xt7gqn5z6g1b_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_13/18201.pdf 1928 1928 1928 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_12 xt7gqn5z6g1b “ :' ., . -"’i‘:--.'I" '7 .,
— ‘t ”’5’? r“ ‘ v" Milt/t": :- " ~ ,7 [I ,1 b/Z'ihf.» ~~..
Let Senator Barkley and his fellow,sup— _
porters of the Tammany Sachem say all they I Senator Barkley Misrepresents
truthfully can in his behalf; but in all earnest—
ness we protest against misrepresenting Wood— Woodrow Wilson
row Wilson for the purpose of advancing Al- l/‘gf/ 1:3; e ’1‘ 3/53 3 ”fig L A
fred E. Smith in large measure the antithesis k w J/V ~ A, T l A: .spSTUfE.‘ C17.
of all that Woodrow Wilson was or for which In his zeal to elevate to the Presidency 0f
he stood. - the United States a Sachem of Tammany Hall,
the bitter foe of Woodrow Wilson, the greatest
Kentucky 31811011 ylfigtlonal Democratic of latter day Democrats, Senator Alben W. Bark-
Woman’s Law Enforcement League. ley, if he be correctly reported in the public
Headquarters 261 West Short Street, prints, is again and again making statements
Lexington, Kentucky. . _ _ ‘
concerning Woodrow Wilson’s pos1t10n on the
liquor problem unwarranted by any official act
‘ or public utterance of that great President with
which we are acquainted.

' Senator Barkley seeks to promote the can—
didacy of the Tammany Sachem, idol, leader
and hope of the ultra wets by saying that “Gov—
ernor Smith is no wetter than Woodrow Wil—
son, James M. Cox and John W. Davis.” In
1920 the people knew this statement to be true
of James M. Cox and registered their votes ac—
cordingly. In 1924 they suspected it to be true
of John W. Davis and he was defeated- at the
polls. But without other evidence than he
has yet produced the loyal friends of Wood-

. row Wilson regard Senator Barkley’s statement
as false and resent his willingness to justify his
present advocacy of Governor Smith by this
statement that he must know, it believed, would
lower Woodrow Wilson in the esteem and at-

g fectiqn of vast numbers of the American people.
If we Democrats, now in the wilderness of in-

" ternecine strife, have no immediate future, we
protest against being robbed of our glorious

 Senator Barkley has thus far submitted but which was made necessary for the adoption of
one bit of evidence in support of his disparag— the constitutional amendment. I object to and
ing assertion, namely, that Woodrow Wilson can not approve that part of this legislation
vetoed H. R. 6810, containing the Volstead Act. with reference to war-time prohibition. It has

The unqualified statement that President to do With the enforcement of an act wlilch was
Wilson vetoed the Volstead Act is misleading. passed by reason 0f the emergencies 0f the war
The act which he vetoed contains not only the and whose objects have been satlsfied 1n the de-

'l' . .
Volstead Act but the war—time prohibition act. mob] lzatlon 0f the Army and Navy and whose
l h .
Practically all of his brief veto message was repea I ave already sought at the hands 0f
... I ', ' . 1 .
devoted to the war-time prohibition act and not Congess W mm the purpose Of particular eg‘
. 1 t' '. .
the Volstead Act. He could not under the Fed— is a liimd arlsmg outbof war emerg(:1(3y has been
sat's s nd lic ol'c III e 1 th
eral Constitution separate the two in order to l e ’ 0“ pu p l y a S 0 car e
reason and necessity for repeal. It would not
veto one and consequently was compelled to b d'ffi It f C . 'd . th' .
e or n essnc Siern .m-
veto both in order to reach one. A perusal of t1 to“ tt t0 gr 1t tin t I g 1:1
or an ma e 0 se arae ese wo ues 10 s
the veto message will show that the veto was p d ff t' lrt 1 'pl t d' thq 1]: _
an e co we 0 e is a ereoar in em ma -
directed toward the war-time prohibition part . th y d' i ti 2 t g t ’ ‘
in ro er 1s-1nc on e ween em ora
of the act and not toward the Volstead Act; g e p p p .ry
, causes which arose out of war-time emergencies
that he obJected to the former because he be- .
. , _ and those like the constitutional amendment of
11eved at the tlme of hlS veto, October 27, 1919,
_ prohibition which is now part of the fundamen-
the war emergency had passed. It 1s interest— _
. . , tal law of the country. In all matters haying
mg to observe that 1n the concludlng sentence ,
, , _ to do with the personal hablts and customs of
he referred to prohlbitlon as a great reform.
large numbers of our people we must be cer-
The veto message 1s as fOHOWS: tain that the established processes of legal
“1' am returning without my signature H' change are followed. In no other way can the
R' 6810’ ‘An act to prohibit intoxicating bever- salutary object sought be accomplished or great
ages, and to regulate the manufacture, produc- reforms of this character be made satisfactory
tion, use, and sale of high-proof spirits for other and permanent.
than beverage purposes, and to insure an ample WOODROW WILSON,
supply of alcohol and promote its use 1n selen— The White House, October 27, 1919.”
tific research and in the development of fuel,
dye, and other lawful industries’. It is perfectly clear to a layman and ought
“The subject matter treated in this measure to be clear to a United States Senator that
deals with two distinct phases of the prohibi- Woodrow Wilson objected to carrying over a
tion legislation. One part of the act under con- war—time measure a year after the war had
sideration seeks to enforce war-time prohibi- ended and the Army and Navy had been de-
tion. The other provides for the enforcement mobilized.

 . , . .

Hamilton County 0" omen s Smith — for ~ PreSIdent Club
Cmcmnati, Ohio

5. W. Corner :1: Telephone

Sixth & Main Streets Mrs. James A. Ridgcly. President Main 7222
Mrs. Alfred Bettman, First Vice President
Mrs. Jacob Hermann, Secretary
Mrs. Larry Enneking, Treasurer
Mrs. Alfred J. Berncns, Chairman of Finance - — ,.
Mrs. Thos. J. Noctor. Chairman of Membership ’ ‘ ' 3 "


Mrs. Arthur Espy
Miss Edith Weld Peck _ . I ‘ ‘ : . '6 _ _; N
Mrs. Frank Gorman ~ A —--r 7 A “w 7 v ,m -
Mrs. Simeon Johnson _. . > s ' , ’ J ~
Mrs. Charles Thomas ' A _;_ i ‘
Mrs. W. A. Julian . - . . .. __ . ’ ..
Mrs. J. J. Gilligan *' . n ,‘ 3
Mrs. W. J. Murray
Mrs. John L. Shuff .. . ‘ '1 ' .
Mrs. Philip A. Cohen ;. ' ‘ “ - '
Mrs. Stella Maguire .
Mrs. Geo. W. Gale _ ._ . z s ~, ~ ,—
Miss Lydia DeCourcy . ’7 ,, ’ ' ’ '2 ' - s ,, i .
Mrs. Angeline Pirrung .. .. V W» i 7' . a: V' V . 7 I: I» y "

Mrs. Nicholas Jansen l’ ‘» 7 ~ 7 » - '{j‘i . .. ’ » ' ‘ . 1
Mrs. James H. Cleveland ‘ .. .i V ' .. _ ' p ' ' T
., A. J. . ..7 . , V» I”; ', '__

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fl “ W /
Z144 *?1p¢é~@C(/. jfl‘ ‘” .
.. / , . ‘ 42,7, 7.0,, ....__._
x V 7 ... V a . > . . ‘ 2 I. _. t at}, y

 10th September 1928.
Mrs. Cecil E. Cantrill.
Chairman, Woman's Division,
Fayette County Democratic Campaign Committee,
122 Park Avenue.
Le ington, Kentucky.
Dear Cousin ylorence:

In Equity, we layysss regard that as done which ought
to be done. So, without waiting for yOur formal notification from
State Headquarters at Louisville, I am addressing you in your capacity
as Chairmoniof the Democratic Women of Fayette County.

I find that one of the first, if not the very first,

;‘thing calling for attention is the selection of a Unmen's Headquar~
, ers. I am told that, the last time you acted as Woman Chairman for
i he County. you had your headquarters in the Phoenix Hotel. Possibly
. ou will want to locate there for the present campaign. But whether
‘ L c or not, will you kindly consider this matter at once and let me
{ know where you yrcfor to have your headquarters? I think it will
e desirable to have an appropriate street banner hung across Main '
I (treat at the pount where your headquarters may be located, and. with
t thought in mind, I have designed a rough sketch of the kind of
' nner I think might be suitable. This sketch is enclosed herewith
‘f r your consideration and for any suggestions or criticism you may
d sire to %ake of it. Kindly let me know whether it accords with
' your ideas of What is proper.

, If you decide that you vent to be in the Phoenix ayain,
and will let me know when I can meet you to go and confer with the
management about rooms, I shall be glad to co~operato with you in the

_ matter at any time, preferably within the next day or two. nut, so
far as practicable.zl want you to have the location that you prefer.

Of course, you will have in mind the choice of a secre- -
tary and the formation of a local campaign committee of women to work
with you. I only mention that. so that you may be planning for it,
in order that, when our stationery is printed, the names of all mem-
bers of your staff may be printed on the letter-heads.

Knowing that ”in union there is strength”, I feel sure
that you share with me the feelong that we must present a united front
and I confidently look forward to such a desirable situation in the
campaign ahead of us. '

Very faithfully youré,
Sim/w sue.

for Smith in or