xt7ghx15n565_197 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Insurance Papers and Contracts text Insurance Papers and Contracts 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_21/Folder_4/0000ua001_21_24_074.pdf 1880-1883 1883 1880-1883 section false xt7ghx15n565_197 xt7ghx15n565 £2 \ i I . I?
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<§‘;, , I h C ' ' L ’ t'ltit‘lt‘tl into this... 2/7// ........dav ol' 7L/A / fif Yd

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”l 34.2434me 2/ .is paily ot lht sitoiid p.1it..ind ix 'J’Z/Z/ fzj/ ‘ as
party ot' the third part as ~t‘t'lll'll tor the pirty ot‘ the second part.

YVH’I‘KJSSSJG’I‘JID Ilic fol/wring ll!/I'('l‘lllt‘ll(.~t um! comlilimm hclu'ccn the parties.

let. the party ot the second part. hereby agrees and binds himself that he will furnish all work-
“ ‘m‘mlb “I”? 'ml'l' "“"“=‘~ “WWI“ ‘rt tltvls, unit-ands cu: tact and »c iti'ollliiiu‘. illlll do all \\vtll\ Itt'l‘l'-~tll'\ t'wt tin:

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(i t = / fl 7 , '2, . / ,
297/” m cA/W/ AL»; 262%» . $4: AM «)2 4222/2 A4724; 2, .
7 lust part. tobe situated on a lot rfl (4/ (/7 '2. 12! 7‘2 U’fL ‘.., 7/171f7/L_ 9A- ,\-JZ “1'” j’//) ‘.., j7
m m” “"mrddm’“ “l“? ”1“ NW” =====l ~i===viti~=tivms l’l'l‘t’itl't'd llwrvtmu lav u. r. McDONAiJI) a ram,
and under their >11pt‘l‘\'l~ttllt. lurnishiug them all due tiicilitics for inspecting the work. and to their
entire satistaction.
/ 7/ I

id, 'l‘lic party ol‘ the first part ztg‘l‘t‘ts and biuds .. /Qé / ~ that -. (/5. _- will

in ci-iisidcralioii oi‘ the covenants herein bciug‘ strictly cirric‘lM/it by second party, pay to the second party the sum ot
é/ I K“ \ %

» {Ag/Z429. “L‘W/V‘Z» A. as. Agenda {dollars in lawt'ul money
of the United States, upon the certificate of the, said architects, that the same is due. and also upon second parties t'urnisli-
ing (1i reipiired,) the ccrlilicatc ot' the proper office, that there are no mechanic's liens of record against the building, The
said payments to be made in the following manner ,2 ’1/ \7“ CM A &I 14

f / I
r, r/ l ' /
/;L4 (MW , LL /(/‘y)7/L_/ dfly LL {/21 2,, Ag
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.2 / %‘
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21* ~ 7/ _. Z; / 7 /Z:
1 ‘ p I G v i .
/ A ml if m further agreed between the pm'flcs.

5M, That the drawings and specifications are intended to co-opcrate so that any works exhibited in the drawings, and
not mentioned in the specifications or vice cars/1, are to be executed by second party the same as it' they were mentioned in
the specifications and set forth in the drawings to the. true intent and iiieaiiiiigof tliedrawiiigs and specifications, without
extra charge.

-lth. Should the tirst party at any time during the progress of the work require any additions to or omission from this
contract, or to make any change in plan or style of work, it will be carried out by the second party. The value of said
change being first agreed on in writing, and the subsidiary contract endorsed on this contract, so that the amount may he
added to or deducted from the amount of this contract, according as it may increase or diminish the total cost of the work.

3th, That the labor, materials and workmanshipfurnished will be such asis described in the specification, and if any
that is inferior to that so described, be substituted by the sec uid party without consent of first party, second party will he
entitled to receive only compensation for that furnished and not that contracted for, provided he be notified during the
progress of said substitution by the said architects, that the said reduction will be claimed and refuses or neglects to supply
what is specified. Nothing in this clause, 5th, is to be so construed as releasing second party or his surety from final re-
sponsibility for non compliance with this contract, where defective or inferior workmanship was not discovered at the time
thegrk \yas going on. / j Z 4

2222/72, r/n’éé f ”(12? {gm £47 (“£44, 4 ydfuw7
‘7 ‘ ’ Pl / \ i z « ~
Mali/7.4426 {Wad/V7 Z5 it, WW4 Q6 M,
/ /' ‘ R
l i 7 .3 ,— U , , .
(/7. M1“ a 3:4 2 « % JW {7’ 207
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: / / f I 4
”LO/7 i“”‘//”/ 22% <2 a {L/éwzzzfla L, )MaQ/uvbk.
' ’ l
Mde/ZAZ /;L2L— Wah/ul W26L/fl/‘flédm J'fld/LLQKw
% W222. $2 224%!42222 2L ALi 2% L. W/z411 (312/
' / Mk % (3/74,? 62 d 52 M
M Li. a/E 2/ 2A 4, )fl /[ ”a/i, 7 .
, . /, F/
W z» 1MrL/4fiz ‘7“ M 2,4 ? NM flfal Mews A2.
s i // u — , '
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. fig 624 tL. film W2 (/ 3L /4)g,7—7 7;) 7'L£»/r/ (’y‘m ,._
_g . Z : . ,2” , (/7;
Ziflré/ ’1” C4 94 fl: . ... .

tith, Should aiiydispute arise concerning thetrueconstruction and meaning of the drawmgs or specifications, it shall be
decided bv the said architects, without appeal. Should a dispute arise concerning the value of any extra
work, or work omitted, as provided in section I'our, it shall be decided by two competent persons, one selected by each of
the two parties tothis contract, and it' they two cannot agree, they shall have power to call in a third, and the decision of
two ot' the three shall be final. Any deduction on account of substitution ot interior work or material provided for in
clause livc of this: c )iiti'act, shall be lived by the said architects, at the time they give notice to the second party that claim
will be made for it, and that shall be the basis of settlement.

Ttli, The second partv will, at all times keep a good and ctiicient tbreniaii upon the work, who shall receive any iii~
structioiis from the said architects, with regard to the work, and they shall be carried out the same as it' given to second
partv liiiiisclt'. it is understood that it' sutlicicnt cause appear to the said architects, this lorciiian or any mechanic or
laborer eiiiploved upon the work, shall be removed from the work, and not re-eniploycd, but others substituted in their

Nth, The work shall be commenced by, or before the day of
and shall be pushed tbrward to completion as rapidly as durability and safety will permit, and shall be completed by or be—

fore the . dav of lo , and should second party fail to
complete the work at the time agreed, he will pay rent for the premises, at the monthly rental ot

dollars per month. from the date fixed tor its completion, until it is formally accepted by the said architects, unless said dc-
lav shall have been cause] by circumstances over which second party could have no control, and this clause ot this Contract
shall be a valid lease iipui the premises until such toriiial acceptance, and the rental thus accruing shall be deducted troni
the amount of this contract. in case any charges are made by the sziid architects, for supervision of the work, extending
over a longer time than that agreed up >11 tor the c iiuplctioii ot' the Work in this contract, on ace )Llllt of second party s tail-
urc to complete it within the iimc agreed on, they shall be deducted from the aiiiouut of this contract.

‘.tth. Second pai'tv assumes the risk of any accident or damage that may occur to the building, or to persons about the
building during the progress of the work, and agrees to make good any damage that may be so caused, and to hold first
party harmless from whatever source they may come.

10th, The said third li‘ll'lV, surety of this contract. is tlt'tlll‘illltlt'tl with its contents and guarantws that second party
will pcrtoriu all the stipulations contained therein, tor the consideration ot‘ one dollar, receipt ot‘ which is hereby acluiowlegcd.

IN Wl'l‘NlCSS Will‘lltl‘ltH“. the said parties, have signed their names, the day and date above written in

N ' u/fi } W M (I) 1
CA? a 2, C»: /4W,[. /\ 2524 (1 --
/ ‘——\ K "‘ ~ —"\- ‘
/ / [g/ i / A:
‘ s /// [/4 4 [a ”Hi First party.
I Q i é ‘ l i
» / / d/fl/ . ”09 l Second party.
\ \Yillic“:
, ‘ '
é 2/1; 1.; , 42: r (/f/706K l'l‘liird party.
(2" f4 ’ l ’1 . . i , x” ,- lWitncss.

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 , . :9 5
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“it 111% 611 Iii? i i ' r
(‘3‘; ; 9 . i‘ ' L L “III"I‘t‘d illto this.. 0 ........d:i\' f x/ ~
'.‘ywv‘ \ i r . " C /14/1// 7 M
c .

- 1.1 ,

b ‘lWl en % “wit/t“ fl/u’lat " [ltd/{4. a «flu ‘4‘. 1(1'.
1 Li 7 jWL§ 'l> party of the first part. and Ski}. 777/M Hog/WW

of (WW %as party of the second part. and .1.

party of the third part as security for the party of the second ptirt.

,7‘l'\ii'fi\“i.\1\ I ' .' o»; I . "
$1 .1 A71A\~|Ailbb_t.l 13],) flu [oi/on my] my; I 4 1m His and emu/(Imus between the parties.
lst. The ):|l‘l\' of the s 'e nid a" .~.t ' w ~ \- , ‘ . ' - ‘ ~ ~

. . l' l-i ‘l . . 1 t i p l‘l. llt It iv Iagiii. and binds himself that he will fill‘lllslt :11] work-

:iiaiis up. .l W], Inip enients. models. Int iiids. iiia. inn». cartage and stuttttdilmp; and .1.. all “.,,-k necessary 11,1. 1]“.

_L, . j a {
M/ .. m' 1‘ is Zm ' W M14 ‘ '
gp L o K Y (SICI/C/ /" for the putty of the
. .

n . ' r 1 ‘ I

tii'st part. tobe situated on a lot [4" éfix (4 44441;“ / /t Cg/C)‘ W 0217‘ ‘¢. ,‘, .,.

ttl liixlhil :lccot'tltlllci' “11], IHHI 1:13”? 51ml spiciiicutltill‘ pi‘e ntl'cd ill(‘l'(‘iitl', by ii. i). )1t‘l)()xr\lil) tk' lili()..

am. under their supervision, furnishing them all due facilities for inspecting the work, and to their

entire satisfaction.

-) Wit —_ '

_d, llu put) of tin tiist pait dgHts and oinds W .._ that _ (A- ‘_‘M will
. .'.‘. D.,. ,. x . V‘I . "I. A. ‘ '.‘ '.“. ’

In t l1.ltltl.\lll>ll oi tht (HM nants htitin l)tlll_1 stiiitly ( titted oiit by second party. pay to the second party the sum of

5 i T £174) W 9‘! 9 i i

4- ._, M I .
dollars III lawful money
of the l nited T‘ttttes, upon the certificate of the said architects, that the same is due, and also upon second parties furnish-
ing ill reipiired,) the certificate of the proper otlice, that [here are no mechanic's liens of record against the building. The
said payments to be made in the following manner 83% M Z“, W
A ml 11‘ '18 further (.1 greed between the pcgrfies.

Sid. That the drawings and specifications are intended to co-operate so that any works exhibited in the drawings, and
not mentioned III the specifications or rice rcrw, are to be executed by second party the same as if they were mentioned in
the specifications and set forth in the drawings to the true intent and meaningr of thedrawings and specifications, without
extra charge.

»ith. Should the Iirst party at any time during the progress, of the work reipiire any additions to or omission from this
contract, or to make any change in plan or style of work, it will be carried out by the second party. The value of said
change being first agreed on in writing, and the subsidiary contract endorsed on this contract, so that the amount may be
added to or deducted from the amount of this contract, according as it may increase or diminish the total cost of the work.

3th, That the, labor, materials and workmanship furnished will be such as is described in the specification, and it' any
that is inferior to that so described, be substituted by the second party without consent of first party, second party will be
entitled to receive only compensation for that furnished and not that contracted for, provided he be notified during the
progress of said substitution by the said architects, that the said reduction will be claimed and refuses or neglects to supply
what is specified. Nothing in this clause, 5th, is to be so construed as releasing second party or his surety from final re-
sponsibility for non compliance with this contract, where defective or inferior workmanship was not discovered at the time
the work was going on.

tith. Should aiiydispute arise eoncerningthetrticconstruction and meaning of the drawings or specifications, it shall be
decided by the said architects, without appeal. Should a dispute arise concerning the value of any extra
work, or work omitted, as provided in section four, it shall be decided by two competent persons, one selected by each of
the two parties to this contract, and it' they two cannot agree, they shall have power to call in a third, and the decision of
two of the three shall be final. .\Iiy deduction on account of substitution ot interior work or material provided for in
clause tive of this e )Iitract, shall be fixed by the said architects at the time they give notice to the second party that claim
will be made for it, and that shrill be the basis of settlement.

7th, The second party will, at all times keep a good and etlicient foreman upon the work, who shall receive any lIl~
sti'uetions from the said architects, with regard to the work. and they shall be carried oilt the same as if given to second

‘ party himself. it is understood that if siitlicicnt cause appear to the said architects, this foreman or any mw-hanie or
laborer employed upon the work, shall be removed from the work, and not rc-eniployed, but others substituted in their
place. '

Nth, The work shall be commenced Maw fun/“I fl W
and shall be pushed forward to completion as rapidly as durability and safety will permit, and shall be completed by or be-

fore the W .yfi/ZO M W Lax/[L Mold? , and should stcoiid party fail to
. . . . if 97,20 ,

complete the work :it the time agreed, he will pay rent for the premises, at the monthly rental oi 3

dollars per month. from the date fixed for its completion, until it is formally accepted by the said architects, unless said de-
lay shall have been causel by circumstances over which second party could have no control, and this clause of this contract
shall he a valid lease upon the premises until such formal acceptance, and the rental thus accruing shall be deducted from
the amount of this contract. in case any charges are made by the said architects, for supervision of the work, extending
over a longer time than that agreed upon for the completion of the work in this contract, on ace )tlllt of second party‘s fail-
ure to complete it within the time agreed on, they shall be, deducted from the amount of this contract.

itth. Second party assumes the risk of any accident or damage that may occur to the building, or to persons: about the
building during the progress of the work, and agrees to make good any damage that may be so caused, and to hold first
party harmless from whatever source they may come.

itlth, The said third pii'ty, surety of this contract, Is acquainted with its contents and guarantees that second party

will perform all the stipulations contained therein, for the consideration of one dollar, receipt of which is hereby acknowlegul.

lN \VlTNl‘iSS \Vlll‘ilil‘itH“. the said parties. have signed their names, the day and date above written in
// g?)///&//// f z’(/& ”i ( ( // /l f ( /(( iFirst party.
[ii/(gr / ///)1/“’( / .
‘ ‘ / 7 Z ‘ i m
/% ///7/ mac / 51 a.
T /l / / iy / t (k
(\"7( /’(\(‘(é(\s\ 9?((( ({(1 X 11'“ (\~ (1” 5’ (? ((7“”“{‘CL ‘0‘ 6“ 4" ,/,-\
(>(>«7L'r(L/."((cl((‘lk (KZLK (((xu (K‘
1 ‘QA.’ ‘7’] fir/fzgqu/r & (2114/ L4;
, / r/(t 1‘ f“ ‘V
/ / é / / as? .' ’1 (A 1" 7 .i ) Second party.
,7 /
/, Q , _ fl
, /i/ A. M, ; \
l ti

 5 >1 i» ,,
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0- CL D- a» - E
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 ,“ , .
J c ' O .1
1‘11 11‘ 1 1‘ ‘1 fl;
3?; h @1111 I aL ’ entered into this, 1.,.,.._11ay 111' C
«1sV~ .Y1 1
1 11;}
. 1 1 1 a. .1! %1 V
1 t \1111 C r 7 /
Lyu/L Mr; W as party 111' 11111 lirst part, and 6 y ( Mk4“ 1* V‘ ( 6
WW /¢Y as party ot‘ 11111s1111111111 part. and M’/ $4.44 4Mr—t A , 11
party 11 11111 third part as security 1111' 1111- party 111' 11111 second part.

'i7‘l1'7 \‘1‘1'11 , 1 .' .,, , , ..

3111 j 11\11§§.l'11‘}11) flu fol/11111111] (lg/1 111m Ills 11ml cemlmens heiu'ecn the parties.

1‘11 Th“ 1"”1." "14 111“ >(‘k'111111 111111. llcl'cb)‘ agrees and binds himself that 1111 will furnish all work-

manshtp, 1;|1111]', 1111pl111111111Is, |1111111‘l\. 111 ttlds. 111;11111:11s. watt-1:11 and “111211.11”;”“11 1],, 1,11 “””‘, I111'1‘ss111'y 11'”. 11“,
f) y W p ; . . _ ,
W 111 1 7L~ 1am LMLAI) 1M1 TMWM 11111 party of 11111
‘1 - I “\
tirst part. 1111111 situated 1111111111 W [a (TL/(3a, 7 MW Que—.’Sx—
in exact :11'1‘111‘1111111'11 with the plans and sp111ili1'ations 1111111111 11 111111111111", 11y ll. l’. )11'1)()N1\lll) 1k 13110.
and under 1111111" supcrvtslon, titrntshmg them 1111 111111 facilities tor inspccting tltc work, and to their ‘
‘_’d, The party 111‘ 11111 lirst part agrccs and binds WM that %—)b ,_.. will
111 111111s11l1-1'.1111111 111 11111 covenants hercin being strictly 1111'11ie11 11:11 by second party, pay to the second party the sum 111'
5 W W WW PgW/M (“”3” ill lawl'ul money
ot 11111111111111 States. upon 11111 certificate, of the said architects, that 11111 same is111111, 111111 also upon second parties t'urnish-
111g1 111 r111pure11,1 11111 111-111111111111 ol the proper othce, that there are 1111 mechanic's liens 111' record against the building. The
said payments 111 be madc in the following 111111111111‘ m M AA W .7
l- / 1,: M - (rat

/ _/ p M2 WW W
11an H vs farmer agreed between the parties.

51d. 'l‘hat the drawings and specilications are i1111111d1111 to cosopcrate s11 that any works exhibited in the drawings, and
1111111111111i111111d in 11111 spcciliczttiotts111' 1111117 1'11's1/,ar111o 1111 exceutcd by <1‘t‘11tltl party 1111-.s1111111as it thcy were11111ntioncd in
11111 spv111iti11.ttions and s11t 1311111 in 1111- 1112111111;s to the 11'111111111-111 and meaningot' thwdruwings 111111\Ilt‘t‘lllt‘tllinns’. without
1x11'11 charm;

4111, Should the tirst party at any time during the progress of the1 work 111111111111 any additions to or omission from this
contract, or to make any change in plan or style of work, it will be carried out 11y the second party. The value of said
change being first agreed 1111 in writing, and the subsidiary contract endorsed on this contract, so that the amount may be
added to or deducted from the amount of this contract, according as it may increase or diminish the total cost of the work.

71th, That the labor, materials and workmanship furnished will be such as is described in the specification, and if any
that is inferior to that so described, be substituted by the second party without consent of first party, second party will be
entitled to receive only compensation for that furnished and not that contracted for, provided he be notified during the
progress of said substitution by the said architects, that the said reduction will be claimed and refuses 0r neglects to supply
what is specified. Nothing in this clause, 5th, is to be so construed as releasing second party or his surety from final re-
sponsibility for 111111 compliance with this contract, where defective or inferior workmanship was not discovered at the time
the work was going on.

y ,

l 4~ ‘ C 2 2:, — ask-”[2 2T, 61/: (4.4.2; A/
/W M Ma.) %v M 2 “ gum/C, ’
M W W 5 W I Z 61 z ’ % . a 1 (A .
$1“ W4») Wm” M {xW 111/4,4,4 4(7 6W

(1111. Should anydispute arise concerning thetrucconstruction and meaningr ot' the drawings or specifications, it shall be
decided 11y the said architects, without appeal. Should a dispute arise concerning the value of any extra
work, or work omitted, as provided in section four, it shall be decided 11y two competent persons, one selected by each of
the two parties to this Contract, and ill they two cannot agree, they shall have power to call in a third, and the 11111:1s111n 111
two 111' the three shall bc iinal. Any deduction 1111 account 111' substitution ot interior work or material provided tor 111
clause liy1- 111' thisc11ntract, shall be lixcd by the said architects at the ti111131h1-y give notice 11111111 second party that 111111111
will 1111 1111111111'111' it, and that shall be the basis 111’ settlement. ' .

7111, 11111 second party will, at all times kccp a good and 11tli1-i11nt 1111111111111 upon the work. who shall 1‘111'111y11 any 111-
s11‘111‘1i1111s11‘11111 the said architects, with regard to the w 1111, and 1111-yshall 11111-111'1'i1-d .1111 11111 sam1- as 11 (_1'1v1-11 111s1-1111111l

' party himscll'. It is, understood that it' sutlicient causc appear to 1111- said 111-11111111111s, 1111s 11111111111111 or any 11111111111111-111'
laborer employed upon the work, shall be removed from the work, and not re-cmploycd, but others substituted 111 then" ,
. v ‘ \

o'th, The work shall be connnen 1d by, or cfore the day of . \\
at 11 shall be pushed torward to compl tion as rapi ly as durabill y and safety will )ermit, and shall be completed by or be»
fox the . .1 day 11 11‘4 , and should second party fail to
611111 11111.1 the wor at the time Igrecd, he ‘ill pay rent '1r the premis 1s, at the monthlykpital ot .

. . . . . . ' ,. ‘,.\1 '11\1<-' \_
dolla 's per month, from the dat fixed for i 1 completion, 1111111 1t 1s tor tally accepted by he said 111c111t1cts, unless 1,1111]. dc .
lay s1 111 have been itill‘t'll by 11i1 'umstances yer which second party 011 1111 have 1111 control, and thls clause of this contract
sliall l 11 a valid lease upon the prc niscs until such t'ormal Acceptance, an the rental thus a *rumg shall be l11duetcd trout
the am 111111 of'this m ”mp1 1“ c 40;1[|\' cha 1111s are made by the said architects, for super\ s11111'11t1the -wo 'k, cstendntg \ 1'
over 11 11111111' time that that agreed 11111 for the 11111111111ti1111 1 ' the work in this contract, 1111 :1 11111111 111 Second\partys fall-

13‘ 1 , , .' ‘ .. 1

are toe mplcte it will in the time agreed 1111,11111y shall be de1 1ctcd from th 1 amount of 1111s 11 ttact.

31111, Second party assumes the risk of any accident or damage that may 1ccur to. the butldmg, or to persons about the
buildino‘ during the progress of the work, and agrees to make good any damage that may be so caused, and to hold lirst
party harmless from whatever source they may come.

111111, The said third pttrty, surety 111' this 1'111111':11'i.1is111111111111111111 with its1-1111t1‘111ts11n1l guarantees that second part}
will perform all 11111 stipulations contained therein, for 11111consideration 111'111111 111111111'.rcc11ipt ot' wlnch 1s h11r1-by acknowlegcd.

1N ‘1Vl'l‘Nl‘lSS \Vlll‘llll‘lUl’. the said parties, have signed their names, the day and date above wrlttcn 111

//{ % 771(//////%/1/fl/z f/r‘f} I( / x2 /fl/§§l 151151111111."-
, ,1 ’ 4' . I 1
? //\\]I/:;///l//(///[ f/(/7« fy )
, / - 1 ‘ 1 \W‘ .
("If/"(flue (11111 fact/u X (m («is 7 own (1111
( ("((Aukfli ((L (( (CA/f7 d, fll ‘é/fl' party of Ilic iirst parl,:1nd M /W
of W /3 :i~ party of Ilic »ccond purl; and I } J W '1
party of thc third part as sccuriiy for ilic pii'ly of ihc sccoiid pxu'l.
"7 Il'7\"\‘\'\f\ . ‘ -‘ .., i . . "
XSII.\1,§§LI j], flu [OI/Ulllllf/ uy/i ”Hunts um] (OIHHUIIHN licfu'cmi thc parties.
‘ lst, lilic party of thc sccond purl, hcrcby ‘:igrccs and binds himself that he will furnish all work-
l..lli\lill>, ..uioi. lllilili o. i. -, wool. Ill lliilx M inn-ev— LlW.(inl,lliii :ill W.,-l. ,,, ,1,..-,,,1_\ 11,, ,1“.
M 7W $1“,1HWW£~’7J M ‘ W., W Y" for the party of thc
A /\
n u ‘ I . I ~
ill"l purl. iolic >llll‘dlf‘ll on u lot M (:1./Lb” (Z ’2 ‘4‘ (WW/3
in 1cxdct :ici-ordancc with .fhc plains and \lit't'llit‘tllllills prcpzircd t crcfor, by ll. 1’. Mt‘lHlNAlil) & lili().,
dllt. undcr thcir >upcry1s1on, furnishing~ llicni all duc l:l(,'lllll(‘>‘ for inspccting the work, and to thcir
2d, 'l‘hc party of lhc lll‘>l part ugrccs and binds W that 1%) ‘ will
X1 2:1;- 12:/NIH)“ o. lllt ( m naiifs lltltlll bi in; >illt1l) 1 iiiicd out by sccoiid party, pay to the second party the sum of
4‘.. , — W
l' L W
win lawful money
of thc l nitcd Stabs, upon tho cci'iilicatc of thc >Illtl :irchitccts, th‘u tho sanic ill“(‘lll1‘,ltliill.< and si-t forth in thc drawings to ihc ti'uc iiitcnt and nicuningof tlicili'a\\'iiig< :ind spccificiilions, without
cxIru ('liurgc.

4th, Should the first party :it any time during the progress of the work require any additions to or omission from this
contract, or to make any change in plan or style of work, it will be carried out by the second party. The value of said
changc being first agreed on in writing, and the subsidiary contract endorsed on this cintract, so that the amount may be
added to or deducted from the amount of this contract, according as it may increase or diminish the total cost of the work.

3th, That the labor, materials and workmanship furnished will be such as is described in the specification, and if any
that is, inferior to that so described, be substituted by the sec )lltl pzirty without consent of first party, second party will be
entitled to receive only compensation for that furnished and not that contracted for, provided he be notified during the
progress of said substitution by the said architects, that the said reduction will be claimed and refuses or neglects to supply
what is specified. Nothing in this clause, 5th, is to be so construed as releasing second party or his surety from final re-
sponsibility for non compliance with this contract, where defective or inferior werkmanship was not discovered at the time
the work was going on.

A .' C ~ I
O I . ‘ ' I,
A W * 4* M w
. ‘. -
, Wm” M" ‘ 41 m
/ 3 fl_ M-hk_ ’ W
0L - - ,
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Ar .. ‘ , ’
. fr; 1. M VtWi‘W WfiLfi‘fl«ll}z,
fith. Should anydisputc arise concerningthetrueconstruction and meaning of the drawings or spccifications, it shall be
decided by the said architects, without :ippcal. Should a dispute arise concerning the value of any extra
work, or Work omitted, as provided in sci-tion four, it shall be decided by two competent persons, one sclcctcd by each of
thc, twii partics to this contract, and if thcy t\vo cannot agrec, thcy shall have powcr to call in a third, and thc dccision of
two of thc thrcc, shall be final. Any dcducfion (in account of substitution of infcrior work or mutcrial provided for in
clausc liyc of this c intruct, shall be fixed by thc said arcliitccts at thc time tlicy give notice to thc sccond party that claim
will lic madc for it, and that shzill bc, thc basis of >cftlcmcnt.

71h. 'l‘lic sccond party will, at all tinics kccp a good and cilicicnt foreman upon thc work, who rlltlll rccciyc any in-
sti'ucii'iiis troiii ilic said :il‘t'liiit‘(’[<, with rcg‘ard to thc work. and thcy shall l)cc:1rricd out Ilic suinc :h‘ if giycn to sccond

77 party liimsclf. It is undcrstood that if sufliciciit cuusc :ippcar to thc said architccts, this forcnmn or any niccliunic or
laborer employed upon thc work, shall be removed from the work, and not re—employed, but others, substituted in their

.x‘th, The work shall be commenced by, or before the 2d ‘ day of , 4 ~ .
and shall be pushed forward to completion as rapidly as durability and safety will permit, 1W . , _ —

' ' i , . . ( . .. . 1N and should second )arty fail to
complctc tl c work :it hc time : rreed, he yill pay 1' it for the premi: s, at the monthly rental of
dollars per iionth, froi the date ixed for s comle 11, until it is, fo nally accept l by the said . ‘chitccts, unle. < said de-

y shall ha . been can iil by circ insuniccs over whic second party 0 uld hayc no .1 ntrol, and th clause of this 'ontract
s all bc :1 val lca '((/{
.//. fizz/(1' / «4 /§ 4‘4 c *1
//J 43 M. [ [z & g (
/ , \ AP l ‘
X %_ 4/ r (>1.1,g / . - 2‘?
X; r /l 4 (at .,’,/Z” )
,' I (Lu ‘
,I‘, M
‘ 44W I )Sccond party.
/ I d \\'itiicss.
- , ”1 M g y i'l‘hird party.
5 2 C W, i ‘.Vitiibs.

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fit (4‘ 51 {AK/ 1s pai'lynl llic ln'si part. and %W fl [WM ‘

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putty pl inc tnn'nl put as swnrny lln lhc pill} 111' Ilic .\l‘l‘vlll‘l p.1rl. . ' I N\ l

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_y ‘[ l.i\.l‘.\.0.l‘..l_l.l,) I/u ,Im mung] Hy]. ti’uuuts ulul (‘IHHIJIHIHN IH'I‘H'M'H flul pal'iics

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ifllflwws' ‘ ,.. .4. _ ‘. . ... . ‘ .. . Ml 1“, \\lll llllllhl! all W<
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fat/W’lb [Lg '[Zialm lSZ“ LafL (a (t “.4” fl 74 A ' / .2 1’,.1.111(.y1,h, ll'

‘ L ,r H ll(I i'
Ml(t (A {) flls , at“ Mil/1L M7,! 4, ‘ -
“"‘ r /t;5/0Lcé/l £04444, /¢-r /(.. M 2:, ‘L/mfi
lirst purl. lolwsnuauwl onn lot /¢~ ”(4 C¢.(J‘ % I/Lsz WW7

III (‘\;1‘ z" 'i ' . ‘s‘ ' '

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