xt7gms3jxb30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jxb30/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1866-03-jul11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1866-03-jul11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1866-03-jul11. 1866 1866-03-jul11. 2011 true xt7gms3jxb30 section xt7gms3jxb30 


preparatory studies, as those in the University.
3. That the University cheerfully tender its aid and counsel
in procuring competent teachers in the order and arrangement
of the schools and in the best manner of teaching.
4. That the auxiliary schools shall be requested to report
at least annually to the University Overseers, and their
Principals and Teachers be cordially invited to attend the
meetings of the University senate at least once in each year.
W. L. Williams, A. G Herndon & J. Smith Com.
     On motion of Curator Smith, the minutes of the whole of
the present session of this Board were unanimously adopted.
     On motion of Curator Smith, the Board adjourned.
                           R. M. Bishop

Jno. Aug. Williaas
     Sec. Pro team.


Kentucky University
    July 11th, 1866

Meeting of
July 11,

Election of
Curator Jas.
L. Caldwell

Report of
Con. on organ-
adopted in
A.&.M. Colv

     The Board met in pursuance of adjournment, present,
Curator R.M. Bishop, Chin. Allen, A. H. Bowman, Jas. Smith,
W. S. Williams, R. J. White, Ricketts, Steele, Gratz, Goodloe,
Morton, Elley, Woolfolk, Z, Smith, Groom, and Wasson. The
minutes of last meeting was read and amen&e* by substitutary
the words, "Zxecutive Committee" in place of the word Hover-
seers" whereever the latter occurs, the minutes was then
     Curator J. Smith moved to take up the report of the
Committee on organization -- agreed to.
     On motion of Curator Z. Smith, Judge James L. Caldwell -
of Shelbyville was unanimously elected a Curator of the Univer-
sity. J. Augustus Williams Chairman of the Committee.
     On motion of Curator J. Smith it was resolved that so
much of the report of the Committee on Organization as contained
the acts of the General Assembly in regard to the Agricultural
and Mechanical College of Ky, and. adopted as a part of the per-
manent code of law of said university.
     The Board on motion of Curator Ricketts, proceeded to
take up the remainder of said report, ttemn by item. Clause /135/
first relating to the office of Regent and his duties was taken
up and discribed.
     On motion, all parts of the report relating to the office
Regent was read, Curator Elley moved to strike out the words
"Whose duty it is, as the personal representative of the Board
of Curators during the recap of the same, to see that the sev-
eral laws and statutes of the University be faithfully carried



     After discussion, the motion to strike out by consent of
the Board withdrawn by the mover.
     On motion of Curator Ricketts, clause first of the report,
defining the function of the Regent, was referred back to the
Committee on organization with instruction to report thereon
to-aorrow morning.
     On motion adjourned until tomorrow morning at i past 7

                       Lexington July 12, 1866.

Meeting of
July 12,

report of
Committee on
organi zation

adopted.; de-
fining the
functions of
bhe Re g 9 nt

a mendment

     Board met parsuant to adjournment, present Curator Bishop
Chm. Allen, A. H. Bowman, Jas. Smith, Williams, White, Ricketts,
Steele, Gratz, Goodloe, Morton, Elley, Woolfolk, Z. Smith,
Groom, Herndon and. Wasson.
     The Committee on organization to whom was referred with in-
structions to report this morning. Clause first of their report
defining the functions of the Regent. Report that in the judge-
sent of the majority of the Committee no term can more suitably
define the duties and perogatives of the Regent than those al-
ready employed in said clause.
Whereupon on motion of Curator Williams the report was received
Whereupon Curator Allen proposed the following amendment to the
afforsaid clause which was unanimously adopted.
     "The University embraces several Colleges each under im-
mediate government of its own faculty ana presiding officer.
The general supervision of the University as a whole is Committed
to a Regent who is elected from among the Curators and is Ex
officio Chairman of the Executive Committee and whose duty it
is in connection with the Executive Committee to see that the
general laws and statutes of the University are faithfully car-
ried out," On motion of Curator Allen the following amendments
to clause 1st page twenty of report of the Committee on the
office of Regent was /136/ offered and after being discused was
withdrawn by the mover the board consenting to the withdrawal.
     In order to give the various Colleges of the University
with their severel Faculties Business officers a more formal
unity the Board of Curators appointed one of their own members
Regent who shall on behalf of the board exercise a general
superintendence over the interest of the whole university and
who shall in connection with the Executive Committee be the
representative of the Board except when the same is in session.
     The Board continued to act on the report of the Committee
on organization for some time. When on motion of Curator
Groom that the reading of the report be now suspended on the
Board proceed to ratify all business heretofore transacted which
require ratification by a majority of the entire Board , where.
upon the election of the following officers are professors here-
tofore made was conferred unanimously and the salaries of the
same fixed as before namely.