xt7gms3k0t60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3k0t60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 02, 1985 1985 1985-04-02 2020 true xt7gms3k0t60 section xt7gms3k0t60 i
.vol. WJb. 1‘ W1” Unlvorflfyb‘f Kentucky, loxlncfon. “My Mollie. I”) Tuesday, April 2, I985
. , . ._ _ g r» , . I
u . V‘ “ . ~,
Wildcats win upset 4 “ ~ ’ - ! meess‘” '
s , "xv ‘ t
r" ‘1‘ ' ‘ fl he] s stud -
over oyas, - , - to» ~,. .. ~ . .
\ __ 1.1,) . . . ~ food policy _
t t k NCAA t'fl of” ., 2» . . . - i , »- .
0 a e l e ' ,..-~ g e 3.0. ' .. ' " _ -' Italian conference .
”12“.? M -- T r I” . . . I ' , 1' ,‘ ‘-
Byw'ur'E "'m Georgetown coach John ' '~ ~~ t: i .‘ ,. discusses nutrition . ' - ,
Staffwmer Thompson was asked after the ".t t .t . t‘ ‘ I, ~ '
_ game if he went to the spread of- A t \ ‘ ' ' 1 By TIM JOHNSON , ' ' .
After seems an elated Dwayne tense a little early. “I would have /.— g , . ‘ . Senior Staff Writer I ' -’ . . ‘
MCCIBth ChltCh the game ball gone with nine minutes to go to . b“ ‘ g 3 ‘ ' '.
m after Vinehth W get them out of their zone," he t ' , ' j Billie DeWalt is studying ways to '. I » -' '
Georgetown last msht. no one said. . t K}. 1 feed the world .- .- 'I . ' .
, could doubt that dreams come Villanova went up by five, 61- ‘ .' , 1 DeWalt, an associate professor of ’ ' ' 3 I»
_. trueinthefinalI-‘mlr. . 56, when Harold Jensen hit two ‘ / \ fl“ . anthropology and sociology. recently - _-
” The Wildcats, "WY" C‘h‘ free throws after being fouled by i. . i returned from Bellagio. Italy. where - ' . '
derella team. hit 22 of 28 shots for Jackson. a t he attended the final meeting of the ' . '

1 a torrid 78.6 ween! to dethmne After :1 Patrick Ewing miss at 3 ‘ . United Nations University Task ' , .
defending MP”? Georgetown the other end, McClain grabbed u‘) "" . Force on the Nutritional and Health ' . ' '
65—54 and 59°“ its bid for back-to- the rebound and was fouled, but . ‘— “ Implications of Agricultural Policy. ‘ .

“Ck tithe _ missed the front end of the bonus. , ' t The task force is designed to gath- , . . . '
"N0 one Wt we 00““ d0 ltr As Wingate drove the ball to the - ‘ ' ' , er information on world agricultural ' . ' ‘ .
but we did." Villanova “Ch other end. Jensen stole it and was ”3"1.‘ " t’ 7. ’/ and {00d POtiCieS and PUbliSh 3 Wk ' ~ -
Rollie Massimino said after the quiCkly fouled, but his free throw - -t LU? ,' U _ ‘ ' of recommendations on the subjects. ' - . -' ~'
me “It's April Fool's Ta“! rimmaloutnlsa .‘J' “ DeWalt stressed. however. that he ‘ .. - . ,
Georgetown really WOW" These two misses were about " BET ‘ e 4 V ' was not sure when the recommenda» . ',
Before the game Massimino theonly falter that Villanova had -. t fiEDR ' ' tions would be collected from the
said that his team would have t0 for the game. It shot 19 of 23 sec~ ;. ‘ E t . N task force members ‘ ' ’
play a “perfect" game and hit 50 mm free throws and hit 315 ’ 3 .z \ t . At its meeting in Italy. the task . .1
percent of its shots. The Wild- Wt from the line for the I ' ’ \"~ SJ . '.I:»'- force tackled two jobs. he said. :
cats' 78.6 percent shooting from game. . I, H; . he???) ‘ “One was assisting in the developing ’ . ‘ '
the field set both an NCAA Vilma gave up several un. L ”a I .9 "as“. (”I research capabllltles in young ‘ ‘
championship record and also an contested Hoya layups in the last t.‘ 3:3»: , ,_ ‘ scholars of the Third World c0unr , 1
NCAAtournamentrecord. 4Sseconds in an attempt to avoid ’ci‘t- wgtt‘a tries 50 that they might have the '
Villanova went ahead 53-43 fouling, The last layup by Jack- ~ :. a“; '; chance to interact with others and ' '
when Ed Pinckney. the Final son pulled Georgetown to within ’ . a . ». help develop their intellectual re~ - I
Four‘s Most Outstanding Player. two. 66-64. with twoseconds left. taxi-1 sources _ ‘
hita shot in the lanewith 6:03re- After a Wildcat timeout, Jen. ' \. “he.“ “The second point of the confer- ‘ '
maining. But the lead evaporated sen threw the ball into McClain, ence was determining how the dif- 1
aftera Georgetown timeout. who was on the floor and laid on ferent agricultural policies affect . -
Hoya guard Michael Jackson it as the clock ran out. The title "i people's health and nutrition. In ‘
hlt a 164mm, Horace Bmdnax belmedtoVillanovaI II ’ some ways. [he most important .
hit two free throws and David 1-1 definitely feel that all praise “ a ' . O, ’ I thing we did was to look at the is- . - .
Wingate hit a 12-footer to put 805 to Villanova," Thompson ,2 / , c.” ' ' sues involved.“ -
Georgetown back on top. 5+53, said. “If 1 had to lose to someone. 9' ' ‘ . J J The task force was established in
with4:48remaining. I think 1 could get some (3015013- 5“. , t / 1982 with financial support from the . _
Offiorfietmvglexflin. tion in ltsingtoMassimino." s . " United Nations Development Pro- ~
“ is is p y greatest ""‘“’7 ‘ l . ‘ .2 gram. Most of the members of the '
moment in Villanova basketball GeorgetoWn 105! onlyI to St' ' ti ‘ . aw 3r»: 1. 1’ ’, task force were nutritionists. but '_
history," Massimino said. “Ev— John 5, Syracuse and Villanova “ . - . \Myc; 7‘" «3 ; 2,; .3 several economists. livestock and
erybody wrote us off and didn‘t this season and Thompson w.” t. '. .t < ‘ w;:.~..’x,.f‘ " r ‘f ‘ 1‘." ~ agricultural scientists and social sci- ,
thinkwehadachancetowin." asked If the seem" was “"5"" _ . . glean» . ' . . ’ )1 7. entists. including DeWalt. also at
In its next possession George eyed a failure smce they lost the I 7 ' IIECK SMITHER Kernelsrin tended the conference ' '
town went to its spread offeme. titlegame. “We came to one major concluv
but Villanova got the ball back “We're 35 and 3." Thompson . . _ . sion." DeWalt said. "and that was .
after it bounced off Broadnax's 53m “Must I dwell on the ob- Vlllanova forward Dwayne McLaln goes up for a dunk against the Georgetown Hoyas early m last see CONHIRHH a I .
feet. vim?" night's final game in the NCAA tournament. The Wildcats went on to a 66-64 upset. ‘ ‘ “ " p 3* ‘ ‘ ,
museum ' INSIDE .
«mm—mmwwmu SGA elections start tomorrow
Donavon m. H mm. to 1:” pm. all 4:15 pm. to 6:45 p.m.: 1h.
”monitor-:19 Cannons odd-Ito, ":15 can. to 1:45 pan and oz” pan. to . Prelim-cry mod action of the , , ‘
7 Pm: and Own-"mic Hiding. 10 mm. to noon and 3 run- to 5 1 American Collegiate Talent Show- ' ' ' .
at campus-area polling p aces
to 5 pm. For more information. see ' . ‘ 1' '
0m.- m Mom m - MJ. Kin. throw. 10:3 eat. to U , . - DIVERSIONS
W"- M “e 'W h" M *0 e “m w M m- c' "- sud-m Voting for senate, executives continues through Thursday ”m” > . ,
Center,lemmmfolpdel-mManoboMotmsw ' ' ’
Center. By MELISSA BELL as. 11 am. to 1:30 pm. and 4:15 part-time students 11 am. to 1 Pm- . . '. . -
' StaffWriter pm. to 6:45 p.m.; The Kirwan- and5p.m.to7p.m. The 900' Pt“! 0f the ms tmnf‘ I. .
omen m emu. .. M- and mm mil-m n Blanding Commons cafeteria, 11:15 we"? this We“ may led 1° me" . '
(Ml-'0' P-m-W59.mb7m Students will decide their new am. to 1:45 pm and 4:30 pm. to 7 Some polls are only for specific ousting from the TOP 20- For more - I. ' .
' ‘ leaders tomorrow and Thursday pm; and the Chemistry-Physics majors. Engineering majors vote 10 Infomatlon-scesmmmtsW- . .
.mm—w°'"‘"°29-m-°'mm"- during the annual Student Govern- Building, 10 am. to noon and 3 pm. am. to 2 pm. at Anderson Hall; ag~ . ~ - 'I _
m“— m 9.” w “I. Agriculture ”I mentAssociationelection. d t05p.m. riculture majors, 9:3 a.nIl. é: 1:30 . v‘ I I, .
° — . em. to l: on. at In order to cast votes, stu ents . ,m, at the Agric tura ience .I - .
«ontological-1h. must show a valid ID and activity “11310;: 3111‘; $3031.?th :5“??? genter North; business & economics . ' . '
‘ ' card at the campus polling pre- bra 10.30 a m t: 8 ' m 1%“; majors. 9a.m. t03p.m. at the Com» ' I - .
m m m m —- 9 can. to 3 pm. at the CM!- cincts. whtfyhav ' lost. th . ID p61. ’ t' . merce Building; law school stu- . . ‘ . .
mutate!- ' There are 14 different campus card must vote futile S tud ch? '52:? dents, noon to 2 pm. at the College Today wlIl be sunny and a little , . .
polling locatiors, according to a m 10,30 8 m fo 4 m mhme of Law; allied health, dentistry, WW3“ W" "'7 “18". "0'“ the '0“ ~
'“'m-W“"M“"W“‘"W- sememwedbvsm- swaths or; also will he Student mm, mm and Wm 2.3232312? 32“.: “it?“ :3." ' , 1
Full-time students may vote at m' rs, 8:30 am. to 12:30 pm. at . - , . ‘ .
OM‘IMM m. M m up WI any of the {Ollowing locatiom: the Center. thejltiedical Center and 11:30 am. to Sunny and warmer tomorrow With I .
m —_!:,l!,o.!n._lell:hp.-. " “W'W ander Classroom Building. 9 am. to 3 Lexington Community College 2:30 pm. at the nursing school cafe m’ tut" mmm‘mw “W“ 6°" . '. .
”"’°"“‘“‘WWM p.m.; Blazer and Donovan cafeteri- polls will be open for both full- and teria. . . '. ,
o o 1
SGA candidates make pl‘OIIllSCS 01' 9 5- 6 . ' ~
’ *7 > ‘ . . C “*7: ° . ,. ,_ 5:: "To? I “H" ’“ _.____._,v,, .
Green well runs I ._ . ,, ... I ., e—c Cam, Ha rdesty _ , t “i . p
e e =~ ' .i ‘L t . x- A. . ’ 1 ~ . ~
a anstF h (-5 - .« 3c“ . .. . .
g l 'S t ~ .. .. . V... .. pledge to keep .» . Q : .~
orvee as A. _   :i I , .. I
f P p _ 1 . close to voters ,. . V » ; .
3 “flags; 3313 . é. .. . _ . By ANDREW DAVIS I R‘ - l . .
. ‘ .~ \ - Senior Staff Writer \ l . .
As the Student Government Asso- ' " Xi“ . . . We ’ ; 1 ;
ciation election campaign climaxes , .— “" 4’ "t ‘ .~' m saurpnswmn findfltrf 33; " ' ‘ - 1 . '
thisweek.voterswillfindthem- . :r 1/ . MNIM vmd 1 , a” ~ .1
. ‘ III r . K 8 ea Sty are as: a *v i 4’ ,I
selves With only one contested race , _ a. . a. victory in this year’s Student Gov- . 1 I,
intheexecutive branch. ; I V I." l I“ a ernment Association elections be- l‘ " ,
The race for executive vice presi- ‘ \. . I ‘ ,7 “MM'NWW- “a .
dent. ‘5 the 9'“? °" °‘ the ”we ”“ 1 . . ~33 ~ 1 After the electiom — to be held to- ., '
We" 90'1““ ‘4'" 0th“ "'0 W .. r". .5 ’ ‘ monow and Thursday — Cain. a ri- r23: 2
3m“ are ”malt and ma. vice . ' name and German sender and SGA i'ZZtI-Z- '
president — thathas twopeople run. ' a» 19* or vi ldent will take over I.:.I.~I.-I.I-II 1
runs. Donna Gnenwell. an accomt- 1,1 I? . 1.x for clmnt president Tim m . . _
flammwflnfi mg JOHN “S“ DONNA camsweu berg next mien Hardesty. a JOHN CAIN NEAL nanorsrv
administration junior and also a sell- cm. “in he ptcked Greeuwell Fish. who 'u currently serving hr. mmmafn ' mu“ Special Task Force on Campus Safe- 0 Foreign Language at UK for all
ator-at-largeJa-theposltion. over m became he Wt she nurdyurlntheorganintimandis 93"”, their M m ty—agrmpoetwlnrespometoa lorI'eiIgnteachimmlslants. .
Cromwell is m as part it wadddoabetterjob. chit-man of the amp“, relations “cm the candidates do h.“ . campus murder last summer. The Ill make sure students views
theonlyticketdcandldatuthls “Ichaethepenonlthoqht committee ttht‘t‘dtm‘hmeplatlmhwhichmcmedam taskforcehelpedconvrmetheUK mnpreaentedwhenadecmonk
year. along with Jotn Cain. SGA ma be the best at the job." Cain unicelectioriwithfivotes. with Dorm Cromwell who is run- administration to allocate $100.1!» made. Cain Illd about the merge.
vicepresidentandpresldendal can- said.“She'llbegoodatlt." Gnenwell has mm on . m for executive vice pruldem avertinnatttneyoanforcam- ’l‘heSGApnsidentlnsay-otemthe
didate.andNealHardesty.asen— Calnbuedthatdecblonlnparton platformoflncreasimsmdait in- W John M . suitor-ab www.mnbolmumdsolu Boardof'l‘lutees.wluchw1nhavea
attraHarge and audit vice prul- tin fact that w M m volvementln SGA, while fish's plat- WI The the have M to freshman wave cannot], large amount of influence in the
dentcandldateJi'Ishlsnnnlmas onlybeullnSGAfwmeyear,she (”mummunm. mum“ tintwlll whichwusetuptogetm-elruh- WW.
anhtdependenteandldate. . R My m d the pollt- matted-efficiency. stay intuiehwlthm. men involvedintheorganintion. Hardesty. a mtor-at-large, is
“Idon‘twantpeqietothifllm lcalaflalneommlttoeandprdd-It Waldshewantstore- "Wellansputamdght ummmamm gmtbcmmnfprotemmof
mmwmadnmn. dbhlhcappoahboard. Wtflnmuvehneh.flc wwwthGAnw- hemlllookmmthemey dram“ ““‘fimm
Muldahulheamdh 111““.me «bunny-momma» mmhthlnmtm “Mumtuwoflu committee tia-
candkhcy.mma¢nfllh- toils-WJnh-ty-r'n mandamus rela- wimm,"(hlnaaidwhuhe magmwtbnotlaemt ‘
dalmauldhelum'eaxperl- m,mmm¢mn “all. rel-tin, Wine-m. lfthuehaUK-Uflvusttyofm Hummer-flinch
encetlnnhbopponent.“ltgelllkel stout-large m wltli m endow-mum“ mmmuwm vllleuleIwJ'leIaldhewInabou-y Whe'mh'th-M-
anletnm-cmm. m. savanna mount-cumulus mwuruqswa sump-c3
I .

 summon-1 MM), 1"
‘ " \\\“ .‘:: W\“ taiwttdn Lita “swath \. a auntie“ ,‘ »
1 V} I» \- \?\:*‘\:e§+\ ,, '_ -~ ¥§\\c~ze \uwiss. mfif» Y mart) ‘3 k wig: *’ . Mo“ K it ' ' "
Eclectic Sade St (1 nts can strut their stuff
. but sparkling 1 in o eglate 3 en howcase
Diamond LifeSade . . ByJAMESA.s1‘0LL Tassie said that at the regional there. It's a great chance to be
“aim/“5mm 3mm Q‘ W W Mama Hi“ "an“ as ........
e (pronoun - ls -, aw It!) or lrat ce,$75 or . . .
the stage name of Helen 'Folasade » _ There is probably a certain second and $50for third. At the na- :3” 3:? ‘15.? M86 “n be_
Adu the Nigerian-born child of an amount 0! “star" in ev one This tlonal competition to be hosted by J H ' tor a student “c
. African father and an English moth— . - Friday from 2 to 5 pg? mi stu- comedian Bob Hope, the winners 3% mm m4?" °‘
er. Her vocal style reflects her ' . -' /’ ' dents have a chance to showcase and their schools will each be W meg: chairman of the "3;“:
eclectic onglns, blending smooth . ~ W , I their talents in any kind of theat- awarded an equal cash prize: 8.000 (1 mt chairman r
hall ptgasmg wrth soul and blues-in- . '-‘ " ' ’ rical act as the Student Actrvrhes for first pm fig: fags] second anhed ‘
uenc songs. incorpora mg every- Board presents preliminary compe- 81.000 or ' . ists in . .
thing fronilhtheoyotown md to the tition for the American Collegiate national compsgition will also re “anew {ffmo'auhr‘s
mfiilifst {110 532132“ and videore- T3132: $475??? SAB member-at- cemmaw ' . day- mm” 3W" "“3’ Pk"
leasw ”Smooth Operator" and . .. me heads the committee . _ “But the money isn’t the only upanapplication atmstudent Cen-
.. ' .. _ I a . . . . , 0mm: thing,"Tassie said. “We have a list ter and sign up for their perfor-
Hang onto Your Love, are seam _ lng this years talent showcase. of theatrical ts ho will be whenthe do -
‘ lessly sensuous upbeat ballatk mir- c. “Any act — singing, dancing, act- agerl w mance time y ’0'
roring both the best and worst of Di- ' _ .. ing, magic, comedy, etc. — is wel-
amond Life. Sade‘s seemingly . § ‘ ’ come."Tassie said.
effortless performances are remark- . a The acts, which will be judged by
ably easy on the ears, but for the fi- " a panel of three judges, will be lime
most part are too superficial W W ited to seven minutes in length and
- anything morethancasual listening. 0.. ‘0}?- \l no more than a few minutes in set-
. With a voice as elegant as Sade‘s, {A ' o , , ting the stage. A piano and cassette
however, casual listening never had m .. .. ,. f”; tape player will be available in the ' .
- it so good. ‘ Student Center Theater, where the
Sade saves her trickiest vocal ef- ‘ 2‘ preliminary showcase will take
' , fort for "Sally," a thoughtful explo- _( ’9‘ place. The Student Center ballroom ‘
ration of what might best be termed ,9, will be available for acts which will g /,
iife‘i‘i‘buihim 3W 13“,."32‘3 i “a?" “325;“ “if”; 312 °“" "'6 I“ ‘ ”’ 2
e n alons a we . _ _ _ _ —an no iano— \,/ ‘
SKI-138$ 3; love path; a (1:1? too Sade’s ‘Dlamond Life' album is a ‘fascmatlng debut.’ castebetsedintheballroorn. p I/ ' ' \\
t i y. e‘s res Elli 'very . _ . g9 ‘ '
and near-falsetto res lings of the showcases for flamboyant self-pro- continulty or thematic purpose. “There is a :25 fee to enter the re- /
song’s most emotioral lines turn motiontPrince‘s Pu'Ple Ram KERNELRATING34 gionals"Tassie said “and you need ‘ .
‘ ' what could be more. condemnation When they are conglomerations 0‘ to submit a videotape of the act," --.
into clinical observe am. 2329”“; “fuss.“ 50:33 whitsm mam JoanAllnatrading Tassie said that SAB’s competition 4 ‘ fi' i , \
Sad, h co-rotee' th'- ncoeclons aewpop ‘3 ' ' ~
amen: L335 nin‘: songs,lgchorisistent- lot of filler and no stylistic unity Nobody plays musical hopscotch 3:53 mgfimfifi‘gfigcfi: 4
1y opts for the safe distance d a cool (Footloose). betterthanJoan Armatrading. also enter the regional competition \._./ ..
vocal delivery over direct confrontav Vision Quest falls between the ex- From the torch-song heartbreak of at theirownexpense.
m“ With any difficult mam] °r une'lr‘lrilefimood of th' LP hifts wildl dwe dgyono'giintzi “ME“??? I
rt. H . . IS 5 y em“ u “8 'n Cre “ -
polglsahflcm 1 Going To Make a from the dancefloor dare of Madon- Secrets runs the gamut of love’s :fiBTawslsniessaid “$2: ‘09 tag ‘ {
Livin ~~ she si lines like “We’re na's “Gambler" to the metallic lovely lies and lazy lust in a virtuoso ac ’ ‘- PW
hungrgy but wenfivsontt give in" with slash in Dio’s “Hungr'y for Heaven,” display of musical styles held firmly gmgmaqd 25.0““ faculties for lg )
only the most languidsenseofambi- with a few warmed-over hits like together by Armatrading's richly V1 ping. mum/“MG I.
tion, and on the LP‘s only non-origi- Sgt-imam?! glooded” ”de douTmmpmm totals. the f' t . "81 g g
”31 song she softens Timmy Thom- ’s “ lc nnge" mix in “ em ion," . lrs sr_ e. P lk h d d
as- 1972 socio/political hit “Why foraddedsales. , matches a seductive rhythm with a 0 a S 0W WOWS 1'3 10 all 1011088
Can’t We Live Together" into a tas~ There are some blessrngs. The re- perfect pop hook punctuated with
tefully rendered love song. release here of John Waite's sharp horn blasts while Armatrad- By DAN DAY coming to find out that the parents ing only to take requests for songs
For all its superficiality‘ Diamond “Clinnge” is a pleasant reminder ing’s echoed vocal bemoans the AssociatedPress who grew up with polkas and turned and to bombard listeners with patter
Life is still a fascinating debut. The that he didn’t do all his good work paranoia of love (“It all looks so in- them off with Elvis Presley are about his sponsors. They include '
arrangements are suberb, with before the Babys split up, despite viting/Till it drags you to your OMAHA, Neb. — The phones at starting to come back ‘and realize, auto parts stores, a sausage shop
_ Stuart Matthewman‘s smoky saxo- the obnoxiousness of last year's knees”). KLNG radio ring constantly each ‘Hey, there's more fun with pol- and restaurants like the Bohemian
phone {"15 and Andrew Hale's key- “MissingYou.” “Talking To the Wall,” with Joe Saturday when Bruce Springsteen, kas.’ “ Cafe in the ethnic cauldron of South
’ ““5 weaving a “‘5“ m" We“ 53°?» neg...“ {SM d ‘3“ ‘5” §“°F°';d°“ ”it "‘1'“: has“ "“ 3‘? “fit?“ mmiiim- ””‘i‘rfichéfi‘im “ammo.“ i” “‘“en‘hw‘mwh‘s‘mn ”traumatic":
background. m is so a. me an renelc cu m e, am 1 ousy in mm are se am or e ovrc, gram ‘ erry ow ow Si ' , o is ‘ ,
Perhaps 3“" w‘“ :3“ 51?: assist-Pals“ assist? hiiiimhfieii‘ °"°L‘""“-gii‘;i§i'e‘£§ 35$,“ “mi 5”" "‘3 32‘ c3}; 3"?“ ”a Film" if fi ‘3‘" J°° 23$ m °‘ “if“ “.32 “is ‘
more halle ~ mate‘ onsu e l i an l r - vo rass-n n en— ti none ow. 11 sex re 15 no . e sa co-
quentcrecorg‘glnzg, but in the mean- lisle and .lyrics that would have while still sounding vaguely like the are complaints. doubt it’s pepulai lection of Ir-ishprrwusii —yswhich he
, time the shallow Diamond Life of- gougdedBSllly 1%“ ms Building the besitclzork offfboth Chuck Mangione For Size hours oar Saturday morni “When he’s on the air. the pllgnes plays for St. Patrick's Day — is un-
iers some of the most sparkling erect easta um. an rryRa erty. ings, station ops its norrna areringingoffthehookconstan y,“ rivaled.
costume jewelry around Lyrically, many of these songs are Secret Secrets is an amazing swirl Top 40 format, and ”Big Joe" Sied- Deansaid. “He'sdoneagood job." “I want to convey the idea that
KERNEL RATING: 5 about the frustrations of adolescence of pop/rock magic, wrth Armatrad- llkroflsorlthlsbarrelofpolkas. Siedlik, 50, produces the Dig doe I'm happy," Siedlik said. “I want
or the weissnudes 'of love, as was mg moving deftly through modified- “The Big Joe Polka Show" has Show on his own. He rents air time them (the listeners) to forget their
she 5331, bit]! ThllSlcally they Just metal 31‘: (“mes“), melodrarga‘t- lbeen on "nth: air for nearly 20 years, on KLNG and spends his weekday: troubles. I'm delivering happiness‘
Vision Quest Various Artists on’ ong oge er. ic syn izer 'ven tunes (“ e onger many of KLNG’s listen- tram ing around western Iowa an
Geffen/Warner Bros. Records Vision Quest features 10 fairly Night") and intriguingly-arranged ers have been around, and Siedlik ”stein Nebraska selling ads for his Siedlik has spent most of his adult
Sound track records featuring the strong songs — unquestionably a ballads (“Strange") with the grace says he finds an eager audience for Saturday show and a similar pro- life in the polka business. He once
work of a smgle artist can either be rarity — but the mix lends itself onlyatrueonginalcanmanage. thebouncy beat. gram Sundays in his hometown, Co- owned a polka newspaper and a
satisfying mood pieces (Tangerine more to home taping and party KERNEL RATING: 9 “I’m finding a brand-new audi- lumbus,Neb. polka record company, and briefly
Dream's Firestarterl or outstanding music than to any overall sense of GARY PIERCE ence is out there," Siedlik said. “I'm He plays polka after polka, pails produced a televised polka show.
» r‘rnit'tu’r“s:;:n"a"‘h . . . .
I b :Y . : ”To, '9‘” I Look into it, and you ll discover that ondc 3f the A d H II 1000 200 E ' ' MoloraOnl
. y awor wmnlng airs ts a . - rtant 31150 Arm Nursin is its e ication n omn a . can.- : pm. n. noor n. y
I I most lrnpo p . y . g - . . .
g ' 1 I THE IPPER JOINT I to continuing education. Army Nurses are encouraged ‘0 ‘33:“ North 9.30 "m' 1 '30 p'm‘ Agriculture Melon
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 «mums 1M1. M1. ifi-J
. , g . V ee p
“diff-1, . \ 4" ‘ a ‘ ' Continued frompageone
w ‘i . . .
N , 337*?) (A ‘1? {'53 .a crease the work load of the deport. ternal affairs and political affairs -—
Military Isgience O I ”if“ ‘ ‘ ' merit heads. She hopes tint by ere. wouidmeet as often aaneebdtoen-
‘ / “ j v ating these departments, more sure better communication. fish .
ROTC cadets from Harrison County High School try to ma- ' 5 . \ 1 ,_¢ » students will get involved in SGA. has also proposed that the executive .
neuver a barrel across a simulated mine field on Administra- . m '/ . “Now, only one person handles the branch create a program commit-
tion Lawn during Friday’s ROTC Day (right). UK ROTC 6 -- job (in an executive department)." tee. which would keep a cunplete
rangers use the exercise as part ol a 45-foot obstacle course. . “FEW?“ ““1 WZ'X "0‘ have "‘9 #01:"! all SGA ”1113 ”d ”mm“-
The cadets had 10 minutes to get the barrel across. but their . ‘. apg:‘::‘:f£°§:g°:he was not sure larlycomnmhlowm mmwwplaginledmacttivwgitiesw
. . ,
board and ropbes his: ‘0 :arry f“ to :fety (below); Ting ,. . ' how large thecabinets would be. but and billsworkout.
“'"e “mm“! ‘1 °“.‘ 5‘“ "“5 "’"I. “m?““hw‘fj‘xy -.~' . would talk to the department heads “You wouldn’t see the effects of
other Kentucky high schools to partitipate in t e pro— \g . .. and appoint people under their sug- that for Mo to three years,” Fish .
gram. The Kentucky National (tuarti also sent a Blackhawk I. .a e: . ‘l' ”I, gestions. She also wants to extend said. "But as it tdatai piles up. it _ .
helicopter for the occasion. I: ‘ ' ,1“. 551 SGA's office hours so the organiza. would bean invaluabletool." ' . '
‘ A f i tion will be more accessible to night . . . '
i, I . ~ ’ u -/ ’ I I students. Greenwell also wants senr AS the demo" — Wh‘Ch will be ..
“a“ “‘ . ‘ . ators to start keeping specified of held tomorrow 39d Thursday at sev- . ' .
ALAN msuoxemeistm fice hours. era] caCmaPus Donn}? “31:85 ' draws /‘ ' .
g - v . ‘ t . - _r Fish said he would try to make near.I m says ‘5 V‘ orousIcam- - : '.
. __“‘ . , . g ‘I better use of existing committees by ”limits“ effortshémugreenwell S be-
,1 7' ’ a i‘.‘ ‘ k " having the chairmen of the four ha 5 dgive r edge. . ~ ' "
’ ‘ fl ‘ ,- . main SGA committees meet as a “We need to campaign as a . 3 - ' ' .
{ conference committee. The heads of team." Cain said. H1 want to get the . ‘ - ' ‘ ‘ '
. I“ 5" “'" «f , w the committees "‘ 399”)?“an whole team elected. We started out . ‘ ‘ 7 ' " .
~ K _-. . V q, I ,1, - ’3“ 4-“ and revenue, campus relations, in- asateam,we'llfinishasateam." I' p I' . A.‘
3"? . t I . . . .
., . $7.. . t . Ir . -. .
’ “‘ ' ,. .; K . , l . ~
- tee ; OPIedge - ,-
"r :*( 42.; E" . V » ‘ i... i“ d, r .I . ' ' .
‘I: ,' 2" :27 r ,. ' ' _, \ Continued from page one . = - .
‘ ; A . , ' 3. . - dance at SGA committee meetings. next year than any year in the = . ‘ g ‘ ,
. W . ~ ; .
"‘ . ‘ " ” t _, ‘0‘ Many senators have complained past." . ‘_ .- - .‘
" fl . 1’7 about low attendance this semester. Hardesty said he will personally . .' ‘ ~ ~ I
~. .~ . x" ' ,_ He also will look at revising the or- look into three issues — student ad- ' . .
' “. ‘ ‘ V ‘ . .. ' 3'5. ganization‘s policy for excusing ab vising, the possibility of publishing a . . ' .
., ' - V ' 7s "“a sencas from senate meetings. The handbook on teacher evaluations . . ~_ _ '.
«F'- l policy calls for a voice vote from the and the problem of law student at- ‘
F} ’ senate on whether to accept an ex- tendance at athletic events. Earlier V ' .1: ~
’53 fl. ' cuse. this year. the Athletics Board’s tick- ~ '. . . ‘ ~' .
b . .7 “ ‘5‘ 7 ' The policy is useless because sen- et committee, of which Hardesty is . '
' . - :.II‘:: «r. ,. . ators are reluctant to vote against a member, decided to reduce the al- . - I. I_ > ~ ' .
it." .. . ,, . . ,. \ . Q eI_ .> accepting excuses, Hardesty said. lotment of student tickets to football , ' . . - f"
L 1 shawls. is: , ‘ l i . . gwafi [.9 “Right now, it's considered a joke games by more than 3,000 tickets. . - '
emyisfi ' . M‘ ‘ » ‘ ? ' (2’ ~ and the momentum is going that The decision was later amended, . ' - ,
' m. 2?“ I. \é , , ‘ ~~ "' of} ‘ .. I way." and only 1,744 student tickets were ' - . - .
.7.-. , ‘. -m ‘ I Qt ‘ -». V ‘fi , “ ' - l Hardesty is proposing that the de cut. ' .. .
31 ~ .2 . i Q‘f“ Q I g s e» l cision to accept excuses either be Cain and his running mates re- . ' '
'. ’ . ‘ " ‘ I . K, . ”a... f 1‘ I made by himself or by the commit- cently began their campaign, prom~ ' ‘.
,, - ' ‘ : ' V * fl’ “ .5 “ tee on committees. ising an effective SGA to those who . « .
" ' e . ‘ 7 I . ‘ ' _,;’*~{~‘ . _ ,_ j' l He also said he would ”get tough" would listen. , ' - ~
. We 't .' .3 E . ‘ .2 i§ ’.‘ R .5 o f5.“ ‘ with senate members who do not at- “I know that Neal, Donna and l . , .I I‘ .
| , ‘3 ‘ '4 5“ an - ..: , _ f -- $4,. . g, ’ ‘ ‘ tend meetings and do not take their will give you a student government -
i u- ‘ '" . lift" .1 ’ - : A? , .3 " i l A I“ >5? , jobs seriously. If senators do not at- that effectively addresses these . - '
p ' " ; " W ‘ ,‘ \‘v‘ N‘ ‘3; "I tend meetings regularly they "are challenges," Cain said at his an- . ' . "
'51:. W . - ( ' ' ~ ‘ e; i: .5; probably going to get purged 4dis- nouncement, "and a student govem- W
1; ‘;; "~ .._ ' v , _ ’ he) i missed from their posts. more likely merit of which we can allbeproud.“ , ..
.. saw-tan!- ' e ' . ~:_ . l. .
x 3m.- s' ; -... . ~. » l ' Conference ‘
'.._,, ‘j:__ V‘ .“ ~ ‘ I '- I ' ,l,,,, 7 , .‘ :10- fav' .-(:I".')-". ‘fi‘ ., ’ l
ALAS u‘ssn. Kernel \lall Continued from page one ‘ -
that for Third World countries. and and processed foods which only the
. . even the United States. to have an rich can afford,“ ~ .
* o 1013 see 8 ran ness
anything to do with the availability Dewalt said that another main as- '
gi'ffistwrbgctazénffig 2583320: 2(1)}; pect which was reinforced at the . ' .
Merger not likely for want of ‘fortitude, ’ McBrayer says 3"“ in“ 3W“ 3W °f no... 33:25:";2giiinfil “30,31,131: ,
‘ hoesn a “hays mean 30“ or I “”1 was in the Third World countries re- _
By (‘IIARLES wan-1.; The council hopes to have come sents myriad proposals for lawmak- state‘s six “regionai” universities. ave enoug ‘ quires a knowledge based on a wide .
Associated Press pleted by June its draft of a five- ers tosort, Richards said. But that's in keeping with Ken- To explain this conclusion, Dewalt range of disciplines,Iincluding nutri- .
year plan, McBrayer said, but it's McBrayer said the council doesn't tucky’s policy of making higher edu- presented the condition in Mexico. a tionists. anthropologists. socwlogists .
FRANKFURT - The Council on presently unclear whether the pro- mind making tough recommenda- cation available to everyone in the country. along with Honduras, m and many others.“ . .
Higher Education promises to be posalswillbegeneralorspecific, tions, but “we don‘t want to be state,hesaidI. . which he has been doing field re-
brutally frank when it gives legis- There‘s "0 dOUbt' however, about madefools 0L" The states medical.I dental and search in crop production for the At its first meeting. held in Water- . '
[ators its long-range proposals fOr the political sensitivity of issues now He cited as an example the cur- law schools, however, ‘are another pastfive years. ville Valley N H in 1982 the group I , ,
improving higher education in Ken- confronting the General Assembly, rent furor over whether to merge matter," he said. In its work to date identified the most critical needs for
tucky, a council official said yester- including whether to eliminate some the University of Louisville and the on a five-year plan, the comet] has “Mexico is a country whose agri- research From that meeting a re- . .
day, programs and graduate professional University of Kentucky. concluded that those sch