xt7gms3jzk89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jzk89/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 4, December 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 4, December 1, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7gms3jzk89 section xt7gms3jzk89  1*. EdIt•r•: Th• I I
wg In this Bulletin     *
prepared fer th•       |Ent¢»rc:t•• •:c¢;:d  
ss and is released . "°? T; °r : L ° l
,· publication •n rut n° Ku a "' l
ceipt. "° ° ’ " 7
  _, ______ e     ,
1919 '
mber 1• LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. Ill. N0. 4 ·
;··—·;  ·
.*8 I . 4 ,, _· ·
 t; the Strollers, the dramatic Undex .he auspices of the Extension -.-— George Zerfossy Lexington, College
mm of the University of Kem Department of the College of Agricul- Thn PFGSS Asseeietifm Of the Uni- The lung lookedmor "Litt1e Theater" of Engineering, was elected president
 t me annual pledging exep ture. University of Kentucky, a, mov- ‘;3;;;t;u‘;;GI;;2E1“c(;*li;i;Vh2;; act;Vil;€S which has been in process of construe- of the Junior Class 0f the University
I me Strgllgy moms at g_ ;·e· able school f0l‘ fm‘me1‘S’ wives was been reorganized with Igmnceswgérsczs tion at the University of Kentucky is Or Kentucky at a' class meeting by 8*
 eeting. The new n1G!nb€1`S held in Paducah, November 18 and 2]__ Maysville, chairman, and Harry Cot; ln use The Stage is t·l1l,·ty,0ne by grisly c‘;:°g€AV°g3 Lover A¤t*;f>;Y
. . is man e " . . aw’ COHSOI a-
 im ;1\:;;:ch;;?;;i;::l;;;t;;':;li;l{ grr: Actual class work was given In HOHIB trell, Owensboro, secretg,;·y_ fourteen feet and the proscenium arch tion candidate
ly " Economics supplemented b lectures Th' ‘ ·· · ‘ ¤ · ‘ · ‘ - °
S and readings in chapel. b , Y _ ‘S *8 ‘*“ °’g““‘“*“°“ °f Students °""“‘“¤ i“ €‘gh"““ by mgm "‘“‘r °“"’ The other Ormcers elected were;
 ew members are: Adele Slade, y Miss Dora, Souuenduy, Miss May- of Jeurnalism for the purpose of c0l- half feet. The stage is equipped with Mildred Porter Lexington vice m,eSl_
; Louise commu, Paris; Cmp belle Cornell, A. S. Chapin and Dean lecting news about students and oi all necessary lighting €ff€CtS_ The dem; Lillian Cromwell, Cymhianzb
hi _ M tl Thomas P. Cooper. Miss ltlgcheyne, sending it to their home newspapers . . ,
y, SD¥`inEn€ld» O Oi YY 9 th . . h h _ auditorium seats 112 persons. E. L. secretary; M. G. McWhorter, Yose-
-n·lS¤n Brailsford Frank °r l ° E’“°““‘°“ D·*¤¤¤m<=¤¤» g‘“'° "‘ t " we that my wm $**9 m t° - - · · mit tr · .1 P B B (1
·‘ ’_ demonsn-elim, prim it and thus give the "f0lks at Mable ¤r¤f¤S¤l<>¤· of E¤g1¤S¤» iu dl- ‘·’» "’*‘S““"· · · a"‘“· ar *"
e1nD€¥'l Mary Elizabeth Down' _ _ ho ,, f tr . _ rpm Char Q of tb theme. ex acts to town, class onator, and J. T. Stevens,
mthy Blatz. Augustus B9€k€¤`· This IS the Second °r 8* Series Or me Pew? 0 `€ boys and gm:} at r g AG 1, D Kevil junior cheer leader
lln; Meta, Shl·a,de1·, Paducah; Such $€h00i5 held bythe Agricultural the Umv€rS1tY· DI'O(ll1C€ the following one-act plztys Zcrloss is 34 member gf the Phi
,,0,.;,, Catherine Reed, Menon; D•=i>=¤nn€¤¤· The fnstwes f<>¤·f¤¤·mers The Plan of the <>rsa¤iZ¤n¤¤ is to ¤¤¤‘i¤g the yew Mid D¤¤S¤¤y’S “Th¤ nm, Them fraternity and has won
 rown, Anna Louise Connor. 8‘l0n€’ howevem and was held in Pe have   Student from each of the 101 Tents ef Um Ambsri Nicholas EV*`i€‘ athletic letters in football baseball
: Downing, Jane Gregory, ducuh last spring. The College of Ag. Celmties represented at the University Hows ,,_\ Merry Death, John R‘_d_ bagkebbau ana tennis Miss éorteg
,\leClure, Katherine Ilerring. riculture plans t° have eight °r Dim to hzmdie News about Students Of their f0l'(lrS "Wyt and Science"; Alice Gei‘· nnil \lis% Cromwell are both members
mus Carolyn V/ebb Vl1,glmH_ gf these nlnvnlyle Sclingls conducted iu respective counties. At present sev- Smubm ,5 ..O‘ O]_mnBS,,_ Sum G1? h‘  
, » · , _ . g Y- , ·t ,e- 2 ,i . L . ·
.,~,· Eugenia youne and Kentucky this year. enweight of the counties are repre- 1, (_     _ ,_ _ _ , _ _, Orr B ‘pp‘* K·‘m"’* Gdrnrm rr‘“”‘“tY
 < >’· ¤· i t 1 , ._ . , ve S l¤ne> i Mllidiii Biinei iens und are members of the basketball
 mnnlers, Lexington; Sz1m.l\lc·t- —--—v—— im Q; _’}i “h°°;r;i’¤’““‘l€m “_“d rt 1* ·=Tlle Lime el lleertie DeSl,.e»»; lllmb Squad Barnes iq 30 member Of Kappa
 er. Carlisle; Georgie L€9 Mui- OTHER STATES CALL ODM _m il S or mm U? ébtum 1€l?lQ` rice l\Illt(3l`ll11<€](`.$ "The Ill[l`ll(l€l`n; elplm ,1.Hl Alplm Delm Sign].! f1.at€l.ul_
~**€“‘i J- E·   Am F°R KENTUGKVS “`ZZZ`§l¥."’Z i°§·“‘.? YE`? ‘‘‘‘i it ?°‘l?“"i‘ S¤~¤i~~>i ¤··gn <>1¤   "i~=¤· ¤¤i>~·i€»i"=   mi; le,-S mil; Tn,-{GO., claqs
r]`&§l`1'lll. Corn, HZ\1'l`0Cl$lJlU`§-TS MINING COURSE th‘ _ 1   efdil" `3,lI`Ni:ir`r("'1a mu}? nn;l li, l·`. F;u··lul1;l:·'s “A.]_)0(t1‘}'])lllll,“ _,0(_lOtl(_e r
(mummy Hopkinsville; Jl we __ t 6 *€"¤.—·~1’lé» TI   *4 ~‘l*‘*i"i L“‘u°"* fl, (·li~vti‘ r l __
llyzmngez James Dixon. Bowl- As :1 further indication oi the bene- li ggltiiiiolij __ _O;I  Tm}! (irtm]; l’zi1‘wllc1·e of the   thi; iii]?. h`/Aid L` liirtglrguil E“*]i“h· ·\rtr*ti“ dwrgns fOr the Jrqlre-EFQQITY SENIORS. ··
. . W. , _     z; =; no v - -;· n ., ._ _ .— H- ·
 l';llllH. Gflflltil, Gl1€nt§ J· P· €XtCll51()ll tleptirtment nl inn 1;j]iVQl‘- IUCYS in mu ll; IT all _r_Is ill} O'; UG plan]: wl.l lw lleselglwnl and made by the -’~L-MCT CLASS OF]? ICER¤·
ll¤&e11‘.’iIl€§ Fl`3Hii TUYIUI', Mich` eity of l{elltll(·l;y, several hulltlrell lllélj 131, 1_r‘_t f     L   Y ( mu. B J rg tll€L1l0l‘ \\`Ol'k€l‘S. _ _ ` Ta ·_
kilt: Lake CiW» Iowa? and enipleyeal in zhe mines ni l~;gninl;l;y, mw "l y 0 Qu u°"‘ iwin dbd. I/lilliiies,·l·0pl»1ns,l1lle~, was ileizt-
. l) · -d M rm _   _. .i l { . F   . .2 L Y ——-—-————— ri [)l`CSl((}1l[()l tl1<2bi21l1o1‘(Pl:1ss 0 tie
ulgnl , ll Y \1lglllll, Iinll \\ eet \11gllll1, hlwe EMIN-ENT SPEAKERS TALK Ylliwwiw (if Km, (lkv il 8 CIW
_________ _ . , 4 . _, _ 1 _ tu _ .t Ans
made .1pp.1c.1t10n to take me €.\t.(.tilb1OIl MISS WHERRY TAKES To UNIVERSITY STUDENTS _ _ V I
  SITY OF KENTUCKY course in mining (·ll}2Qlll€€‘l`lHg given by CHARGE OF m°9tm*°i__ ‘“ “`1"*D°i hir “   rh?
LN NOTABLE COIVIPANY the I)9D2ll`t1ll'3il€ of Mines at the Uni- RESEARCH WORK Among men Of uatloml wplmltlun Other °ri“)°r° €r"‘r°d “°’_"· _` 1*9 Presb
—————- versity througili the Exteueeicm lj·epm·l- · U   I I who have Slmkm hpfom l,mv€1_Sity Of d-ent, l|2i‘i‘y` TvlU'lli‘l{,"L0lllS\'!il?‘Y§· secrei
lruivgrsity Of Kentucky is mmm Mme peulme elle,-l-yy asslslzmt ll,. Koutmky uwiimces Nxlcmly am: tiny, lm.mli3. )lllul<»t<,l1. LiXlll;,lLi)11,
me B0 Ol the 600 Ameyleell Thib Course was mtemlcd pl,imm.lly rector ot the Blll'€·§ll·()F Research and Hjmilmn Holt, NQW York, mum? of lti`€11FllI;(‘X`, l;v¢·r<,·tt lu, AISO}', ll0x1·ng—
silos tllut have been placed by lm. men in Kentucky mmcsy but mlm, lmlilcaticlil, Lathe Divieion, Rell Cross, the Im!(_pCml()m; me Harry ih Slmtm ton; class <:rl;ltor, Elneiy eliiizien,
il mn Association of American officials have aelieil that it be extend— “"“"€“* ‘“ L€x"‘g""‘_*‘f°"‘“‘y ’“f”"“"’$ wick, lgnmy sellnel of <>;—¤ml-y, me- ]*“"'_"“}""]""`?I i’r‘“`h°r‘ L°‘“*`G \Y‘l‘·
Spline npnn the list of these ed to men in other states as well. Nut to be _*'“pBrv1S°r_°f ¤€‘dr“;°rk in th? ton; uml Doctor Dell, well lillU\Vll miw- Loulsrlliri hmOmm‘ MHrg?ur°t WML
l]j,‘l]€l01` degrees will be &CC€i>t· only the Hllll€lSll£L\`€1lliill€: £‘~l)l)ilC2ltlOll ged (Yogi Institute' bnivcrshy O1 sionnry, who spent twellty-five years n¤“‘—‘Si‘¤¤·>¢ rmt Jumcr DIXGXL BOW-
e;.l‘1`ieint qualillcation for pur- for this enuyee, but tt nlnnber Oi niine }“mt“°kY· A'mO*·“C€`m€m him beg]! lu l(Ol.m_ ling Green; gI`llll1,lJlCl', L. \. Garred,
li gvztduatc werk leading to superintendents and general man- made thai? Dr- Harry Eesti formerly m -Th_· Holt was the Chapel Speaker Ou limiivzx; §,'il>t0l'l1lI`l, Thomas Gromzm,
el llegyegs at any other Uni- ;lg€l·S have algo applied fOl· jg lll Ol_·(l€l· Elm   Ot lglU*=\{V(?j`I\ V   del vte INS On' Novelnbgr 11, when the University I_@Xlllgt(y;,ll; (3 ll`t<;l·-ln»olllol` Kori-
. This will relieve graduates of t0 increase their technical knowledge. rrev mm 0   “‘?’ ‘_· H U Colebmtgd the erst anniversary Of the tucklzxll, Jesse liipp, (O.1`}`(l(?llQ busi-
 ixnrsity of the necessity of d0~ *..17..-- ruth nie mr“a1 Or Mrhs `Vh°“y· mlgnlmi of me wmletlcg up eOum_ ness manager “i\€lliLlCklZ1l1,r J. Ed.
_ . .- . , 5 <· tl Red Cross Institute open- `° r t “ ` ' i " " ' > Y U., H .-
llppr untlolgriidunte wO1k dnl the 9 On .·,, , ( .· · ·. { H lnrller, l..;.§>\llle.
I . , , h t bt · tlleql- SENATE GIVES SAN-CTION ed at the University. Five students (ill- vrlgk vi as nmkkug hlS_ umd um   ll _ _ _
lli ~‘n3·m€ t Qm 0 O em · TS . _. visit to the Luiverslty, and while It Wis then S\1Zl2’?»~U’d in-it Cnrtnln
. 4 . .¤. T0 30 ENTERTAINMEN rolled as follows: Mlss Ckltiléllllé _ _ _ _ , ,
@*1 d€gY€€`$ m a Shorter t"u° T'   I Km _wH_ E F C0th€1_m_m here read some Shakespeare 1`€il(llIlgS 0ld ll'l`l(llllOl1S ot the Senior Class be
 `Mlmtion- _ _ ic fi, lei g .’_     (_ _ r. r to the students and delivered leutures revived and Z1. motion was made and
—‘·—"’;—_‘ At {L meeting Of the Umvmrsuy Oi Wmmmsbuigr Oh}°‘ .Ml¤S Mmgmrlm on Dickens amd Sl12tkspe:11·e. Doctor enryied that at the first f00tbHll game
. Kentucky Senate the schedules of Wels1i,L<=xm;i¤ii. Mies Sue Peii·V1lle. _l_ mugmchcs can bp Cumvrltcd in that
. . ~·' · ¤' · Deeember 6 with the —-—————;—— ` ( A (r
$<`nilt€ of @119 UUIVQYSKY has Stuer bG°mb . - STOGK°JUDGING TEAM time," and that the Senior WOHIOH,
  i>¤¤¤<>¤ of Home E¤¤¤¤¤¤¤S mit h°"   `°““S my 7 `“"‘ i““ "WH·D°AT" CLAWS ARE coms TO me snow appeal- clad in triin Cm-dumy Sem,
  ~ - . · . l Stroller play. lt ]_)l'OVl(l€S f0x· all tra- CLIPPED BY COLON-ELS · _ _ _
 r—` ¤<>¤1<>iy promoters ml me _ . _ l l, _ l for F4- brown IH color but unlimited as to
SlllllO1lt ofthe Omicron Nu hon- mrmty dud C rss (mugs am ——#— r_ V _ _ _ { _ l _' , l _' elvle end Cue
t · -. . · thezttriceal ztctivlties and debates held _ _ _ _ 1110 l.ll1\(‘I'SltY ol lwlltilelly smcn · -
"`“9 Qconomlcs rramrnrty ai t tl U     , _ Eck md me l);: :1 svuveot all to 0 Centre < iiienels hwgmg mum _1 ,_/4/ `__m_miM bv M_:__ _.,-4._-
  _ A l .t_l . [_ .)~ n ie intel.-iq on xx e ¢_.» Y X l rw _ 2 _   ll  _,..   ,v .l.t e.   ll _ V J
U rrd (r1,·;Ii,lDiil€C€;(,—»;ii n¤i·¤>¤ieli=>¤¤i nie y—·ii¤= ns iiiiiwie is =¤ "T’1i.‘h,° l`}"""`l i°°i]fl`u Y.°;“;°l’l. °i_ i»»=»=<>i· H¤i’l=i¤¤ei‘ ei ¤¤i~ iiiiiiiiiil ini ~ HQLLAND BRYAN MADE
 rw ‘m gcnm   r well ,.,,,,;lllll,,¤— lllllm and to l-egnlme ‘*‘ ·“"· *" "[ Ddml 8 mn K 'D lninili·y D€D2ll`Ull<*1ll. Follexe <»i` .‘i;’:·i- LAW SOCIETY HEAD
 i1iai·tiiieiit ere t0 be iiieien ` " " ` ° ‘ . ` v;~l·_.;;,· nr lliritueliv. The giiiiie :ii— .. ., ,-   t , .... ..
· · . . ·· the llxlmlatw of silnll e11t01‘ti11Hlll€1l?f* ` j I ('l!ilill'C, lell. Lemllgtiizl (ll tl)l)(‘l .;.» ml few M_
is `OCIGIY each year. Its fl~l·1—l· tl-nt·lq,l ;.pt~l·l.;it0x·s twin ull <>\‘ei‘ ine (,.,-,.10) Wh ,1.0 l, le 0,,, we ll ·l,,
 l_ we average grade of la lie held. Smtke v_  it M ° l ‘ ’   ‘l " "‘   Hzillziiill G. llrynn, 1’aducul1, was
l _ ___,_,, 7.... pld _ll·t.;111,; unteet ..t lll? ll1.<2.11`:tl.¤.liii Cl Wwl rw. wt { UW H   C1
“‘ H‘““€ E"°“°““°S W°rk ml , _ _ ’i1ii— xvii:-·.—1;ig men i>l¤>‘~ ·L.l· tl; Tll_l lvlllyl (lll pl·l,ll,lll_ idrrl br)(ri(_tr *01   _ Uulr Olrrllr Ot
 in The petmenel-S ele; Missee   MOINES DELEGATES _ ,_     I-, ,,.,. 1. ,l.l,.m, i _   _. _ _ _ _s__ l_   ,_ _, ,. , M~n¤¤l~> ini Jie ~·¤¤¤¤ie term uc nie
\ l l ‘ l kv .;·..u, omni, »·»1lM1·*m » #· ’· is Y Jhiigllln, 101 l»·~¥—li<·‘ nl l—l` ¤ ‘ V lll-el; llleellllq of the Society for llljs
 rl ( rom L°“1SVlu9’ Plgsldeiu ` z" W4 Sltzmlilin. l"ilil€l', Until, H€b€¥`» L€Xl¤g‘ vezsitv of Illinois uml Piztillie Tjziiv-·i‘— . . .l ~ ,· iz .. . , .. H ,l
, 4. v_     _ U , , _ __ _ _ ~ year, xmun mu held ltxet illlllbdily
b Viet) , Iquhllc   1*0111 [xl l\>L¤Q¤l'[llg'S OL tibj X,   C.   and Lon: iilllllfbn Nil·ll()l;lS\'lll;;}; l\j{ll'l}][Q`L%._’, Sit" helfoyg going to ('hl(.:rlQ`l)· Tljl lll_ lliolhl VFIIC Ot/h( r   (rb (1( Cited
  r ,   ·* i. . . , ·   _ ,., ,   ‘ ` ‘. ¤· *   Q"  
 nmee mayel, Louisulle, kntn the 5_ \\_ (H A, nl the Univeislty of (~,ll,_ y,nl,;»n·ll.e; (.1·0en, i·.~+.~i<*¥,\. bgyg Of {hg team nre; E, S, Godbey, \.,(,l.e. yevllle —,l0O,.e vllrlon vlce
li letnln, ·Lex111bt0n, H21nn¢>l¤, Milllllnllnrg; ll. H. llenneit. .\l:iili¤·lt‘1€l·; l:_ll’jlhQ_l]}, PLI(llI(°£l11; Tll$$» (‘;>;·k; and II, G. Selliirils. l’i‘<>—iL<>1iS· inn ll·e;iSnml·- Hei·l)t;rtII·1l0v (}i··ly-
’ ~\l¤lKV~’€U, Tii<>nis¤: Mm`; Stllllgllt \r{)lll!lU3i‘l` \V01`k€i`$ te be held lllqqlngzlmg Ulzlrk, S0nl€F$€t§ U·l“$h· burg, lli(91'1l€1t€· een, etttornvy é€`l€‘l"'ll‘ l·` D rlllblley
, ·-euievillel Elizebeth ne m D, 5 l\l\n_l,_,._ lowa, nom D€“(c‘lUb‘l llelllll,,l_ ii______ HUDlm1SVmO’ Chaplain; Syh_€Stm_
*"*nl§f0n; kH1`h€1`1119 BGIL LEX' 31, ljiw, to .l;i:m;;ry 5, 1920. The Dn¤`· .. W [Y-- _, wows qm_gmm_,`t__u_m%_ Dem Sh
; .\mlie l\Ic:Ay, ml-nell SCm_€ml_y WM elected lm honmmy
-....i·t lll the Unity!] S[{ltQS {`lnd Canada, £lXl`l ¥\ li\rr\1:iU;-lr Sho", Hur] Jlld°u.15;`((§;- 'l'l]lV()]‘Sity, Quth(')}'ily 0]] SDi(l(_1]'5;Y rg. Ineulborl J
 lnvsentative of the \Vliit·e Pho- leaders Of Christian entiepln-isn test, mlloweu by il, dance eixl ieiies   DUNS a mm Spider mpmred by Pm_
nie Studios, New York City, al`- tln-onghout the world. mentéi were femmes (rf tk8_ Oiuga f€S$0l' VV. D. Funkhouser and Gmver _ __) 1 '
at the University of Kentucky The following delegates We1‘e elect- Opelrlrrg of the new ?t0° Jmging (`1‘ee<¢ll, Of the University 0fK<>11tu(·ky_ LAMED I E LI-·ECTS·
l><‘l‘ 24 in order to take individ gd to represent University ef Ken· lmvllwu On th? Exrrerrmrut Strmfm Several specimens of the spider ··—~#4
Qlcgyaphs of Senior Class nlem. tueky: Jesse Tapl), Cgrydon; J, Bu1‘- f2ll`lll of the bmversrty Or Kentucky: WGYO f0lli1(l ill 21 Sh3.ll0\v cave 011 Pine Al, il l`€(‘Cllt lllQQ[lllg of Ilillllljd Pg,
ll 0l·g;mlZetlOn pictures fgp the me prewml ML Sterling; J. P. Barnes, Stndnntn ln Charge Or the S;h°W W°r€_* Meuntain, near Pineville, Ky., last the l\l:1shing will be done 011 the lard; George Gregory, Hefdinsbnfgi Charge Or hogs; Goebel loner; D1X°n’ HE is known by Scientists of this presiilolit, O. C. Curtin, llnninn; vice
silly Campus lnsteed eg at e Adele Slade, Ludlow; Margaret Woll, in clierge nf Cattle? Grover qreechl SDideI‘, its Webs, 0I` its habits, and Pro- presnient, Henry Beam, Covington;
0Wn photographic studio which Hnwesvilleg Fannie Heller, P3-Tis} and Pmevlllrh m Charge O_f Sheep' and fesser CY0$bY DYOHOUIICGS the diSc0v— sec1‘et‘a.1‘y amd tI`C2iSlll`()l`, Robert W_
herto been the cage, Lillie Cromwell, Cynthiana. Jesse Tapp’ Corydon rmgmasteh ery uHiqu€· Mitchell, Jr., Paducah,