xt7ghx15qs3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qs3c/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1948-02 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Revising the Teacher Education and Certification Program", vol. XV, no. 12, February 1948 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Revising the Teacher Education and Certification Program", vol. XV, no. 12, February 1948 1948 1948-02 2022 true xt7ghx15qs3c section xt7ghx15qs3c Commonwealth of Kentucky 0





(Certification Laws and Regulations)


University of Aentucky
Lexington. Ky.


Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction




Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

Vol. XV February, 1948 No. 12











The Council on Public Higher Education and the State Board
of Education have revised the program of certification with a sin-
cere desire to improve the quality of teacher education. This rep-
resents an approach to the improvement of the quality of instruction
in the classrooms of elementary and secondary schools.

This bulletin contains the certification laws included in the Ken-
tucky Revised Statutes and certification regulations adopted by the
State Board of Education from time to time within the framework
of these laws. This bulletin contains all certification regulations
brought up-to—date. They are presented as guides to teacher educa—
tion institutions in the training of teachers and as a, basis for the
certification of teachers Who desire to become legally qualified to
teach in the public schools of the Commonwealth.


Superintendent of Public Instruction
February 20, 1948






l to



The Cooperative Study in teacher education, sponsored by the
State Board of Education, the Council on Public Higher Education,
and the General Education Board, covered the four-year period
1943-47. The study had a two-fold purpose: (1) to determine if the
quality of living in a community could be improved through a school
program which is related to everyday problems of living and (2) to
develop the kind of teacher education programs necessary to prepare
teachers to teach in schools of this type. Seven colleges. six county
school systems, and two individual schools in the seventh county were
pilot colleges and schools in the development of this study. The
Cooperative Study moved toward revising and improving the teacher
education and, certification program step by step. Much work was
done on the following problems:

1. Determining the characteristics of a good school
Suggesting the characteristics of a teacher of a good school

3. Suggesting the needed emphasis in teacher education which
will tend to develop the kind of teacher needed for a good

4. Suggesting changes in the curriculums for teacher education
and certification

This study was directed by Dr. R. E. J aggers, who served as Director
of the Division of Teacher Education and Certification until Sep-
tember 1.9, 1947. The following excerpt from Teacher Education Cir—
cular No. 72, prepared by Dr. Jagger's, is significant in showing the
process used in arriving at the certification regulations contained in
this bulletin:

“The four years spent on the Teacher Education Study brought
a large number of persons together. Persons within each college
worked together; people from many colleges worked together; State
Department staff and college staffs worked together; college staffs
and State Department staff worked with people in the elementary
and secondary schools; and all worked together. Every level of the
schools and every area, of learning came together in trying to find
ways and means of preparing a teacher to meet the needs of the serv—
ice. There has thus developed a point of view which has had wide ac-
ccptance among school people in Kentucky at every level. This point
of view may be expressed in this fashion. The education of a teacher







is of sufficient. importance that every resource possible must be used
in her preparation, and every person who is touched by the teacher
should be concerned with her preparation. It seems to be the accepted
belief that we should use the communitxr pattern of action (working
together) in formulating the program of ]earning‘ for the prospective
teacher. ”

The recommendations of the various committees for certification
curriculums were made to the Advisory Committee during the sum-
mer and fall of 1947. The recommendations were approved by the
Council on Public Higher Education on November 25, 1947, and
adopted by the State Board of Education, December 19, 1947.

These certification eurriculums are flexible, set up in broad terms.
A great deal of freedom has been left to each college in adapting
its program of teacher education to the needs of the students pre—
paring to enter the teaching profession. The certification require-
ments contained in this bulletin are offered as guides in the prepara-
tion of administrators and teachers of Kentucky’s children and young
people. 4
Director of Certification
Assistamt Director of Teacher Education

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Certificates Issued Before September 1, 1935, Training Basis of Issue, School
Level, and Position for Which Each Will be Valid after September 1,
1935, Also Similar Information about Certificates
Issued After September 1, 1935.





















































School .
Level at Posmons for
‘Vhich “'hich Valid
‘ . Valid
Name of Training
Certificate B3515 0f
“‘ ‘—
00) ' ' L: ‘ u L: 58 1.
Es ginifi-Eeesee
pm a , m 4 5‘ 9.. m w «to q
‘- l
Advanced B 2 Col. 5 “g ’ ’ '
College B 4 Col. 3 fl * ‘ ’
College Elementary B 1 Col. I W ’
Local Elementary B Exam. ”
Stan. Adm and Super. B 4 Col. " ' ' * * '
Prov. High School1 13 2 cm. ‘ '
Standard High School 13 El ("01. " ' 1‘
Standard Elementaryfl i B ll; Col. * ‘ i
Stanaanr i B is Col. I " ' .
l l
Attendance Officer 3 B :2 Col. i l *
Prov. Elementary ‘5 A 2 Col. 1 '
Prov. Adm. and Super. i A 4 Col. " " * *1 * t
Prov. High School i A i (:01. ‘ ,1
Standard Elementary : A i Col. * 1
Standard High l A 5 Col. ‘
Standard Adm. and i
Supervision A 5 Col “ " '" ,, t *
‘Attendnme Officer A 2 Col. ‘
Prov. An. Officer A 4 CU]. ’
Std. An. Officer I A 3 (:01. ‘
l l_..
Standard for School i -
Librarians: A 1,“; Col.
Provisional for School i i r o
Librarians: A ‘H Col. ‘ i
l ‘










1Provisional High School Certificates based upon training below college. grad-
uation are not valid in accredited High School, until the holder has received a
Baccalaureate degree.

nPrincipals are required to have two years experience.

B—Issued before September 1, 1935.

A—Issued after September 1, 1935.

‘The Standard Elementary certificate, based upon {our years of college, is
valid in grades 1 to 8 regardless of the school organization.

‘The high school certificate is valid in grades 7 and 8 in any organization
it these grades are departmentalized.

*After July 1. 1948. the Attendanre Officer’s certificate on the two-year
curriculum will not be issued.









 Section I i



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 Kentucky Revised Statutes
Teacher Education and Certification Laws

156.090 [4502-12] Certificates of School Employes; Board to
Publish Regulations Concerning—The State Board of Education,
upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, shall publish bulletins containing information on the kinds
and grades of certificates issued, the rules and regulations govern-
ing the issuance of each kind and grade of certificate, schools offer—
ing teacher-training courses, the renewal of certificates, the transfer
of certificates to and from other states, the acceptance of credentials
from institutions of other states, and such other information relating
to the training and certification of teachers as it deems advisable.

164.010 [4527-1; 4527-2; 4527-8] Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation; Membership.—There shall be a Council on Public Higher
Education in Kentucky, to be composed of the president or chief
executive officer of the University of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky
State Teachers College, Western Kentucky State Teachers College,
Murray State Teachers College and Morehead State Teachers Col-
lege; a member other than the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
of the board of regents of each of the state teachers colleges to be
selected by the board of regents of each teachers college; three
appointive members of the board of trustees of the University of
Kentucky to be selected by the board of trustees of the university;
two lay members of the State Board of Education to be selected by
the State Board of Education; the dean of the College of Education
of the University of Kentucky; and the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, who shall be chairman of the council. When the council
meets to consider curricula for teacher training, three persons who
are from accredited institutions of higher learning, who are not
members of the council and who have been appointed by the Execu-
tive Committee of the Association of Kentucky Colleges and Uni-
Versities. shall be invited to meet with the council in an advisory

164.020 [4527-1; 4527-3] Powers and Duties of Council.—The
Council on Public Higher Education in Kentucky shall:

(ll Coordinate the work and determine the curricular oEer-
ings of the state institutions of higher learning for white persons
in Kentucky, on the basis of efficiency and economy.










(2) Determine the amount of entrance fees and the qualifica—
tions for admission to each of such institutions.

(3) Consider the budgetary requirements of each of such
institutions and, on the basis of the needs of the various institutions
as indicated by the individual budgets submitted, recommend to the
Department of Finance a budget covering the needs of the insti-

(4) Require such reports from the executive officers of each
of such institutions as it deems necessary for the effectual per»
formance of its duties.

(5) Publish at least biennially a report of the educational and
financial afiairs of such institutions.

(6) Elect, if it deems necessary, a. secretary.

161.010 [4502-2] Definitions of Terms Used in KRS 161.020 to
161.130.—As used in KRS 161.020 to 161.130:

(1) “Standard college or university” means an institution
that is a member of the Association of Colleges and Universities of
the Southern States, the American Association of Teachers Colleges,
or the Kentucky Association of Colleges and Universities, or that
is recognized as an accredited four-year institution by the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.

(2) “Standard college or university work of graduate grade
means approved work in a standard college or university that has
a program of work extending beyond four years of college or
university work.

(3) “Semester” means eighteen weeks (one—half year) of
standard college or university work.

(4) “Semester hour” means one academic or college hour per
week for one semester.


161.020 [4502-6; 4502-10; 4502-11; 4503-2] Certificates Required
of School Employees; to be Filed; Validity of Certificates Issued
Under Former Law—(1) No person shall be eligible to hold the
position of superintendent, principal, teacher, supervisor, attend-
ance officer, or other public school position for which certificates
may be issued, or receive salary for services rendered in such
position, unless he holds a certificate of legal qualifications for such

(2) No person shall enter upon the duties of a position requir-
ing certification qualifications until his certificate has been filed or
credentials registered with the board of education employing him.


.. 1x A.













(3; Extension and renewal of certificates issued by the col-
leges prior to the adoption of the new school code will be performed
by the Superintendent of Public Instruction through the Division
of Teacher Training and Certification.

(4) The validity of any certificate or license in force 011 June
14, 1934, is not impaired by the provisions of KRS 161.020 to 161.130,
and such certificate or license shall be reissued or renewed in
accordance with the terms of the law applying at the date of issue.

Richardson v. Bell County Board of Education, 296 Ky. 520. Positions of
teacher and Asst. Supt. incompatible. (February 1, 1944.)

Martin v. Knott County Board- of Education, 275 Ky. 483. Qualifications of
applicant as teacher must be determined at the time he begins to fulfill contract
and not at the time that application is made. (November 22, 1938.)

161.030 [4502-1] Certification Authority—(1) The certification
of all superintendents, principals, teachers, supervisors, attendance
officers and other administrative, supervisory or instructional em-
ployes is vested in the State Board of Education. All certificates
issued under KRS 161.010 to 161.130 shall be issued in accordance
with the published rules and regulations'of the State Board of
Education through the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

(2‘‘ Certificates shall be issued. reissued and renewed to per-
sons who have completed, at the state teachers colleges of Kentucky '
for white persons or at the College of Education of the University
of Kentucky. the curricula prescribed by the Council on Public
Higher Education and approved by the State Board of Education
for the certificates.

(3) Certificates shall be issued to persons who have attended
the state institutions for colored persons in accordance with law
and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board
of Education.

(4) The State Board of Education shall approve the curricula
of any standard college or university, or of any department thereof
for the training of teachers, when the curricula comply with the
rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and are
equivalent to any or all the curricula prescribed for the state insti-
tutions for the issuance of certificates to students of the state
institutions. and when the institution has otherwise met the terms
and conditions provided in KRS 161.010 to 161.130. Any student
of such institution who has completed any of these curricula or the
equivalent thereof, as approved by the State Board of Education,
and who in addition thereto has completed the prescribed require-
ments for the issuance of certificates for teaching to students of
the state institutions may, by the State Board of Education, be
graned a certificate for teaching of the same validity and tenure







as certificates issued to students completing like requirements in
the state institutions.

Daviess County Board of Education v. Vanover, 219 Ky. 565; and McLeod v.
State, 1& S. W. 737. When a teacher has completed the qualifications required
by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and is not otherwise unfit morally or in ill
health, and meets the educational standard fixed by the county board of educa-
tion, he has a right to teach in the common schools and that an attempt of the
county board to prevent married women who meet the above qualifications from
teaching in the county sChools is unauthorized, and an abuse of discretion.
(April 29, 1927.)

161.040 [4502-11] General Qualifications for Certificates—No
person shall receive or hold any certificate provided for in KR‘S
161.050 who does not present evidence of good moral character, or
who is under eighteen years of age.

161.050 [4502-3] Kinds of Certificates Issued—There shall be
issued elementary certificates, high school certificates, certificates
in administration and supervision, attendance officers" certificates
and emergency certificates. Each certificate issued shall show on its
face the curriculum the holder has completed for its issuance.
befocigea naifiiiiseittidfi' 0‘; . sgclbsiidy 'of ZiivoKdddifii-na1Tiiaicglfierscli'dldiseugietistifrilceigiszfg? nigg-

renewal could not obtain renewal on subsequent acquisition of necessary unit.
(December 5, 1933.)

Fugate v. Fields, 247 Ky. 603. Teacher, whose certificate expired before
acquisition of additional scholarship necessary for renewal, could not obtain
renewal on subsequent acquisition of necessary scholarship. (January 13, 1933.)

161.060 [4502-3] Elementary Certificates; Provisional and
Standard—(1) The elementary certificate is valid for use in any
elementary school in this state.

(2) The provisional elementary certificate, valid for three
years, shall be issued to a person who has completed a curriculum
of sixty-four semester hours for the training; of elementary teachers
in a standard college or university, which curriculum meets the
minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education
for the issuance of such certificate. The certificate may he reissued
or renewed after two years’ teaching experience during the life of
the certificate or upon the presentation of sixteen semester hours
of additional standard college. or university work earned during the
life of the certificate and prescribed in the same manner as for the
original issue, and may be renewed thereafter upon the presenta-
tion of sixteen semester hours of additional standard college or
university work earned during the life of the certificate and pre-
scribed in the same manner as for the original issue.

(3) The standard elementary certificate, valid for four years,
shall be issued to a person who is a graduate of a standard four—year
college or university and who has completed a curriculum of at
least one hundred and twenty semester hours for the training
of elementary teachers, which curriculum meets the minimum



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standards prescribed by the State Board of Education for the
issuance of such certificate. The certificate may be reissued or
renewed every four years after three years’ teaching experience
during the life of the certificate or upon the presentation of one»half
year of standard college or university work of gradaute grade
prescribed in the same manner as for the original issue. The
standard elementary certificate may be extended for life upon the
presentation of evidence of the holder having completed a standard
four-year college or university curriculum of at least one hundred
and twenty semester hours for the training of elementary teachers
and in addition thereto one year of standard college or university
work of graduate grade, prescribed in the same manner as for the
original issue, and three years’ teaching experience in the ele~
mentary field during the life of the certificate.

Richmond v. Lay, 261 Ky. 138. Provisions of Chapter 13, Acts 1934, that any
teacher who had taught for more than twenty years prior to the effective date
thereof should have life certificate issued held invalid as not within scope of Gov-r
ernor’s call for the special Legislature to enact revenue measures or to make
appropriations as not relating to previous provisions (f statutes providing for
a. charge of $2 on one year extension of teacher’s certifica te. (November 1, 1935.)

Simpson County Board of Education, at al. v. Bradley, et al.. 246 Ky. 822.
Holder of life certificate is entitled to teach without further examination and
without requirements of scholastic training. (January 17, 1933.)

161.070 [4502-8] High School Certificates; Provisional and
Standard—(:1) The high school certificate is valid for use in any
high school in this state. . V W

(2) The provisional high school certificate, valid for four
years, shall be issued to a person who is a graduate of a standard
four-year college or university and who has completed a curriculum
of at least one hundred and twenty semester hours for the training
of high school teachers, which curriculum meets the minimum
standards prescribed by the State Board of Education for the issu-
ance of such certificate. The certificate may be reissued or renewed
every four years after three years’ teaching experience during the
life of the certificate or upon the presentation of one-half year of
standard college or university work of graduate grade earned dur-
ing the life of the certificate and prescribed in the same manner
as for the original issue.

(3) The standard high school certificate, valid for five years,
shall be issued to a person who is a graduate of a standard four-
year college or university, has completed a standard four-year
college or university curriculum for the training of high school
teachers, and has completed one year of standard college or
university work of graduate grade, all of which Work meets the
minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education for
the issuance of such certificate. The standard high school certificate






may be extended for life upon presentation of evidence that the
holder has had three years’ teaching experience in the high school
field during the life of the certificate.

Bracken County Board of Education, et al. v. Nickoson, 249 Ky. 419. Teacher
must be designated as principal when employed in order for rule and law to apply
to that party. (May 26, 1933.)

161.080 [4502-3] Administration and Supervision Certificates;
Provisional and Standard—(1) Certificates in administration and
supervision are valid for use in any position of superintendent,
principal, supervisor, teacher or attendance officer.

(2) The provisional certificate in administration and super-
vision, valid for four years, shall be issued to a person who has had
at least two years’ successful teaching experience, is a graduate of
a standard four—year college or university, and has completed
a standard four-year college or university curriculum of at least
one hundred and twenty semester hours for the training of admin-
istrators and supervisors, which curriculum meets the minimum
standards prescribed by the State Board of Education for the
issuance of such certificate. The certificate may be reissued or
renewed every four years after three years’ experience during the
life of the certificate or upon presentation of one—half year of
standard college or university work of graduate grade, prescribed
in the same manner as for the original issue.

(3) The standard certificate in administration and super—
vision, valid for five years, shall be issued to a person who has had
at least two years’ successful teaching experience, is a graduate of
a standard four-year college or university, has completed a standard
four-year college or university curriculum for the training of
administrators or supervisors and has completed one year of
standard college or university work of graduate grade, all of which
work meets the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board
of Education for the issuance of such certificate. The standard cer—
tificate in administration and supervision may be extended for life
upon presentation of evidence that the holder has had three years
of successful experience during the life of the certificate.
Holdseiingiro'iitgoggfidfiggferdisfiefdtligdtit):'tgaiciil'vsiiihgdfidig'thgi aelizéusigaiigfi Effie"!
without requirements of scholastic training. (January 17, 1933.)

161.090 [4502-4] Attendance Officers’ Certificates—The State
Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction, shall prepare rules and regulations
for the certification of attendance officers.

161.100 [4502-5] Emergency Certificates—When a district
board of education satisfies the State Board of Education that it is





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