xt7ghx15n565_71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers University of Tennessee text University of Tennessee 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_7/Folder_12/Multipage6120.pdf 1892-1905 1905 1892-1905 section false xt7ghx15n565_71 xt7ghx15n565 orncc OF




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 Games on mm: mesmanm.

{/émwfl/ April 29th, 49’ 3.

Dear Siri—
A number of fine young men who will take their Master's

degrees on the completion of advanced courses this year, desire

to teach~

They are well matured men and, some of them,specialists= I

describe them on the enclosed sheet- They are all reliable,


Christian men and have had good business training» If you know of

.a vacancy that will suit any of them, you will do me a great
by letting me know of it» Stamped envelope for reply enclosed-

;m, with best Wishes,

Very truly yours,

» CLQHJC97£;%§ dzlpe O
6% Biff


 Unit'cry'a’ q/~ Twzizt‘ssa' l/m’rx

in this e1 merete way: lirom the statistics above it is seen that‘
.\1assaehusetts spent in 1808—00. $12,261,525 more upon her public

schools than Tennessee. lint see what a return she gets. Each
one of the 2,805,310 citizens of Massachusetts—men, women and
infants has. as \\'e have said. a productive capacity of $200.00 a
year, against $120.00 a year for the average inhabitant of the
whole United States and $1 10.00 a year for the average inhabitant
of Tennessee. The inhabitant of Massachusetts has thus an
excess of $00.00 a year over the average inhabitant of the United
States and $111.00 a year over the average inhabitant of Tennes—
see. This means that the people of Massachusetts earned last
year $252,457,140 more than the same number of average people
of the United States and $4103.900,824 more than the same number
of people in Tennessee. Twelve million dollars invested in
superior education yield 400 millions a year!

If the people of Tennessee would compete in production with
the people of the other states and of the world—and they must do

so whether they will or not—they must educate all their children ;V

not only their white children, but their black; and they must edu»
cate them all. not poorly for a few months in the year and a few
years in their lives. but thoroughly through a long series of years.
If history teaches us anything it is the solidarity of, all mankind.
that "no man liveth unto himself," and “no man dieth unto him—
self," but that we are each his “brother’s keeper."

Our great resources in Tennessee, climate, soils and minerals,
are useless in the hands of an untrained people. Moreover, if we
do not educate our own people to use these resources intelligently,.
the trained men of other states will come in and do so, and make
our native people “the hewers of wood and the drawers of water"
in their industries.

Some persons seem to think that the marvelous energy and
common sense of our people are a sufficient guarantee of their

success in the battle of life. But common sense and even unmeasm

ured energy do not win in these days without education. We
must give our people knowledge and training or they will
surely fail in the hot competition of the twentieth century.
Will we not realize that our best resources are our own children

and that our highest duty is to educate them for the greatest use--

fulness in life?



OppOI‘tUflitiCSfor Public Education


Production of Wealth in the United States

The State of Massachusetts

And the State of Tennessee


‘;Eoucx. 710A! . I4 1

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U. S.



V, ‘ l, EDUCATION 6'

~ Pfinn/II‘TIUN 581

*7 —_.'


University of Tennessee Index, Series II. No. 10. Jan. 1901. Published monthly by the
University of Tennessee and entered at the postoffice at Knoxville
as second class matter



The chief characteristic of the nineteenth century has been
the extension of the benefits of education to the masses of the
people. Its chief lesson is that education increasesthe ‘wealth
producing power of a people in direct proportion to 1ts distribu—
tion and thoroughness. In fact the relations between educa—
tion and productivity are so well understood now that you can
measure the wealth producing power of a people by the school
privileges which they have enjoyed. Statistics show, for example,
that the power of the people of the different states to earn money
is in direct proportion to the length of the period the average
citizen of each has attended school. To illustrate, the average
school period in 1808-‘99 of each inhabitant of the United States
was 4.41 vears; of Massachusetts. which has the best schools, was
7 years; of Tennessee was a little less than 3 years. The
total annual production of the United States in the year 1800
was less than $30.00 a year, or 10 cents a day, counting 306
working days in the year, for each man, woman and child; by
1850 the production had increased to nearly $92.00 a year, or 30
cents a day; and in 1899 it was about $170.00 a year, or 55 cents
a day. The production of Massachusetts in 1899 was $260.00
for each man, woman and child, or 85 cents a day. The most
favorable figures make the total annual production of the people
of Tennessee in 1800 less than $116.00 a year, or 38 cents a day,
for each inhabitant. Another way'to express it is to say that the
average family of five in Tennessee must live on $580.00 a year.
counting everything produced on the farm and in the home, as
well as sales and money wages; while the same family in Massa—
chusetts has $1,300.00 a year to spend, and the average family
of the United States has $850.00. Put these facts together and
we at once see their tremendous significance. The proportion

The data used in this paper were derived from the reports of the
commissioner of education of the United States and of the state board
of education of Massachusetts. from Butler’s "Education in the United
States,” from articles by Dr. \Vm. T. Harris, commissioner of education
of the ‘United States and from the Tennessee state reports.

.45 2'5 Edzmzz‘z'on m is Prod/(dime

between the school period in Massachusetts, the school period in
the whole United States. and the school period in Tennessee is
expressed by the figures 7, 1.1, and 3; or, multiplying each by 2,
by the figures 1—1, 8.8, and G. The proportion between the produc—
tiye capacity of each person in Massachusetts, in the whole United
States, and in Tennessee is expressed by the figures 200, 1’70. and
116: or, dividing by 20 to bring to terms similar to the others, we
have 13, 8.5, and 5.8. Think of this!

Education is as 14 in Mass. to 8.8 in U. S. to 6 in Tenn.
Production is as 13 in Mass. to 8.5 in U. S. to 5.8 in Tenn.

This is not a mere coincidence in the ‘case of Massachusetts,
the United States, and Tennessee; it is the law the world over.
The productivity of a people is everywhere proportional to their
education, that is their intellectual, physical, and moral training.
It is not the natural resources, the climate, the soils, and the min—
erals; it is not even the race, much as these things count in pro—
duction; but it is education which above everything else de—
termines the wealth earning power of a people.

The population of Massachusetts is 2,805,346; of Tennessee
is 2,020,016. They have the same number of children to educate.
The enrollmentand the average daily attendance on their public
schools in 1808—99 were as follows:

Enrollment. daily attendance.
Massachusetts ...................... 4,171,977 360,317

Tennessee ......................... 499,815 . 352,731

Massachusetts taught school 188 days in the year and her en—
rolled pupils attended an average of 143.5 days. Tennessee taught
school only 85) days and her enrolled pupils attended only 6.2.8
days. The average Tennessee child is absent 26.2 days in the 89
days of the school session.

A‘IIassachusetts expended for all purposes of her public schools

”in 1898-09, $13,880,838, which was $38.55 per pupil in average

daily attendance and $5.07 per capita of her population. Tennes—
see expended for her public schools in the same year, $1,628,313,
Which is $41.62 per pupil in average daily attendance and only 83
cents per capita of. population. The average expenditure for all
the states of the union is $19.00 per pupil in average daily attend—
ance and $2.67 per capita of the population of the entire country.

The power of education in production may be presented again



JAN 5 1901

Dear Sir: ' %

The inclosed leaflet was prepared to suggest to the
*people of Tennessee and the South a line of thought appropriate
for the last Christmas of the century. I have used Tennessee as
an illustration; because her educational conditions represent the
average of those in the South and it is my own state. The conclu—
sions apply with equal force to every Southern state, and it is
hOped that others will make the applications to them.

Many explanations and excuses for the sad condition of

our public sChools will occur to the Southern reader; but I had

to deal with facts and felt it my duty to point out the inexora-

ble law of progress even though the demonstration was painful.
Is it not time to cease discussing the past and making QXplana—
tions for Our unfortunate conditions and to get to work to im—
prove them? If this law is true, if production is as eduCation,
how can we eXpect to make any progress if we do not heed it?
How can we expect to be pardoned if we do not strive to live

up to it in the future?

If you approve, will you not, for the sake of the cause,
have this paper'published, discussed and applied? A few copies
can be had for distribution, if desired.

, I Very truly yours,

. v'; I
'—-. fl 3" r f, if t
.: _ .f r ‘I g / _ ,9/ v
/t/vc:~4»«tfi~ diamaépg;




K . P 2 t Ler Son .

salary of
?,rafi 2n6 OLHfif


yqu unfier separate


 Dental Department

This department is also located at Nashville. It
occupies one of the most modern dental college
buildings in the country. Every facility is provided
for a thorough course in all branches of dentistry.
Fees and expenses are reasonable. For full in-
formation, address Dr. ]. P. Gray, Dean, 212 North
Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn.


Living expenses for a student of the Colleges
of Liberal Arts, Engineering and Agriculture, or
of the Law Department, may be made as low as
$150 per session. Two hundred dollars will cover
the total necessary expenses of such a student, ex—
cluding laboratory fees. To those not holding schol-
arships the tuition fee of $60 per session will be
charged in addition.

For further information, catalogues, special an-
nouncements of any of the colleges or departments,
address Registrar, University of Tennessee, Knox-
ville, or



flanihersitp of 252111125522





Liberal Arts, Engineering, Agriculture,
Law, Medicine, Dentistry,

Eirrular of information
June, 1905


uuvmluu 30., INfivaLLI, Ina.




HiStOI‘y-——The University of Tennessee comprises
the Graduate Department, the College of Liberal
Arts, the College of Engineering, the College of
Agriculture, the Industrial Department, and the Law
Department, all located at Knoxville; and the Med-
ical and Dental Departments, located at Nashville.
The University dates from 1794, having been char—
tered by the legislature of “the Territory South of
the River Ohio” in that year, as “Blount College.”
In 1807 it was re-chartered as East Tennessee Col-
lege, which later became East Tennessee University,
and finally, in 1879, the University of Tennessee. In
1869 the proceeds of the sale of land scrip donated
by the United States “for the establishment of an in-
stitution of learning, devoted to agriculture and the
mechanic arts" were appropriated by the General
Assembly of Tennessee to the University at Knox—
ville, thus giving it the means to add a strong tech—
nical and agricultural school to the classical depart—
ment, which at the time of the appropriation was 211—
1‘cady.seventy-five years old. In its long and honora-
ble history the University has sent out many of the
ablest men of the State and of the South. Its de-
velopment has been steady. and during the past de-
cade it has gone forward at an accelerated pace.

L0GRti0n.—The campus of the University, at
Knoxville, is one of the most beautiful spots in the
State, the buildings standing high above the Ten-
nessee river, which winds away among the hills and


mountains in either direction. The location is most
healthful and the outlook most picturesque. There
are fifteen buildings on the campus proper, and per-
haps ten others on the two beautiful farms connected
with the College of Agriculture.

Equipment—The equipment of tools, machinery
and laboratory appliances is good and steadily in-
creasing. There are well equipped laboratories in
chemistry, assaying, pharmacy, physics, zoology, bot—
any, horticulture, soil physics, &c., and collections
illustrating the geology, fauna and flora of the State.
Extensive workshops give facilities for instruction in
carpentry, wood turning, forging, iron and brass
founding, and machine work. There are laboratories
for tests of strengths of materials, electrical ma—
chinery, engines, boilers, hydraulic apparatus, etc.
There are 235 acres in two beautiful experiment

Library—There is a library of about twenty
thousand volumes, which is being steadily added to
by purchase and donation. It is under the direction
of a skilled librarian, by whose guidance the students
are led to make free use of its resources.

AthletiCS-——In the Young Men’s Christian Associ-
ation; building there is a well—equipped gymnasium,
containing concave, canvas—lined running track, wall
and other apparatus, baths. lockers, etc. There is
good opportunity for athletics, the football and base-
ball teams being strong and successful, while basket—
ball, tennis and track athletics receive their fair share
of attention.

Forensics—The two literary societies afford ex—


 cellent opportunity for practice in oratory and debate,
while the Tennessee University Magazine and other
student publications afford opportunity for practice
in literary composition.

Scholarships and Self Help—The rate of tuition
is low, and living expenses are moderate. There
are two hundred and seventy—five free scholarships,
to which appointments are made by the members of
the legislature, three to each representative, and two
to each senator. The students’ loan funds provide
means by which a student may borrow money to pay
his expenses, repaying the debt some time after
graduation. There are also many opportunities for a
student to earn money by his own labor. In every
way the University desires to honor and assist the
young man or young woman that is trying to obtain
an education under difficulties.

Session—The animal sessions begin in the latter
part of September and close in the early part of June.

College of Liberal Arts

In the College of Liberal Arts there are two reg—
ular four—year courses—the Literary, leading to the
degree of Bachelor of Arts, and the Scientific, leading
to the degree of Bachelor of Science. There is con-
siderable freedom of election in each course, so that
the needs of any student may be met. There is
also a two years’ course preliminary to the study
of medicine which is credited as equivalent to one
_\'(le' of the four years required for graduation at
the Medical and Dental Departments of the Univer—

The College of Liberal Arts is open’ to women on
the same conditions as men. There is an excellent
new dormitory building for their use, presided over
by the Dean of Women and managed by an experi-
enced matron. There are excellent courses in Home
Economics, including cookery and dressmaking, and
in free hand drawing and color work. Arrangements
may be made for musical instruction of a high order.

For the preparation of high school teachers, princi-
pals and superintendents, special educational courses
are offered. The combination of the liberal arts and
professional courses will prove attractive to those
desiring to prepare themselves in the most thorough
way for their work. These educational courses count
like other subjects towards the Bachelor’s degree.
The requirements for admission to the College of
Liberal Arts are substantially those of the Associa-
tion of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the
Southern States of which the University is a member.
The requirements are fully stated in the catalogue
which will be sent on application.

College of Engineering

In the College of Engineering there are fully
organized four-year courses in Civil, Mechanical,
Electrical, Mining and Chemical Engineering. Each
course is carefully planned to give the best results
in its specialty, though in all of them the stu-
dent rcceives the broad foundation necessary to
every engineer. The methods of instruction are
in accord with the best modern practice, and the
excellent equipment of tools, machines and other
accessories renders it possible to make the courses


 very practical. The graduates of this depart—
ment of the University find ready employment in
lucrative positions on the railways and in the various
industrial enterprises of the State. Some of them
have risen to positions of distinction in all parts of
the country and abroad. No student seeking first—
class preparation for an engineering career can afford
to overlook the facilities oficred at the University of

College of Agriculture

In the College of Agriculture there is offered
a full four years’ course in Agricultural Science
leading to the degree of Bachelor of Scientific
Agriculture. In addition, there is a two years’
course which combines a good scientific training
with very practical instruction in all branches of
agriculture. A winter short course, extending over
twelve weeks, from January 4th to March 28th,
is provided for those young men whose engagements
_ prevent them from giving the time necessary for the
work of the regular courses. In the agricultural
courses attention is given to the sciences underlying
agriculture, as well as to Farm Crops, Cereal
Judging. Animal Husbandry, Stock Judging, Dairy—
ing, Poultry Raising, Horticulture, Veterinary Sci—
ence, Agricultural Chemistry (including fertilizers),
Farm Mechanics, etc.

In these days of improved methods and machinery
and active competition, no young man can afford to
enter upon the life of a farmer without proper study
of the principles of his profession and of the sci—
ences underlying it. Every facility is afforded at


the University for the successful study of these sub—
jects. Besides the fine scientific laboratories and
workshops, there are two beautiful experiment farms,
one of I45 acres and one of 90 acres, to both of
which students have free access and in the conduct
of which they have an opportunity to take part, under
the guidance of skilled instructors.


Instruction is given in the theory and practice of
Pharmacy. There are two courses, one of four years,
leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Pharmacy, and one of two years, leading to the
degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist.

Law Department

A two years’ course in law has been conducted
for a number of years with marked success. This
department numbers among its graduates many of
the foremost lawyers of this and other States. Law
students may take academic studies without addi-
tional charge. The fees for the law course are $70
per session of eight and a half months.

Medical Department

The Medical Department of the University is
located at Nashville. It occupies a commodious
building especially erected for the purpose of med-
ical teaching and equipped with lecture rooms, lab-
oratories, dissecting rooms, etc. The hospital ad-
vantages are excellent. Expenses are very low.
For full information address Dr. Paul F. Eve, Dean,
614 Broad St., Nashville, Tenn.




State Co¥79~e of Yentuckv,
Eéxjfifitfin, V”.

My flan? Presjv‘“ mt PfiW-B’WjOIl

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to the salaries paid porfessors 25' .. -‘ Sanrs


University Oi ,w <‘ " - L »; .. v 1'.;‘_Je
Howevefi, T0 pay our



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