xt7gms3jxb07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7gms3jxb07/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-11-sep21. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-11-sep21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-11-sep21. 1943 1943-11-sep21. 2011 true xt7gms3jxb07 section xt7gms3jxb07 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, September 21, 1943.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in Pres-
ident Donovan's office at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 21, 1943.
The following members were present: Governor Keen Johnson, Robert
Tway, RA P. Hobson, John Brooker, H. D. Palmore, Lee Kirkpatrick#
Judge Harry W. Walters, karshall Barnes and H. S. Cleveland.  Presi-
dent H. Li Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson were present.

    A. Approval of the Mlnutes.

             1. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
                the minutes of the Board of Trustees for
                June 4, 1943, and the minutes of the Execu-
                tive Committee for June 25, July 16, and
                August 20, 1943, were approved as published.
                          * *b* * *t * * * * *

     B. Approval 9f Granting of Degrees.

     President Donovan submitted and recommended approval of list of
candidates for various degrees as follows:


Perry Ronald Adams
Joan Childers Ashby
Olga Pennebaker Baker
Marian Tucker Blythe
James Hiram Carroll
Thomas Fredric Erwin
Anne Elizabeth Livingston Fryer
Mildred Schaffner Miller

Mary Louise Morris
Virginia Henderson Myers
Margaret Ellen Nelson
Ida Moore Schoene
Julia Maxine Shenk
William Tecumseh Stafford, Jr.
Willie Silvers Steinfort
Louise Carroll Thompson


John Carter Armstrong
Henry Lewis Batsel
BenJamin Cohen
Ralph Bourne Congleton
Cecil Blaine Donnelly

George Franklin Doyle
John Anthony Hyatt
Norma Constance Dury MoMahan
Glenn Elwood Mohney
Joseph Gant Stites, Jr.



                    INDUSTRIAL CHEISTRY

Wharton Nelson


Mary Jessica Gay

                     MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY

June Virginia Nicholson


Newton Romey Bardwell,Jr.
Lloyd LaVerne Bucy

Orvel Harl Cockrel
John Robert KIbler

                    HOiviE ECONOMICS

Rebecca Jane Baker
Margaret Eleanor Graham
Sallye Raye Hobbs Hill
Luella Lawrence

Allie Roberta Sanderson
Virginia Lee Skidmore
Dorothy Gene Smither
Dorothy Weller

                 CIVIL ENGINEERING

Paul Richard Schubert
James Arvle Thacker

James Alston Weaks


James Robert Boyd
Ralph Donald Jessee

Birney Strange Layson
Joseph Russell Twin~m


Robert Bradbury Arnold
William Cullen Bryant

Andre Johannes Meyer, Jr.



               IN EDUCATION

Martha Dean Arnett
John Worthington Barnett
Ethel Brooks Koger Beckham
Virginia Kathryn Carroll
Mary Vance Day
Roberta Josephine Edmonds
Margaret Grace Elrod
Edith Marie Rice Guyn
Allene Barbara Herschling
Cemira Mabel Howard
Peggy Jean Howard

Mae Dotson Irick
Alice Mamie Kennedy
John Dean Minton
Opal Joy Rader
Dorothy Gaynell Riddle
Elizabeth Shaikun
Rose Evelyn Smith
Julian Abbott Smither
Elsie Mae Stephens
Ruth Carolyn Waldman
Helen Lee Williams

             IN COMMERCE

John Calhoun Clarke
Page Morris Davis
Evelyn Wilson Page

Carroll Lee Sweeney
Eunice Faye Turner

             GRADUATE SCHOOL

Elsie Temple Church
Fred Eugene Conn
Cyrus Edgar Greene
Charles Wesley Juergensmeyer

Alice Marie Kruse
Heinz Hermann Seelbach
Martha Porter Fogle Sommers


Kathryn Challinor
Wendell Parker Cropper
Henry Thomas Eigelsbach

Russell Aubrey Hunt, Jr.
Dorris Jeannette Hutchison
Dirk Verhagen

                       PUBLIC HEALTH

Charles Elsey Tucker

                       HOME ECONOMICS

Virginia Corbin Ritchie

Cleota Hedde Woodall

Robert Charles MicDowell




Otho Archester Adams
John D. Bowling
Mary Ellen Boyd
'viary Logan Cline
Virgie Wynn Craft
Evelyn Bruington Crick
Eleanor Rhoads Dixon
Mary Helen Dodson
Cary Taylor Duckett
Irene Josephine Zlliott
Grace Humphrey Fulk
George Henry Hale
Lovell Cleveland Harwell

'Verda Rema Head
Louise Henley
Mabel Lee Hill
Edward Raymond Holley
Minnie Frances Humphrey
'Myra Elaine Jones
Harold Homer Margason
Lmma May Osborn
Belle Hearn Riley
'Aileen Amanda Schmitke
Ruth Lang Smith
Martha Brittain Steele

             2. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
                ly carried, the recommendation of the President
                and the Faculty of the University was concurred
                in and the degrees were authorized and granted.

    C. Stoll Field to Ae Used _b Henry Clay High School.

    President Donovan submitted a request from the Henry Clay High
School which was received through Mr. B. A. Shively$ Athletic Di-
rector, for permission to use Stoll Field to play the home games of
the Henry Clay High School football team for the season of 1943. The
conditions under which the request was made were set forth in a letter
received from Sir. Shively.

     1 9 4 3

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Dear Dr. Donovan:

     I wish to recommend that Henry Clay High School be given
     permission to use Stoll Field to play their home football
     games this fall.   at the present time they only have four
     games that they desire to play on our field.    I would sug-
     gest that they be given permission to use the field under
     the following conditions:



1. No rental will be charged for the use of the stadium.

2. They assume the cost of the installation of lights.

3. They will be responsible for all damage that is done as
   the result of the games.

4. They assume the cost of paying a University electrician
   to look after the lights at each game.

5. Henry Clay will assume all responsibility in regard to
   accidents or injuries sustained during these games.

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) B. A. Shively
Athletic Director

                     *,* * * * * * it * *

        3. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
           the recommendation was approved.
                      ** * ** * ,* * #*

D. Quarterlv Report of the President.

The President made the following report to the Board:

   (a) Freshman Dormitories.

     "Boys are entering the University at an earlier age
than in former years.   Some of these boys are sixteen, many
more are seventeen and but few are over eighteen years of age.
At the University we have had no fixed policy with regard to
their living arrangements.   The freshman boys have sought
rooms where they could be found.   h large number of them
were able to get rooms in the dormitories, another group
went to rooming houses in the community, while others were
admitted to the fraternities shortly after their arrival on
the campus. These young boys have had no more supervision
or direction than the older men in the University.   As a
result of this lack of supervision I suspect many of them
have developed habits that have not been conducive to good
work and some of them may have had to drop out of the Uni-
versity when a little supervision of their living during
the first year they were in the University might have helped
them to succeed with their work.

    "After holding many conferences with members of our
staff regarding the desirability of requiring all freshman



boys, except those who live at home or commute from nearby
towns, to live in the dormitories, I concluded to take this
problem to the Faculty of the University for its considera-
tion. After deliberation, the Faculty passed a resolution
approving the policy, and suggested that it should be put
into operation when the dormitories now occupied by soldiers
are vacated.

    "If the Board will approve this policy which we think
is wise, it will mean that the entering freshmen will be
required to spend their first year as residents of the dormi-
tories, with the exception of those who live at home or who
commute. The Dean of hxen should have the power to make an
exception for a boy who had a job which would enable him to
earn his board and room elsewhere.   This would mean that
boys could not leave the dormitories to live in fraternity
houses during their first year at the University.   If ap-
proved, such a policy will strengthen the fraternities in
the long run as well as improve the scholarship of freshmen.
The dormitories would under this plan be given somewhat
closer supervision than they have had heretofore.

    "In former years, there has been a wide range in the ages
of the men occupying the dormitories.   Freshmen and graduate
students roomed alongside each others sometimes together.
The football men were assigned to a part of one of the dormi-
tories,   If approved, the new plan would place together
those young men of about the same age and educational level.
This would make a more homogeneous grouping which would
enable the University to serve better the needs of all men
students.  The football men would be moved out of the dormi-
tories and domiciled in the apartment houses recently ac-
quired by the University.

    "The plan under consideration would postpone formal
pledging of freshmen by fraternities until the expirat4on
of the first quarter which would be about Christmas.   This
would give the fraternities a better opportunity to judge
the quality of men and enable them to make a wiser selection.
It would, also, avoid the emotional disturbance so many young
men experience on entering college when they suddenly find
themselves the center of attention with several fraternities
rushing them at the sane time.   This is a trying experience
even for a level-headed boy, especially at a time when he
is required to make many new adjustments to become a good
citizen of the college community.

    "At the end of the freshman year young men would have to
move to a fraternity house or secure a room in a home in the
community.   After a year in the University a boy would be
better prepared to seek satisfactory living arrangements in
Lexington.   It is our judgment that the present dormitory
facilities will just about take care of the freshmen for a
year or two after the war is over.   We siiall need addition-
al dormitories to carry out this program if the University
experiences the growth which we anticipate.



        'This policy has for a number of years applied to the
    freshman women in the University.  No young woman has been
    permitteqiuring her freshman year to reside in a sorority
    or a room 7rouse in Lexington. All freshman girls have
    been required to reside in the residence halls.

        "I should like to ask you to approve the following reso-

              Men of the freshman class, except those liv-
         ing at home or commuting and those given special
         permission by the Dean of Men, must reside in the
         University dormitories.   Freshman boys will not
         be permitted to reside in fraternity houses.

         "The University, in the future, should give more consid-
    eration to the places men live.   Our attention has recently
    been called to some of the living quarters where University
    men have resided which are far below the standard conducive
    to health and safety.   These places are privately owned.
    The lack of adequate residence halls at the University for
    men has resulted in over-crowding of rooming houses in the
    neighborhood of the University, as well as the renting of
    places inadequately equipped for a decent standard of living.
    All rooms for rent to University students should be period-
    ically inspected by the proper official of the UhLiversity,
    and required to meet minimum standards with respect to furni-
    ture, sanitation, et cetera.

        "The fraternity houses, also, need closer supervision.
    An inspection of these houses, by a committee of the faculty
    at the time they were being closed be the boys were leav-
    ing for the army, revealed many undesirable conditions
    that were not conducive to the development of cultures re-
    finement and gracious living.

        "The State of Kentucky should at an early date recog-
    nize that the University is in need of dormitories where
    the proper standards of living can be afforded the students
    at costs they can pay."

    There was some discussion of the report as made, and the recom-
mendation of the President for men of the freshman class to be housed
in the University dormitories.   The Board took the following action:
                          * * * * * * * it * *

             4. It was moved by H. S. Cleveland, seconded by
                John W. Brooker, and unanimously carried,
                that the following resolution be passed:
                   Men of the freshman class, except
                   those living at home or commuting
                   or those given special permission
                   by the Dean of Rien, must reside in
                   the hlen's Dormitories. Freshman
                   boys will not be permitted to reside
                   in the fraternity houses.
                           * * * * * * * * * *



   (b) University of Kentucky Press.

      "For more than a year the University has been study-
ing the advisability of establishing a University of Ken-
tucky Press similar to the Press of the University of North
Carolina, the University of Oklahoma, Louisiana State Uni-
versity, the University of Texas, and many others.   Some
months ago the Haggin Fund Publications Committee was re-
quested to study this question thoroughly and make a recom-
menda-ion on it.  The report of the Committee recommends
that the University establish a University of Kentucky Press,
and that all of the publications of this institution, except
those of the Experiment Station, bear the imprint of the
University of Kentucky Press, regardless of whether they
are paid for out of State funds or from the Haggin Fund.
If approved, the acceptance of manuscripts for publication
will remain in the hands of the Haggin Fund Publications
Committees while materials prepared for monographs in the
field of anthropology and archaeology educations and
business will be published as at present on the recommenda-
tion of the individuals responsible for these agencies,
and they will continue to be paid for out of State funds
set aside for this purpose.

    "If you adopt this recommendation, the Department of
University Extension is to become the central distributing
agency for these publications.   It will be the responsibil-
ity of this Department to publicize the books and monographs
published, sell and distribute them and to take care of all
the business transactions involved in securing an adequate
distribution of the books and monographs published under
the imprint of the University of Kentucky Press.

       "It is our desire to start this new venture modestly
with the hope that it will develop sufficiently in time to
require the attention of an editor.   At present we do not
believe it is desirable to go to the expense of employing
the services of an editor, but leave this responsibility to
the Haggin Fund Publications Committee.   If there is suf-
ficient interest in this project to make it a success, the
services of an editor for University publications will be
required in due time.

       "I recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the
establishment of a University of Kentucky Press. "t

                     * * * ** * *F* * *

        5. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
           ly carried, the recommendation of the Presi-
           dent that a University of Kentucky Press be
           established is approved.



     (c) University of Kentucky's Educational Program for Soldiers.

     "Last September, a year ago, the University of Kentucky
entered into a contract with the liar Department for the train-
ing of young men in four phases of engineering.   The 1525th
Service Unit was organized when a number of men were sent
from the school that had originally been located at Fort Bel-
voir, Virginia.   These men were bivouacked at the Phoenix
Hotel. The College of Engineering was responsible only for
the instruction given to this group of soldiers.   It was neces-
sary to employ temporarily approximately sixty new staff members.
The school opened with an attendance of 133 on September 21 and
it gradually increased every two weeks in size until it reached
a maximum of approximately a thousand men.

     "After the organization of the ASTP last spring the War
Department decided that it would not need this unit and it pre-
pared to disband it on September 18. During this period of
approximately a year the University has trained for the Army
2992 soldiers.   After twelve weeks of intensive training these
men left here to go to all parts of the world and serve with
troops.   It is impossible to calculate the value this training
has been to the Army in the preparation of men for various
technical jobs.   This is a contribution our institution has
made to the war effort.   I think we can always look with
pride upon the work the University did in training these men.

     "last winter the War Department decided that it would send
150,000 men back to the colleges and universities for prepara-
tion for various types of service in which the Army needed
highly trained mene   The University was one of the first in-
stitutions in this country to receive a group of men under the
ASTP.   In May 573 men enrolled in the 1548th Service Unit
of the ASTP at the University for basic and advanced training
in engineer ng.   This number has increased until we have at
the present time 1206 men in the ASTP.    These soldiers are
taught by regular staff members.    They are bivouacked on the
college campus and fed in the University Commons.    These boys
are a select group all under the age of 22,    Approximately
400 of them are in the Army Reserve and these boys in this
group are only 17 years of age.,   They will be inducted into
the Army when they reach their 18th birthdays.    There has
never been a more intelligent group of young men enrolled in
the University than these boys.    Some of them willremain in
the institution for a period of two years before completing
the requirements outlined by the Army in their curriculum for
the training of engineers.

      "The professors at the University have shown a magnificent
spirit in undertaking the instruction of these boys.    The Army
requires a much heavier teaching load than the faculty has been
in the habit of carrying in time of peace.    We have had no com-
plaint from the staff about this excessive load and they have
entered upon their duties with a patriotic zeal and a devotion
that is inspiring to those of us who work with them.



         "This program of training will probably continue until
    the war is over.   Before it is abandoned the Veterans Ad-
    ministration will very likely be asking us to receive men
    who are to be given further educational preparation before
    they are mustered out of the service.   It is my opinion
    that the University will for several years to come be educat-
    ing soldiers or war veterans.   There is a great deal of ev-
    idence that leads us to believe that the Federal Government
    will send back to the schools and colleges large numbers of
    men whose education was interrupted by Selective Service*"

    The above section of the report was discussed and ordered received
and made a part of the minutes.

        (d) Future Building Program.

          "President James D. Hoskins of the University of Tennessee
     predicted at a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of that
     institution that the enrollment of Tennessee would be doubled,
     perhaps trebled, after the war.   He recommended that plans
     be drawn now to meet post-war building requirements and asked
     for a capital outlay expenditure of $5,850*000.

         ,"If President Hoskins' predictions are accurate, and I
      think there are good reasons to believe they are, the Univer-
      sity of Kentucky will liketkise double its enrollment after
      the termination of hostilities.   Institutions of higher
      education had an increase of 84% immediately following the
      First World War.   More than 200,000 young Kentuckians are
      now in the armed forces of the nation.    Many, many thou-
      sands of these boys have been called out of the high schools,
      colleges and universities.   Their education has been in-
      terrupted.   They recognize that they are not fully prepared
      to meet the duties and responsibilities of civilian life,
      and when the war is over they will return to the colleges
      and universities for further instruction.    A grateful gov-
      ernment will recognize the sacrifice they have made and will
      in all probability muster many of these men out of military
      service through the colleges and universities.    It will
      be cheaper to send them to school for a period than it will
      be to permit them to become members of an army of unemployed.
      Business, industry and agriculture can hardly adjust their
      affairs to absorb all who will seek employment once the
      war comes to an end.   Our University should be making its
      plans to receive these men with a view of assisting them
      in their re-education.   The faculty is already attempting
      to anticipate the instructional problems that will have to
      be met.   The Board of Trustees should be planning to meet
      the financial and housing problems that will assuredly be
      needed to take care of the attendance of the University after
      the war.



     "We should request the State of Kentucky to appro-
priate at each biennial meeting of the General Assembly
funds sufficient to construct at least one building every
two years until the building program of the University
has been completed. The casual visitor passing over the
campus may conclude that we already have a big plants but
I assure you that when our plant is compared with the plants
of many cther state universities, it is comparatively small.
My distinguished predecessor, Dr. Frank L, McVey, reporting
to the Trustees for the biennium 1935-37, said: "The total
sum of money voted by the legislature for construction at
the University in seventy-two years of history if $1234,OOO.
There- are five buildings on the campus that are more than
fifty years old, there are ten that are more than thirty
years old. These buildings were not well constructed in
the beginning, but are still being used to full capacitya1

    "Since that time, the General Assembly has appropriat-
ed during Governor Johnson's administration, $400,000 for
capital outlay, which makes the total appropriation for
capital outlay made by the General Assembly of Kentucky dur-
ing our entire history not more than 41,650,000. All the
other buildings on the campus have been constructed out of
Federal funds or out of savings from the general approprii
ation for maintenance and operation, or on a plan of amorti-
zation. I feel confident that no other state university
in America has had less money appropriated directly for the
building of its plant than the University of Kentucky.
kany of the old buildings which we have are dilapidated,
and in some cases they have been declared to be unsafe.

    "We have so few dormitories that the University is un-
able to house but a small fraction of those who are in at-
tendance in normal times.   If we had adequate dormitories
at this time, there would be many hundreds of additional
soldiers enrolled here at present for instruction.   The ap-
propriation made by the last General Assembly for capital
outlay, with which we had intended to erect a field house,
has been used to acquire the site for this building and to
pay off the bonds on the men's dormitories in order that the
University might own these buildings which it has been rent-
ing for a number of years.   No construction has been pos-
sible since these funds were appropriated by the last Gen-
eral Assembly.

    "The field house is still on our agenda.   Many promises
 have been made regarding its construction.   Many of the
 citizens of our state think of it as the next building that
 should be constructed on the campus,   It will be difficult
 to secure appropriations for other buildings until we suc-
 ceed in getting this project completed.

      "I have always had a feeling that the field house
 should be a combination auditorium-field house.    The Uni-
 versity is greatly in need of an auditorium,    It is unable
 to a ssemble its student body now for any purpose except in



    the Stadium.   Even our commencements have to be held on
    Stoll Field,   No concerts, lectures or other cultural pro-
    grams can be planned for the entire student body at the
    University at the present time.   This constitutes a very
    great handicap in the educational program of our institu-
    tion.   I recommend that the Board of Trustees ask the
    General Assembly at its meeting next January for an appro-
    priation of $600,000 for the construction of an all-purpose
    building, which would serve a s both an auditorium and f eld

         "Would it not be appropriate to request the General
    Assembly to erect this building as a WAR MEMORIAL to those
    young Kentuckians who have died in the cause of freedom,
    and for the other thousands of young Kentuckians who will
    return from the war after peace has been declared? Could
    there be a more appropriate WAR MEi0RIAL than a magnificent
    auditorium where future generations of young Kentuckians
    would be assembled from time to time for their education
    which will prepare them for the duties and responsibilities
    of citizens?

        "At this time I dhall not attempt to enumerate all the
    building needs of the University.   As soon as the audi-
    torium-fieldhouse can be completed we should look forward
    to the erection of another dormitory for men and one for
    the women, each of which would cost not less than $300jOOO
    These residence halls are very much needed at the present

    The Board discussed at length the desirability of additional
buildings on the campus and the desirability of a war memorial to
those young Kentuckians who have died in the cause of freedom.

            6. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the recom-
               mendation of President Donovan for a war
               memorial at the University of Kentucky and his
               recommendation that the General Assembly be
               asked at its meeting next January for an appro-
               priation of $600,000 for the construction of an
               all-purpose building which would serve as both
               an auditorium and a field house, to be known as
               the War Memorials was unanimously approved.



       (e) Budget for Biennium, 1944-45, 1945-46.

       "A great deal of thought and study has been given to
    the question of the budget for the next biennium. I
    have had some correspondence and a few conferences with
    presidents of other state universities on this subject.
    In most of the states the legislature met this year and
    this furnishes us with the prevailing practice of other
    states in dealing with their universities. About ten
    days ago I was in conference with President Bevis of Ohio
    State University and he told me that the legislature of
    Ohio had given them the exact amount for the next biennium
    that they have been receiving in the past.   Communications
    from Indiana Univcersity and Purdue show that their budgets
    have actually been increased. A few other states have
    increased the expenditure for their universities during
    the next biennium and other states, so far as I am able
    to learn, made the same appropriations for the operation
    and maintenance of these institutions.

         "It is my Judgment that we should ask the next state
    administration and the Geheral Assembly to appropriate the
    same sum for the next biennium for operation and maintenance
    that it appropriated at the last meeting of the General
    Assembly for the present biennium.    In view of the fact
    that the auditorium-fieldhouse and dormitories are so
    urgently needed, I think we would be thoroughly justified
    in asking for a somewhat larger appropriation for capital
    outlay than we received at the last meeting of the Legis-

    The present appropriation of the University was available for in-
formation to the Board of Trustees ands after some discussion of the
needs and requirements of the University, the Board took the follow-
Ing action:

                         * * i* * * * * * * *

            7. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
               the President was authorized to ask the Legis-
               lature which meets in January, 1944, for an
               appropriation equal to that made for the cur-
               rent biennium for operating purposes.



   (f) Committee to Study Personnel Classification Plan, Retire-
       ment and Other Problems Relating to Non-professional

     "You have authorized me to appoint special committees
during the past two years to study certain problems relating
to the general welfare of the University.   These committees
have devoted much time and thought to the problems under con-
sideration and their reports have been very constructive and
helpful in solving some of our administrative problems.    I
now request your permission to appoint a committee that will
make a thorough study of another problem that needs careful

     "At present the University does not have any plan for
the classification of its stenographic and clerical person-
nel.   This is also true with regard to the employees of the
Department of Maintenance and Operations#    Business organi-
zations find it desirable to have a plan whereby every em-
ployee is classified according to his or her preparation for
a particular job, and positions are also classified regarding
their importance, and the salary is attached to a position
on the basis of its relative importance.   At the Universi-
ty there is but little opportunity for a secretary to ad-
vance from one position to another since it is usually regard-
ed as unethical for one department or division to take over
the secretary of another.   This practice is unfair to many
of our employees since it makes it almost impossible for
them to receive promotion within our organization.    To se-
cure a better job they usually have to resign and accept a
position outside the University.    If we had a personnel
classification system we could advance these people within-
our own organization without it b