xt7ghx15n565_97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers A&M College Reports text A&M College Reports 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_9/Folder_4/Multipage8122.pdf 1893-1899 1899 1893-1899 section false xt7ghx15n565_97 xt7ghx15n565 \


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16.“ & KENTUCKY- mg fig

~ ACT OF MAY 9, 1893.










AN ACT t0 mom'defm‘ the effective management and adminis-
tmtton of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Ken-
tucky. '

Be it enacted by the General Assembly 0]" the Commonwealth
of Kentucky: § 1. That the government, administration and
control of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky
be, and is hereby, vested in a board of trustees, constituted and
appointed as follows:

1. His Excellency, the Governor of Kentucky, who shall be
en: officto chairman thereof. 1

2. Fifteen men, discreet, intelligent and prudent, who shall be
nominated by the Governor of Kentucky, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate. They shall hold office for six years,
five retiring and five being appointed at each regular session of
the General Assembly. Said nominations shall be made within
fifteen days after the Legislature convenes. Said trustees shall
be appointed and distributed as follows, namely: One from
each Congressional district outside of the Congressional district
in which Lexington is situated, and the remainder from the lat-
ter district ; but no more than three trustees shall be appointed
from the county of Fayette: Pa‘ovtded, That no trustee now
serving. under an appointment previously made, shall be dis-





placed by the operation of this act before his term of service
shall have expired. \

3. The president of the college shall be em officio‘ a member of
the board of trustees. '

§2. The board of trustees, when appointed and qualified,
shall be a body-corporate, under the corporate name of the
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, and as a
corporation shall have power to sue and be sued, implead and
be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, andpossess all
the immunities, rights, privileges and franchises usually at-
taching to the governing bodies of educational institutions.
They shall have power to receive, hold and administer, on be-
half of the institution whose government, administration and
control is committed to them, all revenues accruing from all
existing or future endowments, appropriations or bequests, by
whomsoever made, subject to the conditions attaching thereto ;
to receive, administer and apply, for and on behalf of said
college, all moneys, devises, stocks, bonds, buildings, museums,
lands, apparatus, and so forth, and so forth, under the conditions
attaching thereto. Said trustees shall have power to determine,
from time to time, the number of departments of study or in-
vestigation which the college shall comprise within the scope of
the organic act of Congress, or acts supplementary thereto,
donating land scrip for the endowment of Agricultural and
Mechanical» Colleges; the relation which each department or
group of departments shall sustain to each other and t0 the
whole; to devise, allot and arrange the distributions of depart-
ments or groups of departments, with the designation appro-
priate to each, and to devise the means required for their effective
instruction, administration and government. They shall have,
also, power to appoint presidents, professors, assistants, tutors
and other officers, and to determine the salaries, duties and
official relations of each ; and shall provide for a definite salary
in money attached to all positions created and filled by the
board of trustees; and there shall be no additions thereto in
the form of fees, perquisites or emoluments of any kind what-
ever. They shall have full power to suspend or remove at will
any of the officers, teachers, professors or agents'whom they
are authorized by law to appoint, and to do all other acts which
may be needful for the welfare of the institution.








§8. Said board of trustees shall have power to grant degrees
to the alumni of the institution, to prescribe condit‘ons upon
which post-graduate honors shall be obtained by its alumni and
others, and to confer such honorary degrees, upon the recom-
mendation of the faculty of the institution, as they may think
proper. . ,

§ 4. A majority of the whole board shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.

§ 5. In the appointment of presidents, professors or instruct-
ors, no preference shall be shown to any religious denomination.

§ 6. The board of trustees shall meet in Lexington twice each
year, in the president‘s room in the college, namely: Upon
the Tuesday preceding the annual commencement, and upon
the second Tuesday in December. In the absence of the Gov-
ernor the board shall have the power to appoint a chair-
man pro tern. They shall elect annually a secretary, who shall
keep a record of their proceedings, and a treasurer, who shall
receive and disburse the funds, and a business agent, who shall
make all purchases for all departments of the college, and at'
tend to all the business under the direction of the board. Said
secretary and treasurer and business agent shall receive for
their services a fair compensation; but the treasurer elected
under the provisions of this act shall not be a member of the
board of trustees or of the faculty of the college, or otherwise
an employe of the college or of any of the departments thereof.
They shall, at each regular meeting, appoint an executive com-
mittee, consisting of five of their number, residing in or near
Lexington, including a chairman thereof. Three of whom shall
constitute a quorum, and said committee shall choose from their
number a chairman pro tempore. to act in the absence of the per»
manent chairman. The executive committee shall be charged
with the general administration of the affairs of the college under
such by-lax rs and regulations as shall be prescribed by the board
of trustees, and with the execution of measures specially author-
ized by the board. It shall, at each regular meeting of the
trustees, and at each called. meeting if required, submit to the
board a complete record of its proceedings for the consideration
and approval of the board of trustees: Provided, That the au-
thority of the board of trustees to revise the acts of the exec u





tive committee shall not extend to the rejection of any valid or
authenticated account of money expended under a general or
specific authority granted by the board of trustees, and within
the sums appropriated by the board for specific or contingent
objects at. regular or called meetings. The secretary of the
board of trustees shall also be secretary of the executive com-
mittee and the custodian of the records, and so forth, of the
board and of said committee.

§ 7. That the treasurer of said college shall enter into covenant
with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with one or more good
sureties bound therein, to be approved by the board of trustees,
conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties, and the
payment of all moneys that shall come to his hands to his suc-
cessor in office, or to such person or persons as may be lawfully
entitled to receive the same. Any person or persons, including
the board of trustees, injured by any breach of this bond, may
maintain in the Fayette Circuit Court appropriate action thereon.
The said treasurer shall keep an itemized account of receipts and
expenditures, and shall pay out no money except on authoriza-
tion of the board of trustees, given directly or through its execu-
tive committee. He shall render to the executive committee
monthly statements of receipts‘and expenditures, and amount
on hand, and a full detailed statement, with vouchers, for the
information and action of the board of trustees at its regular
annual meeting, and at other periods when required.

§ 8. In the case of the death, resignation or refusal to serve of
any of the trustees appointed as members of the board on behalf
of the State, the remaining trustees shall, at their first meeting
thereafter, have power to fill all vacancies occasioned by such
death, resignation or refusal to serve; and the person or persons
so appointed shall hold their office as trustees during the natural
or unexpired terms of the person or persons for whom they are
substituted and appointed. Any trustee who shall fail to attend
two consecutive meetings, Without proper notification to the
secretary of the reason therefor, shall thereby vacate his office
of trustee, and the board shall fill the vacancy as hereinbefore
provided for. '

§ 9. All necessary expenses incurred by the trustees in going
to, returning from, or while attending the meetings of the


board, shall be met and diseharged out of the funds of the in-

§ 10. Thatin addition to the regular meetings, called meetings
of the board of trustees may also be held. The call for such
meeting must be in writing, signed by three or more trustees.
The call must also be formally communicated by the secretary
to each trustee by mail, at his post‘ofiice address, at least fifteen
days before the day fixed for the meeting. and must state defi-
nitely the object of the meeting; and no business not thus ex-
plicitly announced shall be acted on at the called meeting.

§11. That the regular collegiate period of the Agricultural
and Mechanical College shall be four years, and only those
students who pass through that period and attain the prescribed
standard of proficiency in the regular course of studies, or those
who, having qualified themselves elsewhere, shall be found,
after at least one year‘s attendance in the college, to have at-
tained the prescribed standard of proficiency in the regular
course of studies, shall receive a diploma from the college.
But a normal department or course of instruction for irregular
periods. designed more particularly, but not exclusively, to
quality. teachers for common or other schools ; and an academy
or preparatory department to prepare students for the regular
courses of study in the college, shall be established and main-
tained in connection with the college, each under a competent
principal and assistants, and under the general supervision and
control of the faculty thereof.

§12. That the board of trustees be, and hereby are, empow-
ered to establish proper regulations for the government of the
college and the physical training, military or otherwise, of the
students. and to authorize the suspension and dismissal of stu-
dents for neglect or violation of the regulations, or for other
conduct prejudicial to the character and welfare of the institu-

§13. That the board of trustees shall make to the General
Assembly, within the first month of each regular session, a full
report of the condition and operation of the college since the
date of the preceding report, with such recommendations con—
cerning the college as may be deemed necessary.

§14. Each legislative district in the State shall, in consid-




eration of the incomes accruing to the college under “An act
for the benefit of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Kentucky,” approved April 29, 1880, be entitled to select
and to send to said college each year One properly prepared
‘ student, free from all charges for tuition, matriculation fees,
room-rent, fuel and lights, and to have all the advantages
and privileges of the’ college and dormitories free, except
‘board. Said students shall be entitled, free of any cost
whatever, to the benefits enumerated above, for the term
of years necessary to complete the course of study in which
he or she matriculates for graduation, or during good be—
havior. All beneficiaries of the State who continue students
for one Consecutive collegiate year, or ten months, unless una-
voidably prevented, shall also be entitled to their necessary travel-
ing expenses in going to and returning from said college. The
selection of the beneficiaries shall be made by the superintendents
of common schools in their respective counties, upon competitive
examination, on subjects prepared by the faculty of the college,
and transmitted to said superintendents before the first day of
June of each year: Provided, That no standard of admission
adopted by the college for admission into the academy shall ex-
clude from the benefits of this act county appointees who have
completed the course of study prescribed by law for the common
schools of the Commonweath. Said competitive examination
shall be open to all persons between the ages of fourteen and
twenty-four years. Preference shall be given, other things be-
ing equal, to those who have passed with credit through the
public school, persons of energy and industry, whose means are
small, to aid Whom in obtaining a good education this provision
is intended. If any representative district contains more than one
county, each county so included shall be entitled to select one
beneficiary as aforesaid. Said competitive examination shall
be held, and the successful competitor appointed, between the
first day of June and the first day of August of each year. It
shall be the duty of the county superintendent to make known
the benefits of this provision to each common school district
under his superintendency, with the time and place when and
Where such competitive examination shall be held. He shall,
for this purpose, appoint aboard of examiners, whose duty it
shall be to conduct the examination.


 l ”was.



§ 15. In addition to the foregoing, teachers or persons prepar-
ing to teach may be admitted at the rate of not more than four
from each county, upon the same conditions, receive the same
benefits, and have the same privileges in said college as pre-
scribed in the preceding section. These appointments shall be
vested in the county superintendents. Said appointments may
be made and certified to the president of the college at any time
between the first day of July and the thirty-first day of Decem-
ber of each year.

§ 16. The president shall, on or before the first day of July of
each year, have printed and mailed to each county superintend-
ent Of common schools of this State at least as many circulars
of information relative to said college as there are common
school districts in said respective counties. Said circulars shall
set forth in full the benefits of methods Of admission into, and
the probable cost to beneficiaries of said college. The county
superintendent of common schools shall have at least one of
said circulars posted in the school-house of each common school
district in their ”respective counties during the term of the free
school thereof.

§ 17. All'acts and parts of acts in conflict with this are hereby

§18. That, as the diiterence in the cost Of travel from differ-
ent parts of the State practically operates as a difference in
advantages offered to different parts of the State, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this act shall be in full force and effect
from and after its approval by the Governor.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate.

Approved May 9, 1893.
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.






{Agricultural é) Mechanical College,



For the Period Beginning July 1. 1893. and Ending June 30. 1895.













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---0]" THE—

Agricultural @2 Mechanical College



For the Period Beginning July 1. 1893, and Ending June 30. 1895.



- L. L-.. LJAL... l








LEXINGTON, KY., December 23, 1895.
His Ewaellcncy, WILLIAM C. BRADLEY, Governor of Kentucky :

SIR : The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechani-
cal College, have the honor to submit to you for the considera-
tion of the General Assembly, the following report of the
condition and operation of the College since the last report, a
period of two years. Within that period material advance has
been made by the College in nearly every department.

The report of the several departments for the last year, here-
with transmitted, will serve to indicate what has been, and is
being accomplished by them respectively. That some have not
shown as much progress in public favor as others, may be
ascribed chiefly to the fact that the popular desire has been
more in the direction of one branch of training than in another.

The most marked advance has been in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering. The demand for education in this
branch has been very great during the past few years, and the
efforts of its Professors, and the Board of Trustees, to meet this
demand, and place the department on a high standard, have
been attended with gratifying results.

An important addition to its building and equipment has
recently been made, and impressive evidence of the successful
working of the department, may be seen in its halls every day,
in the actual operation of intricate and perfectly finished ma-
chinery, steam engines, electrical apparatus, and various other
mechancal devices evolved from the studies and wrought into
speaking reality by the hands of the students themselves, from
their own mathematical drawings. It will gratify any member
of the Legislature to witness these marks of what the College
is doing to prepare its students for the marvelous field of mental
and physical energy of the age in which we live.

But the observer will err if he shall overlook, in the practical
manifestation of the MeChanical Hall, the less striking but not
less important training thatjis in progress in other departments.
In each of these the mechanical student, at the appointed hour,
may be found under the patient; guidance of the appropriate
teacher, searching in the field of sciences and the store-house of




literature for the facts and principles which constitute the basis
of a thorough education, and yet with all these gratifying evi-
dences of progress there is need of many facilities which the
Board has not the means of supplying.

In almost every department additional accommodations and
equipments are required : A separate building for the Academy
and Normal Department, a library and reading rooms, a museum
for specimens in the different branches of natural science, more
room for instruction by illustration and experiment in the Scien-
tific Departments, a gymnasium and additional dormitories.
Five hundred thousand dollars would not cover the sum that
has been and is being allowed to the public colleges of other
States by direct appropriation for these indispensable accesso-
ries. We can not ask such large appropriations from the Gen-
eral Assembly. Indeed, we think it best that the development
shall be gradual, and in order that such a plea may be pursued
we earnestly recommend, for the benefit of the College, a tax of
one cent on each one hundred dollars of the taxable property
of the State, to be used exclusively for the erection and outfit
of such additional College structures as the Board of Trustees
may deem advisable. A brief examination of the financial con-
dition of the College will suffice to show the necessity for addi-
tional means. The revenues consist of

The Federal Fund, amounting to about ................ $27,000
State Tax, about ........................... 32,000
Students’ Fees, about ......................... 3,000
Other Contingent Sources, about .................... 300

Total ...... ' .......................... $62,300


The expenditures are kept within the strictest limits of econ-
omy. Yet the necessary expenses, including salaries and Wages
to professors, instructors and other employes, and the various
other incidental expenses at the College proper, the Farm and
the Experiment Station, amount to about $60,000, and uniformly
the small remainder, about $5,000, is consumed in the more nec-
essary improvements which the limited sum will allow. It will
be seen, therefore, that additional resources are indispensable
for the proper development of the Institution. The amount











employed seems large, but it is small in comparison with the
expenses of other prominent colleges of the country, and insig-
nificant in comparison with some of them.

The report of the business agent shows that the State has paid
no interest since July, 1894, on $165,000, which it holds for the
College from the Congressional donation of 1862, so that, by the
time the General Assembly meets, there will be due nearly $15,-
000. This interest is included in the revenue account of the
College, and unless it is promptly paid the expenses can not be
met. The cause of the failure to pay this interest seems to be
that the bonds issued for the principal were not sold until about
two years after their date, and that the coupons for the two
years were then cut off. Under these circumstances, the Sink-
ing Fund Commissioners were advised that they could not pay
the interest, in the absence of the coupons, without legislative
authority. When the land was donated by the Federal Govern-
ment, from the sale of which this fund was derived, the terms
of the donation were, that. the State should guarantee the inter-
est upon the proceeds of the sale. Kentucky, like other States
securing the donation, accepted the terms, which it can only be
necessary to mention in order to procure the proper legislative
authority for the. payment of the delinquent interest.

Some years ago, in consequence of insuflicient means and in-
adequate space in the college buildings, the Board of Trustees
arranged with the Lexington Business College for the instruc—
tion of such college students as might desire to matriculate in a
commercial course. The report herewith enclosed of a special
committee appointed a year ago to investigate this arrangement,
presents the facts in detail.

The arrangement was found to work satisfactorily until the
present year. At its recent meeting the Board of Trustees or-
dered a discontinuance of the arrangement at the close of the
present college year. Should this useful branch of education
again become attractive or‘make a demand upon the College,
it would be in every way desirable to have it taught within the
College buildings, and yet there is no possible space that could
be'assigned to it.

We respectfully refer the General Assembly to the subordi-
nate reports accompanying this paper for information upon





details which it would be superfluous to repeat here, and which
we commend to careful consideration.

When it is thoroughly understood that this College stands at
the head of the public school system of the State ; that its halls
are open to every county, under the rules prescribed in its
charter; that each county or legislative district may send one
pupil each year to the College, free from all charges for tuition,

_ room-rent, fuel and lights, with the privilege of working at

reasonable wages for his board and clothes. whenever labor is
required in any of the departments ; that even the traveling ex-
penses of such students to and from the College are paid if they
remain through the session, that each county or district may
send also four teachers or persons preparing to teach on the same
conditions, and that the College has already assumed a high
standing among the similar colleges of the country; when these
things are known and appreciated as they should be, it can not
be doubted that the Institution will attract a large number of
students from districts now poorly supplied, and perhaps not
fully alive to the advantages of higher education, and others
who now seek a techical training in other States, or seek it not
at all. The College is engaged in nothing less than a cordial
and earnest co-operation with the other colleges of the State for
the cause of education in Kentucky. It would be an act of
afl’ectation or ignorance to place a low estimate upon the high
standing which those colleges have always held, and the im-
portant work which they are still performing. The Agricultural
and Mechanical College could not fill their places, nor could
they satisfy its mission which, not neglecting the higher walks
of literature, aims to embrace a larger field of practical knowl-
edge, and invites a more widespread constituency. For this
worthy aspiration, we ask the judicious care of the Executive
and the General Assembly, assured that the College will honor
the debt, and do its duty well. In confidence. therefore, we
submit this to you. '
Very respectfully yours.



D. C.”BUELL, Committee.

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Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges in the United States

owe their origin to an act of Congress, entitled “An act do-

nating public lands to the several States and Territories
which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture
and the mechanic arts,” approved July 2, 1862. The amount
donated was 30,000 acres for each Representative in the Na-
tional Congress. Under this allotment Kentucky received
330,000 acres. Several years elapsed before the Common-
wealth established an Agricultural and Mechanical College
under the act. When established it was not placed upon an
independent basis, but was made one of the Colleges of Ken-
tucky University, to which Institution the annual interest of the
proceeds of the Congressional Land Grant was to be given for
the purpose of carrying on its operations. The land script had
meanwhile been sold for fifty cents per acre, and the amount
received—S165,000—invested in six per cent. Kentucky State
bonds, of which the State became custodian in trust for the

The connection with Kentucky University continued till 1878,
when the act of 1865, making it one of the Colleges of said
University, was repealed, and a commission was appointed to
recommend to the Legislature of 1879—80, a plan of organization
for an Institution, including the Agricultural and Mechanical
College, such as the necessities of the Commonwealth required.
The city of Lexington offered to the Commission (which was
also authorized to recommend to the General Assembly the
place, which, all things considered, offered the best and greatest
inducements for the future and permanent location of the Col-
lege) the City Park, containing fifty-two acres of land, within




the limits of this city, and thirty thousand dollars in city bonds,
for the erection of buildings. This ofier the county of Fayette
supplemented by twenty thousand dollars in county bonds, to-
be used either for the erection of buildings or for the purchase
of land. The Offers of the city of Lexington and of the county
of Fayette were accepted by the General Assembly.

By the act of incorporation and the amendments thereto,
constituting the charter of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College Of Kentucky, liberal provision is made for educating,
free of tuition, the energetic young men of the Commonwealth
Whose means are limited. The Normal Department, for which
provision is also made, is intended to, aid in building up the
common school system by furnishing properly qualified teach-
ers. This College, with the Associate Departments which will,
from time to time, be opened as the means placed at the dis
posal of the Trustees allow, will, it is hoped, in the not distant
future, do a great work in advancing the educational interests
of Kentucky. Being entirely undenominational in its character,
it appeals with confidence to the people of all creeds and of no
creed, and it endeavors in strict conformity with the require-
ments of its organic law, to afiord equal advantages to all, ex-
clusive advantages to none.


In the act of Congress making provision for the class of col-
leges to which the State College partly belongs, it is declared
“that their leading object shall be, without excluding other"
scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics,
to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture
and the mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and prac-
tical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits
and professions in life.”



‘ ’ The Normal Department of the State College exists under the
authority of Acts of the General Assembly, approved April
23 and April 29, 1880. Section 7 of the first act briefly defines-
the Object for which the Department was established, “but a,

Normal Department or course of instruction for irregular









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periods, designed more particularly, but not exclusively, to
quality teachers for common and other schools, shall be estab-
lished in connection with the College.” The second act pro-
Vides the necessary endowment to make the Department

The number of students annually enrolled in the Normal
School has exceeded expectation. As they come from all parts
of the State and many of them retuIn well p1epared lor the
profession of teaching, they must greatly p101note the efficiency
of our common schools gene1ally, and demonstrate the wisdom
of the General Assembly in providing an inexpensive Normal
School, centrally located and easy of access, to keep the State
always supplied with well-trained teachers.


1/ This department of the State College originated in a resolu-

tion of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees,
adopted in September, 1885, When the department was organ-
ized and a directorlappointed. In 1886 the Station was recog-
nized and named by the General Assembly, and in 1887 it and a.
similar Station in every other State were each endowed by
Congress with an annual appropriation of $15,000.

The work of the Station is directed to two objects :

1. To a constant succession of experiments by specialists. in
order to learn what application of science will insure the best
returns from the farm, the garden, the orchard, the vineyard,
the stock yard and the dairy.

2. To the publication of bulletins, announcing such results of
the experiments as are found to be valuable to any of our people
that seek profit from either of those prime sources of wealth,
the soil, the flock or the he1d.
fits of expeiiments have been published in six reports
and fifty- e bulletins, and geneial _ ‘_' of thei1
utility is shown 1 w ile no bulletin is sem- except
upon applic ' t the station contains
an 11,000 names, and is constantly in

With an ample endowment, a la1 ge and commodious building,
planned for the purpose, adequate apparatus, a good experi—



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mental farm conveniently situated,'and seven capable scientists
always employed, and in correspondence with other Stations,
the Kentucky Agricultural and Experiment Station is not only
:an important adjunct of the College in the education of students
for the leading industrial pursuits, but directly or indirectly,
through the wide and continual difiusion of knowledge for the
benefit of so large a portion of our population, it is bound to be
x\-extremely useful to the Commonwealth at large.

The College has made material advances in several other direc-
tions. Until recently the lack of funds prevented the expan-
sion desirgd. The heavy debt with which