xt7ghx15n565_72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers War Department text War Department 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_7/Folder_13/Multipage6135.pdf 1886-1902 1902 1886-1902 section false xt7ghx15n565_72 xt7ghx15n565 %%7/5/Z/ @%

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March 15, 1904.

The President.

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky.

Lexington, Kentucky.

Sir: ‘

Referrinc to War Department General Orders, No. 6, August 24, 1903, as modified
by General Orders. No. 39, March 2, 1904, War Department, (copy herewith), I am in-
structed by the Chief of Staff to communicate to you the following:


The object of the above mentioned general order is, as stated in its terms,
to encourage interest. application and proficiency in military training and knowledge
in civil institutions at which officers of the Army are detailed under the provisions
of existing law. To this end, one second lieutenancy is annually offered to a gradu—
ate of each of six of said civil institutions subject to certain conditions set forth

in the order.

2. These second lieutenancies are offered subject to the provisions of exist—

ing law.

Paragraph 26, Army Regulations, embodying the provisions of the Act of June 18,
1878, modified by the Act of July 30, 1392. reads as follOWs:

"Vacancies in the grade of second lieutenant existing on the first day of

July each year are filled by appointment, in order, as follows: (1) From gradu—

ates of the United States Military Academy; (2) from enlisted men of the Army

found duly qualified: (3) from civil life."

Further provisions are embodied in the Act of Congress approved March 2, 1899,
set forth in General Orders, No. 71, A. G. 0., 1902 (copy herewith).

From the above ~' mentioned acts it will appear that the second lieutenancies
referred to in War Department General 6rders, No. 6 of 1903, and No. 59 of 1904, are
subject to the limitations imposed by law for appointments to the Army from civil

life. They are as follOWS:

a. That there shall exist one or more vacancies after the graduates of
the Military Academy and the qualified enlisted men have been provided for;

b. That any student recommended as hereinbelow provided, shall agree to
take the prescribed examination;

c. That he shall be unmarried;


 d. That he shall have reached the age of twenty—one years and shall
not have pas seed the age of twenty- seven years;
e. That he shall be a citizen of the United St1'1tes (Par. 53, A. R. );

f. That he shall pa as a satisfactory examination as to his moral, physical
and educational qualifications.

3. The classification of civil institutions for the purpose of determining the
six which comply with the conditions of War Department General Order“ No. 6,1903,will
be made annually, as a result of a rigid insaection by officers designated for that
purpose by the Secretary of War, which inspections will be made between the first of
April each year and the close of the school term of that year.

4. No institution which does not fully comply with the requirements of General
Orders, No. 94, A. G. 0., 1902, or other orders which may be issued by the War Depart—
ment on the subject; which does not grade the department of military science and tac—
tics equally with the other important branches of instruction, and which does not make
proficiency on the part of the students who take the course in said department of
military science and tactics a requisite for securing a diploma, will be considered
for classification.

5. It will be noted that General Orders, No. 94, 1902, prescribes a minimum
length of time and course of instruction in the military department of civil institu—
tions. In making the annual classification due consideration will be given to any
institution which voluntarily exceeds the minimum so prescribed.

6. The students recommended for appointment each year must belong to the grad—
uating class of that year.

7. No student . shall be recommended who has not taken the course in the de-
partment of military science and tactics, and who is not also an honor graduate of
the institution.

8. No student shall be recommended whose habits and moral conduct are not of

the highest order, nor one who is not known to be physically sound.

9. Prior to the close of the school term of each year the War Department will
notify the heads of the institutions which constitute the first six in the classified
list of that year. As soon as practicable a ter the close of the school term the

head of the institution and the officer of the Army in charge of the department of


 military science and tactics will, after careful consideration of the qualifications
of the members of the graduating class. jointly recommend to the Secretary of War
those two members of the class who in their judgment, and in accordance with the pre-
ceding conditions, are best qualified for appointment as second lieutenants in the
Army and who desire to take the examination necessary for appointment. In making
the recommendation careful consideration will be given (1) to the standing of the
student in the military department. and (2) to his standing in the other departments
of instruction at the institution. it beina understood that the term “honor graduate”
includes any graduate who, under whatever system of grading may be employed at the in-
stitution, would rank as one of the first five of his class. If the recommendations
are approved by the War Department both students will be permitted to compete for the
second lieutenancy allotted that year to the institution from which nominated. If
the head of the institution and the head of the department of military science and
tactics cannot agree upon the names of two students, they will make their recommenda-
tions separately. giving in each case all the data necessary for the War Department
to determine the selection.

10. After the recommendations have been received at the War Department and duly

considered, notification will be sent to the head of the institution of the action or—

dered by the Secretary of War, together with instructions for the further guidance

of individuals concerned.

11. If less than six vacancies exist in any year, after the graduates of the U.
S. Military Academy of that year and the qualified enlisted men have been provided for,
said vacancies shall be assigned to the corresponding number of institutions begin—

ning with the highest in the classification of that year.

Very resp:;:2:;::;é:7

Assistant Adjutant General.

2 enclosures.





July 28, 1902.

The President of the A.& N. College of Kentucky,
(State College of Kentucky)
Lexington, Ky.

I am directed by the Inspector General to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter of the 19th instant, returning Captain Mc Kenna's report

on the condition of Government property at your college; and to inform

you that ”accoutrements", as applied to ordnance stores, do not include

rifles and bayonets, which latter are classed as small arms, cons equent-
1y your conclusions that "25 bayonets and scabbards and 90 sets of in-
fantry accoutrements added to the 210 complete sets of accoutrements
would make 525 rifles and accoutrements”, are only correct so far as
bayonet scabhards (classed as accoutrements) are concerned. The report
has been returned to the Inspector for correction in this particular.
The 300 rifles appear to be properly accounted for, as follows: 275 ser—

viceable and 25 without bayonets.

Very respectfully,

Lieut. Colonel, Inspector General.


 All letters must be aadressod to “ The Chief 02‘ (jn'dnuuco, if. 5'. Army, Washington, D. C.”

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Washington, April 18, 1884.

N0. 90.

-‘,+ 9:- +2

7. By direction of the President lst Lieutenant Charles 1%. Tyler,
113th Infantry, is relieved from duty at the Agricultural and Mechan-
ical College of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, to take effect July
1, 1884, and Will join his company. The travel, as directed, is
necessary for the public service.



Adjutant General.

Assistant Adjutant General.