xt7ghx15n565_132 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Newspaper Clippings, Administration Building and A&M College Building Dedication text Newspaper Clippings, Administration Building and A&M College Building Dedication 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_13/Folder_6/2370.pdf 1882 1882 1882 section false xt7ghx15n565_132 xt7ghx15n565 ‘ " ”a / 1"
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LT.‘:'.‘::M “l---..“ _H___._.. __.“.fi....._-m_._.._;:‘;w_.:l:fi:f ..‘..“.l;:.i.._.i;...~;l._.~:-..:_;;::f ._-l -.::,.-..wHlfi:-y-_-_.;_~._._~m‘._.___.._._fl¢.._~
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DA} . FEBRUARY lb. 1882. _ , I RIQE FIVE CEN’I S. ,
~ ~~ . r _
iiitigrwaited unotli3 Milwaukee, Ind‘anapolis and Louisville. 81d Mechanical 001193" Th“! W9 9 den; Pstterson and the other members port. glfilke fighguliggpbligi gig: (1,30% :3:
.or mehjlohspffik— Among those pflsem were A. B. Gate. met at the depot by a band of mutsmi’ ofidtlée 1faculty, osing)palli‘iltusgown in the oTaltionchgh dmmm 5;.“ m témtory' 1“-
1°" w C ‘3“ H mos o m s o a s crm .
lguntgé’r’llgy rue; wood. H. K. Lindsey. W. D. Hemmsn-b :ihi: 12:33:33; 5011;333ng :1: and! Lex- The Hon. Ben. S. wafi'fi“ ogdhang, 193% Efggggaoi tale. Egggglnggfigtag
way and J '1‘. Ashbrook of Cincinnati- came next on the part c a ma e,au , m ministerial agents and tho com-
figs? “$913335 J. M ' Whitehead. Chicago- .0: mgton- Headed by “19 hand after-a besutllul tribute to the liberality mon school luniilt its TfieBSl’llgogl.‘ Iltdiiifiit:
m... w... .. w. .. ' .9. .99.’ H 9 3.... and - 3.... 9.... .. 0mm .. .h. people .. Lexington m m... 33:33,: “33331:...“ 332.3%...- ..... it. .
“”1- 15“? wm‘ e or, . W. ’ ' ' they were taken to me Phoenix Hotel. the erection of this college possible, said: rand-1am calming,“ in this magnificent ,
:12: sing-e wh23V§ tin, Indianapolis, and a number 1:): ate receive the Legislature Our Government is founded upon thotprs- fnmmuoh, the Agricultural 8131‘} oohau— .
' Of prominent Louisville underwriters. Among 05 sumption that the goplo haw. sumclen 1n. 10310011920? And 13 there any 113 unrea-
’“ I have said J h n and t 111 to area ya and sufficient virtue gonablg 111th. hope that in the course or
hwhene gill: ‘23:; J. W9 E. Blyley. r'lsociste manager of at the depot were Mean Ko lfisoan F t3 sggfi°olatelih9 prmolpm by which they mm “m greet college Wm be u m-
is“... N “1° 9...... F1" I‘m “my, 2" $3333? woman.- 9 with“; “33.33.333n‘3‘3333.512’333‘32133‘3 ism-.- £27233 .33....‘3‘3333Ji3‘3; .
“371° ngth.:?lrll- re-eiezled Provident. J' G‘ Finnoy, Z, F. Sl’mth, :Ir., M. Alfo’rd, J. F. JOhn- 3011118918 01 their rulers and ignoranoghpro- famous fox-tact gets]? :11] degaasgéglcleagr 1.311;:
. 9 family mm: ”3°01“ “8°“ °f “19 H°m° mum“ 599,1). P-J°hw°"’H-T-D“°“’J°h“ {“1” tmé’i‘E ”“i' iffig'etlli§‘%t?$tan°’€é 3:921:33 .n%°b9§?n§' and grace of her
I 01mm“ 10"" Company was then elected Vice Presi- 0. Hodges, Jr., R. J. O’Mahoney, Louis $152138 d“ b 9&1; aY. WM? are charged with ““11“"?
“lmfihv 8" the ’ Straus T J. Dcuahy and W. A. May. Ens admylnistrarion of government Kentucky is renowned over all the earth ‘
- me to hope that dent, and Tiles. 0. Tlmherlake, general Alta} “-10 members had been allowed 18m encourage every measure which tend! for not Mr women, her rest hon" her ,
peggaldhwfifntfigg agent of the London Assurance Corpora- “mg to put their bsgli’age away they to raise the standard or mental and mtg-:1 oratorsJior herstatfiglmgibéfl-tgglarggrtsfig ‘
is indeed Christ- tiou, was re-elected Secretaiy. John B. were again waited upon y the bafncésnd :ggllllflgoeér glitz-e, fine: {£1351 £13113]; gal-lam 3 5:1; 1‘20ng deli-1(a),r boar so” hencerorth .1“ h" be
I'§g§:°§h‘eh°1.§;f§§; Caldwell, W. O. Tole, J. H. M. Morris, of escorted :flck “$1.311? og::‘g:;(fuet 3:11; which we purine1 ouéselvets 1so fid¥$$§§i align: for her Agricultural and Mechanical .
3P3? ... “3:. WW“; W- K- WW J- M~ Dr $33233 3932...... ml. was... 9....- cinnamon. 3.83.. 9... ”.33....“ “E”‘°£““‘&Pit°°fi°§fii‘ér' .
3‘3. 313,332,339 camp, oi Cincinnati, were selected as an dent of the Chamber, welcomedfihe Leg- nowrlilganliledfin 2112?; 31:15:“ $31336 511% égtggtégfi gyiild.gfm “again“. ;
do people oi the executive committee. islaturo a short, neat speech, in which 01,11 58 thtéuaneip gunman“ y‘.)an hum“); “mam of the 1mm 0 rm. Clay, and “or “I“ ,
lyulltu God to in- _ , - 1. he said al but was to be said in a vary 1,. no guaranty of perpatual great- rounded by tho halo of the never-dying i
J, “Surely He will 59““1 “Wham“ ° impor- pleasant way No expense was spared no... and security The genius memory of our own Breckinridze, an
.ut,a1all the “ml tunes to the members of to h e I fine banquet and. Ill of Napoleon could raise his country to the whereupon everysummer’sbrsezeiswatted ‘ ‘
. and irleuds, the the association were passtd, but they IV a i th sensor’l were on highest rank among the military powers of pertume from the flowers that deal: the l .
m n” mm" m" were or "‘11" I private nature and “13 the delicacies o . Europe but a few years earlier in the histo- graves oi Kentucky‘s immortal heroes? Can .
00‘1““de “1° S t (1 ii :1 t ' th The hand. Many ‘ flowing bumper w“ t 1". o it could not have checked the there be found within the broad limits of ,
mulll1 mysteriolus £3$1§éy '9': 1;; e $5331.93 ‘i’h'tmst drained to Kentukyis first university £82m, ggofuuon engendered by the vice! .01“. “$331,137; h°°mv$°fi$$$ €111,223; 11:3, ‘3 5
a l 001' 6- 11 like ‘11 ere ‘ '
lg’autituipsoul’, do- and importance to the special supervis- and best coinage. d 11 htsd at the way 351$;:Ebgéoil:ndInmshiisgniglsstgggoo; Iso? charity and generosity “Gilli“:nnleif:nlitthig I .
“£1. the prsgerzloi lug agents of Fire Underwriters who migraine ‘3; 3::(1 e fiexlngton seemed called republic spring mm existence upon mug: 33.,{4°.’33“2.‘3,”'9§“Emilio... which 5
a on an e . ' , - . me ‘
all were tolled. him ‘11-. angOCI:¥§n b rent 2‘ ‘0 have t“ml-l it into 11“ he‘d t0 “1°" thfir‘giggafif,gg“ggg affifistzf intelligence. arouse our noblest}: asph:tl?;l&.rfinttilof man. i
d.“The President mum. y o 6 mom a" pre r what Kentucky hospitality “311! 13! and merged in hopeless confusion the ideas of nmsnts whfi’htsdzdg tchaould buthn‘fhog
'18 lifeless 01837— the meeting 16“ 135‘ night for Frlnk- he succeeded admirably. The members license and linerty. whilst above thezilbe? 0‘ 0‘ fngegggs (£51 (,3”. ’0 2,81 _ 'L.
iaglorlflcd saints fort! Whi‘h‘r they .33” to enter 5 7 I in" their rs-cenlicn here with gm clmruol hn-murrvils -writ'.r~u in IUEIIU". 011 .2 fig » > _ mam”). . » ’7’
1.3.5 flowed With- a protest -.g-l;rn: a proposed {5‘3 C0131? ‘ r' .6 ‘nfl vamgmn lion’s .egend that. “Menu; is dill carnal Sire-2‘." which OWE-991' We‘e'nurcmun. “augolf with- t
censors .. 9.. Ga‘hr‘g“*r.‘"m°“.”333333 ':33.thanéloniitxrmaen- W's-”“0: Eteieffirmonmnan... 9... ‘l
‘ 3‘3- e ”I ’ “1“ companies ta us no ‘ —— nothing less than t o - n B k H0 L
’91195 the mm.“ in— _ . um restore its chaotic 11. made for Senator eo ._ .
5 ‘91“ are in H“ m pmputy Emu pay thetammoltllgt 3.1191... lawman” at the ““088 Efifienmfimé’? and save the petglple 1mm, alwm'i‘i‘m met. some tint. and said 1?
Smund' “Pm?“ “um“ wmqh they “cap ' 3he as 81”de 1"" “mm"“al' the min which their own brn 1‘71“" that headship ‘ ' L‘exih‘ston on P117“. ~
i‘ilgtliglgr 056115311; that if thisdblli is Plisfidhgnfi'fif 51' 500 LEXINGTON, Feb. 15.—At 1:30 o’clook I brought upon thong. r1318, gfiflifighfigggig business and was to be seen and not I 1‘
, . .
0 ”1° sandal“ 0‘ $11123? 1: 03111152311 $1 000: “193’ "in, long line 0f (“mgzs “"3” an“! up in glgfi‘gflfim‘; finite the shackles irom heard. they could have s chance to sea 4.
“‘1 “"‘wy't'h' d d n’ have to pay Oh mb.)r of Commerce and millions of slaves. but it could not shield mm to tonight at the canan . 4
mos, truth and in case it is burnt owh, id onl as is iront of the a 1 t them mm from the conuqugnces or the stupidity The “amen“ cheered and culled for E ‘
the $1,500, when hthey Is 0:11:19 $15300 or the members and guests got u o and. ignoranc: “’11.?” prevails? among his Judge Mullizin, who made a fine Ipoech .1
ported that the now done, P8! t 9 I“ v ’ ’d f r g rted for the college. The iollOW- gubyecw. 11’; The occurrences in welcome of the Legislature. Never- 1 ,:
eiy u} riggver. I just what the house can be repl'Ice ° ' and s ' the 0rd“ of procession; - g‘ggg‘ggnigl;°3§9“33.' generation are re- did the sun shine brighter on thofbllue- { i
. me ac nmy ——° h ing was ’— 0 tr and “0th" id he- never id more or a re: .
90’ 01 “1° “5" ‘ l e Trustees. producedin another coun y grass, on , l 4
.11 sylld the Presi-l The Late Robert Ayers. ‘53}1239 Faculty. d age; lingogcggglgrgg‘fg,"§2.?§§°z§£3“§£§3 women turn out Eignoingigv‘gfim ; i
resetting. ”"”“‘“°'°’”‘° WW?" 1». 1 9 .. oil‘f’id‘i‘iliitfi 9333......“ new... .. Neuroscience 31333;”...“h33‘m... a... 9.. ready .9. .»
. ’ .— I- e e - Blacx- 1 others. From new .
he was painted. NEAR LOUISVILLE Feb. 5 “'8 rria es. containing GOV- . “0110 m t a nation ull and enter. 1 1
{11:17: 332553;: low us to correct some statements made nggfileu‘é. 6%.?”8333 EOE.- 11:21. gsdugo 3.2333 ism-021% u: preportion thanfltfigm Patterson than said that c". t;
”even said. ten- in the article or the 13th inst. concerning lzgglfiabgfigsgahd Edwardsrand. as it land?“ it]; bgfigsnggemofi rlagel would he in waiting go m'zr‘lfi' w:
1.3} ffiioféitfi our father, Robert Ayers. He was born RepleSentegivés “£23?“ 1711;33:12ng Gigi?) n om", only the ““03““ m ember-alto 93110 IflfaggmAhyylgfi'hous: [it
t " . s. an on. ' th V w i .
in Salem county, N. J ., May 22. 1804. Jo‘ééatierscn, Orator or 21hr?) rigged: ffihzlg 35303321103 mug“ rue; {gunmen-or took care to fly that ‘ i
mtmlfeos't'ixlllmlfg' W119“ twenty- one years Of figs he was G (is—”03!!“ thfiogzfi Commandinz. ii? the mysteries oia pgltlogl Drargfigi‘ifi' he only meant that they should $21: : ii
at - usr - ‘ 1 of c uro men - or. V , ,
8‘ “7" “ml. the "ng'g'd With mallards & Brothers, iron State Invited “Dim” giffcsegdiezhgflolggal lore. or the’ toohni- th01asydmant' 31.13”??? ngislaturo 1 '
V' mafia“. aha? merchants, of Gloucester county, N. J., 01 ze . h side of the callties oi! medical science. { 11:22:03: dcc “visited the asylum when another ‘ _‘
3‘; gggdedpmafi and left thlt Pogtogcgwtgem" $013; The buildings “$11312; $3., and the ed,§1,°i.“°3..’33“333333i.333“ia‘ tfis hovclpas' 313,22,“ banquet was sfireld for “1°“ 'i
Safely keep him tive one under r. c one rgar. street were covere is in holiday w llc a, me pal-or um men and women ki dness oi the people hero, and , ‘
but torgive.n| iron works on the J uuiats, in Pennsyl- streets wero lined with peop we a ‘ ion of stupidity and super- The n all run. . ;
he "pm ”me "“1”" In 183° 11° “me t° Louisvme “‘1’9- Whm the “mug“ iezgltmgrifig Sciaifhfiiimfinium them to intelligently their hospi‘fitgdnnuggywmondbo zivpento- i ;
.ePresidsnt was in the interests of Mr. Schoueberger, college the boys were out in r an d eminently perform the labors and Another gran q d .t ,
ii‘éflémifiéfl and was never englged in any 0m“ mg Tho members were “1:831:15 ‘23: dams or lire. Wuhethe; Kognmglg night and more 813000110! ma 9- ,l 5
' e as on . ——
entrees- m°r°'3“‘3.33li3332§33“333°33333233 0°33” 333333333. 233.. 9...... 33°. .....°3. “333: .. 9.0 9.3 9.9mm om-e mam-- i *
- ng, 1 years 0 l: 8!. (2“ son ugwer Ido not desire on 000331 1} 1:0 The Commercial. . . i s
we 101' "in“? lo in his count and genor- the Hon. Henry We r r a - f 8 oontmvema sumo,“ W ‘
“hm 1“ and, Longuvdllliz’lplzltghis kindrlzl socialrell- Bl‘ffb‘éintho day; ox-Govarnor Meri- gegggrtggalgggg go “068“,,” make my LEXINGTON, F.b.15.—The Stat. Col- 3 .
gs: 31mg? page? 211:1):- his was abeautiful life. His family ro’erelizherr, President James K. Pattgsol?‘ gaining plain. Iamzlad. however. that logo buildings .3 100““ on what 1. g ‘
ghe ‘worfd for consisted of his wife, to whom he had Judge W. B. Kiukaid, .Dl'.t ii P $3110 “This is the land that freeman till, . known nowu College Hill, a little omi- i .
1, not a ray of been married almost fifty years; three Picket, stste Baporiutmdeu th Hon That sober