xt7ghx15n565_83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Walter K. Patterson text Walter K. Patterson 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_8/Folder_6/118394.pdf 1885-1904 1904 1885-1904 section false xt7ghx15n565_83 xt7ghx15n565 i i i' ‘“u§~‘ fr: ' 3&5: _
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MMKA 9 M W114? 9"7444/
47L 077/14/44 said/K. :A .429, J17 flm CZ

 Hflflm W7 ””7 W M 7% 9M), fidy 64/5,], 4:.
W A“ 70% fl“ Lam/A— 1963 W J44) 614%;é7dfi
A" 2% 4124—sz) 443 L722”. 97mm V, W Q42, K /%
MWAVZOE W451,” 493 W W7 War—66a.)
”4%:de WWW): ~24)?"— 3742/ 24’ 4125;]. )4 5%
fly?" 944,? m M4 3:22; was 2442:2666; firs/4m 6,“, £46“.
WW7” W3 W». Mac 1,- giwgfu z: 26616ka
{/71 747/2 9% 2» WWL‘JL7‘ WWI“ $0171., (MD MA
,4 wwwfi) 7 :7 mafia. Wag—m m 9&7 W 6
who ‘f/L “WK 2M0<< «2 M W M va6 Ms
aw 744.74 ch 346% Afldwg @744 L” 97:7 M6 W424“
(>4 A A 74 )9;qu [75. 6M 76% aha, A; 2224;!

awn AAA/ma) 32w %.4, *fi' 77 Zr“ gay—w»,

Ema LLM aw L We???”

4 74 //%f‘ moi? h M» 47% 7%», 6if~~x
. ,4 W, m Wu 6 y; {28% Am a“ W? 26
524 141 V4. AD M 74%. 274-77} f w Slap/ww-Lm‘ WW7

(#4 m. pfwc 6466:4164 M ”7"““M ”“3 {:7 L

 9L7 - xv; » 7 5.!
. g? 94“ fly»
MM W 544., mam,” f”

. M.,/r 75M— .74) ml. 4.../er
ya :4 W fizz/M Ac“ ”’3: i
. K .— ’7 ‘

me\ M 994%“ jaéhfi.
3 21% (yr/27 Mug @4- a 3291.--“;
We “famazéi m f. ,rkmwxufi
W . file-C W JJ/Tm .-I 1727/ "’.. __,,,/

 diff/F a M W W {/AM key/A A7444, Zak 2,?!”
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92% Wye W 09

W W I . (”a /

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fl‘LWC //—/9/) W M
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9"”)?‘1’ W] W .
J w ML; 124% 0 $4
MS) W1 71, a k .
W 7 :f% 94;) MW
fl/w M] f” 005x25"

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We“ m: am??? .
ddfc . , . '
XM‘W,W'W Edi/”.773:

_ fl‘ .. fl ' ,
w %&W
' flaw. Mew é M'm
~ M‘ma‘twficram
a; 1%.. ._ Mac: has:
@1644”... m4. /MW

 9’7vg'l/K/fl’ .— u ” Mt
W 2 37%;: 2..- a
W Wflm
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 . 3, , if '
l~‘l _l ” .’l~‘;‘ -
. ~ ~ , . ' . ’5": M. n?- r.’ m.
. ..L \vuoLI-zsxiaa ruler: I.Is’r .’n—tr‘r‘nnsox (‘OI‘NTY .\‘t Relalfl. WV HQ 5 E fi'S [2 E F 733%. BEES E: i HIST
7 7 777 7 77777 77 ... E. ...A-gang =33
SILK Cl‘L'l‘l'Ri‘). 1,, my; 7
Nature has given Amerlea sueh vast natural resourees and such a 23"? 77777 7, u‘: k
. . . - - - l 3. .2‘.“. A ’3. ,. ,7“. - . . . .
variety ot elnnate that we, should lead the world in the produetion of all .. {la 53? F3.” 3* F: a 5’5 2"; E 1” Eli l‘ ll” .377 3E r S E r n
' . ,7. 77 . 7 . . . 7 _7 {a . 5 =3 6.» ,.7;.. c- ‘25; " :.E '3' :3. .34 ‘,-.~, 7 E , ' o
raw inaterlal and inanmmgtures. lu\'er7\' year many nnlhons of dollars 3, 7- - 67,7 7 .7 -. - ’7 ..
. . . . ' . 7.7;] ' ' . , 7
are sent abroad to purchase raw and manulaetured s1lk. all ot which
should be retained at home. and added to the material wealth of our own EU“ ll 13- 0'37 ...ll/ 1:: 1 Bay) ”1.1% '
,7 .. . . . r',,,°1l-,'...:£ ‘-
land. luxpernnents show that the \\ estern htates w1th then' dry atmos— l. l' t 7 it lll l l J/
. . . I 337 .
phere are better adapted to the culture of .\‘llli than manr ot the ,l‘lnropean J/ 4.2. .
. . . , . l , . 3 - - f .,3 ~77??? _,'_ .
countries where silk has been enltirated tor Centin'1es. l‘he silk worm . (S “.7“. .13.: llsltwgtg .3 771/ - 3,3”)
I ' ‘ . 3 i L , ‘ . 7” ~ 7 .r-- .37 .7 72177;; 7 .774;
should never be led damp leaves. Here beneath our sunnv skies there is «l i :‘ll 7., 7- - _ can, 7 .-';’:l 3439,;1
. ' . . , ,. _._ _ .’ /r:7:¢7-,-;.-,%7_7./~7377 7.777; 74;, 7
hardly a day during; the season but what dry leaves can be pieked iron) //;~:"7‘ 7 ‘7 7 .3); 7_ :V/ 7 .,.7 '
the trees. The culture of silk is better adapted to home industry than \ I": I V l -,i .,,/ll ,/g%
. . . . . 5 3;:-331/ ' 7.7/{7:777
any other branch ot work which opens as large a held in the eonnnerclal 73777751771517: ’ ‘ ,7:.\77/\
market. it being; valuable as a Connnoditv and lm‘n‘elr in demand. It 1):!1‘— 51 7,77 ‘ ‘. I 7,313. ”7777’ f“
. . . ' . ‘ ' .. - . if: " V ‘ » .4£"‘»’~;;'>e:«*
tu-ularlv commends 1tselt to women and clnldren or the rural distriets ,;M:.::-.: -:-3;- 7 7.74:: 3}.¢‘r’:.‘....‘:‘::q'7 i‘ 73:75.4 .
' . . . . . . . _M.- f" 3.i:"_3:,'3::':{3~i_-,1éi,1211”3 ' *é'.’_‘::,‘ V , .- £17.55; iiéfi‘ivfluii'f”; 3.55:" 5' {"1
as an occupation ol an mtelhgent and moral bearing". not reuuirnig‘ eon— .7 ";_ >5 ' -- 7- ;.:.-.»<::3~-.its-2:36:33zaat32: 94-32”)
' ‘ - ‘ 5 . , ' "7‘ .7 *3- ,5: .C; 7' '—'7.74.7“e'7,7.f3;-_c7'~:;j:7137-;143747-47 71.-7:,- 23‘
stant duty but enalihng the parties to pursue their lionselmld duties. and . " .‘?i£'-_‘:::7"3_-.~‘Er ‘ 1.'-1'2, if,.»7’/¥-,‘i;-15“-.‘~=‘J.:i=3;:-:75;:v-‘w 373%
it is attract-111;," a “rte—spread attention throughout the l nited Mates. 77 '7‘12 .; i - :7: .’ 3%.;35-131‘3’35?
, . , 7 . , -_._-7-. 7'771 '» ‘7/ ‘1’ :7 i - ",..‘~_;~‘-:_;*-..77 «.\‘w'r: 3777 7
.llhe great drawback to silk ri'ilture 1n the past has been the want ol 7 . ‘~ , '7..; ~ 3» 7- : , - 7 :-_ 7 .. :::; _{ngagfig
. . . . . ::,I:i_'.'.;7 ,. ' ’ 3 1‘ ‘2 l ' H 3 ;5—'-. ,?’-3iS?7‘3-;i55:5 513;; . .
nulls to nnmu'taeture the raw material a want whieh no longer eXists. {‘71, ‘- , ’ . ’ 3,7 7 3,3,“; 'i:.€-;;gv
- 7 . . . . . . . x 7. ' V 3 : . 1" ' 1' '3'“; TT-Eka‘f, , '3
tor at the )resent. time ‘lllll silk nulls are m dzulv oneration. wearner last ‘\_ ’.. ’ ‘ 7 “ 2%“. (A. - «

. . n .. 7.713 ‘3 ‘ , inks-‘3’? 4"»: ‘-‘~: 3‘~=:- ' 3
rear Loll‘dfillli lbs. of imported raw silk at. a cost of >filll.l.lllll.llllll. ltaw .5532: ,;.i}L{ *3; :‘5/ "2 I . 3,7- 535%}? 3 3' ’ ~
‘- ' - .. . ~ -. -- ,. “RN 53/ i. ~. . :5 ‘3'" ‘ 1‘ '5‘;-
silk commands tram al- to $8 per ll)..iltCll1‘llll1f_£tUlLS quahtr. and eoroons (9%é;‘57f’{:;'z‘*‘.- " ‘77'7’ $737.? . T"'--7‘ :

~ —. 3 -. .- ’ ‘w ' ‘ . fl ‘ ' ‘ . " : .,
and lloss silk bl to NM) per lb. b-l-ll mulberrv trees will grow well on ,ggz;-,;~r3::-72;~‘ -. ' ’. ‘ .7 - J ~ ;
. . . 3 '7' . ' $279555,“ ’5 , ' l ,3 ‘ 3 Z l l". 3 =7 -. AA '
two aeres ot land. wlneh \l'lll yield about Ellldlllll ll_is.7ot leaves. About \’m‘VJ . 7"- ,3. ‘Tws\ . \7 .. \ '/ -
ll') lbs. of leaVes are required to make, 1 lb. of fresh (‘oeoons which would -' 5 ‘ 5 3 ,
,Vield aliout 1.703 lbs. of fresh eoeoons: ‘these sti'l'led would yield about ' 5 -. ~ .. l - \‘1 ,
ohh lbs. llried eon—oons o't good quahtr are worth >33 per lb.. or 5L] .b. /\ m e? ;;;v a :- s , u ' E4
and the Birolton silk \rorni prmluees two erops a \’ear. The expenses el \s‘“ ‘ )J-Jf" " 4% * ,l‘ £2. ' '
- . H .. _ . -, 3.. ( _. / ‘ .. » » r: *3
produeing a erop are as m..o'.\'.~:: Labor Mid: other expenses .541: all 7-, ;,\ ,r’“ - 5 ' I: ~4
not. (’XL‘t‘Mllllg‘ twlbll. llednetmg' this from 351.1 ll) would leave Milli) on k f-"”’::" ‘ ‘, ;, “ V ' l E I
. . .7 . ‘v‘~-”"~" 5 ’- - - ' . 7 ' ‘ LL a
two acres ot land 1n one month s tune. and two «Tops per year can be .7; .- g . . g I;
7777 {DJ 7 .. 7' ,7 75 '7 777 7“:377_\ 7___7"
ln'odneed. ’/ “¢.,,.-1l‘€1',:: , 7 . 7. ., . . E ::3 =
7 7 7 _ 7 I... ::‘7 :::75. I " ' g" - ‘7, 7. 7 ' 5.2 -
l he abore lig'nres are taken tron: the reports of those who have had 7/ ; 7 ;3'7 =f . - - » j <7’: 7;
aetnal experlenee III the business. 3 ,"- .. l ‘7 . / i7. , ’. _7 ‘~ .,77_, “ 7; :97
7. . _ ‘7 - 7‘7- ,7,:,7.,7-,- 7! 7 ‘- 7 . T 7 7 ‘7 -’ 9,77
mlk worm “5:71:8- li_\‘ mail post. land l‘reneh X ellow. m ets. per M.: .7‘ :7»; f " . ‘K - 77 -‘ ‘1’ w“ -
per oz. $5M“. White Japanese 81 per Ml: per oz. Still”. , . 777-77777777777777.77. . ' ‘o.__7;—-.:7' V" ' ' . 9;. E
J i i ' I ‘ -)‘ ~.;-5.231;"- ‘ :-\- l? ‘lt- " ' - ' l": a
.-\ eoiu‘lilere text nook on >~llJ~Z enltnre lor Va ets. l ~,'~‘ r X '= 7. 3 3 E-‘ P)
, I 5: . t . i 7,... .e .. 1 V ‘\ ‘ 5‘ . « ‘ '4; l:
\‘vl ha! dblul' Pan-«mm Say About «bur E’avlnng. f 7" ~77}. r, 7f. ‘7 7’ \ V " 7 » ‘ E 3'.
'l‘rees reeeired in line i~olitlilioii.--\'\'. .\l. llui.r.\.\'i>. Plymouth. Indiana. ' 1:315. ' «x 7 : 7 \l ll ’1 /l J C: -
'l‘hme were niee ll‘l‘(“‘.“'"llWlYlHl .\1 H \[Ni:s. Dayton. Hhio. \‘3 ’:‘ ' I" ‘5 I l . ’ » <1
Trees are in u‘ooil shape—'l'non \s Rom-unis. (ireen (tr-we Springs. Florida. \«7’,» “:i-“iig. '\ . . 7," .'i 7, '\ . ‘.7. / L3
l‘ultings arrived in good eoinliiioii.~~il. .\I. .\lonnls .\'('u,,lla1iinol.Illinois. " 773,2 73" 'l / l ‘: 5.“
’l‘rees are all right-w“. I“. Nl‘Tlillll \n. \\'asliin;_)lon. I). 4', K7 _j" 7’ 5 7‘ 7 “.7773? ,17 7,!
Think the trees will all :ro\\'.-»-l‘en1re .\loreland, l’enn. I ~:; ” #:j '..-ill l-l v'
’l‘rees «nine in niee K'lflltlllllllerA- .\l. l’i'nnr, l’alnxrra. New York. /.‘ {fl 3- L ‘ 5}? [City
, 7 x“. . 7157."; v [77m
- - v 3 - - l 1’1-7‘7 HE‘-
Address. ('31151’193 TEL) d? (LIGE, Ari/7 \gjj” V"
». . 4.“. .= _77 . .'. . .- 311:7 7 7 7 ,7
INCH (’1'3 'I5’ll( )‘hLH ( (Ifldffl. 3001715]. (I. [/7735 RUSSIAN NULBBRR'). Natural 512.37
GM::'rnI. i’rlul. l‘a‘n'l-nr 3 Non. 7 I 7..77,
. j 7/ ,

N 011(1). The following named gentlemen have seen the fruit of the mulberry
The four Russian trees named in this list were brought to this coun— and will testify as to its size, color and quality:
try from the steppos of Russia. latitude 493., by the D’IenlionlteS. The Rev. T. Johnson, Bower, Nebraska. \V. D. Galbraith,Treas.ThayerCo., Hebron-
’ _ . , , ' r _ j , _ . -, , .- , - . . _ - , . .' . .. ' Rev. G. 0. Clark Bower, Nebraska. J. R. Nelson agriculturalimplement dcaleh
mulln 11) and ()l1\ (. m It the, trio‘iite lbln’llkl and furl pioduciiig tiees of H. ’1‘. Bower, jugticc of the Peace, Bower. Fairbury, Nebraska.
that country. and after «eight vcar s trial prove equally as valuable upon M. (J. Hurlbei-t, farmer, Bower, Nob. Wm. Allen, grocer, Fairbury. Neb.

. . ’ ' . , , , ‘ .‘ ‘ l . 7. S. S Stacy, farmer, Bower. Bob. J. V. Switzer, lunibermaii, Fairbury, Neb.
the pl‘all‘les “if the W ”St- llley ”11 seem t” be lwm‘Ctly 1““in 1‘“ 111g 1‘). D. Gage, postmaster, Bower, Nob. H. H. ’l‘odt, boot and shoe dealer. Fairbury.
stood thirty degrees below zero on our grounds Without mpiry and in Y ork Our stock iS fine, and we offer at the following prices:
county. this state. thirty—five. The Mennonites brought otlicr trecs. but Per 1. Per 10. Per 100' Per 1000. Per 5000.
the ones mentioned in this list are the only ones we deem of value. 211— fin Sachem (1)3 f9 3.: 83 SE3 88 «S 83 33

. ‘ ) 0 ‘.. ‘ 1:) 2. ‘.. .
though some of tho others may prove valuable when better known. 12:021. “ is 31 oo 4 00 :55 00 150 00
' 2 to 3 feet, 20 1 50 s 00 70 00
Tunas AND ('oxiu'rioxs. 3 ml feet, 2.5 2 00 15 00

1st. Packing done in the most thorough manner in good boxes or We propogate from cuttings and Prof. Budd, of the Iowa Agricul-
bill“ 1"" “'lm‘h “"3 charge "111)" "“‘m‘ri‘ll t0 WW“ UM» tural College. says this mulberry is propogated more readily from cuttings

" "l) ..r.-v. "'.. .,’ ,‘,,, . '.) . r.) - . . . , '

Jud. l‘l((,(l(l1\t,l) at iailioad depot oi (xpicss 1)fll((,. aftei which than any With which he IS acquainted. We offer No. 1 cuttlngs, 10
0“" "“‘lmnfllnhty ""“m‘s- inches long. at: 100, 600; 1000, $5; 5000, $20.

3rd. Terms. oiic—tourtli cash With order. balance llOfin‘U shipping. cx- Small trees by mail 11) per cent. and cuttings 50 per cent. extra.
rcpt from known parties.

. Ulna. ’. ').oro' "'.' ~ . ' . r ' '.‘.“ .. .

t llinigl )i\ 1: iff l ( d .1. ichustmcd lttl’Ol. 01 money by (\plcss, RUSSIAN APRICOT, (Prunus Siberica,)
no mm c (' 1(‘(' ‘. . . _. . . .
l , ‘ . , . - The hardiest of all the Apricots, has stood 30" below zero Withoutiniury,
l . (l. order should be drawn on [‘illl'lllll‘V, l\cbraska. . .
, . , , t , ) , . while the Moorpark and Breda were frozen to the ground, and is free
l’\ o sliip bv llvnvvr & ht. .loc brain-l1 oi flit) [1. l, . and li. é; M. rail— . . . . . .
‘ . . . . ., from all disease, worms and insects that have been so destructlve to trees
roads. ()rdcrs should be sent in carlv as our stock is limited. (.orrcs- . . 7
. . ' and fruit of the peach and plum. We have seen a great many of ,these
poiidcin-c solicitod. . . . .
_ _ - trees growmg in the Mennonite settlements of Kansas and Nebraska
o lrccs at ,1” rates: all trees at lllll mics; a0“ trues at 1000 rates. . . .
,, and have the first tree to see that was not perfectly healthy, Vigorous
i:i~:i~‘i:i:i:N('i-:s. . and symetrical. Fruit medium size and of the best quality, and brings _
'l'lios. Harbiuc, l“airbui'y. XML, and First National liaiik of Beatrice, the top price in market.
N‘ln‘uslm- Each. Per 10. Per 100.
___...- 1 to 2 foot. trees, $1 00 S 8 00 $ 60 00
_ . ‘ . _ . _ 2 to 3 feet. trees, 1 50 12 00 80 00
[RI SSIA.‘ )ll [AIKI'JKR‘ . .‘5 to 4 foot trees, 2 00 15 00 100 ()0
This valuablo fruit. timber and ornanivntal il'l‘O was brought to this '.'—'—
. . . , , _ - . , . . 1
country from Russia. latitude ll! dogrci-s. bv the Mcnnoiiifvs. and is “[JSSI‘L‘T THORNI‘ESS ALACIA.
as hour as we can lvarn a cross lwtwm-ii Hn- marl/s Hit/m. or black mul— A beautiful dwarf tree 01' shrub. The leaves when they first P“t
berry of Paula. and HIV moms ’I'ur/m-mw, a ”um-p Russian variety. The forth are a rich silver color. Bark green. Flowers in droops, a bright ,
tree is a wry rapid growl-r and grows to lw very lnrgt..”fhin reaching the golden color. it stands shearing and makes a beautlful ornamental hedge.
ln-iglif of fifty foot and from throw to five foot in diamcfcr. and is perfectly 2 t” 3 feet trees. 7") cents each.
hardy. 'l‘ln- hmlwr is hard and durable. and is used in the manufacture ' ’W
of cabinet waro and provos as lasfingr for flan-e posts as catalpu or red ce- RUSSIAN “LIVE-
dar. It vomnivnws to hour when two yours old and is a prolific bearer. A thorny tree which attains the height of forty feet. The leaves are
the fruit bring about Hir- sizv of Kitalinny blacklwrrivs: ninetv-h've por a bright silver color and are formed like the Willow. Flowers small yel-
rcnf, of the l)l'l‘l‘i(‘h‘ arc a jot black. fln- balani-c a rvddisli While. They low. in dense racemes: very fragrant. The l’l‘lllt IS a Violet color. and 1s
haw a limo aromatic flavor and sub-avid swm-t taste. and au- used for dcs— producml in large quantities. It is about the size of cherries. The tim-
sort as we use blm-kbvrrios or rasplwrrips, “WV "1,.” make a pleasant . bur is very valuable. being finely mottled and also takes a beautiful
Ill-{ht winv. “W lt‘HW’S :H't‘ mostly lobvd or out. and are valuable food polish and is much prized in the arts. The tree makes a perfect hedge
for Sllk worms. The bark is grayish wliitv. branches drooping. Tho which will turn all kinds of stock. it grows well from cuttings.
. Mennonites use it as an ornamental limb—{0‘ plant. and it makcs a beautiful one your Old ”095, one (1011“ each. -
licdgv and stands slwariiig as well as any him on tho list. Ullttilb‘IS~ f9“ “1911?“ long. one dollar fifty per 100‘

 J, S. HUGHES, President F. J. CAMPBELL, Mnnagev. I
Authc rized Capital $50,000; Capital Stock $30,000;4Capital paid in $20,000.
:9 9 ,9) -‘ ,9; ' :97 ”9/ :9 9' 99 ‘ '5 if; - /' 9 9
«mm EzflSf’Z" 1, E S99 BIN 29mg; 2%?" E9 919
97 7 9 ‘
8%“ (Lg; ('9 r999}fé9€ 8 /® 74.21.99,.1/‘979999, “‘:///L//y9 ,9,,9.. W/ //Z / CYOA #4
/ /:,/7 %
779% A229 9 97/:
9 957 f/f/’ 94}? 17991. 191/9507“ fl 4’" 9: 9 9’ {:6 992/927 9 99/9 9 /
' ,9 9/ / / 7 /
' :9 993/ ‘ , 9 / / ——-999
W/y/u/W, ALP/QC 49’ {99999- a/LL, ‘ “94¢ MEX/£7 , fly 9’” R’i/J- 9
9.9." ~ g ' ’ 99 i/v 77, -
%/W [k [/{p’ZAQL/K' m /:i’i/<.4, Eda/Q 5“ flw9f9t / ff 9 L: 99* 9’
z . 7 f 9 , /: I 9/] '1’ [v.2 ,
f’9/4A’V‘» faji—A/v/ <9 /£fl9h.9d 99—9 ’72 (fl/«699M’L /-”"Z 1—99 ff, ‘57’_er94{/7/
,9 fl
9 _r/ , , 91 / ‘ /
/,/;-’ [97‘ , / 5. I I {7 / [7 _..—___9 , / {V
( /& LL 94" 9/7991. if? \ fl19¢99¢97~a4Q4 , ./ 5777/49: .Lmflvé/ "54 44/“
V (29:7 /’ My # ‘ / ' f 9 ,, ‘ /,
221/17;/9é99//Vm"792969 XL 59/”? 4495/92; ———4/, " -97///V2: 9291‘ 241/9791»
9:? 9? / , 9/ y .9 4* ,
~ 99 / fl . / W/ ' - ..
9 fl% %9 @999/9940‘6 Wmmfi 9 9/79/09 999' '7 99 9a 2,4,. 9'9”? 54 49”" V
99» 7979.6 /9//z 2 /£/ 颢9é /% fizz/2999:9999 (94 W 9
9/" , t h ’ /V/ Q; "‘
, , 9 1 ' ,- 9 . 9».
W&A‘¢%I $74M /y W7 “yr/LL ..L /[ . 99¢ (XL/Vt/i /l 959K574
9/79/50/" 9} 445% 991 59.9.9! V 97292.9“; 7.99:? 9/99’14’24 44L 274/9919 19 £292,999. 2 I
9/ I , /" 9/ 9 . {fl ,— _ 7 9 ’ _fl,
, [/2 157/, Aflffi’ / 09999996¢ .972 29 L 9729(7/ 7‘ T999_9;1/z,9 9? 12’ 99 { 9- 9/ 5 2.4": 9/
fl»??? ‘9" ' [7Q [Mdy7w / 4/[;,,2/\r ‘v/LZL’MZ/Z‘w //:LL/ 56/979 79¢ 9f: (1"
. \ (,9; 'V /, N/fi 9 “”9 ' 9/ .9 ‘/ :9
/7/W‘£47 " d/ZML §< Z/L, 9771.. //€49~ Affl 9.9 C, ,7, 9.9.9/ 9/9 5 r2 ('5 93/6»
/ A, “ --——— 9 " ‘ ‘ ‘ 9
Z7719?“ if ,1 .9 Q <2 oyxéri/sé-‘K/“A‘i /&2 @77 [515" Z9 “L 974‘ ("Z/7" /9<: : .999 A9
9:7 9 / , 9
/ . ’ “‘~' ' " "
70 iw-969 99/4999 «2729,4999 259¢ 99999. 999999599797” -9 V3 9.9 “7‘71 91 «L9
94’, 9 [9,9 1’; If “N.,/99 '7 "7 ,
59/ 1’21 9:? 9/ ~ 735,99 9/99/9969 9 V 6592/99 9/ //r9r' //z 9792} 99.9. 91:” 49
, /‘ . 9 999 9 .. 9 ,
(I //m ( 44/55 {/7447/ 7f 9179/ (f '7 1% :Z [9199/94 9&9 .2 Mi/ flex—.9
,9 “L"Z/M9 . Q L, K 1 //h—V é 127% ZC/Z9/r A2,;f Z$LJQL //>;rxi< «i/r)/‘/‘._ ’: '7: i" I I V /

 lJ '
v {flit}? t' r if“ (I 15:47; 12’/L75 1:5 6 . i ’/ Z A '. ' ..‘ 7 '.i 4.7 AL , 7 J A .7 / /,.r,,ry%a:'i:1 .:.? I i A..-“ I /E7 .
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