xt7ghx15qn35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qn35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1991 1991 1991-11-25 2020 true xt7ghx15qn35 section xt7ghx15qn35  

Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894 Unlve‘rslty of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday, November 25, 1991

Vol. XCIV, No. 228

Students regain access to campus police files

Staff Writer

College campus newspapers now
have the right to access campus
crime reports from university police
files, according to a ruling made by
the US. District Court for the Dis-
trict of Columbia.

The Nov. 21 court decision pro-

hibits universities from using the
Buckley Amendment as a justifica-
tion for denying campus newspa-
pers access to police records.

In the ruling, Judge Stanley S.
Harris said the Department of Edu-
cation no longer can threaten to
strip schools of federal funds for re-
leasing campus police reports.

Since March 4, 1991, newspapers


Staff Writer

the goal.

fund~raismg drive.

headed" the campaign.


was real close."



UK President Charles Wethington and United Way co-chair
Karen Sexton announced that the campus effort met its goal.

UK meets goal by
$8 for United Way

UK linited Way offiCials held a press conference Friday to an
nounce the successful end to its most recent campaign.

The total goal for the campaign. which ended Nov. 18. was
$469,421. The University surpassed that goal, raising 58 more than

After members of the UK cheerleading squad kicked off the meet-
ing. UK President Charles Wethington spoke on the success of the

He then introduced Darwm Allen and Karen Sexton, cochairs of
UK's United Way, Wethington praised the two for having “spear—

Allen said nearly all of UK‘s l7 divisions met their goals for this

However, not all of the money has been received. Some Will con-
tinue to trickle in from last-minute donations. he said.

Sexton said she was “excited the University of Kentucky could do
this," referring to unity of the school during the drive.

Allen also expresses excitetnent, saying: “We‘re also relieved. It

“The significance of this campaign was the importance of every
contribution. Only $8 over proves that it's a team effort," Allen said.

After Allen and Sexton spoke. names were drawn to decide the
winners of tickets to UK basketball games. The UK United Way sold
1,500 raffle tickets for $2 each to raise additional funds.

GREG SANS/Kernel Staff



Another sexual assault
occurs on UK campus

Staff reports

A UK student was sexually as~
saulted on campus last week. said
UK Police Chief W.H. McComas.

“We did have another case," of
sexual assault, he said.

The victim. a female student. was
forced between two cars and was
sexually assaulted by two black

The assault occurred Nov, 12
around 7 pm. on Hugelet Drive
near Building A of Cooperstown
Aparuncnts. he said.

McComas said no composite of
the attackers was available because
it was dark outside.

“No suspect has been identified
because she , - the complainant. is
unable to identify anyone because it
was dark when she was grabbed."


“No suspect has been
identified because she
— the complainant, is
unable to identify
anyone because it was
dark when she was

W.H. McComas,
UK Police Chief


This is the second reported sexual
assault to take place on campus this
year. The first reported assault this
year took place Oct. 23 behind the
WD. Funkhouser Building. That
incident also involved a female stu»
dent being grabbed in a sexual man

McComas said the report is being
investigated by the UKPD.

have had limited ability in obtain-
ing information concerning crimi-
nal activity on campus.

UK Police Chief W.H. McComas
received a copy of the courts deci-
sion on Friday.

“I’ve only read it one time and ——
if, in fact, it is as such — we will
change our policy,” he said.

McComas also said he would like

UK legal counsel to examine the
court‘s decision very carefully.

“I did speak with my boss in the
central administration and if it’s
nothing different than what I've
read here, we will go back as we
were March 4 when we changed,”
he said.

McComas does not believe the
decision will affect the current UK

policy involving student media and

“This is really not a big change
for us. We will simply make a copy
of all police records, regardless of
who the individual may be

Since the University changed its
policy, he has put non-students only
in the media file, McComas said.

“Even in our media file, the Ken

tricky Kernel has never come over
to read it. I've been here five years
and nobody has looked at i: such
Feb 28,1991. he said.

However. Victoria Martin t'tllltr!’
lIl chief of the Kentucky Kernel be
iieves the decision VHIi .‘t..::. .i
strongV impact the paw

See RECORDS 9.39610

Racial intolerance on campuses growing

Associated Press

lTHACA, N.Y. —— Racial intoler-
ance is growing more acceptable on
American college campuses, say
Jewish and black experts on the
subject who read the warning signs
in college newspapers.

For examples, they point to recent
ads in the newspapers suggesting
the Holocaust was fabricated, and
increasing hate messages in student
articles and even classified ads
aimed at minorities.

“We see a very disturbing trend
evolving here," said Rabbi Abra-
ham Cooper, associate dean of the
Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los
Angeles. “Bigotry has come out in
the open. Using code words like
freedom of expression, they’re try-
ing to buy their way into legitima-

A full-page ad claiming the Nazis
didn’t intend to exterminate the
Jews and calling the accepted figure
of six million Jewish deaths during
World War 11 “an irresponsible ex-
aggeration" has run recently in stu—
dent newspapers at Cornell, Duke,


“As long as he (David Duke) was wearing the
hood, he couldn‘t move forward in American
society, so he put on the three-piece suit... the
bigots have learned the tricks of the trade and
are masking that bigotry behind
middle-of-the-road political rhetoric.”

Rabbi Abraham Cooper,

dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center


Michigan and Nonhwestem univer-

The ads were bought by Bradley
Smith of Visalia, Calif, on behalf
of the Committee for Open Debate
of the Holocaust. Smith is affiliated
with the Institute for Historical Re»
view, an organization dedicated to
proving Adolf Hitler‘s slaughter of
Jews never occurred.

Other schools rejected the ad. in
eluding the University of Pennsyl-
vania, Harvard. Yale, Brown, Rut-
gers, Wisconsin, Georgetown and
the University of California at Los
Angeles and at Berkeley.

But getting such ads into college
newspapers is akin to David Duke’s
ability to gather national support for

his unsuccessful bid for LOUts‘ldn’d
governor, Cooper said.

“As long as he was wearing the
hood, he couldn‘t move forward in
American society, so he put on the
three-piece suit.“ Cooper said of the
former Ku Klux Klan leader. “The
bigots have learned the tricks of the
trade and are masking that bigotry
behind middle—of—theroad political

An increasing number of campus
incidents of racist VltlICTILC. both
physical and verbal. are another in.
dicator of the climate of intoler»
ance. said Michael Nelson. national
college coordinator for the National
Association for the Advancement o:
Colored People.


Contributing Writer



UK football coach Bill Curry spoke Friday at the Circle of Love benefit for local needy chiiCren he
empha5ized the importance of generosity in development of these children.

Christmas spirit comes
early for needy children

\ ide (‘hristrnas gitts for .it lt-.i>t "ti - .t u-zit ;:
Blanton and l’K football coach Bill Curry c :it our


Christmas carols, holiday cookies, punch and the
rallying UK cheerleaders all contributed to the early
Christmas spirit at the “Circle of Love" benefit.

UK officials urged faculty and staff to “put Our re
sources where our hearts are by providing a wonder
ful holiday season for those less fonunate children."
said Jack Blanton, UK's vice chancellor for adminis

Jeanie Chase developed “Circle of Low,“ which
originated in 1986 at Albert 8. Chandler Medical
Center. The program tries to bring happiness to area
children who ordinarily may not have such Merry

UK kicked off the Human Resource Develop-
ment-sponsored benefit at the Student Center patio
Friday aftemoon.

The children are chosen for the program on a basis
of need and on input from area guidance counselors
The goal of the “Circle of Love“ this year is to pro

.igcd everyone to contribute I'Tltld).

Rlatiton L‘lllphtl‘sl/L‘tl nearly it!“ yoiiiigstt.»
haw benefited during the five years the i‘ri-grait. has
been in existence


(‘urry pointed out that even his punt-is .it. 3.. r. .;
_\otiths who until assurance the} at: Io\..l Suzi; til
the greatest challenges in life “come A '11: ~. aizzg
people who wonder all their Il\t‘\ lI .Nt‘lllt‘i‘llt . rtal
I\ out their who cares." he said

He added that generosity on the part of t.it i.. -. .i .ii
stall can eliminate such doubt by gixiiig lt‘ Yin ».
who ordinarily ft‘t‘CHt‘ nothing

\nyone can play .i part in ”It “t'ii‘cle of "tin:
through obtaining an inforitiiitioii card of .i viciulu
child. This card Il\'l.\ such things .1\ the child's mime
age. sex and Christmas list.

”t‘ittlc of line" organi/crs itlcn‘i'i) \wtild its.
\oltintct‘rs to purchase LII least one of the items .
the child‘s list so the child can participate in the gii
my and sharing of Christmas.



"Over the course of the last few
wars. the Ulltllllcl'dl lltc‘l'sc‘ to be
cttltic IIIUI'C f'ctttsl till \cllllr’ti" it
been issued. ‘ \cIsot. sait‘.

This past year alone, he dint. Itt
thl .\\A(f’ cIi.i;)LL‘f\ Ital» .' bt'ctilltj
involved in disputes alicgirig ra
chill in student newspaper articles
and editorials at soc h institutions
Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. the
l‘iiisernt} of south (‘.trwlitta and
Georgetown it: \1 .ist'iitigti to I) ('

At pi-IliilllLli .‘tritt' (’.‘.illtgc
.Ne-w Hampshire, three :ddors of
the student newspaper uc‘rc put on
probation lllh month after pldcll‘il a
classified at! :«r “Lllfk'k In my intiz‘
looking to “mg-team. .l‘
.~\fro»:\nieric.tri ._ irttiri ‘

’lhe .aiill‘tt‘» ncmpapcr .i: .h;
i'niwrsit} of (‘.ticinnat r:i.
offering a li'cc p.» '. ‘S:::.tlx
Business," .t Illifllt"
black k\l\i '.t .rr
"in-3:1 hwga" .i‘

. l
Ji’i tttl

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See VIDEO. ‘ age ‘









UK football, basketball teams defeated over
the weekend. Stories, Page 4.



Lexington Community College is holding a
food drive to benefit God’s Pantry in LCC‘s
main lobby and at the Student Organization

Center. Drive will continue through Dec. 12.

New coffee house
planned near cam-
pus. Story, Page 3.

Divers ans.
Viewpo 'it.





2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 25, 1991


m- us Calendar



on the Calendar 3 Cameos Calendar Form must be filled out at




Monday 11/25

- SAB Move “The Ballad ol Narayma‘
tree Center Theater, 7 30pm, ca ‘ 7 8867
- EXI’llblI’ Terrie Hancock, ‘Magnet,
Stitched. The Galbreath Gallery. thru Nov.

- Exhibit '0‘ Mountains and Musrc“ Frank
W Long: UK Art Museum; thru Dec 22

- Exhibit: Native American Display; free.
LCC main lobby: thru 1129; call 276-21 72
- Performance: UBU Raw! - a
postmodern performance
project; donation requested;

Alumni Gym; 8pm; call 7-3297
Tuesday 11/26

- Performance Lexmgton Community Or-
chestra. free SCFA Concert Hall; 8pm:
call 7-4929

‘ Cottee Concert: Holiday Harp Concert;
tree; Headiey Whitney Museum: 10'30am;
ca l 2556653

- Penormance UBU Rawl- a postmodern
per‘ormance prOject done? on recuesled:
A um." uym. 8pm cal 7 3297



Thursday 1128
- Move M snaton c Student Linc" Mcvre:

Stucen' CeNe' 'C‘C'“ ‘ ‘3, r 0'“

Sunday 12/1

- MuSic ,r. the Museum John Jacob Niles
T'rbute'. "ee was admiSSion to museum.
Head ev-WhMey Muses“. 30'“ call 255—




Monday 11/25

- Volunteer UK Student Volunteer Center
needs your help* come to Mathews Bldg,
mm“ 2068 0’ ca" 78785 to find out how
you can volunteerl

- Food Drive LLC's Food Drive for God's
Pantry. LCC main lobby and Student Or-
ganization Center, 18800: all day th'u
Dec 12

- Program 'Multimedia and Hypermedia for
the ”996's ' Dr Fred T Hofstetter. lree.
Worsnam Theater; 9-11am or 1-3prn

- Santa Calls If you would like Santa to
phone your child. pick u!) a term in room
145 Seaton Center. Children. ages 3-7
years of UK or LCC students. faculty. or
staff are eligible lthru1213‘


New Morning Community
Peace Center «0‘9

«6“ &

Lilly Ponds
Wrockla 9; 9-1 . m; call 278-5529


$3 at
the door

Tuesday 11 '26

- Fai' Study Abroad Fair free 206 i“. C
Student Center. 10am2o'“

- Performance: UBU Rawl- e postmod-
ern performance project; donation re-
quested; Alumni Gym; 8pm; call 7-3297

Wednesday 11 27

- Residence Halls Close ’or Thanksgving'
- Arm Band Days Arr“ Band Days for club
members of Native American Heritage As


soc a. day ca 276 2‘ .

Thursday 11 28

- Eucha' s? Feel: va Eucharist, (LN-st

Ch h Catned'a. ‘Cia'n, cal! 254-449‘

- Arm Band Days. Arm Band Days for c do
membe's 0‘ Name Ame'icar‘ Her'tage As
soc a day. ca 276 2“?


Monday 1125

- Meet cg Mism'onir 8‘ not“. U"ion free.
Student Center room ‘ ‘ 7 60m




Tuesday 11 26

- Meet-"g SGA Lon-c": "ee Meet ng, SGA
”Wicca T 'lflon‘

- Lec'u'e 'T’c't. .g'C-rer: B oodunesf Art
Baumo” Free Rm 2'30 8‘ Center 450'“.
call 7 8314

- Lectxe Suh cgc- pd:- Bugs, Drugs and
Genes ' Dr Robert I Lester free. UK Med-
ical Center room MN563 40f“

Wednesday 11/27

- Lecture 'Possible Mecran-sms of Cell
Growth Control by the Retinoblastoma
Gene Product ' Ms Titania Nugroho Free,
an MN563 40'“



Vfii N



DOOM 200






1‘1] 0 N DA 3’

- SAB Move 'The Ballad of Narayma‘

- Performance: UBU Raw! - a post-
modern pertormance project

. Performance: Lexington Community Or-

' Fundraiser New_Morning Community
Peace Center Fundraiser


- Performance Lexington Community Or-

- Collee Concert Holiday Harp Concert

- Performance: UBU Rawl- a post-
modern pertormance project





inlomapon on MS calendd’ 0' events ts collected trorn the Student ACTH/tiles Board Room 203204 Student Center, University 01 Kentucky. The inlormanon is published as supplied by me (”l-campus sponsor. For Snident Orgmiznnons or University Departments to make entries
the Student Actwrties Office Submission ol photographs or graphics is encouraged' DEADLINE. Entries mus! reach the Student Activr‘n'es Office no later than a week prior to Micadm!






- Residence Halls Close tor Thanks-





Monday 11/18

- Weekly meetings: Water Ski Team 8.
Club; Free; Rm 106 St. Center; 9pm; call

- Weekly meetings: SAB Cinema Comm;
Free; Rm 228 St. Center; 5pm; call 7-

- Weekly meetings: Aikids; Alumni Loft;
8:30pm; call 273-9877

Tuesday 11/19

- Weekly meetings: SAB Concert Commit-
tee; Free; Rm. 228 New Stt Center; 3pm;
call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: SAB Indoor Rec.
Comm; Free; Rm 115 St. Center:
6:15pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; Free;
Rm 117 St. Center; 4:30-10pm; call 887-

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Open Student Meeting; Free;
Newman Center, Apt. 8; 11am; call 255-

- Weekly meetings: UK Ballroom Dance
Society; $5 per semester; Barker Hall,
dance studio; 7-9pm; call 277-0664

- Weekly meetings: Writer's Bloc Weekly
Meetings; free; Old St. Center, room 117;
7pm; respond to box in 1215 POT

- Weekly meetings: Society for Creative
Anachronism; tree; Student Center, room
117; 7pm; call 223-5870

Wednesday 11/20


- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship, Holy Communion; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 5:30pm: call 254-3726

- Weekly meetings: Encounter; Free; Rm
205, New St. Center: 7pm; call 276-2362
. Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E, meeting;
Free: Rm 309, Old St. Center; 7pm

- Weekly meetings: Aikido; Alumni Loft;
8:30pm: call 273-9877

Thursday 11/21


- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
Comm; Free; Rm 204 Old St. Center;
5pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: SAB Performing Arts
Collective Meeting; Free: St. Center
Room 202; 4pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee.
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7:30pm; call 254-3726
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Night; Newman Center; 7:30-
8:30pm: call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Thursday Night Live.
Free; 502 Columbia Av.; 7:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings. UK Clogging Club.
free; Seaton Center Rm 123, 7-9pm; call
231 -7207

- Weekly meetings: 'lnstitute tor the Heal-
ing of Racism‘; free; Old Student Center,
room 111; 6:30-8:30pm; call 254-2097

Saturday 11/23


- Weekly meetings. Catholic Sunday
Mass; Free; Newman Center; 6pm; call

Sunday 11/24


- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free. Stoll Field: 5:30pm; call 8-2686
-Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship, Holy Communion; Free; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 10:303m and 5:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings; Catholic Sunday
Mass; Free; Newman Center; 9 and
11:30am, 5 and 8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-
U-Can-Eat; $2; Newman Center: 6pm.
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: UniverSity Praise Ser-
Vice. Free: 502 Columbia Av - UK. 11am.
call 233-0313

- Weekly meetings Aikido; Alumni Loft.
1pm; call 273-9877


Friday 11/29

- Volleyball. SEC Tournament Begins
(thru 12/1)









Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 25. 1991 - 3






The fine folks at CBS have once
again slapped together a trio of TV
reunion shows for use during
“sweeps" weeks. Last February,
specials celebrating “The Ed Sulli-
van Show," “The Mary Tyler
Moore Show” and “All in the Fami-
ly" cleaned up in the ratings.

What‘s the reason for this? Why
did clips of these 20-year-old pro-
grams beat new made-for-TV mo-
vies and mini-series? ls it nostal-
gia? ls it curiosity about how the
stars have aged? It probably has
something to do with those things.
But more than anything else, it
probably had a lot to do with the
fact that those three series were just
exceptionally well-done. The two
sitcoms were well-written and bril-
liantly acted. The Sullivan show
had the best talent from virtually
every facet of show business. from
opera to Broadway to stand-up


“IIIIIIIIII’lVl-Illil ‘ill 1 “ml

on TV

iIIIIllllllllllllllIlIIIiI titl

This past Saturday, CBS showed
a “Bob Newhart Show" reunion. I
wasn‘t wild about the choice of
clips. The show was extremely fun-
ny, but they chose to omit the fun-
niest clips. All in all, though, the
show was very entertaining ~ just
as the old series always was.

In addition to that. a second Ed
Sullivan retrospective was shown
last night. Like the first, it showed
an amazing array of talented stars
who graced Sullivan‘s stage. To-
night, a “M*A“S*H" reunion will
be shown. Though I haven‘t seen it,
I can only expect it to be fantastic,
as it’s probably the greatest sitcom

ever broadcast Of course, merely
watching reruns of the show is still
a joy.

I'm glad to see CBS celebrate
such quality programs. Bob Ne—
whart is one of TV‘s all-time great
funny men.

His low-key wit and perfectly dry
delivery have fueled two of the best
sitcoms ever broadcast. His first
program. “The Bob Newhart
Show," in which he played a Chica-
go psychologist, had the same
loopy, oddball humor his second
show always had.

The tragedy is that his first show
is seldom shown in reruns. I
haven‘t seen it in years. Even his
second series, the one set in a Ver-
mont inn, is disappearing after just
a few years in syndication.

Newhart’s sitcoms aren‘t the only
ones seldom seen. Moore's show,
which many critics consider to be
one of the best shows ever, is not

shown anywhere that I know about.
(Of course, my hometown has a
lame cable company.) It’s almost
impossible to find Newhart, Moore.
Van Dyke or any other oldie wonh

I never thought I’d live to see the
day when “I Love Lucy” would be-
gin to disappear from the airwaves,
but it’s actually beginning to hap—
pen. Look around. Ten years ago,
you probably could find it on five
different channels at five different
times of the day. Today? Maybe
one a day.

Thank heavens for Nick at Nile
and the Comedy Channel. which
tclevise old classic shows that have
disappeared from every other chan-

You can find “The Dick Van
Dyke Show," “F Troop," “Sgt. Bil-
ko“ and other black-and-whitc
greats on those stations. But in my
hometown, I don't get the Comedy

New coffee house to stimulate awareness

Assistant Arts Editor

Little did President Bush realize
that Operation Desert Storm would
cause a new coffee house to open in
Lexington. It obviously was not part
of the president's plan.

The New Moming Community
Peace Center Coffee House will
open soon at the site of the old
Brookings Chili Parlor on Euclid

Tonight at the Wrocklage, a fund»
raiser featuring 10 Foot Pole and
Lilypons will go toward the cost of
renovating and opening the new
coffee house.

The New Moming Community
Peace Center evolved from local ef-
forts to peacefully oppose U.S. mili-
tary involvement in the Persian

”When the gulf war began in Jan‘
uary. several local peace groups
were coming together. From that
the New Morning group was
formed and the idea for a coffee
house.“ said Becky Kuc. a UK em--


Gonzo art

Associated Press

ASPEN. Colo. ___ ”Gonzo“
joumalist Hunter S. Thomp-
son traded his pen for a paint-
brush - as well as firearms
and explosives w to create a
IZ-piece series of artworks in
cluding a poster of fomier
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
riddled with bullets and
splashed with red paint.

Titled “The Director," the
poster is among several doc-
tored depictions of well-
known personalities Thomp-
son has on exhibit at the As-
pen An Gallery, said gallery
owner Mary Grasso.

“The Director" IS adorned
with gold leaf, splattered with
red paint and mounted on a
background of barn wood and
mirror. Bullet holes are fig-
ured prominently on Hoover‘s
head. between his eyes and
under his nose.

“It‘s very artistic," Grasso
said. “He uses paints and a va-
riety of guns and explosives.“

She described Thompson‘s
representation of arch-
conscrvative Barry Goldwater
as “the most gruesome thing
you‘ve ever seen."

“He shot out the eyes and
mouth,“ she said. “It‘s vio«
lent; it‘s scary."

Other subjects include Er-
nest Hemingway. Jane Fonda.
Brigitte Bardot and Ronald
Reagan. Three pieces have
sold for nearly SI0,00() each,
Grasso said.

Thompson gained fame in
the I960s and ‘70s with his ir-
reverent reporting style
dubbed "gonzo" journalism.
He has written books, syndi-
cated newspaper columns and
articles that appeared in Roll-
ing Stone and other publica



ployee and former UK graduate in-
volved in the group. “We felt there
was a need for an alternative place
for people to get together that
wasn‘t a bar.“

Local protests of the US inva-
sion of occupied Kuwait brought
together an otherwise quiet and
scattered group of area political and
social activists. Their common anti-
war cry led them to discover they
had much else in common, includ-
ing issues concerning the environ-
ment and government, not to men-
tion social and cultural interests.

Participants decided not to let the
momentum die. They organized to
keep active in political issues and
also to encourage others to partici-
pate. They discovered that l/exing-
ton had natural obstacles that made
it difficult to find information con-
cerning activities and ideas outside
the “mainstream."

The idea of a coffee house was

“We wanted to pmvtde an alter-
native media resource center and
network all different kinds of infor-
mation from all over the communi-
ty and the world 7 ~ political. social.
environmental and cultural things
going on." Kuc said. “We also
wanted a relaxed cnvrronment
where you could have a nice cup of
coffee and a good conversauon."

The coffee house will use fur-
nishings and decorations donated
by the community. Construction
work on the former Brookings res—
taurant is being done by New
Morning volunteers using materials
donated by area business or bought
by funds raised by the group.

“It‘s a non—profit organization."
Kuc said. “We rely on the support
of the community and encourage
anyone interested to donate their
time or support."

For tonight's rOck benefit, the
Wrocklage is donating use of the

club and the bands are providing the
music. The cover charge will offset
the cost of opening the coffee

Once the coffee house is opened,
the New Morning group plans to en-
courage area artists to display their
work in the restaurant. Poetry read-
ings, lectures and group discussions
on a wide variety of topics will be
organized. Pan of the coffee house
will be set aside for alternative me—
dia and information sources con-
cerning social, political and envi-
ronmental issues. A community
bulletin board of local activities and
announcements will be setup.

“The coffee house is a mutual ter—
ritory open to infonnation and ideas
ofall kinds.“ Kuc said.

The coffee house. near the inter-
section of Woodland and Euclid av-
enues, will be among several busi-
nesses that cater to younger crowds.
The New Moming group believes
the coffee house will be a unique
anti fitting addition to the district.

“The other small proprietorships
in the area have cooperated with us
because they also see the need for a
different place to go.“ Kuc said. “It
also provides a place for underage
people to go."

The small btit unique business
district already includes bars with
live music. several places to eat. a
health food store and a shop that
sells crystals and other New Age

"In October when we found the
old Brookings Chili Parlor was
available we agreed we liked it.”
Kuc said. “It's near the University.
there are a lot of businesses in the
area with food and live music w
things our coffee shop patrons
might want but we can't provide.
We thought that these businesses
would bring people into the coffee
house too.”

“The idea Is not to compete with



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them. but to enhance an already es-
tablished district." Kuc said.

Meanwhile, the latest effort of
the New Morning group is to con-
tinue to raise funds necessary for
the coffee house. The rock fund-
raiser at the Wrocklage tonight is
the first public benefit effort dedi-
cated to the new coffee house.

Group members also hope to en»
courage local residents to join the
New Morning Community Peace
Center activities. Lately, New
Moming members have devoted
their nights to renovating the coffee
house and raising needed funds.

“Our main purpose is the promo-
tion of peace, the securing of our
mother earth and encouraging good
will and cooperation among peo-
ple." Kuc said.

It) F001 P016 and The Lilypons
will play tonight at X at the erk»
face, 361 W Short 51., for the New
Morning Community Peace Center
Coffee Home benefit Admission H

CBS brings back Newhart, others for sweeps

Channel, a channel that could go
under anytime. Few people I know
watch it with any degree of regulari—
ty. (Those of you with the channel
should all start watching large dos-
ages of it immediately. What else
are you going to do? Read? Have
conversations? Go places?)

What can you find in abundance
on station after station? Garbage
like “Growing Pains," “The Facts of
Life,“ “Who‘s the Boss?" and other
lousy sitcoms I never liked in the
first place. You can find new syndi-
cated episodes of “Charles in
Charge" and “My Uncle the Tuba“
with no problem whatsoever. All
right, I made that last one up, but I
think you see where I‘m headed
With this.

The reason for the success of
such awful shows. you ask? Well.
when the couch potato grows roots
into his LA~Z~BOY, it's not be-
cause he‘s watching the “NTBCNCII'

Lehrer Report." The couch potato
-— the person who watches 30
hours of TV a day on several sets
and has the attention span of a gnat
~ likes color. cutesy kids. fast-
paced one-liners. wacky misunder-
standings and nothing that requires
anything reriioicly reserribling

In other words. they like bad sit»
coms. Those shows flourish and the
good sh()Ws the Newharts and
the Van Dykes , w'ind up in the
TV graveyard Some quality shows
like “M‘A‘VH” and the old
“Cheers“ \uctccd for now. that is.
But in just a few years. when
Hawkcyc and H). are replaced by

Me and My lalking Aardvark," l
niightjust start reading books


587th"! Muff TI ’llt” lo’i‘. Gibbs f‘v
t1 CK WWII/run ‘

U248 i1 Ar ".t‘."




in the Kernel








The College of Fine Arts thanks the follow/mg
supporters for their valuable help in matmg
the 1991 Fine Arts Phonathcn a Success

Baskin-Robbins, Coliseum Plaza
Disc Jockey Superstore

Joe Bologna's Pizza

Radisson Hotel Cate” on the Park
Spotlight Jazz Series

University Artist Series
Valvoline, Inc.

Deserving of sweat appreCiation are the Sfudeh‘.
callers who gave of their time and energy and
the Fine Arts alumni who contributed a

record total of $12253 Thanks to you all






‘ I)C\‘. I5

Jan l2

I‘t‘i‘ :

I‘ci‘ iii



Mon; Iir.‘

ter the coliseum. At 8:15 am. the doors will be shut.
down in numerical order to TCL‘CHC their ticket. You must present _‘~i‘u.' validated II)
and Activity Card at this time l ollowing the lottery. tickets wili he tt\dl.‘deL‘ at ‘f‘ic
ticket window on a first come Ilfsl scry c oasis tllllli I lift p m
(1 Beginning Monday. students wishing to \ll together may present it» iici’ lit and t.
tivity Card with one other set and receive two tickets.
I). The ticket distribution schedule cacli week of a scrics of home gamt» .s .i‘~ totiow \

I.ottcr'_\ until Jill) pm.
Priority Seals
‘Hill .1 :t. tillIIi 4 llti phi.

Remaining Student Tickets
