xt7gqn5z6g1b_15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_16/18221.pdf 1931 1931 1931 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_15 xt7gqn5z6g1b 5min?
August 10, 1931.
Mrs. Samuel M. Wilson,
my dear Mrs. Wilson:

I would consider it a very great personal favor and
one which I hepe to be able to reciprocate sometime, if you would
send me at your earliest convenience, the name and address of the
District or County Chairman in the territory you represent on the
State Committee (and Woman Associate Chairman if you have them in
your State), or if you represent more than one district, of all
of the local Chairmen in your territory.

I am trying very hard to build up a model State organi—
zation in New York, and I feel that almost every State has learned
from practical experience some particular way of doing some thing

. which is an improvement on general practice.

The heads of the State Organization in your State have
been most kind in cooperating with me by furnishing information
as to the machinery of their headquarters and I am new anxious to
learn from those in direct contact with the voters of the methods
they employ both in disseminating literature, and in getting out
the vote on Election Day. I feel that this can only be obtained
from the County or District Chairmen and Committeemen themselves.

I hope that you Will not consider this too great a favor
to ask and remember that it is all in the interest of a better or-
ganization and stronger Democratic Party.

If you are ever in New York, I hepe you will not fail to
visit our Democratic State Committee Headquarters, located at #351
Madison Avenue, directly across from the Hotel Biltmore, New York
City, and that you will feel at liberty to call on me to give you
any assistance or do anything I can to make your stay pleasant
While in this City.

Yours very truly,
C h a i r m a n

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 ° - i
The Democratic W oman s Club
Oflicers ‘
Mrs. H. K. Bourne
‘ New Castle
Vice President ‘
‘ Mrs. D. L. Moore .
Recording Secretary
Miss Jenn Howe ,
. Carrollton ‘
C orrcs/mnding Secretary
Mrs. Mary Tyler Carroll '
New Castle
Mrs;' Henry OPEut '
- ' Frankfort
National Committeewoman
. Mrs. John C. C. Mayo
[Members Executive Caiiiiiiitz‘ee
State at Large
Mrs. John L. Grayot
‘ Mrs. Cecil Cantrill
Chairmen Standing Committees
W ays and Means ,
Mrs. S. A. Blackburn
Legislation .
Mrs. J. C. Layne f
Erlanger ‘
Organization i
‘ Mrs. B. W. Bayless :
Louisville ,
Publicity .
Mrs. John L. Woodbury .

THE DEMOCRATIC Of the comlrention, those who par-
; tici ate in tie rogram or carr the
WOMAN S JOURNAL resgonsibilitiespof the organizzilionf
2 MISS éfifjlltgtgifigNiEdl’” The opportunity, also, of forming
‘ Mrs. H. K. Bourne, New Ca:tle, Arrociat: fresh .ContilCtS’ Of mingling and ex-
Mrs. Emma Guy Cromwell Frankfort changing ideas With other women
’ Ano’a-m from all parts of the State, who
Mrs. v_ o, GILBERT, Tram,” have problems similar to one's own,
309Crescent Court, Louisville is of inestimable value.
subIE’TP‘iOmZJ' ”n“ P” 3W" The Official program, which up-
; Entered as second-class metter July3l,1929.at the pears Else/“11161.6 Ill this ISSUE, has
Post Oflice at Louisiillilueéhlgeriltsu;9l::;i'{—i~m.§te; V' ° 9:3“
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The historic home of Thomas Thousands of Visitors are regis-
Jeff 8119011 Wthh 116} desrgned and tered from every state in the Union
33m“ ((3; [[1316 motfiitanK/top-overlookc—l and from many foreign lands as
ing- 1m Offs“ C! “gum" an patriotic pilgrims to Monticello. In
which he loved so dearly, is now at addition to the im ort nt relics a
last a Patriotic shrine, dedicated to ‘ , d .1 1 p_ a 1 RC
the principles and ideals which he qulre‘ W1“ he .pioperty, he . e-
advocated. The estate consists of storation Committee has received
over 650 acres, with the original priceless gifts of many personal
mansion, his law office. ”the honey- historic relics pertaining to Jefferson
nlioon lodge,” the servant’s qularters, and his falnily'
tie Superintendents house, tie en— Monticello and the University of
trance lodge and the old stables. In 7. . .
- v _ ‘ .- Virginia, two of the finest examples
the mansron wele a number of piice- f l . . h' _ , A .
less relics, which were acquired with 0 C aSSIC 31C rtectuie 1n merica,
the property. The total price was 330th were dESIg'Hed and burlt by
$500,000. Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson and Corruptlon -
1) Thomas Jefferson feared a time tr)? .fr0111,11V‘1’hiC11 We ddelrivel 0‘11”
. might come in the United States orlgm’ WI “we 56126 he ”a“
1 '1‘) )1 . ‘ . 11 1 . 1 of government and be spread by
. \\ 1611. c ect_1ons uou ( )e'coriuptet , them through the body of the p60-
cspec1ally in crowded Cities, and so ple; when they will purchase the
he advocated safeguards such as VOICCS 0f the 19.601336 and make
_ checks and balances in the distribu- them pay the pr‘ce‘
tion of powers of government, edu— When over-protected manufac-
cation of the common )e0)1e and turers bior cit realtv owners, and
1 1 , s y , . _
popular suffrage. others opened w1de their purses for
“They should look forward to a the political machines of Pennsyl—
time, and that not a distant one,” vania; and when the public utility
. . H .
hf? .‘Vgotef 111. hfs 511 OteS 0n V“; men put up fat funds for the sena—
g‘flla’ re efrmg to “056 euthte torial candidacy of the head of the
With drawmg' fundamental pro- . . . . . .
visions of government, “when a Illln01s rate—makmg comnussron, 1t
corruption in this, as in the coun: was not an adventure in pure phi—
Get subscribers for the Jarwmal

‘ lautliropy. The ultimate consumer rely with most security for the
and taxpayer will “pay the price.” figisr‘ézf’Bt‘O“ Of a due degree 0f
; Though Jefferson perhaps did not _' ‘ . _ .
realize how vast would be financial Hfi 1011633“?- the P011t1cal €V115 thfl’E
‘ efforts to control commonwealths, lie are lll'aftICEd 111 0111' large centers or
anticipated the dangers of :1 develop- PPPUIHUOH “Pd 50 he Stl‘OVC t0 PYO'
ment of that character, when in sup— Vlde' pl'EVCHtIVCS and thwart corrup-
' port of education and suffrage rights UOINStS who WOUId try '50—
Of the 111215565, he Sublllltted: “Purchase the voices of the peo—
,, . . . . ple and make them pay the price.”
If every iiidiVidual which com-
poses their iiiass participates of the
ultimate authority, the goveriim'ent Programs for the Demo- a
will be safe; because the corrupting -
the whole mass will exceed any Crath CIUbS Prepalfd
private resources of wealth; and “I 7 '
public 01165 cannot be provided but by 01113.11 S Nat1,0na]
by levies on the people. In this Democratlc Commlttee °
case every man would have to- pay
his own price.” These programs are iiierely sug-
In his first iiiauO'ural address, gestivc andnre offered With the hope
- t’ - - that they Will be helpful to Program
summing up the essentials of stable Committees of Democritic Clubs
government, he spoke of the need Proor'un \lo 2 '15 preseiited'in
of——— . .s ‘ V ' ‘ .
this issue of the JOURNAL is a par-
“A jealous care of the right of tial development of the party's rec—
eleCt‘O“ by The DEODIE—‘a ““.M and 0rd by subject classifications.
safe corrective of abuses which are A 1'“. 1 t _. l d _ f i‘
loppcd off by revolution, where E“ iona ma 611:1 an 1e 8 '
pgaceable re1nedles are unpro- ences Wlll be sent 011 request.
Jefferson, who was a farmer as TOPICAL
well as statesman. philosopher and 1_ What Has the Democratic
seiciitist, always looked upon agri- Party Done for Farmers?
culture as baSIC to the national wel- A. The Department of Agriculture.
fare though he did much for the B Avi‘icultural Experiment Sta-
development of commerce, “as its tfions
liaiidmaid,‘ and oi lllallLleICttlf‘CS, to C. Rural Free Delivery—its origin
bring about an economic equi— and development.
lll)1‘lulll.' He. thought the cause of D. Federal Aid Road Act, ,-,
liberty safest iii the country, and so F Federal Farm Loan Act ‘
iii a letter, written, when he was in F. Vocational Education.
France, to James Madison about the 2 What Has the D ocra tic
proposed Constitution of the United ' Pa t Don f r waem Earn a
States he said: ersr? y e o ge '
“I think our government will re— A The Department Of Labor
main virtuous for many centuries, i3 A . I . ‘ . L V '
as long as they (the people) are i. iiti- iiJuiiction aws. -
chiefly agricultural, and this will C. Eight Hour Laws,
be as long as there shall be vacant D_ Workmeii’s Compensation.
lands in any part of America. E Civil Service
Where they get piled upon one an- ' , ' , ,
other in large cities, as in Europe, 3- Econornic a n d FlnanCIal
they will become corrupt as in POIICIBS of the Democrats:
Eumpe' Above 3” thmgsr I 11096 A. The Federal Reserve System.
the education of the common peo— B Tl T 'ff
. plewill be attended to, convinced ' 1e ari ‘
L that on their good sense we may C. The Income Tax.
i Get subscribers for the Journal

H_ _t
4. Democratic Record on Other i am a partisan. Everybody
Liberal Legislation: knows that. I am a Democrat . . . .
A. Child Labor. I have always thought that the good
B. Maternity Aid. oi the country would be best served
C. Public Health. 11 we could make the Republican
T 7‘ - )Ell‘l‘ ' "L mere 11 111 '
D. Lneniployment—ihe Five Dav 1 1y ‘ f 16 Olly’ as tiey have
7 ' 11 1'1 7 ‘ '
Week and the Wagner Lnem- iace 13 a1 m on y a memory to
ployment Bills. me. Q t C if A 1‘
, ‘ . . c em 01‘ ar'lVV'l 7 O 1' "111515.
E. lhe Federal Trade CommisSion. ( ‘ ‘1 c ‘
F. Corrupt Practices Act. “sierra.stquTiorWisgsHaQaaeGE-
5 G. Democratic Support of the Cause BY ”Emigdsiwzfoiiiiszimss 0F
0t V1 Odd Peace. or [I’JIEMOCEATICHHTFIAN’S JOURNAL. published
5. The Democratic Party and $2112}? §;en&'§§y“l:s " ‘0‘ AW" 19‘“
g Democratlc H omen: Ui‘lllletfyorgfmiffeiisoli'dtary Public in and for the State
_ - - - and county aforesaid, )rs nall . iearrd Mis An
.A. I)el110C121t1C Aid to VVOlTlen 8111‘ L. Gullion, who, havingl eble-(en tililyr‘Ig-t'ornL accordsing ti;
{1. 0. law, deposcs and says that she is the editor at" the
Elbe. DEMOCRATIC “'OMAN'S JOURNAL and that the
B 71 l . following is, to the best of her knowledge and belief, ,
. 1 16 Pub 1C serv1ce Of Demo— a true statement of the ownership. management (and
1 - v - ‘v ~ if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the afore-
Cl 21th \N omen 111 3311011 and said publicatilonbt'orlthe date shown in tzlile abtirze cap-
tion. require y tie Act of August , 19 , em-
State- bodiedd in section ~ill, Postal Laws and Regulations,
. . printe on tie reverse of this form, to wit:
C. \VOIUeH S Place 111 the Party. 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher,
,‘ . , editor. managing editor, and business manager are:
D. 1116 fLIIICtIOII Of the DeanCI‘Elth - Publisher, Democratic Woman’s Club of Kentucky,
Club LouisIrille, Ky.; Editor Miss Ann 11:1. fiullion. Car-Roll-
. . ton, (5:: Associate Editors, )Irs. . . Bourne. flew
a . t‘astle, Ky., Mrs. Emma G. Cromwell, Frankfort, Ky.;
12. How partisan should women be? {Business Springer-Treasurer, Mrs. v. 0- Gilbert, -
AllllSVl 9. xy.
a 2. That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation,
its namle and address must be stateddéind also [immedli-
' ately hereunder the names and a resscs o stocr-
Parllamentary Law holders owning or holding one per cent or more of
total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation,
‘ - - - - the names and addresses of the individual owners must
Questions 011 any point 111 Pal'lifl- be gircn. If owned by a firm, company, or other1 un—
. , ' , A ' corp it l concern, 'ts naui . 1 address, as \rel as
inentai} Law may be mailed to His. iilose (illicit-ii individiial merfbel?(mtlsc be given.)
? v v ‘ Di "t‘, W t '. Clll f I'entuclw, Louisville,
L111111Zl G11) CTOIUW e“,- Chlb Parha' Kinmg‘gii'elfs: Pincus,m iirs. l1:1.0K. 130mm}, New Castle,