xt7ghx15qn5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qn5b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1993 1993 1993-02-16 2020 true xt7ghx15qn5b section xt7ghx15qn5b  

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Clinton proposes
increase in taxes
to revive economy


By Terence Hunt
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President
Clinton issued an economic “call to
arms" last night. declaring to
Americans in his first prime-time
address from the Oval Office that
he will propose a program to revive
the economy through a painful
package of tax increases and
spending cuts.

Clinton’s economic program —
to be unveiled in a speech to Coti-
gress on Wednesday night —— will
be a far cry from the middle-class
tax cuts that (‘liuton advocated dur-
ing his campaign.

The president said he had hoped
to improve eduction. relorrn health
care and create jobs “without ask-
ing more of you.“ However. he
said, "1 cannot because the defi‘
cit has increased so much, beyond
my earlier estimates, beyond even
the worst estitnates from last year."

Promising to spread the pain
zunong all Americans. (‘lintoii said
70 percent of the taxes he would
propose would be home by those
who make more than $100,000 a
year. He said the payoff for all
Americans would be “millions of
long«terin. good-paying jobs. in-
cluding a program to jump start our
economy with another 500.000
jobs in 1993 zurd 1004."

“We have to face the fact that to
make the changes our country
needs. more Atnericans must con-
tribute today so that all Americans
can do better tomorrow,“ the presi-
dent said.

The speech previewed one he'll
make to (‘ongrcss on tomorrow
night outlining details of his pro-
gram to revitalize the economy turd
create jobs It also spurred an iii-
tense public relations hlitl. to over-
come resistance in (‘ongress and
:unong the public to $500 billion iii
tax increases and spending reduc-
tions in popular programs over four

Minority Leader Bob Dole (R—
Kan.) delivered a crisp Republicrm


Artists claim public


By Elizabeth Harrison
and Amy Barnes
Contributing Writers


Since the rap song “Rapper‘s De-
light" hit the music charts in 107‘).
rap ruusic has taken off as a chroni-
cle of the black experience.

“Rap music is the voice of Afri-
can-American youth." said Bill
Clary, production manager of
W(‘.Kll-IM. “Technically, it is an
outgrowth of different styles that
have been around for some time.“

To make

Americans must
contribute today so
that all Americans can
do better tomorrow.

-—- President Clinton


response to (‘linton‘s address. ex-
pressing skepticism that the admin—
istration was cutting spending far
enough before asking for tnore tart-

"We've both heard lots of
speeches about ‘sacril‘icef but
we‘ll be working with you to make
certain that sacrifice isn't just a
presidential code word for more
taxes. more spending and more
mandates frorn Washington." Dole
said. "’I‘hat's the kind of sacrifice
that will break the back of middle-
class America, and lead us right
into economic ruin.“

Clinton‘s speech zunounted to a
lecture on the nation's economic
problems and the solutions he pro-
poses to fix them. llsing charts and
graphs. he blamed the woes on the
policies of Ronald Reagan zuid
(ieorge Bush.

(Tasting himsell as the agent of
change. (‘linton said. “My message
to you is clear: the price of doing
the stune old thing is far higher
than the price of change. 'lhat‘s
why you sent me here. not to keep
this seat wann hill to work for fun-
damental change.“

Over the past 12 years. (‘linton
said. “the federal deficit roared out
of control."



Along the way. this music form
has developed a social conscious-
rtess and anger that lends itself to
the fears and frustrations of all peo~
ple, not just those who listen to rap.
Still, the essence of the music is
distinctly centered around the black
community. particularly black



University _Of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Tuesday, February 16, 1993


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Associated Press


A blanket of snow tip to several
inches thick fell across much of
Kentucky yesterday. causing
hundreds of accidents but appar-
ently few serious injuries.

Snow was reported over the cn«
tire state at 5 pm. IiST. the
weather service said. A few hours
later the precipitation was chang
ing to sleet and rain from west to

Meteorologist Robert Klein
said. "All we ctut do now is sit


\' I" '5."


. y .
, I ’
a X“; a .

I 4 .-

Computer science graduate student David Brewer, 31, watches as his 3-year-old son Tony rolls a snowball yesterday. Sev-
eral inches of snowfall were reported throughout the state last night.

Snowfall causes several accidents

back and wait and see what hap-
pens. This has the potential to be
the biggest snow in quite some

I‘aducah in western Kentucky
had reported 6 inches of snow by
7 pm. 1581. when the precipita—
tioii had changed over to sleet.

(‘apc (iirardeau, Mo, just
across the river from westeni Ken-
tucky. had rcponed II inches of

l-our inches of snow had been
reported at Louisville. Ky. and at
liort Campbell. Ky.. also by 7

‘ \
w. (xv- ‘





‘tm r .
‘ ' 1‘ To 1

p in.

Bowling (irecu. Ky, was re~
porting an inch of snow with light
rain tailing. and about two inches
ct \Il 2w had accumulated at Blue
(irass Airport iii Lexington. Ky..
the National Weather Service
said I‘on Kno\. Ky. had record-
ed three inches of snow.

Stores reported being crowded
with residents stocking up on gio~
ceries. medicines itlltl supplies in
adumce ol the expected snow

"Snow days are our better
days.” said .ludy Walker. backup


as a.“ two...
a ‘ l v-t

PETER MOORE “fewer 9a“

head cashier at the Kroger grocery
in Murray. Ky “'lhcy panic. They
hear the word snow and they run.
We're very busy “

Alvcna lieascl. a clerk at the
Kroger in I’aducah. K). said.
"lhcie's big orders going out
here I had one lady tell the she
bought for three days. just in
(the H

\lctrackcn (‘otinty schools let
out early bccause of the snow
Sheriff‘s deputies said at least
tour buses slid ol‘I tlic roads. but
no childicn were injured.



bombards rap with negative criticisms


The lyrics of rapper Ice-T‘s "(‘op
Killer." from the album "Body
Count." depict the anger and resent-
ment many young blacks feel to-
ward society.

Though not a rap song. the hard-
rap edge remains strong. “I got my
lZ—gauge sawed off/Arid I got my
h‘adlights tunied off/I‘m bout to
bust some shots off/I‘m bout to
dust some cops off/Die. die. die.
pig. die!"

From hard-core artists like Ice-T

Legislature agrees on ethics reform


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky. — After
some posturing this moming about
which side was tougher. Senate and
House negotiators agreed on an eth-
ics bill that should end the current
special session in a day or two.

The talks appeared to break
down early yesterday on a disagree-
ment about public financing in gu-
bcmatorial campaigns.

But after the two sides separated,
they returned and took public fi-
nancing out of the mix and accept-
ed compromises reached Sunday
night on political action commit-
tees, the legislator-lobbyist relation-
ship, how to treat legislators who
have professions and campaign-
contribution reporting.

Both sides accepted the Senate‘s
approach to the legislator-lobbyist


An individual or organization
that employs a lobbyist would be
able to spend up to SIOO per year

on a legisla-
tor and
spouse for
meals and
drinks. The
$100 restric-
tion would
apply to the
regardless of
how many in-
dividual lob.
byists were em-


All of the money spent Would
have to be publicly reported.

“In the Senate‘s view, we need to
be consistent whether it‘s a lobbyist
or a lobbyist‘s principal," Senate
President John H‘Eek' Rose said.

The House version of PAC mon-
ey was accepted.

A legislative candidate could take
35 percent of their total campaign
fund from PACs. Alternatively.
they could accept $5,000 from
PACs during a one-year election cy-
cle, whichever is greater.



The two sides zdso agreed to re-
quire public reporting of all carn-
paign contributions of $100 or
more and all PA(‘ money.

Lawyers who had professional
careers. such as lawyers. licensed
real estate agents and accountants.
would be prohibited from practic-
ing before most state agencies.
Their partners would not be re-
stricted. but lawmakers could not
share in the profits from their part-
ners' work.

A conflict over who should quali-
fy for public financing in the 1005
gubeniatorial campaign was the is-
suc that threatened to scuttle the
whole session. And the dispute
found House Democrats on one
side. Senate Democrats on the other
joined by Republicans from both

Rose said earlier today public fi-
nancing was a pan of his Sunday
proposal and without it, a new
package would have to be offered.

See ETHICS, Back Page

and lce-(‘ube to the hip-hop music
of Arrested Development and
Queen l.atifah. rap has earned both
positive and negative reviews.

The controversial “(‘op Killer"
attracted attention from police offi-
cials .uid political leaders alike Ill

Police oi‘gani/atrons nationwide
rctractcd their linancial support
from Ice-l”s record distributor.
Time Warner. With a Sltl million
contract at stake. Ice-T voluntzu‘ily
pulled his album from store



In a time of budget cuts and
layoffs, UK President Charles
Wethington can't be afraid to
speak with the UK community ~—
even if it means encountering the
unknown. Editorial. Page 4.


Bone Club cares little for playing
what will appeal to the masses.
Review. Page 3.


Hoosiers two votes short of being
the No. 1 team The Associated
Press poll. Story. Page 2.


Rain or snow likely this morning;
high in the mid-30$. Partly cloudy
tonight; low around 20. Partly
sunny tomorrow; high in the


lower 30$.


Sports 2

Diversions .. 3





The National Black I’olice :\\si\\‘l;t~
lion defended lcc-l. prompting
Time Wilmer to hack the contrmcn
sial rap artist. who won RI’HIII‘:
Stone triagannc‘s Best Male Rapper
award Ill N”:
“.-\s tar as rap making people do
cra/y stuff. it‘s a matter of mind.
not music." said .«\lc\andra Illll.’l~
nowski. an international business

Although rap lyrics ha\c caused
widespread controversy. it remains

.in integral force iii the lives of
young Americans.

“I tlitiik the fact that many rap
artists are bringing tip some fairly
uncomfortable I\~llc.\ is a sign that
society needs to listen to thcse an
ists and begin to deal \\llll Illk‘v
problems." said Maggie (‘ollistci
an undeclared freshman

Artists like Quccn Iatilalt and
Arrested Development. whose lyr—
ics are no less socially conscious
than those of he I'. present a softer.

See RAP. Back Page

Attorneys say mistakes
of judge hurt Tyson case


By Thomas P. Wyman
Associated Press


would have been acquitted of rap-
ing a beauty pageant contestant but
for a slew of legal mistakes made
by the trial judge last year. his at-
tomcy says.

Alan Dcrshowit/ wants the India-
na Court of Appeals to grant the
former heavyweight boxing cham-
pion a new trial.

(‘oun papers already filed layout
the strategy both sides were to fol-
low in oral arguments yesterday be-
fore a three-judge panel.

Tyson, 26, was convicted Feb.
IO,|992, after Desiree Washington
told jurors he raped her nearly sev-
en months earlier in his Indianapo-
lis hotel room.

“After all this is talked about.
pcorile are now up in the air about
what went on in that room." Der-


shown] said
"We want a
new trial, In
a new trial.
Mike Tyson
would be ac

The state.
led on appeal
by Chief
Deputy At-
toniey (len-
cral lawrence
M. Reuben.
said the trial was fair.

But Dershowit/ argued that Mari-
on Superior (‘oiirt Judge Patricia J.
Gifford unfairly barred three poten-
tial defense witnesses from testify-
ing. ruling in part that they came
forward too late.

The defense team also says jurors
should not have been allowed to
hear a tape recording of the tele-
phone call Washington made to te-

See TYSON, Back Page




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terfly. said that a good measure of
the team's improvement was Jan.
30's meet against Louisiana State.

By Lance Williams
Stall Writer

Senior Wendy Hipskind remem- Two
hers when the UK Lady Katfish years
were just floundering about in the the



Southeastem Conference waters. en‘s team

“When I was a freshman in defeated _
terms of overall team play. we wer- LSU' but "
en‘t really a great learn." Hipskind was 0“ a
said. meet after a

, rest period.

However, both Hipskind and the The win this fl
Katfish have adjusted to the flow of year is more ‘ a
the treacherous conference rivers important .- ‘
and are beginning to challenge the because of the HIPSKIND

SliC elite.

Hipskind. who is ranked second
in the NCAA in the ZOO-yard bu-

fact that it was a dual meet.
“(The win) meant that we don‘t
have to rest to beat teams in dual

Despite loss to Hogs,

Wildcats still No. 2
in college hoops poll


The Hoosiers finally topped the
Wildcats in the Kentucky Kernel
poll. moving from No. 2 to No. 1
because of the Wildcats‘ 101-94
loss at Arkansas. UK was No. 1 last

Staff, wire reports


Indiana. which took a command-
ing lead in the Big Ten with two
conference victories last weck. was

two votes short of being the unani- week. .
mous No. 1 team in The Associated An'lona (17-2). which has the na—
Press‘ poll this week. tion‘s longest current winning

streak at l5. moved up one spot to
fourth in the AP poll and was the
other team to receive a No. I vote.

Michigan (IO-4) dropped one
spot to fifth with that loss to India-
na and Kansas moved up one to
sixth after beating Oklahoma State
and Missouri

Duke 1104). which lost at home
to Wake Forest. fell from third to
seventh and was followed in the
Top 10 by Cincinnati. Florida State
and Wake Forest.

While the Top 10 teams remained
the same as last week. there were
two new members in the bottom
section of the poll.

Louisvrlle (l4-6). which ended
UNI V‘s 59-game home winning

The Hoosiers (22-2) won both
their games last week. a controver-
sial road win at Penn State and an
impressive home win over Michi-
gan that was much worse than the
one-point margin indicated

Indiana received 59 of the 61
first-place votes cast by a nation-
wide panel of writers and broad-

UK (IS-2) held second despite
splitting its games this past week.
—- losing to Arkansas Wednesday
night in Fayettew’lle. Ark. and then
defeating Notre Dame Saturday in
Notre Dame. Ind. — while North
Carolina (20-3) moved from sixth
to third with a pair of wins. North
Carolina also got a first-place vote.






Otis A. Singletary

W. L. Matthews, Jr.

UK Seniors who expect to enroll in one of the University
of Kentucky’s graduate or professional programs for
1993—94 are eligible to apply for the Otis A. Singletary
and W. L. Matthews. Jr. Fellowships.

Application forms and a statement of criteria for
eligibility are available in the Graduate School, 365
Patterson Office Tower.

Stipend: $10,000
Application Deadline: March 8, 1993








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meets." Hipskind said.

She said the win was "a major
stepping-stone“ on the team‘s rise
to the top of the SEC. She said that
this year‘s team has “progressed
150 percent" past last year‘s squad.

Hipskind is looking ahead to the
SEC championships. which begin
tomorrow and run through Feb. 20
in Fayetteville. Ark. “I‘m really
anxious for the team." Hipskind

She said she still recognizes the
importance of the SEC tournament.

“I just hope to God I swim fast."
Hipskind said.

However, as an individual. she
has her eyes focused on the NCAA

REG EANSIKevnel Start
UK point guard Travis Ford
go's clobbered by Mississippi
State‘s Vandale Thomas and
Orion Watson (12) during a UK
victory earlier this season at
Rupp Arena. Ford and UK re-
mained No. 2 in this week's
AP poll.

streak Sunday in Las Vegas. Nev..
jumped in at No. 22.

The Cardinals were ranked early
in the season but dropped out of
the poll with a 2-4 start. which in-
cluded a home loss to UK.

St. John‘s (14-6). the pre—season
No. 9 pick in the Big Fast that is
currently leading that conference.
is No. 25 after beating Providence
and Boston College last week.

Vanderbilt led the Second 10
and was followed by Utah. Arkan-
sas. Purdue. UNLV. Seton Hall.
Pittsburgh. Tulane. Massachusetts.
and Iowa. which dropped seven
spots from last week.

New Orleans was up to 2lst and
was followed by Louisville. Vir-
ginia. Marquette and St. John‘s.

Boston College (13-7) dropped
from the rankings after losing road
games to Miami and St. John‘s.
The Eagles, who were 21st. play at


Hipskind, Katfish navigating conference rapids

Championships in Minneapolis.
She wants to place this time. hav-
ing failed to place in either the
NCAA Championships or the
Olympic Trials.

As she looks toward her final
meets, Hipskind can reflect on her
accomplishments during her time
with the Lady Katfish.

She attributes the marked im-
provement of herself and the team
to the closeness of the squad.

“(The closeness) is the reason I
came here." said Hipskind. who
came to UK from Virginia.

She holds the UK record in the

200-yard butterfly. the 100- yard
butterfly and the 2(X)-yard individu-



The Wildcats in the polls

Kentucky Kernel

The Top 20 teams in the Kentucky
Kernel‘e college basketball poll. with
first-place votes are in parentheses
and recorch through Feb.14.

Team Rec. Pts. va.
1.Indiana (8) 22.2 179 2
2. UK 18-2 161 1
3. North Carolina 20.3 157 5
4. Michigan 19.4 144 3
5. Arizona 17-2 142 5
6. Kansas 20.3 136 5
7. Cincinnati 19.2 122 a
8. Duke 19-4 120 3
9. Florida State 19.5 107 11
10. Wake Forest 16-4 104 13
11.Vanderbilt 19-4 103 10
12.Utah 19-3 72 17
13.Arkansas 16-5 68 14
14.Purduc 15.5 47 19
15.lowa 14-6 45 12
16.UNLV 16-3 42 9
17.SetonHall 15.5 32 17
18. Tulane 174 28 _
19. Massachusetts 17.4 19 _.
20. Pittsburgh 15-5 16 15



al medley. and she is a member of
the record-holding 400- and 800—
yard medley relay teams.

Looking back on the past four
years. last spring always sticks out
as the high point of her career, She

She qualified for the Olympic
Trials in the 200 fly. but she fin-
ished 18th in the event.

“l didn't swim real great." said
Hipskind. who noted that her show-
ing was affected by the upcoming
NCAA championships for which
she also was preparing.

She said although she did not fin-
ish as high as she had hoped. she

better this season

Her acquaintance with Lexington
swimmer Megan Kleine, who com-
peted in the Summer Olympics in
Barcelona. was among the high-
lights of her Trials experience. she

Last year in the SEC. champion-
ships. Hipskind placed fourth in the
IOO-yard fly. sixth in the ZOO-yard
individual medley and second in
the ZOO-yard fly. She also swam in
four relays.

This year she wants to recreate
those feats, but in a different venue
— the NCAA Championships.

“I want to place in the top four.
and I want to get my best times,”
Hipskind said. “I want to go out


will never forget the experience. with a bang."


The Associated Press USA Today-CNN
TheTopZStaarnsinTheAseociatad The TopzsmlnttieUSAToday-
Preea' college baakelbd ll, with CNN basketball coaches' poll, with
first-pales votes wan as and first-place votes are in parentheses
records throu¢1 . 14. and records through Fob.14.

Team Rec. Pts. va Team Rec. Pts. va
1.Indiana (59) 22-2 1.521 1 1. Indiana (31) 22—2 847 1
2. UK 18-2 1,351 2 2. UK (a) 18-2 761 2
3. North Carolina (1) 20-3 1.348 6 3. North Carolina 20-3 744 6
4. Arizona 17-2 1.305 5 4. Kansas 20-3 735 5
5. Michigan 19-4 1,281 4 5. Michigan 19-4 728 4
6. Kansas 20-3 1.275 7 6. Arizona 17 2 705 7
7. Duke 19-4 1.132 3 7. Cincinnati 192 627 8
8. Cincinnati 19-2 1.114 8 8. Duke 19-4 620 3
9. Florida State 19-6 1,064 10 9. Florida State 19-6 552 12
10. Wake Forest 16-4 1.029 9 10. Vanderbilt 19-4 512 13
11. Vanderbilt 19-4 929 11 11. Wake Forest 16-4 507 15
12. Utah 19-3 724 16 12. Arkansas 16 5 382 11
13. Arkanlu 16-5 695 14 13. Utah 19 3 380 14
14. Purdue 15-5 565 18 14. UNLV 16 3 340 10
15. UNLV 16-3 558 12 15. Pittsburgh 15 5 320 17
16. Seton Hall 186 538 19 16. Iowa 146 316 9
17. Pittsburgh 15-5 529 17 17. Purdue 15 5 296 20
18. Tulane 17-4 467 20 18. Seton Hall 18-6 292 18
19. Massachusetts 17-4 455 22 19. Tulane 17 4 192 21
20. Iowa 14-6 396 13 20. Massachusetts 15-4 184 23
21. New Orleans 17-2 278 25 21. Virginia 16-5 145 19
22. Louisville 14-6 226 —- 22. Marquette 17-4 135 16
23. Virginia 15-5 197 24 23. New Orleans 17-2 96 —
24. Marquette 17-4 178 15 23. Oklahoma 16-7 96 22
25. St. John's 14—6 172 —~ 25. Louisville 14-6 91 25



Pittsburgh tonight

Kansas State (IS-5) was in at
No. 23 for just one week. The
Wildcats did beat Iowa State. but
they lost to Missouri and Nebraska.

UK tennis team takes momentum
into Louisville for team tournament





rAN SHACK 299-9157

1537 Eosilond Pkwy.
Mon-Sat Born—8pm. . (across from Continentollnn) 0 Sun i—5p.m.







Invited Speaker:

Dr. Lee Magid

Vice-President for Research
and Graduate Studies


“The Changing Partnership Between
Research-Intensive Universities and the
Federal Government: Observations on the
Health of Research and Graduate Education

Locally and Nationally ”

Question and Answer Session Will Follow
Everyone Ie Invlted



February 17, 1993
3:00 p.m.

Worsham Theatre
Universilty of Kentucky







Stait reports


UK will play host to the 1993
Men‘s National Indoor Intercolle-
giate Tennis Team Championships.
which kicks off tomorrow in Louis-
ville. Ky.

UK will face the Slit-ranked Tar
Heels of North Carolina. Both
teams will receive first-round byes.
If the Cats advance, they most like-
ly will face No. 2 Stanford.

This tournament will feature
most of the competition that colle-
giate tennis has to offer. In fact. 19

of the nation's top 25 teams will be
in Louisville. The only non-ranked
team. Colorado. just missed the top

As far as individual talent. 31 of
the top 50 singles collegiate
players will step on the courts. The
No. 1 player in America. Mississip-
pi State’s Daniel Courcol. will be
seeking to avenge his poor perfor-
mance earlier this year in Lexing-
ton. The Paris. France. native was
eliminated during his first action in
both singles turd doubles competi-

Sunday in the Country

(a'rr'cmce. 1984)

‘Tuesday. Feb. 16 at 8:00 pm
Free with student l.D. at Center Theater



This year as part of the
Little Kentucky Derby
Festival, the Student

Activities Board is intro-
ducing an Arts Fair to be
held on April 17.

We are inviting UK

the first LKD Arts Fair.


students and local commu-
nity artists to participate in


Pick up awlications
Student Activities Office
203 Student Center

Deadline: Febmary 22










y- -: glue. ~’



















Imagine a world in which chil-
dren are taught that JFK and Mal-
colm X were killed by the CIA.
The next day, they would discover
that baseball legend Babe Ruth
was an over-indulgent slob and
film great Charlie Chaplin chased
women half his age.

Don’t remember reading any of
that in your history books? It
wasn‘t there. Nor were there com-
peting stories about the sins of
Christopher Columbus. But, re-
cently, Hollywood has taken to
teaching us history in its own spe-
cial way.

Film biographies (or “biopics,”
as they are called in the industry)
have been unusually bountiful of
late. It's easy to see why. Biopics
tend to attract big-name actors like
Jack Nicholson and Denzel Wash-
ington, and they generally are con-
tenders for Academy Awards.

What's more. they have a pre-
sold audience. Everyone has at
least heard of Christopher Colum-
bus and Malcolm X. Plus, the sto-
ry's already written. There's no
need to pay writers big dividends
for new ideas when you're making
a biography. Just stick to the facts.

Well, don't quite stick to the
facts. If you stick to the facts too
closely, no one’s going to want to

Just imagine JFK without its
conspiracy angle. That would have
been about as interesting as an-
other Christopher Columbus mo-

With these liberties comes some
danger. Regardless of whether the
director means for his film to be a
statement of facts or an interpreta-
tion of them (as JFK was), many
in the general public will fail to
make the distinction.

Grungy Bone Club

Bone Club
Imago Records


By Brian Manley
Staff Critic


Believe it or not, not every hand
on the market today is infatuated
with MTV or becoming pan of the
popular trends in modern rock.

Bom of five straightforward reg-
ular guys who want nothing more
than to play music that “feels
good," Bone Club cares little for la-
bels or for playing what will appeal
to the masses.

Hailing from that mecca of bone-
shattering psychedelic rock, Minne-
sota, Bone Club has combined the
core elements of heavy distorted
guitars, tight drums and slow, deep
bass to create what could easily be
described as an extremely angry
Pearl Jam, although with a little less
songwriting talent.

Fronted by vocalist Andrew Ara-
shiba, Bone Club claims the ulti-
mate in underground followings.

Hollywood distorts history
with bountiful biographies


Greg Laber
Kernel Columnist


As “Malcolm X” director Spike
Lee has pointed out, movies are be-
coming our nation’s history books.

That‘s why films like “Malcolm
x" are so important. Lee had to
fight for the right to make his film.
Originally, the “X" story had been
assigned to “In Country" director
Nonnan Jewison. But many
thought that the life of the black
Muslim minister and human rights
activist was too important a chapter
of American history to be left in
the hands of a white man.

The end result was stunning.
Dcnzel Washington embodied Mal-
colm X in a performance that cries
out for Academy recognition. Lee‘s
direction is brisk and bold, making
the three-hour movie a delight to
sit through.

Why, then, did “Malcolm X" fail
to live up to all its hype? Accord-
ing to Hollywood, there was too
high a “spinach factor." The spin-
ach factor is a new term descriptive
of films that audiences perceive as
“good for them."

With a troubled economy, audi-
ences today aren‘t willing to spend
their money on anything less than
full-blown entertainment.

If Malcolm had been a cop and
had a hunky Australian sidekick
who liked to blow things up, we'd
be in business.

Another problem facing today‘s
film biographies is the sheer length
of the things. While the nearly
three and a half hours of “Malcolm
X“ flashed by in what seemed like
a few minutes, every second of last
year's overblown Christopher Co—
lumbus epic felt like days.



The group already has released sev-
eral singles and a debut Ll’ (Bless
This) on its own label, Rocket

It has toured the East and West
Coasts and performed three Euro-
pean stints. This reminds one of the
scene in “Singles" in which Matt
Dillon describes how his poorly rc‘
viewed band, Citizen Dick, has
broken big in Belgium.

Bone Club has a somewhat
bigger following than (‘itizen Dick
did, and it undoubtedly has more
talent. The crowds coming to see
them in Europe and America have
grown considerably, and the band
is receiving a large amount of air-
play from many college stations
around the country.

One attention-drawing attraction
is the tight sound the band has

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Perhaps the biggest trend in re-
cent biopics is celebrity trashing.
For years, films like “Ghandi” por-
trayed only saintly figures in sani-
tized films so squeaky clean even
Tipper Gore couldn‘t find anything
to complain about. But ever since
Oliver Stone's “warts-only” presen-
tation of Jim Morrison in “The
Doors," we’ve seen nothing but the
dark side of our national heroes.

This, too, is a reason for the box
office failures of recent biopics.
Only a baseball fan would pay mon-
ey for the life story of Babe Ruth,
but what self-respecting baseball

fan wants to sit through the abuse of

“The Babe?"

No one wants to see his heroes

However. some pictures aren‘t
even being made about our heroes.
Danny DeVito's teamster epic,
“Hoffa," focused on a man hated by
pretty much everybody.

Now people in Hollywood are
turning their collective back on the
biopic. They say America doesn‘t
want to see anything that doesn’t
have guns and girls.

But I, for one, enjoy a good film
biography. The Dustin Hoffman
film “Lenny," which focuses on the
life of doomed comedian Lenny
Bruce, is a perfect example of a
film that’s both entertaining and in-

If filmmakers stop making bio-
pics, they’ll be doing all of us a dis—
service. But if these movies are go—
ing to be our nation‘s history books,
how about putting a little more time
into them?

Greg Laber is a psychology seri-
ior and a Kentucky Kernel contrib—
uting columnist.






TOP: Jack Nicholson stars in
‘Hofta,’ the latest film biogra-
phy released as a motion pic-
ture. Directed by Danny DeVi-
to, ‘Hoffa' looks at the life and
mysterious death of labor
leader Jimmy Hoffa.

LEFT: Danny DeVito stars
and directs ‘Hoffa.’ the latest
of a wave of biopics to hit the
silver screen recently.

brandishes psychedelic rock on debut

created. The groovedirected
rhythm section is Pat Kallemeyn
(bass), John Hausman (rhythm gui-
tar) and David Andler (drums), led
by Dacey Arashiba on a heavy lead

Arashiba's voice is a cross be-
tween an apathetic growl and a fu-
rious exclamation. In the same vein
as Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder, Ara-
shiba almost mumbles to himself
some lyrics, carries a somewhat

harmonic melody through others,
and at times he shouts as though the
entire world has brutally insulted

Armed with this heavy, uncaring
but talented sound, these Minnesota
descendants dangerously cross the
line into what the media have so
thoughtfully dubbed (for their own
purposes) the “grunge" sound.

I hate to label these guys that way


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