xt7gms3jz93z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jz93z/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1934 journals kaes_circulars_001_4_181_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 181 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 181 1934 1934 2014 true xt7gms3jz93z section xt7gms3jz93z I
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director ` I
CIRCULAR NO. 181 I 1  
(Revised) ' ·  
_ · F
Units I, II, III and IV I = 
Lexington, Ky. ·`  
July, 1934 li
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work  
czirried on by cooperation of the College nf Agriculture, L'ni~ I  
versity of Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of Agriculture und  
distributed in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of  
Congress of May S, 1914. `  
@ Q  

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(Revised) V g
Units I, II, III and IV `
All club girls know that one of the four "H’s" of our eluh U `
emhlem stands for llealth. ln order to ensu1·e good health every ‘ —  
farm family should produce during the summer enough fruits V ~ 
and vegetables for daily use and a surplus for canning and i g
storage, to provide balanced meals in the winter season when    
fresh foods are not available. Our knowledge of nutrition has Y  
taught us that health, resistance to disease, "pep" and energy, , Y  
largely depend on proper food. Proper food in the winter .‘ 
means that each person should l1ave two fruits and two vege- T _ 
tables every day to supplement the meat, bread, potatoes, dried t
beans, or other foods. The surest way to have these essentials ~ g
is to can the surplus from the garden and orchard. Garden  
plans should be made early in order that a variety of vegetables i
may be raised and a surplus provided for canning, drying and .  
storage. (Reference: Garden Project, (7ireular No. 222.) l  
The Canning Project includes a great deal more than simply  
learning the latest methods of conserving foods. If a club girl l §
continues in eanning work for several years she should be able r
to :  
I. Know the foods the body needs. in
2. l’lan a food budget for the family. .  
fl. Make a garden plan that will provide enough vegetables .  
for the daily needs and a. surplus for the unproductive .*
4. (`an foods by the surest methods.  
  Know good canned products and standards for judging ·  
6. Plan balanced meals using canned products. i
. . . 3 .
1. Prepare attractive dishes from canned foods.  

 . ¢ r .  
i C     4 Kentncky Extension Circular N0. 181 je
  _i     ‘ 1. Use only fresh, sound products for canning. Can fruits  
  l ° K     p and vegetables the same day they are gathered.  
  _ —__» » ,`_d     2. Use o11ly clean, tested jars, as faulty jars and rubbers
          l , are often the cause of spoilage and loss of the product.
  "     i · 3. Follow definite directions and time tables in all can- A
      ` ning. References: Kentucky Extension Circular No. .
i l iv     1 p 220. U. S. D. A. Bulletin No. 1471. Consult the County  
  t E.   Home Demonstration Agent or write to the 4-H Club °
  _.g_i il   Department, Lexington, Kentucky.
  i'-i i   R in 4. Label each product before storing. Use a small, white
  _     U. label for home use and the regulation green and white
E ig, { label for exhibits. This oval label should be placed one
    »·'j,»`   A inch from the bottom of the jar, on the smooth side.
   og     _ 5. Avoid unnecessary handling of products.
Yi if   i   A 6. Store canned goods in a dry, cool, dark place.
2 Q '
  __      X 1. Age. Each member shall be between 10 and 18 years '
      ,'*‘ of age, inclusive.  
5 =   . e;.   ` ` 2, Unit of Woi·l;. Each member shall enroll in the unit iu
E      ·   which she is best fitted to do the wo-rk and derive the .
j·     _·`; i most benent from the work done. This is to be deter-
  jf Qi   mined by consultation with the county home demonstra-
  `_ .   A tion agent, local leader or a home economics club V
  jj, ffl gf specialist.
        3. Q Project Repetition. No canning unit shall be repeated.
    ` C"`. gl L 4. Honesty. Each member shall do her own canning.
        1}; 5. Record Book. Each member shall keep an accurate and
  complete record of all her home canning and write fl
    , story of her club experience, in the record book pro-
 jr,] vided for this purpose.
F _._i   6- Jars. W}I€l‘€ the requirement is 10 quarts, a club
  ii.,   member may substitute 20 pints. Pints may be mo1‘€
    practical if the family is small. This substitution may
  2,%  be made in both the project and exhibit.

()1etL1i1111s `01· ~i-H Club C<11w11Z111 5
./ .
7. Exhibit. Each ineinber shall 1#xl1ibi1·. the ])l'Odl1l€lS  
111 fl-um speeilied in the unit of Work in wl1i1·l1 she is (‘1ll'1>ll(‘(l. Q
This exhibit shall be made in either a loeal 1>l' tftlllllly  ,1
(tilll1llll<" show. l1~C<‘0l'(l bool; ll )-1`(l—(il?L1`1* shall 2l1'('1Illl >Elll\'
1, l .
rubbers th I .b.t .
. e ex 11 1 .
8. Fxhibit Containers. `
all can- J
{liu- N0 (:1) Type. All canned products are te be in clamp- Q
,(;0um\. top, clear glass jars. Jelly glasses with tigl1t-11ti- 1 _ 
.]-{ (qu}, ting tops are to be used for jelly. (Fer ])l'0(lll1‘1S `~ ‘
not to be exhibited other types of eo1111ai111~1·s 1111111 1 tg
U M .t be used.) p ‘ 
1 ll 0 _ · 1
Ni Whitp (I1) Size. Quarts are pref1·rred l.()1’ 0211111011 1'r1111.s aml  
med Om vegetables. Pints SllOlll(l be used onlv for pre- 1· 1
· 1 1 c 11 l1s}1es. 1
1 Sldel serwes anl e A A
(c) Paraftin IS to be used 1111 all Janis, preserves a11d p 
. . _ 1
Jellies. _ 1
9. State Fair Exhibit. Entries are to be selected at a ‘ 
County Exhibit. E
10. Judging. Each 111en1ber sl1o11ld have experience in  
18 vears . _. _ . . ._ _ __ 4
11 Judging (f2l1l1]<‘(l 1)1'()C1l1(¥‘[S Hlld be tannliar \\'11ll the s1:1>11 1
cards bv which canned 1roducts are 'll(l0`C(l. This will 1
_ _ . l J ¤ l
* 111111 H1 help her to improve the quality of her canning. 1
erive the E
_ 1 1
T110llStl‘&l· r 1
ies 1211111 UNIF I 1
(:1) (Tau 10 quarts of 1Cl'lll1S—2l1' least l`ll1'1¥(‘ \'lll'l(?11l‘S.  
`*’l)‘**ll°(l· (b) Can 10 quarts 111* 1<)1Il2ll1)<‘S 2lll(l 111111a111 j11i1·1·.  
11*2- (12) Learn the score (‘2Il'(l 1i(ll‘ ('&l1Il11’tl 1{l'llllS. See l*lx11·11si1111  
rate il11(l Circular No. 206. i
· . , . . 1
Wi`ll'(` 1* ((1) Judge one eaum~d fruit. For t‘X2llll]lll‘, tour Jars 111  
mk PW peaches.  
(e) Keep complete record, A  
a club (H Er].b.tt_   ff_.t t_ __ _ l _   
b mw . All 1 .110 Jais 11 1111, 1111 \1llIl 11s. am 11111 _]¤ll ,
II . ‘;
_Q of whole toinatoes, \V]th C()I11])l(*1(i 1`C(1(>I'(l book. 1
1011 may . . . .   .
If three var1et1es of fruit cannot be obtained on the farm,  

 T"? ·  
l I  
{15 'F
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  6 Iientueieij Ea;tens17cm Ol·7'C’ll](l7` N0. 181
  without money expenditure, the entire 20 quarts may be tomatoes Uj
tj? and tomato juice. lin this case the exhibit should consist of two
ily quarts of whole tomatoes and one quart of tomato juice.
ja (a) Can 10 quarts of tomatoes and tomato products.
IX   ~ (b) Can 10 quarts of fruit——at least three varieties.
M c Can 10 tuarts of ve¤·et·ahles—at least four varieties.
e_r11 . I ¤
  The following are su<¤·e·ested; St1'1ll0‘ beans greens,
if, Q GU I" }
  okra, beets or carrots, and soup mixture.
  (d) Keep a complete record.
  (e) Exhibit six jars, six varieties, consisting of one jar
  of tomatoes, two of fruit. and three of vegetables, with
  complete record book.
  (f) Learn the score card for canned vegetables. See
  Circular No. 206.
  (gx) »lud·>·e two classes of canned vegetables four `ars
.·_. S I" D 1]
if   _ each).
  . unrr 111
  · (a.) Can 15 quarts of fruit——at least three varieties.
  (li) (lan 25 quarts of vegetables (tomatoes included)—al
  least six varieties. Corn, lima beans and peas should
  he included.
 ; (e) Learn the score cards for preserves, butters and jelhes.
  Extension Circular No. 206.
  (d) Keep a. complete record.
>i< ’ . . . .
. za (e Make 10 classes ot ellvfat least three varieties.
3  ;. (F) Can 5 pints of preserves, jam and marmaladedat least
  e three varieties.
resi? .. . .
  (g) Judge in a contest one class each of a fruit, a ve;:‘<’·
  table, a preserve and a jelly.
Tv} . . . , _ . _
  (li) Exhibit twelve containers (twelve varieties) coHS1St·
1;. >  . . .
  2 mg of three jars of fruits, three or vegetables, th1‘€€
 _,  of preserves or jam, and three glasses of jelly, with
  complete record book.
\_ _ _ 
; 3; 

Outlines for 4-H Club Cauulug 7 I 
es UNIT IV ` "  
in (a.) Plan a Food Preservation Budget for the family, for »   
the year, in cooperation with parents, This should  ij
be planned before the garden is planted, in order that i
the garden may supply the needed vegetables for can-
ning and storage. It is suggested that each club girl . Z · 
conserve food for the family according to the budget i
,S_ planned. (   {
is, (b) Can 40 quarts of fruits and vegetables. I ·, 1
(c) Can 6 quarts of meat—at least three varieties. ' ·    
(d) Can 5 pints of relish or pickles—at least two varieties. I ·  
ar I
th (e) Can 5 pints of preserves, inarmalades and jams-—at V   (
least three varieties. ` I :
, (f) Make 10 glasses of `elly——at least three varieties. . I A I Y
[*0 J ` 1
(g) Keep a complete record, including budget. . ` I  
*1* (h) Exhibit 24 containers,* twenty-four varieties, as fol- i  
lows: .  
(1) 4 jars of fruits (two large, two small). _
(2) 8 jars of vegetables. j  
~at (3) 1 jar of soup mixture. I I
lm (4) 3 jars of meat. . (  
(5) 1 jar of fruit or tomato juice. I  
.1*8, ,
(6) 2 jars of preserves, jams, marinalades, butters. ‘
(7) 2 jars of pickles—relish. _
(8) 3 glasses of jelly. j ,
ast (9) Complete record and budget. I zi
(i) Learn score cards for meats, pickles, and relishes.  
ti"' Extension Circulars No. 206 and No. 220.  
jgt- *C§`IDlOT1Sl`ll}') entry. i I  
*itl1 il

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