xt7gms3jz96q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jz96q/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_572 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 572 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 572   2014 true xt7gms3jz96q section xt7gms3jz96q E ; I Vi j Circular 572 .
    (Filing Code: I6—6-6)
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and l2 x 12 inch squares. Cork tiles also come `— \ my] asbestos me
in oblongs 3x 12 inches and 6x l2 inches. HIGHEST CQST
When calculating the cost per square yard of _ Vinyl sheer Or me
tiles remember that in one square yard there _ Special brrolcum me
id are nine 12 x 12 inch tiles, sixteen 9 x 9 inch _ Cork tile
m tiles, and thirty—six 6 x 6 inch tiles. Check the _ Rubber tile
accuracy in the cut of the tiles.
When you buy your floor covering be sure
to ask {OT th€ 8U3Y¤¤t€€» if there is 0¤€· Road covering from splitting or tiles from separating
ll C€“€fullY and il'? it Where YOU will have it due to expansion and contraction of the sur-
if you ever need it. Be sure you are getting faC€_
jjg)jgj‘**Y»1‘*‘“**SW‘“*Y°“ Wm and no ADHESwE-wr.ar is mars.] usa to
In addition to the Cost Or Hoot covering fasten the floor covering. It 1S important to
. _ use the adhesive recommended by the manu-
itself you must figure the cost of. ractumr
UNDERLAYMENT—which is material
needed to make irregular floors smooth. This
may be wood or mastic. Wood is usually used r
fo resurface wood floors and mastic is used on /
— Concrete floors and may also be used on wood   Fig- 3_ Sheet
` floors. Mastic is a mixture of substances such 2 material cove
as cement, gypsum, and sand. The best mastics E   / wuu b°·“°·
Contain a binder of asphalt or latex. g  
LINING FELT—which is material used {N
over wood underlayment to prevent the floor
— S

 . NYL
You may need to buy or rent tools if you   VI TI
are installing the Hoor covering yourself. Com-   `_°_  pn ‘
mon types of floor repair which add to the _`__ A pV__V____   ·_1_
cost and to the labor involved are: replacing , _;_»_ -gg-jg; __:.  
boards, sanding floors, and filling cracks in  
concrete. ;1;§;Qi;i;j;;;2§_;_e_g-je§;_;Q·i¤;;;i;;i;2;;%¥i;;iiii;;e1=i‘  · »r
. . ·;.;·;j;;·;;_:;.-;.;;;;,.‘;-a-:·2·:.‘»‘     -- »,; ? .   _   ji
Total cost for an installed floor can readily · if.-:1.; ‘-‘·‘·-—-   `~.;; · R
be estimated by the dealer or installer. The \i. ‘ S:
cost of materials in an installed floor (includ- _
ing labor) are usually from 50 to 75 percent !
of the total cost. Complex custom styled floors -
. . . l
are more expensive than a single color laid Fig' 4· Purchased Cove WGH base.
wall to wall.
A cove or wall base 4 to 6 inches high and
about 24 inches long can be purchased to be of resilient floor material is that it can be Gy,
used with floor tiles of different type materials coved where the flooring material meets the As;
and should be included in materials and cost wall. A coved base of sheet material 6 inches
calculation. high adds about $1.50 per linear foot to the CORK ‘
One of the advantages of using a sheet type installation cost. Q"
B" 1
  of @[004 Gaavuugd
MATERIAL What you WILL LIKE about it about it
_ Lmorsum  
Sheet OI 1*0llS — Comes in different gauges or —— Absorbs moisture which may 9·· ,
6' Wide thicknesses cause it to deteriorate 6·· ,
— Grease resistant — Should not be used on floors
Tile — Cuts, scratches, and dents ap- which are in direct contact i
9" X 9" pear to heal over with ground RUBBER
May be obtained — Resilient — Needs to be waxed frequently She
special order . — Can be coved to make base- to keep in good condition 3',<
B" x12". board — May be stained by some sub Tile
12" x I2", — Easily cleaned stances 9" at
18"x36" — Wears well if good quality, — Can not be used on grade 3"x
well cared for. and not mis- level concrete unless of spe- y 6"x
used cial type with special adhe A l8"
—— Usually has felt backing (may sive (not on ground level)
be burlap)
- —— Available with foam rubber  
layer attached to felt backing
(more expensive) Rctg
‘ Vinyl sheets or — Resistant to grease, oil, house- — Scratches if subjected to abr¤- R1
rolls hold acids and alkalies sion
S' wide — Resistant to most stains — May be stained by bluinq. ___
Vinyl tile -— Wears well grape juice, dyes, ammoni¤. V VINYL P
9" x 9" — Flexible shoe polish Z FELT BA
Mqy be —— Does not dent easily — Unless of special type, with (Also I
——unbacked — Comes in many colors and de- special backing, can not be Vin M
(homogenous) signs; color remains bright as used on concrete floor. Some R01?
(smooth or long as it lasts manufacturers make a type 6, 5
waffle back) — Available with foam rubber that can be used on grade * ·
or layer attached to felt backing level concrete floor (but not
—backed with (more expensive) on ground level)
felt. cork, or
degraded vinyl _ —»\ 4

Tile — Resistant to grease, oils, and — Dents more easily than Vinyl
9"x9" alkalies —— Should use furniture cups or
(no backing) — Durable glides to prevent denting
____ — Can be used on concrete floor
on or below grade
_ —— Among medium price materials
; Regular or —— Wears well —— Softened by grease, oils, and
standard — Resistant to mild alkalies and cleaning solvents
acids —— Not as resilient as other ma-
9" x 9" — Easily cleaned terials x
Also 3" x3" — Can be laid over concrete —— Brittle
and l8" x 25" (above or below grade) _—— Dents readily, otherwise dur-
— Low cost able
— Light colors cost more than
dark colors
r1 bc Grease Resistant — Same as regular Asphalt tile, — Same as regular Asphalt tile
S the Asphalt except it is resistant to grease except slightly more expensive
lches and oils — Not softened by grease, etc.
9" x 9" -— Resilient ·— Absorbs oil and grease
B" x 6" — Durable — Requires considerable care
6"x l2" —— Quiet — Can be used on concrete if it
l2"xl2" --— Comfortable is not in direct contact with
— Light, medium, and dark tones the ground, and if it is thor-
of tan and brown oughly dry
_; — Among most expensive floor
LIKE —— Colors limited
W Vinyl Coated . -
Cork Tile
m¤Y 9"x9" — Same as cork tile, except it —— Among most expensive floor
8"x l2" is grease and stain resistant coverings
[OMS and more easily maintained
zntly Sheet
3', 4' wide — Resilient — Grease softens rubber
sub Tile —~ Quiet — Can be used on concrete floor
9" x9" -— Wears well under heavy traf· — a special adhesive must be
rade 3" x 3" fic if good quality used if floor is in contact with
spe- 6" x 6" —— Variety of colors which go the ground
dhe l8"x36" through to backing and last — Among most expensive floor
) life of covering coverings
—- S', 9', — Resistant to grease and stains —— Enameled coating wears off
l2' wide — Can be used without cement- — design printed on surface
bra- Rug and runner ing to floor
sizes — Surface can be repainted
ting. _ —— Low cost
’“‘°· vum. PRINTED
be (Also referred to as — Resistant to grease and stains — May show scratches and scuff
Omg Vinyl-Plated sheets) — Easy to clean mQ1’kS _
E Rolls — Needs only occasional waxing —— Thickness of plastic coating
Egg 6,. 9'. l2' wide — Can be used without cement- determines wearing quality
not ing to floor
— Wide variety of colors and
_ -— Low cost

ix s
l x
Wait until adhesive is thoroughly set before washing the floor——at least
4 or S clays after laying. V
Sweep daily with dry mop, soft broom, or vacuum cleaner floor brush. A
Wipe up anything spilled or tracked in at once. ré
. . *
Use liquid Hoor cleaner and wax recommended by the manufacturer.
Avoid frequent washing—wash only lwhen needed. Ig
. . . ll`
Avoid using strong soap and syndets or abrasives.
Avoid use of solvents or oil mop on waxed surface or on asphalt and
Wax only dry iloors—use correct type of wax—put on thin coat.
Use only liquid self polishing wax (water base) on rubber and asphalt. ’ (
Use furniture cups or glides where flooring dents easily.
Do not use varnish, shellac, or lacquer on resilient floor coverings. A 1
Follow the manufacturer’s special recommendations for care.
c - .
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and the United States Department of Agriculture, cooperating. Franllf
ghr;Vge§%h,11$gect0r. Issued In furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and
sivr—z-s9; ioivr—6-so `