xt7ghx15qg2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15qg2t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2013-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, December 2013 text LinQ magazine, December 2013 2013 2013-12 2019 true xt7ghx15qg2t section xt7ghx15qg2t “9%
Connecting the Bluegrass LGBT community December 2013
Vol. 35 No. 12
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A publication of the GLSO

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EDITOR Don Lowe The Lexington Gay and GLSO DIRECTORS
. . Lesbian Services Organization
. PHOTOGRAPHY Brlan Hawkins Paul Holland, At Large
seeks to educate, enhance and
Don Lowe, At Large
CALENDAR Chad Hundley empower the community about .
Cynthla Lyons, At Large
GLBTQQIA issues. _
COPY EDITORS Barb Stead and Clndy Sommer, At Large
GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100 GLSO STAFF
Lexington, KY 40504
Chad Hundley, Oflice Manager
LinQ is published monthly by 859.253.3233
and for the Lexington Gay and wwwglsoorg LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Lesbian Services Organization Oflfice hours are Mon-Fri 1-5 p.m..
Submit letters to the editor by
members and community. The
GLSO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE emailing editor@glso.org. Letters
Lexington Gay and Lesbian
to the editor published in LinQ
Services Organization envisions Paul Brown, President
. may be edited for length.
a community that accepts and Ginger Moore—Minder, Vice
celebrates each individual. President Like us on Facebook at
Karen Taylor, Secretary LinQbyGLSO
Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
Follow us on Twitter @
Scan to join our mailing list.
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 That’s What I’m
E T lk ' ’ Ab
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By Helena Handbasket
" is the season to be this season that you can give. children, no matter where dinner. You'll be surprised
‘ I jolly... fa la la la la... Here arejustafew... they come from, should be what a blessing that could
Well, you know the Homeless shelters are able to provide something be. We can all learn from
rest. Yes, we've heard it our busier than ever during the special for that child. the wisdom and experience
entire lives. Everybody is holidays and are always And, nothing is worse than of older people.
happy during the Christmas in need of blankets, coats, being hungry during the Maybe slow down and let
holidays,right? Well, actually, socks, etc. Give one of them holiday. Food banks such that person that is trying to
they say that for some, the acall and find out what their as God's Pantry, Moveable merge into your lane in...
holidays are the saddest and specific needs are. You have Feast, or Meals on Wheels even if you are in a hurry.
most difficult time of the no idea how appreciative require so many more food Or, why not smile at the
year. While we are all warm they will be. Food and/or and monetary donations people you encounter... for
and snug in our homes, money is always appreciated. during Christmas due to the no reason at all.
with our tree that is loaded Humane Societies are often fact that there are so many Whatever might tug at your
down with presents and our overlooked during the holi- individuals and families that heart this season, I challenge
bellies that are stuffed with days. People are so involved need help during this time. you to follow that feeling.
all of the traditional morsels in getting things together for Sadly though, as the need What you will feel will far
that are associated with this their own holiday celebra- increases, the donations exceed the sacrifice that you
season, there are others tions that they often stop decrease. There are often make to help someone else.
that are lonely, hungry, and donating to the little4legged donation boxes in grocery
struggling with how to get fur babies. While you are stores that make it easy to Words ofwisdom
just the basic necessities, let out Christmas or grocery donate. Iust purchase some
_ . . ’ . from your Mamaw
alone all of the trimmlngs shopping, pick up some pet extra food and bag it sepa- Helena. Merry
and trappings that go along food and/or treats and take rately, then just place that bag Christmas and
with Christmas. them by your favorite no kill in the donation box there at .
_ _ . Happy Holidays
All of this makes me ask shelter. Ifyou don't have time the store. It Wlll make sucha everyone!
myself, what is it that might to pick up food, just take a difference.
bring the most joy this check by. Most times those But, if you don't have the
Christmas? Yes, I'm human. donations are tax deductable. extra resources to help, you (Send comments
I love all of the sparkle and Toys for Tots is one of the can still help in other ways. or suggestions to
I "stuif"thatIgetforChristmas most wonderful programs Make an extra pie and take HelenahandbasketKY@
(don't you?). But, ifI have to out there. Can you imagine it to a neighbor or an elderly gmail.com
admit it, the real joy really what Christmas must look person that you know might ,
does come from helping like toachildwhen theywake appreciate it. Speaking of .
someone else have a happy up on Christmas morning the elderly, is there someone . ‘ -. '
holiday. That is what they and don't have anything out there that you know ' ‘_
mean when they say (and we under the tree to unwrap? that might be alone for . I 54$ ..
have all heard it before) 'tis Justthethought ofthatbreaks Christmas? Why not invite .\ \f\ “ . .s» I
better to give than to receive. my heart. Every family that them over to your house . S?“ I . W \
And there are so many ways celebrates Christmas and has to enjoy your Christmas I: . . at! ‘1 ',.»

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C ourt News
By I. D. Vaughn
he end of October also attended the Imperial
I and the month SovereignQueenCityCourt \
of November of the Buckeye Empire’s 7
continued to be a busy time (Cincinnati) Investitures ‘7
for the Imperial Court of Ceremony on November 3, I '
Kentucky. On October 30, at the Cabaret in Cincinnati. ‘3 .
the Court held its annual Several members were ‘3 .1“: 2?
DivaofDarkness pageant at honored with certificates ‘ A‘ 3 ' \
pulse nightlife. The evening and also performed for ‘ ' _
was exciting with many of newly crowned Emperor 22 § '3 :
the courtperformers pulling Keith Roberts and Empress . if
out spooky performances 22 Freeda Bangkok of —_
to enliven the show. New— Cincinnati.
to-town performer, Phoxee On November 20th, the
Roxx, was crowned as the men of the Court, including
2013 Diva of Darkness His Most Imperial Majesty 3 —
after competing in several Emperor 32 Patrick 3 ' 3
categories. She will Thompson, held the annual '.
represent that title at the Emperor’s Turnabout Show
end of the year in the at pulse nightlife. The
Court’s annual Entertainer evening was fun-filled with
of the Year competition. performances by several 3 .
November marked the male line members and
beginning of the Court’s previous Emperors. The
campus tour with a stop at event raised over $800 for paper Christmas trees to the participating are Crossings
Morehead State University the charities of the ICK. local establishments during Lexington, the Bar
to support the LGBT My”; AF“? awe; the month of November. Complex, pulse nightlife,
student organization there. WV V”: You may purchase one Soundbar, and Columbia’s
The Court had several TPJU;/W from your favorite estab- downtown.
performers and members an lishment’s bartender or Going into December,
there representing and 53:8:MU server for a donation of the Court will be hosts for
helping to raise funds for llwew27 $1. All money raised from AVOL’s Dining Out for
the organization, while r" Crossings the tree donations will be Life event at Columbia’s
providing outreach to the .. rfl‘ included with the total for Steakhouse downtown.
college community. #3: the AVOL Kid’s Christmas Stop by that evening to
NumerousCourtmembers The Court also distributed Show. Current venues dine with court members

 and make donations to the pageant. There is both a
Dining Out for Life cause. male and female judged
The weekend following component to this pageant, ‘
this event, the Court will so any interested applicants ' «'-
hold one of its most impor— should contact Regent .p ,_
tant fundraisers of the year Empress 32 ID. Vaughn for ., "’5. fl 1 _ 1‘ ‘ 7 H L
— AVOL Kids Christmas — further information. The , 1" 1,”, “if ‘
at Crossings Lexington on categories are a Christmas x, ,zc l
- a 2. 5'2-1' s.»-
December 8th. The show presentation in red, a talent ’ = ' fflf i? l
will begin at 9:30 pm and of the contestant’s choice, { Ag. ‘~ ' l
will feature many enter— and Creative holiday wear. .v . i, V ' 151; ‘
talnérs’ Wlth :16 goal Of Remember as ' 7 ' z
raismg as muc money as the end ofyear .5“: _ _ l
possible to purchase gifts ‘5 i
. . . approaches, your _-
for children of families . _ '.
ff ted b HIV This ear donations are
ah eCC yh 55 111‘: tax deductible a .
t e 0th El; f C eren as the ICK isa ,1,
t0 pI‘OVl. e g1 s or. our recognized charity .., "£1: .2 g' ,
support is strongly encour— organization '1’.” ‘
aged with this event. . , - m "-
For further informa- .'
If you would . _ '
, tion or to see upcoming
like to make a , , _
_ events of Reign 32, Visit -:
donation toward , , ,
the Courts soc1al media
the cause, please sites on Facebook ( rou - - '
contacta Board . g P Freeda Bankok of Cincmnati
her or one name Imperial Court of d I D V I1
mem _ . Kentucky) or online at an ‘ ' dug n
of the Reigning . ,
Monarchs of the tucky or
ICK at one ofthe . g.
social media sites i L . ,. . ,A'f-(ggiv
listed below. ' N (".136
’ 7""
Then on December 11th NW; "11,4 ‘1‘“,1 7‘. ‘L‘.
at pulse nightlife, the Court > . ‘ . ’ N l
and the GLSO team up for " , ' ‘ 3 . .
its annual fundraiser, aVery t V f M, x 7‘ .» , *
Fairy Christmas. There will 71 w’ {$15, 7 \ , ' ““13
be special visits from Santa __ fl ‘z’i 1. - 3% E 1 \I.‘
. and Ms. Claus that evening, 1 3 if ‘ f \\ l 7 _ (gag ‘3
along With fun and eXCiting \ ‘ l . 1 2‘: ‘ ‘ ‘
performances. Proceeds , , 37:19:: "‘4"? ‘
from this event will be 1 ///z i;
donated to the GLSO. '7 ' 7:55" i
Finally, the Court wraps 4 1“,,”
up 2013 with its final fund— '5 . ‘ =
”“56”“ December 18th at Patrick Thompson and Clayton Burchell
pulse nightlife with its Mr.
and Miss Mary Christmas
a LinQ

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Embracmg Dwerszty Growmg Strong
By Jim Prince
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2. wk, ,gafififi‘xn-_2 2'” . , _, snare ,
ast fall,Itookafriend organizational and cultural the Lexington Gay Sports the right direction.”
to experience the changes in recent years, Commission (LGSC), The Lexington Gay Sports
Short North, a from supportive LGBT organized an initial interest Commission helps organize
cultural hub in Columbus, legislature to a Pop Art meeting at Soundbar to volunteer coaches and
for the first time and this mural rendition ofAbraham openadialog about creating players of all skill levels for
was our post visit dialog: Lincoln. Such bold rede- and building GLBTQQIA a variety of sporting events
“You’re right, the Short signs of our city inspired us community sports leagues in the Lexington area.
North feels a lot like where to seek more opportunities in the Bluegrass Region However, it’s primary func-
downtown Lexington is to impact the Lexington of Kentucky. By chance I tion is not just as a sports
headed. But what does community. Though large stumbled upon the meeting organization. Rather, by
Columbus have that scale projects can be intim— and decided to listen to the creating sporting oppor-
Lexington doesn’t yet?” idating, conquering chal— ideas presented. Shortly tunities that are open,
“Oh, somewhere arounda lenges and leavingapositive after hearing this dialog respectful, and welcoming
million more people.” legacyforabetter tomorrow among community leaders, to all in the spirit of good
“And What do we do to was enough to motivate us I grabbed my phone and sportsmanship, its intent is
change that?” to get involved. texted my Columbus travel to educate the public on how
As Lexington natives, Last February, Adam companion, “Sports. Sports to more openly embrace
we reflected on the many Evans, now the President of will help Lexington grow in diversity and breakdown

 destructive stereotypes.
Helping league directors get . .
started is a lot of work of PFLAG LeXlngton Meetlng
course, but positive public
education is the greatest For our December 10th meeting, PFLAG Lexington will be gathering at La Petite Creperie
_ challenge. for our winter celebration.
Though still in its infant Please join us and bring your loved ones! It is yummy, cozy, affordable, and we will have a
stage, the organization great time!
has become a catalyst in Tuesday, December 10 at 6:30 PM La Petite Creperie just off Woodland Park at 191 Kentucky
creating and promoting Avenue.
healthy athletic activities in
our community.
In just nine months, _“ o
the Lexington Gay Sports I w Clay? mm
Commission has already ' E v .
filed for 501(c)(3) non-
profit status, initiated eight . .
team sport opportunities, YOUR PET’S FIRST EXAM IS FREE.
registered multiple athletes Check out our website and see why we are different.
for the 2014 Gay Games in . claysmillvetcom - 859—223—5215
Cleveland, Ohio and offi- ,
cially launched its first full
league, Team Lex Volleyball, [7(fo yo” [pa/flew ‘E
under the guidance of LGSC E ' (ll/5A F%fil&l‘€ E
Vice PreSident Ben Delesus- E ¥ Save $ 1 0 online with discount code: PRIDE ‘
Other sports E www.ImperlaIFlowersLexmgton.com E
include: billiards, E Imperial Flowers
gymnastics and E 59s WallerAve. 859.25§.7486 Local E
_ E,,,,,Jm, KY 40504- 800.588.7456 Toll-Free E
cheerleadlng, -- m "iflifi" ~ * , W
soccer, softball,
tennis, and yoga .
with rejuvenation D d M D 11
of a gay bowling 3V1 C owe V
league currently Realt0r®
underw- 859-396-7184 ‘. ..
- Anyone interested in Fax: 859_268_4667 '
participating in a sport (1 avi d@ tu 1' ft OW n. C 0 In _
or that would like to be ,
involved with the organi- Turfrown'com
zation of a new sport, team TURF TOW
or league may contact us at
lexgsc@gmail.com or visit ,
http://lexgsc.org [E pmc. m
124 Kentucky Avenue . Lexington, KY 40502 13.,
a LinQ

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Tune your radio to 91.3 FM every day
to hear the latest from WUK‘Y’ and NPR News.
"Po-oats“: ’ ‘ m
LinQ a

 Wh n ri
e Apple C sp
Trump 3 AID S
' Michael has AIDS Positive.
We can choose what we pay attention to.
By Sandy Spaulding f
ichael is on a GLSO activities and service, few infections you would get changed. “When the first
Mstool stringing a volunteering at the library could be cured. Wild, free, men gotsick, theylostweight.
light canopy in and working the desk at hidden places dangerous Then they dropped out of
the GLSO all-purpose room, the complex where he lives. and exciting—it was only sex sight. When people you knew
turning it into an intimate He pitches in to help with they wanted in those days. got it and died, you figured
candlelit Bistro for thirty gay anything that needs steady I asked if guys ever actu— we all had it and were dying
seniors. Tonight we’ll gather eifort and patience to get it ally felt something, fell in anyway, so it didn’t matter
and share Thanksgiving with done. N0 drama. He’s just a love and stayed together. He what we did with each other.
fall colored linens, china and nice guy who is most at home said a few, but even those Then we were told you got it
silver. We all bring What we helping others. were, more often than not, from anal sex; if one was too
have that’s at all festive, elite Now 60, Michael has asked were open relationships. In aggressive with the receiver,
or lovely to look at. He was me to write his story. I begin the early eighties the mantra leaving a tear in the colon
up early basting the ham. byaskinghimwhat Lexington for gay men was no commit— wall, the virus had access
There was a time his AIDS was like before AIDS seeped ment, no consequences no to the bloodstream. Trying
made him a modern day into their lives. He said there concerns. But I wondered to stay in the game, we told I
leper. He doesn’t talk about was alot of sex going on back what part we all played in ourselves if we had oral sex 1
it, not because he hides it, then——anytime, anyplace, driving gay men into book- the virus was destroyed in I
but since he’s moved to town anybody. No one thought stores and bushes. the stomach acid and we
he is immersed in his church, about consequences. The Reflecting back, his voice were safe.”
a LinQ

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When I asked how he and didn’t want to infect When Michael saw the a legacy thing. And there’s
thought he got it, he said he Wayne. When they separated GLSO was hosting a gay the AIDS quilt...
had dental problems and his Michael left Wayne the car. senior meeting to learn As I dry the silver and
teeth were removed. Before He was stranded and weak. what they needed, he went. plates from Bistro I think
the sockets healed over they Consuming depression set Walking in the door, he was about Michael. But not
were open wounds, so when in,hismateandchoicesgone. welcomed like a brother his plight. Funny. That’s
he had oral sex with an He moved around a lot, home from combat. These because he is always
infected man he contracted looking for where to start were strangers who saw helping me with some-
the illness. His weight went over, but no one seemed to only "family" when he thing 74 years olds can’t
from 180 to 135 pounds but care about him wherever he came in, and he knew he easily do alone.
he ignored it. However, when went. Now chronically weak, belonged there.
he was treated for thrush, the he thought about suicide. No The seniors heard his
mouth sores prompted the one anywhere loved him. He long time friend, a white It was too dim in one
nurse to suggest he be tested. was withering inside. When parakeet, had died. He was corner, and he magi—
? It was not until he felt sickly he had a heart attack he sad but couldn’t afford a cally pulled little lamps
I most days, and met Larry didn’t go for care; he wanted new bird, so they took him and extension cords Ollt
j from AVOL, that he agreed to die anyway. After several to the pet shop and bought 0f nowhere. He carries,
i go to the health depart- days, he finally went to the him another one. Last listens, chats, clears trash,
ment. He found out on 9/11, emergency room where they week two senior Outreach and iS the last to leave. I'm
the day the towers were hit, inserted three stints. Soon he leaders, Ginger and Kay wondering what he’ll COOk
that he was HIV positive. He had energy and stamina to took Michael to a corn for the next biStYO- His
cried that day, but no one walk, volunteer and be useful maze. It was on his bucket corn pudding is to die for -
knew it was because he was again. list. The place was closed on -after his apple crisp! (In a
dying too. week days, but the owners selfish impulse and totally
Michael and Wayne, part- Eventually, he came back to opened it for him anyway. out Of character, I Spirited
ners for 25 years, split up, his childhood neighborhood On the way home, grateful the remains 0f the last one
probably because eight in Lexington and looked and tired, he said he leads home for myself!) Michael
years earlier Mike instinc- for housing. AVOL found aquilting group. People no has AIDS, hilt he has 50
tively knew to stop having him a small place in an HIV longer know the traditional nailed that CTiSPi Honestly?
sex with him. He had sensed group home called Rainbow Appalachian stitches. He 'Trumps everything else I
he might get sick himself, House. wants to pass that on. It's know about him.

A View 0
- from The Heart
What’s The Hurry? ;
By Rev. Marsha I. Moors-Charles v
was born and raised in carols are sung. Needless to dear loved one by our side, community of faith. “
IPikeville, the eastern say, my first experience with and our favorite Christmas Advent invites us to take
most part of our state. Advent left me grumbling tunes playing softly in the ourtime gettingto Christmas
Myparents made sure that we about Why we weren’t singing background. Day—asking ourselves how
not only attended church but carols in church—what was We are in a hurry to get our we might more fully expe-
thatwe also became involved. all the hoopla about this house decorated; we are in a rience the fullness of God’s
Growing up in a conservative thing called Advent? hurry to get to the next event, love. We delay singing
Southern Baptist church was As the years have gone often finding ourselves liter- carols until Christmas Eve
not always easy—especially by, Advent has become my ally running from one place and then for several Sundays
as I came to understand that second favorite season of the to another; we are in a hurry following Christmas, we sing
I was different (more on that church year (followed only to get our shopping finished; them loudly to be counter-
in another article). by Lent, believe it or not!). we are inahurry to get to the cultural to those who have
In the Baptist church where You see, once I understood family dinner and sometimes long since left the spirit of
I grew up, we had three the purpose of Advent, it in a bigger hurry to leave. Christmas and when the
church holidays of sorts— became a powerful tool in Advent attempts to slow us retail shelves have moved
Easter, Christmas, and my spiritual work chest. down! In our various church forward to Valentine’s Day.
revival. Beginning with the We all know how the communities, we spend the So, my friends, what’s the ,.
first Sunday in December, season of Christmas is advent season preparing to hurry to get to Christmas or
we began to sing Christmas rushed upon us—just this receive God’s gift of Jesus to to leave it? Take some Advent
carols. Around the age of year, we hear news of stores the world. For Christians, time on your journey-let’s Q'
28, after being kicked out of opening for ‘black Friday’ Jesus is the one to whom we slow down to fully embrace
my ‘home’ church, I began sales as early as 8:00 am. on look for as an example for the hope, love, joy, and peace
attending a more progres- Thanksgiving Day! We see our living—the baby—turned— of God’s love — and that of
' sive church and, for the first folks camped out to get dibs prophet who would teach us one another!
time, was introduced to the on the latest gadgets or toys. how to live with an inclusive
idea of Advent. Advent is We cram our calendars full of message and witness of love,
the season leading up to events and parties—posting peace, joy, and hope. So,
Christmas and includes four pictures on Facebook of our each Sunday of Advent, we
(or five) Sundays preceding home Christmas décor, only give focus to these elements «
Christmas Day. During to admit that we spend very of faithful living—and to a v “
these Sundays, very few (if little timejust ‘being present’ what they mean to each of a 3
any) traditional Christmas with the twinkling lights, a us as individuals and as a 'i' if .

\x :i) '
i. m
fi‘ A Holiday Concert
# f * * 6,71. i
5‘ ' * he
4 * ¥ ‘ * ’4’ 4x " +-
Saturday, December 7, 2013
7:30 PM
i, $12. 00 ( suggested donation)
The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael
2025 Bellefonte Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40503
Proceeds to benefit : Mo veable Feast ofLerngton
WWerastleX. org

 By Ieifery A. Jones, PhD
Vaccinations. Part Four in our series of ~
survey results
ave you had your eradication of this ancient times more likelyto develop York recently campaigned
Hflu shot? Many plague. Ifyouhaveacircular anal cancer than men who to get gay men vacci—
of us hear this scar on your shoulder and have sex only with women. nated for meningitis. This
questionannually,butdidyou are in your 405 or older, you HIV+ MSM in turn have push appears to have now
know there are a number of likely received the smallpox almost double the rate of stopped a local outbreak
vaccinations recommended vaccine. developing anal cancer of meningitis among New
for adults? On the 2012 Some of these vaccines compared to HIV— MSM. York gay men. We unfor-
Fayette County LGBT Health are recommended for Similarly, the vaccine for tunately did not ask about
Assessment, we asked our particular age groups. shingles (Herpes Zoster) is meningitis vaccinations at
306 local participants what Thus, the new HPV vaccine recommended for people the time of the local study.
adult vaccinations they had is recommended for both 60 and older. The US A number of these
received. Here is what they women and men 26 years Centers for Disease Control vaccines should not be
said: and younger, and ideally and Prevention (CDC) taken if you are HIV+. V
much younger: before also recommend the pneu- Be sure to consult your
Have been vaccinated for: people become sexu- monia vaccine for seniors medical provider before
ally active. HPV comes 65 and older. getting any vaccine.
. Chickenpox 50.5% in more than 80 varie— The CDC specifically For more information
. HepatitisA 44.4% ties, but certain varieties recommends the Hepatitis from the CDC:
- . Hepatitis B 54.1% cause cervical cancer, anal A vaccine for men who h t t p : / / w w w. c d c .
. HPV 11.5% cancer, and cancer of the have sex with men. It also gov/ mmwr/ preview/
. Influenza 64.8% penis. Anal cancer rates recommends the Hepatitis mmwrhtml/su6201a3.htm
. Pneumonia 23.4% are relatively low: 1.5 cases B vaccine for anyone not
. Shingles 9.6% per 100,000 in Kentucky in .a monogamous relation- Read more next
. Smallpox 34.1% for 2001-2006 (Kentucky sh1p. While the CDC does month about the
. . Cancer Registry). Studles not specifically recommend Fayette County
Regular vaccmation for in metropolitan areas find the meningltis vaccme for L GBT Health
smallpox was phased out that HIV- men who have MSM, the city and state Assessment.
in the mid-19605 with the sex with men (MSM) are 17 health departments in New

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Mary Obfustmas Pageant
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 Southern Lights
\\\\\\v~»\““‘“""r'/wx,,,// For the 20th time, we jumped into our cars and braved the r}: 1. ’ ,, g
33$ 2 elements to see one of the Bluegrass’s finest holiday tradi- l9 ,ldfijj
35 ’32 tions. It seems just like yesterday we were telling our friends [j . .19, I r‘
2/ S about the must see light show at the Kentucky Horse Park. % [12 : Lilly
2/ § Now, the event has grown to feature over 1 million lights. -
“"7421“,,”W\\\\\\‘\\\\ Indoor attractions include holiday arts and crafts. Open 3
nightly now until December 31. (ELEDflme mm
http://kyhorsepark.com/ ~ 9
, r Gaga’s ArtPop
a]; 'hfifi We tried so hard not to be a Little Monster-- at least not this time § [/2
’ jg ”"1 l J 1 BUT there’s always something about a Lady Gaga album that leaves us, g: 1;
I > . L _. , l; well, gagging. From the title track to a duet with bad boy R. Kelly, we 322 $5:
I f“ , ' .. I; applaud the latest effort from our newest icon who adds more layers 24% \\\\\s\\
mé " BTPQ .4 to her Aura with this dance heavy, lyrical pop art album. //”””""“‘\‘\\
Dame Judi Dench 4M »
38$ 0022 As time goes by we cherish the First Lady of British Theater, Dame Iudi “ .‘ . -
:5? 3:; Dench more and more. From her turn as M in the newest Bond films 5
E: E to playing Queen Victoria, Dench’s range is beyond compare. And, this "" ‘t
22/0 § awards season, she is once again a contender as the lead in Philomena, an : .‘ ‘ .
o’fl/x/HWW\\,\\\\\\\\ Irish tragedy about a woman who’s child was sold away from her when afi E n "
she was a teenager. Philomena plays this month at the Kentucky Theater. 5., , 1' s
«1 ' . Blue is the Warmest Color
' 1 2:3” ‘ Normally French films do not excite us but then there’s the heart
l w“- $5 pounding, life altering, Blue is the Warmest Color. History making §\\‘\\\\\\m”WW/”04,0
a, ff 2: 8: controversial, Blue is the story of two women who have a love gs 22$
. Blue {33 ‘ affair for the ages. Winner of the prestigious Palme d’Or for both the g: :g
, Wamf (W director 8: its lead actresses, this film turns up the heat with the most 22 SS
m .. . J j '11; graphic sex scene in mainstream cinema to date. Blue is also playing 0/04/00] \\\\\\\\‘\\
this month at the Kentucky Theater. ””“"““‘\\

All meetings are hosted at the GLSO Pride Center
unless otherwise noted
i Sunday, December 1 Wednesday, December 11 3:00pm Outloud! Radio Show
World AIDS Day 7:00pm LGBT Discussion Group 7:00pm Senior's Bistro (Potluck)
i 6:30 pm Team Lex Volleyball 8:30pm A Very Fairy Christmas Saturday, December 21
Monday, December 2 (LexPride Fundraiser) hosted by ICK 7:00pm LGBT Movie Night
4:00pm GLSO Grant Writing Committee 8:30pm A Very Fairy Christmas Sunday, December 22
5:00pm Gay Writers Initiative (LexPride Fundraiser) hosted by ICK 6:00pm Imperial Court Meeting
8:00pm AA Meeting hosted by AVOL Thursday, December 12 6:30pm Team Lex Volleyball
Wednesday, December 4 7:00pm LOVEboldly Board Meeting Monday, December 23
7:00pm LGBT Discussion Group Friday, December 13 4:00pm GLSO Grant Writing Committee
Thursday, December 5 3:00pm Outloud! Radio Show 5:00pm Gay Writers Initiative
6:30pm GLSO Board Meeting 7:00pm Blue is the Warmest Color 6:30pm GLSO A