xt7ghx15n565_220 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. State College of Kentucky Certificates of Admission text State College of Kentucky Certificates of Admission 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_23/Folder_9/0853.pdf 1872, 1888 and undated 1888 1872, 1888 and undated section false xt7ghx15n565_220 xt7ghx15n565 \ 27‘ ’ ‘ ,/ / \k
certificate of Remission.
‘x kc?“ / fl - :1: ‘7 / A
C.//('_. Qtf/Lfl/véfk'Ir/w/ o/vt/bl/UWICLO’//~/L_/Ci a/ m/I/n/ you (IN!
(I 7,!fl,fl,.,,-/L, //0fl7)/7 Arr/z rA/él f/(‘r'l’l‘r/fl/r’r/(IJ rm "/J//}7%}z/zlv/Jr/oo/” fl/7 //6 .C/j/fl/E 710/47,”, l/fl/K (my [rule/y ry/wz
./ ' V I
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.... . ~ -» a j" -- , A -- -- v - .. A v- ,. , » »- ,, W“... I (éK/lr‘llr/CK/ talygéll/ (il:{19}I-(:f?a/{.(."Ii /(1 [46’
r/aJJ (7/ /%o fé/éz'u/q( a/ /%c K/Imzr'ny, (,,,/”(n 72://»jwrfia( {g}/z/;€)némz/ ,/§I‘/‘—\
«9.12:1: nrr,/},x":«-ra/} Ju/l‘:. ':./(,7/ A: I/éwrur~.rz/1m"/u. //n j%I.J/r/;';1/I1(1s//el7 you (7%./2/ «in ru/erJJ/rln /n. /fir‘¢: (ga/kéyfl.
g5 -

9Tflc/§{(/__4I Ocl'wof (If//Z¢/(//471/H, of wide“ ”on, a'w a (Jimluate.
“(Ming [WM], fluent 10110“ “to. [wt or “(tcc’muted Acflnaran of ”w t/gtatc Qoffcgc, you «14: [1010641], {titan me "(ccmmnmuim
“(m 0; “J‘1'LL’%1M((ZL(/_[ K/‘V’(_’l admitted warrant
examination 10 Um (jif-fi%;%fffl_6(fl.m a; true Qaflcgu, at ”to, «110111.119, of tflc 373a“: 97mm, figciltcmfiet 40m, [1896.
91%;? cc’cflflcaic hflxmm no ‘jljwfimlvlfld [a MC flo‘mhlont luflm Hana/1,11% {m atl'))lI.3.5I0)l. ta ”LC Coffey.
J ta 1 (If 04% A/ {$3 A r .
/,///r/?2v /W/u&(/ I /04/4M m fl .5 l i.

 y ‘ ..1 4
, ' I
. N 0.. xx .. ... fiEXINGfiEQNB
..----Wwflm. _..- —
' _Le;\'i71;g‘fo12,,.a/;[. é‘é’ 187i“

, The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admissien'to the, fl M x
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof. as far as the following indorsement extends:
(l'l-gdgllfialg, ... ............ ... .. MW 1 { Regent.
CouszLZfatimz,’ . . . . . . . . . 7: , . ./. .,. . . p _ V_Wl’r aiding Oilicer.

if; ' 3 English Life/'(IJu/I'flu- :17- fl ' J: » -~ > :2 . /M, .«x/ . Wore-“#801“- [6’74“ W-

{if W08, ~-. . .. . '. . . .l . (77:. . .. ‘I‘ l 5‘ it '7 l #5:”.,..I’J‘Ofessor.

V Hisfol'y, ~ . ~ - - - - - - - - - . . - ~ » - - - - It": ~ - - - . ,. .. ...._.._.._I’I'OfeSSUI'-
Civil (MHZ Political Eon/10mg,- . -- -- .. . . .. ..I’I‘Ofessm'.
(Hymnjgfl-y, .. . ,_ ,, ”Professor.
.\"(n‘zu'al Phiirmophy, - -- , - -- . ,. - - - _ " ,I’I‘OI'GSSOI'.

" "Va/turn] Hisfory, - -- - - .- . L. ._..x :. f . . . / .l’l'ofessm'. '2"
wife/Ma! (ll/(Z .fll‘o/w] P/IHUxO/flzy, - - - - . . Professor.
Luff/1 Lung‘uae‘p, .. .... .. ... . , . . ”Professor.
(Irm’lc Language, ... .. ... . .. ... . Professor.

' [be/‘UII' Lang‘uag‘p, . . . . .. .... . , . ‘V Professor.
..II'odr/w Luna'ung’m .... .. , . . . . . . , _ . Professor. 7L
('il'il IL‘flg’ith’l’l‘i/[fj (I.I/II Dru/ring, -- I .l’l'Of‘Cssor.
.llilrifu/‘y Shier/('0, . -- . - . . , -. . Professor.
SIM/W] [Tiara/y. .. ........ .. ... . . ,l’i'ol'essor.
[[n'luilr'fim' (Ind- I’l'r/'H/rc'I/mrfit'x,- . . . . . Professor. ‘
Suvl'r'tl Life/mull? A" (T'lzll'ixfiur/r Docf/‘ilm, . . Professor.
(Yam/Hon (II/(l Shll'uh' LII/4f, - .. .. Professor.
('onsl'i/u/io/ml A" TI/h'l'nufimurl Law, Professor.

EI‘I'(/‘('II('('_. PIP/ulin/g', Pratt/[cm - . . Professor.
Pl’llrlllxllr/lfi‘ll'll/I, Book-[wig];mg, (.'(mL—r mores“).
luv/win] Lll/ll.’ (MIC/x [LN/Hex, .. .. \ ~ , ‘-
I’I'uwtical zig'l’ifllllflbl‘t’, ~ , Superintendent.
PI'(((‘/il'(l/ ,Hol'z‘iru/fm't’, ... .., .. . Superintendent.
.1./(’0l/(mireMil/is, .. 4- .,.. ~~- .. ~- -- . . Superintemlenl'.
.lcudr'm/y, ~ ... -- ~~- >- ., 4 - ~ ... . _l’rincipa].
Pagnu‘nf of I’vm, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WWW ’l‘reasnrer.
.l 'mnv of Bert/w". fiflflw WM %MWwZ%A _ .
. /
I’oxz‘ Off/'01), @pc/ W/ W, ..
Parent or (hwy/dial), é//, J g/Wz/Z/flmfi-
This paper, when duly endorsed, must he presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate.
HIM-HIT :unl Rn-[mrlcr print,
(V .

No. 207 Lgx;mgrgm ‘
-—-—Wfi—\L ‘
' Lexington, WML918 7....L
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the M/
- COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the folloiving indorsement extends:
\/0 ~-—// Consultation, . , . . . a. . . . . . . . . . r. . . . . . uéi/r7/fkadz7témlh'esiding Ofiicer.
\ 2'7 ,- ,» - :.’::~+;;;2:/-~ \_ 5’ ’5: . i« 7”
flm’§_ We, “7‘73. ”‘7’” .7 ['UW‘DZT“*‘<~; '_., V,,_,,,l.’rotessor.
3w 1;!) .Mathematios, . . 771’? , . 7,33,1-1v7/47; Act , «:wrwl’roiessor.
HlStOI‘y, 7 - 1 7 - - - - - - . ~ , . » . . . v . . . . . . . . I’iotessm
Civil and Political (Economy, - - . . . . 7 .. Professor.
Chemistry, . .. 7., .., .H ... . . s . . . . . .. ..V , _. . . . , ,_I’rofessor.
Natural Philosophy/(y . . 7 ,4. 7 . v . . . . ,. 1 Professor.
I.’) 7 (i AWstory, ‘ ' '/~ Mrfl-VC‘W . 437 7155:1q37 \ . , ,.,,Proféssor.
.Montal and Moral Philosophy, T . . . . 1 Professor.
Latin Language, . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . , V ,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,Prot’essor.
Greek Language, . . . . . ., A.. 7 . . . , , . . . . .7 ,, ., . ..7, _ Professor.
Ifebrow Language, ..7.. - .- .. ...... . . V. , _, . . ,. “Professor.
.V'U‘oclorn Languages} .. . .. . . . . . ,,,, Mi, , ,, ,7 , ,, , Professor.
(fl'ivil Engineering aml Drawing,- ~ . 7 . ,. , . . 7 7 Professor.
.»lIili/‘ary 7375177700, 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . T . Professor. .
Sacral Ills/org}, 7 - 7 - . . . . . . . 7 . . 4 . . . . T . , ,,...,,,..,.,,I’roiessor.
[7707701767 irs 77,/1d Jformonentics, - - , , . _ Professor. .
W 555: gag/55,1: a! {’3‘/ff. ((13771 717 ""‘ff’f‘fl'j- 7 . . 7, . 17
(Joni/non (III/(l StatzttoLa/r, _ .. . _ V. . . , , Professor.
(,'o/zstituz‘ional 7)" International Law, . . ,.Professor.
Evidence, Pleading, ,l’raotioo, . . . . . . Professor.
I’omna/77.3777/7, Bo71/c-lv73773171g‘, (7'727n~7 “ ‘ _ _sz ‘ _ p .,~ 77 Prof-OSLO _.
7II/(?l'(’l((/ Lau' and Isl/1,7729, .. T 7 5 -' , b 1
,l’rrwf’iral .Jgrioaltury, . .. . 7. . . . . .7 . . . . . ,..Superintendent.
Ir’raolical .llorz‘ioaltare, ., . ..Superiutendent.
.7’1*[(’7(5h(t7iic .,./INS, , - - A ~ 7 - 7 7 » - .. 7 -. - . A ., , ._ , ., .. .. ......Superiutendent.
flaad/wny,. . .7 ..,....H. .i .... ... 7.7 . ’.. H ”Principal.
_ ‘ Payment 0]" Fees, - » - . . . V . /T . . . 7 . . . WW%'Teasurer.
JV'amo 0f‘Bccc701,/WM%Q%6%
Post 017700, .. mat/(2:, T“)
Parent or Guardian, fl/mflck/tc hm
This paper, when duly endorsed, must be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate.
' Observer and Reporter prim. .

 .x ' + r:
N0... . , V LEXINGEQNB -
v-—W- mi; ,
LBJ'ington; V. W ¢/’1872~’
rl‘he bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission ”to the// V4C / .. .. V.
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools ‘thereof. as far as the following indol‘senfent extends: __
(fr'lwlcuiz‘ialsa --- ~~~ » - ~ - - - » ,_. . , ~-- /fl/¢WKW Regent-
Consulfafion,’ . . . . . .. .... ._. ..... ,.. _Ja; KQW‘JTCS‘idmg Ollicer.
/— L Eli'flish Lil‘fl/‘(H‘W'a . - - - A ~ » :.- - . - - - - - ,4/9L/n , //z a (’ K‘s/”AIL, .1’1‘01'955011
3- .sIIafluwLafigrfi, - ‘.." - . . . v, ; _ . . .5 . . . . . V m" .. . .....‘.V..‘...1501985012
’77" 5" ,Hisfm'y, - - . - - . - ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - » » . » ~ - . . V V. VVV..V..1’1'01'GSSOI‘.
("iz'il (Ir/Ill Pol/Viva] lion/mm”, . . - . V. . Professor.
Cilvl’HI/(‘NIL/‘y, .... ... ....... ... . V . . .. V” VPI‘OIIOSSOI'.
{Vain/w] Philosophy, . . . . . . . . . . Professor.
W'ufmw] Hixf'o/y, - . . - - . » . - . . . . . . . , “Ole-“501'-
.Uenfnl um] ..1/om] Philosophy, » ~ - » Professor.
Luff/I Lungungt', .. v. 4. . VI’rofessor.
(VI/77%? Lf/[fgvlflg'e’ . . . . , . . . . Professor.
”Pb/'01P Language, . - - . . » . . . . " , 1’1'01'08801‘.
// "I L.l[()(](’l‘ll Languages, ... . . . . . . . Professor.
('iI-il In'nrg'i/wr'ring‘ ruu/ Dru/ring”. . .V . fl Professor.
.lI/li/‘m'y Swim/re; .. , . . . . , Professor.
SIII‘I'N] [fix/my. .- ”...”. . . , . Professor.
l'f/i/I/f/r/‘im (Im/ lll’l'l/l(’ll(‘I(r/l..(’.\‘,~ - , - .- , V I’I'OI'GSSOI'.
Sup/w], Liffl/VL/HJ'fl (3" (”'lzrl-ixfiru/ barf/77112,. . Professor.
('onumm um] S/‘m‘I/fr' LII/F, .. . Professor.
('onxl'i/u/immr/ A" fl/fI'I‘l/(l/HIIIHI Law, Professor.
[fr/(Iona), I’II'uding‘, I’M/('licw, v Professor.
PMHHI/I/y/Ii/I, _ln’ooic-Zw'q/ri/gg‘, ('(mL—f Professor
mmwml LII/1' (LI/d lull/1m. \ ‘
,PI'III‘HCIIZ .'lg'l‘I'I'lIZflL/V‘, .v - -. v , Superintemlent.
PI'IH'I/(‘Hl //'0/'/'/'('(I.HII1'15. --- ,. v , Superintendent,
.lll’c/Hrnil' sir/x, .. .V .. V . . V V . V Superintendent.
.‘lt'mlwmry, - - . . . - - - - - - . . Principal.
Pay/HMWI' of [07%; . v . . . . . . . . . - - - VWé/hm W Treasurer.
.Tamr' of BHUTAM IZ/M‘é/‘AF/é W ...’
I’oNf Off/(31‘, @Wm 'W ‘0 - /é ( féfi “ft—ZZ/
Farm/f or Grimm/NHL C? r/l’Z Ma .'.
This paper, when duly endorsed, must he p1'es§nted. without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty. who is required to matriculate the candidate.
.,.......,,.,. ..,... “.,_..m, ,”,...

lie;ri72g‘f0n, 6%4/ Qg/ .. .. 187-2,...
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the, ., Q»///// I ,, V V .
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof. as far as the following indorsenient extends: .
(Iredenfialsa ,.. -~-~--~-~ ~-- -- -~ fl/k/fl/ja .. (ax/«cw , Regent-
Configwlfation, . . . . . . . _ . .. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ~jn ( fl%%V—~Nl’residing ()ilicer.
E75015 '21, L’%I'(I,ILILI'0, V. . . . . . . .,V. . . V . . . _ I’l‘OiésB‘Ol'.
52;”: " W9, .- . U IH______.I’roiessor.
(f'ivil aml Pol/.'fiml Economy, .. VV V. . . V VV V . . VPI'OfeS-QOIH
0]],(vnjgfl'y, V... ... m..... ......V.. .. V V .__Pl‘Oi'BSSOl‘.
.W’Why, . . . V . . . . V . . h, . _‘J r _ ,7 .I’rofessor.
WW, V...... .. ... ... . .. g; A»; Li 3, ,r; V 7 Professor.
pile/Ila] and .1101le Pl/Vilnxuphgh - , - . I’l'<’)fbss0r.
Luff/1 L(/.}],g'((((.g'p’ .. ...,. .. . V . .. . V . H Professor.
Greek LIiV/IQVIVIIfg'pv . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . V V Professor.
,HPM'UII' Language, V . . VV VV Professor.
.V’U‘odmw Languages, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professor.
('I'I'il Is'lz‘g‘inet’l'i/rg' (IV/HI Dru/ring, .. V ...l’l'uf’essm'.
.I'lill'l‘IIV/y AS(’i(‘II('(’, .. V . V . V . Professor. ,
Saw/w] [fix/ary. V . V . . . . V VV . V . .. . V Professor.
lfnl/ti/P/‘iws' NIH] l/P/‘IIH’III’ll/Hits,- V . V V V - . .I’rot'essor.
Sum-NZ Iii/me/m'l' A" ('h/‘I'VSHa/HV INN-twine... - PI'OI'GSsor.
('umnmu (II/(l Sful'uft' Luu', VV V Professor.
(V'()//V.s'filltfi(;11(,1/ A" TIII‘I'I'Ilulio/ml limp, Professor.
ly'rif/anm', Ply/(ding, Practice, . V ,I’rofessorV
l)(’l/7/I(III.S‘]Ii/l, Bonk—761707217119, (YMMV—t ,‘ . ‘
mmwiu/ Law (LI/(Z IL’HIiéVs', VV \ 711019530“
[UV/{final .Jg‘l‘lY'HZ/flbl'l', ... . . V. . , ‘ V . Superintemlent.
Fran/[1w] HUI‘HP-ILHHI'B, V V , . .Sllperintemlent.
.,Vllt’c/HIVIII'I‘V .41'1‘5‘. .. V . . V V VV. . V . V V V , Superintemlent.
.-1cV'rtV(Z('/H/y, , , . . . . V V V V V V V V ,. Principal.
‘ J’flynu’nl‘ of /¢‘(Ip.3, , , . . . . . . . . . . . 5,7777 y/flflaron/L/ . 7 'l‘reasurer.
r ’ .
."V'amv u/‘Bt’mumhh//W .. ,, , V .. .
I’om‘ Ofiicv, 05/51/021 {$0640 ./ é; , ,
I’mwzf or (T'uaV/diun. /a/4W a W _. . .
This paper, when duly endorsed, must he pres%. without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty. who is required to umtVriculatVé the candidate.
, .,,“...va . “.,,...” ,,V.,,,_
. L.

4- . .¢»-—tbsso1'.
‘ (Win/mm and Mull/{w Lair, 4 v . Professor.
('I)//.s'//'/'II//'o/m/ A" [II/(’r/m/in/m/ bur, Professor.
IL'I'h/rnm', Pleading, Prue/[(7), . 4 Professor.
,I’fl/II/(I/IM‘I/i/I, BMI/c—It'wP/lin2', ("om—t , .
lHJ’I'fl/HZ LIL/(f (Ind ,IL‘H/ifix. t I “’lp‘q‘qm"
I’I'rwlival .Jg‘rivulfudv'. 4 . 4 44 , SH14)e1‘1'11terl(.1e11t.
Prim/int] lfo/rimwifu/v', - -- 4 4 - - - _ ..3111)e1'intendent.
.l/Pc/I/Luit'.JI'fx, .. - - 4 . . 4 . . . . . Superintendent.
.‘lcw/dt’noy, - --- 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 . _. Principal.
Pay/men! of Fem, 4 . . . . . . . 4 . . . 4 4 . WW 644/: <~ Treasurer.
/ ’ x
.\"(Lmr I)/'1)’('((/v’/',. fl/{flm VL/[4Z/27.. a/Zfla%/\yz\fi/; ,.
4 - PM (Wop, 4 W , /4/ / , «
mem‘ or (II/(u-(Hun- fiflfl. @2é/WZ4M \ .
‘ This paper, when duly endorsed, must he presented, without delay. to the Secretary of
W the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate.
.:‘ omen-rm"! uupuner print. . ‘
g- l . ‘ A

Leming‘tmz, Zfl// 51/] 8 72‘
The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to filled/4143,
COLLEGE, and to the several Schools thereof, as far as the following indorsemeut extends:
Credentials, - - - v » - » - - - . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . W/flmgliegent
(...'0/zlsuZ/z‘ati0n, ‘ - - - . - - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . VJ%......K:%J’1-esiding Officer.
English Litaratm-eyr- - - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . ,. .VVV, , ’ V , .,V_V_.__V ..VVl’rOfessor.
/o »~ // W J ‘ ~ - - - . - - - . .. V. , . ..V ..:VVVV’V' ,,VV.«;V;V'.VV..VVV::QV.VV.1’1'0fess0r.
.IHL'ISfO’I'y, - - - - - - - - - . . - - . . l l . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘P1ofessm
(r'ivil and Poliz‘ical Economy, . . V . . . . Professor.
//_~/LQh_.£g___ni.9f_/l/J ... . . .. . . V . . V V . . V. ... . . . . .. . ......_Pr0fessor.
JVCCZ'E‘UZ PZ§ osophy, - - . - l . . . . . . . . . . VVPlOfeSSOI
All/floral History, .. V .. VV __VV_...__1’1'ofessor.
.l’lfmofcol and. JVIOI-al Philosophy, . . . . . V. . ...V....,l’rofesso1‘.
Lllfl’rllv Language, __.. . . . . .. .... . . . .. .V V V V . VV ...V . V V...I’1‘ofessor.
Giro/c- Language, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V V V. .. ,V , W. ......VVVVVVVProfessor. _
fly/”'31,; Language; . . . . V . . , . . . . . . . . V V (Z /, . V V. .1’1‘01'65801‘.
allude/'12, Lgmgwuges, . . . '1 i'. . . . . . .- . L“ , . .-...L. V L "‘“; :---...1’1-ofessor. {ya /5
(W'irvilr Engineering (and J)rrowz§ng’,- - . . . V , V V , V VVVVVVProfessor.
rlfflifCL/‘(Ij Scie/u-(z, .. . V .. .. .. V. , V V f.V VV . . Professor.
Sacral- IléstI'y, ‘ - - - - t . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..VVVVVV.V.......V,_1’r01ossor. .
[[umrilefim (Ii/Id ][Cl‘lltcllelL/ILZ'CS, ~ 4 . . . 1 V. Professor.
., .., '.. '2 7 ,

V bin/1353;, “12,353 (fill/fig «all. ( 7’j’f'"f_"_"_’{§~ V V . . V Pl
(101/moon and, Sfaz‘wfv Law, - . . . . . . V .V V. V V. V. VV . ........VVVVVVProfessor.

. (.'(lllb’l'itllfl'OIMll (5‘ InharmofionalLaw, . V V. .V V. V. . V ...V....VP1-ofessor.
EUi(l("/2(‘(‘, Pleading, Practice, . . . V . . , Professor.
Pmnmms/zip, Book-kcfi/zi71g, Com- )

111/cram], Law and HUI/1:08, .. . ,_ E‘ ...V..VV...Irofessor.
pracfipul ..Jg'l'ic‘llltll‘l'é’, V . . V V .. . . V V . . VVVVVV..V.V.VVV. VVVV V VVVV Superintendent.
1),.“ (V‘tical I—[()I>fi(4uVwar0} . V .. . . . . . . . . . Superintendent. ‘
,«lfgcimujc V/jy-fg, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VV ...VV.V.V,.VV.V.VVSuperintendent.
V510a/d,en1,y}.... . . . . . . . . . . . . V. . V . V V. V . . . V . .V VV.........VV .. .......V..V.VV.V.Principa1.
Payment of F005,. V . . V V . ./ V . . V V . V ‘V . . V. fl/yflWW’Q/Treasurer
Name of Bca7eI,///zzu(a7//zaaé/M/Kg/dz/T/Iwoo , ~
Parent or Gurcu'clvia/nh/M1 flax/(244%..

' This paper, when duly endorsed, must be presented, without delay, to the Secretary of /"

the proper Faculty, who is required to matriculate the candidate. /
Ohscrvcr [ma nepnner prim. /
x V». /

 "'M ' a ‘ -’ . ' . -. -, x . ' T V'Ji‘rm..,-,*;,.‘7 -, ‘
.9 ~ , . — - j;
’ ‘-—--- ,+,* ,,i,
r V .
' , . fl , . V K ,_ 3” ‘~, g
Lesz'Lgm/z, Ky” c/L188...._> ,
The Bearer has satisfied the : Inditiun of admixsiun inthe De )arhnents of this ColIGO‘e indicated
. l a 7
' h; the 5iginlturcsfiattaehed. . '
’ ‘ . . fl , , ,' «‘:.—,— 0
chclcntlalsehh... 2 l,‘ L v/L/ ’~, ___,_I’rcsulcnt.
Civil History and Political Economy, 77 7 7 V H .. _ _ WWWProfessor.
;\[ental and Moral Philosoplrth _ ,_ mml’rofessor.
‘ . ‘ . . / A» .
Licensing SL191 L\miungnt‘lll’lmm/fl% W .WProfcssor» //r~ [Z
English Literature, _ _7 __MmmProfessor.
/0 “// Mathematics, WC?!” 6061/ >2 Mg’ _A___._,__,_,,_,,,_._.____‘___A,_V_._,,_,___Professor. \
/- fl / ,7] . 65,47 “"7___ .'\7/ L. 9’4}: if” _ _
_,~ , 4‘ v N _ __4/ , ,;-_..-_fi ’,r 7 ,, ~~‘¢r ';/—r—L ‘:.”; - r—d ' _ -
/' I "" Wu "V../.’,;IL/TXTZ/flzi;ziflxfizg’féewa..,./u.,T...1./_.,.‘.;nuf."L,/_.l._ér«.-..<....’:c22.72%:ng1c5501.
' Normal School. P101L‘NOI
" i) I i
. . J 4 I ,
i - n , , Mn _ .. ‘ - - .
Ancmnt Languages, 0770(4/HHF I f “H’f“/ 1’1‘01038011
Modem Languages,___,_“nmmnm _meusm . ‘
. .4 . ~, ' ' , d {V . I. ~,. .- l - . -
1’ WW"
_ ‘
1 Engineering and Drawing, __ I’rolessor.
; - .
3‘ . . ‘ . .
' AVIIlltary Sucncc,1’rofcssor. .
Agriculture and Horticulture, 1’1'<:>fc.~‘:<0r. '
Practical Mechanics, .. l “Professor.
”UDkKCLpIIIg Pmiuwl
' ’ v , .
'L’I‘CParatory Department, l’mibxm
fl, "‘ fl ': l“ _ Q 15:; Tia/f
Matriculate. ’L«‘/” d v’w’f‘we
i . ,1 i .
x ‘7 , ,, ‘77:" ,
~ CONN} ., 1’-d"v—_ A
‘ . /: ’
Parent 01‘ Guardian. a .
This paper when propely signed. must be presented to the President without delay, who will
then matriculate the bearer. . . _ _,
D ‘ 4‘.
t , _ ' .

 N0. . . . .. ,. LEXINGTEQN
, —»-e’——:5§’Wwinfii .7 fl
Lming‘fmz, .. 5%f” // ” £8 7;

The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the V512»? , .
COLLEGE, and to' the several Schools thereof. us far as the following)‘ indorseinent extends:
(.’rmlmzfialsa ~- - - - ~ ~ - ~ . - . ,. ~- --WW (kl/4' Regent".

COILs'Illfafign, . . . . . .. ..., ... ... . . ,.. -c/M KWl’i'esiding Ollieer.
I 2L 7 Wm ~---~-r- -- -~--- . 444’, .Za ”(I JUL", 24', , Professor. é f.
[7' .ll‘afII/(vizlwtics, . - D. - -’ , - .. , ' . ,. ....fi...” ..l’l‘OfeSSOlié
His/org], » - ~ - - - . - ~ ~ - - - . - 4 - - - - - » - . » ,. , mPi-ofessor.
(v'i'l'il (MHZ PoZin/l ILVPUII()})7/'I/,~ . -. . - . W . .PI‘OFGHSOIZ
mm ,. I/ W ”Professor. /?
. .\"ulurul Philosop/Iy, .. . . .. . . . . _ _l’rol‘essor. 8/
.\"(L/HI‘HY [D's-(Lory, ....... .. ’.. .,.... , Mote/$8012
. UPI/Ml III/(7 [Hora] Phi/057421115 . - . . Professor.
Lilli/I Lung/Htg'n, . . ... . .. ... . . . . ' Professor.
(w'l'PP/c Lung/urge, . . , .. Professor. '
Heb/WP Language, . . , . , . > . . Professor.
. ll‘mlmw L(I//g‘11ugm,.m .. . . . . . . . , Professor. .
('I'Ifil [fl/g‘iI1631‘l'illg'(II/(L Dru/ring. - Professor.
.Ufliffll‘y SPI'I’IH'R, .. .. . . . . Professor.
Stir/W] [Iris-fury. . . .... . . .. ,.. .. . . ,I’rofessor.
Homi/m‘im and l/I’I'H/r’m'u/im,. . . . .. Professor.
SIM/1'1] Lih’l'llfll/l'fl A" ('ILI'is/i/u/ l)!)(‘f/'/ll(.’, Professor.
('nmmon III/(l Sir/{uh LII/r, . .. Professor.-
(‘mmli/ufio/m/ A“ I'IIfI'I'Ilufiu/m] Lmr, Professor.
lil'it/(‘I/m', PIN/(ling, I’I'mt/icv', . .l’l'ofessor.
I’Vl/H/unx/(ip. ,lfonic-th’pill2’, ('III/72‘" , .
nwrviul Law and [Nil/Viv, -- \ Il"’teSS°"'
.f’I'I/(‘H(‘Ill .:[g'l'irllHlL/‘t‘, ~- - . . lSuperintandem.
["I'm'l'ir'al lfl)/'H(*(I/flll'(’, ... ,. . > 7 .mSuperintendent.
,I](‘(f/l(ll1['(',‘//‘f.\’, .. .. .. .. . .. . , Superintemlenl.
«blade/my, - -- . -- » . - . .. Principal.
,I’nymwnf of Fens, . _. . . 4. //7////Z¢ZM kkz/t/V/ 'l‘reasnrer. ..
{lhmw o/‘BWHW', /¢v//ZVW /V7/5(, %? ’....
fl . _,f
Post 077m, Mow/4w /§ . / /fl7 ’ i 4’9, 5”... 52:23:67
Parent or (Ii/(((JI'IHIIII- 1 WW fiwég /. /
This paper, when duly endorsed, must he presented, without delay, to the Secretary of
the proper Faculty. who is required to mutriculate the candidate. ‘
M.,. .,., “.,,...” ......”

, , «fiwrw _ ,
I)(;'.'\'i7/Irg't0n, f€SS<)1‘-

(’il'il (LI/(l Po/i/iru/ ly'r'o//(;7)1.!/,. .. . Professor.
(VH’HZIISILI'IL _.. .,. ......i ... . . .. _ VI’I'OlIQSSOI‘.

.\'(('1‘HI'(I/ I’llifoxoplly, .. . , ,. , ., Professor.

,\"(/,f((['(/] [fix/Lop”, .... , . . . .. . .. . . Professor.

.XUOIlfII/ um? ..ll'o/w/ l’l/iloxo/fl/y, . Professor.

[QM/ill Lullg‘uug'w, . . --. .. 4.. . - Professor.

(IMP/r Lung/mgr). . . . . . . Professor.

[I'M/WP LII/Ig‘llug'w, . - - . - . / f Professor.

.ll'm/rl'n LII/Ig’Hugm, - .. . . . . . . /fl— // , ’ . _ Professor.

('il‘il ling/Herring (Ir/HI /)/'///I'i/Ig'. . {~Vl’l'0fessor.

. ”I'll-fury Sl'fl’I/l‘(’, .. . .... .. Professor.

Saw/w] lliNfH/‘H- - -.-. ... . . . Professor.

”villi/WNW r/m/ //I'/'///('//r'uHm.. ., ... Professor.

Nor/WI. Lih’l'rrlur/w A" «’"lzl'ix/iu/I [Hm/HIM, Professor.

‘ ('om/nun III/(l Shift/Ir Lu/r, .. Professor.
('o/m/i/II/iouul A" IVI/fI‘l'II/I/I'UIIII/ I.II/1‘, ProfeSsor.
IL'I'h/V/H'w. ,I’/('//(7i//{_i. l’l'u('/i('1‘, . Professor. .

. /’w1unun_x/zip. Ifoo/r-lw’q/liI_Ig', (Wm-t Professor

I/II‘I'I’IH/ Lmr um] [slit/(w. \ ’ ‘
I’M/diva] .lg'l‘ir/Il/Hr/‘t'. - . Superintendent.
I’I'm‘lirul l/II/‘lfflII/lH/V’. ~ ~ ,SIIperintemlent.
.l/l'(‘/lllllfl‘ .‘l/‘lx. .. - ,. .. .. . , Superintendent.
./('II(II‘III]/, -- - -»- - - - 'fl Principal.
l’uynu'n/ o/' Frmx, . . . - . . - - . flt/flflVWu/x 5%(4) TI'G‘LISHI'GI'.

{\'(Hm' o/' l)’(’/Il‘(‘l',/&é[/o\¢/i /Q{/7M)0 , .
l’ox/ ()jfim’, I Wdz *1/{44/24) ”(2)3 .
I’mwzf Ul’ Guardian at”. // I (Z: fli/V/‘ixlm... p
This paper, when duly endorsed, must he presented, without dol'aflfo the Secretary r?
the proper Faculty. who i< required to matriculate the candidate.
..W ,l W PM
pr" ,

 A. 64 M. COLL/€651
In accordance with instructions from the Board of Trustees, I make Beitollowing rink—V1;
M./f’| ‘ .
WX/i1 44:
7......Maimflwhqa 4‘ 4|
X .. fflM/fmé 5L1?" 111‘} i
Very respectfully, —T_ ‘
, Instructor. .

 E; i I [7 1 / ' i ‘E
“ W K ’70
‘ President’s Room. 5 /
- 7 , 1,4
//‘ Lexingtcn, ity., ,Mfiéfizy /fl <- 155
d. [I I //
Dear .I/M” ___:
The feline/ing Regent presents the average result at the \
examinatinn and class standing af gggr //7/Z/ far the
14/4 . ,
callegiate gear ending Jnne_gw__/f,_._’__. 153 x
WV—Arq-‘AH7E§"F119»hig11erstvmark attainable 71$ 15.005‘3: fl ‘ g 77 A
Mental Phi]nscphg,_ “Arm” Em _fi , _______
M era] Philnsnphg. 7 ___mm_ A_ E‘_WW_W_E__E “AWE E‘_
Civil Histnrg.~_fl gr , 77 777*“ 7 ,, E_ E‘,,_
Chemistry and Physicam _ N r 7 ,_ E____r .
Practice] Mechanics. N W ,,LLLLLLLLL. 77____
Mathematics, E A 7, ‘71:}, E7 TWWAJ 5, _
7 3:: 7: t L , V / ,/ '1
Lnghch LangLiLge, [L L IZZLLLL'LLJ/L/L IL-L /:"L..£LL’
Latin Language E~_‘W “A ”ACTH fl —
Greek Language, E—ww—flmufifl—va if K—‘WW
French Language, E Hifi __--“ _
German Language, ETC —~ h A B“
iLL_L____.-k.mu_w . E- L L
Nature] Histnry, E
.J M " "“”’"*
Thenrg and Practice 171' Teaching,_.LLLLLLL . , 7%“
Military; Tactics,_ _, 7 ALL,“ _LLL__LLLL ,, Pk
Back-Keeping LLLLLLLL—LLLL___- . _.-. LL
E jet Eessinn, LL LL " _
Demerits fer the Year. ‘> ’
E 2d Sessicn, _h
7 4

 Q) 555 -' 3 '
/ (WM/Lo} ' '
89x 1" I .:‘. 3;: ‘ V '


. Lt’.‘\'(.'/lrg’f()7£r: /%%/’ 77.!— ,. . .Z87....%....

The bearer has satisfied the requirements for admission to the 1% JWL { . , ,,
COLLEGE; and to the several Schools thereof. as far as the following indorselnent extends:
(_,‘1-(;(Z.(3./]fialg, ... ,. ..,...... .. ., "'me VW/ Regent.
Conga/ZijiOH.) . . .. .. ._.. ... .,. . . . Jag (955%; wl’residing ()fiieer.
[Magi], Liffll'an/I'O, . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ i Professor.

! Ifa/fhenbalfics} . . .