Franklin County Dcmo— i
campaign is toharmonizc actIVity. cratic \Noman’s Club were the g
The party organization has shown special hostesses, represented by i
that it is glad to give full recognition Mrs. Bowman Gaines, Mrs. Emma '
to the women. Our desire, however, G. Cromwell, Mrs. J. A. Kaltcnbrun
, is not that we shall win recognition and Mrs. Campbell Cantrill. Back ;
for ourselves but to unite in service of these were numbers of committee .
for the ideals and principles of our members assisting in caring for the ‘
party. We have stepped from that convention guests. '
“pedestal” that some once thought Each session was filled with inter— ‘
we should sit upon, sublimely sweet, est, great credit being due to the .
dignified and unimportant. We do president, Mrs. Howerton, for the ;
not wish to “exalt” ourselves unduly arrangement of the comprehensive .
Gcf subscribers for the Journal—25 cents a. year ,

and attractive program leading up Mrs. Howerton, the State President,
to the fine results evidenced by the presiding, the assembled officers,

‘ overflowing crowds at each session. delegates and visitors, filling the ball—
The highlights of the meeting room 0? the Capital Hotel to the
VVCI‘C addresges by t\VO of the Na- (lOOI‘S, llStCllCd t0 COI'ClIle VVOI‘dS Ol:
tion's most distinguished Democratic welcome extended by the'Mayor 0f
women, Miss Mary W. Dewson and lirankfort, Mr. T- E.K1nney,. and
Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, the elec- by Mrs. Bowman Gaines, Presrdent
tion, which included a State Presi— 0f the Franklin County Democratic
dent, and the Annual Address of the VVoman’s Club.
\j President, Mrs. David M. Hower— 1h responding to these words 0f
ton. welcome, Mrs. H. K. Bourne. who
f\ lively interest developed almong had tested the hospitality of Frank—
the various delegations concerning fort as the pres1dmgofficer 0f the
the choice of a new leader when it two conventlons prev1ously held in
became known that Mrs. Howerton, this city, said, “I knew from past
who had held the office for two experience that we would receive a
. years, would not be a candidate to cordial welcome in Frankfort.”
succeed herself. it is regretted to give only barest
The election of Mrs. Thomas C. reference to the reports 0f the State
Underwood of Hopkinsville, was Clubs, Which were all .50 encourag—
. made bv acclamation, her name ing, filled wrtlrthe Spmt .Of yictory,
J placed i114 nomination by Mrs. Walter yet tempered with. the realization that
‘ Radtord of Louisville, was seconded a great responsrbllity rests upon the
by Mrs. Cecil Cantrill of Lexing— Democratic party which contmues
ton, and other members of State to “66d our most loyal support. .
‘ Clubs. The enthusiastic approval of A very Interesting feature W35 the
. the action of the convention showed report 0f the Natlonal Democratic
that our Democratic women recog— Clhh Conference Wthh was held 1“
nize the ability and fitness of Mrs. Washington glven .hY MTS- Cec11 E.
Underwood to follow in office her Cantrill, Vice Presmlent. In the an—
i two efficient predecessors, Mrs. nual address 0h Mrs. Howerton
" Howerton, the retiring president, Wthh was well given and thought-
l and Mrs. H. K. Bourne, the first provokmg, the speaker declared
l president of the organization. “There should be devrsed a plan by
One of the State’s best known theDemocratlc Women’s Clubs by
Democratic women Mrs. Under— VthC-h there may 196- developed a con—
wood a member of’the Democratic tmuity 1n the act1v1t1es 9f the party
l State’Central Executive Committee —the day-by—day act1v1ty Of alert
l has engacred in many activities in the Democratlc Women 5 Clubs - upon
1 service ott her party In this issue wlnchinay be laid the {Bundationof
of the Journal Mrs. Underwood campaign organization. 1.11 givmg
ds a stirrinor and enthusiastic a resume 'of the accmnphshments
sen b . and ObJCCtIVCS of her adminlstration
I message to the Democratic women it was announced that the Kentuckv
3 0f the State. Democratic Clubs include 154 affili—
. The only other State office filled ated clubs, 104 being adult women’s
‘ was that Of treasurer. Mrs- J- A- clubs, and 50 young women’s clubs.
Kaltenbrun, of. Frankfort, who has The President’s animal address ap—
. served 50 effic1ently for tWQ years, pears in this issue of the Journal.
, was re-elected Without oppos1tion. At the close of Mrs. Howerton’s
I As the convention convened with address a lovely basket of roses from
' Get‘subscribem for the Journal—25 cents a year

thc Ashland club was presented to Mrs. Blair and Miss Dewson com-
.her by her personal page, Miss Mary missions making them coloncls on
Carpenter, Ashland. the Governor’s Staff.
The retiring State president was These two outstanding leaders in
also highly honored when on motion the Women’s National Democratic
of Mrs. Cecil Bayless, of Louisville, Organization proved women of per- .
she was made an honorary president suasivc oratory With thorough j
of the State Club. knowledge of political conditions.
Miss Dorothy Schackelford, State Mrs. Blair, former chairman of the
Chairman of the Young Women’s Democratic National Committee,
Clubs, reported 55 clubs, eight of w1dcly known writer and lecturer,
which have affiliated with the Nation— has SPOk€11 many 511165, from city to
al Club. city and town to town, sowing seeds
The Resolution Committee, always of thought that will doubtless bear
an important one, with Miss Mar— lastmg fl'Uit-
gal—ct Parrish, Chairman, associated The other speaker Of the after— -
with her were Miss Sara Malian, 110011, MiSS DEWSOH, W110 all during
Secretary of State, Mrs. Curtis Mc- the Roosevelt Campaign was chief
Gee, Mrs. E. E_ Sweeney, Mrs. Bcn director of the Women’s Division,
E. Niles, Mrs. Bclva H, Mullah and quite captivated her audience.
Mrs. J. Elliott Riddell. These reso— Speaking with the most engaging
lutions, after affirming allegiance to frankness, she sustained the interest
the Democratic Party went on rcc— Of her listeners by her original and
0rd as pledging unqualified support cogent line 0f reasoning. The
to President Roosevelt and Gover— Journal hopes to find space in this
nor Laffoon, also endorsing the issue for excerpts from the addresses .
records of Kentucky’s two United of these two women on this occasion.
States Senator, and the nine Con- Messages and letters read at Con-
grcssmcn. vention from: Senator Alben W.
Barkley, Senator M. M. Logan,
Afternoon Session Hon. Jas. A. Farley, Chairman
At the afternoon session, with the Democratic. National Committee;
President, Mrs. Howerton in the GOV; Ncll1c T337106 ROSS, Vice
chair, Governor Lafioon extended Chalrman National Committee; ‘
greetings to large audience paying Mrs. Franklm D- Roosevelt, Mrs. .
special tribute to the women who Jno. N- Garner, .Mrs. RUth Bryan
are taking active part in political af— OWE“, MlSS Lanla Engle, Chair— 1
fairs. Stating that he looked upon man SP€_31\'€1‘S Bureau; MI‘S- Chas.
the women as a tremendous factor S Hamlm, President Women’s Na— ,
in promoting the social and civil “01131 C1111); MYS- 5911111191 Herrick,
welfare of the country, he expressed EXECUUVC Chan-man Women’s Na-
his appreciation of the many scrv- tlonal Club; Mts. Samuel Conner,
iccs the women have rcndered the Natlonal Comnnttee Woman; C011-
State. gressman Virgil Chapman, C011-
Govcrnor Laffoon presented the gressman J 01111 Young BTOWH: I‘1011.
guest speakers, Mrs. Mary W. Dew— A. B. Chandler and Mrs. Chandler,
son, of New York, and Mrs. Emily Mrs: Iley 13- Browmng, C01. M.
Newcl Blair, of Washington, D. C., Anme Poage, ’MTS- Chas. 13- Roach,
both of whom made brilliant and in— Cha1rman United Democratic
formative addresses. VVomcn’s Clubs of Maryland; and
Governor Laffoon, at the con— Mr. Louis Arnett, Chairman Young
clusion of the addresses, presented Men’s Clubs.
Get. subscribers for the J0mmal—25 cents a year

In closing this resume of the an— ..:zigfjfgéf:{EI;is:iii3.3.2.:§§§§§§§§§§§§§§f§5335;1;.:3..
nuai meeting, the editor of the
Journal extends in behalf of the
State Clubs and the President Mrs
Howerton, high appreciation of the
generous space given by the daily
i newspapers to proeeeeingsi ot the g
‘ convention. Let it not be forgotten t
that the daily press of the State in
reporting the sessions with fairness
and intelligence added prestige to at,»
the convention and in handiing “the f
news” they upheld the highest stand— ‘
ards of their profession as well as
reflecting credit upon our Deino- ,
. cratic women.
___—— a
Tea at Governor’s Mansion Hon-
oring Convention Delegates
. and Guests are
Following the convention Mrs. Ruby .
Lanson entertained with a beautiful ’2
but informal reception at the ManSIOtll ;§;§:Ej~~:"i"_3~53:g23nggggfigzgggggggggggz:fgggggggggggzgggsI3:35E:3‘gggggggggggggggggggg§fggfs:§;2_:;::53;:;.:;
for the Democratic women here for the :Zqfi:
convention. In the receivmg line With
the. host. were Mrs. Howerton, Mrs. MRS. THOMAS C. UNDERWOOD
. Bhlair, MISS Iiewsgn and members of President, Democratic Woman’s Club
t e execu ive oar .
Mrs. Emma G. Cromwell, Mrs. Thomas C. Underwood, of
Parliamentarian of Frankfort HopkinSVille, who was elected PreSi-
Convention dent of the Democratic Women’s
Again Mrs. Cromwell who is one Clubs of Kentucky at the meeting in
of the best exponents of parliamentary Fl‘a1?kf‘?rt 1n Aprll, has been an en—
‘ law in the State, was parliamentarian thUSlaSUC party worker In her home
; at the recent convention. With the able county, having several times acted as
prCSiding Officer! Mrs: Howerton, 1“ County Campaign Woman’s Chair—
the chair at each sessron, the smooth-
! running of the proceedings were most man. .
favorably commented upon. Mrs. Underwood is a member of
the Democratic State Central Com—
' Prizes Awarded at Convention mittee from the State—at—large, hav-
Two prizes were awarded at conven- lilg be-en electedat the State Conven-
tion for Journal subscriptions: tion in Lo-uiSVille last year._ She
One to the individual securing the also was 61$th by her DIStTICt as
largest number of subscriptions, Mrs. a delegate to lthe Chicago Conven—
Mary J. Cain, Newport, secured 103 tion.
subscriptions and was awarded. as a Mrs. Underwood’s husband the
prize Mrs. Cromwell’s Compendium of ’ .
Parliamentary Law. late T. C. Underwood, 0f Hopkins—
One to the Club having one hundred Ville, was until the time of his death
if; pintRmflifnbgrsllijip stabscrig‘tkifrg Ibgfi- editor of the Hopkinsville N ew Era
_ I
trict DenaiocCi‘latic CIisib,erII.touisville, r1:- and one Of the States bESt know?
ceived the new book, Looking Forward newspapermen, haVlng been pm?“
by Franklin D. Roosevelt. dent of the Kentucky Press Assoc1a—
Get- subscribers for the Journal—25 cents a, year

tion. He was a life-long Democrat. cratic women that has yet been under-
Thomas R. Underwood, Mrs. Under— taken in Kentucky.
Wood’s son, is now managing editor Important elections are “in the
and business manager of the Lexington offing.” 'Legislative contests are on in
Herald, published by Desha Breckin— every county. Who will represent us
ridge. in the next General Assembly is vitally
Although a regional campaign; com— important.
mittee woman in the Presidential cam— The Democratic women of each
paign of 1928, Mrs. Underwood has county organized from “the precinct
not taken part in Statewide campaigns up ” during this legislative campaign Tl
outside her home county but in insures the election of good legislators ' 3“
Christian County has acted a number —meaning a “new deal” for Kentucky. 1 i
of times in the campaign headquarters ‘—— 1
seed has’beceln ISictive in the Democratic Report of
omans u . - ,
Under this new leadership our Democratic Woman 5 Journal
Democratic women will continue to Madam Pre51dent 311d Members Of
carry on and strive to attain the ideals Democratic Woman’s C1111) in C011-
set by the previous administrations. A Vehthh Assembled:
woman of broad experience, clear In accordance with the plan adopted
vision and unusual resourcefulness, by the Board 311d carried OUt last year,
Mrs. Underwood will arouse a high the Journal has continued through the
conception of citizenship and of the present year as a quarterly publication.
principles of the Democratic party .Thls step, Whleh was taken at that
Within the ranks of our State Clubs. time to conserve funds in the treasury,
—_ has proven an expedient plan, the past
- - two years having been a period of loss
Representation Of Women In and suspended publication in every
Regular Party Commlttees class of journalism.
A resolution adopted by the Conven- Launched in Lexington, in June
tion of the Democratic Woman’s Club 1929, by a small band 0f staunch party
at Frankfort calling upon the Demo— women, with Mrs. H. K. Bourne, then
cratic Party to give to a, woman the president Of the Club, and Mrs. John
office of Vice—Chairman of the Demo— L. Woodbury as editor, the Journal 85-
cratic State Central Executive Com- sisted very materially in keeping
mittee has aroused much interest and Democratic fires burning through the
favorable comment. lean years of the rampant Republican
Mrs. James Campbell Cantrill, State regime that then prevailed throughout
Librarian, recognized as one of Ken— 0111‘ State.
tucky’s most astute political leaders, From the beginning, Democratic
offered this resolution which was doctrines have been disseminated, and
unanimously adopted. now, apparently, the days of reward
This action on the part of the Con- are at hand, as with a Democratic ad—
vention falls in line with the strong ministration strongly in power in Ken-
convictions of many of our outstanding tucky, the Journal may surely 100k fOI‘- i
leaders, women of intelligence and abil— ward to greater and more helpful ac- [
ity, who have long striven for in- tivities in the future. ,ll
creased permanent representation of The report of the Journal treasurer, {
women in precinct, county and state Mrs. V. 0. Gilbert, shows a splendid ’
committees, where this representation balance in treasury with the Journal
is not already included. entirely free of debt.
Kentucky is among the States that The editor mentions gratefully the
have adopted at the last State Conven- loyal support of the associate editors,
tion, in Louisville, party rules govern— Mrs. Howerton, the State president,
ing the organizations of precincts in and Mrs. H. K. Bourne, the honorary
each county, ruling that the precinct president, who edits “Club News” in
committeeman elected in each precinct each issue.
may be a man or woman. This same At the last meeting of the Journal '
ruling holding as to the election of a Committee Mrs. Emma G. Cromwell
district chairman. was elected business manager, and
However, whether these new party with Mrs. Mary Carroll as circulation
rules have been effectively carried out manager, the interests of the Journal
in many instances, the time now is will be well taken care of.
most opportune for the most thorough Acting on the proviso, as laid down by
organization on the part of our Demo- the Board, that extra numbers would

be published as exigencies arose, a '___——_—
State Campaign Number of Journal
was issued following the plan of the
Campaign Issue of the previous year,
Campaign material. Seventeen thou- f‘
of the Journal were mailed out to '»
Democratic women throughout Kcu— <
, \ tucky. The fillanCing’ Of this splendid
l undertaking was made possible through ”fig,
1 i the efforts of Mrs. Emma G4 Crom— v,
i, well, as Chairman of the State Medal—
lion Organization. Mrs. Cromwell will
report her work as Chairman of the f,
Medallion Fund, of which she made 5&3}
Appreciation is expressed of the ’
many courtesies extended by the Na-
tioual Democratic \Vomcn’s Bulletiu— @y
also to the Courier—Journal, Louisville valid“
T imcs and Lexington Herald, for loan ,
of cuts for pictures, and other helps. *
Through this past year the subscrip- M,,§§~°
tion list has grown materially. \Vhile ga
tious would furnish entire support, in “he"?
the original plan, our club women are 3,)
reminded that each list of subscribers 3&3?»
Respectfully submitted, it
A1111 Gulliou, '—-.————-—-~_'
Editor Journal.
Report, Chairman of Publicity Mrs. Nellie T183106 ROSS
Madam President and Members of the Appomted irector _
Democratic “"0111311’5 Club of Ken— of the Mlnt
tucky: . .
The Publicity Committee has no re— Presulcnt ROOSCVBIt 111 _l‘eCOg-
port to make of its own independent nitiou of her great party SCI‘VICC and
“’Ork- because of her outstanding ability
“76 urge as bef9re that all Club has appointed former GovernorRoss
women shall subscribe to our Demo- . .
l cratic \N’oman’s Journal, our organ of to; the llllpOl‘tant-place Ohf DlljeCl-Qr
publicity. oi the Mmt, which carries With 1t
ii We also urge that individual ,ClubS the general supervision of the mints
{ make more use of their local press. and assay Offices Of the United
* We call your attention to the press S t f . 1. 11, l
services initiated by Mr. Keene John- ta 65' t 15.3 “SW COVCte( P051:
son of the State Democratic Conimit— and the naming Ol REFS. ROSS as—
tee. sures an able administration of that
'Xth'el; yotti havetatiliathtdcr 0;) statf— bureau.
wue m eres , repor 1 o 155 arris i, .
care Democratic Committee, Capital Nhjs‘ ROSS is-the bESt known Dem—
Hotel, Frankfort, and if it is justified O‘cratlc leader ln_ the Womens Na-
in importance it will be sent to the tioual Orgamzation, and there seems
' ' I”??? 0f Kentl‘Ck3’-tl t a h 1 b 1 ep no reason why she should not con—
e recommeu is e c cu (e . - -
a scrap book for clippings, programs, tinue as Vice Chairman of the Na—
etc. It will grow in interest, and be a “0981 Committee, JUSt Q5 3413 Far-
contribution to political history. ley ls coutmumg as Natlonal Chair—
Respectfully submitted, ' mau Since his appointment as Post—
Mrs. John L. Woodbury. master General.
Gef' subscribers for the Journal—25 cents a year

 Kentucky Needs a New a 40-page pamphlet designed to show
. , that a new Constitutional Convention
Constitution was and is both necessary and expe—
- dient. Mr. George L. Willis, Sr., of
By Samuel M' Wilson Shelbyville, Ky, prepared and pub—
The history 0f recent attempts to lished a comprehensive and convincing
bring about a general overhauling and brochure, in which the history of pre—
revision of the present Constitution of vious Conventions was briefly recited
Kentucky is 110’f encouraging to those and the occasion and needs for a new ~79
who believe that K¢UtUCk)’ needs. a Convention ably presented. Vigorous
new Constitution. Two successwe opposition developed to the proposal,
General Assemblies, those Of 1928 and and, it must be confessed that the time
1930, by the concurrent vote Of a ma- was not auspicious for gaining a favor— «.-
jority Of all the members 8191th to able hearing from voters, since general
each House, united in the enactment attention was then, as now, centered on
0f a law to take th€ sense 0f the people immediate economic and fiscal prob-
Of the state as to the necessity 311d lems, which then, as now, clamored
CXDEdiCillC)’ 0f calling a COHVCUtiOH f01‘ for attention and tended to crowd the
the purpose 0f revising 01‘ amending Convention question out of the picture.
the present Constitution of 1891, as The development of Kentucky, in
amended since its adoption. In pur— common with the other states of the
suance Of this law, the QUCStiOU Of Union, during the past forty-five years.
calling a Constitutional Convention in every line of industry and endeavor.
. was submitted to the Voters of the furnishes itself the strongest argument
Commonwealth at the. regular Novem— for the holding of a new Constitutional
bCI‘ ClECtiOIL in the year 1931- The Convention. The limits of this paper
proposal was defeated by El dECiSiVC will not admit of a rehearsal of the
majority, although the entire number salient facts of this history, but, in
of those voting for or against the pro- general, it may be said that the social.
posal was but a comparatively small political and economic development of
fraction of the total number of voters Kentucky, during the past forty—five
participating in that election. years, has far outstripped its develop—
It is perfectly apparent that a new ment during the entire period of its
Constitution of Kentucky cannot be previous history. During the first
secured through the process of occa- hundred years of the Commonwealth.
sional and uncorrelated amendment, Kentucky adopted three. separate Con—
and the difficulty in the way of effect— stitutions, the fruits of three successive
ing even the most necessary and Conventions. But we think it not too
urgent amendments to the Constitu- much to assert that there is greater
tion, is so great as to make such need of a new Constitution at the
amendment almost, if not altogether, present time than there was at any
impossible, and even successful amend— time between the founding of the
ment has not always proved satis— Commonwealth in 1792 and the meet—
factory. ing of the third Constitutional Con— P:
The constitutional problems of Ken— vention of 1890—91. And one of the
tucky, which increasingly demand outstanding facts which makes the 1
treatment at the hands of a Constitu- present need so much more obvious
tional Convention, have been the sub- and so much more urgent is the fact Q,
ject of earnest discussion among that the present Constitution. unlike its
leaders of public thought for many three predecessors, is almost entirely
years. One of the pioneers in this devoid of that flexibility and elasticity
movement was the late lamented Leon which, if it existed, might enable the
P. Lewis, of the city of Louisville, who departments of Government to adapt
was ably seconded by the late Honor- themselves, and the laws under which
able John M. Atherton, of Louisville. they operate, more readily and more
In the campaign of 1931, one of the effectually to the every—day practical
foremost advocates of the proposal to needs of our people. It is not said
call a Constitutional Convention was with any thought of reflecting upon
Prof. J. Catron Jones, of the Uni- the able and honorable men, who com—
versity of Kentucky, and associated posed the last Constitutional Conven—
with him were a number of representa- tion, to say that, as we study their
tive citizens throughout the state. The, handiwork, and vainly strive to make
writer of this article himself con— it fit present conditions, we cannot
tributed to the discussions of that year escape the reflection that, consciously
Got subscribers for the Journal—25 cents a year

or unconsciously, they were dominated with respect to this question, as also
by the conviction that “We are the with respect to the proposed amend-
people, and wisdom. shall die with us.” ment to Section 158 of the Constitu-

Tinie and time again specific COIH- tion, submitted to 2. vote at the same
plaints have been lodged against both election, COIIVinCCS us that we shall
the form and contents of the present never 8ft anywhere With efforts Either
Constitution of Kentucky. It is not substantially to amend the Constitu-

. our purpose to- attempt to give an ex— tion or to bring about the holding of

'75 haustive enumeration of what we con— a 119W C0'15t1tl1tl011'dl COHVCHtiOYl, un—

ceive to be fatal defects in the present less and llhtil we effect a radical

organic law of the Commonwealth. A change 111 the existing machinery for

few of these specifications, however, revising or amending the Constitution.

V may here be set down. That venerable ThlS machinery is entirely too cumber-

instrument is