xt7gms3k0p31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3k0p31/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1994-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1994 text GLSO News, June 1994 1994 1994-06 2019 true xt7gms3k0p31 section xt7gms3k0p31 JUNE + 1994
Lesbians, Gays Meet with anti-gay discrimination, the HRC is still empowered
Human Rights Commission to act as a mediator to attempt to resolve the conflict
by Keith Elston without a court battle, said Wharton.

If you have been the victim of anti-gay As airesult ofthat meeting, the HRC hasagreed to
discrimination or gay-bashing, you have a new and work With our community .10 collect this important
powerful advocate in Fayette County--the Lexington lnf9mat‘9n- They are seeking 3°“ eitperiences wnh
Fayette Human Rights Commission. anti-gay discrimination and anti-gay Violence. ‘

On April 6, representatives of Central Kentucky JUSt, “mm" the past month, the .Human Rights
lesbian, gay, and bisexual organizations met with C,°m¥“‘.55‘°‘.‘ has taken three complaints or anti-gay
representatives of the commission to discuss the discriminationna number Wthh Wharton considers
concerns of the lesbigay community and how the to be Significant. If this trend were ‘to continue,
HRC can help. About a dozen people, representing Wharton says, “39°”? 9f anti-gayiiiCideiits might
GLSO, Lexington Fairness, the Kentucky Fairness exceed reports of discrimination against‘tlie disabled.
Alliance, the American Civil Liberties Union of Don't let the homophobes “1””. F131“ back by
Kentucky, the Diversity Business Coalition, the calling the Human Rights CommiSSion.

Stonewall Network, MCC-Lexington, P-FLAG of
Lexington, and UK LAMBDA met with HRC
Executive Director William Wharton and Public If you feel that you have been discriminated
Relations Director Kelly Casak-Collins. against on the basis of your sexual orientation in

Wharton announced that the commission is the areas of....
taking complaints on anti-gay discrimination in 0 employment, housing (renting or buying), or
employment, housing and public accommodations, as public accommodations;
well as reports of anti-gay violence, in an effort to 0 you feel that you have been sexually harassed at
document discrimination to justify passage of an your job;
ordinance to make anti-gay discrimination illegal. o if you or someone you know have been the

Although most incidents of anti-gay victim of anti-gay violence (ranging from being
discrimination are legal under state and local law. called "faggot" in an intimidating manner to
Wharton stressed that certain types of assault or even murder);
discrimination,, including gender discrimination and .....then we urge you to report this event to the
discrimination against persons living with AIDS, are Human Rights Commission by calling 252-4931.
illegal. The HRC is interested in vigorously Their trained investigators will take your
pursuing these cases. complaint and, if they feel that a law has been

Even when the law prevents them from taking violated, they will advocate on your behalf.
legal action against an employer or a landlord for

' GLSO News - June 1994 — l

 GLSO NEWS GLSO Elections to be Held June 12
The elections for the GLSO Board will be held on
Fubliehed Monthly by the June 12 at the Pride Picnic. All members of GLSO
. . . . . can vote. People who are running for the board are
Lexmgton Gay/Lesbian Servnces Organization as follows:
l’.O. 130x 11471 Mike Taylor: Mike is a certified social worker with
Lexington, KY 40575 the Child Guidance Program of Comprehensive
Care. He is a member of the Men's Chorus and has
Editor: helped lead the Coming Out Support Groups.
Bl‘lal’l Thl'OCkl’l’lOl‘tOl'l Chris McDavid: During the past two years, Chris
Layout Editor: has been the Kentucky Kernel editorial editor, in
- - - addition to being an officer for two years in UK
Ehzabeth A' Gllllam Lambda, the UK student gay/lesbian organization.
GLSO Annual Dues: $15 .
Dues for Couples: $20 Sue Strong: Sue is a licensed psychologist who
Newsletter Only: $10 practices in Lexington, and an Assistant Professor at
Eastern Kentucky University.
Views or opinions expressed in the GLSO News are those of the
D‘1‘amfdsi‘i‘hi‘éifiailyéilfiifi‘“iiiit‘finiisfiisgfimidtfi: Rex Van Alstine= Rex is the Pastor of MCQ a past
property of GLSO and must indicate full name and address of the secretary of the Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association,
au‘hm- The ,S‘aff ”SW“ the rig“ 1° edit Sme§SSi°m “‘9 ads ‘0 and was active with AVOL during its first few years.
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right to reject any
submissions. Placement of advertising in the GLSO News denotes
neither a person‘s sexual orientation nor a business‘ customer Gina Baker: Gina is a previous member Of the
Preference5~ GLSO Board, has worked on GLSO coffee house
social events and hopes to do similar work again.
Pride Week Interfaith Celebration
At this time, we will also be asking the
On Sunday, June 5, at 5:00 PM, an interfaith membership to vote on a proposal to empower. the
service will be held at the Unitarian Universalist new GLSO Board to Change the by'laws- This 15 ‘0
Church at 3564 Clays Mill Road. Similar to a Jewish enable the Board and the Stonewall Services Network
seder, this service is written to help us know our to work together. to form, out Of b°th groups, a new
history as well as to celebrate it. It is afiirming of all umbrella organization that Whl have members
faiths, including: Jewish, Christian, Pagan, and those elected out Of all member organizations ih
whose faith is in the human spirit. Lexington. This change will provide for better
As the "Christian Right" interprets religious coordination of Lesbian/Gay activities in Lexington
writings to oppress us, we need to recognize and gain and Will faCilitatlelthe opening of a community center.
strength from our own historical and spiritual roots. There ‘5 a tranSition plan that has been ‘hSChSSCd by
The service will also feature the Pride Singers--the bOth groups, although. many dethhs remain .10 be
quartet from the Lexington Men's Chorus--plus a worked out. Anyone interested in partic1pating 1n
quartet of female voices. the change process is welcome to come to Stonewall
Following the service, there will be coffee and Network meetings the first Saturday of each month,
desserts. All are welcome to attend this celebration and to the GLSO meetings as “0th in the Newsletter
of our spirit and diversity. calendar. The transition plan will be available at the
picnic to anyone interested in reading it.
GLSO News - June 1994 - 2

 Group Formed to Address Concerns of available information, uneducated family and friends,
Gay/Lesbian Teens and, perhaps most of all, fear.

P-FL AG and GLSO are co-sponsoring a support " How many of . us remember feeling like weuwere
group for teens ages 13-19. Although there are a the only person m the world who felt that way 7 A
number of adults who are organizing this group, we support 3‘01“” ,m Whmh teens can meet each other
are encouraging teens to assume leadership, choose and realize the" common ground can (at ihe 16850
topics for discussion, and to plan fiiture events. save someone years .Of struggle, isolation, and

. . . internalized homophobia. At the most, it could save

Adults W111 continue t0 be available as needed. a life--gay or lesbian feelings are an all-too-frequent

We have a meeting place for Monday evenings "1 contributing factor to suicide among the young.
. . If you are reading this as an adult, you can surely

For more information, please call Mary Crone at remember a time when you would have benefited
266-5994. If parents have questions or would like to from having a confidential group with whom to
meet Wllh other parents, please feel free to call. discuss these personal issues. In fact, many adults do

The tee n-a g e years are a time when many people need this kind of support group. But for teens, who
first begin to recognize their "homosexual haven't seen as many. Cydes 0f years go by, and “fh°
tendencies." Unfortunately, it is also a time when havent gained the Wisdom that comes with bu11ding
peer pressure is at its most intense, and there is a up the list of things they know they can live through.
need to conform with one's friends. Facing one's the need 15 even more intense.
developing sexuality is always diff-ICU“- IFacing the The teen support group is just another of the
awareness 0f hav1ng a minority sexual orientation 15 activities that keeps Service at the heart of GLSO, the
even more intimidating, because of the lack of Gay and Lesbian Service Organization.

Acreage for Trail Riding
3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
Lexington, Ky. 4-0516 Instructor-Trainer
GLSO News - June I994 — 3

 ' of America, and numerous peoples throughout what
I—BSblan At large used to be called the Soviet bloc, are being swept
by Linda West along by a common historical current: the re-
targeting of Right-wing hate-mongering from
The End of the Cold War and the Start of :Go‘liéess “mm???" aildtgAnt‘eriC‘Em ifipfirialism"
- - . n .. o 0 er, more ra iiona rge s, o w ic we are
the Radlcal nght 5 Cultural War one. Put another way, the murders in Oregon of
. . . . r H ‘ ' k h
In Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky's Right Wing attic .Mae Cohen and Brian MOC may Have
. . . , . sometlung to do With the resurgence of anti-Semitism
party is blaming Commumsms failure on Jews and .
in Eastern Europe.
. . . I ' f , '

On American military bases everywhere, the .n this country, for almost ifty yet“, the Sov1et

. t h-h nt h' h "d 't k d 't t 11" Union was the primary focus of America s fears and
W1 c 1:1 ts “In: bin as ’ m (an t}: “£3: hatred. The Soviet Union was THE ENEMY. Now,
:ungfhano er are ing resu e M greae with that enemy gone, it seems that Americans of
e eve ' authoritarian and paranoid bent need another enemy,

In Lithuania, Russian- and so have chosen us. The
speaking people are forbidden Now with the Soviet Union _ result is that we are living
to use their language in ’ through a time of intensified
public. the Enemy - gone, it seems persecution. A dozen states

In Oregon, Hattie Mae that Americans of are conSidering constitutional
C he (1 B . M k amendments which would

0 ,n an "an 0c ’ a authoritarian and paranoid prohibit the passage of civil
Lesbian and Gay man who ri hts rotections for Lesbians
shared housing, were killed bent need another enemy, g p

h Ri ht . th f and Gays, thereby formally
W e" g , wmg “gs "e' and so have chosen us. The denying us the right to seek
bombed the” home. changes in the law from our

, , . . result is that we are ' '

A RuSSian Lesbian act1v1st IIVlng lawmakers on an equal
reports that now when things through a time of intensified footing with straight citizens.
go wrong in Russia, people persecution A Right-wing anti-Gay video
increasingly mutter, "‘It‘s the ' (which has more in common
homosexuals,‘ the same way they used to say, ‘lt's with anti-Semitic propaganda generated by the Nazis
the Jews.“' than it has with the lives of Gay people) is being

. . . circulated in straight churches. Right-wing groups

At the 1992 Republican National Convention, Pat . . . . .

. . , . wtll spend more than $50 nullion this year on anti-
Robertson, head of the Christian Coalition, called for G . , .
. . . ay lobbying and propaganda. In the last sessmn of
a cultural war against Gays and Lesbians, as if one h K 1 . 1 fr . . 1'
hasn't been going on for eight hundred years now 1 e entucky 6ng ature,.an e on to recrimina ‘28
' our sex lives narrowly failed. In short, we are the

The Croatian government has declared that targets of a very well-funded, organized persecution.
Lesbians and Gays threaten the hope of a strong, We have gone through periods of persecution in the
united country, and has proposed that the Croatian past, but what makes this one different is its
constitution should provide that "the Republic geography. It's taking place not just here, but also in
should, with the help of laws and political those other countries whose cultures were most
intervention, struggle against everything that goes shaped by the Cold War: the former Soviet bloc
against the family and marriage." countries.

At this moment, we, the Gay and Lesbian citizens The heightened pressure directed at Our
GLSO News - June 1994 - 4

 community is definitely not limited to the US. Gays anti-Semitism and ethnic hatred are still socially
and Lesbians in Eastern Europe are also, in an ironic acceptable in Eastern Europe, while in America,
twist, experiencing increased persecution even as the anti-Semitism and racism have a bad name. In
fall of Communism allows them to become a more American, homophobia is the only form of bigotry
visible minority culture. With increased internal which can still be openly expressed by a politician
mobility letting rural Russians migrate to cities, Gay like Tim Philpot without risk of utterly demolishing
ghettos have sprung up in Moscow and St. his career. As a consequence, we Lesbians and Gays
Petersburg, and Gays have begun to evolve into an may become the exclusive target of the Right in this
entrepreneur class. Sodomy has been decriminalized country.
1“ Russm. At the same “me however, whee Is the revival of ethnic hatred in the former Soviet
harassment of Lesbians and Gays has increased, Gay- . . . .
. . . bloc (including that directed at Gays and Lesbians)
bashing has become a part of a growmg Russmn . . . .
. . . . . and the Right-Wing assault on Gays and Lesbians in
crime wave that is often given ofl'iCial sanction, and . . . . .
. . . . . . America Just COinCidence, or is a common set of
Vladimir Zhirinovsky has accused Boris Yeltsm of . . . . .
. . historical forces generating this geographically
havmg Gay cabinet members. In Poland, the . . . . .
. . . . . . . distinctive pattern of persecution? Would it benefit
increasmg ViSibility of the Lesbian and Gay . . . ,
. . us if straight people understood that the Rights
community has led Lech Walesa to vow that he Will . . . .
. . . attack on our community is taking place in the
rid Poland of Gays. In Serbia, where Lesbians and .
. context of a larger resurgence of ethnic hatreds, that
Gays have, in the manner of our people everywhere, . ,, ,, . .
. . . . . Pat Robertsons cultural war against us is an
largely ignored ethmc and religious differences when . . .
. . . . . American manifestation of the post-Cold War
choosmg lovers and forming families, Serbian Gays re owth ofbi ot ?
and Lesbians have seen their Bosnian lovers, friends, gr g ry.
and community members forcibly deported. I don't know the answers to those questions, but
Whispers from the war-zone say that so many one thing is certain: it is as clear a comment as could
Serbian Gays have avoided the military draft by self- ever be made on America's failed promise of freedom
mutilation that a man missing a hand or foot is that we and Eastern European Gays and Lesbians
immediately under suspicion of being Gay. should, at the end of the Cold War, be united by a
Western Europe, never as dominated by the Cold common bond 0f continuing persecution.
War mentality as was America, has been generally
unaffected by the current wave of persecution.
Western European countries have increasingly bAI I K!
integrated Gays and Lesbians into their militaiies, ’
adopted civil rights protections for Gays and Destiny is calling, and it’s telling you
Lesbians, and CV6“: in Denmark and Norway, to joiri the fine people who contribute
legalized Lesbian and Gay marriage--all with their writing talent to the GLSO News!
minimal public opposition. Only in America and the
Eastern European countries are our communities We need people to cover events
under attack by a Right-wing WhiCh is “331113le around town, provide opinion pieces,
given air time and editorial space, and which is write about local gay history, tell us
capable of electing legislators and even presidents. what's going on in some of the areas
If there is any clear difference between the 0f lesbian and gay life that we may
Eastern European persecution of Gays and Lesbians, have neglected over the years.
and the American persecution, it is that in Eastern , ' . .
Europe, Gays and Lesbians are just one of many To answer destinysbeckoning v01ce,
groups anathematized by the Right. This is because call Brian at ”80795
m, _ '_ "-
GLSO News - June I994 - 5

Wed., June 1 7:20pm Regular Admission Kentucky Theater "Philadelphia"
Thurs., June 2 Re ular Admission Kentuc Theater , , , , "Philadelohia" I 1
7:30 - 9:30pm $5 donation The Phoenix Institute, 655 Lima Expressing Power Through Alternative Lifestyles
Fri., June 3 , - Reular Admission Kentuc Theater ' "hiladelohia" ‘ . . . ,
5:30pm Commemorating Stonewall sponsored by Artswatch
Sat. June 4 - ALL NIGHT Joe’s, Crossins,.The Bar . Bar Niht . V g ' wear Pride arahemalia to receive drink secials
10:30am — noon _ Trianle Park 7 . LEXINGTONPRIDE RALLY s.onsored b Lexinoton Fairness
. . 7:30pm Regular Admission Kentucky Theater "Philadelphia"
Sun., June 5 I-—_—
_ , ' ' __ Unitarian Universalist Chuch . lntertaithPride Week Celebration affirmin of all faiths, followed b coffee&snacks
8:30pm -2:30am $3 cover, $1 students Disco Martyrs Dance no cover for persons in period attire
Mon., June 6 m_ Connections Bar, Louisville . . Voices of Kentuck
9:30pm Regular Admission Kentucky Theater "Philadelphia"
Tues.,June 7 ' Re ular Admission Kentuck Theater "Philadel-hia"
8:30pm Joyland Bowl, 2361 Paris Pike Rainbow Bowling League: 9 pin, no tap Monte Carlo phone 276-3078 (Steve) for more info
Wed., June 8 __ Woodland Park ‘ _ 5K Fun RunNVak ,
$10 donation Actor’s Guild tickets at Actor’s Guild or Imoerial Flowers
10:30pm Lynaugh’s Emporium Queer Night with Lime Shy
Fri., June 10 ALL NIGHT Louisville Bars ._ Bar Nioht ,
. . Reoular Admission Kentuck Theater ‘ . _ "The Weddin- Ban-uet”
Hyatt Regency, Louisville Stonewall Awards Banquet
Sat, June 11 __ Louisville Ci Hall March for Justice/Pride Fair ' rall ,then march to fair site
7pm 8t 9pm $5 donation Artsplace, 161 N. Mill tickets at Imperial Flowers and Crossings
Sun., June 12 -_ Bell House on Bell Court _ ’ PRlDE PICNIC .
5:30pm $25, or $20 for Radisson Hotel Volunteer Awards Banquet tickets available until June 8 at AVOL,
o rous of 8 or more lmoerial Flowers, Crossins, or call 255—5469
, 9:45pm Regular Admission i Kentucky Theater > “The Wedding Banquet”
Mon., June 13 9:30pm Regular Admission Kentucky Theater 7
Sun., June 26 5pm ------ City Hall, Louisville Stonewall Anniversary Vigil , 25th Anniversary Commemoration

 EN Lexington Pride Center to Open Downtown . Second AIDS Walk Raises $70,000
3,1,3, m It's time. Area Lesbigay organizations involved The second AIDS Walk for Life, to benefit
555333552 in a wide variety of emotional support, creative residents of Central and Eastern Kentucky infected
' expression, spiritual fulfillment, social and political with the virus believed to cause AIDS and their
activities have banded together to form an umbrella caregivers, was a tremendous success. The Walk,
55': organization called the Stonewall Network. The which was Sunday, May 1, in near-freezing
| purpose of this network is to both organize both temperatures. had nearly 1,500 participants and
energy and resources for the benefit of the raised $70,000.
iii community as a whole. This move has meant that Five hundred of the 1,500 participants were
I the dream of a Community Center in Lexington can inmates from the Federal Medical Center (formerly
.. finally go beyond the talking/wishing stage. FCI), walking five kilometers on the FMC grounds at
"l Currently our various organizations meet in homes the same time the public walk was held at
1 and borrowed space, have duplicate mailing lists, Commonwealth Stadium. Sandra Freytag, Unit
3;; permits, post 05% boxes, contact numbers, and Manager at FMC, said, "Our residents were
373' varying abilities to reach the community at large. dedicated to this project as soon as it was announced.
; ‘ Plans are underway to establish a Community Center We're proud to have been a part of such a worthwhile
5511 with office and meeting space, reading library, room efl‘ort."
‘ for the choruses to rehearse, a central home for the Katie Cline, news director at WKQQ, served as
Phoneline, etc. Involve yourself and your mistress of ceremonies. The day began with an
2}} organization in this project. The doors need help elegant gift of song offered by the Lexington Men's
getting opened, and the lesbian and gay commuinty Chorus. This was followed by warm-up aerobics led
very much needs the opened door. by Mark Johnson. Local dignitaries in attendance
2-}? included: Allison Connelly, Kentucky Department of
The Significance of the Stonewall Riots Public AdvocaCY; Richard Kausrud, 17-year HIV
, survivor; Bonnie Krasik, medical reporter for
. The Stonewall Inn was a gay bar in New York Channel 18; Vicki Lamb, past president of AVOL;
" Clty'S GreenWlCh Village. At a Iltfle after 1.00 A.M. Keith Lovan, Walk chairman; David Mawn, AVOL
,. on June 28’ 1969’ the police “1””de a routine executive director; Rev. Greg Olsen, pastor of Unity
raid ,0“ the bar: Inwd 0f cowerlng-—the usual of Lexington; Dr. John Poundstone, Commissioner
reaction to a police raid—-the. Stonewall patrons and for Health at the Lexington-Fayette Urban County
the crowd that gathered outsrde’fought back against Health Department; State Rep. Ernesto Scorsone;
,' the police. The five days of rioting that followed Leigh Searcy, reporter for Channel 18; and Mike
changed forever the face of lesbian and gay life in Wolken, AVOL board president. Mayor Pam Miller
America. IF' the twenty-five years Since 1969’ the and UK football coach Bill Curry sent notes to the
. Stonewall riots have become the central symbolic walkers, which were published in the day's program.
event ofthe “'0de gay movement. More than sixty groups participated and raised
._ funds. The top six groups were: Eastern Kentucky
Ngti°n°| Gay/Lesbian crisis Line University Social Work Association, Front Runners,
Humana Hospital, Kentucky Society of Clinical
(800) 247-4283 Social Workers, Lazarus, and the Lexington Men's
' Teenage Gnu/Lesbian Support Chorus. The top twelve individual fundraisers were
‘ Julie Butcher, John T. Canton Jr., Jennifer Crossen,
(80°) 347'TEEN Jay Douds, Greg Guelda, Laura Hills-Smith, John
, , , Jordan, Diane Lawless, Bill Loggins, Rodney F.
j Thurs' ' Sun. 79'“ ' M'dmght Moran, Marianne Richardson, and Ken Sager.
, GLSO News - June I994 - I I

 © 3 «2. June 1994 l
Prlde Week Calendar
1 2 3 4
6:00pm Frontrunners- 7100p“! Men's Chorus 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian $33": li-ilovm/Amst; G «
Woodland Park 8:00pm I'As§”51nsu_ AA 11200:: Stonewall military
8:00pm Gay/Lesbian A°t°r5 Gmld 8:00pm “Assassins"- 8:00pm 'Assassins'-Actors
AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Actors Guild Guild
5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1
4:00pm ACE League (Berea) 7:00pm Teen Support 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- 7:00pm Men’s Chorus 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am Frontrunners
6312:: MCC/I‘X"Gmnl°°f Grp. Al-Anon Woodland Park 8:00pm "Assassins"— 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 10:OOam HIV/AIDS
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian Ado“ GUM AA .. _ " SPPLGEP- . ..
Bowling-Southland AA 8.00pm HIV/AIDS 8:00pm Assassms - 8:00pm Assassms —
Sppt.Grp. Actors Gmld Actors Gu11d
12 1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8
4:00pm ACE League (Bares) : 6‘: F18 Da 2 _ 7:00pm Men’s Chorus GLSO News Deadline
6:00pm Imperial Ct—Club U 7 00pm Teen Support g g y 6 00pm Frontrunners 7:30pm P-FLAG G“ Gm” W N“ Y°rk
6:00pm MCC/Lex.-Greenleaf GIP- llm Woodland Park 8:00pm 'Assasains'-Actors . / l 9:003:11 menmnm
' Mm“ . 7:30P!” Gay/mum Wu 8 :00pm Gay/Lesbian Guild 22%: 9359:2133” 13333? flAgnswsPZmrp.
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:45pm Rainbow Bowling AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Guild 81-0 Op: $228112:me G.,.
1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25
7:00pm Teen Support Grp. Summer begins 6:00pm Frontnmners-Woodland 7:00pm Men’s Chorus 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am ann'unners
6:00pm MCC/Lex —Greenleaf 7:30pm Fairmss Meeting 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al—Amn Park 8:00pm 'Assassim'-Acmrs G... 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian AA 10:OOam HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp.
Motel . -Alfalfn’s 8:45pm Rainbow Bowling- 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. 8:00pm 'Assassins'rAcmrs 8:00pm 'Assassim'-Actors
7:00pm Cayuga“ M . Southlnnd 8:00pm COLTS Mtg. Guild Guild
26 27 28 29 30
7:00pm Teen Support 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 6:00pm Frontrunners- 7:00pm Men’s
4:00pm Diversity Business c... Grp. Al—Anon Woodland Park Chorus
6:00P“ Wm] “(31‘1" U- 8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/ Lesbian 8:00pm HIV/AIDS
6:00pm MCC/Lex.-Greenleaf... .
7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA Bowlmg-Southland AA Sppt.Grp.
May July
8 M T W T F S S M T W T F S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 1‘1 13 1g 1: 1g 1g
- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
29 3O 31 31
Celebrating the Anniversary of Stonewall 5/17/1994

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 Local Activists Respond to newspapers in large urban areas. Reports in the
Philpot's Diatribe in the Herald-Leader March 31, 1994, AIDS Daily Summary, (Center
for Disease Control National AIDS
On March 29, the Lexington Herald-Leader Clearinghouse) call Cameron's age study
published the text of an inflammatory speech given questionable and as having "dubious"
by Lexington's state senator Tim Philpot on the methodology.
Senate floor during the recent legislative session. . . . Cameron's ludicrous "statistics" are
This was followed the next Sunday by an editorial generously sprinkled throughout Philpot's writing.
(titled "The truth, Sen. Philpot") which questioned How credible is Philpot when he relies on
the accuracy of some of the senator's data, but did discredited "research" such as Cameron's?
little to challenge the hysterical and oppressive tone . . ’.
of Philpot's speech. Philpot replied on April 6 with Philpot claims gay men are responsrble for
another op —ed piece in which he took the newspaper between one-third and one-half of all cases of
to task for misreporting one of the facts he had cited, Child molestation. AS the Her ald-Leader
but he did not correct his mistaken statements about Observed, these statistics are simply wrong. In
gays and lesbians. the final report for the Society for the
That task was met by a team of local activists-- Psychological Study of Social Issues Task Force
Ruth Fiscella, B111 901e, Keith E1St0n, and Steve on Sexual Orientation, Harvard.trained educator
Savage--who met w‘th Herald-Leader management William Paul writes that "researchers in the field
3‘?“ persuaded them i0 run, on Apnl 15’ a lengthy of child abuse, including law enforcement
piece addressmg Philpot's erroneous "facts" and research almost unanimous] concur that
despicable attitudes. Their article is excerpted below: ’ y .
homosexual people are actually less likely to
In its effort to enlighten us about State Sen. sexually aPP‘0a9h children." .
Tim Philpot, R-Lexington, the Herald-Leader has ; “PIP“ cued a L05 Angel“ Tunes survey,
twice filled these pages with his invective. claiming it found 40 percent of molestations were
One wonders if Philpot really believes this by persons of the same sex. The truth IS: The
garbage or if he is exploiting homophobia for survey of adult surv1vors of ehfld sexual abuse,
political reasons. Responding to Philpot's many reported 1" the Aug. 25= 1985’ edition 0f the
inaccuracies would take more space than this Times, found'nothing of the sort. Asked the"
newspaper allows, yet several of the more opinion of theiriabuser's motivation, 19 percent of
outrageous assertions must be contested. the Victims said 'mental illness,‘ while smaller
- In the text of his speech, Philpot says the percentages said the "molester was lonely,
average age of gay males has dropped from 42 to homosexual or alcoholic. _
39 because of AIDS. The 1990 Census shows ' -‘ ' Most ehlld .molesters are, "1 fact,
the average age for all US citizens as 329. men, heterosexual male relatives of the Victim, and not,
31'7’ 3an women, 34-1' Why, then, are gay About the authors: The Rev. Ruth Fiscella is a
males thng SO much longer than the rest 0f the retired Presbyterian minister and chair of P—FLAG
US. population? of Lexington. Bill Cole is an instructor in
This "data" that Philpot cites was originally sociology at UK and chair of the Central Kentucky
published by Paul Cameron, a Nebraska Civil Liberties Union. Keith Elston is a member
psychologistz as the average age of death based of the steering committee Of the Kentucky Fairness
on a survey of obituaries taken from gay Alliance. Steve Savage is faculty advisor for UK
GLSO News - June I994 - l2

 as Philpot claims, gay males or homosexual
teachers. Nor is it correct to assume, as Philpot
did in his reference to the Los Angeles Times , ,
survey, that every child molester whose victim is C18 $616 K_9 8 6 cat‘s
of the same gender has a homosexual identity.
Pedophilia is not the same as either 157 E. Reynolds Road
heterosexuality or homosexuality. As [noted Formerly ("buds (25 écissors
child abuse experts] Burgess et al. noted in their
1978 study: "Those offenders who selected ° °
underage male victims either have always done so Bernlce & S1SSX ,
exclusively or have regressed from adult Formerly OF Landsdownc Veterinary C ““0
heterosexual relationships. There were no 16 Years Experience
homosexual, adult-oriented offenders in our
sample who turned to children." .
. . . Susan B. Anthony said: "I distrust those can for Appmntment
people who know so well what God wants them 27 1 5 56 1
to do, because I notice it coincides with their own -
des‘res'" , _ Mention this ad and get $5.00 off first grooming
No statement sums up Philpot's actions better.
In doing what he thinks is God's work, Philpot’s
inaccurate assertions and reliance on discredited
sources do every Kentuckian a great injustice.
They foster a climate of homophobia, ‘ .
discrimination and anti-gay violence on grounds Em @ Egg Eggblgm?’
that have no basis in reality. They dangerously . . . .
undermine confidence in our government and "" BD'SCkr'mmat'on
elected officials. "" 3" ruptcy
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. GLSO News - June 1994 - i3

 grovelmg was
getting me nowhere.