xt7ghx15n565_48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Department of the Interior: Bureau of Education text Department of the Interior: Bureau of Education 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_6/Folder_15/Multipage5250.pdf 1882-1905 1905 1882-1905 section false xt7ghx15n565_48 xt7ghx15n565 @wmtmmfi mf Hm Emberim,

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files Miami Lawnmowers} @eilege.
Dayton, Ohio, October, 1882.

There is a large and growing demand for educated young men and
young women who are tho1oughly qualified for the most difiicult and
highest paid work, as reporters, and law and business amanuenses. To
acquire the necessary training for this takes from six to nine months of the
most systematic and severe drill. The opportunities for getting this in this
country are so limited that, as compared with the places to fill, there are
but few qualified Plionogrziphers, and these are sought for at high prices,
' in many cases earning salaries of $2,000 to $3,000 per year.

As the inclosed circular states, I have just established a Department of
Phonography in the Miami Commercial College, in which to give this training.
And being fully aware that the permanent success of such a school must
come only after a body of its stu lents have proven the adequacy of its
course by holding places which Will show their ability, Iam seeking a class
of twenty-five intelligent and ambitious young men and young women,
from seventeen to thirty-five years of age, who will place themselves in my
care for such training as will-enable me to place them with the best railroad
companies and other business corporations in the country.

To the class of twenty—five so selected, I will give from six to nine
months’ instruction, and take my pay only after they have earned it after
completing the course. They to pay me $10 cash at the beginning for text
books and stationery, and $100 when earned as stated; giving me a written
guarantee to stay the required time, and place themselves at my disposal
for situations when through.

Dr. Clifton, the instructor in charge, is one of the best Phonographers
in the United States. He is a graduate of Oxford University, England, and
in addition to his eminent ability as a scholar, is a most accomplished in-

Although the first outlay for such a depa1tment will be considerable,
I am induced to unde1take it with the hope of building up an institution.
of the highest class, which the businsss men of the United States will look
to to supply them a large part of the skilled assistants they may need, and
also believing that the opportunity it will afford for entering a career 0f use-
fulness and profit will be appreciated by a large class of educated persons
who do not care to enter the professions.

If you know of any ambitious college or high-school graduates, or other
educated persons, whom you think would be interested in such an offer, I
will be obliged if you will call their attention to this circular, and Will give
me their names and addresses.

The necessary outlay for board in excellent private families, for. nine
months, together with the necessary outlay for washing, etc., and including
everything but tuition, need not be over $200.

Believing that such an enterprise is of more than individual interest, I
take the liberty of addressing those havinga general interest in educational

Respectfully yours,
A. D. WILT, Principal.






_One of the ablest Reporters, and one of the most Experienced and Successful
Instructors in Phonography and Phonetics in the United States.


The attention of every Clergyman, Lawyer, Physician, Merchant, Manufactu‘cr, Teacher, and Student, is
earnestly invited to the following considerations. as it is believed that mach misapprehension.
etvists concerning the art and its capabilities, and its cery general
usefulness, and easiness of acquiremcnt.


Phonography is the art of writing by sound. It is based on the most philosophical classification of the sounds
made by the organs of speech, and is a highly scientific mode of representing those sounds. It was invented by Isaac
Pitman, of Bath, England, and was first published by him in 15.37. It has stood the test of the scrutiny, investigation.
and criticism of the ablest pliilologists and scholars of the day, and they have. unhesitatingly awarded it their unre-
served praise for its simplicity, utility, and philosophical beauty. Over a million copies of a single one of Mr. Pitman’s
text books have been issued, and many thousands in England and America daily practice the art. Nearly every rail-
way company in the two countries employ phonographic amanuenses and clerks, and a great and increasing demand
for them has arisen from the manufacturers and business men. A number are so employed in this city. Also, official
reporters are appointed in hundreds of courts in counties in all parts of the country, by authorization of the State
legislatures, and hundreds of lawyers aml law students use it. in their daily work. The proceedings of Parliament,
Congress, and all other deliberative bodies are reported in Phonography, and newspapers universally depend on it.
Olergymen use it in writing their sermons, Physicians in recordingtheir cases, and pupils in the schools in writing their
exercises. In all of these cases a saving of one-half to three-fourths of the labor of doing the same work in ionghand
being effected. Its importance as a labor-saver can hardly be overestimated. and the great demand for experts, both
men and women, makes it a highly desirable ayocation.

IT IS EASILY Lnauxnn. it can by acquired by any child who can read common print, and to write sixty to cighty
words a minute requires but a few weeks study of several hours a day.

Horace Mann, one of the most eminent educators of our times, says: “ The study of Phonography should prccedc
all other elementary branches in our schools, for a proper understanding of the enunciation of the elements of speech
will promote a proper enunciation of words that make up those elements. The iusuilicient training on these elements
in our educational institutions is the principal cause of so many palpable defects in speech.”

Coleridge, the great English poet and philosopher, said: “ My father taught me at an early age the use of short-
hand characters, and I hardly know any species of instruction that in after life has stood me in greater stead.”

Most of the leading educators of the country have given equally strong indorsements.

Dr. John Hancock, Superintendent of Dayton Schools, said recently at a National convention, “ That Phonography
is one of the things that should be taught to young men,” and predicted that the time is coming when it will supercedc
the cumbrous longhand.

Hon. Leonard Sweet, a leading lawyer of Chicago, and an accomplished classical scholar, in a recent address said :
”A boy applies to me for aplace. He is bright, sharp, smart, and fresh from school. I ask, ‘what can you do 1” He
replies, ‘I can read Homer, Hesiod, the Greek tragedies, scan Virgil, am well up in mythology, chemistry, botany,
and geology.’ I say, ‘could you keep the books of my otiice '3’ ‘No,’ he says. ‘I thought it best to stick strictly
to my college course, and common things, like book-keeping, I could learn afterward.’ I say, ‘can you take letters in
shorthand, from my dictation, and then print them on the type-writer? He says he never thought. of learning
shorthand or type-writing, and I am compelled to tell him he can not help us."



Every Lawyer, in noting down his references, in miking
his first drafts of legal papers, and in recording testimony.
W. W. Jones, ESI’1., a prominent Lawyer ot‘ Kentucky, recently writes
to_Dr. Clifton, from Columbia, Ky , that he now writes ninety words a
minute with ease, and greatly to his advantage in his professional work.

And yet he tool; but six weeks‘ instruction om the Doctor the past sum-
mer, and this while attending to his professional duties.

Every Doctor, in making records of his cases, and in the
preparation or monographs, and other literary work of his

Every Minister, in tlie l‘u'eparation of his sermons.

“ I can write in four hours a discourse that would Inherit“
whole workingr d y,a.nd I can then read :lllil lllr‘lll'll'l22‘, it in l
with far more 1151‘ than if it was l'llh‘l: lli lli“ ordinary u I love it
for its beaut philosophy, and its t iwnt practical utility. It has
given lll(‘1tt'l“ 'ei' insight into the struc rt' the English language, and
made me more, 0.. t. in my pronunciation "—It’et' T H. Beverage, Phil-

“ I know mort- than on‘ min'" er whn ~ able to write a sermon about
a" utckly as a sermon is deli ed, and is then able to read it just as
eaSin as from equally good longhand "~[i’cia D. 1) ”7186118”, D. 1)., Ed-
i'fur of [he Melho’lis! Quarlcrly.

Every Business Man, Book-keeper, and Office Man, in doing
a large part of the written work oi his business. Very few
large. establishments are without at least one professional
Phonographcr, and it can be used by the managers of every
business, however small.

rupy the
time, and

Ladies will find it to be a delightful accomplishment. and
a great advantage in private correspondence. Thousands
of ladies in this country are already accomplished Phonog-

S. A. f}. Everett Esq., a prominentciiizen of Macon. Georgia, writes:
“ Dr. Clifton has been here for several months, r' ‘ing lessons in Phono-

graphy, and my wife and l have taken lessons rm‘in him with great satis-
inelion to ourselves, being able to report one hundred words per minute."

Dr. W: Gregory, late Professor of Chemistry in Edinburg
University, Scotland, some years ago said:

'f l began'to learir Phonoqraphy exactly four months ago; and I have
“run-n it with comtort and pleasure for about three months. Phono-
gi‘apliic writing is perfectly Icy/{lilo at any distance offline “



The following letter to Prof. )[*t}'lle\\', of Detroit, is from
the attorney of the great C. B. & Q. R. R. A most compe-
tent authority.

Chicago. Burlington it Quincy Railroad Company,
Law Department, Chicago, June 20, lost.

Hon. lra )Iayhew, Detroit, Mich: ,
.lly Dmr Sir-Ii gives me pleasure in replying to yours ot‘ the llth inst...
that I consider the {nowledgc of shorthand writing quite essential
l x"- to the sncee . ot‘a young man seeking employment in a
sionnl or raili'oail'oiliec In railroad ot‘lices pnrlicularly,
re in greater demand than ever before for the. reason
that heads 0f LIL-paitments, having large daily correspondeinie, tind it a
much more economical use (-i'time [U dictate in a few minutes to an
.iiiianiieusis the necessary answers, and employ the balance of their
time in other and more important duties. A knowledge, too, oi‘Commor-
r'ial Arithmetic and Book-keeping “'1“ be of great advantage to one
working out the transpoi‘iati-m irbblcm, fur the foundation oi [llO‘l‘llll-
road system res s upon busin principles. Graduites of prominent
and reputable Business Colleges, where, Phonography is taught, Will find
it on y to obtain permanent employment in rail ad and busuiess offices

at w: es above that of the. average business cleric. .

Respectfully yours, I. O. GJDDARIJ, Att’y C. B. A: Q. R. R.

As a profession for intelligent. and active young men and
mun: women, it offers splendid opportunities for profitable

Students in Colleges and Pupils in the Public Schools will
.ind it of the greatest possible advantage throughout- their

“ It is one of the best pOSSlbi“ ends in obtaining a sul)sequent_ediica-
iioi‘t."-—-Thus. Hill, flit-President 0,1“ Harvard University.

Prof. Agassiz said that Phonography had enabled him to do more in
one year, than he could have done in three without it.

Extract from a Report ofa Committee appointed by the, Board of Con-
trollers of the Public Schools of Philadelphia, to examine into the
principles of the art, and its capacity for usefulness. The Committee,
after styling it “ a simple, beautiful and labor-saving art," proceed to
say “they are satisfied of the practical value of Phonorrrapliy, not only
as applicable to verbatim reporting. and of its practical utility, and ad-
mirable adaptation to the purposes of business and professmnal life, but
of its greatimportance as a branch of popular education.”

Hon. John Bright, the distinguished English statesman,

“ Phonography is so clear as to be easily learned by every one of ordi-
nary capac ~ and the public benefits to be derived from it are entirely

Pages of equally emphatic commendation could be added, showing conclusively that Phonography is a thoroughly
scimlifit: method of writing the langwngr in the briefest possible way; that it is applicable in all departments of labor. and that it is

on" of (In: naccssi‘lirs of (he [iv/ms, u-fn’r-h no practical. person can neglect.

It will be taught. in the



IN THE Mos :1 r: Iii/\Ni-IZR A




Dr. L l‘. C.ii't.on, the lllill‘lli'itiii', is one of the most aet-nnplished reporters in the United States, and has given

great attention to acquiring the most .

stt’llitltit' and complete methods of instruction.

Elias Longley. Esq., for the list twenty—live years one of the leading authors and publishers in this country of
Phonographii: books and other publicititms, in a letter to the Principal, a short time since, says that “ the Doctor is

the most successful teacher of Phonography in the (fountryf’
Mr. \V. W. Jones, of Kentucky, and Mr.
He is a graduate of Oxford l'nivcrsity, England, and brings to the work an unusual degree 01' scholarship

similar to those, of
his skill.
and an extensive acquaintance with pliiloloe'y.

and scores of testimonials from his former pupils, and
Everett, of Georgia, given above, could he adduced to attest




One course is arranged to qualify students for professional reporting, as law and newspaper reporters, and in all
other capacities, demanding from one hundred and fifty to two hundred words a minute. This course will take from
six to nine months of study, from four to six hours a day, and will include instructions on the Typewriter. The most
thorough training will be given in all the details necessary for the highest and best paid class of work. Dr. Clifton’s
long experience as a professional reporter, and the special attention he has given to the best methods of instruction,
will insure the best results. Special training will be given in Law, Railroad, and other departments of reporting.


Inc‘uding all the Books and Stationery necessary, payable in two equal installments of $50.00 each, will be

we? $100.0 .

A More Limited Course will be given, which will be arranged to qualify students for writing seventy to eighty words
a minute, which is the rate necessary to do amanuensis work, and for all the purposes of the lawyers, doctors, and other
professional men, and of ladies, students, and pupils in the public schools. It will be given in three sections: first, an
introductory course of twelve lessons; second, a course to reach a speed of forty to fifty words a minute ; and third, a
course to reach seventy to eighty words a minute.

For tire First Section, 55 will be clam-god, and for the Second, 515, and flip T/zird, 590 ,' or for file
tiaree sections, requiring tin-ce- Zo four nzonflzs, o clung/c of 6‘40 in all.

The lessons may be taken at the rate of two, three or four each week, as may be desired.
The class hours for this section will be as follows, viz: 9 a. m. to 10 a. m., 2 p. m. to 3. p. m., and 7:30 p. m. to 9 p.
11]., daily, excepting Saturday.

Arrangements have been made to provide excellent board in private families at four dollars per week, for those
desiring it.

A careful inquiry into the present condition of phonographic instruction in the United States, shows that while
there is a great and growing demand from Railroad companies, and large businesses in all parts of the country for
amanuenses who can write eighty to one hundred and fifty words a minute accurately, and who can readily transcribe
them In grammatical well constructed longhand, the supply ol such is quite limited.

Hundreds have taken up the study, expecting to reach the necessary grade of efficiency in a few weeks of
unsystematic study, who have failed to hold their places, and have brought reproach upon the profession by undertaking
work they could not perform. The business community is now looking to thoroughly managed training schools to furnish
fully qualified writers. The high reputation the


has sustained the past twenty years as a training school for the highest class of Book Keepers, and the fact that
hundreds of the graduates are now holding positions of the highest trust- and responsibility in all parts of the country as
Cashiers, Secretaries, Book Keepers, &c., is the best guarantee that the best training will be given here, and that our
gra'luites will be sought for by the leading Railway Companies and Business Men everywhere.

For further information, all interested are invited to call at the college, or address,

A. D, WlLT, Principal.


 :h’ f‘ M Eases:—





A. D. WILT, Principal.
W. H. SUNDERLAND. Associate Principal. With a Corps of Competent Instructors.


The college is now in the twenty-first year of a prosperous existence. It has educated for the practical duties of a
business life, thousands of young men who are now engaged in all parts of the country as Cashiers of Banks, Secretaries ‘
of Insurance and Manufacturing Companies, and as Accountants for extensive Mercantile, Commission, and other
houses; About three hundred are employed in this city alone.

It is one of the oldest institutions in the country, and ranks among the best in all particulars. The Principal has
had continuous charge for over twenty years, and the Associate Principal has been his efficient assistant the past
twelve years

'lhe handsome apartments in the new building of the Filemens Insuiance Company, reached by means of the
elev at01, are not surpassed by those of any other college in the conntr;y and the facilities 111 all pa1ticu1ars are of the
first order. A most systematic and comprehensive course of business practice follows a broad course of theory instruc-

The recent appointment of Principal Wilt as Postmaster of the city will in no way deprive the college of his serv-
ices, or lessen the efficiency of the instruction. He has ample time to actively and constantly co-operate with the corps
of assistants in the work of teaching, and the well-earned reputation of the institution—gained the past twenty—one
years—will be most carefully maintained.

A business education, such as is here given, is as much a necessity to every young person, about to enter business,
as is preliminary training to a lawyer, doctor, or any other professional man.

The course of instruction is available in all departments of business, and not only affords its possessor protection
from fraud and loss, but puts him in possession of hundreds of opportunities for profitable employment and promotion
which would otherwise be closed to him.

The demand is rapidly increasing for trained young persons, and graduates~both young men and young women—-
are constantly being placed in excellent positions.

Inquircis are ieferied to the leading Banks and Business Houses of Dayton for information as to the standing of
the College, and as to the practical chaiactei of its instruction. Circulars giving full information as to terms, time, etc.,
may be had on application.

There me no vacations, and students can enter at any time. Four months is the usual time required to complete
the course of study, and the charges are very moderate.


Basin/M .l/rw in and of mmpo/onz’ [fall-loopors, Cos/rims, or Ofllco .l[r.>n, are invited zfo apply. 0117'
ox'odl/o/ns- (on/prise [/10 am class of young men, and our selection of o oompotenl
ond reliable porson may be relied on. Hundreds of soc/z lzdoe been
/'o/'/zz'.slzod ”lore/Innis 7167'!) and olsowlwro at short notice.


 2921111119111 of Agriculture,

VVASHJWGTOJV, 1). 0., .N'ovember ’7, 1889.


It is my desire to call together in convention, to be held in this Department during the coming
winter, representatives of the various agricultu ‘al colleges and associations in this country for conference
and discussion. I wish to meet those who are interested in the animal industry; those having charge of
the agricultural colleges, agricultural societies, and the educational agricultural institutions of the country;
and those engaged in the culture of cotton, for the purpose of considering the general welfare of agricul—
ture and the various divisions of the industry to which I have alluded.

I shall feel under great. obligations to your college or association if it will send representatives to these
conventions who are qualified to take part in the proposed deliberations.

The first of this series of conventions will be held on Tuesday, January 23d, 1883, and will be
devoted to the colleges and agricultural societies for the discussion of the general principles of farming,
and of tlu‘1seip1estions which belong to agricultural education and the organization of schools, colleges, and
associations, and will continue two days.

The second of the series will meet Thursday, the LSth of January, and will be devoted to the discus—
sion of the animal industries of the country, and the various modes of breeding, feeding, and dealing in
horses, cattle, sheep, and swine. This convention will continue two days.

The third of these conventions will he held on Monday, Januar Y 29th, and will be devoted to the
discussion of the cotton crop, its cultivation, sale, and relation to agriculture in the cotton States, and will
continue two days.

I would request your college 0 ‘ association to send representatives to as many of these conventions as
possible. .

\Vill you be kind enough to designate some officer or representative of your college or society who
will be willing to read a paper before the convention which he is elected to attend, and notify me of your
selection? Please send to this Department a list of the representatives as soon as chosen.

For the guidance of those who will take part in these conventions I would suggest the following topics
for discussion and written essays. To those representing the agricultural colleges and societies I would refer:

1. Standard of admission to colleges.

2. Manual labor as part of a system of education.

3. The demand for educated technologists and specialists in the p 'actical attairs of the industries of our
country, and the best methods of eduiating them for agricultural and other industrial work.

4. The necessity for agricultural education.

5. Lite ‘ary culture as an accompaniment of scientific training.

To those representing the animal industries I would refer:

6. The breed, shape, size, and temper of the horse best adapted to the United States.

‘7. The breeding and feeding of beef, and the supply of the market therewith.

8. Sheep best adapted to American agriculturetand the profit of wool—growing in various sections of
the country.

9. Swine best adapted to \Vestern farms and the market.

10. The question of an American representative to the international exhibition of animals at Ham—
burg in July, 1883, which has been referred to this Department, will be discussed.

11. The t‘ansportation of cattle to home and foreign markets.

To those representing the cotton industry I would refer:

All questions affecting the general interests of the industry.

Very respectfully, yours, &.c., j /
Jim a.

Commissioner of gricu/ture.


 (FORM X.) [6—043]


Return for the year ending“ , _ _, , , 1882.

u , , . ‘O- .>—77 ,,,__


, Name of institution, .................................................. -----------------------------------------------------

Town or city, _____________________________________________________ ,. ., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

. P. 0. address:
llState, ____________________________________________________________________________________________

. Date of charter, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
' . Date of organization, ('17. e., year in which institution was first opened for instruction,) __ _

. Name of president, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,

'. Number of instructors, exclusive of those in the scientific department, ,, ,, _ ,7 ,

Male, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
. Number of preparatory students:
l‘Female, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

. Number of resident professors and instructors, _,,- __________________________________________________________________________________________

. . Number of non-resident professors and lecturers, _________________________________________________________________________________________

r f Male, _____________________ ‘
in first year of course:

1 Female, ___________________

Male, _____________________
in second year of course:

Female, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
10. Number of students

Male, _____________________
in third year of course:

Female, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

in fourth year of course:



{ Male, _____________________

Female, ____________________

. Number of students in partial course,
' . Number of graduate students in institution,* _____________________________________________________________________________________________
. . Number of State scholarships, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
' . Number of other free scholarships, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

. Number of years in full course of study, ___________________________________________________________________ , _____________________________ .

. Number of weeks in scholastic year, ______________

. Annual charge to each student for tuition, _ , q ,, _

Number of bound volumes in library,

Number of' unbound am )hlets in librarV .,
.1 7

jbooks, ,,

Increase of library in the last school year in
l pamphlets,
“ Graduates remaining at the institution to pursue studies additional to the regular course.
i Wln-rv the school of science, agrimilture. &c.. forms a departnwut ot' a university or college, these questions are intended to apply to