xt7gqn5z6g1b_16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_17/18250.pdf 1932 1932 1932 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_16 xt7gqn5z6g1b attizttgtiigtegttsetgttigeg/zfl.
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The Democratlc W oman s Club of Kentucky ' .
President E
Hopkinsville, Christian Co.
‘ H onoraryii Presidents
New Castle, Henry:Co Ashland, Boyd Co. 7
Vice Presidé'fig" Members State at Large i
Louisville, JefferS’éJ yo. Burkesville, Cumberland Co. E
Recording Secretary MRS. WALTER RADFORD i
MRS. JESSE S. BASKETT Louisville, Jefferson Co.
Cynthlana, Harrison 03- Chairman Standing Committees
Corresponding Secretary Ways and Means
Hopkinsville, Christian Co. Versailles, Woodford Co. E
Treasurer Legislation
Owensboro, Daviess Co. Lexington, Fayette Co. E
National C ormnitteewoman Organization 5‘1,
Bardstown, Nelson Co. Frankfort, Franklin Co. E
First District Sixth District - E
Murray, Calloway Co. Lexington, Fayette Co. E
Second District . . ' i
MRS. LAWRENCE H AGER Seventh District .
Owensboro, Daviess Co. MRS. HAROLD HARBISON
Third District Hazard, Perry Co.
MRS. J. E. RIDDELL _ . _
Louisville, Jefferson Co. Eighth District
MISS ELLA LEWIS Owingsville, Bath CO.
Leitchfield, Grayson Co. . . _
Fifth District Ninth District
Falmouth, Pendleton Co. Barbourville, Knox Co.
Constitution and By Laws Membership . ,
Florence, Boone Co. Frankfort, Franklin Co. .
Publicity Young Women’s Club:
Louisville, Jefferson Co. Frankfort, Franklin CO.
Citizenship Education and Program
Catlettsburg, Boyd Co. Louisville, Jefferson Co.
Frankfort, Franklin Co. Henderson, Henderson Co.

1 THE DEMOCRATIC tive interest is solicited in this very ,
‘ im ortant cam )ai n in which we are
l WOMAN’S JOURNAL noiav engaged. lIngcasting a ballot in
humid by the best interests of our State, which 1
_ , Kentucky Democratic Woman’s demand the election of the Demo—
Club cratic ticket in November, we do so ‘
i I ' d with the full knowledge that we are
'« P‘M’She Quarterly 25 cents a year assrsting 1n the progress toward
l 309 C’mem 0mm L°“i“m°' K" economic recovery under President ‘
‘ MISS A'NN GULLION, Editor Roosevelt and the activities of the
i Carrollton, Kentucky New Deal.
‘ Asmcmm There can be no doubt as to the
MRS. THOMAS C. UNDERWOOD result, but no one at this critical '
Hopkinsville time, wants the marvelous majority ,
. MRS. H. K. BOURNE of last election lessened. The woman ' '
, New Castle vote 15 the (leading factor. VVltll
our Democratic women working and
ii MR5. D: M- HiOWERTON voting for the success of our ticket,
r: AShland victory is assured.
‘ MRS. EMMA GUY CROMWELL Evidcncing the fact that the Dem—
i Busmess Manager ocratic W oman’s Club of Kentucky
1 309 Crescent C?rt,klf,outisv1llc, Ky., and has gone on record as pledging 5111)—
ll ran or port of party nominees in all cam— ‘
[ MRS- V. 0- GILBERT, TVWW’” paigns, State and National, the fol—
i 309 Crescent Court, Louisville lowing resolution was unanimously
i MRS. MARY TYLER CARROLL adopted at the annual convention in
' Circulation Manager April and published in the conven-
, 309 Crescent Court tion number of the Journal; and re—
or Ifioélvaéligflgyky affirmed by the State Board of Dem—
’ ' ocratic \N’oriiaii’s Club, October 2,
___. 1935 :
Entered as second-class matter July 31, 1929, _ . ,
It the Post Office at Louisville, Kentucky, “Be It 1'C501V'Cd that SIHCC thlS Fall
under ch: act of March 3. 1879- we must elect a Democratic Gover—
nor and all Democratic State Offi—
r; Vol. VII October, 1935 No. 17 cials this body pledges its allegiance
___—___. and full support to the nominees se—
lected by our Democratic people, 1
Appeal to the Democratic and that we stand organized and
.. Women of Kentucky ready to render any serv1ce we are
I. . called upon to give, pledging our—
\\ 1th the campaign for the .se— selves to our party’s cause in N0—
lectlon of State Officers fast coming vember.”
to a close, the Journal is sending out 5' d'
this campaign issue to thousands of , igne '
our Democratic women with an NellieB. Vaughan, -
urgent plea for a united and en— Chairman.
thusiastic support of the party nom— Mrs. J. E. Riddell,
inees on November 5. Mrs. Bowman S. Gaines, i
This election, in Kentucky, is at— Emily Hughes Cleek,
tracting national attention, and ac— Committee on Resolutions. ,

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Mrs. Thomas C. Underwood, Hopkinsville, right, president of ’F
the Democratic Woman’s Club of Kentucky, and Mrs. Espy Good- 3
paster are shown with Robert Humphreys, State campaign man- ‘
ager, left; Keen Johnson, Richmond, nominee for Lieutenant Gov- ‘
ernor, and United States Senator Barkley at the Seelbach Hotel, {5
where leaders of the woman’s club met Wednesday to map plans
for an intensive campaign to get out the Democratic women’s vote
in November.
Democratic State C a m p a i g n Senator Robert Humphrcys, May-
Headquarters Opened 1n field, the State Campaign Chairman,
LOU-15V1He will be capably assisted by Hon.
‘ . . 4 - ‘ -' .
The Democratlc Campalgn Head— 1:164 A‘ Wallis, Palls’ Finance
quarters on the tenth floor of the Chairman; Keen Johnson, nomlncc
Kentucky Hotel cordially welcomes for Lieutenant Governor, Chairman
all Democrats of Kentucky. State of Publicity; and Mrs. Espy M.

”a y
E Goodpasterg of Owingsville, liam B. O’Connell all are men in
1 Woman Chairman of the Demo— whom the Democratic women of
cratic State Campaign. Kentucky have confidence and °
Senator Robert Humphreys said whom they can readily 51113130”-
in a brief statement: “I earnestly We recognize the fact that this
solicit the help of every Democrat year’s campaign in Kentucky has ‘
in Kentucky in support of the State attracted national notice and that
ticket. A cordial invitation is ex- the policies of our great President,
tended to all Democrats in the State Franklin D. Roosevelt, are being
to visit headquarters. tested at the polls. From all over
“W’e are going to win this fight. the United States the Kentucky
We have a splendid ticket and election will be interpreted as an en-
there is no reason it should not re— dorsement or a repudiation of a
ceive the enthusiastic support of a Democratic National Administra—
united party. tion.
_ “I”have a very definite impres— With this in mind let us redouble ,
sron, Senator Humphreys further our efforts. The Democratic ‘
4 stated, that our P601316 0f,thlS State women’s clubs cannot keep their
are enthusrastic-ally for tlns' capable activity at its height throughout the j
:n(loygg:irtC)Llst:ngtctthgfafrmgfis thle year. Their principal activity must E
3p ‘7.“ y P 'd e (} €135 take place after nominations are E
V’ ’0 “I support . reSI ent “305‘?" made and before the final elections ‘
velt and the Nat10nal Democratic . . . .
. . . ,, and fins IS part1cularly true when I
I Administration. there is a State—wide election. l
m In past years these organizations E
have proved their value and have E
Unite in Support of the Demo— increased greatly the Democratic E
‘ cratic State Ticket vote. With a gubernatorial election E
this ear and with a Presidential .
E To the Democratic Woman's Clubs electigin next year there is a large ?
1 0f Kentucky : program ahead of us. I
E Now that the primary is over, the Nothing is so important as bring— F
time comes for the Democratic ing out the vote on election day. i
,l woman's clubs 0f Kentucky to This requires organization. It re— ;
unite 1n_support 0f the Democratic quires publicity and education on .3
State “Cket: as our resolutlons the issues of the campaign. It re- '-
3dOPt8d at our State Convention quires enthusiasm. Toward all f
I recommended. I thmk that all Of these ends the Democratic women’s '
E us feel that we can cheerfully and clubs can be a lar e factor The
i wholeheartedly support our gallant 1 b - t1 gt TI' ' y '
1 young leader, Lieutenant Governor ltave een m . 16 p as: us year we
I A. B. Chandler and his associates. 10136.11) (103611111016 for our party
E Keen Johnson, the nominee for and Its “0‘,““1665‘
I Lieutenant Governor, and Secretary By putting forth our best efforts .
.5 of the Democratic State Committee, We can render a great serv1ce to the
has virtually turned over his head- Democratic Party and I sincerely ‘
E quarters to US. Charles Arnett’ hope that all the Democratic women a
. Ernest E. Shannon, B. M. Vincent, throughout the State will revive the :
E John E. Buckingham, Garth Fer- club activities with membership j
E guson, Harry W. Peters and Wil— campaigns, with programs and such .

activities as will be recommended in advanced government, legislation ‘
detail after the campaign plans have designed to bring increased benefits ‘
been more fully developed. of government to all the people and
Yours for Democratic victory in the womanhood of the State in par—
November, ticular. . _
Sincerely, I urge you to familiarize your- .
Mrs. T. C. Underwood, selves with the importance of win—
President, ning this election. Intelligent self— l
Democratic Woman’s Club. interest dictates that you support the ‘
___.— Democratic ticket and earnestly ad-
vocate election of all its nominees.
Message From.State Campaign Robert Humphreys,
Chairman State Democratic Campaign
I appreciate an opportunity to ex— Chairman.
press to the Democratic \IVoman's ————-——-—
Club of Kentucky my gratitude for M e s s ag e From Mrs. Espy H.
their efi’ectlve support of the Demo— Goodpaster, Chairwoman of the
cratlc’ tlcket. No'group of. the Democratic Woman’s
States Citizenshlp IS more v1tally Organization
affected by State government than
the women, the wives and mothers. We have a wonderful ticket to
Women of Kentucky who desire elect in November and the Demo”-
Only the best possible adrninistra— (31‘3th women Of Kentucky cannot
tion of the affairs of the common- fail to do their part and to be alert .
wealth should not hesitate to. vote and active in this great campaign as .
and work for the Democratic ticket. they have been faithful in others. ‘
The Democratic nominee for Gov— The eyes of the nation are turned
ernor and his associates on the on Kentucky for a Democratic GOV-
ticket are pledged to the enactment 61‘1101‘ ill November, and, WC, the l
of legislation which will promote the womanhood of Kentucky, should 5- ;
welfare of women and their not disappoint them. Let us work 3
children. A $12 per capita for together to bring about a glorious
schools and free textbooks are victory on the 5th of November and
pledged by Lieutenant Governor A. elect the whole Democratic ticket. ‘
B. “Happy” Chandler, in order that ___.—_—
an .adequate school system can be Plea For Party Unity In {
malntamed. K k 1’
Assurance is 'iven that there will entuc y l
_g . Mrs. H. K. Bourne l
be full cooperat10n With the federal .
government to secure for the aged The principles for which the gig
of Kentucky the benefits of old age Democratic Party stands are im-
pensions. These and numerous mortal, and necessary to free gov—
other advanced measures which ernment. .
vitally affect womanhood of the Since our government is admin-
State are pledges to which our can— istered by parties, in order for it to
didate for Governor is committed. properly function, is it not neces—
A splendid ticket of superior sary that the adherents of a party
Kentuckians is presented by the give to it their support?
Democratic Party. It is a ticket any Without unity no party can live.
woman can support with enthu— A divided Democracy in Ken-
siasm, assured that a vote for this tucky, divided on issues and can-
group of Kentuckians is a vote for didates has always caused her down-

ma ,
1 fall. Let the leaders of the party And on, and on, and on, until the
do away with factions and remem- one sympathized with begins to feel
her that good fundamental of De- sorry for himself, and to get the
mocracy, “the majority shall rule.” idea that he has been badly treated.
. Division in the party has cost us When one begins to feel sorry for
. four United States Senators and himself and to get the idea that he is
four Governors. Let us not lose misunderstood, and not appreciated,
1 Kentucky for our nominees and our he is in a bad way, his morale has
President. had a hard jolt, and he is slipping.
I am sure Kentucky will do the One of the largest and most re-
right thing and the “chief reason cent doses of sympathy, publicly ad— ‘
for that confidence, is my faith in ministered, covering the state like a ,
the courage, persistence and pa— flood, was that handed Democratic .
triotism of its women.” women by the Republican nominee
Anne S. Bourne, for governor. ‘
(Mrs. H. K. Bourne), He lamented that there was no ‘3
Honorary President, woman on the Democratic ticket and ;
Democratic Woman’s Club of said that after the primary rush was ;
Kentucky. over, the women found themselves ;
m in the position of strap hangers in ‘
i _ a train where all the men were com— ;
Campaign Rackets fortably seated. i
Charlotte 0. Woodbury The ’ worgen who workid $0.1; ;
* woman s su ra e a wa s s o e 0 1 .
~ ‘ (Mrs. John L‘ Woodbury) as equal rightsgAs thgy uiiderstood ,
There are just as many “rackets” English that meant that they 6X“ 5
in a political campaign as in any pected to take their share of the de— ‘
~\ other enterprise, and it is surprising feats and failures as W811 as the SUC- ?
how far some of them get before CESSES and VlCtOerS. j.
if L they are recognized for what they The women who ran in the Demo- ‘
3 are. cratic primary ran as Democrats not 3
One of the leaders is the “Sym— as women. There was a list of ‘
pathy” racket, which is worked in Delnocratic candidates and a list 3
, some such fashion as this. Its object of Republican candidates, not a list l
i is to make the one sympathized with of men seeking office, and of women j
.1, dissatisfied with conditions, and doing the same thing. So Demo- :
‘ especially with the way he has been crats or Republicans were voted for, l
1 treated. not men or women. ,
l For example, the sympathizer re— The women who ran on the Demo- ‘
{9 marks: “Yes, it was a nice meeting, cratic ticket ran as Democrats. Both
but you would have made a better of them in the past have been hon- ;
chairman”; or, “Why didn’t the ored by their party with positions }
chairman call on you to speak P”; or, of honor and responsibility, so there ‘
“You really should have been at the is no question of having been badly
speaker’s table, after all the good treated. They themselves were prob- '
work you’ve done a little recognition ably surprised that they were the v
wouldn’t hurt, and it was certainly objects of such sympathy and solici- f
coming to you”; or, “Yes, it was a tude. 3
fair press notice, but why didn’t they The real objective of this sym— :
put your picture in the paper? Why pathy seems to have been to make 3
they wouldn’t have had much of a Democratic women as a whole re- 1‘
. program, if it hadn’t been for you.” sentful of the supposed ill treatment j


of other women. But women are W—-———;
better campaigners and cleverer 3"? ,
politicians than to be influenced by . '5; »

They know the candidates have I
been selected by a majority oi the »
expect to vote for the nominees of 3;.
their party from top to bottom of

Tlee hurt teelitgs
on the shoulders of Democratic ,;
women. The chips have all beet
gathered up to light a bonfire to 6616— ‘6
L i e u t e n a n t Governor A- B-

Chandler Launches Campaign . it?

For Governor at Lawrence- A. B. “HAPPY” CHANDLER

burg, September 22

A great throng estimated at ovation \x'henintroduced and great
10,000, including outstanding Dem— applause contmued throughout the
ocrats from every section of the address.
State, greeted the Lieutenant Gov- The campaign opening was such
ernor and pledged allegiance to the a marked success that it was best de—
nominee and his associates on the scribed as “A Chandler love feast
State Democratic ticket. with Happy brimming with smiles.”

Among many dignitaries seated The Journal appends the salient
011 the speakers’ stand, were Ken— points in the keynote address of the
tucky’s NatIOnally-known P a 1‘ t y gubernatorial nominee :
leaders: Unlted States Senator
Barkle i, United States Senator M. - - i
M. Ldgan and former Governor Chandler Speech H1gh11ghts I,
$21,733,? States Senator J“ C' W' Proposes constitutional amend—

. ' . . ment to prohibit issuance of inter— ,,’
Amid enthusiastic cheers, Gover— est-bearind warrants “
. g .

nor Beckham presented the speakers F . 1 . f a 1. t
to the distinguished array of Demo- avors 1ecuct1on 0 gaso me ax
crats. Senator Barkley followed by one centa gallon. _
Lieutenant Governor Chandler’s ad— ASSCTFS _Rel)11‘b11e311_ national
dress, lnaking an eloquent pero- leadersh1p \IS concentratmg 1.113011
ration 1auding“Happy” Chandler, as capture of Kentucky 1n November
he called upon all Democrats to rally election in order to thwart NEW
to the support of the nominee and Deal.
the other candidates on the ticket. Cited necessity for a Democratic

The nominee for Governor was Legislature to co-operate with Fed-
given a spontaneous and prolonged eral Government in enactment of

 l3 '
old-age pension and social security primary law enactment and of dis-
laws. obeying its spirit by holding prefer-
, Favors elimination of Highway ence c0nvent10n for minor offices.
. . . ' ' {(
‘ Comnnssmn abuses through ap- QPPOSES bl—partisan anl‘ClS- I
pointment of high type commis- believe that full responSIbihty for
g sioners rather than by civil service the COUdUCt 0‘5 the Government
law. should rest upon the party 1n
. . ower.
Repeats determination to repeal P .
. _ Favors stopping assessments of
retail sales tax. -
. _ . State employes for campalgn pur-
Pralses PreSIdent Roosevelt as a poses.
leader and benefactor of the masses. Urges reduction of State debt and
Accuses Repubhcan leaders and removal of Game and Fish Commis-
Judge Klng Swope of opposmg 51011 from politics.
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Democracy’s Standard Bearer, Chandler virtually an orphan at the
“Happy” Chandler, Nominee age of 4. - I
For Governor He and a younger brother Were
placed in the homes of relatives, who
Now, that Lieut. Gov. A, B, had large families of their own.
“Happy” Chandler appears to be Tossed from pillar to post until he
within stepping distance of the Gov— Wfl§ 12 years 01d, MI? Chandler went
ernor’s chair, inquiries are being to live With an Indiana family, where
made concerning the background of he was Stilt t0 SChOOl- Meanwhile,
the 37—year-old c an d i d ate who he was doing heart—breaking chores,
wound up a whirlwind primary cam— but that did not: deter him from his
. paign with the greatest gains ever determination to “get an education.”
made in SUCh acontest. Mr. Chandler then returned to
“I was 30 years old before I ever Corydon to enter high school. In
knew what it was to Win. I have addition to his chores, he earned
been losing all my life and am used money for his expenses by estab—
to it,” he. said recently when con— lishing a newspaper route, selling the
gratulated 'upon his victory in the Courier—Journal and other news—
primary. ' papers. Meanwhile, he had lost his
_ On ithe surface, it may be ex- younger brother as the result of an
plained readily that Mr. Chandler acc1dent.
was successful because he won the From then on to the present, Mr.
confidence and friendship of those Chandler’s life was marked by con-
he met. Children responded at once tinuous struggle against heavy odds,
to his genial, sympathetic under- but he won. Mr. Chandler deter-
standing of. their interests, the over- mined to continue his education in
all—clad workman fresh from his college after being graduated from
labors found in “Happy” 3. man who high SChOOl-
was one of them at heart, business “I had a $5 bill and a red sweater
and professional people likewise and a smile when I reached Transyl-
found in him a man conversant with vania University, Lexington, and
their problems and sympathetic with thank God, I have them all,” he said
their interests. in one of his campaign speeches.
But, since victory appears in sight Mr. Chandler paid his way from
for the youthful Democratic stan- the first by doing such odd jobs as
dard-bearer, a study of the history washing windows, cutting grass and
of the‘ man finds a background of waiting table. Later, he coached
poverty, lifelong tragedy and a suc- basketball in the summer of 1920, 2.x
cessful struggle apparently against played basketball at Grafton, N. D.,
overwhelming odds. with the Red River Valley League.
Mr. Chandler was born on a small An early ambition to be a lawyer #-
. farm in Henderson County, near came to the surface shortly after he "
Corydon, the son of Joseph Seplius had decided to become a professional
and Mrs. Callie Saunders Chandler. baseball player. Mr. Chandler had
His father was a descendant of one gone so far as to accept tentatively
of the pioneer Scotch-Irish families an offer from the Canadian League
that settled in Virginia and later at Winnipeg and had played on a
moved to Kentucky, while his special team.
mother was related to Claude Ter- Upon his return to Lexington to , ,
rill, former Speaker of the House. continue his studies, Mr. Chandler
Poor health and poverty left young had an offer to sing with Al. G.

Fields Minstrels. He decided to in". .f"'“'"
I continue his education. _ f;.};“3;33:
sriii earning his way by whatever
tasks he could finds Mr- Chandler ‘iiii;é:a¥3ié '
received his A. B. degree from
Transylvania in 1921 and went to
Harvard University for a law course 2, .
While studying at Harvard he
coached the Wellesley High School
team to help pay expenses. During
the following summer. he handled a
picle and shovel in the oil fields oi ,
Lee and Estill Counties. He the“ ‘
went to the University of Kentucky
to complete his law and began .
the practice oi law at Versailles. :
In 1929 he was elected to the State '
Senate and so impressed members of .
his party that he was nominated and .
elected Lieutenant Governor at the
last State election. Mr- Chandler 5" .
has taken the lead, both as Senator ; Q l
and Lieutenant Governor, in legis- {:3 ' ' ii:=75~§§5§§§§5‘*_=§1is331i33553§§23§§3§5f§f:3 i
lation he believed to be for the best 3 i ' ' -, i
interests of the people. His fight to KEEN JOHNSON. 1
preserve Cumberland Falls is one of
many lights. publisher of the Richmond Daily j
He 15 a veteran 0f the World War Register and secretary of the Demo- f
although he was only 18 at the Ollt‘ cratic State Central Executive Com— .‘
break. He is a member of the mittee. ' f
American Legloni Phl Kappa Alpha Born in Lyon County, son of a -
fraternity andthe Lampas honorary Methodist minister, the late Rev. ‘
fraternity. Heds a Shriner and mem— Robert Johnson and Mattie D. Hol- ,
ber 0f the Ep1scopal Church. loway Johnson, he lived in numerous
Mr. Chandler was married in 1925 Kentucky towns where his father i
to Mildred W'atkins, member of a was stationed as a minister. Early i
prominent Virginia family. They boyhood days were spent on a farm i
w have four children. in Livingston County. :
" Shortly after becoming Lieutenant He was graduated from the com- v
Governor, Mr. Chandler went to mon schools in Jefferson County
, Florida to visit the grave of his andaboyS’ preparatory school, Van- .
3‘,“ mother, and learned she was living. (161‘ hilt Training School, at ElktOH-
She now makes her home with her Later he was graduated from the .
son. University of Kentucky with an ,
A. B. degree in journalism and is at
present president of the University .
Keen Johnson of Kentucky Alumni Association. .
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor, Johnson volunteered for military 2
Editor, Secretary Democratic service immediately after the decla— .‘I
, , State C°mnmtee ration of war and served two years 3,
Keen Johnson, Democratic candi— and a half in the army during the .
date for Lieutenant Governor, is World W ar, one year of which was ,i

in France. He went overseas with ”Wm .
the Eighty—ninth Division and has Mgeisgi
been active in the American Legion. 422:...
made his debut in newspaper work ".
paper at Elizabethtown, The M irror. ,i .' . ‘ "l
He later sold the property and en- 5 . ,‘
tered the University of Kentucky to g
complete work required for a degree, is V i
which had been interrupted by the a
war. While a student he worked as 58393»:
a reporter on the Lexington Herald. a»; »‘
After finishing school he bought g... . .
the Anderson News at Lawrence— 2!;
burg in partnership with R. E. Gar- .
rison. He later disposed of his in— hart ml?
terests and acquired an interest in “’3th K
the Richmond Register, of which he 3&3,“ "
has been editor and publisher, asso— \fifte‘fif
ciated with S. M. Saufley, the last “a“
ten years. M.~(”’§‘§\
He has been act1ve 1n the Ken- ‘ "
tucky Press Association and has CHARLES 13' ARNETT' "
served as its president. His candi-
dacy for the nomination for Lieu— He was educated in the public
tenant Governor, was extensively schools of Magoffin County and
supported by his newspaper friends. Hazel Green Academy, taught school
He is a member of the board of di— for a time, was employed as a steam—
rectors of the National Editorial As- boat clerk and traveling salesman. As
sociation. He has been interested in superintendent of the Licking River .
public welfare activities and last year Railway and Yale _ Lumber Com—
was president of the Kentucky Con- pany, he directed its extensive lum—
ference of Social Work. He is a her activities. The headquarters were
member of the Masonic Lodge and at Arnett, named in his honor and i
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He he was its first postmaster.
is married and has a young daugh- Admitted to the bar in 1910 at
ter. Salyersville he engaged in the prac—
. tice of the profession, moved to ~ ,
Chas. D. Arnett West Liberty and made his debut in 3i
Democratic Nominee for Secretary of politics when elected to the State ‘
State, Veteran in Business, Senate in 1913, where he served with J
Political Activities distinction. While a member of the "
Charles D. Arnett, Democratic Senate, Senator Arnett successfully
candidate for Secretary of State, was SPPHSOI'ECI a bill in 1916: regulating
born on a farm in Magoffin County, 1n1nes and mining, which had the
fifty—six years ago. Although he has unlted approval of mine workers and
resided in Louisville for twelve operators. He was the author 0f the
years, he is Of a family which has law wlnch makes it a felony to carry
long been active in the Democratic concealed a deadly weapon.
Party in Eastern Kentucky and has Governor Fields appointed Mr.
been identified with its development. Arnett secretary of the State Ath—

letic Board and while serving in this well qualified by training and ex- .
capacity he was elected secretary of perience to serve as head of the legal
the National Boxing Association. He department of the State.
is now secretary—treasurer of the Born in Edmonson County forty—
'7 Kentucky State Board of Barbers five years ago, Mr. Vincent is one
5 and Beautician Examiners. of ten brothers. He was educated
5 ,5 Mr. Arnett married Miss Amanda at Western Teachers College and re—
,‘ Helm Mann, sister of Former Judge ceived his legal education .at the Uni- I
i N. B. Mann, of Frenchburg. They versity of Kentucky. He was elected ‘
have five children. Their sons are county judge of his county, which
Prof. Harold G. Arnett, Harlan; position he resigned to enlist in the 5
Dr. Earl T. Arnett, Owenton ; Dr. Army as a private when the United .‘
Oliver B. Arnett, druggist, West States entered the World War. He ‘
Liberty, and Mrs. W, B, Cunning- is a member of the American Legion.
ham, of Stanford, and Mrs. Chas, When honorably discharged from 5
F. Frick, of Louisville. the Army, Mr. Vincent was ap— 5
Mr. Arnett is a member of the pointed as an assistant attorney gen- 5
Masonic lodge, the Loyal Order of eral to Charles H. Morris, then at- 3
Moose, and the Mose Green Demo— torney general. He was elected to I?
cratic Club. He has actively engaged the State Senate and served with dis-
in child welfare work. He is 56 tinction in the 1928—30 sessions. He 5
years old. has been exceptionally successful in 5
the practice of law. He is a gifted 5
[a and convincing speaker. I
.-—__—_- In his race in the primary for the
.‘Z D