xt7ghx15n565_206 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers Insurance Papers and Contracts text Insurance Papers and Contracts 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_21/Folder_5/Multipage21479.pdf 1883-1884, undated 1884 1883-1884, undated section false xt7ghx15n565_206 xt7ghx15n565 gfin, 777,095.







...................................................................... gallant,

, / ‘_/
///}//-/%f— ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Against Loss or Damage by Fire

...... Dollars, as follows:












............. one thousand eight hundred andzgf/A .Z


I. If the assured shall cause the buildings, goods, or other property, to be described in this Policy otherwise than as they really are, or make any false representations
as to the character of the hazard, this Policy shall be void; or if the risk shall be increased from any cause whatever within the knowledge of the assured, during the continu-
ance of the insurance, noticcthereof shall be given to the Company, and consent to such increased hazard be endorsed hereon, or this Policy shall be of no force, and if the
property or any part thereof is Situated at the time of the fire elsewhere than as described in this Policy, the Company shall not be liable therefor.

II f the interest in property to be insured be a ltaselzo/d, natal, ”largo-(gels, or ztrizlz‘r/iflezifartutrs/u) interest, or a building standing upon leased ground, or other

interest not alisolufe lz'tle, it must be so represented to the Company, and expressed in this Policy in writing, or otherwise the insurance shall be void. Policies insuring Lessee’l ,

Interest must so state, and shall be construed to cover only the market value of the lease (at the time of the fire) for its unexpired term.

‘ III. Property held in Trust, on Commission, on Consignment 01‘ Storage, must be specifically insured as such; otherwise this Policy will not cover such property; and
in case of loss, the names of the respective owners shall be set forth in the proofs of such loss, together with their respective interest therein, and whether or not such owners
have any and what other insurance thereon.

Nona—Ry “fro/ten)! 112er in trusf,” is z'iilt-mt'i‘ri’, pro/tori} lipid undi’ra deed (firm! or will, or wider l/lt' a/t/foz'nlmefll (y’a Court q/Law, orpropcrly held as colloi-
eral set/(r1711 ,1 in ctr/1111; latn'r (as? this Com/um] s/mll {iv [fill/lg only lo [/16 extent qfflw future's! oft/m assured in silt/i/roparly.

IV . \\ lien property (insured by this Policy) or any part thereof, shall be alienated, or in case ofany transfer or change of title to the property insured or any part thereof,
or of any interest therein, without the consent of this Company endorsed hereon, or if the property hereby insured (personal or real) shall be levied upon, attached, or taken
8m possessmn or custody, under any legal process, or the title or possession be disputed in any proceeding at law or equity, this Policy shall cease to be binding upon the


V. No order for insurance, nor verbal agreement of Agent to insure, will be of any force, nor shall this Policy be binding upon the Company until the premium be actu.
ally paid to the Company or its commissioned agents. And any person other than the assured, who may have procured this Policy to be issued by this Company, shall be
decmedvto be the agent of'the assured, and not of this Company, in any transaction relating to procuring the Policy.

V l. lhis Pillicy Will not cover unoccupied buildings (unless insured as such): and if the premises insured shall be vacated without the consent of this Company, en-
dorsed hereon; or if the property insured be a inanufiicturing establishment or mill, running in whole or in part over, or extra time, or running at night, or if the same shall
cease to'be operated Without consent of the Company endorsed hereon, this Policy shall cease and determine.

I'I'l. looks of account, written securities, evidences of debt, title papers, manuscripts, ready money, choses in action, Profits on merchandise or other property, or
Commissmns on merchandise in, hands of consignecs, jewels,jcwelry, plate, watches, patterns, dies, models or curiosities, drawings, designs, pictures, paintings, cngravmgsi
sculpture, statuary and musical instruments, (pianoifortes in dwelling houses cxcepted,) and plate-glass over three square feet, fresco painting, and decorative painting, Fences

and other Yard Fixtures, Steam Boilers and Engines, Store Furniture, Counters and Shelving, Safes and Fixtures, Awnings, Signs and Sidewalks are not covered by this ,

Policy under any general terms, and unless specifically mentioned by name, this Company shall not be liable to pay for nor contribute to loss thereon. This Company shall not
be liable for merchandise or other property stolen before, at, or after a fire; nor for any uncertain, invisible, indefinite, indirect, consequential, or prospective damages whatever;
nor for any more than the actual value (at the time of the fire) ofthe property damaged or destroyed, (and not to exceed what would be the cost to replace).

V III. lhis Company shall not be liable for loss in case of fire happening by any insurrection, invasion, foreign enemy, civil commotion, mob, riot, or any military or
usurped power; not for damage by lightning, (unless fire ensues, and then for the loss or damage by fire only, which shall be determined by the value ofthe damaged property
after the casualty by lightning); or explosions of any kind whatever within the premises; nor by concussion merely; nor when the fire is caused by a full of the building or any
part thereof (except such ftillmg be the result ofa fire); nor where fire heat is used in any process to the articles damaged by such process; nor for any damage by heat within
the premisesyvithout combustion; nor to goods in show windows, where the fire originates in said windows; i
0” the Frame“: gun-powder, llrusworkfi “mo-glycerinci (lynflmlmi phosphorus, petroleum, naphtha, gasoline, benzene, benzole, or benzene varnish, or camphene, spirit gas,
purnnzjg llLllLl, or volatile Oils, Without written consent in this Policy, and if so 11/)! or used on the premises by the assured, without consent endorsed hereon, this Policy shall

(3 Vol .

‘ IX. Thev'working of carpenters, i'oofers, tinsmiths, gasrfittcrs, plumbers, or other mechanics, in building, altering, or repairing the premises named in this Policy,
Will void the Policy, unless permission for such work be endorsed in writing hereon; and the generating or evaporating within the building or contiguous thereto, of any
explosive substance, or the use of gasoline, burning fluid or petroleum, for lighting, (except refined kerosene in dwellings) is prohibited under this Policy, unless permitted
III \Vl'l l 5’ \CiCOlL

X. The use of general terms, or anything less than a‘distinct specific agreement clearly expressed, and endorsed on this Policy, and Signed by a duly authorized Agent

0f the LUDUHUIY, Shall ”01 be construed as a waiver of any printed condition or restriction therein, and no notice to, or any consent or agreement by any local agent, shall effect ‘

any CUI’I'i’llllonv of this Policy, until such consent or agreement is endorsed hereon in writing, and the amount insured shall not be construed as a valued Policy.

_ .\I. So assgnmcnt of this Policy shall be v’ id until endorsed hereon and approved by the Company, or their i'eivulzir agent, in writing, and the Company reserve the
right toapprove the transfer or not, _and in case of such assignment Or transfer oflhis Policy, or ofriny interestiin it, withoutbsuch consent, this Policy Sllflll Cease and determine.
. 11.. 'All persons holding this Policy must obtain consent of this Company for all additional insurance made on the same property, and for all changes that maybe made
in such additional inSiironcc, and have such consent endorsed on this Policy, otherwise the insured shall not recover in case ofloss: and‘ in case of any other insurance, whether
iiiiitlc prior or subsequent to the date of this Policy, the aSsured shall be entitled to recover of this Company no greater proportion of the loss sustained than the sum hereby
insured bears to the whole amount insured thereon, (whether such other Policies are Void or not); and it is hereby declared and agreed that in case of the assured holding any

. ) I ~ v i I . ’ r l i ' i i I i i . ‘
other I Olicy iii this or .in} other Company on the property insured, subject to the Conditions of average and counsuruncc, this Policy shall be subject 10 average and CO'm’umnCC
in like manner, at the option of the Company.

There shall be no abandonment of insured property,_and if the assured shall Fail or Neglect to use his best endeavors to save and protect such property from loss ‘

or damage'at or after :1 fire, he shall forfeit all claims under this Policy.

hlV’. In cafe of any loss on or damage to the property insured, it shall be optional with the Company to replace any of the articles lost or damaged with others of the
same kind and quality, and to rebuild or repair the building or buildings within a reasonable time—giving notice of theirinteiition to do so within sixty daysafter having received
”)9 (30'1”)le PmOfS 0f 10“} TCS‘IUH’Cd by “19% conditions, together with plans and specifications as hereinafter provided. And it is expressly provided that when any muni-
Cipal ordinance, rule or regulation shall preclude the repairs or rebuilding, the Company shall be liable only for such sum as would otherwise be the cost to repair or rebuild.

i ,.
[fon 11‘ Is HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND AtiaEEn by and between this Company and the assured, that this Policy is made and accepted in reference to thfil“


This Policy shall not be valid until countersigncd by the authorized Agent 0” of this Company at (

such IMMEDIATE Loss OR DAMAGE (not exceeding i
_______// ;..) ........ AT NOON, to the.

(foodie {from ., ,
.fz/ / , //.:4.: ................. AT NOON, the amount of such loss and damage to be proven and paid or made good according to the following TERMS AND CONDlTlONS:

, and for a time not to exceed the period of twelve months, nor the time reasonably necessary to rebuild or repair the building fit for occupancy.

nor if the assured shall km? or use, or permit 1o be by)! or used ‘

‘ justing Agent, or any false swearing in the proofs or adjustment of a loss, or any_ neglect or refusal to comply with the conditions of t

erms‘an conditions, which are hereby declared to be a part of this contract, and are to be used and resorted to in order to determine the rights and obli
otherfi' fiClall/yfrowdcd for in wt" inn

/2r//7///Z/ /

shall happen by fire to the property above

mounts the wusur l,)
day of. ..

XV. In all cases where personal property is damaged, it shall be optionai with the Company to take the same or any part thereof, paying therefor the appraised value
thereof after the fire, and the cash value of any property destroyed or damaged by fire shall in no case exceed what would be the cost of replacing the same and in case ofthe
depreciation of such property, from use or otherwise, a suitable deduction from the cost of replacing shall be made in ascertaining the actual cash value. _

XVI. \Vhen property insured by this Company is damaged by removal from a building in which it is exposed to loss by fire, the damage shall be borne by_the insured
and the insurers, in such proportion as the whole sum insured bears to the whole value of the property insured, of which proof in due form shall be made by the claimant. .

XVII. All insurances of rents by this Policy shall be understood and agreed to be upon the terms, conditions and limitations following: The Company shall indemnify
the insured from any loss of rent he may sustain by a fire happening within the period limited to the building specified, whereby it shall have become untcnantable, and that
although part of the loss of rent be after the period of insurance shall have expired. The loss shall be computed from the date ofthe fire: shall cover the actual loss ofrent by
reason of the premises or part thereof havingbcen rendered untenantable by fire, not exceeding the rate of rent per annum expressed in the Policy by the sum insured thereon,
It isalso understood and agreed
that the insured shall proceed without delay, and with dispatch, to repair or rebuild the damaged or burnt building; and the said Company shall be subrogated to the rights
which the insured may have against any tenant liable for rent during the period of repairs or restoration, for their reimbursement. . _ _

XV I Reinsurance for any other Company shall be adjusted on the basis of pro-rata liability with said Company, and in case of loss, this Company shall pay its
proportion of loss sustained by said re»insured Company, whenever such revinsured Company shall have paid. .

X X If this Policy is made payable, in case of loss, to a third party, or is held as collateral security, or any claim for loss shall have been assigned after any fire, the
proofs of loss shall be made by the party originally insured, and shall set out fully the interest of the party to whom the loss is payable, and when required, the party to whom


one thOusand eight hundred and

‘ the loss is payable shall make proofs on oath of the character and extent of such interest in detail.

, XX. Persons sustaining loss or damage by fire, shall forthwith give notice thereof in writing to the Company; and, as soon after as possible, they shall deliver as par-
ticular an account oftheir loss and damage as the nature of the case will admit, signed with their own hands; and they shall accompany the same With their oath oralhrniation,
declaring the said account to be true andjust; showing also, whether any and what other insurance has been made on the same property, givuig a copy ofthe written portion
of the Policy of each Company; what was the whole cash value of the subject insured; in what general manner (as to trade, nianufactory, merchandise or otherwise, the build-

, ing insured or containing the subject insured and the several parts thereof, were occupied at the time of the low, and who were the occupants of such building, and when and

how the fire originated, with all the details thereofso far as they are informed, know, or believe; and the assured shall, ifrequircd at any time by this Company or its Adjusting
Agent, furnish full plans and detailed specifications of the building or buildings, or machinery destroyed, with detailed estimates of the cost of the same, which plans and spe—
cifications shall be sworn to by the party required to make proofs to be as accurate plans and specifications of the property damaged or destroyed as is practicable to be made;
and the assured shall further state, on oath, in his proofs of loss, that all the merchandise and personal property for which claim is made, was, at the time of the fire, contained
in the building or premises described in said Policy, and who was the owner of all thereof, and that the same was destroyed or damaged as stated: andwhen merchandise or
other personal property is partially damaged, the insured shall forthwith cause it to be put in as good order as the nature of the case \Vlllat.ll1]\[,—C\550r[lllg and arranging the
various articles according to their kinds, separating the damaged from the undamaged goods, and shall cause a list or inventory of the whole to be made, naming the quantity
and COSt of each kind; and, at any time when required, the insured or person claiming, shall produce and exhibit all books of account, and other vouchers in anywise pertain-
ing to the loss or property for which claim is made, to the insurers or their Adjusting Agent for examination, in support of his -claim, and permit extracts and copies tlicreofto
be made; and shall also exhibit to the Company, or their Adjusting Agent, and shall permit to be examined, handled and appraised by such Agent, together with such assistants
as he may require, any property damaged, on which any loss is claimed, or any property saved which was insured by this Policy. _And the assured shall, zfroqmrm’, submit
to an examination under oath, by the Company‘s Adjusting Agent, and, if deemed necessary, to a second examination, and subscribe to such examinations when reduced to
Writing: and shall also produce vouchers and certified copies ofall bills and invoices, the originals ofwhich have been lost, and deliver the same tosucli Adjusting Agent. Apd,
until such proofs and declarations are produced, and such appraisals and examinations permitted by the claimant, and until such plans and spccnicutions (if required) are tur—
nished, the proofs shall not be considered complete, nor the loss due until sixty days thereafter. , .

XXI. All fraud in procuring this Policy, and all fraud, orattempt at fraud, or false or excessive claims, or all false representations or statements to the Company or its Ad.
his Policy, shall cause a forfeiture of all
claim on the insurers, and shall be a full bar to all recovery for loss under this Policy. , . .

XXII. The Company at any time (before or after proofof loss), and the assured, after proofofloss to the Company, may demand, in writing, that the value and amount
Of 1055 and damage shall be submitted to disinterested and impartial appraisers, to be selected one by the assured and one by the Company, and the two so selected slialljl (if
necessary) select a third man, and said appraisers so selected shall form a board of appraisers, and they, or any two of them, may appraise, determine, dcudc and awar , in
writing, the amountofdamage and loss to the property covered bythe Policyand damaged by fire, and the appraisal or award in writing ofanytwo ofthem shall be conclusne and
binding upon the parties as to the extent and amount ofsuch damage and loss nly, but shall not effect or waive :inyother conditions ofthe Policy. And no suit or action at law
or equity shall be instituted or maintained against the Company, untilan appr: ‘a and award as to the loss ordamage shall huve‘bcen had, and‘tlie amount Lhcrcofso determined.

' 7 Payment of losses shall be made sixty days after complete proofs and adjustment thereof, at the ollice of the Company in Philadelphia. h 1

XXIV. No suit or action against this Company, for the recovery of any claim by virtue of this Policy, shall be sustainable in any Court of Law or C ancery, unless

‘ such suit or action shall be commenced within twelve months next after the fire shall occur; and the lapse ofsucli time shall be taken and deemed as concluSive eVIdcnce against

the validity ofsuch claim, any statute of limitation to the contrary notwithstanding. ,

, XXV. It shall be optional with the Company to cancel this Policy and terminate the insurance at any time, by . A
“YE, a ratable proportion ofthe premium; and, in case of surrender and cancelation of the Policy by the assured, or cessation of the risk otherw
miuin will be made, if applied for within thirty days thereafter, the Company retaining the short period rate of premium for the expired tiniet
premium shall be returned for a less period than one month. ‘ . } f ‘. 'd d _ t

. XXVI. This Policy (the risk not being changed) may be continued for such further time as shall be agreed‘upon, provided the premium taerlc or .h {liai an agreceipi
given for the same, with the signatures ofthe President or one ofthe Vice Presidents, and the Secretary or As. stant becretary, and countersigned by tic rcgu ar (llorflnllfh‘lollct
Agent ofthe Company named thereon, and it shall be considered as continued under the original representation, and for the original amounts and dwisions, un ess ot lLr\\iSe

specified in writing; but in case there shall have been any change in the risk, either within itself or by neighboring buildings, at the time of renewal, the renewal shall be Void.

refunding or tendering to the assured or his representa—
ise than by fire, a return pre-
f‘rat'it/c‘tl, liowg'r'lr, 'lliat no

gations of the parties hereto, in all


In Witness Whereof, THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY have caused these presents to be signed by their President, and attested by their Secretary, in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-

EQLQCQL M RQ%M Secretary.


“A W” P - ,, y W////// ot/rf

M¢Mflwfi (President.






NOTlClz'.——Si e. XL—No ' icn: will: ‘ ' ' " alid until endorsed herenn'and ngpz-uvcxl ‘by {he Cmnpany, oralieir regular agent, in writing, and the Company rcsen-cs the right to approve the VIEIEILS id SIDNVHJ INOSNHH EI'IVCI ‘X ‘HHLSITTV°I\I 'A\ 'SVf 'NOSNEIH 'S SHAVISHO 'Slrl'IGI '5 SVI‘QOIIL
vnlliclll r i. [ran-{er “Fine Pointy, nr iii any mtg-est in it. williunt such consent. the Imhry shall (“av nwl detcrnune. (.LNVHO .S IAIVI'I'III“ $13,1le “13:1,“, ‘SI’I’IVJ HQUOHD ‘VZI'I OVVSI ‘Hi'IXVII 'L) (I‘lllil'IY



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right,tit1e and interest in this 1113191393 ‘33933 '11 'OFIHJi ’IUOPISO-ld ‘HlDIViI 'D (121)131er



FOR VALUE RECEIVED, , ............. hereby transfer, assign, and set over unto..,...


Policy of Insurance, and all benefit and advantage to be derived therefrom.



“'ITNESS ........................ hand this ................... ,

A[waved 1‘} 1/151”, and ”fort [he

far at rwrr on Mt I’m/12y ngl'JIIV


Kuedwog eouemsul 91H ugmumj eqi

APPROVED at , Agency, this ....................................... , ,._..day of

. Agent












FDR VALI'E RECEIVED, . , ..... hereby transfer, assign, and set over unto, ,

V .....right, title and interest in this



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WITN ICSS ...... hand this , ...................................................................... day of”. .





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‘A‘J 1 ans Kt mans: Y 01

'Kimdmof) 01m 01 pampuauns put: polaoum £10.qu s; finned" SE'U WWI“ Jo nninzmpyunm u; ‘(uuiumrd 11.Ill’]~)}i

Ill:(‘lii\'IiD ni‘ "‘lll'} l’l’ti‘iXKIIIN FIRE INSL’IIA NV}: (‘4)5Il’i\NY 01“ PHILADELPHIA, by the hands 01‘ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ' ; ‘smnoq """""" ' ‘\'HI(1'1}I(1\”JIH(I ril) AXYdlUD


the sum 0ft”, . V Dollars, ,
‘ DIOXVEL'ISXI ‘ " ” ' ' W WW ' ' ' W ' ' ' ”.1”(ISIAILLX-[H

being in full satixl‘an'tinn nl' ail elainw and demands agraii‘m! said (‘mnpany for Loss AND DAMAGE by the fire which occurred on the , .
( 'paiopuaung pm: imprint)

day nt‘ V, . . , , , . .V 18 V . , tn the property inanred under this Policy, in consideratien of whieh the, animint inxnrr-d thereunder is hereby (9/ ' ' " ‘ " " <, , ,, , ,0\. K’)I'IO(I
l W A W


rcdueed in the above menlinned sum, leaving; the aniunnt new insured under said Policy the sum of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dollars. 'NOILV’IHONVO Hog LdIHOHH




~ ‘19-'87 'Lii‘S ‘2 ' IUG'I ZUEJ'I ff'l 08’ DUI I


in full Satisfaelimi for all Claims and demands Whatsncwr, fur LOSS AND DAMAGE BY FIRE, 10 property insured by said (‘miipany under this Policy, and

“hi1 )1 pmperly was destroyed by fire on the V ,,,,,.day of 187 ____________ and in consideration

_ OL 8'9




\vherwt‘ this Pulivy is hereby canceled and surrendered t0 said Insurance Company.








LX754 @édsrv . A»;

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g! otrtt or néw more,


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fl/ 110‘

9nd the said IIOME INSURANCE COMPANY hereby agree to make good unto the said assured,


as above specified, nor the itfit’erest of the assured ill the property, exeept as herein provided, as shuthappen hy fire to the property’so speeitied, fro
4 ,
dav of

and to be paid sixty days after dile notice and proofs of the same shall have been made by the, assured and received at the office


the amount of loss or damage to be estimated :itIeording to the :ietiliil earth value of the propert'

eight hundred altd eighty t (L at twelve o't-loel.’ at noon, to the

'at, the time of the loss








y 1.51:4“ w/ . I I L15»; vb r1?


executors, admi istrators and as igns, all :s eh 'mmediztte
” (A I


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/ I

'ng in amount the sum or Fums insured
LC; Mme thousand

at twelve o‘clock at. noon ;

‘i or damage, not excee
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, day of...~—€.- (J. 1’ 1.1.1 o




/‘ H one thousand eight hundred and eighty»



of the (‘oliipiitly ill New York. ill aeeordanre with the terms and provisions of this l’olii-t', unless the propertv he repltteod, or the (‘olilpaily shall have given ilotiee of their intention to reltllild or repair the damaged preiltizses.

1. Han nppliratlon, r..rvr55,,plnn or dmrtptinn ofthe p5..prrt5 t..55ri.. .5.5,5nr.-.i .. r. I. rreil to in this r..li55-, r...t. ntpliritiou 5..r..55,5inn 5.. .irnrriptinn mil in. rnnridmd


aprirtol'thisrnntrnet nndnw .rrnnt5 h. thetissllreil; .....l ....5 tilr. r.5ro5. 5.. ion In th.» ..5 ..5.5l . t th5~ . 5:..5li .5..., ion .r omipn- .55 ..t tt..5 propi rt. ..r n5.5 oniissinnto


tthi r it. a u rt. 1.5 n or othrru' i,5e : or it th.- n5tiurid shall htittz,


.5...t..5t.5...55-n t---..~r5 h..-t.....t.~ri5.l to Hit risk,or nn ....r»5..l.ii. .o.,..r i...5 it. .. ..... .».. ..l..5.t...r 5.».. itppii -



or nhiill ht-rtuifti-r milk.~ any other iiistlraiit'e on the property It. rel.)- in5urod, or .nn- p:t.t lip-root, .5 1th....t tho outsottt ot‘ tho t'ont', 5.5- w ril‘ in h. r5~ ou- , or if tlte ltlto't'e-menfiotieil

e the risk, or hot-onto \ or the '5k lie llll‘rf‘n‘ietl


t..| .Iouwnt of. thi5 (' .u5p:iny , in \\ ritiitg,


pr. ...i.5


hall t..- .5.5.~..pi.-.t ..r .......l 5.. as t.. int‘re


nt or unite. upied, without notii-i



,.\'. r t... llli't mind 5 t‘ llti . r.-.’ \\l1lt-llitilli~ .


indorsi-d hereon: er it'it


l.5- the ereetion or .55.5..p.ntt.... .5t...»i;t.t5..ri..g l5


lingz, or 1.5- 5...55 ....5.. . .tt ot .t.i,5. in....pn..,


ri‘elitellt endoreil on


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tt.: 5 loli.-_5
il..5.i I.5.~.t of tl..~ i.5,5..r..t in ti... pr..p.»5t5 5.t..tl.5»r n5- 55.....5, tr..» t. ,5


or if the propert} t... 55.l.l 555 tr...- It rr'eil or ..5 r‘.:,.... .. l-ik. '.5...t'.-\5~..ptt.y5 sum-.551... t55~ r


- 55 of the death ..ttl..5 5.55urt».t), nhttinr t55-
‘nt of the
or 5tlt5ri5i5., t..~ n.5t truly 5i..t...l it. this Policy;



nr.l hot‘ortI. I.~,5<, without thitton orif


(‘on.p:...5- .i...l..r.5-5-.l l..-r......:

or if the

tr nos; or iidii tiil dwree, or \ 'llllll: ivy trail5to r ori. 5liit_5 auto; or it this l‘olirt

avg. nt. inortgatnnv





n. tl'lpltt‘lli, 5li...~, t..»..5i...~, t..5..r...i.~, ..r i...:n.:nt~ .~t.rt.i5h, 55r
, this r5.ti555~ rhnll l..5 void.

,»:ilt~ in 5t.~..55~ in Ililfullllll‘s not. i-xi t'wllll}: the liflrrelsitn he, drawn hy

.ir..l rhill l...p ..r .n.» unnphntl. r, tlr.» “on... till _

tin... root in .-.5..r55 ,5...-h


ketpor ..,5.~r.....phrn.~ rpirittzns, ..ri...5 t...r..i..55ii... .lor5h. .
l5t-r..5.5.....5il, h..w.55.r 1.5.55 t... ..5-.».lr..rli5,t.t.i.. .t..-.llt..5v.5 .5 5..., .t...r.--~l.5s.. .5l» .-i..55.l»l.5...5.».5....ll..5pi r...

.ln5 light only.


I2. 'J’hia i...5t.r.....».~ .l...». ....t 5.....t55 t.. or .-.»..r 5.»...45, pldle, waliht-s. n5..5i5» ..5 .5.i.r..titi.- i..»tr..rn.5..t5 (pin...5.r..rt..5 1.5 5l5.5.-lli..5,55 e.\r‘eptPIl,) orlliirilents. n.t~.h.l.5, patterns,
5 ilied This C..n.pnn5- shall not

.t or :.t':t»r 5. til-e; ....ri5.rn..5nt~5-.5r t...lli...., t.iit,5,.5..tt-t,



5.:..i.-.l n...»ir, printed t555..l5,55, .~ ....55.5.nt .n...5l55‘,5.-r.»..ri...:ti.5,....l.5.5 pinion-oi. ,
tldohy virtue ot‘this l’o]

5..5.5......t5~, 5155.5.l5, midt'm‘es 5.1'5l55l.t. .5r .5

r...i..t55~, p... liltlga. pi..t..r. t . in this Policy.


5,or5...5 r.5i..5...5.l tt..5.5.r,....til e... proninn. .t~.r.»t'.~5 Item tuttlly It‘llil: horrorl 5.»t55~ th



..5t...., inrllrrei'tion, riot, riril .».5.5......ti...., ,


-..rit...~..5t pr..p..5i5 ot :i-55 ltind: nor in 5...5 15.55 ..r.i;.....~


t.55 tir. .-....5.-.l 5.5- ..5.5....5 5.t' .... i..

punt 5...5l »..l.,5t5



..r.5..i.it..r5-55r ..,5..rp...l pouer; ....r (orally l i... huildings .t..p5...'..l.-.l with ..l 5...... or trio. 5l.in....-5,»,tt..5nt.,5.~..r.»55t 5.l.i.l. in... t..55n t!.t5 rn...5.~ ot no fire;

tioiu or p..l',..5.5.t.5..-.5 ....h t\i.5t; 55 .r i'or ....55 l....5...t...5tl l._.5 it... explosion ..t' 5.5....p.5...l.-r, or any explosive

only. uhii-h 1...». 5t...ll ht. .l.»t.-.-...i...5.t h55 the 55th... of ti...

....r in 5....5.-.p.t5....5 ot'm rt... .5 .l....i:.ti....l t'r. 5.. ll

.5..h ».5 tire .5..5...-5, 5....i tltett t..r ti... l...»,5 .55 .l5....5.5;.- h5- tir5


..-.~; nor h;

ttirtliei- .5.. :tlt\' by ..pl..5i.... ..r


.1.».l pr..p.5r


:i. ltahuildingshalltlill,5~\it1tiis the result ..t .Itiir.., :ill .i....rn...-55 in tin. e.....p5.n55 5555 it or itn5»o..t.5..i.5 5h:i!l i5.;...5x.lii.i5-l5- n...l determine.
5:. lt‘the tint-rot i-ftllti 5.55..r55.l in it... property he i...55 other than ti..- .-.5.ir.., .....-.55..l'.::5.5..-.l and 55.155 ....n..r_5.t.ip ..t tt... proporty, torn... “5.. ,..-..l honeflt. or tt... .55...."951, ..rir it...
i 5 th.. roliry nlnul t5.» .5..i5l.

.ill inter. It or l..lhilily on th.- purt ot‘ the assured hiIrtIiil ntunod has 5 ed, this insurance on surll

l-nilditiginsurrdstands-on leased groilnd,itliiust t..5 5.. represented to tl.5~ t‘.....pz..._5 ..


.55 .ipressrnl in th.- \.ritt.-n part. of this l’uliry, otllt‘rwi


\\ t..-5. property this l5.-.5.. .55.l.l .....l .l.»li.5.5r.-d, or 5.tt..~r..5i.».~ .li.»-p.5.5-.-.l ht, that


p.op.5rt5- shall i....n...li..t.5l5- terliiiniite. tiood5ht~ld .... 5torn.'i'nitl>t h. n. d .»p .ll5 i..5..r. d.


o. lilta olln-rwtstt eilntiltue in fttft’t“ rllflll he so Changed


th.~5.,5t5..r55.~5-..pi.ti..n ot'it... ..i..5v.~ itietltio‘ti'il prt“ui\ 5 . ' » .5 5i. 551 t1-r ..l.'..-h thistl'olii-y .55...l5i
..5 toil .. 5.5.5.. the ri5l. th. r. lipott,ivept n. my l..- 1.. r0 tttir 2;.1 r.~..l .55 l55- thi5t‘5-,rp... -.t.'5 55.. i...r.i' ..5
this la. lit

5. 'l'l.»t5.~.»t.»n.l.~n.5..r5..t‘tt..5n5.» 5.5515hnllt..~,..5~.~.lin Furl": :illdprittt-i'ti'i:tilt-property t'r......l..inn;.-

up... thi5 l-..li.-5, rm... tt..-..5~.-r..rtt., 5.. long n. th.» .5.....~ .t.i.ll i... 5.. ...5.~.l,



.‘tt .....l ..tt.-r the tire; and i.. 5-n5.. or failure .55. t.. .15., this Cimlllnuy


out n...