xt7ghx15n565_121 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Government Papers and Pamphlets text Government Papers and Pamphlets 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_12/Folder_6/0554.pdf 1884-1916 1916 1884-1916 section false xt7ghx15n565_121 xt7ghx15n565 L21“ M4 W :
STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- 0n Insurance—T. P. Hill, jr., Chairman; Messrs. E. J. Green, Samuel
- TIVES. E Sheets, P. Lyles, N. S. Walton, Prentiss Meade, and Wm. Berkele.
REGULAR SESSION 0‘“ 1833-334. 01; Internal [Ilzprowmmt—T. G. Stuart, Chairman; Messrs. Geo. W.
~ ~~--~»-~—»—--~~ Sewell, J. M. Unthank, M. W. Kuykendall. John S Humphreys, Z. (.3.
0); Agricultural and Alec/mm'ml Collage—«VV. P. Kimball. Chairman ; Vinson, and Wm. Berkelc.
Messrs. W. C. Owens, Geo. V. Triplett, C. C. Cram, J. D. Kehoe, L. "r 0” 9‘24dz'cz'ary—-Wm. C- Owens, Chairman; Messrs Cromwell Adair,
I D. Parker, and W. L. Jackson,jr. D. C Walker, John D. Carroll, W. L. Jackson, jr., A. K. Bradley, W.
, 0); Agriculture and le/rziznfaclflres—J. H. Leech, Chairman; Messrs. 1“. Peak, ,l C- Beckham, and C. C- Cram.
J. S. Humphreys, J. D. Reid, W. S. Holloway, David Meriwether, 011 .’l/lilz'mry .‘lffnirs—Geo. V. Triplett, Chairman; Messrs. W. S.
V Wm. Meredith, and Abner McClanahan. Holloway, J. A. Hindman, Walter Cleary, Jabez Bingham, Z. C. Vin-
Oil Banks—I. P. Caldwell, Chairman; Messrs. S. C. Bascom, J. H. 50“. and M. H. SCOtt.
‘ Leech, Ed. F. Madden, M. J Leachman, John R. Cargile, and John T. On Printing—J. l). Kehoe, Chairman; Messrs. Geo. V. Triplett, S.
. King. A. Russell, T. G. Stuart, and J. A. Moore.
. 02; Claims—R. K. Hart, Chairman; Messrs. S. C. Bascom, W. F. 0” Slim/”3’ Fund—David Meriwether, Chairman; MCSSVS E- l
. Peak, G. J. Binford, John H Jesse, J05 B. Read, and M. J Cook. Green, G J. Binford, A. Davezac, M. J. Leachman, John I). Jarvis,
0): Court of Appeals—WV. J. Puckett, Chairman; Messrs. J. W. Perry, and L. T- Brasher.
C. C. Cram, T. P. Hill, jr., G. J Binford, J 0 Madden, and M. J. 071 Salli/my Regulations—E. R. Pennington, Chairman; Messrs. (.'.
Cook. G. Payton, W. A. Bradford, lid. F. Madden, Prentiss Meade, \V. J.
02; Cz'rcm'l Courts—Jno. 1). Carroll, Chairman ; Messrs. J. M, Lewis, and John '1‘. King.
Unthank, J. N. Culton, James W. Hamilton, and Samuel Sheets. 012 Ways and [Worms—Albert A. Stoll, Chairman; Messrs. RV K. Hart,
0” County and Czty Courts—J05. B Read, Chairman ; Messrs. Jno. S. GCO- WV SCWCH. l M- VVOOd. A- G- Talbott, Jas. \V. Hamilton, and
Odell, S. A. Russell, Wm. Meredith. and G. J. Binford. \N’m. Berke-lo.
01; Coda: of Practz'cr—A. P. Harcourt, Chairman; Messrs. J. H. OH Privileges and E/rrtz'ome, 1). Reid, Chairman; Messrs. Z. T.
Mulligan, W. H. Payne, W. F. Peak, Albert \\'. .\Iloremen, M, T, Williams, J. WV Perry, Robert Bates, John R. Cargile, Elijah Hogan,
. Flippin, and Albert A. Stoll. and John T. King.
011 Crimiiml Laws—Josiah Harris, Chairman; Messrs. J. M. Wood, 022 Railroads—James I-l. Mulligan, Chairman; Messrs, I. P. Caldwell, '
W. H. Ratcliffe, A. K. Bradley, J. W. Perry, Walter Cleary, and \ John D. Carroll, Walter Cleary, W. H. Payne, J. P. Wells, T. P.
' J. N. Culton. Carothers, J. H. Leech, and T. G. Stuart. m: _ W _
0o Chantal/a Institutions—A. G. Talbott, Chairman , Messrs. \VV A. V 021 Slalc li‘xpwzdz'm’es—J. M. Wood, Chairman; Messrs. W. D. Cole- i i
‘ Bradford, \N. B. Jefferson, L. T. Brasher, J. R. Burnam, Jabez Bing- man, Elijah HoganfC. G. Payton, M. S. Clark, M. J. Leachman, and
ham, A. P. Simpson, J. N. Culton, Pnil. Gernert, er, and Prentiss J. L. Powell.
Meade. On M'om/ and Religious [nslilutious—Z. T. \’Villiams, Chairman;
02: Corporate Institutions—L F. Mann, Chairman; Messrs. \.\', J. Messrs. E. J. Green, B. T. Goe, Geo. W. Bell. Lee Anthony, W. l).
' Lewis, M. T. Flippin, Jno. S Odell, Lee Anthony, Sam. M. Sanders, Coleman, and M. J§ook
and T. P. Carothers. 021 Pull/{c O/jia's . Es]. F. Madden, Chairman; Messrs. Jno. S. Odell,
0); Education—Ira Julian, Chairman; Messrs, R. K. Hart, W. H. Ira Julian, Jno. Jlgdfifise, and _an~ T— King.
Ratcliffe, J. A. Hindman, Albert A. Stoll, L. 1) Parker, J. lr'. Shaw, 0): Proposition: and Grievances—Albert W. Moremen, Chairman;
G. N. Cutchin, and Wm Bowman. Messrs. E. T. Lillard, B. T. Goe, Samuel M. Sanders, A. Davezac, V
. 0n Enrollments—A. P. Simpson, Chairman; Messrs. J A l'lindman, G. N. Cutchin, and Wm. VVeddington.
J. L. Powell, J. A. Moore, and P. Lyles. 0n [\’rtrL‘Izc/wiml owl Reform—J35. H. Rudy, Chairman; Messrs.
On Federal Relations—J. P. Wells, Chairman; Messrs. J. S. llum- M. W. Kuykendall, J‘ho. D. Jarvis, Elijah Hogan, E R. Pennington,
phreys, M. H. Scott, Lewis Jones, Wm. VVeddington, Jas. W. Hamilton, and Ler5 Jones. .
and L. T. Brasher. 012 Lz'omry—yl’hil. Gernert, jr., Chairman; Messrs. C. G. Payton, '
Oil FIE/z Culture—W. J. Lewis, Chairman; Messrs. Z. C. Vinson, Geo. W. Bell, Abner McClanahan, and John D. Jarvis.
Elijah Hogan, Abner McClanahan, W. A. Bradford, Jno. R. Cargile, 0n Sta/r Prisons—W. J. Stone, Chairman; Messrs. Josiah Harris, - V V
and Joe H. Jesse. D. C. Walker, W. H. Ratcliffe, Jas., H. Rudy, J. L). l§ehoe, Jos. B. A _ , . . .,
0): Geological Survey-«J. M. Unthank, Chairman; Messrs. Geo. W. jag ' Read, L. F; ‘Mann, and Wm. Berkele. . ...V -' ' ' "w
' Sewell, G. N. Cutchin, J. P. Wells, Wm. Bowman, W. B. Jefferson, 5' On Row/me and Taxation—Cromwell Adair, Chairman; Messrs W". , ,_ ' , 1: .~ _V-,__V;, :.
and W. P. Kimball. , L. Jackson, jr., W. B. Jefferson, D. C. Walker, A. K. Bradley, Albert i ' ' *‘i ”TEE.
012 General Sta/alts—T. P. Carothers, Chairman; Messrs. J R. , W. Moremen, W. J. Stone, J. D. Reid, and J. A. Brents. ‘ ' ..
Burnam, T. R Hill: if» S. A Russell, 1. 1’. Caldwell, J. A. Brents, and V 011 Rules—Chas. Offutt, Chairman; Messrs. \IV. C. Owens, Cromwell “
W- J. Puckett. Adair, w. J. Stone, A. GV Talbott, Albert A. Stoll, and L. I). Parker.
0n [nmzzg'ratzou and Labor—L. D. Parker, Chairman; Messrs. Ed. at .I .
F. Madden, J. F. Shaw, N. S. Walton, J. 0. Madden, Robt. Bates, and ' j V i
M. T. Flippin. ‘ -‘

(West Palm Chm of ma.) (Luco'rnml Amllwr u. 3. Treasury.)
———~~—~(LIMI’I‘ED_) “___- .. _ A
gadct fiongevitg, Extra EBay tor gemiceb in Mexican flan and fiery mileage.
Washington, D. 0., September 26’, 1884.

Dear Sir: fls the time is drawing near when the .Morton case will be decided
by the Supreme Court, we desire to respectfully state for your information the fol—

' ' .Z. The case will be argued by us jointly.

2. We asle nothing whatever for our services if we do not succeed in obtaining
a favorable decision, and never have and never shall demand from those inter—
ested a “ retainer. ”

3. T he case having been advanced on the trial docleet through our individual

, ejforts, will, we expect, be reached as early as in the middle of .N'ovember next. we
tools for the decision about January 1st next. If, as we hope and believe, the deci-
sion is a favorable one, settlement of the claims under it will begin immediately,
in the order in which the claims were filed.

Having thus brie/1y slated these three points, which you naturally expect to be
explained by us, especially after what Capt. .Morton has seen fit to say in his cir—
cular of the 1 st inst, of which a number have been sent to us by our clients, we can-
not helo going a little more fully into the 1st and 9d points.

It is unnecessary, we believe, to again trouble you with a recital of flfr. .llfoberley’s
action in the case so far, as you, no doubt, are fully aware that whatever credit there
is due for the favorable decision by the Coart of Claims, is in all justice due him.

.tlfoberlei/ (5“ Strylcer were the attorneys of record in the case before that Court and ~
they have been certified to the Supreme Court as such attorneys. .tltr. Strylcer is

" not a member of the bar. consequently only till. .tlIoberley is left to argue the case.
Deeming the assistance of an experienced counsel desirable, he has associated Gen.
Rutherford with him, an action which is entirely proper under the rules of the

./1t this stage of the proceedings the Court will, of course, ignore Capt. Jlforton’s
attempt to supersede .tlfr. .llfoberley as his attorney, wholly, for the reasons already
stated, and .Mr. ./1:[ol)erley need not fear to be thas deprived of the honor of conduct-
ing the case to its final settlement. .N'ererthetess. we must say that we regret c.17-
ceedingly that Capt. .x‘lfort on, an o/ficer of the ./l.rmy, should even attempt to deprive
his counsel of the well—earned distinction of being the attorney to whom the
..drmy O/ficers are outta/y indebted for the favorable decision which has been given
in the Court of Claims, and which we feel will be upheld by the Supreme Court.

.//_s regards Capt. .llrlorton’s proposal made in his circular. to hire competent
counsel other than .hfr. .Mobertey to represent the case in the Supreme Court, we
need not say that it is not only an uncalled—for proposal, but one which he can—
not earry out; .lfr. .tlfoberley is his counsel and will remain such.

' The demand made by Capt. .tlforton for money-eontributions from all interested,
with which to pay the “able lawyer * t" * a good round fee ” is equally un—
warranted, and we not only hope, but request, that you pay no attention what-
ever l'o it.

I n conclusion, we would state that Capt. .tlforton’s statement that he has been
to some expense already, is not, as far as we are alvare, correct, unless the Cap-
tain means to count the postage on three letters which he sent to .T'llobcrley §~ Strylcer.
He has been to no expense whatever besides this postage; if he has, we never _
heard of it. Capt. .Morton’s case was brought merely as the test case by .Mr. flIober-_
ley himself, in the interest of some two hundred other officers who had entrusted
their cases to him. Capt. .Morton did not even know that his case had been pre—
sented to the Court of Claims until he saw that fact stated in the army papers.
..Mr. .tlfoberley brought suit in his name on July .28, 1883 .' Capt. .Morton did not

» even lcnow of this for some months later, and he submitted rather ungraciously
to the institution of the suit, so that the claim which he now appears to set up,

‘ that he himself had the suit brought for the benefit of his fetlow—o/jieers, seems
rather out of place. ,

' TVe enclose extracts from Capt. .Morton’s letter to .tlloberley {5* Strylcer, of Se;;.
tember It, 1883, which he wrote when he learned that suit had been brought in his
name, and which substantiates what we say.

Val” mu” you/'5’ MOBERLEY & RUTHERFORD.

 ’ 9 1
SANDING COMMll llzlib 01* 1le thAlh.
011 Agl't'cu/lzm’ 11111! flfa1211factz11’rs—W. H. Frederick, Chairman;
Messrs. E. R. Sparks, R. A. Spurr, Ferdinand Rigney, and Lafayette
011 A/Jp1’r1/1r1'a/1‘0115~—J. \V. Ogilvie, Chairman; Messrs. H. C. Bruce, -*
J. N. Price. Edward Reiley, andJ H. Wilson 2,
011 Ban/cs and fizszrrmzw—Attilla Cox, Chairman; Messrs R. G. !
Hays, L M. Martin, J. D. Fogle, and John Bennett. 7;,
011C/1a1’z'112/1/c f1ls/z'lzzlz'o1zs—VV. W. Bush, Chairman; Messrs R. A. ‘
Spurr, J R W. Smith, Austin l’eay, Ferdinand Rigney, James Garnett,
and Robert Walker.
011 Claims—R. A. Burnett, Chairman; Messrs. Wilhite Carpenter,
David l’oole, W. H. Taulbee, and J H Ogilvie. .
011 C(M/I’S (1/ Mama—J. D. Fogle, Chairman; Messrs. 'I‘. F. Hal am,
W; W. Bush. L. M. Martin, and L. 1‘. Moore.
011 61111115 (1/ 5’11.s‘/1'a'—Rodney l-Iaggard, Chairman; Messrs. Henry
Dixon, John D Fogle, R. A. Burnett, and Edward Reiley.
011 Ea’zrcu/fwz—l.. '1‘ Moore, Chairman; Messrs John Bennett, A
R. Clarke, \V. J. Candid. Edward Reiley, Robert \Valker, and R A.
‘ . Spurr. ‘
011EIN’O/[l/Zé‘lllSwF. D. Rigney, Chairman; Messrs C. M. Vaughan
and W. H. 'l‘aulbee
V 011 151117111111" zlf/kzl'1‘5—-S H. Boles, Chairman; Messrs. J. D. Elliott, .
David Poole, Austin l’eay, and C. M Vaughan.
011 Fm’z'm/ Kyla/[unr—Lafayette Green, Chairman; Messrs. J H.
Wilson, \‘V. J Caudill, Ben. 5:. Robbins, and C. J. \Valton.
011 Finance—R. G Hays, Chairman; Messrs C. M. Vaughan, C. J
Walton, James A. Munday, S H. B iles, D I. Moore, and John Ben-
011 Gmw‘a/ Slalulrs—Ben. 5. Robbins. Chairman; Messrs. James A.
Munday, \V. \V. Bush, R. A Burnett. lIenry Dixon, J. H. \Vilson, and
J. R. W. Smith.
011 [111/11152211111111111/L11/1111'—R. A. Spurr. Chairman; Mes~rs, \V H.
Frederick, \.V_ H 'l‘aolbee, \V. J. Candlll, and Henry Dixon
011 [111117111] /111/11‘11r'1'1111'11/——-zl. C Bruce, Chairman: Messrs. \Vilhite.
Carpenter, \V. J Caudill, J. \V. ()gllvie, J l). lilliott, C. M. Vaughan,
and IS. R Sparks.
011 711(1’1'11271'y~—Jantes (iarnett, Chairman; Messrs. A R. Clarke. '1‘.
F. Hallam, S H. Boles, L '1‘. Moore, L. M. Martin, and Rodney Hagv
011 Lil/1721111 (1110' /’11/1/11‘ li’1/1/11'1'11gs 11111! Q[/ia'5——J N. l’rice, Chairman;
Messrs. Lafayette Green, F. M. Clement, J A. Munday, and J D.
011/l/z/zlmg/ zlj/Zzz'rs—Austin l’eay, Chairman ; Messrs Robert Walker,
R. C}. Hays, F. M. Clement, and Ferdinand Rigney.
011 Penile/11111131(1111/ //(H/SL’ 0/ Rtfwm—T. F. Haliam. Chairman;
Messrs. R. G. Hays, l). L. Moore, Attilla Cox, C. J. .Valton, S H.
Boles, and Ben. S. Robbins.
011 Printing—l. M. Martin, ('Ihairman; Messrs James A. Munday,
Ben. S. Robbins, J. N l’riee, and Attilla Cox.
011 [)1'1'711/431'5111111 [g'/1‘1‘/1r1115——l).l... Mome, Chairman; Messrs. David .
l’oole, Ferdinand Rigney, J. H. \r‘Vilson, and \Vilhite Carpenter.
011 Pro/20511111115 mu! (friend/1. (LY—J as. A M unday. Chairman; Messrs.
li. R. Sparks, H. C. Bruce, \V. H. Frederiek, and J. l). lilliotr. _
011 Pub/1'5 /i.t‘/11'/11/1'/1111's—-J. R. \V. Smith. Chairman; Messrs. Austin
, l’eay, F. M. Clement, Henry Dixon, and Lafayette Green.
011 [Cu/131011 mm’ 1M11‘a/s-~~ lidward Reiley, Chairman; Messrs. W. W.
Bush, \V. H. Frederick, C. J \IValton. and Rodney Haggard.
011 A’m/roaa’s—A. R. Clarke, Chairman; Messrs. Attilla Cox, J D.
Fogle, J. R. W. Smith, 1‘ F. Hallam, John Bennett, and James Gar-
nett. .
011 Ruler-"711w Speaker, Chairman; Messrs, R, (5,, Hays, C. J- Wal-
ton, A. R. Clarke, and L. '1'. Moore.
011. SZ/MW/g‘ FNMA—John Bennett, Chairman; Messrs. R. A. Burnett,
D L. Moore, F. M. Clement, and \Vilhite Carpenter.
/ . .,

 (MW .
f5: 1 r {’3 ’ , “,1:/,2
AVA‘: 1,, g ;‘ ’Z l6 ‘W‘/V’tr)‘; .. r, ‘11,’ [;..
\‘— V: ‘7'; . _.I .,C Y‘fi thrrmncn 210, 1884.
Dmr: Sm:

In tho hnpc of securingr unitwl nation union}; the friends 01' tlu: llill
now [it-ruling in tlw l'. S. lluusr- ut' lit-prt‘Ht-nt:ltivvs, :l (Ill'l‘lllill' hm hm-n
prepared (hriL-Ily .\‘l'lllllfjj t'tn'th some (if thv t«.1111('ll lllt‘llltltli nl' .\‘t‘t‘lll‘lllg it :IS 1n:1y<:mnln<-ml thmnst-lvvs In his
lJt'Hl judgment. llut tlw llll[II)1‘l:lll('(: at tho llill is <0 grunt :15 to cutitlv it
In :u-tiw :nnl u-nvrgt-Iit- support: and lll('(‘t)]1|lllf_“‘ svssiull ut' (‘ungrt-ss is .\‘H
Slllll'l :11ch em m-I'tuin tn ln- mw-rt-rmwh-[l with llllSllll'S<, that lhn' unly llHII'
nt' suturing t'uvm'nhlt‘ :u'tiun llt'h‘ in :1unitt-(l;nul(ll-[('rlnint-tlt-ll'urt to runs
it. upnn lllt'Illlt'lllltHl nl' thnst- ulmn \\'hu
\ . » .. , P . '
(I . I . IV“ / '
.‘; ' _ "..'"; ‘ ( (I; . ‘/ Ki/ {X / ,1,
V. . _ ,‘ \' ‘ ,x ’ , \ I (111200111112 0}: SUGGESTIONS.
«4 /' , .1 / , I I ',‘/IV?”
{hm / .... . _. / “.7 .‘,/J , \
7'1»: V / 1;" .- v'
“a; _ . , . ,, :
t ' _ I 2.9 . r a; :‘:. :r- :1,- M: ,-.:-:;~1-:;;1:;:1~;-_I:7£2E:1i£1-3::.~m-1;j:;£¢r-_Tfi~Jii-I:,'-J-: memu
V ’. I I , A 5,} ‘5 '
, » f I"; Kw I \\J‘\
/% ‘1, ,t' ‘ I! 2‘ f 2 5%:; {if 6". 4., / "(...flwj’" C \b’
/,/'..;_V,:::U. L, / [J reg/'.‘,“ {‘,- ‘( (.,- (1,. y 1 .

 It is especially desirable that {your committee should see that
delegates are a,’7,‘>ointed who will attend, and that the dele~
gal/ion is intuit? up of inert who have tahen an interest in the

Olllce Old lllG GENERAL COM [Vii l l ht, material de-zmlopment of your courtly, and are well informed I
Room 18, Kenyon Building, Louisville. Julio}; one or all or" thefillers/ing topics:
' imlalclslump HOR'EJL'I‘Ul-‘m, MlNERAL m-ID TIMBER INDUS’l'Riis.
Governor J. PROCTOR Morin Chmvmazi {El/lei: BODLl-Y. WW1“ WW“ “1‘59 VV/‘TliR POWERS-
THEODORE Scrimeu. R. Peocme. I‘x/iANUFACTURES.
EDWARD .ll MCDERr-AOTI'. "(curls E.. ALLrsm-a. Sump-lave".
__i" Each county should send not less than. TEN delegates and
as many more as desired, the aimiliarv conmtittee of the county
Louisville, flu-V 351' It??? being ex—ofiicio delegates. lt is wise to use care in selecting
rfhe General Committee having in charge tllu organizyatnm 317L955 Will’ lit/7'0 WM agree in “”77" ”77'“: be 2575/)“7’65’7' [0 discuss
0f the Promsed Kentnchy State Industrial and thrmtnerctal the above [L’./ll“ ”'5 lit/“3" ""’/“15" l" general 555555 development.
Conference to be held in Louisville, October 4, 1887, are grati~ .xl/ter your county meeting is held it is important that the
fled to announce that they have received letters from: all farts proceedings and list of c‘lelegates he published in your county
of the State giving the heartiest encouragement to the nzo'zw— newspapers and alsoJ/br‘zoarded to this ofiice so that a correct list
ment. Very few of the 357 auxiliary conzznitteenwn a t/fiointed of all the delegates maybe treat/red immediately for the distri—
for the counties have failed to accept, and where any have de— billion of programmes, etc.
clined they have promptly suggested their successors. Such lt is hoped thatyon will lsold your county meeting as early
encouraging response seems, in advance, to secure the anonali— a: «possible, that delegates ;:zav have plenty of time in which
_,tied success of the Conference and to herald the growth of that to prg/«hgm’e tlieirzselves and be informal.
7”“th spirit and ”3551.73 7‘07’ ecu-operation Til/Lid? WW 5057/” 5" L/Jlease report rot/r delegations to the secretary, Young E.
77’3“th benefits uton Kentucky ll followed 07""- Jllllsorz, (Room :t', l'l'eiti'un Cduilrlirtg, Limisoille, as soon as
T he General Committee now ashs of each county committee possible, ‘letv'l’ltlg‘v- “I“; ,mg;/;_ofia aha-egg 0;" each delegate.
that they will call a general meeting of public—spirited and 1‘ _ ‘
. , _ _ .l knob TOR KNOW l, Chairman,
representative citizens to he held at the court house in each
county on next court day or on such other day as they WILL] YOUNG E. ALLISON: secrem‘fl-
thin/a best, which meeting should adopt resolutions in regard to
the Conference and select delegates; to represent the county at the
State Conference.

 ,‘ ,1
L, ‘ ' l ,5 I

The Government of the French Republic, and the Government of His
Britannic Majesty, signatories of the Convention for the pacific settlement
of International disputes, concluded at The Hague, July 29, 1899,

Considering that by Article 19 of this Convention, the High Contract-
ing Parties reserved to themselves the conclusion of agreements in view
of recourse to arbitration in all cases which they judged capable of sub-
mission to it,

Have authorized the undersigned to agree as follows :

ARTICLE I._—l )ifferences of a judicial order, or relative to the interpre-
tation of existing treaties between the two Contracting Parties, which may
arise, and which it may not have been possible to settle by diplomacy,
shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration established by
the Convention of July 29, 1899, at The Hague, on condition, however,
that neither the vital interests, nor the independence or honour of the
two Contracting States, nor the interests of any State other than the two
Contracting States, are involved.

ARTICLE lI.~In each particular case the High Contracting Parties, be-
fore addressing themselves to the Permanent Court of Arbitration, shall
sign a special undertaking determining clearlythe subject of dispute, the
extent of the Arbitral powers and the details to be observed in the consti-
tution of the Arbitral Tribunal and the procedure.

ARTICLE III.——The present arrangement is concluded for a duration of
five years from the date of signature.

LONDON, ONO/16” 1.], 1903.


ARTICLE XIX.~lndependent1y of existing general or special treaties
imposing the obligation to have recourse to arbitration on the part of any
of the Signatory Powers, these l’owcrs reserve to themselves the right to
conclude. either before the ratification of the present Convention, or sub-
sequent to that date, new agreements, general or special, with a view of
extending the obligation to submit controversies to arbitration, to all
cases which they consider suitable for such submission.

 mum §tatr5 (IT/{nil ficwim Glumm'iasicm,
1"ebvruury J6, 1.905.

The Commission invites your attention to the opportunity which now exists for graduates of
colleges and normal schools, including students who will graduate in 1905, to qualify for appointment
in the Philippine Service. Two examinations are pending for this service, namely, the Assistant
examination and the Teacher examination. From the Assistant examination it is desired to appoint
cligibles to the position of teacher and to other positions in the administrative departments in that
service. This examination affords the best opportunity for college men to place on record their
qualifications for special as well as for general work.

Practically all of the positions undor thc insular government are subject to civil service regulations
and promotions are based upon the records of efliciency of employees. _

The salaries of American teachers in the Philippines range from $900 to $1,500 and in a few
special instances salaries above 31,500 are given, the Division Superintendents in particular receiving
salaries of $1,500 to $2,500, according to the work assigned them.

Attention is invited to the incloscd copy of the Philippine Commission’s act (N0. 1040) governing
appointments. After the examination papers of competitors are rated they will be forwarded to
Manila. The Insular Bureau will be notified of the names of those selected, who will then be furnished
provisional appointments and that Bureau will arrange for their transportation to Manila. Under the
provisions of paragraph (a) of section 9 of act 1040 it is contemplated that where possible the
appointees will deposit with that Burcau the cost of their transportation at the special Government
rate, but in cases where the appointees can not deposit the full amount it is within the discretion of

' that Bureau to furnish such transportation subject to the deduction of 10 per cent each month from
their salaries after their arrival in the Islands. Upon the arrival of appointees in Manila their
assignments, both as to location and work, will be made by the insular authorities, and candidates
should be willing to accept such duty and location as may be allotted them.

The Assistant examination will be held on April 5—6, 1005, and the Teacher examination on
March 15—16, 1905, and those desiring to compete should apply to the Commission at Washington,
D. C., for the necessary application forms.

A copy of the announcement of the Assistant examination is inclosed, and information in regard
to this examination and that for Teacher will be furnished to all persons who apply.

This Commission will appreciate it very much if you will, as far as you can conveniently do so,
bring the facts shown in this letter to the attention of any recent graduates or under-graduates of your

Very respectfully,

 ' . No. 126—Amended. ASSISTANT
APRIL 53-63, 1905.

The United States Civil Service Commission announces that in view of the very small number of
applications filed for the examination for assistant in the Philippine Service, on March 1—2, this
examination has been postponed to April 5—6. 1905, and will be held at the places mentioned in the
accompanying list, to secure eligibles from which to make certification to fill a large number of posi-
tions in the grades of clerk and teacher in the Philippines.

' As a result of this examination it is desired to secure 140 college graduates, including 20 polytechnic
and 20 agricultural, at a salary of $1,200 per annum, and 60 normal school graduates at a salary of
$1,000 per annum. Many of the appointees will be required in the position of teacher, while some will
be required in the various clerical and administrative ofiices in the islands. Excellent opportunities
for promotion are atl'ordcd for well-qualified appointees. For positions requiring college graduates
students who graduate in 1905 will be acceptable.

Women will not be admitted to this examination, except; that the wives, immediate relatives, or

' fiancees of men examined at the same time for, appointed to, or already employed in the Philippine
' Service may be examined; and if they pass, they will be preferred in appointments, provided the men
through whom examination is allowed have been selected. Each of such applicants should state
definitely in her application the name, address, and relationship of the person through whom examina-
tion is claimed, in order that there may be no delay in certification when the rating of the papers is
’ considered.
The time allowed for this examination is two days of seven hours each. The first three subjects ,
will be given on the first day, and the remaining subjects on the second day.
Age limit, 18 to 40 years on the date of the examination.
Each applicant will be required to take the eight subjects mentioned below as a preliminary to the
optional subjects.
The examination will consist of the subjects mentioned below, weighted as indicated:
No. Subjects. Weights. ratings.
1. TheSIS (500 words to be Written on one of two topics given)________________-_ 4 400
2. Correction of rough-draft; manuscript (250 words)-__________-__________-____ 3 300
3. Mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, including quadratics, and plane geometry)- 3 300
4. History and civil government of the United States______..__-____- ._. -_______ 3 300
5. General history and geography.--"-______._________________-___-__________ 2 200
6. Colonial government and administration (general questions) -___'.___________ 2 200
_ . 7. Political economy (general principles) -____.____________-________-__--__-___ 1 100
' 8. Education and experience_--____________________________________,__________ 2 200
Total ratings_----____________-_____-________-_______-___-_-_____-______ 2,000
_ The figures opposite each subject indicate (1) the relative value of and (2) the credit that will he
. . given as a maximum rating on the subject in the examination.

‘ Each competitor in the assistant examination may also take any one or more of the optional sub-
jects mentioned below. These optional examinations contemplate a general knowledge of the subjects
on the part of competitors, rather than thorough professional knowledge and training. The figures
opposite each of these optional subjects indicate the additional credit that will be given for a maximum
rating on the subject. Three hours will be allowed in the examination on each subject.

A Each competitor must state, in answer to question 1 of his application, the optional subjects
in which he desires examination.

No. Subjects. ”Eights. ratings.
. 1. Agriculture.__.____-______________,-_-._-_________________.---_-_______-___ 1 100
2. Bookkeeping (tests in journalizing and making a balance sheet) -____________ 1 100
3. Chemistryui“._-.___._-_______-_______-_.-__________--_____.____-________ 1 100
4. Botany___.-_________-_--_________ -__._--_____________-_-_-__________-___- 1 100
5. Civil engineering__._________.____.______._____._.__..._.__.__._________.._ 1 100
6. Educational methods -________-_-_.__________-__--._---__-___--__-____..____ 1 100
7. Finance-._____-__.____._______,-____________-___---_____________________-‘- 1 100
8. Forestry______-____--__-____________-__.____-___________-____-___-_________ 1 100
9. Geology__________-__-_--____-______-_-____--_______-_____i______-__--__-__ 1 100
' 10. Law (general) .__.____.____________-_____________________-__-__-_________._ 1 100
11. Law (international) __-_______-___________________________________________- 1 100
12. Law (Spanish) -__,___.________-_____i___i-_-_,______-_______-______--,____ 1 100
13. Laws (mining) of the United States-___._____-______-_______________-_______ 1 100
14. Laws (land) of the United States_____________-.____-__-________-__-_-___-__ 1 100
15. Language (Spanish) -_________-______I_--_-____-____-___________-___-______ 1 _ 100
' 16. Mineralogy"-___-________________________-__________-_____________-_______ 1 100
17. Higher mathematics, up to and including calculus -________l______-__---__-_ 1 100
18. Physics--.____-____________--_____________i______-__________--_____________ 1 100
- 19. Mining engineering.__._-__-____-_,-____-__________-___________-_____-_____ 1 100
20. Mechanical engineering________________________-_____-___,._-_____-_______-_ 1 100
21. Electrical engineering i____-_____________________________-______-_____-_-__ 1 100
22. Theory and practice of statistics -___________-_______-_______-___-____-__-__ 1 100
Total ratings_-_-_-__--_______-_____________-______-__-_____-__-_-______ 2,200


 . Form No. 1237.
Jan., 1905.
united States (livil Service (lommnssion,
' . . . . . . WASHINGTON, D. 0.
The rating of a competitor on each regular or optional subject Will be in proportion to the cor-
rectness of the work done, based upon the maximum rating indicated opposite the subject for perfect The examination referred to in the accompanying newspaper announcement may be taken on the date
work. It