xt7ghx15qs89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qs89/data/mets.xml Ohio Christian Book Association, compiler 1866 books BV459 .C46 1866 English W. Christian Book Association Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection John Lair Music Collection Hymns, English Disciples of Christ -- Hymns The Christian Hymn Book: Being a Collection of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1866 text 576 pages, 13 cm. Call Number: BV459 .C46 1866 Donor: John Lair Music Collection The Christian Hymn Book: Being a Collection of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1866 1866 1866 2022 true xt7ghx15qs89 section xt7ghx15qs89  


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‘ ‘ $.01 11 (e in 11: 0 1101.11 0 \(:11;’111H)u§3 fm‘praise’ij

came 1;. 1011191111; i111: —-1 )SAI v.1: xxx". 11. 1.
Eleve1-1t11 Edltion.




- __ _ W, , ,-_mwg _ ‘
Entered according to Act of Congress, In 1
the year 1844, [my ISAAC N. \VALTER. in the 1



Clerk’s office for the District Court of Ohio,


mercotypcdhy J AJamm.
(Andaman, 0:110. ‘









Tar. happy influence of sacred music upon
the heart, has been admired by the pious of
all ages: and such was the estimate which
they placed upon this great duty and privi-
lege of the sanctuary, that they have transmit-
ted it to their children, from generation to
generation, both by precept and example.

Not only are we exhorted, in the Holy
Scriptures, to celebrate the high praises of
God, and to lift up our voices “ in the assem-
‘tly of the upright, and in the congregation,"
)ut God, who requires the service of the heart.
In all we do, has expressly enjoined it upon us
to “ sing with the spirit, and with the under-
standing also.”

It is, therefore, highly important, that a.
strict regard be had to the sentiments contain-
ed in the language we use in the performance
if this sacred duty.

Since sacred mustc is so conspicubus a part
)l' our exercises in the worship of the true
God, it is very destrahle to see every congre-

ation in Zion furnished with such psalms,

ymns, and spiritual songs, as express the
Iteutiments and doctrine contained in the Holy
l3criptures, adapted to the various necessities
and conditions of men. with such an arrange
ment as to suit their convenience.

With this ohjeet, in View, the committee
have compiled, and now submit this work
which has cost much time and labor.





But it is due to our brethren t0 presmt a
few reasons for offering a new collection of
hymns to the christian public, which we
Cheerlitlly do. As lar as our acquaintance ex.
tends, a large majority of the Christians in
the \Vest have decided, that the hymn-books
in use among us are delicient, either in ar-
rangement or variety; and, in some instances,
in the sentiment contained in the hymns. \Ve
have diversity ol' hymn-books among us, of-
ten diilering both in the sentiment. and in the
phraseology ol' the hymns, to the great incon-
venience of the congregations. It is expected,
and truly desired. that by collecting the most
approved hymns out of them all into one
work, the congregations will soon he in pos-
session ol' a unilorinity of hymn-books. The
increasing demand. and pressing calls of out
brethren in the West for hymn-books, show
that such a work is highly IHPCUSSHI‘y. Many
ol the old collections among us are sold out,
and no more of them are to he obtained. Zion
has enlarged her borders. multitudes have
{locked to the standard of Emmanuel. and
united with the saints in singing the praises
of God. May our highest expectations be
realized; and may this collection of hymns
he so attended with the blessing of God. as
to encourage true devotion, and cheer all the
lovers ol' God on their pilgrimage-jonrney, un-
til we shall all meet in heaven to chant the
praises of God and of the Lamb forever.

Emma WiiimiutsoN,

l)ERt).\"X‘I'S l“. LADJJSY,

ROBERT McCoy, Exec. Com







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I’SALM 1.. C. M. \VA'J'TS.

111 ES'l is the 1111111, who shuns the place.

\V here sinners love to ”1001;
Who 1111115111 trend 11111111 wxckL-d ways;
And 11211115 the scotler ’s 50:11:

But 111 the statutes (111110 Lord
11.13 placed his chict deliwlit;

By d:1_V,1lC 1'L111ds 01' hours the word,
A1111 111L1dit'11tcs hy night.

1111 hkea 11111111 01 (renemns kind,
3y 11\1HU' V\ 11 ms set

7821163 1111111 1110 31111111 111111 11111511111r wind.

11 njoys 11 11L111LL11111 stttte.

(1101111 115' thL lent, 11nd L1VL1 12111,
Shall his })I'()11’S51011 shine;
\V 11110 httits «)1 holiness 1111116111,

1111\(5L1USICI‘S on the Vine

N01 so the 11111110115111111 1111111511“
\Vh111 V '1111 desitrns 111(1V'1'1111n!

'1 heir hopes s1n'e hlown 111111y 111m dust,
()1' 0112111, 11Ll are the stt11'.111

Sinners 111 jndument sh: 111 not stand
Among the sons 01 ”race

Vthn (1111151 the Judtre 11111141. 11gb. 1111110.

Appoints 111s saints 11 z3111:1cc





‘PSALM 2. S. M. Wurs l

THE man is ever blest,
\Vho shuns the sinners‘ ways; i
Among theit couneils never stands,
Nor takes the scorner’s place :-- l
But makes the law of (iod I
His study and delight, at)
Amidst tlte lahors ot the day, 1
And watches ot~ the night.

3 He, like a tree, shall tl11‘1ve, l



\Vith \1'11ets near the toot;
Fresh as the leaf his natiie slit ill live;
His 11 otks are heavenly tiuit.

4 Not so tli ungodly tace;
'lhey no such lilessiinrs find:
'1 hen hopes shall the lil e empty chaff l
Beiote the drivinrbr \1i11d.i

PSALM 3. L. M. \VA'I‘TS. '
Christ’s Death, Resurrection, and Asn-einsion.
WHY did the Jews proclaim their rage?
The Romans why their swords employ?
Against the Lord their powers engage,
His dear anointed to destroy!
“Come, let us bteak his bands,” tltey say m)
“ '1 his man shall never give us la\\s;” 1

And thus they cast his yoke 21“ ay,
And nail d the Monateh to the cross.



But God who hinh 1n trlory 1eigns,
Laughs at their p1ideDtheir1a