xt7ghx15p302 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15p302/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1960 journals 090 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.90 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.90 1960 1960 2014 true xt7ghx15p302 section xt7ghx15p302 RESULTS OF THE KENTUCKY SORGO
J5 Fu Shane
Progress Report 90
(Filing Code: 1·-— 1)
February 1960
University of Kentucky
Agricu1tura1_Experiment Station
Department of Agronomy

J`. F. Shane
9 During the 1959 season 10 sorgo varieties were grown at the Robinson
Agricultural Experiment Substation at Quicksand, Ky., The test was laid out
- in a randomized block design of five replications., Three-row plots, approxi-
mately 1/200 acre in size, were used, The season in general was quite favor—·
able for plant growth.
l Stalk samples of each of the 10 varieties were sent to the U. S. Department
of Agriculture? Sugar Crops Field Station, Meridian, Miss,, for milling, juice
` analysis and sirup processing.
V p The amount of juice that can be extracted from the stalks and the sugar
content of the juice are two important characteristics of sirup varieties. The
percentage of soluble solids in the juice is determined by using a Brix spindle
or hydrometer. Most of the soluble solids are sugars of some kindl
Sirup of high quality should reach a finishing temperature of at least
108OC (or 2.2.60F). A standard finishing temperature of 110OC (or 2.30OF) was
used for sorgo sirup in the tests. Difficulty in producing an acceptable sirup
might be encountered if this temperature cannot be reached. Sart and Tracy
and the experimental varieties Meri 56-6, Mer. 56-9 and Mer. 56—»1l failed
to boil down to 110OC in the 1959 test.
A Data for the 1959 test are presented in Table 1 and for the three- year
period 1957-59 in Table Z. Sirup yields for Sart and Tracy per ton and per
acre in Table 2 are lower than they would have been if sirup could have been
made frorn these varieties in 1959. ln 1958 Tracy would only boil down to
108OC but made an acceptable sirup at that temperature.
Results obtained from a large number of experiments or for a number
of years are a better estimate of performance than are the results from any one
test or year, therefore, most attention should be given to the information
contained in Table Z.

 Tab1e 1. Summary of Sorgo Variety Test, Quicksand, Kentucky. 1959.
Stripped Juice _
stalks Extrac- Sirup Days to
Variety per acre tion Brix per ton per acre Lodging Maturity
tons % gal gal %
Wiley 18.8 54.7 15.7 17.0 320 65 135 l 6
Mer 55-11 14.5 53.6 11.9 13.3 189 79 126
Mer 56-6 13.5 49.2 17.7 * * 26 126
Mer 56-9 14.3 52.0 18.2 * * 1 126
Mer 56-11 15.4 55.8 16.6 * * 8 126
Tracy 19.0 54.7 19.6 * * 8 126
Sart 20. 5 54.2 18.4 * * 29 126
Sugar Drip 16.2 57.4 15..7 18.0 294 28 126
Umbrella 19.0 60.2 14.8 19.0 362 64 126
Williams 14. 5 55.1 14. 8 15. 6 227 98 135
Means 16.5 54.7 16.3 16.6 278 41 128
*Fai1ed to boil to proper density
Table 2. Three-year summary of sorgo varieties grown at Quicksand
Stripped Juice
stalks Extrac— Sirup Days to}./  
Variety per acre tion Brix per ton per acre Lodging Maturity 1
tons % gal gal %
Wiley 17 0 52.9 15.8 16.42 2842 48 132
Tracy 16.3 51.4 17.7 11.4-5/ 1732-; 3 124
Sart 18 1 50. 3 17. 3 11.1-/ 193- 12 137
Sugar 14.0 53.7 14.2 15.1 218 12 . 124
Umbrella 15 6 55.7 15.3 17.6 279 31 124 _
Williams 13.4 52.5 14.2 15.3 208 60 128
_1_/ Two-year data
_2_/ ·Fai1ed to boil to proper density in 1959
2M- 2 ·60