xt7ghx15qm3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qm3m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1982 1982 1982-10-11 2020 true xt7ghx15qm3m section xt7ghx15qm3m KEN I UCKY ' .’.¢ , .
4 fl
' fl ' . The Who
‘ Rack fans were treated to another
4 ' "‘ energetic performance by the Who In
/ ‘ Lounswlle Thursday night See page
’ ' _ . 3.
/ .
l .o’
Vol. LXXXV, No. 44 Monday, October ll, I982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
v “’ fit ' ' 2 a2 v ‘. 22 . .
MONDAY 2222 ‘ »- - 22 '8' -2 * a »» v
22 r ' "a; 7. " ,. ‘22 e i 2 ti: ' e 2o g. ’
From staff, wire reports "‘2 f“ 4,” l 2 e 522 ' ‘ . . ., 4 ,. *2 4 .2 g, .
A «r p , I ~ i a .9 NJ...
Selective admissions to be discussed “‘4‘? j. a ..§“db _ 2 'h _ ., 2.? ' 2 . _ .. 2 4 2. 2 it
The University Senate will meet at 3 p.m. today to hear its 2' m ’w ,4 _4 4 .4 J ' l ' 4 S 4 ’ . .. ’ fi‘
Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards deliver v ’3: 44 ’ _,. 33 ’ ’ t" / ’ O ._ ._ s§§ “ 4 44‘: ,2Q'
a report on selective admissions for the University's 1984 4 , t" 3 4 git _,.. “a .2. .‘ 3 ' ~ . 2 d. , 2.
freshman class. ‘ 4 4 2 .222 . . .. . ) . 2 . *' r' 4 3 - 4
Don lvey. Senate Counci| chairman, said all faculty mem- § . ' . . ' . 4 ”‘4' . ‘2 2 " ' at 2°”. , "
bers and students are invited to hear Robert Altenkirch and . ,. . f . egg ;'2' .. ‘_ ' “ , , 221- 4* ‘ ‘
l others describe the work directed toward tightening UK's _4 V '2 A é ' ' ' " sag ””3” .
traditional open admissions policy. " ' '2 ' 2 ’ «a ‘92 2 2 2- ... . . .. .1 2 ., .24.: to 2.
That policy, which required high school graduates to r , ‘ 2 .1'1' _,244 ‘21": 4 2* 4
take the American College Test in order to be admitted, "_ . 2 _ \ " 1; '_
may be replaced with one that would guarantee immediate , 2 y'fi 4 - . 1' -;- , 2. v , 4 —
acceptance to high school seniors who graduate with at ‘ n (it _' :i» ‘3' ‘ m 2 _ .2 W 4.4
least a 2.5 Grade point average and whose ACT test scores ‘ a? " ' or ' ' " ' its ‘5; ' ' ' ' as?
Ivey stressed that today 5 meeting Will not Include dis- 43%! (“gigs ' ( W H «M ”V. or
cusSion of the plan 5 applicant pool. The pool would hold all .,.. 444 444444“ .. as .4? , . >2 .. em «as» , __ ,.
applicants whose credentials do not meet those for immedi- . 4* W , ”out” . a. a“ g ‘3‘ ' ’ 2' . 4 .
ate acceptance and would rank order them for selection at aWzg/b ' ,_ 42,22"2 _ \r'
a later date 2 222 mafia: Y "" ' a .:e,:i:'=2 . i 22' ' 2 . was
2 2 2 2 f’wfyvawe "I " 2 ”2 ' n VW ’ . , gay- :3: .2..2
The plan preViously had been amazed by some Senate __ 24 43 ,.. _ ‘ ' , surfs) on“ 24%;...
Council members, who have said application dates specified 2 a“: ' ' 4 " '2 .. , w _ 2 , a» $3494 4:;
in the plan have been too stringent. Other criticisms con- _. ,2 W f 2 .. . 4:,” .. 1 ,_ _ : ,. 9 4 :4 4%,;
the freshman class who under old standards would be ad- $34404? 25.2.5," 2 44;" . .74., i I“; 4...? g , 2,. 4 ., 2, d. ”t 22s. ':"o§.ge§i
mitted. “.mfitfé" 2". w “”2 “45:..ar' ’ x: ' 3M . 2230 Wt
; . .1 4 4 . . . 4 _,4" 2 x22; 5. ' '. ( “ '2-=f4 2 §&1.4,...,.~
o 2' -' - .,v If“, ' . ='12.-'3 . '2 WE _"2""t
Tylenol killer search narrows 4442 2,... 4 22-2, .. __ ., . ' ' 2 , 2 222-2 ; i 4" 4 “$5“.
to“ a“ is ' ' 2 ~22...2 322"} «4... W 2' 2" 2‘ 2 '.
CHICAGO - Officials investigating the deaths of seven ‘tflt‘k‘t‘w 2.2... , w .22 2.2 2». . 2s». .. . as 1.. 4...“... .. ' ' 2.
people who took cyanide-laced Extra-Strength Tylenol nar’ CNUCKPlIIV/KernelS'alt
rowed their focus to three or four "primary" leads yester- OUfreCCh
day as dman discounted as a suspect in the case appeared UK quarterback Doug Martin tries to avoid noseguard Dowe pleted 7 of 13 passes in his first starting assignment. See
0' 0 hearing on extortion charges. Aughtman during Saturday's loss to Auburn. Martin com2 page 5 for story.
Jerome Howard, 0 20-year-old unemployed resident of
. Chicago, was accused of trying to extort $8,000 from Got- . _ . -
tlieb Memorial Hospital with the threat of poisoning pa- P’lmate alleges VIOIatlons afrlghts
tients with cyanide Extra-Stength Tylenol capsules.
A magistrate set Howard's bond at $100,000 and ordered I I - I
him returned to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, 0 I arlty ea ers as natlona strl e
where he has been held since his arrest Saturday night. If
convicted on the federal charge, he could be sentenced to a
maximum 20 years in prison and fined $10,000 WARSAW. Poland (AP) —— Re- eXists and will exist, no matter if unions." the Solidarity statement "There are so many :xgjmples of tfhe
- 2 ~ . sponding swiftly to the outlawing of someone likes it or not." said. “We appeal to all working peo- tramp mg 0' man. 0 srespect or
th HTovlvardl ”Y“ me his, pirsonharrfefled m “Team" ‘7'": their independent union. Solidarity’s That phrase was taken from a pie. no matter to which unions they man's dignity. We wish we could
e Yen° investigation, 4‘” l 9 ”me" G°""eb H°5pll° fugitive leaders yesterday called for speech by Solidarity‘s founder—lead- belong for a massive nationwide treeourcountry from such evil.
employee was qU'Cle dlsmlssed 05 0 SUSPeC' I" the series a four-hour nationwide strike on er Lech Walesa, who along with protest against lawlessness and pov- .“We learned about the delegaliza-
of killings, said Edward Hegarty, special agent in charge of Nov.10. more than 600 other union leaders erty." tion 0f Solidarity as a trade union
the FBI's Chicago office, and Illinois Attorney General Ty- “At every enterprise, and at every has been interned since martial law Earlier yesterday. Roman Catho- With real pain." he said. Citing the
department a clandestine committee was imposed Dec. 13 and the inde- lic Primate Jozef Glemp accused "bitterness of recent days. But we
rone Fahner. . . . . . .
preparing the protest of November pendent union was suspended. martial law authorities of “embit- Know that what is just, what is ideal
10 should be organized," said the The statement was signed by the tering the nation“ and several War- and what is good cannot perish.“
Swedes admit sub may have escaped statement. dated Oct. 9 and signed three Solidarity leaders still at saw priests urged calm as other Glemp addressed more than 19.000
4 by four of the underground union‘s large: Bogdan Lis of Gdansk. Zbig— signs of protest emerged against the people who converged at the Niepo-
IERGA NAVAL BASE. Sweden — Swedens naval com- leaders. niew Bujak of Warsaw and outlawingofSolidarity. kalanow monastery to honor the
mend yesterday admitted that a suspected Soviet-bloc sub- “The course of the protest will de- Wladyslaw Hardek of Krakow. Piotr Nine senior Solidarity leaders in Rev. Maximilian Kolbe. a Francis-
marine said go be trapped in Hors say may have escaped as cide the further strategy of the Bednorz signed in place of terned in Warsaw's Bialoleka prison can friar who was canonized’ by
earl as Oct 1 the da itwas discovered unions." Wladyslaw Frasyniuk. who was cap— sent a letter condemning the ban Pope John Paul II at the Vatican
y ' ’ L . ' d d h . d The statement called for the strike tured Tuesday. and urging workers to boycott new yesterday as the 17th Polish saint in
Supreme C°mm°n er Lennart Llung ‘0')“ 9 l e "m" ' on the second anniversary of Solida- The four head the underground unions. There were unconfirmed re- history. . 4
er sub may have escaped Oct. 1, the day it was discovered, rity’s registration by 3 Warsaw National Coordination Commission ports that Solidarity's underground Kolbe‘ died Aug. 14. 1941. in the
or between Oct. 57. The navy previously confirmed the court. that has run the union since April in leadership may consider calling a AuschWitz death .Camp from an in-
vessel made one unsUccessful attempt to break out through Noting that Poland's parliament, placeof the interned leaders. strike next month. 4 lictlonhOf calrb0hC eadmd twokweelis
. . . _ the Sejm, Friday banned Polish “The commission appeals to work- In a sermon viewed here as mod- a ter 9 v0 unteer to ta e t e
mine: barriers during the past week, bu' newspapers re unions and imposed severe limits on ing people. to all trade unions for a erate. although sharper than earlier place of a Polish sergeant in a Star.
P°ne two more attempts. any new unions. it said: “Solidarity common boycott of new trade public statements. Glemp said: vation bunker.
But Liung's statement, while acknowledging, "There has
been and may still be a submarine in the outer area,"
added, "It may be the same submarine or it may be a sec- ‘
Israel outlines withdrawal demands
The Israeli government yesterday outlined its position on ACCHUS I b ' ' ' ' ' ' ’
withdrawing its troops from Lebanon after a Cabinet ses- B worklng to pu IICIze respon3|b|e dr|nkIng
sion in which Defense Minister Ariel Sharon strongly lashed
°Ul 0' "‘9 United 5"“95- W minds and keep on drinking because more aware of alcohol consumption "we‘re not a prohibition club ——
in a statement after the Cabinet meeting, the govern- ' Reporter everyone else is drinking.“ she said. — her mm and in general —— since we‘re not against somebody going
ment said Palestinian guerrillas still in Lebanon must lead 81 .know because l do it ‘00- We all she joine’: liAthHUS blend the past out drinking fanld halflw'lnghal Show
h ”_ , 2 2 2 - _ _‘ cit. Six mont . ve watc my con2 time. We Just ee t a co 0 a me
' e PU 0” ' and “fiddly re'ssued ."5 call for'a peg“ trea Estridge said she has become sumption and have really cut back. and drunk drin'ng are serious prob-
ty With Lebanon as the first clause in a six-paint Withdrawal 4 l d w n do something to
proposal The beer-guzzling, sour mash-Sip- emsnan ed ca
' b' . . d . ping party habits of many students ‘ ' \ “9192 She 53‘ 2
However,.Ca inet Secretary Dan Meridorsai a treaty. is may undergo a change because of 44\ V Founded in 19475 at the University
not a condition for the departure of Israeli troops, which the growing influence of a small \\\ 44‘4‘ of Florida at Gainesville. BACCHUS
occupy the southern third of Lebanon. campus group. 4\\ c \§ \\\ has grown to 65 chapters in the Unit-
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon complained to the Cabinet h:0? tht; past 3’0 hyleaCrs' VK 5 , t ‘2 \\ ed States and Caiiilada. widh about 1.-
2 . 2 2 _ c pter o Boost co 0 ODSCIOlB- ’ 4 \ 4' 1 000members,Wa ner sai .
that theh UmtedStates was hindering direct contacLs be ness Concerning the Health of Uni- ; s \4\\ \ ' , UK's chapter was chartered in
tween t e Israeli and Lebanese governments for reac ing a versity Students has been trying to . <\\\ \ \ 4 r - 1980 with only five members __ "just
treaty, according to official sources who did not want to be educate students about the ramifica- ‘\\\\ \ \\\ it ‘ \ enough for officers,"she said.
identified. tions of “social" and “recreational“ \ \ 4x: \. ‘4 \ A ‘ I Since 19304 L'K‘s membership has
In another development, Eytan Haber, an Israeli iournal- drinking. 4 ‘nki as v. ‘ '\\ u‘ \\.\\ ’ 2 doubled and then tripled. Wallner
ist, has admitted he was misled and erroneously reported Besponmble dr.‘ ng no a 2_\ / estimates the numbers 0' active
h . . . . . socral event, said Mary Wallner, ' g . members m the LK chapter between
t at 260 army officers had signed a petition calling for De- BACCHUS program assistant. “Irre- / A 4 .- . / 30and 35-
fense Minister Ariel Sharon's resignation. sponsible drinking is when drinking ‘4 1 2 . 4 4 . ' / St d t1 l'v‘n in freshman dorms
Haber wrote on Oct. 4 that 260 officers - both reserv- becomes the main purpose or focal ‘ ‘4 . 4, _ .. are :ofigideited grime candidates for
ists and active-duty troops # with the rank of captain and POlntOfthegathering. ' _ J r' membershi Estridge said because
2 2 . 2 . “ResponSIble drinkers dont drink . - m, at?!" 2 , .P2 2
higher, had Signed on anti-Sharon petition. n em 4 stomach nor do they ‘2' 4 ' they traditionally have more alcohol
on a . pg, 2 ‘ \ " ‘ ‘ ‘ , problems than upperclassmen.
gulpdrinks. she said. - \ \ E ‘ ‘ 2‘ ' I ’ The campaign to attract new
\ / nob-alfopxolficblbefiagmgirprgho: _’ T ' . " ' ‘\ members has been bolstered by the
’ who choose to abstain. Wallner said. 1 i. V' - 4 dismbll‘t‘on 0f.5t'l°l$rs' Tishirts grid
and also serve food to help absorb NE 4 2 4 pamph ets — me u 'ng ps on lip—
. - _\ / 4 4.. 2 ‘ : ping. which has rooms for parties.
thealcohol for thosewho imbibe. , -4) 2« - . . . . . ,
In addition the bar should be ' ”1’7 15‘ - ‘ _ 2' 2~ and Drinking Etiquette. which ex-
! ' 5%” ‘. , . ' I. amines attitudes on alcohol and cer-
closed at least one hour before the . /// - - .. . , ta‘nm ths on drinkin
party is scheduled to end. she said. __ ~’ 2 . 24".- _ , l y 4 8-
so that the alcohol's effect has had a .BK‘lfllT . . '7’ '2 -' r Wallfier 15:“! the grgup has imaged
"th t e xington/ ayette ‘r n-
chance to wear off somewhat. wi ' .
today wlll be partly sunny and cooler wltli o hlgli In “The students here don‘t want to “We lust feel that ClCOl‘IOl abuse and fifii?3£§"§§ai:§i$33333;
' ‘ "'0 "PP" “Hot" 7th- {flf‘le‘zewi‘l‘al ‘tuleycix mveal‘c‘ogg’g drunk drlvlng are serious problems and sponsoring events
tonight wlll be mostly clear and cooler wlth a low said BACCHUS Member Melissa Es- we can ‘0 something '0 help. . . . It is not affiliated. however. With
In the upperAOeto low 50s. tridge. an elementary education ju- othNer groufi. t b0 t BAC
It will be mostly sunny tomorrow wlth o hlgh In the nior, , ore ' orma lo“ .a u '
44 . . l - _ BACCHUS member (HLS can be obtained In 210 Barker
mid to upper 60% They P‘1t “ “‘ the be“ °l he" Hall or by calling 258-2751.

 “I—————_—_-———_———_ .1
Ket‘he' I -*
lulu-Idea smut-”pun, n r n "M .‘w v n . 1,1"
Editor ‘" Ch". NW“ (dllo' Jzutdl'z: " 590': Ethic?" 5W:‘uo::rt::c‘i::d.noi Lairxztgi‘i’r 0:333:33??? a;
Jmldwlnuonls cine Mo: . . n u u . 11
Managingidttol Editorial Editor Afififigfi‘ A:T:i.a.n¥5'::r'fmoi Sme:l:::i.o::.rs.:sioni Ch'l: Pxoiomim CoifthLsthuel 5%“
W .fij
Students should support the United Wa
It sthat time Of year again. America program, the Salvation Army and :
No, it’s not the baseball playoffs or foot- the American Red Cross.
ball season. It’s time for the fund-raismg Students are encouraged to contribute in ‘ a;
campaign for the Umted Way Of the any way they can to the United Way cam- i '1‘
Bluegrass — _Whleh serves Fayette and paign. The campaign is a good way for all HEY “EU K COMUNW :5”
seven surrounding counties — to which the student groups — Greek, independent, aca- I ' ' '
UmverSity contributes. The campaign demic and other — to join together for a ' WAYS COM§ UP W ‘7.” i;
started Sept. 14 and Will run until Nov. 23. good cause. i;
UK raised $178,193 last year for the United . , A LOT OF cm FOR L...
Way. This year the University‘s goal is . , i '
$192,450. Students also do their share to con- The P1 Kappa Alpha fratem'ty should be “‘ “ THE UNIT WAY"”
tribute. Last year students raised $11,500. lauded for “5 efforts .to help improve cam- i
and the goal for this year is $12,400. Around pus safety by prov1ding an alternative for ;
$2500“ this has already been raised. women who don t want to walk across cam- w , {as
A few of the most successful fund-raising “15:10? at "ISM; , . it? I? ”’1 ' ~ ';
efforts by student organizations this year in- T e raternity 5 recently instituted pro- \\\§l , ”WWI, I I ‘ i? --
clude the Fourth-Annual Haggin Hall Foot- gram proVides an escort across campus for ®\\¥6'Ifiill ,/ U. ‘ ' ;;.
ball Tournament, the Eighth-Annual Boyd “me“ “0 can the fratem‘ty muse be' ’-§ 53: , "Ti “5‘“ it T
Hall Haunted House, the North Campus Ok- tween 8 and 1130 Sunday through Thursday 4}?) ‘i'i/fll ‘I'i ,‘i ‘l t ’
toberfest, the Chi Omega Greek Sing and the nights. About five to ‘0 finale Students’ I? i” ii Mn'h/ " "‘I Iii” . - . ‘5'
various types of food sold by the College of many 9‘ them frfihmenv “time the “”109 ‘=§i,///. It it: ‘ “I ‘ ’ / 1
Agriculture. each mght. ‘ “.367 ~m. I\, " / // l, E V},
Students are to be commended for their . @f '3 J- l '. ,Mf‘ 1
hard work. "1 raismg money for thls cam- Governments have sometimes felt threat- ' effigy; , ' ii
paign. Unlike other groups _who sometimes ened by the press. Even student govem- ~57- 75.’ "q”i‘il'i //
use payroll. deductions to raise money, stu- merits — including our own Student Govern- " '5 2:; hi; , 3"
dent organizations do not have this option. ment Association — have felt this form of ' 1!, iii-3 1’;
Students must find time from their busy insecurity. ”Eight”! /, 1 a“ i l"
' ' - .-'- . :1....=i . v4 . ,
schedules to invest — as _well as dig into Last Saturday, however, SGA had a real /’ \ h t;
their pockets — when r 315mg tunes. Whleh reason to feel intimidated by the Press: The K m ' y
perhaps makes the large contrlhuhons from Kernel’s football team defeated 21-14 a grid- i .-l BIT S 3: ' “
student organizations even more impresswe. iron team consisting of senators, executive 5- e fl \ i3 . ,
To Its credit, the Umted Way has a 10W officers and ringers probably found minutes : 5;. "N- '/’ "i ii
overhead, around 10 percent,. Which means before the contest and immediately sworn-in 555.5553; / :4" 1 “ i
that 90 percent of the funds raised. Will go di- as “adminstrative assistants.” .-.-" . -:7;5.§:/ ,I / e/
rectly t0 the 93 charities t0 Whleh lt channels The Kernel’s record remains perfect after __ ’7'. > ’4/ . 433‘ / z:
its resources. Included, among others, in this three years of competition against SGA. We '1: ..;§..?§§:i.‘.- ‘.x..~:.%// , /2/ ;'/!i ,I/ . "" '~ “3
81‘0th 0t charities are the Rape CFlSIS Cen~ welcome the rematch asked for by SGA Vice me: 45$ '_ . " i . _
ter, the Florence Crittenton home for unwed President David Bradford in the coming ' , '
mothers, the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of weeks. _-‘~4;
Everything seems ’out of time ’ when visiting old school
The best way to begin this story, 1 said the Romantic; “That's not played at Lafayette’s field. Ishmael didn‘t either. Satisfied, she scurried plete with light-hearted chatter your final respects some time if
guess, is right smack dab in the Tommy.“ said the Realist) and Stadium. back in andslammedthe door. about graves. (“Goodbye .. cried The Romantic-- . :
middle so everything seems vague Tates Creek beat Lafayette. And we Although the stadium itself is That was not our first or last trip Extra point is good . . . Tates “It’s cold out here .. said The Real: '
and out of place and time. felt out of place and time. nothing unique, the school building to the antiquated place, though. One Creek leads 20-6. . . ist. ) , >
George on the carry . . . gain of 7 Of course, everything there looks a little like a dungeon turned day during our junior year, we de- So when I went to the game a cou— Final score: Tates Creek 27 La-
. . . seemed out of time, or at least run- upside-down and the only parking 1°t cided to investigate a Lafayette pep ple of weeks ago, it was all sort of fayette 6. '
There. That’s it. If you remember ning out of time. is a long, narrow strip in front that rally. That night they were to play familiar, but sort of not. Ten min- The End.
the football games you’ve been to ———-————— looks like a concrete moat. The Tates (h'eek. utes into the game, the decrepit
and the Georges you’ve known but school is built roughly along the Iguess the only excitement we got scoreboard still said 0:00 to go. Why Robbie Kaiser is a journalism 1'“.
you’re still not sure why I‘ve Robbie same lines as Funkhouser — one from it was being somewhere we was I there? I guess you have to pay "to, andaxemeicolumnist 1
dumped you here. that’s good. 6 section teeters lordingly over the weren’t supposed to be. Afte; all, ‘ ' '
That’s the story. ’ rest. this was the school that — you‘ t- '
‘ Just a couple of weeks ago, I “ ~- I t KAISER When ascending the stairs in the ter sit down — had a maroon-and- The word '8 hard to follow
wasn’t quite sure why I’d dumped t * narrow anti-dungeon, you get a feel- white Tates Creek dummy hanging
myself in the bleachers at a Tates ———————-—-—— ing of impending doom. I know. in effigy in its lunchroom of all This column was reprinted from Word to have more free um ; _
Creek-Lafayette high 50th football If you‘ve ever gone back to your Since I med to edit Tates Creek’s things.l-Iow appetizing. The Communicator, a newspaper dents should learn to balancgytijetijr '
game. Guess it had something to do old school more than two years newspaper, my managing editor, Well, the pep rally that year was published by and for UK's minority time between the two It should be
with being a graduate of the Creek later. you know what I mean. Ev- Larry, and I med to go there quite terribly colorful and stomp-stomp students. remembered it’s The Word that
and this has always been one Of the erybody‘s sneaked out while you often to exchange papers and barbs and rah-rah. “The Word H sometimes the un- brought students to coll e and not
most fierce rivalries in Lexington. were gone. The whole thing is kind with Lafayette’s staff. The band played “As the Generals mentionable word has to be one of the leisure time eg ’
But a lot of people graduate in two of depressing. We parked in the moat and ven— Go Marching Along." The coach ’ . . '. . ..
. , . . . . . . . n . the most hated words In a college No one is saying The Word is easy .
years, and everybody who was still Its kind of like gomg to a strang- tured up into the anti-dungeon With said, I hear Tates Creek thinks studentts vocabulary to follow but it is not as hard as it’s
attending Tates Creek when I glad er’s funeral — you know some- great trepidation. When we got to they’re going to bury us," and all —_._'____ made out to be A rson can make
uated in 1980is gone now. things ended. but you don't know the top ( “Boy, this sure is narrow,” the students booed. Then he said followin The Worgeas eas 0,. as
So I was at war with myself . where, why or even how. And you’re Larry said) there was no place to go “But 1 think they’ve dug their own 5 T AF F hard astghe want y '
While one part of me, The Roman- really none the worse for going ex- — just a small hall and a couple 0f graves," and all the students The Woer can’t be all that terri-
tlei wanted t0 80 t0 the game at La- cept you’ve spilled hot chocolate all forbidding rooms 0“ hOth Side. cheered and stomped on the bleach- bl e There are too man advocates
fayette (“Let’s go to the game"). over your hands. (“We should have When an elderly teacher saw us ers some more until all that was 0 P I NION of The Word for it to bile bad Two ‘
the other part, The Realist, was brought flowers.“ said The Roman- looking in the curiously empty lock- missing to go with the thunder was w ell-kn own su rt ers of The “Word .
being skeptical (“Let's not") tic; “We should have brought nap- ers, she scurried out of her room, rain. 'l‘hey saved that for the game are most likelppgne‘s rents The
That I chose journalism as a Pl‘O‘ kins."53ld The Realist.) peered around anxiously and asked that night. Althou h The Word draws stu- talked about The Wordps: much they
fession is testament to the prevail- Time out on the field. . . uswhat weweredoing. But we still didn't know anybody dents toguniversities most end u turned blue in the face and the ari
hlS strength Of The Romantic. 50 we One reason it could have been a “Looking for the principal,” I said there, no matter how much stomp. t . . , . P _ . . _ y
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . rylng to av01d it because of what it probably still domg so to this day.
went. We went to see Timmy George little unnatural. beSIdes it being too quickly, not realizmg the stupidity of mg they did. It was all kind of like . . _
(amps Tom ’5 little brother" l d f Se t be . th hat I’d 'd But that was OK' she . t t r's wake com— implies. The Word actually causes People such as teachers, preach
y ' 0° or p cm r. ‘5 e game was w 531 ' ’ gomg ° a 5 range ‘ many students anxiety when they ers, lawyers, doctors, along with in—
__ thinkabout it. stitutions like politics, family, and
It’s not because The Word is bad education, all support The Word.
in itself. It is let if one lived up to History also supports The Word.
The Word in its true sense, it would Many men throughout history have
mean hard work and not much lei- been made famous because they fol.
sure time. lowed The Word so diligently. They
The fact is The Word will cut into can‘tall bewrong.
_——————.‘_—_—_—"—_———_—‘— a person’s leisure time, causing Actually, The Word has some
~ _ _ . . . many students to shy away from it. great implications. Think about it —
PCll'l’y defended from several branches of the mill- or killed in Vietnam. “comes and goes” is an insult to Many students find it hard to man- if The Word was followed correctly
tary attend the party each Ye?!) re- Hopefully, next time you’ll take anyone’s intelligence. age The Word and leisure time. This it could bring success and happi-
On first reading. Kakie Urch’s let- alizing it is a tribute to the military the time to get the facts, looking There are people who drive and difficulty causes many students to ness. Many people can gain material
ter condemning the Mekong Delta as well asagood time. past the title in order to “Old mis- drink WithOUt regard to anyone‘s in- quit college if they are not told to things from The Word; big homes. '
party angered me. Obviously, if any offense was judgingtheentire book. telligence. There are people who leave first. nice cars, a good job and even grad-
However, as I reread the letter, taken we won“ not be PFOVlded With drive and drink WlthOllt regard to This situation takes its toll on uation can be a result of The Word.
the shallow nature of her thinking fly-bys by F4 fighters or UH'l heli- Jack Smith anyone’s safety. Some 26,000 people freshmen especially. Many come to It can even give people non-material
became apparent. Urch may have copters, not to mention tents. can- on behalf of were killed last year in this country college thinking they can handle things like strong minds and intelli-
been at the party Oct. 1, but she ob- non volley’s and rapelling maneu- Delta Tau Delta by these “social issues that come both The Word and leisure time. gence.
viously did not take the time to find vers by the Kentucky Rangers! and 80-" Wake UP and 100k at the Soon they lose sight of their purpose The Word is not easy to come by.
outwhat was actually mhwpiacg [f Urch had made the effort to talk carnage! _ ' . for attending college and like so It may seem at times boring and
The Mekong Delta party was orig- to anyone at Delta Tau Delta or any letter: Pol' My-questlon '5 to Whoever ‘5 re- many Others, they end Up fearing worthless now, but The Word brings
inated by the Delta Tau Delta fra- of the involved military personnel Icy sponSIble for such irresponsible The Word. delayed gratification.
ternity at Oklahoma University dur- she would not have been so misin- "0". ”mm." ism" M journalism, would you prefer to If they are lucky enough to make “Study" is The Word: 1. a state of
mg. the Vietnam era. It was formed. . . m. “awn" Kw". M“ “i, overcrowd the Jalls or overcrowd it through their freshmen year, they contemplation, 2. application of
destined as a 8°th away party for The crass humor displayed "1 the m "m, m” "I“ "a the 10031 morgue and cemeteries? spend the next few years trying to mental faculties to the acquisition of
the brothers who had been drafted letflr shows more disrespect for the “than“ .0 ”n “n"... “_ Think about it! cope with The Word. Generally, they knowledge.
into the service of the United States. men that were actually in the Me- "a u 1“ Mmuw ”MI“. _ _ find it harder coping with The Word
It was planned as 8 tribute to those k0h8 Delta region than our party w'uliw'xraomm . Don R. K1118 than those who learn their freshmen Everett J. Mitchell 11 is a journa—
brave man. ever COUTd- “Saigon .Shots,” "Ptlhll erten most Include tholr Assoc1ate professor year. lism and political science junior and
The Mekong Delta party here is POOL" ””01th nght' 3 0118mm m “4,“... "We Collegeof Dentistry Instead of running away from The aKernel senior staff writer.
the culmination of an entire week -—- yes, disrespectful — definitely, W .M "n", M..." an» (i b .
during which military personnel butfunny—no! "a..." of mm.” "g”. UK. DRABBLE , Y Kev'" F090" .
from the United State Army, the Urch, you are in fact invited to .m'muflm ”mum“ ‘ .
Kentucky Natonal Guard and the next year’s Mekong Delta party. ' HE‘I,W,LOOK. I WON A OHMOID COTE! WHAT A N0 “'5 (:01 100R NAME ”I“. W KNOCK IT OFF!
Kentucky Air National Guard come The military personnel will still be IRWIN FOR B£iN6TH£M06 Tltl‘l LITTLE IROPM THIS IS! ON ”,0”! GEE, How OIO
'and speak at Delta Tau Delta, pro- here. and they will still be support- . . Imp Wall in THE H's A LITTLE Team-user“ Tllfi'l RINSE Tile Lamas s N.‘
viding us with information concern- ing us. No one will be wearing any- TAP editorial Luella! lTH-blTT'i mm but! 501M. sou new A i 0 I6:
ing today’s Armed Forces. one’s blood. We will still be wearing , ”MINING GLA‘fi To... ‘
The party and dance are part of Armed Services uniforms, having a In regard to the simplistic editori- ‘ ’ fl 1 . , m) %
our “Community Service Weekend," good time and learning a little bit al in the Oct. 5 edition of the Kernel _ - i €14; " ,, .
which last year raised $19,000 for the more about today‘s military. regarding the new Traffic Alcohol 7" — . ‘ v , 5 I J
American Cancer Society, helping If you do attend, talk to the mili- Program, causing a serious over- J K k 3 .., i ‘
Delta Tau Delta win the 1981-82 tary personnel or any member of crowding of our jails, allow me to ' (to , E g p
Community Service trophy given by Delta Tau Delta. I'm sure you'll find make some observations: . 4 ! ._ d S A I .. .f—a I!
Fill-inflame fraternity. no one thinking of violence or laugh- To name the charge, driving while an , 9/ ,~ ' _‘ S -
Furthermore, ranking officers ing at those men who were disabled intoxicated, as a “social issue" that “ll " A. - u - U ~‘ N ,- ,

 TMEKENTUCKYKERNEL My, October 11, 1“?— 3
.2: — ' "' ' " W,
The Who continues tradition of ene t' rf
g p o mances
a; A - A sellout crowd witnessed a leg- with their more-refined, less-bluesy manner as the crowd sang. clapped as a group on the floor waved a
g: . :1- endary rock-and-roll show Thursday mu5ic of the 19tlos. . and went wild for “Baba O'Riley." huge British flag.
2 night as the Who arrived in .Louls- .Daltrey's v01ce wasyin perfect con- Daltrey played harmonica and looking good and sounding even
i. - Ville’s Freedom Hall on what IS pur- dition. as was the acoustics ( backed marched in place in his typical en- better, the Who have survived many
r -‘ portedly their farewell tour. . by one of the most powerful sound ergetic fashion. and a light show obstacles during the span of their 20-
; The Who opened amid deafening systems usedby a touring group) as played against the stage. year career only to keep pounding
g5"? , cheers with My Generation. .But it he played gmtar and belted out the The band’s performance of back — in this case, stronger than
3. was obvtous that the intentionally titletrack from the new album. “Baba” surpassed “Behind Blue ever.
{i 5 rough-edged performance 'of ~ the —-——-—-— Eyes" as the high point of the con- Whereas some veteran bands con-
2'; W song, the groups hI'St bls hill 15 no REVIEW cert. tinue to dish out the same old
t .' _ longer characteristic 0f the high 031' With “Pinball Wizard/See Me, material to audiences on their tours,
2. . - 2 iberithasachtevedmrecentyears_ —-———— Feel Me." from Tommy, the Who Townshend, Entwistle, Daltrey and
f A _ - 2 “Substltute._ .another early hit. The bandnfollowed With Eml- had the new generation as well as drummer Kenny Jones choose to be
_' t‘ ‘ 21% a followed, prowding the glimpses of nence Ij‘ront, a funkler rhythm and the older fans singing along. The original and not just fade away.
22:. ' "- ‘ the Who the audienceexpeoted as blues plece that featured Townshend presentation of music from the rock Opening for the Who, a band that
’j _2.§ ‘ g Roger Daltrey began his customary on vocals. It offered a contrasting opera came as a surprise because commands a cult-like following. is
N at ,5 . ‘- twirling and flinging 0f the micro change '0‘ pace ‘0 the ShOWr as It the band had announced its official no small challenge. But Rocky Bur-
2_ , ties?!“ -2 (a phone. . does 0" the album. . “retirement"after its 1979tour. nett and his five-man band did an
,2 ,2; .2 y, _ .1, “e- 2_ 22 _ The bands play