xt7ghx15qh79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qh79/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1936 Vol.8 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, July 1936 Vol.8 No.2 1936 1936 2019 true xt7ghx15qh79 section xt7ghx15qh79 a, 1936 o
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Published In the Interest of Community ‘
r-Ai . Z i
ilgfi Journalism - - OF, by, and For
i ‘ A E J
V ' Kentucky Newspapers E,
‘ - 4- : E
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: v ' . A E.
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I I 7 ‘JULY, H936 ‘
’ Volume Eight Number Two» , ié

 > Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1936 J
i ' ‘
. Newspaper Busuness Demands Improved Busmess Methods CC
j By JOE T. LOVETT advertising instead of subsorip— be kept apart from the other cashi would have been too high. Con— Hlf
,, Murray Ledger and Times tions) was fallng down and the and made fourth item on “income.” sequently, May following had 4
' —— growing deficits in revenue were Charged miscellaneous sales are Thursdays and 5 Saturdays. It
Z. The economic theorists teach us gradually breaking down the fi- entered on the job book. Some would have been out of balance, Th
that all business activity may be Lancing publishers do not book printing the other way. Our earnings state-
‘{ divided into four essential factors— I have asked others to discuss that is paid for when ordered or ment would have shown too little Tr
- each varying in importance with financing, preduction and distribu— when it is paid for as it goes out for what it actually was. long
- various businesses—but all equally tion today while I shall attempt to of the plant. However, this system Your gross operating profit or try 6
,, important in the ultimate success talk about a simple, feasible and makes it vital that every printing loss is the difference between your insta
1 0f any particular enterprise, whe— accurate system of accounting fOr order received be placed on the job gross income as shown and your who:
, ther it be the manufacture or dis— small papers Sufiice it to say that book. When it is paid for before expenses as broken down into the rent
. tribution of goods or services or the other three are problems that the end of the month; it is so various divisions. But that isn't hook
'. ”Uth- vary widely With the individual marked. It is placed on the month— what you have made for that of g
- While as practical men we have publishers here. However,I am sure 1y statement, it is checked off. month—not by a whole lot. You The
j consistently found that the theor— that those who speak have had ex— The same goes for each ad so haven’t allowed anything for inter- menl
I ists are never entirely right yet in periences which will be of benefit that in booking the paper in the est on your investment or for de- regui
. their reasonings we generally find to most all of you. Perhaps they advertising ledger after the issue preciation and the items which spac<
_ some germ 0f truth and quite often have solved some problem WhiCh is out, the total revenue from that enter into what we regard as and desk,
. a kernel. has been bothering you for a long paper and the total number of rev— call a “capital charge.” ceedi
- These four components of business v,hi1e.I know that others have long enue inches of advertising are 1111— That capital charge should not as p,
——any business—are production, ago found the key to an enigma mediately totaled. be less than 10 percent and ought afrai
4 financing, distibution, and account— that had been baffling me and Subscription records are kept to be 12 percent (If your total 111- readi
ing. dropped it ’50 me in casual conver- completely and entirely on the vestment in your business and who
The neWSDaper business is one of sation or in a round-table talk a-t,di.plicate numbered stub of each should be set aside as a separate with
the more 001111316X means of earn— one of these meetings subscription receipt i5sued. The net account, of which you will pay para;
ing a livelihood because is both 3. Regarding small newspaper ac— amount to the paper is noted on yourself (if you own your news- whicl
business and a DrOfeSSiOn- And the counting I have been amazed at each stub (for use when using sub- paper as an individual) any extra, locat
country editor, like the rural bar— the number of weekly publishers scription agents) and that, too, is amounts beyond your salary, ad— with(
I‘leter. must be familiar—that is, if in Kentucky who shame—facedly easily totaled at the end of the ditions to the capital value of your Bu
j hf is to be successful—with many confess that they do not have a month or any other time. plant, income taxes, dividends, and “01
' divisions of the big whole (some— \ery definite idea of how much they This system makes it easy to de— such other items. If you have $10,- a 3
times it. is the h—o—l—e unless he made or lost in the year or any termine in just a few minutes the 000 invested, your capital charge' n ,
-, watches his step.) other particular period. A friend volume of business booked in any should be $1,200 a year, or $100 a pounl
, .As an editor, the smalltown pub— who shopped about the nation in particular period or for the month month, and you should add that dime
lifter—the genus homo that we are search of a weekly paper was very at any particular date. So much for $100 a month to your monthly ex- ay
‘ especially interested in right now— much non—plussed by the lads 0f the “income” part of the monthly pense account before you shall have whos
, is a professional man guided some~ accurate figures on what the var— statement. arrived at your net operating prof— count
‘. what by the same instincts as the ious newspapers had been doing in Monthly expense statements are it for the month. In short, the dif— Stufi
' lawyer and the doctor. As a news— gross business, what it cost them made up from two sources—the fo'.ence between your gross operat— passe
paper manager he is a business tC operate, and what their net stubs in the check books and the ing profit and your net operating you
man moving somewhat along the profits or losses were. It was there— ledger sheet on which are entered profit is your capital charge. Don’t broth
same lines as his merchant—cus- fore very difficult, he said, to try the “paid—out in cash” items, fool yourself that this capital W011“
- tomer up the street. At the same to arrive at any accurate figure as On The Ledger and Times ex— charge is unnecessary. It is and it's ment
time, the operations of his plant to what those papers were worth. penses are divided into the follow— sound, practical business to make to m‘
make him an out—and—out manu- Let me say to you that is isn’t ing classifications (1) Payroll; (2) it. us—n
facturer and he is so classed by the a hard job to keep an accurate, in— Newsprint; (3) other paper stock; We also use a few tables to tell do 9‘
tax laws of the state of Kentucky formative set of books on a c0un—‘ (4) Supplies and miscellaneous, us the picture of our business at 19““
which exempt a newspaper plant try weekly. Beyond the value of which includes ink, metal, rollers 21 glance—that is, the whole history dents
from local taxation on the grounds the information, it often enables and all such items that enter into of it. One table shows the adver- pond
that it is a manufacturing estab— a. publisher to find a bad leak with the production of a newspaper and tising (both in dollar total and r-ev- not i
llshment. sufficient information about his in— general job printing; (5) Services, el'lue inches) each week for six. andi
If we analyze our businesses—- come and outgo, broken down into which includes correspondence ad— years, so arranged that the same I am
or professions if you please—in the logical divisions. Neither is any vertising mat services, telephones, weeks from year to year are in been
light. of these four phases of pro—- bookkeeping training necessary nor telegrams and other kindred items; parallel columns where they may I :
cuctlon, financing, distributing, an elaborate set of book required. (6) Postage, express and freight, be readily compared. . of C(
and accounting, we will easily see Naturally, all I can tell you about Which are self—explanatory; (7) Another table, on a single sheet from
that complete success demands so— is what I use myself—for what I Rent (let me say here that even if shows the printing business by there
lution of the problem of each thought were my own particular you own your own building you months for 11 years, with a sub and
phase.” needs. However, I believe it will should charge your business with total figure for the year to date grief,
”SDeCIflc examples right here in work for any newspaper property rent, not less than 12 percent an- where comparisons for similar per- ever
hentucky .may be given of news— doing a gross of less than $40,000 nually on the total amount you iods are available at a glance. it. B
Dflpers which fulfilled three of the or 50,000 a year. have invested in your building, out The same for net circulation re is no
requirements and yet died because Let me say first that I do not of which you should pay for the ceipts in another table, including whole
they made a miserable failure of waste a lot of unnecessary time try— taxes and insurance, as well as 11 years. often
the. fourth. ing to keep track of every penny make repairs; (8) Power and lights; ’I‘w0 other tables are more in— 0
‘Recently, and even before the and endeavoring to balance books (9) Insurance on the plant, stock formative. Each one shows foul newm
c;ash, there was a Kentucky pa— to the cent like a bank at the and fixtures; (10) Advertising; (11) years. The first contains fOur 601‘ we I?
per good enough to win the prize close of business every evening. The ,Donations; and (12) Taxes (except umns as follows: Advertisinl inr ,
for "best all-round weekly in the game isn’t worth the candle to jot ‘iincome taxes which are not charge— printing, net subscription, total n g ‘
state that wasn’t earning enough clown every 10c worth of card board able as expenses in making out The second also contains four 001' tewsi
money to enable its owner to live, or writing paper, unless one does a your report.) umns as follows: Gross, operating at?“
This was an instance where the general business on those items. On a weekly, the same number of expenses, grOss operating DrOfit, net nelgh
town couldn’t adequately support In such cases, it is usually much weekly payrolls issues should be cperating profit. lence‘
the paper With advertising and was simpler and easier to place such charged to any particular month as There’s lots to this newspapu pgogr
gettlng much more than it paid for. sales in a separate place from other there are published in that month. business. However, one thing mui an
One of the outstanding dailies in ca-Sh receipts where they may be Strictly going by the calendar will be agreed—no matter how good1 fgper
the state was sold one day in May, totaled separately any time. throw you out of proportion on paper you publish, no matter hot t. ey
lye—merged with another daily To save unnecessary check—writ— the two consecutive months when much advertising you may carri .hey‘
and its ldentify now almost f0r_ ing small items are paid for in one comes with four issues and five no matter hOW much news you mill {tor
gotten—and that one day was the cash, a record being kept on “paid— Saturdays. print, no matter hOW big“ a circuit ooesn
only one that its owner ever made out” slips which are entered on a For example April this year had ‘ tion you may have, no matter h°'- mg a
a profit from it. general ledger once each week or 5 Thursdays (0m publication’day) much job printing you turn out, it 11:15 $1
The financing at the beginning Often” as desired. and only four Saturdays. Had we matter how. brilliant editorials y01 h: ls.
was adequate, the production was Income is divided into three charged only 4 payrolls to April may write, If you don’t make son wh tc.
0. k., the accounting system was sources—advertising. job printing when we published 5 papers our ”Wiley you are not gelng' to bell in a -
up to standard but the distribution and net subscription receipts. If earnings statement for that month 13115111955 very long. The import?” if"
(in this instance it was the sale of , desired “miscellaneous sales” may would not have been accurate, it (Continued from Page Three) ev

 1936 . "-"*'“' '~- - -.., I: i1' "' ‘~ - ..... ,i an
a July, 1936 .
————fl% ”‘1‘ "
. , U IS er Should E ' p
3h. 00m HIS ( o "Courage ent Who hav age Three
am 4 rre5pondents In Every A t' gxperience anii 5322”” had morelused to - '
ays. It B C ' hope th “355 than I going with
c_ A H IV|t . at the , and eat, Unf Out an th‘
balance The J y ' UMMEL 7 y the 11h Y shall not k Ortunatel Y mg to
- efferson- of th g t 0f their . Get) the am 3” about th -
lgS State. Ian, JefferSOnt0wn , 6’ newspaper 1 Under a b 8123.15 of Succe _ mal got USedt _ 6 time
too 1. __ munities c n smaii cOm_ st‘ _ ushe1 Or an ‘ Ss Fmally den. 0 1t, he died, ,
lttle 1og‘ghiz-Jecoulntry correspondent has and transtrfilgntcfi’e 2353’s translate pits-16122:; ggtkshai‘e giththS; it]: 3g SEC'ur timet tievfigi a great part ‘
' en 5 . . . , - n’ in
profit or try editor ooked Upon among c0un_ Over. to the reader but itand. get it this part of thnowing how to do it to even devote emf: V131 hooks_
,een your , t s and pubhshers in m pOSSible fOr them’t sh0u1d be _ e Job better t, . Compel you to 3 time to
and you]. Ins VanceS, as sort of necessar a“ 1t 130 the Editor 0 .a‘t 1931513 relay Winche t‘fi—L {ling 8156. But bOOkk negleCt Some-
into the Wgfise weekly recording of mg 51:1, be able to get it Vitals supposed to 5 er Sun 501d b11112? importarit_it ise‘pigig is more
fflat isn’t hOOksggisflpaCIutf/ers up the Cop; 1531;12:1111 fear that We gaii'ofég way. George S 31')de Indiana Editor neSS IS to p‘rOSper 1 a1 If your
01‘ th . Superab s are_ Co . ' ames ‘ ' ' , - . . . . \
m m m comm .
f - V0 umino . - bein- ' ur time a Stoc ‘3 l‘prISB
r0101??? mention, wing; ngmgfe personal mostg 3:22:12; Often do What seirilgs’ 33:26: Sun Co. atk phihtche Win—I thzvitgere talking“ with a
.' regularly fr . 01‘ lesS 1 profitable . ‘y mornin - auCtiOn . er day . DUblishe‘.
TlS Whlch 0m out In the ect that Which h r and neg—[newSpape g In front of thlng 1‘ t who IS doin i
.d as and spaces, lands first 0 open mote and d' olds not oniy re— The r plant 0n W 1 the Whi .81 her uhu8ua1 g some_
desk Whose 00 n the news it ”Get DOSSibilit‘ sale price We 31 Street ch is a dec'd ’ somthin»
, . Cupant usuall so? 188. Isn’t the buyers 5 $37,000 cash a ' COmrnunit 1 ed Seltvice t -g
iould not ceeds t0 dISpose of it a y .pro— SUCh ind' ga 'e assumEd a $100 nd tent y even thou 0 ms
- . S quicki lrect DOSsib'l’ - g ‘ ’00 mort— Of that ~ . gh the _
l-nd Ought a5 possmle by passmg it y be found . lities are t M a service 1 6x
. - 0n_1 1n the hand‘ 0 essrs, Tat pparent. E S not at
total in. afrald often even witho am try me 11mg of cou _ of man, repr - tn 3011 Week . once
. . ut a casu 1 WS corresp0nd h the Seve . esenting on ‘9 trouble he is tak‘
ness and readlng_t0 the linot a tact by th ~ ence, close con— bidde n clllalified - e print” and added mg
Who eve t We OperatOr 9 6enter with tn r5, 0Wn and groups of me three . ExpenSe of
. se a n ua] , o e _ . . o . co .
Willi) rate with the h 1y becomes so familiar g ndent, and resultant c0 cones nelsvme, Ind. N pemte the Con_ Panel on a good pies Of his news
)ur ipay paragraph abllotual phrasing of the eween the We operation prosperouS dai1y :WS‘Examiner a per. One of thes grade of rag pa
news. S, u , _ ' eW , ‘ , e . _
any extra fvhich Change aholfgringged'games man: hlezgtfcgtillme to even mentiOn frgglleahglw Owhers ofsrtiiersun {:1 gfkffrmanent fi‘i‘éplglsloge keeps
‘Iar v a -” ‘OCations, h 1 erent ' examples, eWSDaper ~ ,, are up a fi ’ . 91‘ goes
it m he
leDds and But some one ofi‘ 1 ' be utiliz 0 Deal DEOple h 5' lshihg‘ ~ .“d is for a fi °Wn and
, - d b th 5 Ould Accordi historic 1 . l‘3 for th
haVe $10. tion that I am b e.“ the sugges— Th .e y e newspape . hg to th a somet 8 State
, _ EhInd tn - rough the c 1" Office. Sale. the t 6 terms of We 5 y' .
a1 Charge and am Speakin e tlmes fic Orrespondent th w0 men a . the ay that th' , t
g 0f the 01 - ’ 6 Should be 9 Of— ately COnt SSume 1mm . beCause is Is nu i
or $100 a country COrl‘espOnd (1 time accurat , able to Obt . M ml of the n 6d1— , althou 'h nusualii i
. 11st of mm an onday J eWSpaper metropol~ g 3 numt)
add that “me country edit en, and the 01d es 8 names and d . uly 20 as of . itan ne er of
. or as 0f ever . a dress— George - time h WSpapers f
3nthly ex- day 15 dOne in . W811, Whose 1 .y non—SUDScnb l S, Tat _ ave been . _ 0r SOme
this 10 - 0031 territo er 1n the Chased th man, Who c0p1es Prlnting
Shall have Whose DOIicy an Callty and - ry. And not 0 . 8 plant f _ DUr— of each - rag paper .
- d handl‘ 1t, but mak . hly have his broth - 01” hlmself publish 155118, few ‘
Ltlng prof— Country corre mg of the W e use of it as w 1 i 91’, Win and ers that Conntry
. . _ Spondent ell, the , 81. HOW? nersviiie - . return 1; done t We know i
t, the dii- StUfi ertten b and the . non-Subscrib 1mmEdiat 1 ° coh- he Sam - or have
V that indi - place in 1 . er has a mana 9y and - new 6 thin . .
)S - . Vidu , Deal 50 . . gement . COnti Spa e g Yet .
nggggg gziswwéliigo history, Well, 1341,5113; ghlngs as Well :éetihzncsi is doing that city_ Of the” newspapermil: porary phigilorzs reconds 0f contggf
lrge. Dom, brother. Butmfilail gear]? COrrect’ thrhd 12:15:86 I2;)111—51113501‘113ersllfiglcli‘llgeilri NertnSlfs ks. Tatman Who n £15111? as the hleatlrgp‘gllistt as impoi; ‘
' ' ’ u v S; ' . . 01‘ ' ’ Ow ' ‘ , an ‘
mm mo m m m to Wmm‘eiss
. ' 8 pro ‘ram ‘ . " respond e cor— publish . re and for a mor . ti
> to make to me What g as Was giv ent and th . . 81 of Th become m than t - e ehdurin .
' I fear is th en Should b e pliblisher 1n the e Sun. No h pri t he usual b g ti:
uS—ma b at most of 9 On the aler personnel , C anges h ed 0n . Ound file v‘i
)les to ten do Ourydfitallof uS—have failed to. the thus far elusiVe no“)? coma“ contemplated of the paper are WhICh is certaigrgmary newsprint ‘53
)usiness at lecting- andytrm- Phls matter of se_ isen hlm, if YOU please 0112:? a.nd yeThe neWSpaper est , few years. 0 dEtel‘iOrate in a. . it
the him)” dents and h:h%i?§g01:;corr95pon" £51130 tn: paper' Thli‘mgh asfirtltki— 0:55 3’” was the, ”@2135 hid 57 tosot this publisher wh ' it;
e adver- pondenc . eir comes- Wor between . e - Robbins . - 0 Mrs. . S and the ’ 0 is willin- ‘
l1 and r-ev- not merzl wéien it comes to Us_ and the correSDOndeIfileitputhher EVITS. Kate RobbihswllahChester, and dltional WOrk egfense and the ad? ‘35.
:k for six. and foremy to be printed—but first arranged foim the non—slut; pan be Y, each of Whom (3 Ourbon coun_ DErmanency of h_guai~anteeing the it;
the same I am readgstcfo be edited. For one get, at the right time :crislzer to terlelslt in the busingngd a half in- ords, is placing» lgogtom'mumty rec- 2.:
tar are in been COhfess that I h " COPY and an invita- ’ mpe ’ 6 firm ha ' lansi as Wei emY—histm-_ I '51?
they may I 5:12:31), negligent. ave ‘ a suhSCriber_ t10n to becorne goard of direcforzpesfiitw Under a his cammuniltyajirflugure citiZenS of j’
n of Corres imes look at the ma ‘ Tihls is Only one Way of . ten death of Carl C Pie the Sud_ tltleci to Comme d eht and is en-
.ngle sheet, from ourpcicflience as it comes is; ltrilig and deveIOping the wire???— 0; hand publisher in 1\gbbins, edi_ public—spirited em: atlon for this {it
usmess by th _ y “present . rough news co” a ed e Sale Mon (1 v ay, 1929 In line . rprise. ,3;
1th ere 1n the . . atlves out are BSPOHdents, The}: pur ay Was f0. ' 'Wlth the ab . _ tin
“- 61:2; :n'df regard it :{gllalsaétigg territory ment‘i’ctinyofmchjirs which I migh: betvgngi tolfe Stettling a Whirligig; Egbfighefimtied to “3:31,; zilatgrflil' 39‘
' - ‘ rle , 0ft . S 50 mu h ‘ r56, it isn’t F' W0 WOm . . e nec ~ 0 "-1
lmllarr per en wondering h C that the newS always lsher Pans 911- Neviiie 0 their new eSSity for - ~ ii
~ . . ‘ , _' . glvmg iii;
;lance_ F‘Ver find time 0‘” We Shall act d corespondent ,w1 Kate . 5°11 ln—law t . Spaper files a W
lulation re it But, granteindttfpace to handle But thicuy as a Subscription agent1 the saiObblns’ acted as agFefntMrs. 13:31:]: n, Whether thelldiiqauate pro- til
, including ishnot Worth handing: nge 0f it properlyy 0:11:31 Ustually interested if ' for printedstggk rag 0r ordniai-‘gf3 nthem ‘6
Ole it com . a 311, as a of - . .Va ed, to the ext, 5- . - Transori 8W5“ if“
. more in— 'Often Overlooittgclins Possibilities mo towgiglg Wlnmg to give assistafigt t1 4 (antmued 1mm Page T m‘ijt'gages and other;t 9f deeds’ it!"
ihows f Our 5 b . entireiy, . 1ht€resting others in t k, 9 “mg is do yOu km W0) Pu hc documents an Important ii.
0111 u SCrlberS s . subscriptions and i 3 mg are makin W Whether o proof Vault e kept 1n fire_ . i,‘
5 four col. newspapers to findIlbsctribe to our them. Some of o cc’g’perating‘ with GO yoU kniinyhmOHBY—and if 1:10: manuscript 5' Collectors of books i"
AdVertising world—at horn ou What the dents ar ur 351? Correspon_ an ‘ . W y? Dev’ 1 s and anti ’ " ‘
. - . e amon accountin 158 yourself 10118 sort ques 0f Var— , . 4
“on total 111g and Sa . e and abroad—ls (210— bus" g th 600mmun't 1 yo g System th 1‘, . i next to p055 . '1‘ A
, .Ving. Th Jest people and h , 1Y5 ‘1 What you 3' W111 te11 are most c esslng them i
is four col— newspaper to t 63’ Want the' to a t . avent the t‘ "ou t Want to kno °hCerned abo . '
. . . . . e11 the - 11‘ c ually solicit b - lme J 0 find the 1 . W: enable a Safe place - . 1” Securin i i
,, Operating tertannin m, In an ' _ e. - , ut Will lend _ ou . eaks If a . .111 whicht g -: .
£profit, mi heighborg afiancfig What “1:111. Séi’icfifistance in securing a 10:21 Emmi: Gigi? W611i perhaglsyhirés t1; ggzrgr‘ggfchon 0f valugblfgsgstgim' E ;
IBHCes the 3: What 8 , ' SB ' ‘4 profits W-t Ore one . 0— ii} ‘
y a . Xper— . hing t . 1 hout _ Sur can obt - ~.
newspapa prOgress tn re havmg‘: and Wha . Whlle I 1”eahze that som tion. he merit 0f y0ur u .185 ance as a recompens am m.‘ 23'
thing mu“ tham that ey are making M t need, more than others te papers Rem p bhca' possmle 1055» e M thell‘
iow goodz paper to t they exhect the new?6 and maintain an efficient0 doveIOp ating ember this one thing 0 In Sight 0f the great
matter ho‘i; they are dililntheh‘ neighbors whit :fiwihcorrespondents I beligslpghOf like raga/51331361” is a great 3”} ge‘gSpiper files, as recordvahite Of it}
may earn they are ha 3 and What Sucee ‘3 So—Cahed C6“ t e at get _1 1 g a dairy, Yo ea ro ably less att t' 5, here u: ‘
- ~ Vin , A . sses and dan- h 1‘51 Weeklies mlk out of u can’t protectin en 10h pald t
ws you mm itor may k g nd while the , les cou1d mak feed h a cow unl 3 them th 0 .-E ;
. . ‘ i new 911— their ' - . e more SECur er—but 655 y0u other 5 an to 1‘6cord5 l
g a Circuit C10esn’t kno 3‘ Whole lot . p051mm, Increa . e What; th you Want to Orts. It is . 0f _
- W What _’ he lation a . 59 their Circu— at feed is . . know mther tn ‘ exceptionan ‘2 ‘
matter how. mg and Wh . everybod . “d thaden - . ther th COStlng and an the e t y, l
- ~ t ls h . y 15 d0-‘ by full . . . then" influen 9 Sale of ~ - “7118— the file “5 0m, to k i
film out, Ill his SubScriba. appenlng to 11 Y recognizing th . ._ Ge to Dav f0 mllk is suffic' 5 under lock and 66p
litorials 3’01 He is su Bis and their n __ a that exist in a , .9 pOSSibilities y0u_ r the feedine lent more exceptional t key, and l.“ .
posed t elghbors. asso‘ . tiained staff 81Ve the am a and Care fil‘epro 0 find the - ‘
make son he Cannot 0 know peo 1 o mates in di‘ of And . ma]. 0f Vaults. s m In If
. be e pe. but the - IeCt Contact ' . 1eInEI’nber t ~ ' gest th . , 0 We Would S _ , :1
Santa: m or
7 . ' g the li ‘. Te 0- 1e ‘9 01‘ as the . ._ “ . eed is no . O‘Wn paper . . 0 his n _ “i ‘
,e I‘hree) News COI‘I‘espggdgitgmklng news. is if) giselriersonai touch, pleVi ffnlétlii’namke the Jogcgsglly the make 58:33 :12 131111: commuhit;wio 'Ei
' as agents‘neid — ”mg Such a i . a ahors L . enegro fil . a e has 1r ‘
work . OI‘Ce of ”J . , e and d8 - e 0f 1115 COmplete
as, there are those pres— I l‘ewjiisstcogtmg so much £11325 31% preperly bounfgvsiafiahen that it is I"
E‘Clded that he‘d get hl-m( Stored in a Safe land that it is ' .
3 1m Auxiliary. p ace. '— Puhlishers ; t
.5 ,
it ‘

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_ Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1936 J
. flffl u
__________________———— ___
' printed paragraph. If these things bers of the staff on this anniver-
. F can be true, then you should ex— sary, and, especially, honors its C
., fie tend your cooperation to the new editor for his many years of ef~ 0'
‘- ’ officials ; financial support if pos— ficient service, both to Danville and _,
, g i? % .3 3- s, gee sible, otherwise a letter to Clayton to his state. TO
;_ y’gf} Rand with your pledge of loyalty ————-——
' will give encouragement for the Party Organs No Good 1
I comprehensive program, decidedly - -———— U
j' ———.'—'.—.-—#—“—'—_—’_— in and for your personal interest, The following is an editorial,
5‘ Officml Publication Of The Kentucky Press Association to come. Will the Kentucky Fourth headed “Party Organs No Good". If
‘ . M—I Estate show its interest and coop— which appeared in the Lexington been
,' VICTORR.PORTMANN.................Edit01‘ oration. Herald in regard to an editorial the C
.1 _—___'______—__—_ —————————— written by Keen JohnsOn, editor of 0f 09
, Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, Happy Birthday To You The Richmond Register and Lieu- clinec
, University Of Kentucky, Lexington -——-— tenant—Governor of Kentucky: subJe‘
__,______————_____ J. S. Tompkins. editor of the MC— Keen Johnson, who is Lieutenant me a:
f _ PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Kee Sun, is our first birthday guest Governor and Secretary of the word
. John L‘ Crawford .____..... —__ President _......~ Timesqribune’ Corbin this month havmg celebrated No. 1, Democratic State Committee, writes sense
, Jody P. Gozder Mafia—M. Vice President __ News-Journal, Campbellsville Volume 13, on June 11. feelingly 1n the Richmond Register, WGbS
. J. Curtis Alcock ,_.._._..._ Secretary—Treasurer #4...» Messenger, Danville Forty—three years old is the Un— of which he is editor, about “oper
3 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE iontown Telegram, edited by ViC— “Shackling the Press.” He says if end;”
, JidLSd/Idar §l131radleyl,1iil}nterplrise, Providence, Chairman; Gracean M. Pedley, Her- tor L. and Lee Spalding, which be— Mexico’s national party wishes to of £38
' iierlJourggll, goggvhlegliggithflleixofiig, I§£2_£Igg%iili¥1’leéa¥xa$1csorfirmgéietgguébggfig’ gan V01" 43 9n June 26' becom? thoroughly d}501'ed1t9d fit]
' Democrat, Cynthiana; James T. Norris, Independent, Ashland; Thomas R. Un- In the daily field, the Harlan abroad, It should promote Its recent suit (
, derwood, Herald, Lexington; Russell Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, London; Joe Richard- Daily Enterpere’ published by J, editorial suggestion that all for_ 'CO:
. ihnElEierei’aifilsj‘sstgteg'YV'lI-I $112221; yR. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexmgton, Robert M. Alverson, entered Volume 17 on eign correspondents in Mexico get 131311
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE July 1. their news fromnEé Nacional. This 311:3:
- - . ———————‘——‘ is a par y con r0 e newspaper. .1
{4122:252303233353?with?deiiee’ifniié’gura‘aééiiis‘ié; Ige‘ggzgcg.‘§op1§ia%?: BETTER BUSINESS METHODS! As both a. newspaper editor and Brat“
Commonwealth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, Williamsburg; —— a party leader, Lieutenant Gover— group
ADVERTISING COMMITTEE The Press calls attention to the nor Johnson knows that party p01_. but 1
fioe T. hogtti) Ledg‘ey'll‘imei,’ Muriay, 1:(ljliftirman; Rlobertthltn Kincaid, Daily address of Editor Joe T. Lovett, mas and newspaper editing don’t 003?)
‘ . , n r , ; _ _ . _
.« WM satietsfsizzmienema has; 353:? gfdg: aginttrsegzegf, m... any teo wel- He haste... .ex, men:
' NEWSPAPER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE . - h . ~ pressed hls VIEWS on_ thls sublet St t
Victor R. Portmann University of Kentucky Chairman' Albert Schumacher TL: firlggztsenhgtafhzeesmggififngg: and 116.18 absomtely I‘lg‘ht abOUt lt'. Stine:
Citizen, Berea; Denny Spragens, Marion Falcon, Lebanon. ’ ’ Egilltarils that ’ newspapers must es_ Any time a newspaper becomes a amon
. party organ it ceases to be a news—
tablish an accurate system of keep— , ,. _ and
_____—-———————————_ . . . . peper. It is all light for a news
‘ _____———————_____—__. mg finanCIal Tecord, Of thelr bUSI— paper to express forceful views ed— mon.
nvess if the editor expects the news itorially and often these may pom-,1
' NEA President est spontaneous demonstrations of paper to keep him. The PIESS has correspond with the,policies of a stand
-—— loyalty of that organization ever emphasized, time and again, the political party Too close a tie-11D from
Clayton Rand, Gulfport, Miss, witnessed at an N. E. A. meeting, importance Of a bookkeeping SYS- just won’t work For proof note whicl
was elected president of the Na— It came after the report of the re— tem for newspapers, both large and where it has been tried ' teresi
tional Editorial association at the organization committee called for a :32]: gsgfimsisnoegggffighlgg 35,0913: V ' _ Lnten
4 Poland Spring, Maine, meeting to policy of retrenchment and strict ’ - - - . e u
succeed BOb Pritchard, Weston, W. economy in order to wipe out the NEA “Ste“?! the Lovett system Ugh:”1%thvaggflegogrfigdgei there
Va. Clayton has had an evitable deficit which now exists and safe— (adv.),.or hls. own system, 1f $1013; Li 81; y, y., as ‘ them
record in newspaper and allied ac— guard the future of the association. the editori‘twfll estathh one 193‘ no ype. 90—01:
tivities and his selection as active I It was precipated when Walter gill Efrlml 1131? nto faicer almt 2: —_—__———_ 4151““
head of the NEA will prove popular | Granner of Canaan, Conn, offered 533110: afio min: The Editoiajnthat LEW. B. BROWN, former Kem 1tors.
with the members of that associa— to contribute $25 then and there to dogs not put his'plant on a busi— tucky newspaperman, now publish- No
tion. The Press extends congratula— help reduce that deficit. His offer riess basis is in the majority ‘of er of the St. Peterburg, Fla, Even— co—o;
tions to Mr. Rand, and reinterates was immediately matched by Mrs. cases afraid of the facts that will ing Independent, writes that he 15_ them
‘ ' _ ’. . L . b tter than he has been for a long counl
Its statement, made in a letter to Lee Rountree of Texas, whose dra be evxdent on an audit of his as— e , . .
Mr. Rand, that it enlists its 001— matic appeal to the delegates sets and liabilities. The cost is neg— time. A short time tgo Maw as m
umns in carrying out every con— brought dozens more to their feet ligible in comparison with the ben— Brown became suddenly In and was seen
structiver policy of the new officials with similar offers. Within a few ' efits that will ensue after a system near. death for several weeks. Eight, agair
for the extension of cOmmunityi minutes more than $1,000 in cash is established. The Press will gladly SpeciallStS’WOI’ked on hlm. for three thrOL
journalism, and of the NEA policies' and pledges had been turned in furnish information and data con- weeks, trying t0 locate hIS ”0111315 rathe
in particular, toward a bigger andland officers declare that the spirit cerning all systems on request. before he was. operated on and ' mino
better association and an enlight— manifested among the 200 delegates came through 11'1 fine shape. H9 A
ened and effective Fourth Estate. indicates that the NEA is again . iS now able to be at 111? office a Weak
The Kentucky Press association headed toward financial security. Danvrlle Advocate 72 Years Old few hours each day. Major Brown d0 S
gave its endorsement to the NEA In line with the economy program —__ _ and Mrs. Brown Will'leave Monday great
and to its program when it voted the position of managing