xt7ghx15n565_51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Fraternity Establishment and Member Lists text Fraternity Establishment and Member Lists 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_6/Folder_18/111839.pdf 1882-1901 1901 1882-1901 section false xt7ghx15n565_51 xt7ghx15n565 - Nu,11,.'.-$3('u
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 President Jamee K. Patterson, ‘ ‘
Kentucky State College.
Dear 91?:—
The following is a 119% of the active members of Ky.

Epsilon chapter of Sigma Alpha Epeilon Fraternity at State College.
Nov. 15, 1901.

Wilson, H. N.

Stonev, J. L.

Reeee, P. R.

Kelly, H; R.

Spanton, W. A.

Martin, L. W.

Rotifi, A. R.

Hall, C. P.

- Thompson, J. J.

Kerri, P. A.

Jett, (my.

Grady, 3'". H. V ‘

Evicflee, Hilton.

Engallfi, Howard.

Kelnae, J. LI.

"evy respectfully,
cz{:L/ 4&62;::fir/ [Tc1_.
[.egxingjton, Kj’.
NOV. 26, 1901.

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VELQE-Z-I-EZEE‘E’ ' E1"“'{‘*‘=€‘ {fig/EC/T I «I L“ ‘g “is _ " ‘ .H .3 "‘ ‘wgP-‘g‘vf’gm 3 ' ,.,._
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g§fiwfifififitfifigfififiwfig.w J fitfi“'r3fi5iia§gggésfi% “4
MILL AT NEWBURGH. " ‘ " ’ “ OFF|CE awmmooms.
82|-829 CANAL ST. _ -
TELEPHONE 666. ‘ 7.: , ., 7', , ,
In: (lllelllG, 111d. . ,,
» _ Aug. 1), 1909.
Dean of the State Ufiiversity,
Lexington, Ky.,
Dear Sir:-
The writer has a man in his enplny whe a few days
ago Enema 3 Tau ?eta ?1 Pin from a Chapter of one of the
univereities of Tentucxy. -
The pin hae the name engraved therenu oi"flawberger
'03" . The owner nf this pin is no doubt desirous uf having
same reiJrnefl to him. If the party abuve mentioned attended
your aniversity anfi'you can favor us with his adfiress or have
him write me we can arrange to have this pin Satje‘actnrily
Vnagfi;ng yen in efivanee for an early regly,
(1% remain,
' voure very trait
~ [I p ’/ E

Feb. 27, 1901.
Dr. James K. Patterson,
State College,
. Lexington, Ky.
My Dear Sir:-

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your recent favor, addressed
to the General Council of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, commending to
them certain young gentlemen in your Institution, who have applied to
us for a charter. ’

I thank you for your courtesy, and for the trouble which you
have taken in this matter; and I wish to assure you, that you“ letter
will be given careful consideration, and will carry great weight in
the final decision regarding the granting of a charter to these appli—
cants from your Institution.

Time is a factor which must be considerefi in this matter,
and the young men must not become discouraged if they do not have
returns as quickly as they might hope for.

Thanking you on behalf of the Fraternity for the information
given us, I beg to remain,

I Yours truly,
' W“LCFM _, }
. President.

 Lexington, Ky., March 15, 1901.
President James K. Patterson:—
The following is a list of the students of
7 Kentucky State College who are members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Fraternity. Correct to March 15, 1901.
Dabney, A. S.
. Kelly, R. B.
Humphrey, C. L.
Wilson, R. N.
Stoner, J. L. -
Spanton, W. A.
Martin, L. w. ///"57
Montgomery, R. B. //94/ {Fe
Caldwell, D. n. p/fl/V’W’
Connelieon, R. PLQ/”fl*/C/
Perkins, W. H.
Trees, 0.
Kehoe, J. H.
Bette, A. e. 7/// V7"
Rice, 1. W.
Respectfully euimitted, -
, ,,,,A