xt7gms3jxb2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jxb2d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1873-06-sep17. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-06-sep17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-06-sep17. 1873 1873-06-sep17. 2011 true xt7gms3jxb2d section xt7gms3jxb2d 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
Wednesday Morning Sept. 17 ' 73

of Sent.
17, 18 73

Ten Minute

Regent of
Donors Laid
on the table



of Curator
to rt fling ton

Motion to
strike out

Point of order
sustained by
the chair.

Motion to
suspend by
laws lost

     Board met and opened by Prayer by Bro. Ricketts.
     Moved by Curator Allen that *re have open session- Lost
by vote 19 to 9.
     Moved by J. B. Bowman that the reports of the press and
Professor LMcGarvey be admitted. Adopted.
     Moved by Curator Campbell that speeches be limited to 10
minutes and that our speech on same subject excepting our
Representative on each side be allowed more time Ayes and Nays
called for and carried by a vote of 23 to 11.
Ayes J. B. Bowman Beni Gratz IWlasson, Goodloe, woolfolk, A u.
Bowman, Jas. Smith, Herndon, C'-room, Shackelford, Z. F. Smith,
J. P. Tarbitt, Sloan, Campbell, Shirley, Jno. Aug. Williams,
Wing, Miller, Thomas, Kinnaird, Crutcher, G. G. White, Ricketts,
Wilkes, Rogers, Gano.
     Curator Allen presented an application for admission to
meeting of the Board. Curator J. B. Bowman moved to lay the
application on the table ayes and nays called for (and motion
carried 23 to 11. Ayes - J. B. Bowman , Jos. Smith, HIerndon,
Groom, Shackelford, Z. F. Smith, Tgrbitt, Sloan, Campbell,
Shirley, J. A. Williams, Wing, Millier, Thomas, Kinnaird,
Crutcher G. G . White, Barnes.
Nays - Allen, Steele, Elley, Worthington, Civens, 1 '. L. Williams,
R. J. White, Ricketts, Wilkes, Rogers, Gino.
     The amendment of C. T. Worthington to William& substitute
was announced by the Chair for discussion. /276/
     Curator Miller moved the previous questions carried by a
vote of 22 to 11.
     The vote was then taken on the amendment and lost by a vote
Of 23 to 11. Ayes & Nays called
     Ayes - J. B. Bowman, Gratz, Wasson, Goodloe, Woolfolk, A. aT.
Bowman, Jas. Smith, Herndon, Groom, Shackelford, Z. F. Smith,
Ta.rbitt, Slo0an, Campbell, Shiirley, J. A. Williams, Wing, Miller,
Thomas, Kinnaird, Crutcher, G. G. Whinite, Barnes.
     Nays- Allen, Steele, Elley, Worthington,  ivens, W. L. Williams,
E. J. White, Ricketts, Wilkes, Rogers, Gano.
     Curator Wilkes moved that the word "formerly" be stricken out
in the last clause - Lost.
     Curator Thomas gav e notice that he would caf-lll for a vote on
the substitute of Curator Williams at 12 o'clock.
     Curator Withers raised a point of order that the substitute
is not in harmony . th the By laws. The Chairman sustained the
point of order.
     Curator J. B. Bowman moved that the said By law be suspended.
Lost by a vote of 23 to 12. Ayes, J. 3. Boowman, Gratz, Herndon,
Shackelford, Z. F. Smith, S. I;. fling, Miller, Thomas.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 17, 1873

Curator J. A.
Wi 11 i am s
makes charges

Point of
order not
sustai ned.
Regular Busi-
ness suspended
to receive
petitions from
Donors & others

Sam e
refered to a
Coi. of Eight

Nays Allen, Steele, Elley, G. G. White, -Wasson, 70oolfolk,
Worthington, Jas. Smith, Givens, W. L. Williams, R. J. White,
Ricketts, Groom, Ttrbitt, Sloan, wYithers, Campbell, Wilkes,
Shirley, J. A. williams, Rogers, Kinnaird, Crutcher, Gano.
     Curator Jno. Aug. VWilliams o-pened the discussion on substi-
tute specifications against Prof. McGarvey in his own name.
     Curator Withers raised the point of order that the charges
perfered by Curator -'Nilliains do no come. under the By law for/277/
such cases- not sustained by the Chair.
     Moved by Curator Campbell and adopted that the regular
business be suspended in order to hear petitions and communi-
cations from the Donors of Ky. University and Christian Churches
of Ky. - Curator Withers proceeded to Dresent same.
     Curator J. A. Williams moved that all the,.said documents be
refered to a Committee of Eight who shell pepare a suitable
answere to same & report to the Board this evening.
     Adopted and following Committee appointed - J. A. Williams,
Campbell, Sloan, Tarbitt, Withers, Steele, R. J. Wdhite, Z. F.
Smith, Moved by Curator Allen that Prof. McGarvey be allowed
till 3 o clock to prepare his answer to the cnarges prefered
against aim - Prof. Williams suggesting that hour.
     Adjourned to 3 o'clock.

Wednesday evening Sept. 17th 1873

reporters for
the Press
anounce their
names & papers

     Board met, minutes of former meetings revd and approved-
Curator Sloan moved that the reporters of the press be invited
to remain-. Curator Withers amended the motion that all be permitted
to remain - Lost.
     Curator Withers moved that the Donors be uerinitted to remain
Ayes & Nays Lost by a vote of 22 to 14-
     Ayes R. sa. Bishop, Allen, Steele, alley, Woolfolk, 7Worthing-
ton, Givens, R. J. Wfihite, R. C. Ricketts, W. T. Withers, L. B.
'tilkes, Williams E. Rogers, James Crutcher, R{. a. Gano.
     Nays - J. B. Bowman, Benj. Gratz, Jas. Wasson, D. S. toodloe,
A. HI. Bowman, Jos. Smith, A. G. Herndon, John Shackelford, Z. F.
Smith, T. P. Tbrbitt, R. R. Sloan, Anon, Campbell, Z. La. Shirley,
Jno. Aug. ililliams, S. id. ",Jing, H. Miller, L. A. Thomas, Jas.
G. Kinnaird, G. G. White, A. i. Barnes.
/278/  Moved by Curator Ricketts that Press Reporters report
their names to she Board adopted.
     The following names were resorted
J. D. Butler, The Rock and Louisville Courier
R. C. Cave, Apostolic 'Limes.
H. T. D~uncan, Jr. Western Associated Press
E. P/. Graves Ky. cov. Louisville, Courier Journal.
E. D. Luxton Lexington Gazette.
Richard J. Omahoney City Editor Lexington Press.
Samn'l R. Smith Cin. Commercial, Lex. Herald
E. E. Smith, Cin. Gazette.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 17, 1873

Prof. Mc-
Garvey' s

Motion to


Point of
order not

Chai rman
Bi shop

Vote on the

J. S. Sweeney, Paris Kentuckian
John Duncan Farmers Rome Journal
W. P. Smith Reporter for the Collegian
     Prof. Mcozarvey then arose and addressed the Board in reply
to the charges prefered against him - During this
     Curator Wilkes moved to acijourn - Motion lost.
     Prof. McGarvey then resumed his spcech - At 7 o'clock
on motion the Board adjourned to meet again at 8-7 o'clock to-

                  Night Session

Pursuant to adjournment Chairman Bishop called the Board to
order and the minutes were read and approved - Bro. J. B. Sweeney
was admitted as reporter.
     The Chairman then announced that Prof. McGarvey was entitled
to the floor and he resumed his speech.
     After its conclusion Curator Sloan arose and addressed the
Board- assigning his reasons for giving his vote as he should do
on the cuestion before the Board./279/
     Curator Z. F. Smith after the conclusion of Curator Sloants
speech moved the previous question -
     Curator Elley by courtesy was allowed to express his objec-
tion to the motion
     Curator Gano arose to a point of order as to the motion of
Curator Smith but the Chair decided it not well taken.
     Curator Smith then withdrew his motion for the previous ques-
tion, and he notified the house that he would renew his motion at
twenty minutes past ten otclock and by consent of the ioard the
vote shall be taken on the substitute at Twenty minutes past ten
o1 clock.
     Curator Withers then arose and addressed the Board on the
substitute at the conclusion of which Curator Gano arose anid made
the point of order that the Extive Comtee. should not vote on the
question before the Board but the Chair decided the point not well
taken and out of order.
     Chairman B6ishop asked permission to make an explanation,
which was accorded to him.
     After which question called for, and the ayes and nays being
taken stood as follows -
Ayes R. LA. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, Benj Gratz, Jose-oh Wasson, D. S.
Goodloe, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith, J. P. T'arbitt,
R. R. Sloan, Enos Campbell, Z. M. Shirley, Jno Aug. Williams, S. M.
Wing, Horace Miller, /280/ Landon A. Thomas, James, Crutcher, G.
Z. White, A. 14. Barnes - 22-



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 17, 1873

power to
remove or

Point of
order not
sustai ned


Nays- John G. Allen, Andrew Steele, G. '1,. Elley, C. T. Worthing-

ton, G. Wf. Givens, 1Y.g L.* Williams, Rl. J. White, Pt. C. Ricketts,
7V. T. Withers, L. B. Wilkes, William E. Rogers, James G.
Kinnaird, B. Li. Zano 13.
     The requisite majority of the whole Board voting aye the
substitute was declared adopted -
     Curator Z. F. Smith offered tiUe following lies. That in
view of tie proceedings of the last fourteen years and the powers
confered by the Charter and bylaws of the University it is the
sense of this Board that the Executive Committee has the power to
appoint or remove temporarily Professors in the Faculty during
the interval between the meetings of the Board-
     Curator Worthington raised a point of order that the resolu-
tion was in violation of the Charter_ not sustained by the Chair.
     After free discussion of the Resolution the ayes and nays
were called for.
     Curator Steele moved to amend by striking out the word
removal- amendment lost.
     Pending the discussior! a motion made to adjourn till to-
morrow morning at 9 o'clock.

Session of
Sept. 18,
1873 .

Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.

Morrison College, September 18th, 1873

     Board met prayer by Curator W. L. Williams, Minutes read
amended and approved.

of Curator

Notion to
refer vacancy

Notion to

oint o f
"ider no t

     The Chairman of the Board read a Communication from Curator
Yost tendering his resignation as Curator which on motion was

     Curator Campbell moved that the vacancy be refered to the
Committee on Nominations.

     Curator Withers moved to amend that no more vacancies be
filled until the number of Curators be reduced to thirty one
unless it be necessary to do so to comply with the requirements
of the Charter.
     Curator Jno. Aug. Williams raised a point of Crder that th~is
meeting being a called one cannot consider this question- The
Chair decided it not well taken.