xt7ghx15n565_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers United States Department of Agriculture text United States Department of Agriculture 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_7/Folder_6/Multipage5844.pdf 1885-1908 1908 1885-1908 section false xt7ghx15n565_65 xt7ghx15n565 ‘°‘ :F:-:::'*'* () 1“ 11‘1“(:l 1‘: () 11‘.‘.‘},‘...‘;...

(WMWE§§F€EWW% W Aaegigwwmi‘mag

\ ~- I - Wififi’WY/ETmmg ‘56? fiffl-WE‘WW 1:53 ,
"‘C’Jr““*“‘;'s'?‘9"*‘r"" vfiflg/a/flafim
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 mama TMRDL New York figlficlfltlfl‘fll EXPBI’imGHt StfltiOIl.

ROB'T J. SWAN. President, Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y. ‘
N. M‘ CURTIS. Secretary. Ogdensbmg St. Lawrence Co” N. Y_ Director---Dr. E. L. STURTEVANT. Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y.
PATRICK BARRY. Rochester. Monroe Co., N. Y.
W. A. ARMSTRONGI Elmira. Chemung Co., N. Y. C\\>./__4)
jAMES McCANN, Elmira. Chemung Co.. N. Y.
JOHN O'DONNELL, Jamaica, Queens Co., N. Y.
DANIEL BATCHELOR, Utica, Oneida Co.l N. Y.

. -: , n 7
J. S. WOODWARD. New York. 84 Lockpon, Niagara Co., N. Y. @GW) % my.) QC 3‘ C 0 e P 1 <1 , 488;)
C. C. B. WALKER, Corning, SQeuben Co., N. Y.

Prosident James K.Pdtteraoa,

My Dear Sir:— I regret to say that 1 fioo it quite
impossible for me to accept tae pacitiCM of director
Of your in etiment dtatioa,wnich you mad the middMEds
to offer me. MU rotations here are antr.m.2y,oteasant,
and 1 have many fociittie; for original investigation
in eoorzouz'o xjotamy,cz Sonja-ct tau? 1 oz... aaoeu'z'utty z};—
toredted in,aod do not tnimk that tae dddflmaficd of oth.
er dotted would be adoantageovo. 1 am dowry 1 move been
a0 long in givtwg you my fiaot ueuigion,aot it depended
somewhat uooa the gotten of the uotucritieo H8P9,dnd

was 1202‘ Aaooaz‘oie to goons?“ come to Mtg ocjz'xn'te «o/zctu—

diOfl. j woo/d Zine to Aeao iqformed of your JPOgFBSJ

waference to the £no.dtutiou,oud may yet come Jutare
time be flittiwg to recoooider the qaeotiom OJ yorking iw
coanection with it.

Believe me

Very tryig Joann”

é (Low


 1 v ()1? 121.1111: 0 1 ,,
, (Iiififiiiéififlfl'i’ifif‘ 6M” Mimmwzm
mwmmwmmgw fiTAfi'figflifi.

2%,flzx, £74, xfi‘wa

ama, KWJM/ % .
MM, 12A 7Z7: .

4m - 42M %”5'


Divieion of Forestry,

Washington. D. 0.,Apr.7th.1886

beer Sir.
‘ The appropriation tor thie Divieion eelle
for marinate in toreetry work in an indefinite way, and as far
an I am fine. nothing has beeneone by ny preeeceesors‘ in office

to eonply with thedreeuireleentp It 1e evident. thet in a direct

way lothtag- of weh mallet eonld have been done with the wpropri-.

etioa ea it etude, in addition to the my other requirements or
work from the mvieion.

0n the other hand nothifi .eeenu to be tore urgently fieeeeeary.
thfl! 910907 methodical experimtetion, by which the dimuraging
faileree of the tint {amt plentere an on men an possible be.
reduced and upon which" the principlee of future American foreetry
Iiflxt be eetebliehed. It is aleo evident that the value of each
eaperiaentetion tor. a eountry like the United States. so vast, and
Varied in all eonditione of climate, e011. flora «ten will be great~
1y enhanced by a eyetenetie and methodical proeeture. eimultezfouely,
by all. those to whom properly belongs the turtherence or egricul- '
tural development.

Convineee that it my be possible to arrive at some plan, by
"which the Agricultural Merino!“ Stations and eueh of the Agricul-
tural colleen ee are equipped for such merimente, eould uee the
feeilitiee end material assistance of thie Department in carrying
on each forest experimentation, I take the liberty of asking you
to coneider- the matter and to kindly eapreee your viewe on euch a
plan in general and in particular.

In thing so, please state what thopreeont facilities at your

station are, whether any and what work in this line has been, or is


going on under your cherge. in whet manner; 1 financial aeeiet enee
in‘the work on the pert of the Department out of the fund for for-
eetry work mey be poeeible.

I know thet some of the Colleges and Stations have made a be-
ginning in foreatdmatree pleating; but I suppose the: they thQMr
eelvee have felt that their isoleted attempts do not carry with
then the value and benefit, ethic-11 a. more methodical, end unit ed ef-
fort in ell parts of the Union would bring. And while therefore

their, euueeeore will benefit by their experience, I believe.

thou elrealy engaged in'the work will be met ready to enter upon

e plea of competence.

31 m of argument-filler we to. edd, that in German-wherefor-
ejtry has been praet idea underwent favorable eircumet ances for
more than a eenturlrv, eat only theneed of methodical and first emat ic
experiment at ion has been organized. to supplement’er‘npiric knowldege
but the experimentzstat ions orggenized bx} each St ate, to lnsure the
best results have formed an association in which. they wo‘rk harmo—
niously. together.

Be kind enougflyto give seriousthough‘c tothis proposal, also a
frank expression ogj'your views. . Reggae: fully,

/Zw%m£€ 2
V,’,// / // :/
w; 2 2 2:242 5/ 2 74/1/42 1 2 /3 2 2Z2 J2272

,/ L/
;/ 1/


 5% acyzartaamfi nfl figrfimlimc,

%§M/M’y/Ew, Q g, ,.,,Apr__i__l___..i.8_9.12b_. ______ , MM


Lexington, Ky.


In order that the value of the forage plants
recently imported from Russia may be determined with a greater deg—
ree of accuracy than is attainable by miscellaneous distribution,
and that the climatic influences upon the varieties referred to
may also be determined,l take pleasure in forwarding to you by to—
day’s mail such a quantity of each as will enable you to make the
needed experiments.

Thanking vou for the hearty interest you have manifested in
seconding my efforts to bring about a system of successful coopera—

tion between this Department and the Txperiment Stations,

1 amiyoursmyeryflres



 @epatimenl of Wgticulfiure,

%4272?my @ (g/WM%/ ”fig/y;

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LZflW/VLWW We / W 924/» /4 J/ 4;” 2 4444/ 4/

—W4fl/me é/W 222W
WDA/af/a/MW M/"ZL ///M 444444
MAW/2:4.” ”Was/444%“ MMW/


 ff? 4% W44 /c//Zm 45m kaW fl/GM
MWK/QW 44/424743/4444424774 42/7494 /W
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#M M/W a» 7fl/L/f' MWMM4;W/4%:_\

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4474444 Wig/444W
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 @epatimenl of thgticuflure,
0' 5.44722”, 97% my .

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/mm @7/072 fmuzoa {fly/a deA kW
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/Wy~w 4W /c/ézmaé W/f/Ziéfl/M/IMWW
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flag/97W 477 W Mid/54X, .xb/flp QzWW-iv ALW
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 finited $tams

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,7 ' u /' _,/



 $1 5%. gcpaflmmt of ggtimltute,


mafia :@ g, .............................. mg.

n», gm 'MJ’;



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117mm 1—1886.)


Ltttttlltteltt a1 Artnmltmu

:Ivo REST '1le :1); V] s ION.


W'mne (and, (wen/m/ion of observer:

Place of obserzmz‘f0771: State, ,, , County. _7

Tow/1,, ,,,,,,,,, , , , Longimdehnw Latitude. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .le‘z'fzuie,,,

I .Gemy'a/Z/ 871/0717 description of locality as to .9077 exposure:

1. To note progress ot' loeal developments in tree lite, tor the purpose of enlarging knowledge ot' biological

2. To arrive at eonelusions as to relative elimutie (renditions expressed hy phases ot’ plant development, and also
rice verso. as to dependence oi" sueh developments on sueh eonditions.
3. To determine period of reg/etaz’r'oa ot' ditierent speeies (time from appearanee ot" first leaf to general ehange of
4. To aseertain the relative dependenee 0t (_li’tle1‘eltt speeit-s on elimatie eonditions, determining relatively time for
5. To enable e®<\>\m
Q\$ mxwk \Ak‘g W; ’\\ wok
\PAfiw W51, ‘W WWQM/ \RJC ~§ WW Q» A?
9‘ «vs: SR w Wme \m

— ”A AEQZWET‘EN wmkw
Wk WK Umx g“


 E], $ Ecgartmcut nfi figrimlture,


W14) W/M WW {1%.

7L4 f/m,
m WWW, {v74 W




@WfiW/u/é /t) '

ficwflmme/z /,/
f2“ 2:0 0c. M /é% m/Z.
MM£/%/%/Zé/}" ”7%2/ /
W4 fie //}W 7W/M/ /
[g’zfl/WWMW % 1/3
. /Q WW ”MfiW ' 7.
///%6 W ' . '
[/74 / /]%/74/—/77/I/L/ fm LMw





 111. F5. flDepar’tment of ‘Agrimltuts,


Wgflaro/fingfon, 90. Q, ,Alune.,24,,

Dr. Thomas Taylor,
Microscopist, Dep't of Agr’l..
Washington. D. 0.,
Dear Sir:
In accordance with a wish you expressed I give you the

following statement of my career as a chemist.

I am a native of Staten Island, N.Y. At the age of 12 I was
sent to Germany to attend school. I remained there four years and
then.went to Switzerland where I graduated from the High School

at the age of 18 and entered the School of Chemistry of the Poly-

technical University of Switzerland. At the expiratiOn of a three

years term I graduated and returned to this country in the year
1881. On July lst. 1882 I was appointed an Assistant Chemist at
this laboratory where I have been ever since. being promoted from a

salary of 1.000 dollars to 1,200 on July 1st. 1884.

The work carried on in this laboratory has afforded me ample
opportunity to gain a wide and varied experience in all the branches
of Agricultural Chemistry. During the five years of my c0nnection

with this laboratory 1 have worked on the chemistry of fertilizers.


 lfl. fi. {Depatnnmt of figtimltute,


WWao/fingiou, 93. C9,,

soils. marls and general mineral_analysis. water analysis and the
analysis of dairy products such as milk. butter and imitation but—
ters etc.. sugar analysis in all its various phases. the analysis
of cereals . and the general proximate analysis of plants. foods
and food adulterants.

l have received an offer from a Louisiana sugar planter of a

position on his plantation as Chemist and for that reaSOn I should

like to have some intimation as early as possible of the intended
action of the faculty in regard to the appointmentpso'that defi—
nite arrangements can be made before the fall months. A professor—
ship would be preferable as I would not be obliged to remain un—
occupied during the greater part of the year. which would be tlw
case if employed on a Louisiana sugar plantation.

Thanking you sincerely for your kindness in this matter. 1 am.

Very truly yours

Mi. 5w


 @I. 5% Ecgarhumt nfi Agriculture,

é J/Zm/z/ MW/ m, ,

MM/I/‘m/é wdgm/M W M /W w»

M/ M/W/dm/ may/2.74M 4%]; /W
wax/i7 /‘ by 4 4/4/1/é fé/ ”W
‘ A" 65:,1/

WM r paw // g/W/é/ M 1/7 y/m/m/
@5479 fig, filmy aw 776 4/%%A/ AM
“(a L/‘g/ ~4w /J/L/W wsz 7& diam.» x»

, MUM/rm m/&4¢/// W M/ ’ cam -

~ézflc/ «KW 4,4912 éflm W


 4» 7 AU (7y

flW/t/W 1*» Wm”? M/M A/é/W/W
M @‘é’v/ gyV/Q/fl/c/ W /Aé¢a

fl@z/ //W «ml/w W'flé/M”

WWI/a/rm/M WAWWMxfléJa/sfl/

W‘Jfi Mr W Z7d A/fl 407mm,.
filflfl/W Mad/r7 Ag

37%,wa/fl [£50 WWM Maj/:7 W




GOV. J. P. RICHARDSON, Chairman.

.1. N. LIPSCOMB, Master State Grange.

D. P. DUNCAN, President State Agricultural and
Mechanical Society.




. P. BUTLER. Commissioner.

PHILIP E. CHAZAL, E. M., Chemist.

E. L. ROCHE, Special Assistant Phosphate

BENJAMIN McINNES Veterinary Surgeon.

R. GRAHAM Signal Servico,U. S. A.

President Agricul. &


1162:1115; ;t0:l; J

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