xt7ghx15n565_17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic Feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson papers County Student Appointments text County Student Appointments 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_3/Folder_5/Multipage2819.pdf 1887-1889 1889 1887-1889 section false xt7ghx15n565_17 xt7ghx15n565 James K. Patterscn,
President State College fequtingtun, Ky.

Sir: ' r
I hereby appoint WWW

a properly prepared student, cfgecd nwrat

character and within the age prescribed

bl tau t0 repruesent the County 0/ ................................
MW ' .............. in the State 00t-

leg‘e at Lexington and to receive free tatttclt


in the same as provided for by Jet 0/ the
Legislature of 1879-80.
Respect/{Idle yours,


{away Quilt Wei/{[7 V

am «7\—


 (QM/mas R". Puffersmz,
Prmz'r/mit Mal/7 (7011mm Luring/~27, IQ.


I hereby (I/])])()I;7'l/t,...mh
(1/ properly prepared szoclem", ofgood moral
character, ((1ch 107225723372, Hm age, prescribed
by [my 2‘0 7‘0])/' sent file 007mm 0 ...............................
............ fl/ m H16 8ch 00(-

569’6 at Lexington am] 7‘0 receive free huff/bu

in the same (68 provided for 51/ Jet of flu:
Legisia/rurra of 1879-80.

Respecf/h/Zy gnu/125',

WMfl/laaféz ._ flaw/7%???



James R”. Patterson,
President State College, Lavinylun, Ky.

I hereby appoint ..... fl/mgw W
a properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral
character, and within the age prescribed
by tau: to represent the County of. _______________________________

tn the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for by .Jet of? the
Legislature 0/‘1879—6’0. ‘ ' b A 1'

Respectfatty years,




James K'. Pet/t rson,
President Stale College, Lexingtnn, K1 .


I hereby appoint.
(b properly prepdr etude/u, ()fgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed
by [m .7 f0 repI-“eselw the County of. ............................. _

............................. in I'Ihe Stafe Col-

lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition,
in, the same as provided for 521/ def of {he

Legzslafme 0/ 1879- 80.

f. "ally you/35',


 James K'. Patterson,
President Stale College, Lexingtun, Ify.
I hereby appczlntwc..." .
a properly prepared student, of’geod lubral
character, and within the age prescribed
by law to represent the County of ..........................

.. Ill the State 00t-
leg’e at Lexington and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for (By Jet of the
Legislature of" 1879-80.

Respect/atty [/011/‘5.


Wuli/L/ Ky «$171557

James K. Patterson,
Prwsidwnt Sir/(v College, Lexington, Ky.

Sir: /,

I hereby appozntx/MVVWe/I-ngg

a properly prepared student, ofg‘ood moral

ohmneter, and within; the age prescribed

b'lj/ftfl/ll? to represent the County of ..............................
W172 the State Cot-

teg‘e at Lexington and to receive flee tuition

in the same as provided for by lot 0/" the

Legislature of 1870-80.

Pespeet/‘u/tl/ you] \.



 Janus K'. Patterson,
President State College, Lexington, IQ].

‘ Sir: ” éW
I hereby appoint. .. ___.., .r. , __ .. __

(0 properly prepared student, ofgood moral

character, and within the age prescribed

by law to represent the County of. _______________________________

.o a7 . o in, the State 00t-
tege at texingtoni and to receive free tuition,
in these/me as provided for by Jeff of the

' Legislature of 1879—80.



 James K. Patterson,

President State 00 ollege LeIington IQ].
I hereby appoint /% OZ JMp/Céd/[e/L.
a properlyprepared student, of__ 60057 moral

ehalaoter, a (7 within the age plesenbed

by law to IepIesent the County of. £7sz

in. the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for by Jet of the
Legislature of 1870-80.
espeetfltllI/ you/'5

[fa/cm Ex) 5/


 James K. Pattergon,
Fresh/ml Siam Collar/c, Lac-222912222, Ky.
Sir '

. /
I hereby (LppOiILIfiZ. z/Ié/Vt _ _.

(l2 pmperlz/prepared Jule/2f, of good moral

072122220267“ (22321 unit/23' 72 H224 GOP 727205072662]

[age ((225 Lexington, MHZ t0 71602921272: free fuifz'on,

7312 the same as provided for )I/ :10! of 3/22»
Legislaiura 0/”18‘79-80.
' {(as'pgc/r/ 22/]1/ 2/021/ x.

by W


 @4/ 4/44

James R. Patterson,
President Siam College, Letting/(071, 16/
Sir- . 7
[hereby appoint ............. j. .7
(o properly prepared .szfu/(Zel'zf, of good moral

character, (and within the age prescribed

by [go 170 ’6297‘6861215 the County of,_._ ............................
.. . . . “mu/... In Me Stafe Col-

lege (at Lea: Lg‘ton- and, to receive free iteition

7372/ the same as provided for by .510! of Hoe
Lefiislafure of 1879-80.




P1'Cé‘1'I/(TNZ 1571111: Coll/191:, Lari/1911121, Ify.

8171': / , g/
I hereby appointMH%A&£: __ J. J 7??th

1.1,, properly prepared Shula/11", 0f_9‘00d 111121'11l

8711/1285 J’ifi'. Pufferson,

0/1111 wafer 11;. (Z 21*1f/21'121 H212. (108 ])I 11591 1611/
711/? [1111: #0 1 8721 8.98122‘ 2728 0011/1211/ of /éJzJ;. 1.41.. LJM"
g/Z: [1 43/ Si ................................... 2,11, [/26 JSfm‘w (Jol-

183'8 at [laxing‘fion 1122121 2‘0 190111011 [[1396 1‘11/1if1i1211

7,312, the 3111228 (18 provided for 121/ .101 1)/ H21:
Legzls'lmuJ'c 0/" 1870-80.
[1’15 swat/711111; 1/1111 1w.

d1, //\ 1r) 7. 2 Lam/v


 / I /’ l C/ [1/
’ / x. K ,
czfl/Lli/zfl/d 2M , Ayl/%//& _____ 188 7
Jib/2124.3 Rf. Pt’ltforson,
Fresh/(176.1 Smln Collage. Lcrrtz'nylrm, IQ.

2801' .
[711/1 Poi} appoznt .... (go/6.1. filflz /7/‘2114aa/

(.2. properly prepared, strode/2f, ofgood mom/l
()hCL/‘(I/CZ‘UT‘, (and xvii/2.3772 HM: ago ]77’().5‘(’ 7'12“]

'01] Mu: lo 70])I‘HSK’Hf Hoe Connfz/ of 26/61/A 6441/

Z2262 9/ é/f/ _..__,...-i}2 272.6 Sfrifo Lol-

logo at Lon/7:7 722g 79011. am]. 2‘0 roomim free hut/Ton

in HM some ((2.9 ;.//'ooz'(l(.4cl for by Jot 0/ Nu:
Logixlofu¢*o of 1 <9 79-15) 0.
Rosy)gaff/Ml]; you/2.x".

/ ..Zf2"Z:Z:.£/.JL 1.013....


 Jdmes K. Prottemon,
Pray/(m State College Lexington, Ky.

I herebJ cop790i77t:'..

(o 777 Operlz/prepcuec swede/7f, 0]” 000d 77707al

character, and 7072577377 file age 777'e.5'('777)e(7
by law to represent the County of ...............................
14.2 ....... in the State 00l~
lege at Lexington ran/(Z to receive free 71.7mm,
7377 the same as provided for 527/ Jet of Me
L(.'Q75'lafm'e 0f 1879~ 80.


 2W ___________ , I]

Juli/mas ix". PLLHI’I'SOTL,
Fungi/Inn! Sialc Calla/(c. La'rtingtun, [Cy/l
I hereby appoint .
a, properly prepared Shula/11, ofg’ood moral

Oil/(UVI/GHJT, marl Naif/Lin, HM) age 777""5’~(‘7’i7)(‘f]

bi/ [fl/I - 10 represent Hm. Con/nip of .....

(/2 Hm Sr'ufc 00/-
]6‘9‘@ (1,15 Lexingfou. MHZ f0 I'M/(Jim free /’//,i/I'()//
in HM: same (08 prozfldczl for by .:/(:f 0/” Hm
l;(/g‘7?.sl((,riurrc of 1870—80.

H (Lew/1,] Z/I/flfll r5.


James K". Patterson,

President State College, Lexington, IQ].

ASiI“ m
I hereby appointflL 0'
a properly prepared starZe/m ofg‘ood moral

e/z/araeter, and within HM: age 7,77'eseribed

by law f0 represent the County of ...............................

,, ................................................................................... in, file Sfafe Col-
lege at Lexington and to receive free faitioa
m the same as provided for 51/ Jet of Hm
Legislafure of 1879-80.

Respee/fallg/ 1/02/1353

._ .. , KMMW _ 2,8 geese.


 ”WM/[mag Kg. .//%47418y

J (ll/2.13.3 A". Patiersmz,

Pn's'iI/(inl Slum College, .Lenrz'uf/luw, Ky.

SZ'I‘: /
_ I hereby appoz/zl/émfl/ .m‘

(o properly prepared shale/1,1", ()f'g’eod moral
OZLKLITLG/ZGZ‘, (and, wit/2,3772, Hm age prescripefl
by [we /0 represent HLe Cmmf'z/ of ,,,,,

7n Hie Sin/e (Jo/r
[eye (1/35 Lexi/@7011 and fie rewizw free I’lllllf'r’VH/
m the same (le provided for 401/ Jet 0/ Nu?
L(‘Q'7..5'l/((/flll’(fi of 1879-80.

Hex Jew“ (fl/I emu-x.
./ ./ ‘ ,

756 ,6. é


 .Ky. / ”/64 ..... Z867

szws K. Pattei 78071
Prom/(ant Shale Collvgc, Lenin/jinn, IQ].

Sir: M
I hereby appoint 4/MZfl7‘54A’4/L/m
a, properly prepared Sharla/1f, ofg'ood nwral
Ola/(trader, (15'.er nit/Lin, Hui age prmcribed
by law /0 represent Hm Comzfiz/ of ...............................

kc ....................................................... in, Hm Sfafc 00l-
[age at Lexington ran/Z to receive free litif/ou.
m the same as provided, for 01/ Jet of flu.»
Legislafuvrc of 1879-80.

RBS'pcc/f'IL/Zy _I/()7;l'.§‘,
/mrA/,(/ uni/«4 6a, (W22)



CYWMa , By. )J/if/Q/‘Ualé’é’j

James K. Patterson,

President State College, Lexington, Ky.


I hereby appoint
a properly prepared student, ofgood moral
oharaeteu " and within the ewe prescribed
by tau to 7 epl esent the County of. ...............................

H ...................................................... in the State Col-
lege at Lexington.- and to receive free taitton
tn the same as provided for {31/ dot of the
Legislature of 1879—80.

Respectfattg yon/'51.

WZOFOXX .: Ua/x/opfl .3



James K'. Patterson,

President State College, Lexi) tun, Ky.
Sir: W
I herebyappotnt. ‘ I

a properly prepared stade/Lt,>agood moral

character, and within the age prescribed

Z) c to repreznt the County of. ...............................
-- l‘

in the State'Oot-
tege at Le ingtorzv and to receive free tuition

in the same as provided for [31/04 ct of the
Legislature of 1879-80.

ctfattg/ 91 (cars,


 WWI/441:1, 57/?4’71188’7

James K'. Patterson,

. President State College, Lexington7 Ify.
Sir: . . . , .
I hereby (oppouthWIMwA/4WV2W
(t properly prepared student, ofgood moral
character, (and within the age prescribed

by [a 7 to represent the County of ...............................

loge at Lexington and to receive free tuition

in the same (68 provided/for by Jet of the
Legislature of‘1879-80. ‘
‘ ' Resp )0?‘ ’Ittty


 [g/m/w/ 7*LLW KyHSV/14/ (/1867

JIM/1,65 11'. Puffei'son,
Fresh/ml Slum 00%?qu Larinytun, IQ.
Sir: , ‘7’ ” _/

[75676221] (1.7;);JInllz/tu:4'“d w /C Z 9654/
(I; properly prepared .SfILIZ6//,.'L, ()f'g‘ood 11/0171];-
Oil/(Ll’a/Cffil’, (Mid wiflzin HM: Inga». 7)‘/'6.9(:773,7)667f"
by 1qu f0 7 6])“ 56.612} 251w Cmmfiz/ (sf _____

/%E«Z(2(Z for by .405 0/? the

13(1ng .S'lafmv: of 1879— (SW

Respectfully yours,


 James K. Patterson,
President State College, Doing/1011,, Ky.
[hereby appoint % %M

a property prepal'ed Stu/(lent, ofgfood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
tale to represent the County of”_._.____.*...i...__.__...
,_ w/fléé/L/ in the State Cot-
teg'e at Lexington amt .’o receive free tuition
in the same as prov/(led for by flet of the

Legislature of 187!)- 80.

Ri'peotfally yours,

7 /



 James K. Patterson,
Prvsidenf, Stale Collage, ,Lujnf/zfon, Ky.

~Sir .

[hereby appoint fild’f‘1/rm
a properly prepared shade/Li, cfgcorl moral
character, and within z‘he age prescribed by
law to represent the Con/hf]; 0,1925%
W in, the State Col-
lege at Lexingj/cn (1,7le a receive free tuition
in {he same as prclwz'dccl for [2,1] r105 0f the

Legislature of 1870-80.

Respcefifl'ally years,




James A" Prwfc/ SOIL.

I’z'mr/uzi Stair Col/(pLC.:2'.IL1(/[022,I\31/

[hereby appoint ...- MW

a properly prepared student of good moral

character, and within, the age prescribed by

law to 7* :77 6867M the C? oam‘z/ of ............... 1.11... ...................
1.1737223126 8mm Col-

lege at ZoxL'iLg‘ton, and 250 receive free taition

in the same as provided for by .4025 1.0,") 2756

Legislature of 1879-80.



 James K. PH/ttePSO/l;

Push/L721 Stale Collar/e, Lc.r"_i)i.gt0n, K1].

Str 2‘ {g/
I hereby (appoint ...W.,. . 7,_W

a, property prepare/l student of good moral

character, and within the age prescribe-CZ by

law to represent the County film) em

Z72 the State Col—
lege at lexing‘ton and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for by flat 0/" the
Legislature 0f1879-80. ‘

Respectfully you/rs,


 James K. Patterson,

President State Colltgc, Luring/(on, Ky.

I hereby appoint ....

a properly prepared .s‘tadelzt, ofg‘oorl moral

character, and within the age prescribed by

in the State Col-


lege at Lexington and to reoetoe free tuition
in the same (18 proof/Zed for by flot of the,
Legislature of 2879-80A

t! 7’8,



 \V (A

." I i; v-
. '~,‘ ’ \3
James K. Patterson,
Pest/ml Sum College, Lemington, IQ].
I hereby appoint ,.W , .
a properly prepared student of good moral

eharaeter) and within the age prescribed by
1 ._j 1 -' r * '

law to represent the County of.“

Mead/i772 the State Col—
lege atlexing‘tozz and to receive free tuition,
in the same as provided for by flat of" the
Legislature of 1879-80.

Respect/”ally years)


 James K. Patterson;
President State College, Lexington, Ky.
i .'

S 3 hereby appoint......Q ...... Q ....... fia/l” .........................
a properly prepared student, ofgood moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
law to represent the County ofw“~.._._ ............
42‘ W41 (m d in the State Col-

lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition

in the same as provided for by flet of the
Legislature of 1879- 80.

Respectfu liy your 8,

MAC 4/2! W/


 \ 4/
fiwyd/WHA, Ky, 9£%//2~ _______ 1867

James K. Patterson;

Pest/mi Stain College, Lexington, Ky.

I hereby appoint «/%¢/¢//7,/_//

a properly prepared student of good moral


character, and, within the age prescribed by

law typresent the County of .............................................

...... in the State Col-


leg‘e at lexingtmz and to receive free taition

in the same as provided for by flet of the

Legislature of 187980. >
Respectfully your-.94 ‘ s


 Fm Ky ., [#114418 8 5/

James K. Patterson,
President State College, Larington, Ky.
[hereby appoint

a properly prepared student, of good moral

character, and within the age prescribed by

law to represent the Coanty offlggéf/n
in th Qtate Col-


lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by flet of the
Legislature of 1879-80.

Respectfully yours,


 Q ............................................... , [(y.,n£//4é/4§28867

James K'. Patterson,

President State College, Lexington, Ky.

Sir: (y 7%
I hereby appoint“: .. ......1... “m

a. properly prepai student, ofgood moral

character, and within the age prescribed by

la to represent the County of__ "......—
é—Q/U in the State Col-

lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by flct of the
Legislature of 1879-80.

Respectfully yours,


/, .-


 ...... // 5555555 555. 5, “ 5 5

J alnes K . Patterson,

Resident State College, Lain/flan Ky

Sir 7/2/5555 5535 32755555?) 55,559
[hereby appointC/V/z/u fi fl/15’M.%4
a properly prepared student, ofgoorl moral
character, and within the age prescribed by
law to represent the County of _.__......_.
fleé’é‘ in the State Cot-
teg‘e at Lexington and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by of ct of the
Legislature of 1879-80.
Respectfully yours,

525% e5555555 5M <

fli’tfii‘écé /l(‘c[ /:{/b a///¢;,M[
$07 one/15%»), 01c» flip/C 4 2 L / 55/555545
4/“ /Z a‘ (2"? [1/ 5' 7/ z); 07} O//A can a)

g (6 fine» (55’ 521(1)

z?!” 11/0




James K. Patterson,
President State College, Lexington, Ky.
SIT- Yfl / I, 1.311
I hereby appoint..@§" 5457/!1 55’s" 94" ”J V
a properly prepared student, ofgood 72 rat

character, and within the age prescribed by

Zdjfo: to r epr esent the Count3/ ofl__...._~........

I) ' 1 .-. .\

.4: I 1"? '54—— in the State Col-

lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition


in, the same as provided for [23/ flat of the
Legislatur e of 1879- 80.

@/ Reop’petfzilty yozus,

'Uf/vL If\
U '


 James K'. Pmétersong,

Pair/(72’, SM!“ Collar/e, Lmington, Ky.

SN" ‘
I hereby (Lp;906-7Lfi..fl..

a properly prepare/:7, Stu/(lent of good. moral

character and wit/Lin, fihe age prescribe-:5 by

law to represent the County of

J;@ in the Smte Col-
lege at Lexington (1 ml to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by 1026 of" the
Legislature 0f1879-80. ‘

Respectfully yours,


 James K. Patterson)

Push/ml Stan College, Laringron, Ky.

W p
I hereby appoint flgfllwflm

(t properly preparer], student of good moral


character, (tnrl within the (tg‘e prescribed by

lozw t represent the County of.

m the State Col-

lege at Lexington and. to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by Jet of the
Legislature of 1879-80.

Respectfully you/1‘s,


 /// / , / . , , a) .
,By. we»; /2.. :188t.
James K. Patterson,
President State College, Lexington, Ky.
St}. /
[hereby appoint a ......

a properly prepared stadent, ofgood moral

character, and within the age prescribed

by ta7w to rep] esent the County of ...............................
tn the State Col-
lege at Lexington and to reccwe free tuition
in the same as provided for by Job of the
Legislature of 1879-80.
Respect/ally (/0111. .s
C([.4..4.:§.4:./ 7 <4.. .6. 4 .54 .4:..



James [1". Patterson,

Pesz'rlcnl Slate Collar/e, Lexington, Ky.

Sir ‘ ‘
I hereby appoint WQZ%V7(

a properly prepare'l student of good moral

character, and within the age preocrtbeel by

law to 7"epre5ent the County of ............ ,. ..............................
m the State Col-
lege atlextng‘ton and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by Al ct of the
Legislature of 1879—80.
Respectfully yours,


 I [2’—
”do/Kw , Ky, _______________________________ /2 188/

James K. Patterson,

Pest/IQ?! Stale College, Lexington, Ky.

St)" "

I hereby appoint . fl@%m

a properly prepared student of good moral

character) and wtthtgz the age prescribed by

law to represent the County (JW ._ V _. .
~ ...... in the State Col-


lege atlextngtmz and to receive free tuition
in the same as provided for by flet 0/? the
Legislature- of 1879-80.

ReSpeetfwtty yours,


 James K. Patterson,

Pesidud Sittlt,’ Calla/(3, LCinJl'r/l‘wl. If”.

S” {4 W
I helr'eby appoint . :fl/ ' .

a properly prepared student of good moral
character; and within the age pres ' lbed by
law to represent the County of .................... Z .....................

m _._...in the State Col-

lege at Lexington and to receive free tuition

in the same as provided» for by .1 at of the
Legislature of 1879-80. H
Respectfully yours:


 gum”. ,. .. i . Ky, via/U188 1e?

James K’. P«./,.tter80/z,

PFSirh/r’ Slab Cotter/v, Laringlon, K4.

Sir J
I hereby (appoint . flQQWV/Z/é

(.0 properly prepared student of good moral
character, and wit/Lin the (age. prescribed by
law to represent the County 0/
2/“ 09/314“ M177. win the State. Col-

. X . . . .
lege (Lt lexzngtolz «ml to reeewe free thtwn
in the same as provided for by flat 0/” the
Legislature of 1187.980.

Respectfully you/rs.

f 6/ /@/0/4(77J§ ____________________
«W1? C);C/ 1-2]


 James K. D4445t44-5424t.

[)4152'4/444149t44f4' Col/4474’, 171'6."Z-,‘!4,)f04"( 16/.
[item/144 appouu‘Wz/sfxfl /92/W// 04541

(6 [270/204 54/ pi (mare/t student of good mom

character, (tit/Z within the (44944 prescritmd 64/

law to represent the 1:44404444/ 0/
4n the State COZ-

[age at lexilzg'ton and to receive 7"}89 tuition
in the same as provided for by Ué/ct of the

Legislature 0'4" 18/0 4;— 5’0



...... /é~’/L444%5k’k

,, A 7
, Ky, %///f‘zee 9
Z /

James K. Patterson,
Pew/mt State Cot/(ye, Lari/(yang Ky.

Sir 7/» ,7 ‘ ./
[hereby appoint //:% ZflM/Zc: /lezoo/ww/