xt7ghx15n565_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Administrative text Administrative 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_1/Folder_4/90749.pdf July 1885-September 1886 1886 July 1885-September 1886 section false xt7ghx15n565_4 xt7ghx15n565 ’1 [3 ilifap
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 Airdrie, July 3, 1885
My Dear Sir: ‘

I have received your letter informing me of my election
by the Board of Trustees of,the Agricultural and Mechanical
College, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge
Rhea. I had previously received a similar notification

‘ . from Judge Kinkead, and my reply to him will perhaps
sufficiently answer the formal part of your letter.

Though circumstances have served to -compel me to
decline an honor which would afford me so much pleasure, I
must ask you none the less to feel assured of my interest
in the success of the important trust which you have
.conducted so well, and still more of my best wishes for
your individual welfare.

' There is another matter which I approach with more
embarrassment, but with equal cordiality. I have seen some
kind things you have said of me in a graceful manner. .

Gratitude is in itself so'much a pleasure, that it
can hardly be considered as entitled to credit; but rather
— if I may be pardoned the seeming inconsistency - as an
augmentation of the debt which inSpires it. I shall,
my dear sir, have a selfish interest in treasuring the
recollections of your good words.

With sincere reSpect and regard,
Your obdt.sevt,
D, C. Buell
Prof. J. K. Patterson,
Lexington, Ky.

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“AIL-:“_lLflg'w I
Prof. Jas. K. Patterson, ‘
Lex1ngt0n , Ky.
’ Dear Si r:

Returning home aft er abou ’5
two week 5 vacation , I had th e p1 easant su rp ri se of
receiving your clever favor o f th the 23rd U1 t.

‘ It is an old adage "there is an oasis in every
desert , " and: su rely such a 1 et ter as yours verifi es
it. Wi th kind r egards and best wi shes I am, Sir,

Most r espect f'u 1 1y ,
You r ob edi en t s ervant ,
/-’ ,) ,,
__.../“"“‘ I,»

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@m/ m 4é/flzc’jfla/W £43425 4 ,
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fig fl@}21;4yt'pw/’%VW,@ //;//
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@/ 49/ 4%94/ x/r/fl‘iflv M/ M1 {5
227444459; 362244 7@ 76/Mflzé2e

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fmf—M/ég w/X,Q/@67/?Zza WWW
if My? 46 @fim Z5526 w
MW74¢W, yWM7/m iwfi
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mg, fl/M Mm/m, f/WW
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Mme M 2 MW 2%. dz
6% @Mfl/M; 5 j y

 , fieatwl’m @eelogtmf 5mm” .
FRANKFORT’ KENTUCKY‘ J. B. HOEING, Assistant in Charge.
. 727 A . «
fitmngiun, Kunming, V. ..,(v 7‘" r / , 188....75
A,’ _ (Z, I7 / ‘lz’ [49“ ’fl if): Ir; (J 5- /J/
1‘ /V ,/I_ x? ./
. _ b 0 255 .’{EJ/Zl /\7/ 51—6 — ,5“,
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‘ 3”“ fig” '

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92W wérM/%W Aching
x672” W%’Mf%éol/¢/? '

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64% .
flwwdég W MWMM Qeo Zi/W
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W' W M W W
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M W 07 flaw WA), 7AM-M

 yM‘ZJ mam JW ' MAC/W
Wife?” WAZA WM
, éWfimwMC/Qmmva’fm
W'MW 4% mfwmay
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/ W au/Aab
m %W Mfiéfgm
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m%%r% @M%/ :2
14% /% W/{g M111 faj/Quz
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' , ,éw WWW //J’;//,zéf)
79%? w
WM” ymgfi”
: MA? 4Z7???

 _ do 71 grim/tum;
COLOY a 65/4376.
flan/é @ZZmA/, G30. 31/ 1886:,
19’£<~—-,/ oer]; -
‘ #046 7m WQ/w /r/{,wao a, 47*”;
fl/ //’J/&, Woe, M W MM'df/p
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7M Avg/«4% M M Afimmd
, ¢o€ux6f66 M2344»; Mao/Z2,— gZ/éufmq,
. 0;, /c/ W «Lac, A’A: W443;
flfilo/éu J\WMMéez/,
WWW, up a, fiz/gégA/“afmflg/‘m-
mWKwZCc/NIMLW 57 y/afc‘: 4%ij
’J/zaf WM /Zc:flu’€/MZZ¢J—e
Z sz aiéé /4:7 f/“demfi

gamma/é Egg/fl /. 6 a“: ‘ flfl‘a
// — I acc; (64.4 @274.
max 6} M mac AWL/c 6667/6f5308/C
flwg é/ufiMIA/ngéflkmééc
A, A MW fflmWJ,4af
fill/é /% fluwafiéx, kuzééqmac) zqé,
%ZM m—WMWHa/mgnm
(/9 (no 4477;“ A/ZMW7g7/jpc‘ {MA
,5. 06/6.“ , 7454a”. I (
4% .4614} m6 Mflm
x/fim 7.4 Mochw 75 MW\ Milk
64‘“ m ”97 fizz/3:4- MM»
' 4M”. aim/14147 9%“
fl 5%-
474% m 75 /4"* am 044L416¢6064 fwcw;
@olwfic 4% \/< W ....
fl affix

 ’ gait? -
GEO. Bgflfroprietor.
Building andflejgrflptirely New.
Bates, $2 Per Day. ,
fimfiazj rag? ”6;M/j/J%:8Q,
. f /
a/fl/ 76 %mW
/ 77/1/ flew/J rigs/44.0.7717]
/ flea/U flmz/WMVL/ZZ %[4,.Zfl
fll/ [Zr/'4 Got/1.44474 //L$ i Z/Lezé 741/ é/wzx/
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@a/z 7722/ fléfl/ Z/l/Fé/oi/, a “11/, [Z27 (LX/(ZZMZ
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“gikhdi MU life/ix (k/ Jarvis-“went 6144442“
(Delta/LAM do L/vt,4-t/V~:(T4j\ k/h/i“ (Lu/A fTvfl/LCI
dildo Eta/1W Lk,¥&/ QAkLLL/LF 76 fl«'1/‘I7('€&1 (Lib/Q70
Mme/M. % ...n: puzzle.-.» ta;
MM , (Lat/sh Q/k kW [lief LLM/Zi/(l (/17
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(fitL jdt a,“ d} (LAVA—4:“ WVVL4/L4M/
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QM" ”(nu KAULalk (\. %/ dip flu Lk (WW
LVU 1L Lx-k4pl.u~x\ Lh/LALVL/ Vile a/i» Ml. [04b
”ML! thtf.e\ .
‘ MMJJQLe/fl/mmk

 mm & BARKER
/ W W L, W fig
gm 1 M mm % fag/L A, u/ ZM
7W, (2% I 32% M \ »- M a
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M‘ M /£:“/¢::w ”W’M7 47“,. f
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7 , f“ ”‘7 7
%%W.7 %ww 5% 74% QQ\
/x// M W W 41:11“ M % M M
Z /é; m4 My 4.; X [M __ fl 1;
yé/ éi‘flm .Q/n/x .. 7 /{m/¢4¢€<fi,g k/ War ,9 @7343»?
XM— ZZZ/k WA W2, M1 “7: W2;/ fl“. _
4km 7,14. fl wvév 7Cu4~t W Q44) Art/4,. fl/fi
("721/4mggeiu / gem 4 a} “7464 wz:2© “ab
Z/ék. 7Zé7L/L/vz. 9¢1¢ M i‘f/Cé/z/g (e.,/@4543 fix "// Fifi/.44?
m 7 4:. MM k a J Au» 4%

 9 627auwmw~z fif7HLQ 7 9.. A¢ arr,
A a W747 cm 4.0 /,,,P%,,W A. M
m7 at f 2.. 5 ”z. a M (hum) a 74161 3
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fig 4%.] L at- A“. Q19. 1‘ 12 M
MQQ/zoZ/tdc ,g @964) /%2;z, A am?
@1725: ~ 72::LC; (/47 4LWM a. M «AC
’ Pflmi/ KW W mar/7.4;. ’99
J QM" m7 ’4“ ¢M7 ?¢/R~i
7519.999 11“ // cf /@ 6.9/49
. m - W‘Lh

 2 -
‘ l

l , W awn; um

l rowan, oft/M., 13%

H& u} il/th,&/¢< @Mwwz W Egfl/W fl @4127
7 {W @MM/ 14; M a» it“ Z7
fifl/W 4% W Lu awe
‘5‘th flWJZléa/Wflziwmjm
(7&wa M17 fiat/MA fig flc/MLMM-M:Z
Gail/Li‘A/PflJJ/(X/E f M}; (Calm/“2‘4” 7” Jar/MALIC %(
01:41:5ng (1../£44 fl/p/g $2 fie (Le, @mM
2074 ,JZUVCflo @f/i/z/c/QZLLLZO/y— a” Mud. aw '
%/(:c/J W’5 W (”la/acma/

VES/ @ ab/Z/e/ .

x . erflmwwg e (W. ..1/7 (Wt/e

‘ \ .

1 ,
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1 11
1 \ \ J. m1 1
11. ‘11 1121
1K1 *9 J1111111m
1 1 \\ Jgd‘duq 11:3
‘1 1" 1i ‘1': 15b
1 1 1§\ :11 11:3
1 1 1k 1 11 \
1‘1 NC? . 1 1
1.1 1 1 1
‘ 11
I 1
‘ 1

 Die tated.
» K a“. .I_ a [“‘Liledfiole, KY. , Feb: 4:, 132'“).
My dear Sir:
. ~ ~ ‘ __ _ 1 . _, . | ,_‘1. ... '
I nrasllllc +hat Na). kn'b‘r Lnfunmd jun albt thua 1 Said
& ~15 . J K "
- - . - '+ + > + '3, ru‘tt‘ .'. had of you and .
to him that 1. would “dive “0 "“3le "’ “h" “I I 3
. ‘ . . .. .. ‘ '1‘ A 01' to me
~.. .'.“ "- v “v ‘dvnsne M: the S. . --
YUUI' SLL‘J' LIN“) W110" W410 3““ ‘m' ”a" d L
. ~ .. . - 1-+ +. w "(_.1- had j.mlicat<':d
personally, snugly because 111 3’0” ~—‘*Jt0~b 4‘ ”L . ‘
- ‘ . - .r ’.' ‘ "r "
the 0“}.erva whey-0 have been bus" hotness talking on all. 5.111635 um
. , 1 . .) I . 1 1 a l v
. , - , - ., , t '5 ‘
about ewnwthing, not a doubt of that. Whlle talklnil aburt hl‘a
. ' » - . . }
math‘?’ Dormit He t0 Siliizjcst that the last SOD’GHDCO 1n T’Ul‘l bye-em {1
page 4.3 ofthe proceedLngs, concw'nint; the State College, bears on
‘ its face what 1 pr assume you did. not intend tn appear to others.
if —.mu will read it uvcr- carefully yma will see that you put the:
Chat“ dol'lnw» (Nor-kiweunst tim whole edurmtihrml svstom in a man--
a,“ J ....UL L) . a
1101' tendind afi least to awaken the suspiciun 01‘ over 'aniUHb‘ friend
of public education. "he very fact that you and 3mm" associates
' haw; neglected to take a; part in the great public work uf‘ promoting;
the Chufil} oi" CUI‘H 1m;- schools, in the State thruugh ”the agency ui' th ;
S. '7'. A. has fumnd flhu foundation .f‘uz' severe m'itirrisr'l uI‘ .‘f'fi‘T'Solf
and faculty. It is L‘. fact that the enemies of the S. (7. are numer—
01118. It Ltd LL1L3L' 'c fat?” ”12'1“" unu'v +i~ 1 I' In - ‘ -
.. . M . ,4 . c, .r ..-n‘, have mum-3 1h cohumt With
them 1 hich t’i‘v'on H" hem’h' 511nm)” + Hm v r‘ T ‘
I . ’ - 1‘; .1.‘ L I [U .. .(g. .1. -. hi3 enel'll'35 of
{L’he c” ’7- Lira) "()I'" i:C+‘V‘* “'f‘v-iv'17 " . -
" ' " “’ "" * “‘” l” ""“-7'? 120551.}:10 Hemngr to in—
.JLAI'L} if, “:1? l H' l/ . - 4 .‘ .- ‘
’ “ L * “m“ we «film: Verx 51.11.". J. any to than. 11' th:
, .

 ‘1 7* Mr (ifi ‘
S. (3. is not doing its work primer-Sly then rtwrgjanize it, '.r'tiemisti‘mb
it, pt": 1*. into a proper condition; (lun’ t, attempt, to destroy it.
it is fully to ,gtl'assbi'oy it simply because 1+. does not answer the ‘
' ends for which it. is 0:35 lgjlictl. _l, haVeIi’ t the facts upon which to
host) an argument Silul‘llnu that the S. it; LiC-"(gl‘ll'litil'llTlg; the and
for whial {it is destg;ned. l haven’t lie-.0. +li'io to seek these facts
110$, (illyol‘tlinl'fify’ llaztl l «Lil-1,3 filliC- i trust, :‘rm‘. hilt“ jrtil-F associates
"Hill bailin lil‘lt’ltliéttglj’ to take a; Very tuttive Lllttii'es‘c ill the, Work
of the "9. "‘. Suppose jun. use I’HIJ' best, .:i'ii‘w'ts to SOt‘tlll'H the
'I'eSCLIHLLni, of the lust switcnce of" See. it, Art. é, noiii‘iuru FPlltAul
lemurs. 7‘71» itetvrzzajf oi" ixeti- influence 1 lil")"/, l'bl' ‘ new-,7 Felt .th LL71
'seun it. 1).; tissm'etl my dear" 5512‘, that l, are top gum! a; friend. to
' ptblle LlilllfkutlUl'l to say muffin against, the ,,‘(ispsll til" education if a
l'brnizllilfi tit/UH prob/iii lb, 111'051 .'.um; filial}. _l 5':th 01' Ll" infill. Etfjii infill,
the Wul‘l“. rzorirlnc ted by lLllu: ability .‘.. kiln/I :’Lvl' and jrm-r m.:ttti.,;11+.m's ‘
;w-»iis'i.~ss. l ti'3lltl for lijy" +£1.15 114.1]. en; 195 01‘ tlw- f‘ti'sfi zulii‘ilierr‘ail' ”the
l‘iLlltCt‘..'ll('liL.l ’l‘Bl'ultla “it: :semncl number will e-,»ntairv at least five, 1m»
pagers ul‘ ’I'Octlll'lz; Ilghtu‘!’ and sit the: 144.10.“ l}: +4 m enlarged. 1+, is
designed in." tin: a;t‘.\’t1i.’;t?.~.:ii>ii'; 01‘ the Work ml" the (>1. "“. i . especially
"ran vim. not, "1:21p us" 1 put i’ijr dtl"(5l"l3iltitll’l‘Jlllv .U‘. ”fart j’bl' not wt '
1!) one F‘li' t‘lt} F3. ’3? m'ia; lsiistzu Lt; FLVU t‘iulqsettlt‘. llUI'tfil‘llij’, gjlleil‘airifilr‘..;.
“"3 3W?" m ”ski?” it t: l‘LI‘Vex' lit the land. ”rim :rM' not, heli- new
‘:"ulti's ">11?" truly,
, & emit. :1. Allen.

Louisville, Ky. Fehruary 26th, 1886.
. Mr.-James K. Patterson A H ‘
State Agriculture & Meohanical College
N hexinéton,va.
Dear Sir ;- H F
' I have-just read your report, published in the
r port of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1&85 on the condition
.. of youricollege.'1 am forming a collaoyiye exhibit firrifhg Soothe .
ern Expoaition of 1886 innustratiun o; the methods and work ofl
Industrials Schools. 7 ” M‘ r V‘

N r I think your college should be represented in that colleer
tion; The means at my disposaa wilt anly allow me to offer to re;‘
ceive, planed and take care of any articles of display that you ‘
mightnpropar; in proper shape and shop to the Eaposition. Under
our arrangements with the railroafis you will be entififled to free
return of freight if you COUld not secure free transportation
both ways. A “ I A ' A

k " ‘ Very gruly tours .
. / .. ., ,, , , ii"/"".M
{ 57;KZ;Q2fl17€19/Kw/x’
I 1 President.

(7 H\ /;/,> / . /'l ' ( //’f / (:35 Z/
. ,A . .. ' {27 7 ; '< . {
\) ((4 x. r“ / / 1 1 / d J / / / /L/ £7, C; 17/ ’
LA { ( ‘ , 4 \t /A
' (L. ‘1/7 / yr ' \ [C (I, ’ t” I Q77 , (V /( (’({ x‘ a? 5) [v’
. / v
/ "1
, > H z’ A ,, ‘1; / .
/\_./ M//I./ ,z/ ‘ / z' A /\J (» d [L y,( t a ,1 {NM
/ K / / '
(a//{/(IZ [/l/Z/g /( ((1r42 {M ,0 (””7“ r 7 22: / “d
a; . / /fi /, 4 , ‘4 L _ «--‘
[C (:65 (C (I: z z I (7) (I A t L I C. ( 9‘ 7:”. ///C71_, (”C7 €/ / ;,.—//{/A x4‘7A'/’(<’(/x
/ / 5.; ; / / {A ‘ \
-{ L L "/ A” < C [c [c c /{ 2 c r» c c 72/ K6 :17 [77 < (:../7“ C‘ r/ ‘- z 5' L/
/ /
flffit’, G/C’Q’W” ’1 ti); {Ar/z: 2722 tbs/firs (_-.
L/ / . ,, l ( ‘ ‘ /;, » ‘ A /,
' “7”“ "7 V"! ”7 ('7 C V Z ”(L ‘ i“ [C (3 / (.L/ C‘? ? K a”! {-“‘/r r /“ \
, ,- ' . /') 7 {’77
V ‘ x , A
' ‘ ' ' /Z’ / {Z,;;,..,)/ a“ / f /
. v/ r 4/
i / / N
, A. \—/ / 51' /""”’f% 2 K F {( f/ \ V/
' , /, 1/ . [AL/”2L A / < I
, / , ‘ m {‘ f/ A
.- / K t A 6/“ f? [1f ./’/77 )4}, \T/


J. A. LOGAN, Shelbyville, Kentucky. —‘—'———'—

J. M. CLARKlel-lZEEiiizsi’ille, Ky. O FFICE ,0 F MASTER'

. _ smegma _- I

J. A. nnowmxe. Church nm, Ky.

€177 vigflemcflt/Wé
C. )I. HANNA, Croppcrs Kentucky. 7 7

7777777711/4) 37 g 22 E 14,1274) 37% 4252(7511 ,.
t / i if /
I" 'A/ %/r- /;4’/ -»/Z VIZ/K. [é v
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.572 7e ‘7 ~ .
‘1 éfZTZ-z 5, [/5 ’42 95%4/4/ “Q (4’ e fill/$2 mM/cgyf/y myr/dl/VM
"7725477: 72274. '/ % 777/l £41)? ‘ ;% fvwz, wakct.m MZZ ;/Q
i H 9 j / KT ”2 ‘6 l W/ ‘ J

‘51 Q5 AL fi/Kfidgkv {21¢} 1% >D7'W’L4 .IQ FER/$4 ', AC/M ”be

~. . J [17‘ /% ,.....

94 at/el/Zj é” i757“? ' fl/aizflT/M M W 4270 M Z: W144”, £77”
4 AL {’727-1 2' 7’2 mag—2.4.4 2M Mat/6t M 9:134an 14/4 .
y}? a g”? lé 7E 4&74/{744 «1% 2 % é, / T2131 44,674.23”?

2/ , z - -
f’fifi’ gfl /a(,(_g,( ‘ [3!) £475“ {42,724 (77¢ if f/ 7/ .«7/21!) W-fi‘
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2, k”, ‘
#4 f0 M761}, & — 27"21m2i01 7;; ”AW/via 17% W féma 7’2 2%
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7 « _. / ‘ 7 g f , / j 7% \
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..1, {.‘"} .7 . (k ‘ i . [I
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J. A. LOGAN?:§:::::;HB, Kentucky. ”i—TT—PE
. 1 . x, opklnsv111e,Ky.
J. A. Blc0\\"1:f:1RGTTa::-yclx Hi11,Ky.
@w/JewJeeJ 576/ Moog--
C. M. HANNA, Croppers, Kentucky. i7
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