xt7gms3jz322 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jz322/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-06-19 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 19, 1987, no. 506 text The Green Bean, June 19, 1987, no. 506 1987 1987-06-19 2014 true xt7gms3jz322 section xt7gms3jz322 g Number 506 June 19, 1987
June 21 Martha Dandridge Custls washington, 1731-1802. “
June 23 M1dsummer's Eve. _
June 25 Custer’s Last Stand at the Little Bighorn in 1876.
June 25 George Orwell, 1903-1950. British novelist. ‘
June 26 Pearl S. Buck, 1892-1973. American author and
authority on China.
June 28 Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640. Flemish painter.
July 6 John Paul Jones, 1747-1792. American naval hero and
July 8 Elias Howe, 1819-1867. American inventor of·the sewing
July 10 Marcel Proust, 1871-1922. French author.
July 12 Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862. American author and
July 14 Bastille Day
July 21 Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961.
· July 23 Perseld Meteor Showers begin, and continue until mid-
August. As many as 50-100 meteors may be seen ln a
single night.
Next Green Bean: Friday, July 24, 1987
Deadllne for inclusion: Friday, July 17, 1987
Production Staff: Editor/typlstz Kerry Kresse; Typlst/copy
editor: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil Madison.
  Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 Department's holdlngs in
FROM THE EDITOR‘S DESK LS2000, no service will be
available at the desk until
Just a reminder that this 9:00 am. Room 116 will be open
is the last gg until July 24. and a student will be available
There is an update on the to answer the phone, take A
I—9 forms, so please take note. messages, retrieve and check-
out materials. The Reference
Staff will be available to help
RETIREMENT RECEPTION FOR anyone use Government
EDNA PRAY Publications materials if they
cannot wait until 9:00am for
Edna Pray is retiring assistance. (Submitted by
after nearly 18 years of Sandra McAnlnch)
service to the University. A
reception in her honor will be
held in the Medical Center LIBRARY STAFF ORGANIZATION
Library on Thursday, June 25,
from 2:30-4:00 pm. Everyone is The Library Staff
invited. Organization is your .
organization. We have only 34
members out of a total of 150
KENTUCKY REVIEW library staff. The $5.00
membership dues covers all LSO
The Spring 1987 issue of activities. We need your
the Kentuck Review has been support. Join today! Mail
published. THe table of your check (please make it
contents include: payable to Library Staff
Organization) to Steve Savage,
"Joseph Graves and the PNM, King North, 00391.
Press of Gravesend" by H. The LSO picnic is coming
Richard Archer; in July. watch for details.
"The Black Woman as Artist
and Critic: Four Verslons" PERSONNEL CHANGES
by Margaret B. McDowell;
Sandra Muenks ls now the
"A Background to library technician in the
_ Decorative Arts in Eng1neer1ngLlbrary. ·
Lexington: 1792—1820" by
Mary Jane Elliott. Joyce Welch was recently
married and is now Joyce
"The Brady Collection" by McKinley. Congratulations!
Meg Shaw.
SWMHRHMRS The library staff
recently honored four library
Due to staff involvement ln staff members after many years
a project to enhance the of service. Honored on June 3
Government Publication at a dinner at the UK Faculty

 Club were Myra Coomer, Evelyn was the loveliest library
Evans, Emilie varden Smith and function that we have had. It
. Jean Karsten. They have all will give me many happy
sent their thanks, and copies memories in the future.
of their thank you notes I am aware of the hard
follow. work and planning that thls
involved, and I appreciate it
* * * * * very much.
Thank: for a tremendous
Dear Joyce (McKinley), send—off.
Thank you for making the Sincerely,
retirement dinner such a Emilie varden Smith
Also, thank you for my * * * * *
beautiful corsage.
Dear Mr. Willis —-
Sincerely, ` ,
Myra Coomer Let me thank you again
for all you did and :a1d to
* * * * * make our Retirement Dinner so
enjoyable at the beautiful
Dear Joyce, faculty club.
It was just so pleasant,
Our retirement party was the dinner was elegant, so many
~ just lovely in every way! I people came. Our own library
know what great effort it takes people really turned out, and I ‘
on the part of many people to was especially pleased to see
put such an affair together. the retirees again.
So thank you and thanks to the The Retirement Dinner was
LSO members for making it such a fine climax to my 15 years at
a memorable night. the library, and will always be
The beautifully framed remembered with fondness.
certificate of service will Thank you.
always remind me of many happy
experiences at the library. Jean Karsten
Not only have I been in
cataloging, but I have been in
acquisitions —- the acquisition ENCYCLOPAEDIA LOCATOR
of many fine friends among my
co-workers at UK Libraries. _ LC has the famous
I'll miss you. Carpool Locator.' Not to be
outdone, the gg has, at least
with all bestwishes, for this issue, an
Evelyn Evans encyclopaedia locator. The
Agriculture Library has a new
* * * * * 16th edition Britannica, so the
15EH ed]EIon Is Iooking for a
Dear Joyce and LSO, new (library) home. The 15th
edition, c1974, comes with
Thank you for a delightful yearbooks through 1978. If
" retirement dinner. I think it 1nterested, contact Toni Powell

 at 257-8369. A man w1th a great lnterest
1n old books ran into an
unbook1sh acquaintance who'd
ELECTRONIC MAIL NOTES just thrown away an old B1ble. ·
How to Iook at maII you wrote The book had been packed away
( y Tar Ke er) in the attic of h1s ancestral
home for generations. The
Mail you wrote to other latter happened to mention 1t.
electronic mall users is stored "Somebody named Guten——someth1ng
in a file you name yourself. printed 1t," he sa1d.
Some people name theirs "Not Gutenberg!" gasped
OUTGOING, PENDING, or maybe the book lover. "You 1d1ot!
even TO was used. That f1le You’ve thrown away one of the
n a m e 1 s s e t u p 1 n f1rst books ever printed. A
ADMINISTRATIVE OPTIONS. First copy sold at auction recently
you type A at the MAIL> for $2 m1ll1on!"
prompt to get into The other man was
Adm1n1strat1ve Options, then unmoved. "My copy wouldn"t V
F to get 1nto the FILES have brought a d1me,•’ he sa1d.
option. At the FILE: prompt, "Some guy named Martin Luther
you type the name of your f1le. had scribbled all over 1t."
The sy tem asks ADDING A NEW
FILE? Y/ and you h1t  to
set up the file name. Then you LSZOOO SYSTEM NEWS
type D to get into DESIGN (By TarI Keller)
PROFILE. When you get to File
FOR CC TO SELF: you type the On Friday, June 12th, the `
f1le name y'ou created 1n the LSZOOO system was down for a
FILE: functlon. few hours. The system showed
To read the messages you some d1sk errors from Wednesday
sent to other people, you must morn1ng’s dump and early Friday
first move to that file you morning. When OCLC went in to
named. At the READ>> prompt, look at the errors, they called
type G and your file name and the Data General people in
. The system gathers all Atlanta. While the Data
the messages it has stored that General/Atlanta engineer looked
you wrote. It gives you at the system, no users could
another READ>> prompt. You can be on. when he gave the
_ type H A  to see th_e system back' to Mlke, and Mike
message number  and the1r then tried to br1ng the system
subjects. Now you can type T 1319. the system went down with a
and a message number with a Halt 4'. That means 1t
 to see a particular stopped running because 1t was
message. not happy. It was not happy
because some of the heads on
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE. . . disk drives (like the needle on
your turntable or the head on
A Special Collections your VCR) were not in position
staff member found this 1n a where the computer needed them
recent, but nameless , to be. The engineer 1n Atlanta
` publication: d1d not reset the disks back to
0. (This 1s like resetting the

 counter on your tape player or KLA LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE
VCR back to 0, but much more
-. critical!) when Mike tried to On Thursday, May 24,
bring the system back up, it 1987, Adil Razeeq met with a
would immediately halt again. diverse group of librarians at
The Data General service the Kentucky Department for
representative came in and Libraries and Archives, and
reset the positions of the then visited a committee
heads once they determined that session of the Kentucky
this was the problem. Our Legislature. The Legislation
service representative fixed Committee is one of the KLA
 ome soft errors we were having standing committees and is
on the disk drives by chaired by Helen Smith,
sectloning them off and making Librarian at Owensboro High
the system work around the bad School. Among those present
spots. were M. Elaine Hughes of the
On Sunday, June 14, we University of Cincinnati, Carol
still had a disk error on the S. Brinkman of the unlverslty
same drive and head. OCLC is of Louisville, Maude B. .
investigating the overall Teegarden of Taylor—Germantown
problem. Elementary Schools, Martha
Birchfleld of Lexington
c¤mmun1ty College, Adil Razeeq
THE CARE AND FEEDING OF and one other.
AN IBM—PC The purpose of this
" meeting was to organize the
Gary Stottlemyer will be representatives of Kentucky's
dismantling and reconstructing many diverse libraries in order
. and IBM—PC during a brown bag to fulfill the need to get
* lunch on July 8. Held in the Involved ln the legislative
Staff Lounge of King North from process and to become aware of
12:00 — 1:00, Gary will show communlcatlon channels and
interested individuals how a contacts for the upcoming year.
computer works and how it is During the meeting we decided
built. upon some basic strategies and
goals related to working with
the legislative process when
SPEC KIT ON OPTICAL DISCS promoting and expressing our
_ concerns. It was an
ARL Spec Kit #133, interesting experience to sit
"Optlcal discs for storage and in on a budget committee
access in ARL l1brar1es," has hearing for the subject of
arrived in the Reference workman's compensation in
Department. The focus of the Kentucky. Although long and
flyer ls on alternatives for tedious, full of technical
library planning and jargon and detail, it was
implementation of optical interesting to watch the task
technology, rather than a force attempt to convince the
technical description of the committee of their findings and
various forms that optical then be grilled and cross-
discs can take. examined by the legislators.
_ we saw media, key personalities

 ln Kentucky politics, and the 1987. y
general public who are allowed · V
to watch such session  or Dear Mr. Willis: Q
hearings. 1