xt7ghx15n565_45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Civil Engineering Applicants text Civil Engineering Applicants 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_6/Folder_12/110632.pdf August 1897 1897 August 1897 section false xt7ghx15n565_45 xt7ghx15n565 ' pmigffoic’éfi:
z I ' 21% $9 /G77_
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' ”WA; L,
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. / "WL‘W’fi ' 2Lf QM“ Hf “ CI/sq [
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 Sloane Physical Laboratory, Y.U.

‘ Mr.H.M.Snyder, who graduated from the Academic Dep’t. of this
institution in 1895, while in college pursued a course of instruction in
Practical Physics for one year, in the Sloane Physical Laboratory, under
my direction. He had previously pursued a course of general Physics for
one year. Since his graduation Mr. Snyder has been Assistant in Physics
in the Laboratory, and for the last year has been the John Sloane Fellow
in Physics. He receives the degree of Doctor of Philosophy this year,
and has presented for his thesis the discuSsion of a problem in electrici—

, ty successfully worked out experimentally, and ably stated. He has been
an earnest and diligent student, and has done work of a high order. His
studies iave included besides Physics, a large amount in mathematics and
mathematical Physics, and one year in Chemistry. He has for two winters
conducted an evening school in Electricity, in Bridgeport, Conn., with
marked success. I

I am confident that Mr. Snyder is well fitted for the position
of teacher of Physics or Mathematics, and possesses the scholarship and
character that will insure success.
(Signed) Arthur W.Wright,
Professor of Experimental Physics.
New H?ven, June 24,1897.

I can, therefore, heartily recommend him to any board of education or
institution of learning in need of a teacher in the departments in
which he has specialized. 7
(Signed) Charles C.Exwwww M
7AM, ma W94 “WWW (241:7 a; 4 m4
iwgwfim, ‘
W1 Mw'flML q/T W
WM (‘10,me M
K (TTERY/ YOR K Co. Mfl/fl/E. Rab-bx?

 ., .; '
, .P' ‘ ‘I, ‘
\ ‘~ . .
I" ' -l ‘
‘"' . ,. , ' .
7‘. ’

 4w." 1%
Great Falls, Mont, July 12,'97
‘ James K, Patterson, LL.D,
Lexington, Ky.
; My dear Sir:—
: Your letter of July 5 was
g A forwarded to me at this place and reach—
; ed me today. I fear professional engage-
; ments will prevent my return to New York
' é before'September,but I would ask as a fa—
A vor that you notify me of the time you
S will be in the city,and if possible I will
meet you there. You may still address me
at Ithaca. .
‘ Respectfully yours,

 1911mm Tlslniberzitp. I
f . LAFiAvETTE,IND..C%u/Z/ /,Z /39f)
//)WM / K, ym/
M 04:”) ii
/7 . ~ .
1%“. m‘ M W... ,,va ,4,“
C. 63>. Wm/a Waffle/1?? flaw,
7414‘“ ”’5“ W03 WW’
M fiat WA 06 W I W ,9me
0‘ 0‘44 may, Mg,
dictum s ‘
f “MA £294 “MW M w" ,I,,
M (34' 5L if"; W WM, ‘60. W MW
imm- .

Eurbue Mnibemzsity.
.1 96 m I W W m ‘60. m%
fl”.— ‘
* 50 V21: (be? 60% W , 3 0M ,

 I-V'ng/L/V: ,. (53:76, 1“,! ,,;! ,
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  0% m My WM #
WW57 M’fianWWC/ MCAZ m
W j/W, ‘_- ' .
sic Maia/14% Lwy eduemak WW fl/wflé/ .
J» WM? 95;: JW‘ (L mama aim Que/26M
7mw ,r “lily/Z40“, «PK,
5) afz: WW WW.
W WW, flaw WM.
MGM“! ' ‘ fix ; M5; '
mm Jflgaflwfk
% mm1 M¢%{W 29976
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. ”Z ””’/”M:
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mag A???

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gag—MA 4
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Whmm ,mlbeude'AhlZéAtL
I44 MW,LM Q80, \ W a
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M; (L WWW/“w l: .'
aw 417W am; We“ fifltv‘mfinwl‘
W%.f(m qwz/«7 W'W‘yfiv‘
7MIW kfmwwnk WWW

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if ‘ . '
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éfl ”77%) flfiJJ/JMCKJJJ G7
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fijdz JZJ 6245/“ /fM/« Mmmaé

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/é 27M fl/fl/‘og'n’? E/ @fiw

W" /M:%
£77.? % Mé

fl” 4% @Qmfl @ 55

 . ‘55 fiwaw 84/7,, MAMCLWMEW:
63mm, 30%. J‘C.0°ou17£mw, 09%.?” -
$4.4”?th , ‘
602.0% 3%,

A Cd owr 444W V1.4, Wow WE 31%th 1'6 Jab
I» W W 3 wow ox, amalgam, +94. mm mm m WW,
1rd aficnxrowclo fingfi Ito 7miva—W fim ,

30 3M WW 1&2? (PW. gamma“? 0; ya
hem—3e. my; [1:ng ,8: “Lu/L. Rita Mod W W of
do [Mi 'wmi'mg ,3w9/3, lqfl‘, Jute/(L @242 W to
”all Jpn/W «f Wm Mch WW7.JR¢4Q/fla~g
(451200) W a W W W WW ulaocii'ojaa/gl
1nd 11am, LA mamLa/R‘WW W 1112 odww
de mwlwbmwt u $1M w, awthtm.

3 do 11 Rim-w er 3 141.qu 0L W {/1441th
MW 04'1th [73.19th WWQW Linc
w MM W you pvt/M Wt1¢mtd 1'0 til: arm/um
Wading, 37' JW flan {ct/Mow m ”XML, wot 43*»
111/va 1W 1% tmereL Pia/cincpfij (71%de Mg qmvfw‘
M w» ”KL M WWI, M to M Ma [Cumv flu}, :1 31' do
'lw’t Cumlmltig ML [mm/MED m in ova/1K 11m (34me.

 ‘z, .
XML W vah 0131/“, L» mfii’ Mot mm M Mimi
in Mimi 763w m What/yummy m1 {av-mafia. ,
Jam Mia W m 4m W W may,
W1”, 3 W 1W W aha/Ct god/W flea/{ate flm 9014
W, 41401ij CALM 44.2, 3 ‘t W W WV
3 ML; gm wwmgio doggrwl “I'M/’8 {/u/ M
WW3 W W Altai» m we dye-wig»; WOO/LL10-
mex Wu W WW 4}: mum/£32? ”Rm/W3 dmw,im. .9 do,
W, MK W W We 41% blat- WW (1444 ww‘t
WW “1011 fenv m WT Mia/£03441, W21 chunky)
.WL m u: MM “‘7 7mm? .40 to lemma,
I W 8.8 wwOL ”Li—Mm 41/21" to MLWOLI/Lwe'tc Io file fidfir.
moL Mi wwiw Me gum/we W of 771.5. wvfl/w/Zv WK“
it WM 10 WIWOIAMT M 1449441110 Mb 1K0
mafia/r M My» W W ht Wm? alt/wimp.
Mm that WWW 4'4 W WMOL a. 3M ’7’be W
:' Mai-m» . Mega, ’wau M Own/Lu {A tQALgILf' urea/EL
Xi- o. Wt 10 W2 Tum «(Mi mufaéumtafg 4404»: THLL
W, 5sz £43,. M ab, 44 ”W? W W¢.f..at. .
Wag». OLWQL men/u mymtw (La/w 0L0 cm 800% um

 3. ‘

lied/xi flaw a cum. um Wow tom/z; with
M; in em 3““? mew... on“. 0L0 the We,

'LJNM 4043, m W WW W W arm/Lutw LEA/vim
Wit 1» cantata WOL WW textmafli 4'. new,
term Month WW“? nition?

3m thumwm WEWMCKWM 7v?
anoint ,wt. tan DELL WW ow um. 5%” MW, .,r
cm W WW 1:. t; Wat sigma“. :1 amt .L.
Hm wiw r; 93% U»; ninth/mi}; mic 8.8 it ajj tam,
was ow, W claws/M W TVLK?

WMW’LL you/Wm Ste Lt: WM! ime kae/w‘t (y; the
Mote/berm to W Woo/aim mmawucgb
. M» «i «34 M M2, mutated, Wtwd ngWm
wt to img/Lt W‘W‘j Wikrwt WW a {afi—
mttm, met , Meet at Mt? Mimi/t mt
amok/mic 0v: duct Mai/mo pf if CW1. gA/U-L Um

0L igtmwgcx M be minimal nit/mg.

 . _ ' ' +.
Mai «atom/L2 WWW 0L1 3n» Wk; in “Ha, W
0W! MBWW.MHZ? :Doym/vw‘itodo‘zm
mm amxm Willa WM ”1%“ gum mmur
7% WU. wane/aim jaw/vafizb?’ 3% W W {won/(r33,
wa—w MM NULLOVMVP/L W O’f «gm/m, WWW awoL
WMJVH wwoL 0L0 gm 3m Wm, (m, can Jute} Lo claim—
?» cm W M.0Lofa'i'. Mam at W Wm,
_ Wow: m v14, aggmww, awuwkm
imam WOL a mm”? .to W“ it; ””1“”? .Wuw
M; m Wot Wm ML 3;“ to m mm m m; mi
WWW or Wait WWW, wmmj ‘WLflmz
3% Has, Md MAM/u. in 7th Laud; our"! 01, mm [bunn-
. _mei' _ Mm W3 file Wm ofiiuul a. W» Quié‘tw‘tmo,
J «FMOL we to Mu Mew W mam gum? .t.
waxy Medium.
‘ aamgtvwmbwmflwmiowéw? 3411'
wwamw? W? 2&1“un puma?
j ’BLW Wm skim Letter with filw "Goa/muthtLo/wufiwi
3”“ £4.01 mum to W1m1mw‘ 14w Tb file {301mm,
314 @044 m 43 144/T u 41' mum/mum 1M “5.2,
' (WW)

 Moe/Jaw? +0? “3”“ in Mew-c1“ W ovf ifww ormuttmo,
Riga/cw» mbé/LCUJL- ’W’Bvo‘i 0 {Law—e, nevi/c4, Lu; @thmJixLi-Iéa'

04”.? ILL/MM W4]
3. CL. lug/LL“~

 ‘ M’ 141., 1673-].
fiwm 0W 96.316.
Mow ~3»/v :—

. > W l '
JAKE—IL“ Tm uvv; [LEA/WW M M '1’” MA. VVVY/L’
01,1, ,MWMNMMM (M711. [Wm
/0"5 w ME/VW%~ k K
“mg. $9de um; 2/ BL cum _

» . q 6 W 4? ‘7”
WKVL v {W‘M 0L4,— m/Lq 6%] I41“ WSW
Fax“; WTdv maxi-«WW cwgfcuwk
\J’f-M’L (:l/Cw 0W WWI/WU ”L W W

0:, wt? comm,

 CAM, ’.filiwaa, 0%. OMCLW c.~ W “t
W Lin/6t,7/W2tpcyw%¢gg:zffia we. Wages/CU.
J’.€.7LWV JW m firm/MW 7~

Own/14,950 oil ~ he.” /s/ cr/rr .W, _ CZ -
6W )«QW. term 3! WCMMLFMW
my . “£77m , Mae 8W Mada, ‘J‘p-t‘uyajr, cc.

M, anwwu chemise WV 93Wi574mcl-

midday tape. Qo—t (<'_;&.letw co. immigrant

4'12. HM,W.0L?_M w Lila/ewe}

M Nod/cw. W.
.7’/,0, . 41%? ‘2,ch 4 GM Leigh/lawn?
WW {ea/W, embed.
©th04? 7W (W we «a; cm“, W
CW1“? ? [gm—ta LVN/s biz/p We. 7%.. m.
J W ’
U JZL/g/OontCE/MVL, C. E.

 IRVINE, KY. JULY 85th 1897.
Dr. Jas. K. Patterson ,

In the matter of the existing vacancy in the chair of CIVIL
ENGINEERING, at the State College, I desire to present for your favor-
able consideration , the name of a very worthy gentleman of scholarly
attainments , and one, who I think is in every way fitted for the posi-
tion. '

My friend Mr. Chas. C. Breed, has been a practical Civil Engi—
neer for the past sixteen (16) years in the different branches of the
profession , including ,railroad, water—supply, and municipal work;

, In addition to being a very practical man and one of fine executive

+ ability ; he is a close student , and so combines his theory and prac-
tice , as to make him , a very suitable person to fill this vacant

It is my earnest desire that you give the matter of mr. Breeds;
application ,for this place ,careful consideration.

. Yours very truly, _ '
,.. ,Mv , _


JOHN c. TRACY c. E. New Haven, com” f/M/gy/ 30 1897
Mm Car/Mo?” of; ffml‘avl%7


..7 '

4WW‘M% W, WM M w’ '
0% w/ M] W M1 mt, W75
43:13 W “44%?me 5* W W“
”t W—mgzm * F 72%
W - ' .Wiw” 0:”



JOHN C TRACY C E New Haven, Conn., 189
Mata; dewgng. J 49mm W w WW
Lu, m m WM W MW W
m WW” ermmm MM W
m «fl/few. wt vim/p WWI?
W -W/ H" Kym/43% 0v fi/quvf—W
Lev draw/law oC/m/ wow, Md JWW
M It} MW CUM. ‘ 7 . .

09 /~Z/£L4r1/J/6[/ M cur 7Wa/E4/WW/5
'fw ,a'u/vha/{Q/J/ rofluu/ .’1/V134,: W MK W
dm/ W .
<4) Jamaal This 4'“. -W alum
Md, Ana/\QI‘WI WW 5 64,,

OH c T cv c E New Haven, Conn., 189
km W Mud WW wfi
,MWC/a/b WWW! a/M/QL M
‘ ' C/Q/QW/ A‘A/t/ ”Ed/M 06pm?»
('7’, WM,“ (7% ’it/a/J/ W/ JE’ W,
/ W M .mӎ Wm Lt
MW . '
Ju/f/wavx/Jmt 004 m gut/afifl/«Loa/‘tom/JIW
WW WW mot Wm gum/5.1L
(mafia/away.” W/ m fig a; Wfihml/
W’ J -W fWWalng Mm JWQM
WVW few 1Evcw/Wd/ W up. EMA-
‘ mam: 44w
buzz/«Hag moL ‘

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5.T. MURDOCKNice Pres. FRANK S.MO0RE,$ecrerary, \ p
EC.H.ARENTZ, Cmef Engineer. _ of, :1” . E:
' 4 :- 2i 7 (f- 1 _1f,, i';@‘ (D 11;“fg,
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IT :“WfiEfiéfiéfiks’ ‘%“{ 515%:3 . . ,eifiiifi fees
-1 a»; .111111::a1h111 ai-# ;g?‘rA§ifii§§‘Ffi?flfififl=fi ‘1‘”“E?53"V"fj?’::ti§fii as; ,
\ “17:11! sweloio $1 " ANDH"L
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~1511111-111111:1?'.'??ELT33'§'1"‘3‘=” :s‘xr‘fgui’mfw - '- FORE" 11:579-721‘1'3: 1 1. AYS T“
woeKscoesoun151&sEuwaw. 7 /_ ,
TELEPHONE NW541 /’ j/;/*‘_i ,/
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:A / < -‘ ’{7/1 ’ I // ' ' ’ ' 1 '0 ‘JfiiI3L":73“r‘}_"579'7’3"“"A‘V“_"’_'—‘
To Pr sicent James K; Patterson, anu the Boers of Directors, State Col-
lege of Kentucky.
V Gentlemen:—~
This is to ceriify'that Mr. Charles B. Peterson
has been in our employ as cesigner-anu cranghtsman curing his summer va- 1
cations for three successive years, anu his work has always teen entirely
satisfactory in every respect. He not only pessesses a very thorough
knowlecge of the theoretical part of bridge bUilcing, such as the cal—
culations of stresses and progortioning of parts, but is very efficient
in the tractical uetails such as ShOp urawings, shop methods and erection
We have always founu him to be inuustrious, energetic anu ambitiOus; a
man of goon judgment ano sounu sense, eno withal a perfect gentlenan in
every sense of the word. We take great pleasu1e in recommenuing him to
any pOSiticn 1n Civ1l Engineering you may have to offer him, ano are
confiuent he will give the highest.satisfact10n to all concerned.
Very respectfully,
The LaFayette Bridge Co.
Z42gézdtL, ;%Z7A/L67%;Agf Prest.

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