xt7gms3k0q8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3k0q8h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1999 Vol.70 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 1999 Vol.70 No.1 1999 1999 2019 true xt7gms3k0q8h section xt7gms3k0q8h i . E .. ., .. d—vva-O-m. W: ’ I I h 1 i i W. 3"“. ”hm-I ua‘**~ I I”. '“lllm' W .Wué‘e‘rWJxmwuimaa ”Hansen... ‘ - .ai— \..~.«_..y-~:.'....«mififi=,W‘6Vfi:I-flll:fiili~y : I I.
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, . ,3 _ 3 . N CK Volume 70, Number 1 ‘fij‘ .
3 3 l . t .. -3 The Official Publication ’1.
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, . 1999KPASmm1erOonvemion f7: ‘ 1 '.
“3 _'_ lit”. - .
.. ' . . '1“
KPA launches Dr I ech VV Int€r COnVenthn ShOUld
' _.
' ° ' ‘warm u ’ Louisville
. Hothne as new serv1ce P
' ' ' ' demand with a seminar on ‘35} . 3.
You’re sitting at your comput- ing as “Dr. Tech.” Jones is now Jan'14 IS deadllne PhotoShop 50. Nobody knows . ' .
er wondering what the message with Parts Plus in Richmond and to register for meeting PhotoShop like Slimp because he ,.-_ ' g "
. means: “Error has occurred...” available for telephone assistance. reviews each version of the software 3 a . ‘
- Or no other software is open The "Dr. Tech Hotline" will The temperatures may be frigid for Adobe before it’s released to the '3 . .
but when you try to launch a pro- operate Quite similarly to KPA’s outside, but for two days later this public. He will also touch on aspects . ~ -' .1
gram, you get the message: Freedom of Information Hotline. month inside the Galt House East of QuarkXpress making the semi- .3 . ',
“Insufficient memory. Try closing When there are questions or prob- in Louisville, it’s going to be hot. nar a must for’those involved in _- ,
., other applications...” lems, Tim is available and in most Some of the leading newspaper newspaper design 3, , ~~ I ' -
Or maybe the scanner isn’t cases he'll be able to talk with you industry speakers in the country The first day .of the convention '3 '
working, or your printer won’t about the problem or answer your will bring their talent to Kentucky ends with a reception sponsored by . '3 .
' print the Story you’ve just written computer question immediately. [Ur the 1999 KPA Winter the Trade Show Vendors and the ta) ' . ‘
or the ad you just laid out. “We originally discussed this Convention. Bluegrass State Games
Whatever Macintosh computer idea with the KPA Board in This year’s meeting will be held Day two of the convention f ‘ /
. problems Kentucky newspapers August, 1995,” said KPA Thursday and Friday, Jan. 21-22. be ins bri ht and earl" with the ~ _//
"' have, help is just a telephone call Executive Director David T. and will officially begin with the KigA Bregakfast and] Annual . //
. . away. And the help is free just for Thompson. “At the time, there opening of the Trade Show at 11 B . M . I l d d . h / '
3‘ - ’ were some other rio ' ' .‘butG am. on Thursda . At 1 .m. Peter [18.111985 eeting: nc u e in t e " / .
. being a member of KPA, through __ P ““95 uy y P , busmess meeting 15 the election ,,4‘ /
the new “Dr. Tech Hotline.” The Hatfield (1998 KPA President) Zollman presents a four-hour work- ff if 1999 d th 1999 b d A
only expected cost to newspapers made this one of his goals for 1998. shop on the Internet that will focus 0 ticefrs 1212A defilPS e u ‘ i _ _
will be a long-distance call to The present Board approved the on web advertising. The seminar ge sFor h fan h ' _ , . '
Richmond. concept during its Fall Retreat in will be broken into three parts. . or t ‘e ourt consecutive year. { .
. Tim Jones long known to October. We then dusted off the allowing KPA members to attend d C0119? student seminar w‘“ take . i
. . Kentucky newspapers from his idea. requested proposals from any or all of the one-hour sessions. place in conjunction w‘th the 395' ‘
. n. " days at Lexington Computer and a individuals and companies around The last 30 minutes will be devoted “(ms ff” KPA meml’ers- The 59m"
' I i I ~ - - . the state and chose Tim Jones to to questions and answers. nar brlngs college Journalism Stu" '
frequent exhibitor at Wmtei d , . .
3 (‘onvention Trade Shows is serv- See DR TECH page 12 Also at 1 pm. on Thursday. ents from across Kentucky togcth- 3 ' 3
- ‘ I L " i ‘ ' ’ Kevin Slimp is back by popular See CONVENTION, page 10
_ _ Is your newspaper prepared for the Year 2000. .
.‘ We’ve all heard the doomsday Year 2000 fore- inventory of every piece of computer and network heatin /cooling svstems. securit s stems and ' .
_ g y y y .
’ . ‘ casts: Banks will shut down, water and food sup- hardware, computer software (including custom time clocks (to name just a few) and all need tcst- , . a
. . . f- plies will be affected, brown-outs will be reported written software), every spreadsheet and data ing. . -'
, * all over the world, hospital life support systems base, every external data communications (is our Computer programmers in the 60s and 70s. , ‘
3 . will fail along with heating and cooling and secu- Internet provider and wire service Y2K compli- in an effort to cut down on memory. went with a =
. rity systems.....all because they weren’t Y2K com- ant?) and every embedded chip device (any equip- two-digit date in computers. 80, when the year j
’ pliant. But what does all this mean for you and ment with a digital date or time function), accord- 2000 rolls around, many computers Will read only '
’ n. . , . your newspaper? ing to Tom Chaplin, systems manager for the the “00”” and think the date iS “1900.” Take this " 1;:
Regardless of what you think about the above Iowa Press Association. example 0f some 0f the problems it COUld CEUSGI “If
. _ predictions, failing to prepare for the upcoming Remember, it’s not just computers. Y2K YOU? tape biiCkUP SOftW'aY‘P was programmed to
‘ _ new millennium is foolhardy. This involves taking affects fax machines, postage meters, See 2000, page 7 .33»;
. f l ‘_ 25
l. . . . , .11 I“ £21,: .
" .' . OKentuck‘y People, Places OHas your market got 0A little white space can 0Complete schedule for the OTake the mystery out ‘- T: 333;»,
- in the news... 2 a‘secret’T... 3 alon wa . 5 '99WinterConvenfion... 6 ofthelntemct... 11 $112.
3 3 PS' 8° 8 3’ P8 P3 P8- .,V.i.._,l.l _
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Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, January, 1999 i:
K . h W i
» entucky people papers 1nt e ne 8 i
. ’ t
, Combs JOlnS news Sta“ advertising representative at The 1:):i.()0() on other days. Huot has also (/aseyt/ounty, She preViously did t
News-Democrat in( arrollton. served as Circulation director in Ft. some freelance work for the newspav .-
at Hen”, county Local 1\ natin‘ ()f (Viirrtlllton‘ (lilldvt't‘ll :‘1t‘yPrS‘ 13111., and “forked in Circula' Ixir tuld her prinlal'y duties ”(my “3i” E
. . . has numerous vears of sales ex )eri- tion de artments in Duluth, Minn. ' - . . , ' .. ' , . _ i’
Tracv S. Combs has Jomed the . .- . . ' ‘ l ‘ , ‘ P ‘ ‘ . ‘ includt covtring matings and photo
‘ - ence with Marriott. ()mni Hotels and (mind Forks. ND. He has been , . .. .. . .
r i )hlt issi rnmt nts
staff Of the Henry County Local as Xerox (‘orporation and (ilaxo recognized four times with a L ‘i (H L 7 h .
news‘editor5 Pharmaceutical, She is a business President’s Ring for his work as oneof H . Id 1 . d . ,' ,
('3me 3‘4}; “mg“ toléhznewspa graduate from Kentucky Wesleyan (iannett‘s top circulation executives. €13 " 46d 61 Wins
per mm 9 ‘ era "‘ "W5 m t‘ollege His wife, Elaine. Will alsojoin the OJ .
BF'fkli‘nfilif“ ( (Sim-V1932“ 15 3 mm“; as director of strategic marketing. She Emery A' Bl ()Wllell
0* 01115“ t‘ 1U] 'd gra uate 0 3. ~' \ - is director of business development in '. . -
WUTkl‘n'fl ”1 Hardinsburg. Shf‘ 1"”le leCUlllthn depurtrnent at the Journal News. The Lexington Herald—lmader
31-“ 2‘ tree—lance wnter 1“" various PUb‘ \lik liu t ‘ \ tcr m circul ltion was chosen by the National Legal Aid
lications. includin r Louisville‘s ‘ T " W "‘ “ i ' 1 ' ' ' , t “ . , ., - . . , _
, . is Y _ director with (iannett has been CWlCICJOlnS Staff and DttendtrAssociation as th( rtup
Todzn s Woman and The V oice- ‘ ‘, f‘ . E . , B .11 \q.d'.
- ' named \ice president of circulation at 1(nt 0 It“ miry A' rownt l ( 1“
Tribune. The Courierwloumal at CaSCy COunty NCWS Award for 1998. The award is for the
_ C a] d ll d . d Huot comes to Louisville from the Linda Carmicle has been hired as ““WSPQPCFS news coverage, “hum?!"
we narne d rep Joumal News in White Plains, N.Y., the new staff writer at The Casey and editorial cartoons about funding
, c where he was vice president of circu- County News. legal services to th" poor “Dd fl" 115‘
(It NCWS‘DCmocrat lation. The Joumal News has a circu- Carmicle attended Somerset editorial support of Kentucky’s Racial
Robin Caldwell has been named lation of 187000 on Sundays and Community College and is a native of Justice Act. ‘
'l'h K t k P Campaign coverage needs '
The Kentucky Press (lSSN-(n23-0324) is pub- District 12 g 3 ' l
, lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Stephen Bowling, Jackson Times ‘ N } h 2 000
Assodation/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. n 6 a r0 ac 1 n l
Periodical-class postage is paid at Frankfort, District 13 . p l
KY. 40601.5ubscriptionpriceis$8peryear. GlennGray, Manchester Enterprise By CHARLES L. ()VERBY news executives should begin to l
‘ Postmaster:SenddiangeotaddresstoThe Now that the midterm elecA ask ifthis is the responsible thing J
Kentucky Presstm Consumer Lane, District 14 tions are over. news executives and to do 1
Frankfort, 10”“le (502) ME“ Stuart Simpson,‘ | ‘ political reporters need to ask seri» Now is the time for editors and l
Officersand Directors Somerset Pulaski News-Joumal oiis questions about the way they news directors to decide the stan—
Kentucky Press Association District 1‘3-A will cover the elections in 2000. dards for their operations. Should ‘
Don White, Anderson News II W” ”WW“ (lt‘Ft‘rW‘ SPN‘IIII their reporters ask questions about
President attention: , , candidates' sex lives‘,’ ll one publi
Guy Hatfield,Cifizen V01C€&Times District15«B 'l’rivate 11”“ "f CimdltlHtV-‘T cation reports on the sexual activi
John Nelson, Dam-’ille Advocate—Messenger 'Negative advertising ' m g (,f a pundjdun.‘ B it ”l’lmll’n'
PresidentElect Status quo coverage of these mp to “pm” that report‘.’
Tom Caudill, Lexmgton Herald-Leader ghaatreoiifiifiienski Winchester Sun 1““ ”“115 15 “"1 11””‘1 ”WWI“ Media leaders should not wait
PastPresident ‘ ' Privatelives until eventsovertake them to
GeneClabes, Florence Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer After (iary Hart disclosures in determine ”1“” i""""""-_(“ “’"h‘"
P . . p 1987. most mainstream media our ”“t‘mml standards ”'1’ ”mm-“Md"
VicePre31dent Teresa Mullins,Berea C‘fize“ lets agreed that staking out candi- "’ and inappropriate ' lm'ims“ “f
TeresaRevlett,McLeanCountyNews . . . _ dates to “1“,” about their sex the First Amendment. But each
Treasurer Qdficdghfggxackv Educational in,“ was offlimits. newsdirector and each editor has
Davidcreer TheKmtuckyStandard Television I ’ 115 (“155' to forgpt that thv tht: Fight and rt‘SptinfllHlli)’ it) 5(‘1
Bardstown ' ' media only reluctantly began filll‘lt‘llllt'f~ .
Advertising Division reportingr about Bill ('linton's sex ““5 15 it” 15'5“" that wont 15"
- ~ La Brooks, Lexin 0n Herald-Leader life after details were )resentcd in 11““)? It 5““"3' Will affect everv
District] "7 gt , _ I _ . , -
WilliamMitdiell,FultmLeader , . ‘ y . public forums: press conferences ”(‘WS operation. 5f“! “W‘U' ”PW“
StefgdisriiakmvtiislknP . élnd lawsuits. That‘s quite different (“Tm can l)“ predicted, ltut “"‘H‘
Distrith ar e r ' en c y “St from reporters hiding in bushes considered guidelines developed in
19d Dillingham,DawsonSprirtgsProgi-ess Circulation Division and spyingon'candidates. advance will serve the best inter-
Dave Eldridge, Jessamineloumal The Hitl‘dlii journey from the ests of readers and viewers.
District3 (it-nnifer l" owers press conference . . .
x 1' l l ) ~
TeresaRevlett,McLeanC01mtyNews Ioumalism Education to the l’aula Jones lawsuit to the 'l‘iwit’iistiltvi: adivvtlrttlsing‘ l .
Jo—Ann Huff‘Albefs, Western Kentucky Monica Lewinskv relationship rais- ' ’. ‘H H r ”mi“ 1‘”
District4 University (N the “H” ( uestion' When is it replaced candidate speeches as the
GiarliePortmann,Frank1inFavonte appropriate ”’0er m 1’01“)” about most important factor in cams
General Counsels ‘ . i I .14 ‘ paigns.
. . c a candidate s sc." life’ ,
, Districts Jon Fleischzkselralnld Kim Greene The converition‘il “1‘.de in \et coverage has not kept pace,
. - Dinsmore o ‘ ‘ . . ,. , \. \. -
ggfwlf‘fl,meKmtuCky5mndard, the wake “f ('linton*Lewinskv WV . 1 Most [in ws outltl't.‘ .tlill ido not
Kentucky Press Association erage has been that all candidates ‘” “(litiiltfi‘d (inti‘r [)0 mid , "f \iirii?
Districté Kentucky PressServiceStaff certainly all presidential candi- 1m" ‘ (“NWT requent -\ “HI ( ‘ [H
mmmYAkmmy,01MEra David '1'. Thompson, Executive Director dates will be subiect to media (id by “AIPHMUH ”(hr'lr'hnm paiv
BonnieHoward,Controller scrutinv of ”H.” personal ““5, ticularlv negative advertising Hut
District7 Gloria Davis, AdvertisingDirector Hitllltlili” ”W”. sex lixes reportinp about the substance of
\ KelleyWamick,CallatinComtyNews Exclamahaan'Niff/ssszgggggmm Former Vice President “a“ the ads is scant compared \vith the
i SueCammack, AdministrativeAssistant Q‘MNI“ 5'in "i”‘lH‘Y‘ ”“5 .W'i” 11“” “dump ”1 ”(is
District8—9 '7 BuffySams, Bookkeeping Assistant he expects the media to ask pres]. ll “'"ll‘ltl l”' llilt‘l't‘nlllttl l0 5“" J
KmMemBathComtyNewsOudook Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant dential candidates ifthox have had 'l‘MslmlN'L 1“l"""‘“”_‘ or "i“l‘” 51“
KristieToles,TearsheetCoordinator illicit affairs “‘"l ”WV" 4‘ (‘illlll’ill‘rm primarilv
Districth-ll SusanCreeneJndiana SalesSupervisor Th“ ”1N1” certainlv have ”N, through its television ads 'l‘hat
MartyBackusAppaladuanNeWSEm‘ lmepmbm‘v [NANB‘X’kl‘t‘T’mKMS'mm right to ask those questions, but See COVERAGE. page 10
I ‘ \ s v Q
1' i ‘ x ‘ l i

 i‘ .
t: ,
i. The Kentucky Press, January, 1999 - Page 3
i ..______—_____m____u_.w.
; D ,t k r m k (S bGSl ‘SCCl'Gt’ under wra S
,_ on cep you ar e p
i . . .
t‘ , Have you given your community, both product played a key role in the growth and
; advertisers and readers, the o ortunit ' to success of this business. Hel those seein your
., express their ADMIRATION and GRAlITUDE testimonial enViSion how your product, your
corner " ,1, L for the important community resource your newspaper, plays an important role in this
‘ Pi: newspaper ‘5 to your community? reader's life in your community.
. _———————— , ~ i , | .
“‘2; If “Ot’ 351‘ them! They ll be flattered, 4"“ But lets go for back for a moment. A testi-
By Chuck Nan v" 1 their enthus1astic responls‘e) may surprise you. momal for your paper m your paper? Are we _
‘ But Xi‘an do you as ' f sfsoonbzis y 0“ dor preaching to the choir? That's not all bad, but
Psst. Your market has a secret. your sta ecome aware o a avora Ie rea er it may be limiting your exposure.
You already know it- Your market secret? comment or when the success ofa particular Pd Make your testimonials a key ingredient in .
Your news a er works It creates awareness is shared With you. Tell your reader or advertis- . .
P P - er that their comments are valuable to you your marketing or media package. Select some
and generates sales results. . h ’ of your best testimonials and add them to your
Why is it a secret? Why might so few peo- your paper, and the community (...because t ey _ ,
- - rate card, 5 eCial section calendar, reader ro-
- ' h d h
ple m your market know that your newspaper are). Tell them t at you 0 not want t eir . _
. . thou hts to be lost or for otten file, and market information. As you collect a
promotes action and works? 00““ It be that g - i g ' - - variet of testimonials re oduce them with a N
you and your Staff forgot to tell them? Or are ASSISt your readers or advertisers in craft- y , Ipr ‘
you telling the same circle of friends, contacts, ing a well written and complimentary (to both reduced Rho”) and abbreViated (moms and com-
and advertisers over and over again? of you) testimonial. Typically, it may be a brief, pile a series of them (reader and advertiser) on _
During the past year, I have had the oppor- three or four sentences on their letterhead or an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet and include It In all your
' ' ' - over their si natures. Present them with a marketing and promotional efforts.
tunity to renew a variety 0 newspaper mar et . . . . ,
ing and media packages. Large or small. framed final verSion to display in their place of Let the secret out ofthe bag?
3 dailies, weeklies or monthlies, __ it is evident to business or office, overlaid on a reduced version As you frame your testimonials and present .
‘ me that, as an industry, we do not sufficiently ofyour mnSthUHd “T front page. them to your advertisers and readers for their
i promote or market our newspapers and the On?“ YOU have your testimonial 1n hand, places of business. office or home. do the same
‘ action, response and results they generate. market it and promote it to the utmost. . for your newspaper. Shani with your “pm,”
What's missing in your media and market- FlrSt and foremost. design an appealing and reinforce with your vendors and your
1 ing package? . . fli‘nderotessional foIrmat for your testimonials employees that your newspaper is an aware- .
l Could It be testimonials? Both reader testi- . ypiiallv. th'” h‘” )een ‘1 newspaper ‘_‘d fp‘m‘r' ness generating. results producing resource in i
monials and advertiser testimonials.) mg selected quotes from the testimonial plus a your community
Testimonials??? What's a testimonial? photo of the individuals providing the quote It ’ l “I but not it fit l-it I} your H ‘Uni' ”I il‘
_ _. , ‘ , , , . . . . .ii. . i -z.. “I ,~.;sI
Simply put, it is a certificate of qualifications, appropriate. a photo of their place ot business “I“, current ‘tl'l(l visible 5
i value. or a recommendation or something given can also N ”5““ d'li a} Vim] ( f tlurrm i y“ I ' i
- - i v » ~ - - . i '-.' I i i ' e, 1'. in . '.~ iirzi
: to show esteem, admiration, or gratitude. iloxvcver. soiiiethmi: :5 Hilf*~*lllil H1 1h“ UPI- / / H' l ( H l f , . i
. - ~ ‘ i o!‘ “f '1 Is U ' is ,1 .uw; \fi'""-‘
1 Have you gIVen your readers it})(- local ciil1ii»p.iiwrtosriiiioniiilad lliEVt‘ you mxi r st ('1) I” .” m ”1, V U LIN” ’IW N m t
. ' . .c . , . . , . ,«t »- y »- t i - iii”; i» If , rpm/4,;
school superintendent, police UiliU'l‘, minister. a lt‘Slllii‘:lilitl ,1; tor an litllwliiiililli ltii‘tl tiiws ""’I”" ”It” ”1’”; "”‘N -"I' ’ , ‘ . - i
(‘hamher of Commerce members the (’ifiliiit‘llllii' not t'iusiizri thi' Joni Ltiii“‘7‘**"1l“ii'!"“h“"=” WWW W/pjihnmf ("HP/1‘ ( I", ' i l
[V to share with others the VALVE your !li‘\\'>- is _\w~.ii‘ iz- v,'.~3i_ii.wi‘, the pro-hut the psiiixic, 7‘5”?” if! «I’o‘ N fifth” : .. lvii.‘ ' i ,
paper brings to your community .’ mat is it: [Willi la 'iiizri-sl " Bu! non t his? drop it A\‘ i“ ”.1741!“ ’\ (oi I/W { ~' 'IA- ' . ' v' .
l Have Foil :fiven Your current .idve‘r‘tisi-r» iii the :i-siiziw'iiii‘; ;. it it =:2 this hirids utthl "<}"".f""’?" (""""’”' "3“ 1‘ ’V' " i
your best accounts. the opportunity to give you i'itll‘i'i’l‘.;ti pix 3.i,. 1;:i'1i-z-Hiiaoiimi Help 'lo ‘-'t‘ irm/ moi /‘v ‘1 w" 7 .1? '2’!" ' ’5 '3
and your news )iiUer 2! RIM“.}.\ITiIl*I.'\'i7.-'\'I‘lt)N” sewing ‘1 'l!‘ f~ :iiioiiizif ”11in hon our (“x Hum! .Hi '.’i’.\.'.-‘\’ 'i".“-.'\'\'.-’.i’i\'}x’ ( "1 '
. l l . .
L—m—Wu._‘am-—_—__vmm_ e .. _. _ ._ ...._- _.,__...__.i__g-...___.__i__......._._e.m ..___.____.__.___.i.-_.. r.._._..__..____..._..._....._...._ _... ._. n .- ..........J
. \
NNA i s ’ Mi? *3: i“ “C 'd’ fr bm‘bw \
[O lOllOT k rm iciu i... “will d ’5 «U l 01 SL2 int/ll k .E 5
USPS err] 10 66 “5713111 Ballard mi} see lllt’. :ind ivoll ii.ii\' :ilw iii. 'l‘igo‘i‘ ll-.'!'l «'i l.m.:i>- . ii;i ' ‘
p y Editor/General Manger grand: oildri H " i€\‘vlllll then movwd to hexagon :z:
' . Y The Springfield Sun Brim-vii them. the} havi si-Vrii tin ion lflfitis McKuiw vizis super
l‘he National Newspaper M i u i ‘ children. l:': grimdchildri-ii and it“ \ISH: iiii' (intral Iii-“tori“ Stirplx i
Association in "(o )er'ition witl‘ 1h“ Springfield 5”” h‘” ”“9“ . l" - ' - - ‘ '
‘ .. I‘ I - U l . ' ‘ . __ m; .f . 'tli IIII I_ .,i. II fll't‘i‘ll’I‘Jl‘i‘llHlt'illhlf‘t'll. so they iiiid :i \\'l‘il(‘li sells building «hyplir; [1.-
th“ L'mted States Partnership 41'1”le (In “rm“ illih"‘1‘l‘()llii,llAimh lot of people to talk about. retired l-t years ago l)l*('itil\‘“ 2-! his
‘ i ., , ., ,. ,, us v, so ‘ltlt‘StH'llS. '. sis . ‘ .f, » ' '
Award “l Excellincc. Th‘ award Jm " II 11.); “ .lll‘l '1 ‘11 I; i One thing they iound out was Wiii's ill health,
.. , ,,. -.,.,, ,. .- (‘21t'CSlt 'e L(i")‘i(. . ‘
hdh been (fitnbhbh‘d ‘15“ mciinsof J 'l . Pll' . r (,L 1. it» If]; i. that Reddicks not only had known Along the Way, they had h“.
Strengthening th" partnership gull”) t.” l ‘01le ’UPH' ‘1 ”it McKune‘s first wife, shod pone to ol‘illdl‘t‘ll. lit grandchildren and
between community newspapers un 3"“;nt‘f y. th . school with her MM,“ great-grandchildren
. ' i ‘ r ‘ ‘ .
and the United States POSU‘I at 1 up to ( spring (,xeneva (”Why and Laverne Talking about grandchildren
Service A copy of our paper gets sent to 9h ) , k ‘ T *w to , ith \r 'n ,
,, , ‘ . . i (wma (T L“ “P M ‘ l and great-grandchildren led to ,
NNA Will honor the. postal a faithful subscriber, Harold th“ Poortown section 0f romance and pretty soon McKune /
employee who best represents the (lg/Icllxunehbr. as It 5 supposed :1“ Washington County and went to and Reddicks were dating
spirit of the well—known statesman ndyhlt Ia; two names .0” ‘t' ‘5 school together through the eighth “We went out (ivory (lav "
Benjamin Franklin a newspaper an t dt 0 Geneva R0ddmk“ They grade. In fact, they only lived two -_ , .. - .. . . ‘ , ‘
’ both live in Lexingto -- - Reddicks said. Wed go out some-
publisher and postmaster. It was n. dOOTS apart. t‘ ., f l ,. kt" 't 1 h , l d'
. . . “I looked in the hone book ‘ -. . imis or ma as, unc am in—
Franklin’s commitment and dedi- f d h ll dph lt Id The“ tht’ ('Flhbyks moved away ner "
. ‘ . , ‘ oun er name, ca e eranr o ‘ ’ ,
cation to servtce that helped set , v» , . ~ trom‘Poortown. . The rot married on Oct. 1 at
h b tth 1 M K d y L
standards by which community er a .09 e papcr: C uni. hm (Jeneva got married, had tw" thy hump ”f her brother and “ship
newspapers and the Postal Service on a ms“ to Springfield. I told her daughters, then 10‘“ h” husband ’n—l‘iw F' rl and Winn ((‘ ‘ st ' )f
0 erate toda I had a copy With her name and my m 1950 1‘ ‘, ' ““l ‘ 1 ‘ "If“ 3 (
p “C. yi't i , i , A name on it. She. said, ‘Bring it She lived in Louisville for 26 Springi‘ii-ld. Washington (younty
ommuni y newspapch(nJon over , ,. I II . , k' V f th I F ‘ 1 I . l Judge-Executive Bobby Brady did
a speCIal partnership With their " 'l‘h I l 1,”! . h t I ‘l\ .H “IVE WW ”1% "F t I” (Ird the honors.
local os‘t offices .. s'iid NNA (y on y IVH '1 0H d ml ( Reserve Bank there. After she .. ,
p ‘ l ' it 'i 'irt and the ' hit it off Re'l licks t -l h. vid t I i ' rt! Not 1”” many lW’l’h‘ our 3:1“
President lockwood Philli s uh~ ‘p‘ ‘ ( ‘l ‘i h n lr((‘ 5 ( mou U ,(xmg on m , ' “ ‘~ ~ , ‘~
”' l ' p., p invited him l)‘1(‘k for another visit i ~ “ l i l‘ rht - ' t ' r ' I get married. Rvddukn‘ “h” kw”
llH‘hi‘r ()f‘ thC ("lrt(‘r(‘t (‘()llan 1 A t , - it ntilr ltr ( JUL (r5. “0 Lrilllt' . . , .- __ I .
‘ , ‘ , , . “l M)” ”f- liked his 1M1“. .m, _ . , l tl , “t r , ll' (4 ing hei List name. said lm ll‘ and
\V , =Times in l‘vltfl't‘llC'Hl (‘llV - - ' i I 50115 ill]! lrti L“ (l ‘LFiHH ( dllh l‘ ‘. ..
i(W.s . i I, f“ ‘t t I1 .. ,} ”it‘ll-'k‘ II lii'shltl
NC. “The Postal employees who Ir.” ”m M“ “m‘ kl ( u 5 ti r5 \1 t t . . l~ 'k l
Atrivc to build this irtni r hi ) 51nd. “My daughterdid, too. McKune married Laverne ‘ ” ”” ”mm W ”l” t“ ‘ H“
p I He showed iiii- his grandsons Shewmakcr. who (llt‘(l on Oct l. l‘md ”i honiyinoon H“ ll‘v'h“"l"
See USPS, page 10 photo. and I said. ‘\\'wH, («Illii‘ i\ wk 19% See CUPID page 12
l . l ' ~ ‘ .. .
I l ., I I . . I x i. \ 1 r. I ’, ‘LI-",Ii._ “AI (..y e v/.
i e, ‘ _ . -
t . \ i
l . i , . -
i ' x
. . :1 - ' ' .

 ' i
" . :
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, Janus“ ,. 1999 {Q
RCpOI'tET/SChOOl OfflClal relation Shlp can b6 Impro V Cd I.
—__——______.__—__ . , . . . l‘
AdVlCG for SChOOl OfflClalS . _ . ”I.“ options most when erroneous information is I
"llavmg been involved in thou- g? ‘ reported. I.
- c . u I ' ». 5‘
ho|ds good tlps for reporters sandsofmcdiainten'iewslcan i“ i
. ‘ ‘ state unequivocally that most (an; , Redumng opportunities for reporter error [
By BRAD HLGHEb I , . I - :u. r Havmg been involved in thousands of I.
- ., -, "s- i I . -. , errors l“ reporters result from ~ V! - . . . . L
The headline adult - Lhoul Ward rtii>e> _ : . _ . 2 media interViews, I can state unequivocally
taxes." In fact‘ the board actually voted to lower unintentional mlsundemandmg « that most errors by reporters result from unin- i
. . I ‘ 99 :2" . . .
ltS tax rate, but. due to higher property value "01 purpmefuldect‘ptlon. I . tentional misunderstanding, not purposeful ';
assessments, tht‘ ltWVQl' rate W'tHJld [)l‘t)dUL‘t‘ deceptionI It‘s a fact that there are few “QdUCa- :
more revenue. B . d H h . tion reporters" in Kentucky. Most of these folks 7
. I‘d ug es .
The neWscaster stated that the school board . , cover schools school boards and other educa- .
"d h . I. I . . Direcer of Communications Servnces . . ’ . _ I '
had den” t (‘I‘stlldenth Imembership lll ii Kentucky School Boards Assoaation tlUn lSSUOS on an BS-aSSlngCd basxs. Thats not I.
SChOOl organization. VVhL‘ll In reality tht‘ dL‘Cl— '—’_—“‘_——_‘— an excuse for error; it is an appeal for more l
510“ was made by a school-based group. . trivial and significant ~-—- are a far more serious effort by school leaders as information sources. ‘
The ““1919 misrepresented th" candidate barrier to school-press relations than controver- When the media are going to cover some
for superintendent 5 b‘detITOUInd on several 5m] “bad news" stories and even obstinate atti— issue of complexity or controversy, school lead— I
pomts "* information th“ administrator “Nd tudes on either side. ers are advised to take. three simple steps to .
“'35 clearly spelled out In his [Wk Whu‘h th“ An all-too frequently voice conclusion increase the likelihood ofaccuracy.
reporter had. . ”some reporters just don't care about gettingr it First, produce a simple one—page handout
The WHO SONIC“ 5“)” “11d 1h“ kentucky ”L411" ,,_ IEIIWH‘s two irrefutable [mint-S" with plain-language examples explaining the
School Boards ASS‘WHIMH might Mk" th“ ° ”1””va “'1’“ experienced llr"{(‘-"-"1"’14‘l»"- issue. Whenever possible, put something in
‘ s ) - ‘ . . , ‘ .. ' ' . .
L ()UI'ILll on lost becondan ltducation to are humans who make human mistakes. and black-and-white into the hands of a reporter.
WUY‘t- S‘Imi’thmfl m‘VI‘F SHIP“- ‘UL'L’I‘SYI‘Il or ' sometimes rtishonslbihty for error rests News releases. media advisories and back—
cxenlfcoriIsidered I . cqually With the interwewer and With the ground papers are vital communications tools.
l‘ t. ( “db .‘1 ”£1";4.1“)”:”Kim‘mfilwd of source All should include the name and phone number
.~- H v 5‘i_" . 4 . iI‘IIri ’ I); "'< .' ,'. ,I , .,. - . .
Eyhc‘EhH”: I urinih \ Int iIiur t \\1I‘h( l‘hcri lthl}. Will l)( disputi s be twi ( n DUhc of an available. knowledgeable source.
W) .' i M's . ; z ‘< ' ’ ~ '; s; i - i ' 'l 1 ~ _. -
.uIt t' I r \i(tip\1 n Int mm 11 Ian It iniIniuniIt) lit (tilltl ll b iInd thc mlvxs nudia on r lssU(|\ Io becond. when givmg some document to a
‘ | (l ‘VU \' ’51 I) (i _‘ i ' ‘.' lV 2 l” ' I I "i ' ' ’ (”I U‘ l r . ‘ ‘ ‘
rt ‘1 I1 ns iI rih I ch iIrI un I niistIi is I IiIiiuruv i inIu mi tt)\t(IT1hI( in ,anlcra f n reporter, take the time to explain It. Just
H‘Mirlt‘rf (1m w 11 .‘(‘ no nan mcn wrs an( . (i it i ()Vt"\’t" i (i () (. or .i i .,
F , ‘ ‘ ' 1 H n_ r m‘ l ( l‘ u ) tt m 1“ because it s clear to you doesn t mean it s clear
administrators should do about them It can bc st'llool leaders should be ai what, can he done to
safely argued that i-rroncous media rcports lessen the chances of reporter error and bi what See REPORTER page 10
C C .
r ° K r d r
Pape s. eep you rea e s aren e 1C3 a 1 lens
- 9
Informed about ‘bu 9’ i
L can C utter your story
. has to bi- calculated as a leap _\'car
. "T *‘l‘i‘t‘i ' ‘I il' .
Pressmg I up! im « "312" 1311““in , I ,Wmhmr
. -r 5. r ~. wc H mm“. cr .
i H H l] ”l ‘ I“ )l) coaCh S ' I Reporters. llkt- all humans.
Issues cwn: «~t its products compliant b\ ‘ I k . l" I I r. I l - I .
i ltllll'lr‘ It Istiiii mo l‘itis ot I'm . ta c .1( \antng' o anIxt ill]; to _
>i ix ‘. 4‘. {‘7‘t.‘ . . - . . -
—__.__..—_.___—_ it I tpt'll‘l NM! inilhoi; -}i.t;M-r\ t \I'li hav» sk\ \i J." .‘IIIIII iiiwblcni No onc is sun I - . ‘
i , . , , . . ' I . . . ll .in t‘Illl'd‘ lTh'Il to iinprox'c Iii_\ mg to pet the source to explain bet<
INN-s \h‘MHi; r. adi r it iiiaiix I'\itIil\ ll|I\‘- taat lIrIJlilt'lll Will iiiani I‘ I _ - .
I . . I. _ .I , I I . ' . . sIIIl‘_‘_ .d orav. t iiii-taplioi‘ical tor. l’iut readers hate parcnthcti-
dais arc It‘ll unui lltt' \_l\ _~"‘tr -IHII' tist lli~t lt liiL’lIIlllliLi carh >.illliil;i\ . I .. , . I.‘ .. I . ‘
. . - - . ‘“”‘l1”l”‘l” ”“1 NU lnik'b “H H cats inside quotations. l‘or one
ittoursoarrixi-s lli‘illillii'..\0‘\\ \u-ai.~~l).i\ .‘ I
I . . , .. lll_\ [iI'llIIlllliillt‘I' I'Xiilllillltlll MllIl l llllllL’. llH' l’t‘lHlt‘l‘ lillIHVS llll‘
lri‘\>I'H\t‘lil1_’"IllNIIl'.ll.“ din-in lill‘ii' scnsiti‘w inai hiiii-s lltd‘» , . 14 . .. , . . ,
. . II . , ‘. . . I ' l lliHl il lt"\\ llllll' ll.l\\" lll lllI\ \‘ull