xt7gms3jz40f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jz40f/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1900 journals kaes_bulletins_089 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.89. text Bulletin n.89. 1900 1900 2014 true xt7gms3jz40f section xt7gms3jz40f   A KENTUCKY  
 ` O.     "`ir
Jtate College of Kentuckyn A .  
I. Test of Varieties. zi
P 2. Test of Fertilizers.  
3. Descriptions of Varieties.  
September, ngoc. .
175 .

 z i  
p Z  
g · KENT (J CKY _.
 at Agricultural Experiment Station.  
T'; Il —-—-——————· Chairulgn,  W
THOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky. i
‘ ]. B. MARCUM, jackson, Ky.
]. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
. M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary. ·
i . i M. A. SCOVELL, Director. l
P 4* A. M. PETER, _ l
· Chemists.
_. · H. E. CURTIS,
_i H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist.
{ . C. \V. MATHEWS, Horticulturist.
i l J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist. -
i. XV. H. SCHERFFIUS, E ASS,,[ Chemists
2 Hx: s L. O. BEAI`l`Y,
  .72 _ R. M. ALLEN, Clerk.
.. . ]. D. TURNER, Secretary_ to Director.
g Address of the Station-LEXINGTON, KY.
  Y A
l * Noruce.
C _ The Bulletins of tl1e Station will be mailed free to any citizen of Ken-
, tucky who sends his name and address to the Station for that purpose.
· Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in their post- {
` office address, or of any failure to receive the Bulletins. in
Keiwucrry Aonicumrmar. Ex1>ERmEN1· Srmrou,
‘ Lizxrzccvrow, KY.
I  _ _ .,  =, .,,   —< wvwcf   - - ` 1··¤K.r-.*421 ' 1

. ¢`:  · e
Y BULLETIN N0. 89. t
I wu-•EA·r. ’
_ l—Test of Varieties. I
 V Thirty-six varieties were tested during the season of 1899 .
° and 1900. Rach variety was planted on one—twentieth of an
acre plot in drills eight inches apart. The amount of seed
sown was at the rate of six pecks per acre. All of the varie-
ties were planted October 7. The stand was perfect and none-  
. of the wheat was winter killed. The wheat was planted on;
two separate acres, tl1e fertility of which was not exactly the rt
same, and in the table of comparative yields, corrections have  
. been made to overcome as far as possible the unevenness of fer- fix
tility. Each variety was harvested as soon as fully ripe. Q
' Especial care was taken in determining the weight per bushel 4
in- T andya method was adopted which it is believed will yield ‘¥q
isb  . much more uniform results than that used heretofore. A
 _' Fairbanks standard tester was used and the wheat was run l
 T into the measure through a funnel with opening jé-inch in
diameter placed exactly 6 inches above the top of the measure.
When full the measure was "struck" without jarring and bal-
_ anced on the scale. Duplicate tests by this method gave
practically identical results.

   · .
l A 7   n
I  .
` 178 Bu/leiivz [V0. 89. .
E The following table g1V€S the yield per acre of grain in _
 3 J i bushels and straw in pounds, together with the weight per i ’"
y bushel: A  
i Comparative Yield of Varieties. Z
i   j
` ‘ \Yield Per Acre. E ` §
i;   fg} .6 :3 ; lg    
g NAME. E'?) é gi  l
z Q er <‘F¤ E
if Q ·%° 1
aa Zz z ·
1 ]ones’s Winter Fife .......................,...... 37.9 3690. 62%  V
2 American Bronze ............ . .................... 46.5 4072.5 62
l 3 Beech-wood Hybrid .............................. 47.2 4395 5 63%
  4 Pride of Genesee ............... . ...........   42.4 4995. 62 1
. 1 5 Indiana Swamp ..... . .,............................ 46 .5 4522.5 64 1
y - A 6 Rice Wheat .................,....................... 39.6 4331.3 64 1
`· y 7 ]0nes’s Bearded .................................... 40.7 4396.3 61 ‘ 1
` . 8 Pride ........ . ......... . ..................... . ........ 42.8 4562. 63 1
. · 9 Kansas Mortgage Lifter ........................ 41.3 4835.3 65 1
g 10 Eultzo- Mediterranean ...... . .... . .............. 48.2 4308.8 62 1
J A 11 Rudy .................................................. 48.5 4388.5 63 I
r 12 Diamond Grit ..............,...................   47.1 5161.5 63% 1
i A 13 Turkish Red ..................................   45.9 4443.8 65 _ 1
5 ’ 14 Lancaster Red .................................... 49.9 5782.5 62% _ 2
` 15 Fulcaster ............................................ 45.2 5563.8 63% q
; _ rl 16 Harvest King ..........   ....................... 50.3 5082.8 63%  
· _,..gi ` 17 Fultz ............................................. . .... 52.2 5415.8 63% 2
` ~-~· 18 jersey Fultz .........   ........... . ........... . 47.2 4707. 64 2
_ 19 Extra Early Oakley ............................. 48.6 4396 7 64 .;
` A 20 Democrat ........................................... 42. 4230. 62%  
{ 21 Early White Leader .............. . ............. 40.2 2295. 60 .;
Z 22 Harvest Queen .................................... 49.5 2500. 60 E
  f 23 Oatka Chief ......... . ............................... 43.9 2700. 61% 2
z i 24 Longberry Amber ................................ 33.4 2175,8 61% q
7 Q 25 Gold Coin ........................................... 38.2 2047.5 61%  
l 26 Early Genesee Giant ...... . .... . ....... . .... 41.3 5586.4 62 E
° 27 Early Arcadian. ........... . ................ . ..... 37.1 1755. 60 E
» 28 Bearded Winter Fife .......... . ................ 37.9 1833.8 61% ` E
29 Gold Coin (?) ........................ . ...... . .... 41.8 2210. 605j ;
. 30 White-seeded Golden Cross .................. 49.7 2722.5 61  
31 ]ones’s Longberry No. 1 ....................... 47.7 3118.5 62% . —
32 Long Amber ..... . ..........................   44.4 2673. 62 ` l·
1* 33 Dawson’s Golden Chaff ...................   46.5 2272.5 60%
34 Pearl Prolific ........... . ................. . ....... 46.5 2212.5 64% _ P
35 Improved Rice Wheat ...... . ................... 37.1 3217.5 64 _
36 |l‘l111lg_{ElYl2lll\Vl1€HlZ . ............................ .1 36.5 2683.3 64 ll
· f<
~— it  . --   ~ =¤   . ~·   · i

1 7 
 1 H/heat. 179
in  ` Character of Straw, Height and Time of Ripenlng.
)€r Height of
j Plant. ,3 `
1 cn t r ?_ £"B°
y _ A arac er 0 ·* pg,
... ' {6 \]AME° Straw. U; Li _
5 . E J 2 5 \_
2 ... ;_ ..._.--_;__ T.; -.._... T;
j _ 1 ]ones’s Winter Fife ...... . ....... Good. 4 4 june 23 _
< 2 American Bronze ................   " 4 2 " 23 _.
3 Beech-wood Hybrid ................. " 4 3 " 21 ’
; 4 Pride of Genesee. .............. . .... " 4 10 " 23
V 5 Indiana Swamp ..................... Weak. 4 5 " 19
l . 6 Rice Wheat ........................,.. Good. 4 5 " 19
4 · 7 ]ones’s Bearded ........... . ........ " 4 8 " 23
8 Pride ...................................... " 4 6 " 23
% 9 Kansas Mortgage Lifter .. ........ " 4 2 " 19
10 Fultzo—Mediterranean .............. " 4 0 " 19
ll Rudy ........ . ........................... Very weak. 4 2 " 23
x 12 Diamond Grit ........ . .......... .. Good. 4 8 " 23
13 Turkish Red ........................... \Veak. 3 11 " 23 ,
14 Lancaster Red ........................ Good. 4 7 " 21
15 Fulcaster . ........................   \Veak. 4 3 " 21
16 Harvest King .......................... " 4 0 " 21
17 Fultz,. .. .... . ......................... Good. 4 5 " 19
% 18 jersey Fultz ...,....................... " 4 3 " 19
19 Extra Early Oakley ....... . ........ " 4 2 " 19 `
% 20 Democrat ............................ . " 4 3 " 19
% 21 Early White Leader ................. " 4 O " 23
C;   glatrlyesélgéifeeri ............ . ........   i lg    
*2 8. H. ...... ........... ..........
{ 24 Longberry Amber ..... . ........... " 4 O " 23 , ( .
t 25 Gold Coin ........ . ........... . ........ " 3 6 " 23  
M 26 Early Genesee Giant .............. "   5 " 19
l 27 Early Arcadnan . .... . ....,.......... " 3 5 " 23
{U 28 Bearded Winter Fife   ........... Very weak. 3 7 " 23 ’ _ 
/2 29 Gold Coin (P) ........................ Good. 4 0 " 23   ,
H4 30 White-Seeded Golden Cross   " 3 S " 23 513
gh 31 jone’s Longberry No. l ............ " 4 3 " 23  
¥~ 32 Long Amber ........................... Very weak. 4 5 " 23
Q) / , 33 l)awson’s Golden Chaff ............ Good. 4 1 I " 23
  34 Pearl Prolific. ......................... " 3 7 " 19 4
D?4 . 35 Improved Rice \Vl1eat .............. " 3 10 " 19 "··»;.
LV, V ` 36 Hungarian \Vl1eat ....... . ..... . ..... \Veak. 3 S " 23
U1; * _ Milling Qualities.-Through tl1e kindness of Mr. \V. W.
ifi A Patterson, of the Lexington Roller Mills, the different varie-
Q4 ties of wheat were scored as to their milling qualities with the
'V following results:
No. 13.—Very fine milling wheat, but too hard for our
mills; No. 5.-98 per cent.; No. 11.-98 per cent.; No. 15,* I

 1 zi  i {
1 .  [
1 ~  f
it .  E
E • 180 Bu!/clz`n N0. 89. ’
1 A 98 per cent.; No. 8.-98- per cent.; N0. 16.-97 per cent.; No. ‘— 
  · 14.-96 per cent.; No. 34.--96 per cent.; N0. 9.-94 per cent.; °
1 · No. 3.-93 per cent.; N0. 6.-92 per cent.; N0. 17.—91 per t
; cent.; N0. 18.--91 per cent.; N0. 34.·—··9I per cent.; N0. 35.- 7 ·
  QI per cent.; N0. 12.-89 per cent. All of the other varieties _
  were poor milling wheat. · .
The season was very favorable. To show something of its  i 1
"   character a summary is given of the observations on tenipera- .  1 *
ture, rainfall and sunshine taken at the United States Weather  L_ .
Bureau Station on the College Campus. ._ 1
Meteorological Summary. 3 ]
qi .L
_; E U; T11111-izxmurzrs. »
    mg Degrees.
a = · 9 2 if-~
_ ~ Monrus, 1899-1900. 5; § o Q ·  
, t .s .,*2 EE _ *8 9; L
¤ - ¤ "2 iz = E v `
‘ iQ B 5 EJB 8 .i¤ Q
. · ::-7 5 <: 2 TD »-1 4
» 'A ]u1y,1S99 ................. . ..... . ........... 77, 23. 0.97 \ 77. 95. 53.  7
1   August ............................ . .......... 78. 22. 4.18 77. 95. 59. ‘
f 4 September .................................... 78. 22. 1.90 68. 98. ` 58. i
‘ ifi October ..... . ................................ 6-1. 36. 2.09 61. S4. 37.
“ ‘ _ November ...... . ............ .. ..... . .... 48. 57. 1.70 48. ITO. 82.
  . Decen1ber.... . .............................. 45. 55. 2.92 88. 62. -1. 1 .
r it
Q ` ‘= january, 1900 ............................... 41. 59. 2.18 30. 62. -1.
1   February ...... . .............................. 88. 62. 8.17 31. G8. -4.
7 _ March ...... . ................. - ................. 49. 51. 1.98 89. 67. #1. ·
  April ........................................... 65. 85. 1 1.28 55. 79. 26.
May ........   .........   ...... . .......... 67. 33. 3.54 013. 91 36. .
I. .
june .................. . .......................... 66. ` 31. 2.19 72. 89. 58.
`·  li  . . .-   - ·e 1- rr-::2i   . , · .;·_._ _;_,;d { { I '

 » i
Q k
,. ~ it
i .  
 ~_ l/Vheat. ` 181
A 2——Test of Fertilizers.
  Mr. E. G. Austin, of Prentiss, Ohio Co., continued his
 [ experiments with fertilizers on land similar in character to `
j that on which his former experiments were made, the results
, confirming the conclusion already reached that phosphates (M
· are needed upon the soil of that vicinity (coal measures).  
. The a lication of acid hos hate roduced a roiitable in-
 _ crease in the yield of wheat, while the use of nitrate of soda 5
or potash salts, either separately or in connection with phos- , »
, phates, produced but little eiiect. The results reported by
. Mr. Austin are given iu the following table, the yield being
 j Results Obtained with Fertilizers by Mr. Austin.
.: 9 I ...3 ii l gg .;
2 ai at ay E . ~... 2
_ 5 FERT1r,rzER UsED AND Li:) 36 § S' E E  
<> 5 e ’g ¤~ S .. S a ·
g RATE PER ACRE. °5 :I "6 s. —~ » ° Um
. — ·¤ ..- m nib' O Ei tu $
Q J Z1 -4-v S if
` " ag E 3 1 E
Z ri r U { Q A
1 None ...... . .................................. 3% $2.00 0 { $2.00
` i
2 Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs ........ . ........ 3% 2.10 $3.60 i (1.50)*
3 Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs.. ....... . ....... 15% 9.20 2.60 ` 6.60 ,__ ;
 - 4 Muriate of Potash, 160 lbs ........ . ..... 2 5-6 1.70 3.60 i (1.90)*
V - A 5 None ................. . ....................... 3 1-6 1.90 0 1.90  L
i {Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs. . , - *0*:
_ 6 `( Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs.} ''''''''' 10 9'O0 Glo 2'SO  
_ · (Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs. .. - . .. H . 1 ; (
7 `( Muriate of Potash, 160 lbs.]( '''''' 0 0-0 200 L20 H'9O)+  
I  ’ Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs. ( _ - . , . - H
_ ' . 8 ihluriate of Potash, 160 lbs. j '''''` 11% 8"O (LEO I Z'00 ·
._ Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs.
9 Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs. } ...... 17% 10.50 9.80 i 0.70
‘ ' Muriate of Potash, 160 lbs.A ,
10 Bone Meal, 300 lbs ....................... 15% 9.30 4.50 i 4.80
*Less than cost of Fertilizer.

 s i ‘
l 2
5 LO
1 _ · 182 · Bullelin N0. 89.  ‘
  A calculated in bushels of 60 pounds and its value at 60 cents a
E ` bushel. The cost of the fertilizer per acre is calculated at A
  $45 per ton for nitrate of soda, $16 for acid phosphate, $45 _
  for muriate of potash and $3,0 per ton for bone meal.
` Mr. Austin’s wheat was sown October 2ISt with a disc drill ·
    and the fertilizer was sown the next day by hand, great care
being taken to get it evenly distributed. The wheat was up well _
on_ the plots within IO days after sowing, and no difference ·
was observed between the plots until the last of November,
when plots 3, 6, 8, 9 and IO began to show a better color and
a much ranker growth than the others and this difference con-
; tinued to increase until harvest time. Plots 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7
Q made but little growth of straw and very short, poorly filled
T f heads of inferior wheat.
Y Z_ The results obtained by Mr. Austin in the past three
l i V seasons should be valuable to the farmers of Ohio county and
iff to many others whose lands are situated upon the coal meas-
, ·` ures formation, both in Eastern and Westerii Kentucky. The
q , experiments were made each year upon a different piece of
? { ground, but always upon land of the same character and, Mr.
{ ,   Austin says, fairly representative of the land in that part of
T   the State.
4, D
" "‘· -  ‘ *’ +:-*0*   ‘·'*"€¥7   - · ;.,,§___.;£ .

 ‘ 3
A i
‘ Wheat. 183
Mr. Austin’s Results for Three Seasons.
_ o
{6 AND RATE PER ACRE. § I eg  
-2 O? ¤2 ¢ <¤
*:1 r— oo <:¤ {Q I
» ¤ S $ S > ‘
' Z r·< 1-·\ r··< <
p 1 Non’e ......... .. .....,........................,, 3.9 6% \ 3% 4.6 0 V,
2 Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs ..................... 9.4 10 5-6 3% 7.9 I
3 Acid Phosphate, 320lbs .................... 15.3 11% \ 15% 11.0
4 Muriate of Potash, 160 lbs ........ _ ......   6.4 8 5-6} 2 5-6 6.0
5 None .....................................   ......... 7.6 7 \ 3% 5.9
. I Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs. - , . ·
6 ·LAcid Phosphate, 320 ms'} ............ ` 19.6 13%. lo. 16.6
,. I Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs. 1 T ..
I it Muriate of Potash, 160 lbs. [ ''''’'''' 8'3 1*% O 5-6 7'8 .
(Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs. l . , . `
S 1 Muriate of P0tasl1, 160 lbs, l ''''''''' MJ 14% 14% I5`4
Nitrate of Soda, 160 lbs.
9 Acid Phosphate, 320 lbs. } ......... 20.7 12 17% 16.7
Muriate of Potash, 1601bs. R .
10 None .............. . ............................... 8.1 10% ......... 9.1
11 Floats, 400 lbs ................................. . ........ 10% ......... . ...........  _
12 Bone Meal, 160 and 300 lbs ................   ..... 10}.j 15% 12.9  
 _&._..__._.____.... *`
The figures show clearly the considerable increase resulting
from the use of phosphates. They show also a slight but  
, very evident increase from tl1e use of nitrate of soda, which,
while not enough to pay for the nitrate used, may be consid- `
ered as indicating that these soils might be further improved
by growing cow peas or clover upon them to increase the
. vegetable matter or humus they contain.

 2 1  `
  '• 184 B2:]/cfm N0. 89. ‘
g .
E Z 3—Descripti0ns of all the Varieties of Wheat _
  Grown on the Farm. e
  nv H. oaaman, Ewromotoersr Ama 1so*1·AN1s·r. 7
· As a matter of convenience it has been thought best to  p`
  . bring together in this bulletin descriptions of all the varieties
i i A grown on the Experiment Farm. With the exception of 34, ”
35 and 36 which are described for the first time in this bul-  i
letin, all have bee11 printed as here republished, in Bulletins
69, 77 and 85. The year in which the wheat described was _
harvested is added in parenthesis after each description. 7
i It is recognized that these descriptions might be made more
  complete by the addition of facts with reference to thenumber
. i of stalks produced by the plant, the height, and more definite
s.   statements with reference to the hardness of the seed. But
` } all these characters vary widely in the same variety with soil,
il ` season, and climate, so that it is impossible to make a good
  description without comparing specimens grown at different
é times and places. This will be done at some future time when ,
t ' it becomes desirable to summarize the results of our observa-
{ p   tions on wheats. It is to be hoped that before such a summary
f ,..5; A is given some instrument will be invented; and generally
A K" adopted, for determining the relative hardness of the seeds.
V ` . The chemical tests with reference to the constituents may
  answer well enough in the laboratory, but I believe that SO111€
    more simple test, that will enable practical 1nen to bring their
Q   judgment of wheats into comparison, is desirable.
  A M2. 1. f01zc.v’s lM'2z/crE]Qr. _
Beardless. Seeds white*. Spike long and slender, taper-
,. ing slightly towards the upper end, flattened. Average length
of four spikes, 5.125 inches ; greater diameter, o.5 inch ; lesser ·
l diameter, 0.3,75. Glumes covered with a fine whitish, velvety
pubescence. Empty glumes, with very short, blunt promi-
*The terms white and red are used in these descriptions as they are by
millers and seedsmen. Strictly speaking, the white wheats are pale
ochraceons, while red wheats, so-called, are generally of a light leather
color. ,
__  7 _ _ .      » - ·v¤:r   . w   ‘

- ;
‘ iVhmf. 185 i`
nences at tips. Flowering glumes with claw-like tips, which `
become gradually longer towards the upper end of the spike,
· where a few become straight, sharp bristles about 0.25 inch
. long. Color of spike and stem, pale yellow. Average num- `
'ber of seeds from a spike, 86.75. Average weight of seeds
 · from a spike, 3,.2875 grams.  
Rust on stem and blade frequent. (1897.)  
 ' [V0. 2. A11zcrz'm2L Brwzzc.
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike very long and slender, the `
spikelets separated so that the axis of the spike can sometimes V
- be seen between them, flattened. tapering towards both ex- ·
* tremities. Average length of four spikes, 5 3125 inches;
greater diameter, 0.625 inch; lesser diameter, 0.575 inch.
Glumes not pubescent. Empty outer glumes with short,
rounded tips, the keels on their backs more decided than in
many other varieties. Flowering glumes, with claw-like tips, _
which increase in length towards the upper end of the spike,
where a few become bristles one-half inch long. Color of
spike and stem, pale yellow. Average number of seeds from
` one spike, 56.5. Average weight of seeds from one spike, .
2.4 grams.
This wheat bears a general resemblance to No. 1, but the
spike is more slender and the glumes without pubescence.
Rust frequent. (1397.)  ,
,/V0. 3. /frrrh-rw00n' ffiilrrfti.
· Beardless. Seeds red. Spike (head) not pubescent, taper-  ;
ing to the tip, _at which are a few bristles one-half inch long ii?
and less. Length of spike 5 inches; diameters equal, about if
 i 0.57 inch. Color of spike umber»brown. Stem a tritie pur- ‘
plish. Average numberof seeds fromaspike, 25.25. Average  
_ weight of seeds from a spike, .975 gram. \\’eight of IO ii
cubic centimeters of seed, 7.8 grams. `
Rust frequent on stem. This is a handsome wheat recogni—
zable in the field by the rather slender brown heads, the
spikelets being loosely placed on the axis. The wheat pro-
duced is among the best, the seeds being moderately hard, of
a deep brown color, and rather above medium size. The

 i .
i • 186 , Bu//eiiiz [V0. 89. ' V
  A variety resembles very closely our number 16 (Harvest king) V
  and may be the same. I
i ` The seed of this variety was received from the U. S. De- I
g partment of Agriculture, and was grown in Ohio. (1899.)
5 N0. 4. Pride 0f Genesee.  _
 V Heavily bearded. Seeds red. Spike long and slender,
im tapering to the upper end, flattened. Average length of four I
\ spikes, 5.81 inches; greater diameter, 0.62 inch; lesser diame-  ·
ter, 0.57 inch. Glumes pubescent. Empty glumes with a 1
bristle at the tip varying from 0.25 to O.62 inch in length. ·
Flowering glumes with long bristles varying from 1 inch long
i at the base to more than rt inches on the upper half of the
  spike. Color of spike and stem pale yellow. Average num-
, i ber of seeds from one spike, 79.5. Average weight of seeds
e - from one spike, 2.95 grams.
‘l `_ A very striking variety, to be recognized by its shaggy
I ` beard and pnbescent glumes. Rust frequent. (1897.)
_ ·` N0. 5. /11¢i1`ez2z/1 Sztmzzp.
E , Bearded. Seeds red and large. Spike of medium size, ·
°, rather slender and tapering, not pnbescent, its bristles as
Q _,· `> much as 5 inches long. Length 5.05 inches; greater diameter
Y 'fifi . 0.50inch; lesser diameter 0.575 inch. Spike yellow. Stem
V- - slightly purple. Average number of seeds to a spike, 26.
r Average weight of seeds from a spike, 1.5 grams. \Veight of
._   IO cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.8 grams.
    Rust rare. A good wheat, with rather slender head, the
i 9 chaff disposed to separate so as to show the seed i11 ripening.
’ Seeds large and of good color. Seed obtained from ]. A. Ev-
eritt, of Indianapolis, Indiana. (t899.)
V _ A70. 6. /x’z`z`e IIWCLU.
7. Beardless. Seeds red and large. Spike not pubescent,  I
rather small, tapering, with a few short bristles at tip. Length
of spike, 2.5875 inches; diameters alike, .575 inch. Color of
spike and stem, pale yellow. Seeds from a spike, 24.5.
\Veight of seeds from a spike, 1.5 gram. \Veight of IO cu-
bic centimeters of seeds, 8.1 grams. .
——  »... . -~ -~·   -·  ~—* ‘*’¤—·r   - -    ·

 l A
l ‘ Wbeal. 187
‘ Rust rare. W'hile lacking in showiness in the field, this
variety possesses many desirable qualities, and judging by the
fine appearance and quality of its seeds, I am disposed to rate .
  it as the best wheat grown on the Experiment Farm this year.
The head is somewhat insignificant in appearance, resembling
 ` in this respect Fultz and Extra early oakley (Nos. 17 and  
19). The seed was obtained from G. V. Green, of Hopkins- {
° ville. (1899.)
ZVO. 7. f011es's Bearded.   , _.
1 Bearded. Seeds white, but darker in tint than some other
varities (Nos. IO and 17, for example). Spike moderately A
‘ stout, not flattened, enlarging at the upper end. Average
length of four spikes, 4.55 inches; both diameters, 0.50 inch,
1 but one of them enlarging to 0.62 i11ch 11ear the tip. Glumes
' without pubescence. Empty glumes with tips produced into
short bristles about 0.25 inch long. Flowering glumes armed .
with bristles from 1 to :1,.87 inches lo11g. General color of
spike a11d stem yellow, but both glumes and stem with reddish
tinge. Average number of seeds from a spike, 85.75. Aver- V
A age weight of seeds from a spike, 3,.04 grams. ‘
This variety bears a close resemblance to Oatka chief
(No. 25), having tl1e same reddish tinge and the spike of the
same general shape. About the only differences apparent in
the samples before me are the greater coarseness of No. 7 and  
the slightly greater average size. The seed of No. 7 is a little
less plump and averages darker i11 color. All these differences  
might, however, bedue to differences i11 the soil in which the  
two samples grew or to differences in seed planted. The  
wheats grown under these two numbers are certainly very
closely related, if they are not one 81lCl the same. Rust rare.  
(1897.) '~=
‘ [W2. 8. Pr/dc. .
Heavily bearded. Seeds red. Spike long and slender, tap-
ering gradually towards tl1e tip, fiattened. Average length
of four spikes, 5.06 inches; greater diameter, 0.62 incl1 ;
lesser diameter, 0.37 inch. Glumes pubescent. Empty
glumes with bristles ranging in length from 0.25 to 0.62 inch.

   t  .
1 i T
1 • _ ,
`— I 188 ‘ Bu!/erin [V0. 89.  '
i V Flowering glumes with bristles ranging from 1 to 3.25 inches  I
  _ in length. Color of spike and stem pale yellow. Average  1
i number of seeds from a spike, 70.5. Average weight of  N
{ seeds from one spike, 2.65 grams.  
‘ Probably identical with N0. 4. I ca11 see no difference of .
3 I, importance between the two samples. Rust abundant.
N0. g. Kansas /f{0}'I;Q'£lg€ Lffer. ‘
Bearded. Seeds red and very large. Spike slender, taper-
ing, not pubescent, average length 3.125 inches; greater l
diameter, 0.50 inch ;·lesser diameter, 0.3,75 inch. Chaff yel-
  low. Stem purplish. Seeds from spike, 29. Weight of
Q seeds from a spike, 1.3 gram. \Veight of IO cubic centimeters
i _ i of seeds, 7.95 grams. I
  1 Rust frequent on the stems. The Mortgage lifter is a
Q - more showy wheat than No. 6, and.might sell better because
  of the fine appearance of its very large seeds. It is not quite
; V as hard as No. 6, and has this year been more affected with
{ , rust. It yielded more by weight than any other wheat grown ·
°> . on the farm.
2 A/. E The seed was obtained from Hon. G. V. Green, of Hopkins-
I "TTTT ville, a member of the Board of Trustees. (1899.)
" ‘ , /\'0.1<>. F2¢I/z0-J/m'iz‘@rmm*zzu.
  Beardless. Seeds red. Spike short and compact, some-
  ii times a little widened at tip, not pubescent, spikelets crowded.
l   Length of spike 2.3125 inches ; diameters 0.50 and 0,37 inch,
{ i Color of spike yellow; of stem, purple. Number of seeds
from a spike, 34.75. \Veight of seeds from a spike, 1.275
gram. \Veight of IO cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.7 grams
if . Rust common. Seed obtained from ]. A. Everitt, of In-
;_ dianapolis, Indiana. (1899.) l
A/V0. 11. Rudy.
Strongly bearded. Seeds red and large. Spike rather
large, the spikelets loosely placed, no pubescent. Length of
Spike 3 inches; diameters 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color of
spike and stem yellow. Seeds from a spike, 24.25. \Veight
~~ A  .  · ~   »· ~·-   -  ·` =——»£¤¤.;.·;éi ’

» x
 5 W%ca!. 189  
i of seeds from a spike, 1.125 gram. \Veight of IO cubic centi-
_ meters 0f seed, 7.75 gra111s.
, Rust frequent. This is ashowy wheat, with large brown ‘
. seeds, but ripened later than some of the preceding varieties
i Seed obtained from J. A. Everitt, of Indianapolis. (1899,) ·  
N0. 12. Dz`am02za’ GM`!. ,i
A Heavily bearded. Seeds red. Spike rather slight and
. short, tapering to the upper extremity. Average length of ‘
. four spikes, 4.19 inches; both· diameters about 0.37 inch. ' i
Glumes not pubescent. Empty outer glumes with a short
· acute bristle at tip. Flowering glumes varying in length
from 1.25 inch to 3.50 inches. Color of spike pale yellow, of
stem purplish. Average number of seeds from a spike, 60.
Average weight of seeds from a spike, 2.2 grams.
Rust frequent. (1897.)
Alb. 13. Till'/i’l·S/P Rm'. l
Strongly bearded. Seeds red, small. Spike small and
tapering decidedly to tl1e tip, 11ot pubescent, the spikelets
somewhat loosely placed. Length of spike, 2.3125 inches; ·
diameters o.375 and 0.25 i11cl1. Color of spike a11d stern pale
yellow. Average number of seeds from a spike, 22. Average
weight of seeds from a spike, 0.675 gram. \\/eight of IO
cubic centimeters of seeds, 8.25 grams.  
Rust rare. This differs from all other varieties grown on
tl1e farm in tl1e small size of its spikes, their noticeable con- l;.
traction in diameter towards tl1e tips, and tl1e s111all size and  
extreme hardness of tl1e seeds. Only No. 6 approaches it in  
tl1e latter quality. _ `
The seed was obtained from tl1e U. S. Departnient of Agri- Y;
culture. (1899.) `“¤,
A?}. Z,1. Lmzazs/air km'. .
Bearded. Seeds red. Spike small, slender, somewhat
flattened, taperi11g to upper end. Average length of four
spikes, 4.34 inches; greater diameter, 0.50 inch; lesser diam-
_ eter, 0.37 inch. Glumes 1lOt pnbescent. Spines on outer
glumes short, straight, acute, becoming as much as o.5o lllCl1
i11 length towards the apex of the spike. Bristles 011 flower- ’
J r

  _ { i
{ .
ll `• 190 - Bu!/efiu N0. 89.  ;
  I ` ing glumes ranging from 2.37 to 3.62 inches in length. Color if 
Q of spike brown, of stem purplish. Average number of seeds ’
  . from a spike, 49.25. Average weight of seeds from a spike, i
l   gram. ·
Q The spike of this variety is very slight and small and tapers  °
L quite decidedly towards the tip. The glumes show a disposi-  _
{_   tion to separate in the ripened head, so that the seed becomes i
  visible. In the sample examined by me I find some spikes 1
clothed with line pubescence, while in every other respect  _
they resemble closely the other spikes. It seems hardly prob- A
able that the same variety should vary to this extent, but it
may be that the wheat from which the sample was grown was
  mixed. No rust. (1897.) n .
  JV0. 15. F2:/msler.
1 I Bearded. Seeds red. Spike of medium size, flattened,
  I tapering, not puhescent. Length of spike, 3 inches; diameters
l » V 0.50 and 0.375 inch. Color of spike obscure yellow. Stem
  purplish. Seeds from a spike, 26.5. \iVeight of seeds from a
_ -` spike, 1.2 gram. Weiglit of IO cubic centimeters of seeds, 7.7 `
Q v_ grams.
l i ARust frequent. A good wheat, of rather large size. The
{ V ,_ sample shows some evidence of mixing with No. 16, in occa-
T   A sional brown heads among the others. -
V 1 V The seed was sent to the Station by the U. S. Department
I V of Agriculture.
  I/V0. 16. Hd}'2'€S[ Kz'ug·.
  il Beardless. Seeds red, of medium size. Spike moderately
  ii large, but slender, flattened and tapering, not pubescent.
`. Length of 21 spike 3 inches; diameter 0.50 and 0.375 inch.
Color of chad, umber—brown ; of stem, yellow. Seeds from a ·
~ spike, 31. \Veight of seeds from a spike, 1.225 gram. \Veight
I . of IO cubic centimeters of seeds, 6.65 grams. A
l, Rust frequent. A rather handsome wheat, closely like No. ·
3 (Beech—wood hybrid), and possibly the same. Occasional
pale heads interspersed among the sample indicate some cross-
ing with No. 15, such heads even bearing occasional long
bristles. Seed obtained from ]. A. Everitt, Indianapolis. ·
" “·e -  · r ·—==·~=•=    ·.  · ~   » 1

· t
l H/hea!. 191
 h _ N0. IY7. Fuliz.
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike rather small and slight, tap-
; ering, not pubescent. Average length 2.6875 inches, diame- ·
_ ters, 0.375 and 0.375. Color of chaff and stem, yellow.
_ Number of seeds from a spike, 33.5. Weight of seeds from  
· a spike, 1.125 gram. \Veight of IO cubic centimeters of seeds,  
  8 grams. V
_ Rust frequent. One of the best of the varieties grown,
closely resembling in every respect the Rice wheat already I ,
described, but not so hard. Seed obtained from ]. A. Everitt, V
, Indianapolis. (1899.) `
  N0. 18. jersey 1·`z¢Zz‘z.
Beardless. Seeds red. Spike small, tapering, the two
diameters equal, about 0.375 inch, Length of spike, 3.6875
inches. Glumes not pubescent. Empty outer glumes termi-
nating in a short blunt claw. Flowering glumes with a °
' slightly longer claw-like tip, a few at the upper extremity
someti1nes tl1ree—fourths inch long._ Color of spike and stem, p
A yellow. Average number of seeds from a spike, 33.75. V,
5 Average weight of seeds from a spike, 1. 175 grams.
· This wheat seems to me to be identical with No. 19. The
size and character of the head is the same, but the seed of
Y this is a little heavier. It was rated first, or among the first, _.,_ .
by every practical man who saw it. It is the heaviest wheat `·
grown on the farm. Rust rare. (1898.,) h
  ./V0. ly. Exim Eargl Oak/ey.  
t. Beardless. Seeds red. Spike small, tapering, the two  
a · diameters equal, about 0.375 inch. Length of spike, 3.781
it inches. Glumes not pubescent. Empty outer glumes termi-  
' nating in short claws. Inner glumes with acute tips which in `L
J. ‘ some cases reach a length of three-fourths inch at the extremi· ·
al . ties of spikes. Color of spike and stem, yellow. Average
s- number of seeds from a spike, 4,3. Average weight of seeds
ig from a spike, 1.55 gram. `
  This variety is in high favor in this section, and is always
rated well by millers. It seems to me to be the same as No.

 I t ;
1 ;
P ‘
2 .  I
  i• ·
'; 192 - Bulletin [V0. 89. i
  A 18, although its seeds do not weigh quite as much, bulk for A
  J bulk, and average a trifle larger. Rust rare. (1898.)
2 N0. 20. Democrat. Q
  Strongly bearded. Seeds white. Spike rather slender, of .
‘ medium length, flattened, tapering decidedly to the upper ex-  .
  . tremity. Average leng